Angies Trophies......and thoughts of Albert Einstein by Mickey One A work of fiction conceived and writtten by Mickey One Angie had taken a beating. I didn't realize how bad until I sat down on a stool next to her at the bar. She was still in her bra and had the towel around her waist, not having the inclination, or maybe the strength, to put on her skirt and sweater. I suggested that she do just that and offered to help. She removed the towel and used it to dry between her legs before she took her skirt and stepped into it. I helped her zip it up the side, then helped her put her sweater gingerly over her head and face and down over her torso. It was apparent she was still a bit dazed so I helped her back onto the stool and took a close look at her. There were several lumps on her cheeks and under her eyes and her jaw was swollen on the side and under the chin. She was still wiping caked blood from inside her nose, which, amazingly, didn't appear to be broken. She continued to rinse her mouth with a large glass of water as she continued to spit out blood  "Well", I attempted, jocularly, ' at least you found out who Amandah is". "That is one tough bitch", Angie said and she began a verbal recount of the fight, a good sign that she was starting to come around. "Geez, those punches she hit me with in the kidneys, they felt like they were going right through me. They completely screwed up my plumbing. I know one thing, next time I'm gonna make sure I pee before I start in with her." I thought about asking about "next time", but you don't interrupt Angie when she's got the floor. "I hit her as hard as I ever hit any woman, or man, for that matter, and she just kept coming and throwing punches", Angie continued. "I couldn't believe she stayed up the way I was landing punches, but I know what I did wrong. She's got an iron jaw. Next time, we'll see how good she takes it downstairs and I mean 'way downstairs. I just forgot one of my rules, hit 'em between the legs and all the fight goes out of 'em. We know she's got an iron jaw, what we gotta find out is does she got an iron crotch. I'll ruin that bitch's social life for months. She does know how to fight though, I'll give the broad that much. I've never been knocked out before and she got me good.  Funny thing is, it doesn't hurt like I thought it would, at least not until you come to. Well, next time is gonna be different, I'm gonna jump on her right from the git go, not let her get off any of those body shots, and, like I said, we'll see how well she can take it between the legs. I saw my chance so I asked, "You mean you're actually going to fight her again?'. "Of course", Angie sneered, "you think I'm gonna let her come into my place, call me out from behind the bar, put me on my ass, and I'm just gonna let it go at that. No way. I want her again, any time, any place, any way. You heard what she said, she ain't that hard to find. Well, that's fine, because I'm gonna look her up and this time I'm gonna whip her ass". One other thing about Angie, she tended to be somewhat singleminded. She got an idea, she followed it through to the end. She took about a week to let her face and body heal and then started making inquires about where to locate the Aussie woman. It turned out that that the day bartender knew one of the blond guys who had come in with Greta, the daughter that Angie had beaten up and that led to Angie and Amandah getting together and talking about getting it on, again. She told me about it a couple of nights later. "You know what that crazy bitch wanted to do, she wanted to fight naked, in the nude or as she put it, in the altogether. Said, that's the way they did it back in Austrailia. I tell her, no way, just 'cause two crazy broads on some backward island think thats the way its done, don't mean we do it that way over here in the civilized world. She didn't like that one bit and we almost went at it right then and there. Those two Crocidile Dundee types were there and they grabbed us. Anyhow, we go back and forth on this for a while and I know exactly what she's trying to do; she wants to intimidate me. Same as she did the night we fought in here and she began by taking off her dress and strippin' down to her bra and panties. Well, now she's taking it up a notch or maybe down a notch, and she figures with no clothes at all, I'll be totally discombobulated. Well I don't fall for it and we finally decide we'll go topless with just panties and shoes. We're gonna do it this Friday after closing, so if you don't have anything scheduled you might want to drop around" Amazingly, I was able to stammer, with a totally dry mouth, "Are you kidding, I wouldn't miss it". Friday came relatively quickly and I got to the bar around 2 AM and as I walked in the door a small riot was in progess. Two guys were holding, or trying to hold, Angie near the bar as she struggled to get at Amandah who was across the room, being restrained by the Dundees, and it took both of those big guys to hold the Aussie woman. I thought I had missed the action, but, it turned out, this was only part of the introduction. It seems that Amandah and the Austrailian contingent had arrived about five minutes earlier and Angie, who wasn't bartending, was on a stool at the bar. When she spotted Amandah, she jumped off the stool, hitched up her skirt and thrust her pantied pelvis at the other woman, shouting, "Take a good look, bitch, you're gonna be kissing these lips before they carry you outta here tonight".  Amandah had rushed across the room and both women had crashed to the floor clawing at the other before being separated. Cooler heads had moved the women to distant parts of the bar, yet they were still struggling to get at each other when I walked in. There seemed no reason to delay any further, so after a minute Angie stopped struggling, signaled to the guys holding her that she was under control and without any other preliminaries, simply said,  "Lets get started". With that she straightened up, unzipped her skirt, undid her garter belt and stockings and slid her sweater over her head. She then unhooked her brassiere and stood, legs wide apart, in a pair of red bikini panties and flat shoes. Amandah got up from a booth and quickly took off the  warmup suit she was wearing.  Underneath she wore only a pair of white panties. The two women moved in tandem towards the small dance floor, turned, and without a word, advanced towards each other. As they closed, Amandah shot out two quick left jabs both of which landed squarely on Angie's breasts. It was apparent that the Aussie had thought this through and realized that given Angie's sizable bust, fighting topless would present a desirable target area. Angie, as always, moved forward and fired an overhand right that landed on the Aussie's shoulders and a left hook that missed Amandah's head. Then Angie clinched with her adversary and both women struggled to get punching room. Angie was the first to get loose, and she took advantage of the space by launching a right uppercut flush into the crotch of the Australian woman. A look of pain and surprise crossed Amandah's face and before she could rejoinder, Angie drove her knee up into the same area where her right fist had just intruded. A howl of pain came from the Aussie and her hands immediately went between her legs. Angie, taking advantage of a now stationary target, hooked a left to the ribs of the other woman, a right to her solar plexus, which served to spring open the Aussie's legs and Angie thudded home another right hand punch to the once more exposed and vulnerable crotch of her adversary. Amandah, her eyes actually crossing from the pain, emitted an anguished scream from her lips, sagged at the knees and plunged face first to the floor at the feet of a very satisfied Angie, whose strategy of "going downstairs" seemed to be working to perfection. The Austrailian woman was flat on the floor with her hindquarters in the air, her hands now inside her white panty as she attempted to eae the pain in the most intimate part of her body. Angie stood above her, looking down with disdain, eager for the other woman to arise. Amandah slowly raised herself to her feet, still massaging between her legs. She glared at Angie, hitched up her panty, raised her fists and moved towards her opponent. The Aussie threw a jab that came up short and Angie quickly stepped inside the punch and landed a crushing left hook to her opponents breasts. She followed with a straight right hand aimed at the Aussie's jaw, but Amandah avoided the haymaker and landed a left hook of her own into the soft flesh just above Angies red panty. Amandah followed up by going even lower on her opponents body, with a straight right into the middle of the red silk and then lower still with a left hook into the middle of the suddenly wide open legs of the bartender. Angie grunted but came back with a heavy right hand punch to Amandah's solar plexus and a left hook thudding into the ribs of the Aussie. Both women were landing devastating punches and both were taking horrible punishment in return. They continued to stand toe to toe and exchange fierce punches, both women groaning as punches landed on their body and grunting with the fierce effort expended in throwing return punches. Both Angie and Amandah were breathing thru their mouths and gasping for breath. Each had begun to leak blood from their nose and mouth and each would occassionally spit out blood from inside their mouths. It was combat at its most fierce and most primal fueled by the mutual hate these two women had built up for each other. However, it simply couldn't go on much longer, not at this pace. The two women disengaged to the point of backing away several steps, and both bent at the waist to try to regain a semblance of strength. Both women were covered in sweat and rivulets of blood coursed down from their faces thru their upper torsos and into their panties, which were, likewise both sweat and blood soaked and dangerously on the verge of slipping off the hips of each woman. During this respite, both of the fighters attempted to hitch up their silk coverings so that the panties would remain in place but it appeared to be a hopeless endeavor. Simultaneously, each woman gave up this task and let their panties slip down their legs, and then proceeded to step out of their underwear, leaving both completely naked except for their shoes. They both straightened up, once more raised their fists and moved towards the other. Both women were exhausted, from the punches they had thrown and the punches they had received. Both were now naked and both had trouble holding their arms up in a boxing stance. Each fighter's arms trembled from exhaustion. They closed the distance and Angie threw a straight right that went right through Amandah's defense and exploded on her jaw. The Aussie's thighs quivered on impact and her legs buckled but she stayed on her feet. She retaliated with a right hand of her own that landed flush on Angie's right breast and followed with a left hook that thudded into the upper portion of Angie's pubic patch. After this volley, both women fell into a clinch from sheer deprivation of strength. Unable to throw punches they each grabbed the other woman's breasts and clawed frantically, now seemingly only interested in inflicting as much pain on the other as possible. As Angie had, by far, the more sizable breasts, it was she who recognized her disadvantage and at once shoved Amandah away. Again, at a distance, the women tried to mount the energy to throw more punches. Angie sent a right hand towards the lower region of Amandah's body but it fell short, likewise Amandah's attempt at a counterpunch proved fruitless. Again the women fell into another clinch. However, given the sheer exhaustion that had overtaken both combatants the clinch had more the appearance of an embrace. Suddenly, Angie screamed. It became immediately apparent that the Aussie had manuvered her right hand down between Angie's legs and having managed to pry them open had inserted two thick fingers into Angie's vulva and was raking the inside of the bartender's most sensitive area. Angie screamed again. She attempted to dislodge the fingers inside her by pushing down on Amandah's right arm but the other woman had her left arm firmly around the back of the neck of the bartender. Failing to dislodge her rival's fingers and stop the pain they were inflictiong, and on the verge of passing out from exhaustion and pain, Angie switched tactics and replicated exactly the same maneuver. She brought her knee up into Amandah's crotch and as the Aussie's legs parated, Angie angrily inserted two fingers inside her antagonist. Amandah's body shuddered and she tried to pull away but Angie also had her left arm firmly around her advesary's neck. The women remained in that painful tableau for thirty seconds and then, simultaneously, both women's legs began to shake and then quiver violently. They both sank to their knees, but remained firmly ahold of their grips on each other. They were now on their knees, facing each other, one arm around the neck of the other, one hand in between the legs of her advesary. Both women were gritting their teeth, from the effort expended and from the pain being inflicted on their viatal area. Neither seemed ready to disengage. Neither seemed able to take much more of this torture. "No more, enough", "Its over", the phrases sounded coincident with each other, both in a similar guttural tone, so that it was difficult to determine which woman had uttered which words, but it was apparent that each woman had decided to desist. Both women released their hold on the other and both fell over backwards, completely spent and lay spreadeagled on the floor inches from each other, each woman immeadiately directing her hands between her legs to attempt to alleviate the pain. The rage, which earlier had led to such savagery had gone, the hatred probably not disappeared but it obviously had dissipated. Each woman was now primarily concerned with soothing their own ravaged body. I stared at the two women on the floor, amazed by the sheer viciousness they had displayed over the past several minutes which had resulted in the condition both were now in, and incongrously, at this moment, my thoughts turned to Albert Einstein. Yes, that Albert Einstein. I recalled a story that the professor had once been asked, by a reporter, what weapons would be used to fight World War III. After thinking a moment, the old man said he didn't know, but World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. I'm fairly sure the good professor had never been in "Angies" and reasonably certain he had not foreseen women warriors, but I think I had just had a glimpse of what he had envisoned  as World War IV combat.