Get 'em again girls! by Emma Peel Hazel, Margot, Carole, Moira and Liz become Emma's Avenger Ladies and wage war on men Flushed with their success in the park, and absolutely buzzing with the thrill of knocking the men out, the girls were hungry for more and decided to form an official group of Avenger Ladies. As I seemed to be their major inspiration, they asked me if they could call themselves "Emma's Avenger Ladies" which I deemed to be a great honour, and thus I had no hesitation in consenting to their request. The idea was for the girls to patrol the area dressed in their Emma Peel fighting suits acting as female vigilantes, offering protection and coming to the aid of any woman who was being threatened or molested by a man. No man would be safe from the Avenger Ladies - they meant business, and judging from the way they dealt with the men in the Country Park, any man found guilty and captured by the Avenger Ladies was in for a very rough ride. Although they would patrol the streets at night, Hazel thought that it would be beneficial to give particular attention to the park where a woman might be an easy target for a man on the prowl. The other girls agreed and so Margot, Carole and Moira decided to concentrate on the park that night whilst Hazel and Liz took to the streets. The Avenger Ladies were really determined to get a man (or men) to fight even on the first night, and were disappointed that by 10.30 nothing had materialised. "I desperately want to punch a man out tonight," Moira suddenly said, knowing that she was speaking for all the girls. She could feel the tension and also the current disappointment at the lack of action. All this was about to change as Margot, Carole and Moira suddenly saw Hazel and Liz giving chase to a tallish, well built man wearing blue jeans and a black leather bomber. They were chasing him into the park and straight at the other three Avenger Ladies. "Yes!" shrieked Moira, unable to contain her delight, *our first victim". "Grab him girls!" shouted Liz, as the man came closer to the Avengers, and Margot brought him down with a tremendous diving rugby tackle and held her arms tightly round his legs. Carole sat on his chest and pinned his arms to the ground with her knees and then she smashed her right fist into his jaw to stop him from struggling. "Lie still dirtbag!" she shouted, "you've just been captured by Emma's Avenger Ladies and you're now going to see some lady avenging." "Well done girls," commended Hazel as she arrived with Liz, "we caught this one peeping into the ladies' toilets and making lewd remarks." "Well," said Moira, "by the time we've finished with you, the only remarks you'll be making will be, 'what time's the ambulance arriving?" and that's only if you're still conscious." "Margot, grab one leg and Moira the other," instructed Hazel, "now pull his jeans down and get his underpants off Liz. Right, now spread his legs and pull them apart as far as possible. Now tie a piece of leather strapping to each ankle," she continued, tossing a couple down to Margot and Moira. "Stop struggling you fucker!" shouted Carole, as she smashed him in the face again, "I don't think you quite understand your predicament. We're Emma's Avenger Ladies and you're our prisoner and we're going to hurt you because you're a dirty peeping tom and you have to be taught a lesson. "Right, knock these wooden stakes into the strapping to hold his ankles in place. OK Carole, get his jacket and shirt off and strip him naked, stretch his arms out and tie his wrists like we've tied his ankles." Just then the girls heard a rustling sound and two more men arrived on the scene. "Mi mates are 'ere," the dirtbag just about spluttered, "now you bitches are for it!" "Ooo lovely," said Moira as she and Margot got up and took up a fighting stance, "this is going to be a really good night after all." "OK big boys, let's see what you've got." "Who the fuck are you supposed to be, you stupid tarts?" said one, "let Billy go or else we'll fucking kill you!" "We're Emma's Avenger Ladies," replied Moira, "and Margot and I are about to kick the shit out of you. Now let's go!" With that Moira caught him with a high kick to his jaw, and Margot dived at the other one and butted him in the stomach. She smashed her knee into his face as he bent over, before landing a left hook to his jaw which knocked him to the ground. Moira kicked the mouthy one in the balls and then grabbed him round the neck and threw him onto the ground. She dived on top of him and produced a couple of stunning blows to his face with her right fist. She dragged him up and then knocked him out with a left hook that crunched into his jaw. Margot pinned the other one to the floor and rammed her knee into his balls. He yelped and she rammed it even harder. "How does it feel to be beaten by a woman?" she asked. He didn't reply. He was too scared to speak. Ten seconds later he couldn't speak anyway as Margot crashed her fist into his face, and knocked him out. Finally it was Billy's turn. Already stripped naked and at the mercy of Emma's Avenger Ladies, Hazel, Carole and Liz had taken turns at kicking him in the balls. They left him lying there, confident that he wouldn't be doing any more peeping in ladies' toilets for a while. Emma's Avenger Ladies had made their mark in more ways than one! EMMA PEEL