Some Ramblings And Then My Friend Sheila Takes Revenge by Lady Luck I was filling in my Tax Return the other Sunday. It has to be submitted by 30th September so it's one of those jobs that you just about manage to complete in time. By the way it's my birthday on the 24th and so any well wishes will be gratefully accepted "". There, that's bloody done it. Anyway there was a knock on the door and it's a Jehovah's Witness - well two actually because they never go alone. One to talk at you and one who says nothing and just stares at you, trying to make you nervous. Anyway he says it's nice to find me at home ('where else might I be?' I thought) and he's got some pamphlets with 'The Root Of All Evil' written on them. He asked me if I knew who or what was the root of all evil and I told him that at the moment I thought it was the taxman 'cos I was filling in my tax return. So he said, 'well you must be busy so perhaps we'll call another day and would you like to take one of the pamphlets?' I said I wasn't interested and they left. It was amazing. I didn't have to stand there listening to 30 minutes of crap before they finally got the message to sod off. They just left, no questions and no arguments. So that's it then. The next time a Jehovah's Witness or any other undesirable turns up at your doorstep, just tell them that you're filling in your tax return, and they'll bugger off! Now really I should charge you for imparting such solid gold information but you, dear reader, can have it free gratis for tuning in to my ramblings. So I sat back down and finished off my tax return, and then the phone rang. It was Sheila wanting to know if I'd go for a drink with her that night. Well Sheila's been feeling a bit low just recently because her Arsehole dumped her after 6 months 'cos he wanted to spend more time with his wanky mates. Personally I thought 'good riddance' because I never liked him - he was a real true blue 9 carat arsehole who tried it on with me twice whilst still dating Sheila. I never told Sheila though. Anyway we all get depressed when scumbags dump us and so I said I'd meet her later at The Rose & Crown. We met at about 8.30 and I ordered a lemon and lime (I was driving) and Sheila had a gin and orange and we sat down at a table in the middle of the pub and just chatted away. At about half past nine who should walk in but her ex arsehole with 3 of his mates. He just about acknowledged her and then nodded to me 'Lisa' he said, 'arsehole' I thought. Sheila was a bit panicky and frantic about him being there and I just hoped she wasn't going to crack up or something but then he accidentally on purpose raised his voice so that everyone could her how he'd dumped that boring slag over there and how she couldn't live without him - typical woman she was. Absolute bollocks! Well Sheila got up and I thought she was going to the ladies and I was about to join her but she actually marched straight up to him and said "Right you, outside now and we'll sort this out one to one. Come on, get up you little shit!" At first he waved her away but it didn't look so good in front of his fellow arseholes and egged on by them he just had to accept the challenge. Out she went to wait for him and practically the whole pub followed - mostly arseholes but about 7 or 8 of us girls. We formed a circle around them and Sheila started to push him and goad him and then she pushed him again. "Come on," she said, "or are you scared?" "Of a woman? You must be joking." "Well come on then," said Sheila, and pushed him again, only this time she followed up with a cracking punch to his jaw and then one to his stomach. I thought 'I'm going to enjoy this.' Well you know how excited I get when I watch a woman give a man a good hiding, especially an arsehole. Ever since I first saw Emma Peel on the telly when I was a little girl and it's an even bigger thrill when it's live (as with Julie and Dickie). Well he just couldn't handle it and after another peach of a punch to his face, she got him in a headlock and squeezed as hard as she could until his face was turning red. Most, if not all, of the arseholes watching looked rather uneasy but the girls were bloody loving every minute as you can imagine. Sheila eventually put him on his knees and he finally succumbed to her superiority and begged her to let go. She made him apologise to her and kiss her feet and then when he got up she kneed him in the balls as a farewell present. Absolutely wonderful! So that was it. A Tax Return, a Jehovah's Witness and an Arsehole all overcome by a woman in the same day. How much better could it get, I wondered. Bye For Now Lady Luck