The Void Knows: Part II By DocWolph It's a beautiful morning...uh...afternoon... Roughly a week had past, by Amy's reckoning, and the studying was only getting harder and more detailed with every turn of the virtual pages in the Mystic League's vast libraries. Everything from basic "slight of hand" (some of which Amy was surprised at how unfathomable simple some of these tricks were) to the most advanced Cosmic String Emission "procedures" that even Rae hadn't even learned yet were arranged in a complex but logical order that was easy to index but hard not to get lost in. Obviously a deliberate feature to discourage inexperienced students from gleaming too many secrets before they were ready. Still, Amy was forcing herself to learn an entire new discipline as quickly as she could...and it was giving her a massive headache. Days and nights pasted rather quickly on the league space station. When Amy realized just how large and natural the orbiting...refuge was she almost lost her balance. The Mystic league is built in and on an asteroid just under 700 miles across. It hung as an additional moon over the Earth- like planet she was told was called M'lesso by the natives. Amy was not yet permitted to meet the native beings on the planet but was told that they were a culturally advanced civilization made up of some twenty different species. Their technology was primitive, pre-industrial, and yet pleasant and promising. The people were very pleased that Menikomenqolui was appointed as their world's new guardian after the last guardian, Namaliushio, went mad and tried to kill them all. Rae made quick work of Namaliushio but only after she was able to find him... As Amy's mind was so focused on study and training, which was not done in great amounts here - to her amazement and dismay, she never learned how Rae actually defeated the elder dragon. After about six or seven days, Amy's mind had had enough. Her powers of concentration were tapped dry and she had trouble even carrying a simple conversation. Meditation only made things worse... It was times like this that she truly appreciated her guest quarters... Even the most posh and luxuriant suites on Earth were scarce competition for the vast, almost mansion sized, quarters. Each room was a "Versailles, France" unto itself... The sheer luxury and opulence of her room assignment was utterly mind-blowing. Not surprisingly, after getting to know Rae a bit better, the pooch didn't much like her huge apartment place and lives in much smaller quarters (about the size of a 10,000 square foot home). Still Amy liked her's and now, most especially, the enormous bed... It was set in the middle of a vast ornate room made the look like the inside of Russian Czar's palace bedchamber. The bed was surrounded by translucent white draperies accented with fine lace-like patterns woven as to look like they were grown of pale green planets. The bed itself was oblong and nearly 25 feet from end-to-end. it's thick silken covers were a cool green hue that shimmered in the slightly filtered sunlight. Amy was too mentally spent to care about bathing and plopped right down on the bed. It was firm and despite the sheets apparent thinness, they weighed like wet blankets. Amy never quite noticed; given her great strength it was actually very cozy. She fell asleep. Strangely she never had any dreams... Amy simply dismissed it as a complete mental shut-down... The following day, Amy was up after nearly ten hours of sleep. She was at first upset that she had so badly over-slept but quickly got over it as she found a hot bath being drawn by gracefully designed robots. The bath chamber was a smaller, more private, affair than the bedroom. The was still very ornate and refined. Designed largely like a Roman bath with the fantastic ornament of a Czar's palace, Amy was beginning to feel spoiled. Still, she stripped to bathe. One robot, that resembled a far less clunky looking C-3PO, quietly provided her with all she required... Until now there had not a single word been spoken... "Mistress Brigand-Anderson," The robot was quiet and respectful, "I have today's itinerary available for your approval. Would you like to inspect it?" Amy looked at the robot a moment. She was just beginning to lather up a washcloth, "could it wait a..." Amy really was in a hurry, "Read it to me, Would you?" "Of Course. All times have been adjusted to your chronological standards." "Naturally," Amy began gently scrubbing her feet. Her gigantic breasts were pressed out of the way by her long legs as they were brought closer so to reach her feet. "After lunch, you have managed to sleep through breakfast, you are to meet up with Rae Iksaki at 1430 hours. Her last class for the day will be adjourned at that time. You will then continue your training today by engaging in your first real lessons of channelling cosmic radiance. This is expected to last all day and a late dinner is scheduled as a contingency." Amy had worked her way up to her deep abs and narrow waist. Washing her upper body was the biggest chore...for obvious reasons. "What time is it now?" "1226 hours, Mistress Brigand-Anderson..." "You can simply call me Amy." "I am afraid that I am not programmed to be so familiar with those I serve. I am sorry, Mistress Brigand-Anderson." "Never mind then," Amy handed the robot her washcloth, " Could you scrub my back, please?" "As you wish." The robot's strokes across the contours of her sculpted, wrought-iron, back muscles were like a most exquisite massage... Amy found herself enjoying the experience trying to remember that it was a robot and not a person as her masseuse... After sending the robot away, The remainder of Amy's bath was rather uneventful. She had noticed some growth in her breasts but they seemed a bit softer yet much more perky. She figured that she'd picked up a cup size in the last week. To the average eye that much growth on her chest was totally miss-able, but because of her near obsessive attention to the details of her physical growth, Amy saw it quite clearly. her waist seemed unusually thick but her trunk was covered in enlarged, deepened, and hardened, muscle... The only areas were there was no conspicuous growth were her arms and legs. That sense of power that she felt when she tapped into Lord Rhodin's aura was back but as a faint shadow of what she experienced then. Amy found it encouraging that she was able to feel such power again. Now to her expanded waistline. Don't you eat too much! There's dessert... Amy went to lunch at the scheduled time, about 1300 hours, to meet with Rae. She wore a specially made version of her adventure dress. The league tailors were very precise and worked like machines to complete the dress. Made of a finely woven mesh of Obsidium crystals, an naturally occurring alloy that was clearer and more indestructible the more pure it was, and a fine white silk. Her usual shoes were replaced with toeless socks made of the same material. lastly her new golden wristbands. Amy could clearly feel their weigh, they contained advanced force field generators to aid her in using her already vast strength. The whole outfit would have bankrupted Lex Luthor and Bruce Wayne together if they tried to duplicate it. and it literally weighed a ton and a half. Still she was able to move in it as if she were nude. Those tailors are incredible, she thought leaving to meet her teacher. On her way she noticed the myriad of species moving about as if in some Ivy-league college. When Amy had asked about this Rae had simply explained, "This is not so much a franchise combat sports league like the name implies, but a school to teach and train in the ways of sorcery and how to use those skills and abilities with the best effect... Species from all off the known universe and parts beyond apply for entrance but Meniko will only admit a scant few each year. There are only about 220 students here even though we have dormrooms for up to 5000..." Amy thought it a little odd to admit so few until she learned of the intense psychological, and physical screenings to make sure only "right-minded and stable" persons are allowed to participate and of "Mau" , the only Mystic Leaguer to actually, by mission of action, kill more than a dozen people using his vast strength and power... Amy finally made it to Rae's humble corner of the school. The portal was a robust, almost Celtic, design that felt like something from D&D. The huge doors were carved granite covered in deep colored glass that shifted colors like soap bubble. Combined with the cheery and hospitable framing, the whole ensemble felt like a Disney set. Amy scanned the door for a knocker or chime of some kind...even after a week, she was still searching...force of habit. "Amy!" called out a familiar voice. She turns to see Rae and her sister, Fatima, making their way down the canyon-like corridor. Rae was her usual happy visage, wearing a very tight dark blue dress so short that there was no way it could cover her white panties, a pair of matching leggings with no feet, and a set of hefty looking wrist bands and anklets. This is Rae's current fighting uniform and her most famous outfit. Fatima was like wise dressed in her own fighting uniform, but the anklets were an more elaborate pair sporting a few evenly spaced jewels and more gold trim. Just seeing them both together, Amy still couldn't tell which was the older sister except to already actually know them. "Rae!" Amy was happy to see her new teacher and Rae was happy to see Amy fully rested. Fatima was dismissive of Amy but polite as she went on by. "Good Afternoon, Fatima..." "Mah'ee'lae," Fatima said in her native tongue without looking back. She kept going as if Amy hadn't said anything at all. Her footsteps slightly vibrated the floor. Many of the mystic leaguers did this inadvertently when holding down a great deal of emotion...either joy or anger. Seeing the pooch-girl's face it was obvious that it was anger... "She still doesn't much care for me..." Amy observed trying not to sound upset, "She's still angry about me be chosen over her?" "Yes..." Rae said with a sigh. Her sister had become so headstrong and almost as violent as Kina. "She's a far cry for the happy little pup I had to raise years ago. I just wish I could help her get back to that state. Sato Hima says it's because she thinks she's competing with me... I used to believe that but now..." "I'm sure she'll come out with it soon," Amy could see the heartbreak on Rae's face. The cute, soft features dimmed as she grew ever more concerned with her sister's emotional state... "I really hope so..." Rae's heart sank. She could sense the future and it wasn't a good one... Lunch was an absolute banquet. It is as if the horn of plenty burst, Amy thought. The huge dining hall was one of the many communal areas in the school. Dishes and delicacies from across the cosmos were prepared and served everyday in this school. To Amy's surprise the food was generated in a field of StarTrek replicator technology. So everything that wasn't eaten was recycled as energy. This also proved to be a help when M'lesso suffered a famine or natural disaster. Meniko sent supplies when and where needed. When Amy first saw this she was shocked and even morally outraged at the apparent greed and subsequent waste... Of course, knowledge cures all ignorance...and Amy came to see this as another example of one dragoness' vision of Olympus... "I never got to ask I was so busy studying," Amy poked at a dish that resembled a chocolate covered beef steak which turned out to be one of Amy's favorite dishes. It was actually a thick cut of a log from a tree that when cooked perfectly mimicked cattle beef in smell, taste, and texture... She asked for the seeds seeing an opportunity to severely curtail hunger on Earth but was stopped by legal provisions that prevent the sharing of biomatter, plants and/or animals, with worlds unable to rid themselves of it if the need or desire arose. Amy never asked again. Still with so much food one thing still nagged at her, "I know that huge bodies need to eat a great deal to remain healthy..." "That would be Kina or Fii," Rae obviously had to answer that question before, "Each one can pack away more than two tons in a single sitting and neither shows a single bodily sign that they have eaten more than a few platefuls." "How do they do it? I'm sure you've figured out how..." Amy was curious but also a little worried. Were they that hungry? Maybe it's some side-effect to their training and/or powers? Rae was quiet just a moment, "Why don't we ask them? I never could get the particulars straight anyway..." Amy was again hit with a nervous chill at the mention of that brazen, butch, lioness. Over the last week, she'd tried to avoid Kina hopping not to have to put up with the near constant poking, prodding, and general bullying. Even if Kina's behavior was most likely just a lioness establishing and maintaining her place in the hierarchy, Amy just couldn't think of any way to deal with the big catwoman... Two hugely muscled eating machines were greedily chowing down a literal mountain of food. Despite the speed and utter savagery of this feeding frenzy, not a crumb was dropped, nor spot of sauce spurted, nor bone left uncleaned - most were eaten anyway. It was like watching a time- elapsed film of two people eating very neatly and courteously. Amy was told of Fii before but never met her till now... Fii is a very large Malyar lizardine, a very reptilian specimen with sheer scales that looked like very polished, glass-like grass green skin. She was clearly larger and more muscular than Kina - but not by much. The huge female lizard was, of course, breastless but boasted monstrous pecs that gathered and bounced, when relaxed, like huge boobs. Her eyes were amber but shifted periodically to a blue-violet then back. Thick ridges over the eyes, looked like they were pasted on bits of polished metal not scale. All this, and she was dressed in a tight dark gray and gold bodyglove with short legs stopping only a few inches from the crotch and sleeves cut off half-way down the huge, nearly barrel-shaped, forearms. An even more imposing figure than Kina, with a mouth full of finely treated crocodile's teeth to boot... "Fii...Kina," Rae was very polite being careful not to lean in too close. Last time she did, she found her whole arm down Fii's throat. "Rae..," Kina was the first to stop and smirk, "Hey meaty..." "Don't," Rae gave the lioness a stern glance that instantly took the smirk off Kina's face. "That's Amy?" Fii's voice was husky but still very pleasant, "I pictured someone a lot smaller and less adorable..." Fii was definitely friendly unlike the majority of her race who longed for battle and supremacy over the universe... "Thank you," Amy bowed respectfully, "I was just wondering...if you don't mind my do you two eat so much?" Amy tone rose as if shocked and almost amused at the same time... "Well..." Fii stood up, from her meal, towering an easy 9 feet tall, "I experiment by a twisted little dog of a scientist, Master Serendoe..." "Jinks!!" shot a few voices from across the dining hall. Their voices echoed off the high ceiling and far walls. "Funny," Fii was obviously not going to tell a happy story, "Trying to create a fighter of, as he put it, 'perfect power', Serendoe messed with the gene-codes and biochemistries of dozens of young unsuspecting members of the League of Super-Powered Athletics. He had many marginal successes... None of them were no worse off than when he began... I wasn't so lucky... My body got stronger faster than my normal metabolism can sustain. Now I have to eat incredible amounts of food just to survive... But when a silver dragoness approached me, she sent me here to learn how to tap what I needed from the universe. I did and Meniko was gracious enough to show me how right away. I still have to eat a lot but I can go several days without eating...just water...if that..." "This Master Serendoe..." Amy started only to be cut off by another "jinks!!", "Reminds me of some of the villains on my world. They think nothing of the effects of their work only the assumed rewards..." "I hope to be like Rae and not have to eat ever again someday," Fii looked at her fuzzy friend. both exchanged approving looks. "I just eat this much because I can," Kina bragged falsely... Fii laughed at sharp, hammer blow, of a bass laugh, "Hah! You were in the same boat I was in. After Serendoe was done with me, and left me to starve to death, he did the same thing to you. The only difference is that he fixed his procedures so you didn't have to eat all the time like a shatmik beetle just to live..." "It's true," Rae smiled at Amy who was obviously a little disturbed by the tale, "Kina's body is like a bio-mass reactor. The more she eats the more energy she has that she can turn into pure strength. One time she was able to match me for a few seconds but it cost her all her energy and she passed out." "I see," Amy was amazed thinking of the possibilities and the potential tragedies. She could make out Kina's aura and could see how much power she had accumulated...enough to match the total nuclear armory of Earth hundred times over. She looked at her own dish, the "wooden" steak, and just left it... She wasn't hungry anymore. "What's wrong, friend?" Rae was concerned but not overly, "Everyone gets a little sick watching those two eat for the first time..." "I can imagine," Amy was not happy to hear Fii's fate and the reason to grow so much combat the effects of a warped scientist's sick dreams, "I wanna get back to training again. I still have a mission to fulfill, remember?" Her voice was direct and serious. "Of course," Rae said sweetly but with what seemed a heavy heart. Amy found this rather simple-speaking, pooch to be a witty and well-thought female not to be underestimated. Rae had half-heartedly commented that she was often teased as being a bit of a simpleton or a ditz... Rae was neither ever, just a simple-spoken person who didn't want to mislead anyone... They leave the dining hall. Amy was not sure but she could swear Kina was watching her ass... The blue haired human blushed a bit pulling down her skirt over her muscular hind-quarters. Hold on! This isn't a contest... "It isn't about strength," Rae was moving too quickly to be seen clearly by Amy, "It's about your ability to control to energy in and around you. You're nothing alone but the universe has all that you need... All you have to do is learn to tap into it..." Amy lowered her head to try to focus her concentration. As an aura magic-user, Amy was accustomed to using the power within and building it up like a muscle to increase her power. But it was obvious she could only go so far. Painfully obvious as Rae continued to churn the air as she moved, at will, past super-sonic speeds a round the huge training space under a dome on the surface of the asteroid that is the league. Amy could feel nothing. She could remember with perfect clarity the volumes of information that she had studied and yet could not bring it together to simply speed up to see Rae's movements. Rae stopped a few feet in front of Amy, "It's not about the knowledge either. Still your busy mind, quell your fiery spirit, and leave your flesh unmoved and the universe shall come to you... It's something Sato Hima told Fatima when she was having trouble... She got it right away..." Amy raised her head a looking at Rae with a raised eyebrow, "You keep mentioning Sato Hima. Who is he?" "He's the smartest person I have ever meet...besides Havvon..." "Old boyfriends?" Rae looked at Amy with wide eyes, then a bashful, blushing, face, "I almost married Havvon. Sato Hima... He's a Casid lion like Kina but was groomed to be the best leader he can be. He's a leading administrator here and the greatest friend I have ever known beyond my own family." She thumped Amy's huge breast causing it to bounce, Amy instantly caught her bounding chest to bring it to rest, "Back to work... Now don't think and don't feel. Don't do just be... Just be..." Amy took a deep cleansing breath and gently closed her eyes... she felt her body go limp and could feel it's weigh, girth, and power. It seemed so small, so frail, like nothing... Then she heard voices... One was angry and demanding, the other was Rae's, patient and passive... She opened her eyes... "No, Fatima," Rae stood squarely in her sisters path, "Amy is not strong enough yet. It wouldn't be fair challenge..." "Sissa' I have every right to show you that I can be a better champion than Amy!" Fatima was nearly shouting trying and failing to hold down her anger, " I have trained for years to get this far and I can go further! But the whole time no one ever took me seriously..." Her eyes begun to run wet with heartbreak and a child's long submerged pain, "Everyone always looked past me to you because I'm just Rae's baby sister... Fatima's not strong enough... Fatima's still too young... I am so strong enough and I am not a baby anymore!!! Now let me show you!!!!" Fatima grabbed her sister and tried to throw her aside. Rae wasn't visibly fighting back but she couldn't...wouldn't be moved. She looked back at Amy who was quiet almost in shock. Amy wasn't sure if she was afraid or simply felt Rae's overwhelming sorrow and pity. Amy gave a deep swallow and moved up to Rae, "Let her show you..." "Amy..." Rae was solemn, "I...don't think it would be a good idea... She's so much stronger than you can begin to imagine..." "I have a good idea of were she's coming from," Amy was still and solid as a statue, "I had to push to really make my friends take my abilities as a genius and a fighter seriously. I have since vastly surpassed them but..." Amy stepped back and bowing her head, "Teacher please let your sister show you what's she's accomplished..." Rae lowered her head with a heavy heart... The pause was crushing as Rae was made to feel the full weight of her responsibilities as an older sister and as a teacher. Rae was quiet for a long few minutes, "I am sorry... Amy. You will fight my sister... Aul help me if I'm wrong..." Fatima's face lit up with a look of satisfaction Amy had only seen on the face of villains who were about to do something they knew was wrong but would enjoy anyway... Rae faded from sight with tears in her eyes... Fatima's cold smile melted as she saw how she hurt her sister. Amy was angry now as well. not at Rae or Fatima but how this whole situation was so unfair to everyone. "We don't have to fight," Amy said sensing Fatima's powers building, "You have nothing to prove here." "Yes I do," Fatima assumed her ready stance, not unlike that of a kickboxer's, "I am Rae's little sissa' and that has to be made to mean more than the little puppy that follows her big invincible sister around... I am not some little pup who has to hide behind my big sis. I never had to and I never will... Make ready!!" Amy assumed an akido stance hoping to use agility and grace against what was sure to be an onslaught of brute force. She could not remember when she fought an opponent that felt so unbeatable, so strong, so young and angry... She took a deep breath, "Ready..." Rae materialized just past the training room doors... She tried hard to stop her tears but it was all for naught. As she looked back at the locked door, two streams of tears rolled down her canid face. "Fatima...Amy..." "Rae Iksaki?" came a strong male voice. It was an always familiar voice belonging to Sato Hima. He towered over Rae at nearly nine feet tall, though solidly built he was fully dressed in suit the more closely resembled a toga and pants. He looked like an ancient Greek councilman with a lion's proud face. His features were much like Rhodin's but leaned more to the feline. Bright amber eyes seemed to glow amidst the frame of his trimmed and groomed copper-orange mane that flowed well past his shoulders. "It is unusual for you to let anyone see you cry tears meant for anything besides joy." "Fatima is going to fight Amy," Rae held off her sobs as the tears slowed a bit, "I think I have failed as their sister and teacher respectively..." "Who asked for the bout?" Sato was calm and understanding but gave off an sura of supreme competence. "Fatima demanded the fight to prove me." "Did you allow it at that point?" "No... Amy asked me to allow it even after I told her she wouldn't stand a chance..." "I take it you allowed them to fight at that point. Why?" Rae quaked a moment not sure how she came to the decision. Her mouth was dry a she could feel her tears welling up again, "I trust them...both..." Sato walked past Rae to the door and opened it, "Come then. You have nothing to fear..." Rae followed still afraid for both Amy and Fatima... Amy stood still and calm as Fatima moved glidingly across the floor around the human. Amy had just begun the training and wasn't able to grasp the most basic concepts yet. Fatima had trained to be as strong as possible since she was, according to Rae, five or six years old. Even all the training as a warrior was not going to beat Fatima as she had been instructed by no less than a half dozen fighters of equal or greater skill than Julia Diggers... There was only one take advantage of Fatima's youth and inexperience... "She's not going to win that way," Sato was quiet but calm. Reading auras was how most magic-users could sense the thoughts of others. Sato could actually reads minds this way. "Fatima has fought hundreds of experienced and powerful opponents..." "...including the Black Beast," Rae murmured as if not to attract that fiend's attention, "I could never hope to defeat that monster but Fatima did it when she was only 10..." Fatima charged in with an obvious straight punch. Amy knew that it could be a trap and evaded it neatly. She tried to counter with a sweep kick to knock down the pooch. Amy's leg was stopped cold by the unfathomable strength of Fatima's legs as she stood like a tree kicked by a child. This was Amy's fight with Kina all over again... Nothing Amy could do will effect Fatima... and this time Fatima meant to harm Amy... "If she can learn to use the cosmic radiance she will stand a chance," Sato was calm but impressed at Amy's ability to evade to punch. Amy dashed back to get some reaction room on Fatima who suddenly disappeared. Amy jumped forward, almost out of instinct, to avoid the elbow lunge that came from behind. Amy was starting to feel panic but forced it down to focus on the fight. This is nuts! Amy thought, she's as fast as Rae and way out of my league as far as strength... Rae wanted to speak but Sato held out his hand stopping her "Let them fight." Amy suddenly felt a fist in her gut and jumped back riding the blow that would have surely maimed her. She was flying out of control toward the ceiling. A quick flight spell and she stopped her ascent. She turned to face Fatima who was already on her way up. Without a single word Amy threw one of her "Mercury Bubbles" like a huge stone at Fatima. She was amazed a moment by how easily it happened and powerful it felt leaving her hand. Before all her strength won't have produced a bubble, only the size of a beach ball, even a tenth as powerful. The bubble met Fatima but glanced off her brow like a beach ball. "She's's coming to her!" Rae murmured with a sudden sense of adulation. "She has claws, Rae. She just has to learn to use them." Amy scarcely blocks the sudden kick from the side slamming her into a distant corner of the dome. Amy falls, winded but unharmed, to the floor. Fatima hovers in midair then disappears again. Amy instantly blocks a simple punch to the face but is driven into the wall. "Amy's just too slow..." Rae began to go to her student... "Have faith in them Rae. It's hard but you did that for Fatima when she fought for you before. Let Amy fight for herself now." Rae stopped her broad shoulders sunk... Amy catches Fatima's arm and armdrags her to the ground. Amy casts a "black ice" spell to stop Fatima a moment...just long enough to get out of reach. Then Amy threw one "Mercury bubble" one after another. Each one more powerful than the last. As she did, Amy pushed her self further away from Fatima. The blasts raised a cloud of dust so thick the wall was not longer visible. Amy steadied herself to find Fatima. "I hope she's alright..." Fatima stood behind Amy, "Yeah I'm alright..." Fatima grabbed Amy by the throat and began to squeeze...hard... Amy's years of training afforded her a degree of flexibility that was surprising ever to Rae and Sato. Amy reached around a squarely struck Fatima in the "funny bone" Fatima's hand instantly sprung open and Amy dropped to the ground. She had reacted before the strangle hold could effect her. But Fatima was still reeling, her arm unresponsive and painful, after Amy's counter... Amy quickly ran at Fatima with a powerful barrage of punches. Fatima barely feels any of them as her anger quickly became rage. Fatima instantly threw a massive fireball at Amy who she too close to realize what had happened. A thick haze of energized air, looking like smoke, blocked all eyes... "Amy?" Rae barked again starting after the two fighters. Sato took Rae's thick arm firmly, "She's alright, "Behold..." The air cleared to reveal Amy standing completely unharmed. Her dress was totally destroyed leaving her naked as a Jay-bird, but she was unhurt... Amy quickly slapped Fatima sending her flying into a far wall... Amy looked at her hand surprised, "Did I do that?" She didn't feel any different, expect for the draft around her body. Her shoulders slump at the realization, "I'm naked" About this time she notices Sato Hima watch the bout... She blushes not seeing Fatima's fist connect neatly with Amy's face. Amy is driven straight into the floor. Amy rolls and gets up so fast she almost didn't realize she did... Suddenly it was becoming so clear to her. Fatima's incredible speed was no longer as impressive, but the sheer difference in strength was still daunting. Fatima ran a Amy straight into a judo throw that sent the pup into the ground with such force as to stun her. Amy quickly applied a strong submission hold, she'd seen so many times before on pro-wrestling and Lita had nearly defeated her with, on Fatima. Ironically Pinning the pup's tail made the hold even more painful and Fatima shrieked in pain. She instantly teleported to escape. Amy ran to Fatima and caught her arm in a painful arm hold. Amy had to appreciate the sheer girth of their respective arms as Amy's bulging muscle pushed on Fatima's making the hold harder to escape and even more painful. Again Fatima teleports. This time, Fatima is ready... Amy again runs at Fatima but jumps to attack from a different angle. Fatima dashes forward to exactly where Amy would land. "Starlight!...." Fatima shouts, "Rocket!!" Fatima leaps into the air meeting Amy with a massive uppercut but misses. Amy stops short in midair and kicks Fatima in the side. A loud cracking sound and whimper follows Fatima to the ground... "Fatima!!" Rae shouts running to her sister who slowly picks herself up. Fatima still struggled to fight on. The wound was already healed but the point was made... "Amy won, li'l sis. Amy won." "No!" Fatima roared, "I'm the better one..." Tears rolled down her face, "I don't want to be in your shadow any more!" "Fatima..."Amy was calm as she approached feeling her self-confidence re assert itself after so long. She felt like she could "play the game" again and it showed as she totally ignored her nudity. "Please don't feel that way... Your sister never meant for this to be you. Rae loves you so much and it hurts her to see you like this..." "Sister...Please it just isn't your time..." Rae embraced her sister firmly and dropped her head on Fatima's powerful shoulder, "I know you want to be as strong as me and you want everyone to treat you like your own person but please...Don't go this route..." "I think you two should discuss this in private," Sato said wrapping Amy in his robe-like coat. the shirt underneath did little to hide the considerable physique. "Thank you," Amy accepting the coat, "You ever meet Lord Rhodin?" "Not in person," Sato said as Rae and Fatima left together, "Why...oh I see..." Amy was about to speak but saw the look in his eyes, a dispassionate acknowledgement of her admiration. She blushes, come on Amy he's a big As Amy follows Sato Hima through the vast halls of the school she is amazed at her sudden attraction to the big lion-man. She clearly felt it the first time with Lord Rhodin but now it was really starting to bother her. Few human men were as handsome and sincere. He didn't flow with emotion but a powerful air of confidence and a young king. Then she recognized the vast doors to Menikomenqolui's chambers, "What are we doing here?" Sato turned looking down to Amy, "We wish to make you a student here... It will allow you greater access to our training and study resources. Including more advanced training... Now that you've begun to master the basics..." Amy's face lit with anticipation as she followed Sato into the chamber... Death takes wing... Voidbird looks at the far reaches of nothing as Master Masq appears behind him. Voidbird was still as he peered into the depths before him. "You are more patient than before," Master Masq spoke low as if not to disturb an obvious peace, "Still plotting my demise, I imagine..." "As ever and until you fall the nothing," Voidbird turned, "What do you wish of me now?" "Take a small force of voidbeasts and kill Rae Iksaki." "Is that all?" "You say that as if she is nothing," Master Masq turned to leave. Voidbird follows. "She is the most powerful being this side of the ONE. I want you to use strategy to strip Rae of her limitless power and strength and then kill her." "Don't make it sound as if this can be done overnight..." Master Masq looks over his shoulder, "My apologies. I still treat you as a temporary and finite existence. We are Void and time is our ally and their foe..." "The task will be done when it is done. She is immortal but we are eternal." "Beware," Masq said as a sea of voidbeasts shimmeringly lumbered into view, "Lord Rhodin has recruited a new champion who may become a match for Rae Iksaki given time..." "So Time favors not only the Void..." "Go..." Master Masq said low and menacingly. Voidbird and the voidbeasts fade from sight. "Kill Rae and her little friend too..." Just sign here...and here...and here...and... "So now you are a proper student, Miss Brigand-Anderson," Sato said with a pleasant wholly male voice that felt like a boyfriends or loving brothers voice... Amy didn't have a brother but she understood the feeling all the same... She looked to Menikomenkolui, who sat quietly as if waiting for a question. The vast dragoness was obviously thinking intently about something or otherwise daydreaming... Amy politely addressed the dragoness only to be ignored not once but four times. "The headmistress may be in contact with others and is very difficult to reach at moments like this, "Eriruka's voice carried like a shout in an empty auditorium, "Come. You will be remanded to the tutelage of Rae and Makahn for the duration of your stay here. They will now be able to instruct you fully..." "Fully?" Amy was stymied as she could barely understand. What she was learning before was, of course, nothing but there was more? "Yes, cub," the huge lioness was patient but when she turned to look down to the small human woman, Eriruka was entirely intimidating and Amy had trouble hiding it, "What you undertook was little more than would you 'entrance exam'. The real instruction will consume much more time and energy to assimilate." "Indeed," Sato Hima spoke in a much less enormous voice but was still very strong, "Very few of our students learn more than a few 'founding' spells; spells meant to provide a solid base for more advanced spells and incantations that will be taught over the course of many years. Rae Iksaki is perhaps our most gifted student and it still took her more than four years to learn all the founding spells." "How many are there?" Amy was starting to feel like this mission Lord Rhodin put her on would take far longer than a few weeks or months... "About 2000 spells in all," Sato was upbeat, "most students only need to learn around two or three hundred. But implementation is just as important as rote knowledge...and that's what can take to most time." Sato saw Amy's face change from nagging impatience to concern to moderated relief. He couldn't help but be impressed at how frankly humans displayed their emotions. Most species moderated their expressions as part of their emotional control and conditioning. Humans have yet to embrace this as a whole. "I have rounds to do," Eriruka said leaving them and the Dragness' chamber, "Sato see Amy to her proper instructors, then I understand that you and Kina are testing for student promotion today..." "We are twelve very promising youths." "Good..." Eriruka looked back over her shoulder straight back to Amy with her blue-in-black eyes, "Amy you are no longer our guest here... Be made ready for study by first call. We have no 'weekends' and you will continue your day's lessons until you are finished. But Rae is a surprisingly good teacher. You will hardly notice to time pass." "Yes, ma'am," Amy said with a bow. As she walked out with Sato she had to ask, "Mister Hima..." "Sato or Sato Hima is fine," he said formally be with sincere grace. "Sato I've seen mostly women here..." "That is something we are all trying to change. But I think the notice of 'magic' is a bit of a...uhm...turn off to most males... Don't worry about that though. Now shall we go?" "Of course," Amy said leading the way out. Sato flowed pointing her in a different direction from the one that led to Rae's quarters. Tell me something about those secret lessons... Lord Rhodin was restless as he stared most cat-like at the distant Atlanta skyline. His wounds were nearly completely healed but his powers were still faded and weakened. "I would pass as an exceptionally powerful mortal now," Rhodin said serenely to himself. Julia had made it a habit to avoid Rhodin much of the time. It wasn't fear, though more powerful beings and fighters would have feared the lion- man even now in his state of being, it was more an uneasy respect for the deity. Her students trained with a focus and respect that was hard for any mortal teacher to elicit. They were improving as if to , if only unconsciously, worship the demi-god. Still, Lord Rhodin did his share of chores and trained...alone. Julia found that having someone, besides Theodore, who wasn't at all afraid to speak his mind a humbling experience. Her boorish manners, and overly simple cooking were not to Lord Rhodin's liking and he frequently commandeered the kitchen to prepare meals fit for kings or gods. Julia found herself being more mindful of her words and actions even when out of Lord Rhodin's presence. There was even a day when Julia was told to challenge professional soldiers to a bout. Army contest. Julia was humbled by their staying power and sheer will to win. She had won against two but the third one was the clincher...and the Rangers won. Her opinion of Earth warriors was changed permanently. "I never would have thought a real soldier would be so tough. But I could tell they had no desire to really cut loose on me..." "If for an instant you believe it is because you are a woman," Lord Rhodin said that day polishing his armor to a mirror shine, "then you have learned nothing. You were not an enemy and you were not to be harmed. They are elite soldiers whose first task is to kill the enemy not win pit brawls. You would have made fine such a soldier, but I fear your willfulness would cost you any hope of command. But you are a great fighter..." "I can so earn a command in any army," Julia took great exception almost missing the obvious challenge. "Are you prepared to order men and women who trust you to die at your order? Would they follow you or must they do so out of fear of you? Are you willing to die to complete a mission that may or may not play a crucial role in a battle or war? Will you pledge your life to protect and die for something greater than yourself." Julia was quiet a moment. She remembered the stories of heroism in Jade. The same stories used to inspire young fighters like her. She thought on the war stories told by aged soldiers on Earth about Pearl Harbor, "D- Day", Vietnam, and other wars fought with a valor and courage strangely lacking in the stories told to her in youth. She had no such stories of her own. No tales of facing death in a million simultaneous forms or watching friends, brothers, slain en mass defending their way of life. The stories of the "shadows" were the closest thing but they had none of the power of the tales of war as told by those aged warriors of Earth. Jade had become jaded with it's peace while Earth a warrior's dream and nightmare at the same time. Would men lay down their lives at her order willingly? Trusting their fates to her willingly as their leader or out of fear as some kind of alpha dog who'd rip their throats if they even acted like they would refuse.? Julia looked at Rhodin, though he didn't return the gaze. The intricate runes and decorations the adorned the armor, she was told, recorded all his battles. Those preceded by a certain mark were defeats or retreats. Their were in huge number outnumbering greatly the victories. But those victories were the ones that counted, victories that won wars, ended strifes, and garnered great honor. "Armsmaster of Jade," Rhodin said calmly and without emotion, "Sounds impressive but not all that important. Besides it's historical importance, what does that title mean in Jade now?" Julia was quiet longer and more stone like now. Another hard and heavy question. It meant she was first champion of Jade the greatest fighter...who competed...there had to be greater in Jade just as any one of those Army Rangers could have bested her if they had to...were ordered or required to. "I hate this Earth. It is just one enormous machine..." "Ludite," Rhodin smirked with venomous cynicism, "All civilizations everywhere are machines. Without such devices you would be just an animal with no hope, no future, no meaningful past, just an ever-present dismal now. Learn how Jade truly works Julia and you will understand how Earth is not all that different...and you may also understand the proper place of station of First Champion. But be warned, the answers may not be as pleasing as you would hope." Julia left Rhodin to his work. She was made to feel horribly small then. Now Julia and her students were ready to return to Jade to learn more about being Armsmaster and get Rhodin out of her house. Theodore had much work to do and couldn't go with them but prepared a portal to Jade. Rhodin decided against wearing his armor to avoid attracting too much attention. They pass through the portal after the customary "good-byes". When they emerge Rhodin is dressed as a paladin. Finery as bluntly blatant as his armor. But somehow he carried himself such that no one looked more then once or twice. Julia and her troop were inconspicuous as well. "First stop home," Julia said coolly as if to prepare Rhodin to be impressed, "then meet my mother and the heart of the Barbarian nation." Rhodin said something but wasn't sure if she should ask him to repeat himself. The hike was not all that long but with Rhodin quietly behind them following, the 10 mile walk felt more like 100. "Who goes there?" bellowed a great, muscular man dressed in distinctly Viking-like skins and garb. He wielded an enormous battleaxe as if a child's plaything as he eyed the party of travellers. He was clearly the guard of the fortress gate and not a happy one at that. "You know me, Brecuum," Julia was actually offended. Usually her mere presence opened doors for her in Jade. "Aye, I do, Armsmaster Julia," Brecuum pointed his axe with menace, "and ye, I know the Edge Guardian, Garfield as well. The girls and this...were-lion I do not. Who be they? Speak strongly and with due candor." "The girls are my students Carla and Luan," the girls smiled whimsomely but cringed when the guard's nostrils flared, "and the lion is Lord Rhodin, new to these parts and my guest." Brecuum glared at the calm lion-man for a few moments, "Aye then, Lady Julia if you will vouch for them I won't keep you save this. What business do you have here?" Julia was taken aback by the question. A few fine veins popped here and there just above her eyeline. "Why does a gate guard care? I'm here to visit my parents. Now answer me. Why does a gate guard care of MY business?" "War." Brunhilda Brigand held the temples of her forehead as she reviewed the reports yet again. The dwarves were in an uproar over G'nola's defeat, her implication in a plot to overthrow all just governments, and their complaint that Julia used some form of Earth Magic, Wicca, to regain her lost youth and essentially steal the Armsmaster title from some other worthy soul. This as the dwarves were undergoing some major governmental restructuring and their new leader's first desire was drag out Julia and make her show the world how she lost nearly 30 years of physical age. The dwarves were not all that against Julia being Armsmaster but were against how she was able to compete in what even Julia had confided in a few of Jade's leaders as her last stand as Armsmaster. Seeing her years younger and stronger, was an outrage to the dwarves and they were to do something able it. But as Julia lived in Earth realm, the only way to get Julia back to Jade to face a dwarves inquiry before all of Jade was the go to war. Dwarves were masters of war, more so than any other single race in Jade. They made superior weapons, had built truly infallible fortresses and castles, and knew how to fight in wars far better than most races did. The barbarians had lost their edge having the Armsmaster as one of their own. The need to maintain and build-up military strength was not a priority thanks to the one fact that politically they didn't need to. Having the Armsmaster as their chief duelist was often an incentive to let the barbarians have their way. The dwarves would easily crush the barbarians and the other races were not about to raise a finger to help either side. Many felt that something was afoot as soon as some younger ringer for the then and still, in some circles, despised Julia Diggers defeated G'nola with little effort, after a brief but dramatic beating by the loser. They wanted the truth as well... The doors fling open, Brunhilda looks up from the reports. It was Julia and a small band in attendance. What should have been a bright moment was blackened by the first words out of the barbarian queen's mouth, "You have some explaining to do, daughter of mine." Whoa, easier than advertised... Maercruus, is a barren waste of a world. baked and searingly hot, it was one of the many worlds the mystic leaguers trained on to avoid harming mere mortals or revealing the frighteningly insane limits of their powers. The ground is solid unwearing igneous rock heated like a kiln in the light of five stars, the two parent stars and three burning gas giants. Eons before Maercruus was a living and green world but it's people set their gas giant worlds ablaze in a poorly considered attempt to increase solar energy yields. They fried their whole star system. Their was no water, no food, and no rest from the heat. "They can call this place Planet Oven," Amy complained yet again. Rae refused to let her use sunscreen after the first day. As a result Amy could feel every one of the 375 degrees centigrade on her alabaster skin. Amy had to focus significantly to control her sweating and not dehydrate. To add to the relative insult, Rae was wearing a full length robe and cloak looking like some musclebound Jedi. But this was mainly because she had an appointment to keep with the Emperor of the Aphkian Imperium, Jaikard Sarvic, and Rae didn't want to take the time to change. "That's one reason why we chose this world," Rae smiled cutely. Even after three weeks of training with the pooch, Amy couldn't resist raising her spirits even if she didn't want to smile. She just felt better. "Anyway, let's see how far you've come since defeating my little...uh...younger sister." "That's hard to being any stronger," Amy said forming a "Mercury Sphere", a totally solid version of her still useful but infinitely less powerful "Mercury Bubble". Then the sphere faded anyway in the heat. Amy thought back on the harsh mental and spiritual training that asked more of her than any physical workout she'd ever dared. There were days when she'd imagine she'd die of the training but Rae just picked her up and put her in gear. Rae was still leagues beyond Amy, but from time-to- time she thought she'd somehow catch up. Amy stressed her arm in a "starightarm" flex. The muscles bugled but actually looked smaller. Her waistline was a few inches larger but her chest was even larger. The tailors actually had to refit all of Amy's clothes the make up for the changes she was going through. What surprised Amy most was she was a full five inches taller...and she never noticed until she could easily see straight into Makahn's eyes; almost eight feet off the ground. Rae walked away quietly. In the heat waves, she became a vague mirage. Suddenly there was a calming but powerful voice in Amy's mind, "Make ready..." Amy jumped as the whole planet seemed to shake. Rae was quite capable of destroying the planet like a soap bubble if she wanted or had need to and Amy didn't derive any comfort in that. Rae was gentle, to a decided fault, but that still didn't stop a primal fear of that strength from running over the blue princess. A sudden wave of heaviness struck Amy and she felt her legs weaken. "...just because we are so strong that nature has no real hold on us anymore, doesn't mean we have to fight like mere beings anymore," Amy recalled Makahn, Rae's ever faithful and doting husband, saying while watching Fatima and her new beau Tuck spar. They rarely actually threw punches or kicks but used spells and mystic effects to try to undo the other. A wizard's duel, if Amy had ever seen one... Rae was using a mystical effect to weaken Amy or confine her. She had to deduce which before Rae attacked or started piling on the effects. Amy had to sense Rae's movements since she could never keep up with that rate of speed long enough to make use of it. Rae was standing still just one-hundred feet away. Amy could feel the effect growing stronger. the rays of the suns above began to burn her skin... "She's threatening to strip away my powers like she did on the ice planet," Amy said to herself forcing away the effect. Her strength was returning, her skin no longer stung with the stars' radiance, but the heaviness increased. A gravity effect... Amy calculated that she could easily support her own weight and the weight of a thousand Earths like a full backpack and this effect was far stronger. Amy cast an effect making Rae's thoughts audible. "Smart move," Rae's mental voice was like a great deity's booming and powerful but pleasant all the same, "But I know you don't expect it to help you long..." The voice fades into silence. "Damn!" Amy's mental voice, light angelic, almost child-like, "Oh-no! Rae can hear my thoughts!" Amy tried to counter the effect but nothing stopped her thoughts from being spoken by the air around them. "This is what a duel in the Mystic League is like Amy... You don't win by being the most buff. That's the result of your physical training and the affectation of your power. You can't win by just casting spells. This is a duel between fighters... Fighters who use sorcery among other powers..." "Right," Amy called back. The Air echoed her thoughts, "I didn't think I can do anything that she hasn't seen before... I hope she falls f...D'oh!" Then the air echoed a memory in Rae's spoken voice, "...don't think, be..." Amy shot a Mercury Sphere, some twenty feet in diameter, strong enough to split a moon, at Rae. Amy dashed invisibly fast just off to the side of the sphere. Amy's jaw drops as Rae catches the sphere. Glowing strands of mystic energy extend from her fingers wrapping around the sphere, squeeze it down to the size of a tennis ball, where when Rae's hand crushes to a fine powder like a harmless clod of dust. Still Amy rushed Rae...and passed right through her. Rae grabbed Amy by the shoulder and with what felt like a steady and instantaneous stream of punches fell Amy to the ground. But without thinking, she dashed away to avoid Rae's next attack. Amy turned casting several effects and spells. None of them took as Rae was either to strong or easily countered the spells. Rae was looking disappointed. Amy's memory echoed of the air, "...young padawan, you still much to learn." For hours, Amy continued to pound away with dozens of strategies trying to overcome Rae's sheer power and skill. Amy was losing hope until she was unable to think of anything else. Amy stopped, "I give up..." The air echoed, "I never thought I'd say that...ever." Rae lifted to effect., "You did well for someone with only three weeks training and no useful experience." Amy's head fell as she felt that there was no way for her to complete her mission. "Amy?" "I couldn't even budge you..." Amy's voice cracked. She'd cry but the practical warrior in her refused to waste a tear where it won't be seen. "Amy," Rae said approaching her friend with a pleasant look on her face, "When you fight what do you feel?" "Feel? I...I...don't know." "Yes you do...What do you feel? When I fight I feel joy. Joy of knowing I have a purpose. That my training is useful... That I can do what few - if any - others can do. The world is brighter to my then. I don't see the pain and struggle when I fight. Strange as it sounds, I see the glory of my power unleashed..." "But that kind of power can destroy everything..." "True. But only if I let it. I feel only happiness and love even in the darkest times. These two are my most powerful skills. I won't let anything else enter my heart - though I can't help it sometimes - or I would, as Master Serendoe says, be sane and too dangerous for the universe. But that's beside the point...What is it you feel?" A moment passes in silence,"Fear... Not for myself but for others if I fail. I can't shake it. It's what drives me. Makes me want to grow stronger." The a familiar voice echoes on the air again. In the distance a small robed figure, or was it a rock, was vaguely visible saying, "A powerful thing fear is. But to the dark side fear leads. Only pain, anger, and suffering in the dark side exists..." "It seems popular culture had it right," Rae smiles almost ready to laugh jovially, "Just put those thoughts out of your head. You did really well today..." A figure in black rises out of the heatwaves. The face mask and armor glinted blindingly in the suns' light. Behind the figure, a wall miles wide and yards tall of shapes in the heatwaves emerge. They had no color and where almost as transparent as the heatwaves themselves. Rae looked at the approaching figure and smiled, "Greetings, Servant of the Void" Amy was stunned. Rae just greeted an enemy as if a friend. Again the air echoed in a child's voice, "Better an honest enemy than a false friend!" The figure raised a hand to halt the advancing forms in the heat. The figure came closer. Amy took up her ready stance. The figure towered a menacing ten feet tall over the comparatively small Rae and Amy. His chrome mask now clearly visible was an abstracted eagle's or hawk's head. The claws and armor continued the motif with sinister effect. As a slight thermal wind wafted by, The black cloak revealed that there was nothing inside, it was some kind of ghost or spectre but Amy could tell it was vastly more powerful. "Of gods and monsters," The figure spoke, "I am Voidbird, bringer of death, and servant of the Void. As I signal, your time to stand will end Rae Iksaki and friend..." The Wall of menacing shapes looms anxious to kill their foes... End Part Two