THE MARVEL, THE WITCH AND THE VOODOO by CANUN6 Supergirl and Zatanna help Mary Marvel when troubled by a pesky young witch. Dreams "It's a dream! Just a dream!" she kept telling herself. It was a dream. The same one that she had had nearly every night for the past few months. It was always the same, and always different. This time, she, Mary Bromfield, a bright, perky, junior at an exclusive private high school watched in paralyzed fascination as the superheroine Mary Marvel writhed before her. This was odd as Mary Bromfield and Mary Marvel were different aspects of the same being, like two sides of the same coin. They shouldn't exist in the same place at the same time. It could only happen in a dream. Multicolored filaments seemed to emanate from every part of the World's Mightiest Girl, apparently passing through the material of her impregnable costume going off in all directions, undulating like strands of seaweed drifting on languid currents, to be lost in the darkening distance. In earlier dreams there had been fewer strands, and their origins had been localized in the superheroine's center. Now, no part of the powerful body before her eyes was free of them. Indeed, no part of that Marvelous body seemed to be free, but rather seemed to be constrained by the soft multihued waves traveling along the filaments to and from their origins. In obvious response to these pulses, the World's Most Powerful Arms slowly caressed the World's Strongest Body while the World's Shapeliest Legs slowly performed the World's Most Erotic Writhing against one another. The dream Mary Marvel was lost in an endless string of orgasms so powerful that she could barely breath between them. She floated, gasping, at the center of that incredible web, turning slowly. . . now rigid, back arched, eyes screwed shut, mouth open in a silent scream as every muscle stood out in sharp detail, pungent fluid pumping through the crotch of her soaked panties to join the remnants of earlier eruptions making her's the World's Slipperiest Legs. . . then gasping in a desperate attempt to catch her breath. . . The mesmerized teen could only gasp and squirm in sympathy, feeling but the vaguest echoes of this display of the World's Longest Orgasm until, as had happened every morning for the past several months, the stimulation simply became too much. Body vibrating like a bowstring, her core melted. She squealed, gushed, and woke with a start. . . gasping and sweating in a heated tangle of bedclothes soaked with pungent lust. Disheveled brown locks a matted mess, deep purple nipples slowly relaxing atop her firm young breasts, vagina twitching with aftershocks as the swelling of her tissues began to subside. Unlike most dreams, once awake, Mary could remember every fantastic detail, and for a moment she reviewed those details as she cooled. Finally, nearly as fatigued as when she'd gotten into bed, Mary dragged herself to the shower and went through the process of setting herself in order for the new day. Why was this dream haunting her?!? At first she'd thought it might be some manifestation of the body changes that were her passage through puberty, but that had begun years before! She had only been Mary Marvel for a little more than a year. Mary Marvel was much more developed than Mary Bromfield, and magically changing from one to the other always made her acutely aware of what it was to be a woman. Did that have something to do with it? Why was Mary Marvel always the one writhing in the center of the strange web, and Mary Bromfield always the witness? Was she going crazy?!? Or was something else going on? Well, she was much too busy to investigate dreams now (and wouldn't know where to begin if she had the time!). She had a full day of high school ahead of her (an exam in biology, a paper due in English, an oral report in Math), and that evening, Mary Marvel was to make a very rare television appearance with some other superheroines to help support a coordinated antidrug movement presenting a multifaceted approach to help keep kids away from that worst scourge of the century. Angelina As Mary, revived by a hot breakfast and excitement over the day ahead dashed out of the house, not far away, a dark beauty, not much older than herself was putting the finishing touches on the project that had consumed her since she had left Trinidad almost a year before. Angelina Euginia had been raised from birth as a witch. Her mother, Cameris, was the last in a lineage that she could trace unbroken through generations of shamans, witch doctors, and medicine women, from the East Indies slave trade to equatorial Africa, to the Pharaohs of Egypt and earlier than written record. The knowledge of the black arts gathered by each ancestor was added to the whole and passed to the next generation by word of mouth and careful training until Angelina became the recipient of that encyclopedic lore, that ancient discipline. As the only child of a powerful and revered witch, Angelina was naturally spoiled rotten. She was used to being the best at everything, having her every wish granted, and fawned over by young and old alike. It was unfortunate that just as Angelina had mastered most of the ancient arts, her mother had died in a tragic spell gone wrong. She had become distracted at just the wrong moment in a normally simple procedure to revive a dying neighbor's child, removed the disease from the child but accidentally visited it upon herself instead of dissipating it harmlessly. She had fallen into a coma and died within hours, leaving young Angelina alone and angered at a world that would take her mother from her. Angelina found herself the last of her line, the repository of its enormous knowledge and power, but still a bright-eyed, excitable, undisciplined child, inexperienced in the ways of the world. The profound sorrow of loosing her mother, and the nagging thought that had she known more she might have been able to save her, turned the youth to an obsession with learning more and increasing her already very considerable skills. When news of the Marvels appearing in Fawcett City reached her, ancient ancestral memories of a powerful Egyptian wizard were teased from the dust of ages back into the light. After taking unto himself mystic relics that Angelina's ancestor believed to be hers, it was said that he had left this realm to dwell at the Rock of Eternity that held all things (and, indeed, all Time) together. Here he was out of reach of any earthbound mages. She knew these Marvels to be his from memories of similar beings appearing in Egypt, thousands of years ago. She resolved to travel to Fawcett City, make contact with the wizard and honestly or by guile return his powers to herself. She made her way to the city and found the abandoned subway tunnel in which Billy Batson had first called down the magic lightning and been transformed into Captain Marvel. Her scrying discovered dust and other residues of the event, saturated in the magics of the ancient wizard, but nothing that she could use to take her to him. As the Marvels themselves were the only vestige of the ancient magic that still walked the planet, she resolved to use one of them as a path to the ancient one. Angelina bottled up her youthful exuberance and set about carefully planning. Of the three, Mary Marvel was the obvious path for her. Being inexperienced in the ways of the world, and having lead a very protected childhood, she had very little knowledge of men, their motivations, strengths and weaknesses. She reasoned that since she and Mary were both girls of nearly the same age she could use herself, her own feelings, desires, loves and fears, as her guide in approaching the World's Mightiest Girl. She knew that she couldn't just walk up to Mary and ask her for some of her magic. She would have been extremely ill disposed toward anyone who might approach herself in that way. She would need the upper hand, leverage, some control. With this course of action settled, she resolved to construct a doll, a voodoo, a mystic 'remote control', with which to force the Marvel to pass her magic to her. She had never constructed a voodoo doll before, but had assisted her mother in the task on several occasions. None of those, however were nearly as complex and detailed as she planned here. It was a daunting undertaking, but, fortified with all the enthusiasm and arrogance of youth she felt equal to the job. Fortunately, this world was full of materials for making a likeness of the intended victim. In fact, one could buy, ready made, a near perfect flexible 10 inch tall 'Action Figure' of Mary. An accurate copy from her short but discrete gold trimmed red dress, to her functional gold boots, to her button nose. The magical residues she had found in the old subway tunnel would serve to forge the mystic link between the doll and the Superheroine, provided Angelina kept a clear mental image of Mary as she brought them together. After that there remained only the straightforward but tedious task of linking each part of the doll with the corresponding part of the target. Angelina stole the latest issue Mary Marvel Action Figure from a display at Fawcett City's 'Toys R Us'. It was advertised as having been 'sculpted by extensive computer analysis of many photographs of the amazing heroine, followed by painstaking modeling and three dimensional extrapolation' (whatever that meant). This 'collectors edition' came in a beautifully crafted, velvet lined wooden case with a number of accessories including model weapons of various villains, and an alternate (white) costume. Unpacking the doll, the child witch was struck by the simple beauty, innocence, self assurance, strength, and compassion reflected in its features. Pausing briefly, she turned the doll about, admiring the fit of the tiny clothes and the visible but still softly feminine musculature evident in the dolls legs and arms. Carefully, she unfastened the uniform's clasps and slipped it off of the figure. The likeness to a living person was uncanny, and it brought a blush to Angelina's dark cheeks. She caressed the doll's curves, gently tracing the boldly extravagant line of the bust, which was esthetically balanced by the highly developed musculature of the bottom. She felt her insides softening, her nipples pressing against the fabric of her T-shirt, and her breath quicken as she explored the tiny body. When she had begun to 'bud' her mother had introduced her to the power associated with human sexuality. Angelina had developed a strong appreciation tinged with healthy apprehension and a quiet fascination for this all-powerful aspect of everything human, indeed everything living. This would play a significant part in her planned assault on the World's Mightiest Girl. In her tiny two room flat, Angelina drew the shades, retrieved her tools and prepared her workplace. The tools were set in neat rows down the right side of the old wooden desk, and the doll was placed on a white piece of linen before her. Twisting a drill (fashioned from a nail taken centuries ago from a cursed child's coffin) she made a tiny hole an appropriate place in the doll's lower anatomy. Angelina then pressed into the doll, particle by particle, her entire store the magic residue found in the old subway. Now came the hard part. Dampening the corneas of an owl's eyes with enchanted seawater, she placed them over her own dark eyes, and using these ghastly contact lenses to view the weirdling dimension, began her search for the World's Mightiest Girl. To her pleasant surprise, after following the enchanted trail linking the magic residue with all things Marvel for only a few minutes she came across her quarry. . . an apparently sleeping effigy nestled deep in a soul so sweet and innocent that it could only be that of a child not much younger than herself. Mary seemed not to be aware of her. Angelina wondered at the multicolored aura, glowing with power, which surrounded her vision of Mary. This was indeed a formidable adversary! After carefully 'tiptoeing' around the form, viewing Mary from every angle, she chose a delicate pair of tweezers (constructed by her mother from the arm bones of a bat). With the precision of a surgeon, she delved into Mary's very core, the center of her belly, and teased out a filament of aura. The effigy's pelvis twitched at this but otherwise seemed unaffected. The child witch painstakingly drew the strand of aura back to her desk and attached it to the corresponding part of the doll. Trembling with excitement, Angelina very carefully opened the doll's legs and drew a feather across its plastic sex. To her immense satisfaction, the effigy's hips rolled, her legs squirmed against each other and her features softened. . . a dream within a dream. The young sorceress, heart beating like a trip hammer, breath locked in her throat, took her trembling hands from the doll and tried to bring her excitement under control. She had made first contact and remained undiscovered! Apparently, Mary Marvel, in this state wasn't conscious. Perhaps she needed something else to be 'awake'. So much the better! Fired by her first success, she worked through the night, filament by filament, connecting Mary and the doll. For nearly four months she increased the number of tendrils running between doll and Mary. She started at the center of the effigy and worked outward, paying great attention to the details of the body on which she worked. She wished to control those awesome muscles, but she also paid particular attention to those parts of the body that could be stimulated to interrupt the brain with their top priority signals. . . pleasure organs, pain centers, taste and smell. She hoped to build into her detailed control that peculiar balance of links that would allow her to transmit the indefinable combination of sensations that produced the phenomenon known as 'tickling'. It would take weeks to finish, but it would be worth it in the end! As the sun rose at the end of the first night, a completely fatigued but very happy girl rose from her desk and fell into bed. She had made many connections. Already she could, by stroking and probing the doll's nether regions, drive the sleeping powerhouse to gasping, seizing, gut-melting orgasm after orgasm. This had so stimulated the witch, that during the following nights, as she expanded her web, she always included 'love play' in testing her work. She couldn't know that the Marvel's powerful responses were sensed distantly by the youngster to which she was joined. When awake, the sensations of the surrounding world masked everything, but asleep, Mary Bromfield's essence was disturbed by the powerful sensations rolling through Mary Marvel's ethereal essence. Her mind interpreted these feelings in surprisingly accurate dreams which took her to the peak of sexual excitement, threw her over the precipice, and left her sweating, gasping and spasming in a molten pool of her own secretions, when the morning found her. To avoid being found out before she was ready, Angelina scrupulously avoided touching the doll when she felt Mary Marvel was abroad in the mortal realm. During the day, when she wasn't sleeping, she would replenish her meager till by removing money from the pockets of the drug dealers that loitered outside her building, and her larder from the neighborhood shops. Simple spells that made her appear as someone else to those she met made this ridiculously easy. For all her excitement and anticipation she heeded her mother's lessons, eating, resting, and exercising properly each day. She would need to be at her best when the doll was complete and the time came to face the Marvel herself! As the days passed and the mystics multiplied, Angelina was surprised to note that the doll seemed to change. Its skin seemed to become less 'polished', less plastic like, and more lifelike. Its hair became finer, softer, and developed a definite curl. Most astonishing though was its detail. . . Midway through the work, she could actually pry open the tiny mouth and, with the aid of a magnifying glass, count the brilliant, pearl-like teeth! . . . Inverting the tiny figure she found that the lower orifices had developed to the point were she could gently insert a pencil point into either the plastic anus or vagina! . . . There even seemed to be a soft down of pubic hair forming and a tiny but clearly defined clitoris! Although she'd never seen this happen before, with the boundless optimism of youth she considered these to be positive signs. Signs that the links were going to be stronger than even she had hoped! The time was finally at hand. The doll was complete to her satisfaction. It looked human! It had taken well over three months, but the final test on the effigy had been successful, and the only thing remaining was a 'shakedown' on a fully powered, 'impregnable' superheroine! As a precaution, she had decided to perform this last test at a distance. Apparently Mary Marvel couldn't sense her in the weirdling dimension. She was somehow 'incomplete'. She may be blind to her own aura! But in the mortal realm, completed by whatever melding she made with the young girl in which she was cached, it would be another matter. The complete Superheroine might not react to the doll as easily as did the essence. Angelina didn't want to be too close to the real Mary when she ran her first tests! Also, once in the real world, Mary was nearly invisible to Angelina's weirdling sight, as things in the weirdling dimension were nearly invisible to mortal eyes. She had chosen this night as she knew that Mary was to appear on television. This was perfect! She could use modern technological magic to view Mary's responses to her ancient magical manipulations of the doll, while incognito, safely miles away. Distance in the real world had little meaning in the weirdling dimension so she felt that it shouldn't hurt the doll's links to her prey. Angelina was at last ready! National Television Mary, and many of her Superheroine friends, were very good at fighting evil on a one on one basis. Unfortunately the social ills that spawned evil were more difficult to address. When the national D.A.R.E organization (as part of their new media blitz aimed at motivating kids to keep away from drugs) had asked the Superhero/heroine community to put their fame and personal appeal behind the effort, Mary, along with many others, had volunteered. A series of TV programs were planned around these heroes with various themes. The first that Mary was to be part of was aimed at young girls. It was thought that if the teenage female public could get to know these Super role models on a somewhat personal level, it would stimulate them to take better care of themselves, possibly even positively influencing the young men most at risk. 'Getting to Know the Heroines' was to be aired for two hours on a late October Saturday evening on national broadcast television. The younger heroines, Mary Marvel, Supergirl, Powergirl, and Batgirl were to participate, answering questions from a gallery of selected teens. Knowing the potential danger posed by evildoers to such a gathering of eagles, the organizers had arranged the proceedings under heavy secrecy. The studio location was available only on a 'need to know' basis and strictest security was maintained at the site. Guests, with the exception of the superheroines themselves, were brought to the event in disguised vehicles with blackened windows. Mary raced home after spending the afternoon helping prepare decorations for her School's Halloween dance. As unnecessary as it was, she excitedly showered, washed her hair, and did her nails in preparation for the evening. Then, dressed in a light party dress, ran off to the copse of oaks on the other side of the pond from her family's home. There she uttered the magic word 'SHAZAM'! A brilliant bolt of lightning crashed down onto her slim form. As always, her involuntary scream was lost in the rolling thunder. She was transformed, the magical, powerful essence melding with the teen, expanding her body, instilling wisdom and self assurance, and in so doing, creating the World's Mightiest Girl. The transformation always took Mary's breath away, and for a moment, the young mortal that was now but a part of this wonder reeled under the flood of conflicting sensation that came with the changes. The transition lasted but a moment. Mary Marvel reveled at being whole again, took in the beautiful autumn sky with a smile and leapt into the air. Angelina had been watching Mary with her owl eyes, hoping to witness the transformation. Unfortunately, when it came, the slight spilling of mystic auras from the old wizard's lightning came through the awful enchanted contact lenses as a blinding flash of light. Angelina couldn't protect herself. Her eyes were already closed over those horrible lenses. The view came from another dimension altogether. She was blinded by the display! Cursing herself for a fool, she lay back in bed and tried to compose herself. Fortunately, the effects were brief, and she was soon looking into the 'place' where the effigy had been. All was subtly changed! The effigy was gone, but tendrils of the aura that she had attached to her doll were still evident. They were no longer localized now, but seemed to stretch from the doll to every part of the soul she was observing. The whole thing now glowed faintly with mystic energies. The essence was no longer packed up and stored in the form of an effigy, but was now part of the girl who was its container. The World's Mightiest Girl! Angelina carefully removed the owl corneas from her burning eyes and placed them their mystic box. She washed her eyes with enchanted sea water and rested them briefly. She had to examine the doll. Had it been damaged by the mystic spillover from the transition?!? Not wanting to tip her hand early, she did nothing to the doll but look at it from various angles. It seemed alright! Glancing at her clock, she noted that Mary Marvel had given herself more than an hour to travel to the studio and get settled. Good! Setting her alarm clock, she settled back to rest her eyes and gather energies for the coming encounter. Effortlessly, the red, white, and gold clad Girl Gladiator accelerated in a high arc. Screaming southwest with a trail of condensate forming from the disturbance of her passage, she seemed a smoking missile to observers on the distant ground below. Hypersonic ripples ran through her hair and along the thin but immensely strong material of her garments across her awesomely powerful body, teasing her sensitive form. Mary loved this! 'It can't get any better than this!', she thought. Arriving at the entrance to the underground military base somewhere in the southwestern foothills of the 'Rockies', she landed gracefully with only the briefest 'panty flash', strolled up to the awestruck guard and was escorted inside. There, they dropped several hundred meters in a high-speed elevator, were driven through a long tunnel in a little electric vehicle that could only be described as a 'military golf cart' and finally deposited in a rather ordinary looking auditorium built for several hundred people. Spotting Supergirl, and still flushed from her exciting high altitude supersonic flight, she called out and bounced over to the smiling blond. The two embraced, and excitedly began catching up on each other's lives. It was during this innocent hug that an echo of the disturbing dreams she'd been having caused in Mary a confusion of feelings. She suddenly became very still. Supergirl sensed the change. "What's wrong?", she whispered in a worried tone. Pulling back, she became concerned at Mary's suddenly subdued air. "Its nothing. . .", sighed Mary. "I've been having nightmares lately. . . For much of the summer. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk about it after the show?!?", she seemed to be pleading. Linda's heart went out to her friend, and they promised to get together right after the event. For a moment they stood, holding each other together at the waist but leaning back, silently looking into each other's eyes. Suddenly both girls shrieked as Supergirl felt something glide up the back of her thighs to her muscular glutes and, simultaneously, someone pinched Mary's butt! "Is this a private party, or can anyone join?!?", laughed Powergirl, squeezing Mary's left buttock again. "Hey, this looks like fun!", winked Batgirl, now trying to extract her wrist from Linda's gentle but powerful grasp. The two friends were so concerned that they hadn't noticed the arrival of the other two superheroines until it was too late! Getting over their surprise, they quickly relaxed and began a teasing, giggling exchange that reassured themselves and the others in the room. Soon the room filled with girls of every description, introducing themselves, and finding seats. The bubbling superheroines were lead to the stage, seated next to one another in comfortable wooden chairs, and the lights were brought up. Before any of the audience or honored quests realized it, the broadcast was underway! Even on the small screen, the beauty, powerful, athletic builds, intelligence, and self assurance of the four heroines shone forth. They would stand out in a crowd even out of uniform! Angelina studied them in awe. . . awe for their magnificence and for what she planned to do. The Mistress of Ceremonies was in the foreground introducing the topic of discussion, while the heroines lounged on stage. The doll was laid out nude on the table in front of the young witch. Angelina, anxious to start, took a sharpened wire (made from a paperclip) and poked the doll's left buttock. . . To her disappointment, nothing happened. She tried again with the same result. She picked up the doll to examine it, and noticed out of the corner of her eye Mary's face go ashen! With the doll lying face down, she placed her left index finger on the small of the doll's back, and stabbed its left buttock again. On screen, Mary jumped up, rubbing her bottom and looking in amazement at her chair seat. "What's the matter?!?", whispered Supergirl. "It felt like I just sat on a tack!. . . " Mary whispered back, ". . . but I don't see how that could affect me!", she added, puzzled. Mary hesitantly regained her seat as the MC went on, apparently without having noticed anything. Angelina was surprised, too. When Mary jumped, so did the doll! Now the doll was still again, but her mother's dolls never behaved this way! With some trepidation, she drew a jay's feather lightly across the doll's upper lip. . . nothing happened, but when she lightly brushed her finger across the doll's cheek, Mary moved her hand as if to shoe away an insect. . . and so did the doll!!! This was beginning to make sense. Somehow, the touch of a living creature was needed to 'turn on' the 'connection'. In addition, she had made so many links between the doll and Mary (and her magical nature) that some 'feedback' caused the doll to move. To test this, she gently picked took some of the doll's hair between thumb and forefinger, being careful not to pull the hair. At this touch, the doll assumed the position of Mary on the screen! Although Mary was sitting upright, with her head turned talking to Supergirl, and the doll was lying on its side, the doll's posture was identical to Mary's. Muting the TV and bending close, Angelina could even hear the doll speak with Mary's voice! In breathless excitement, she tried another test. She picked up the doll in one hand and held its arms to its sides. Both Mary and the doll immediately became agitated. Mary, struggling mightily, turned her head toward Supergirl again whispering excitedly, "Linda! My arms are paralyzed! I can't move them! It feels like I'm in a vice!" The doll struggled along with the image of Mary on the screen, but Angelina easily held it immobile. What a rush! What a sense of power! Angelina held the World's Mightiest Maid helpless in the palm of her hand! Still holding the doll trapped, Angelina touched its upper lip with the feather tip. . . it screwed up her face and sneezed, as did Mary! Mary stood and seemed ready to walk away saying to Linda "I've got to get out of here!" Angelina firmly grasped the doll's legs with her free hand and held Mary at attention! "Help me! Help me!", Mary gasped to the other heroines. Trying to save the moment without causing a panic, Supergirl jumped up saying, "We've just gotten a message on our special communicators saying that we are needed. I'm very sorry, but Mary and I will have to leave now. We'll be back as soon as we can." Then, realizing that Mary was now completely paralyzed, Linda surreptitiously grasped Mary's belt at the small of her back and using her thumb and little finger to orient the rigid mannequin that Mary had become, flew gracefully from the surprised company. Streaking along guarded corridors and up elevator shafts, they made their way through the massive underground installation. Security, realizing what was happening, got the blast doors open and clear just as the blur that was the two heroines entered the exit lock. Accelerating rapidly, they disappeared into the sky, their shock wave echoing from canyon walls long after they were gone. What's Happening?!? Supergirl was worried! Before they left the base, Mary had folded in two! She was now hanging from Linda's fist, being dragged ass-first at supersonic speeds through a clear cold afternoon in the Rockies. Linda used her super vision to locate a secluded place to stop and try to find out what was going on! Angelina had folded the doll so that she could keep it fixed with one hand. The grip also left the doll's nether regions completely accessible. Holding it almost like a lollipop, she breathed hotly on the tiny exposed posterior, and delicately drew the tip of her tongue up the curve of a thigh to tease the sensitive flesh around its vulva. Realizing that her tongue was a bit too large and clumsy for the miniscule privates of the voodoo, she returned to the use of her feather. Her hot breath, and the feather, doubtlessly coupled with associations carefully built through the dreams the past months, together began to arouse the frightened superheroine in spite of her predicament! The young witch could see the tiny pussy relax and open, its lips swollen and pink. The miniature clitoris enlarged. The doll's movements changed character, from frantic struggles to slower squirming. Angelina shut off the TV, now that Mary was no longer on it, but through the doll's motion, she knew she could follow what was happening! This was too good to be true! Finally Linda alighted on the sun-warmed shore of a small lake high in an alpine valley. She lay Mary gently on the pine needle covered ground and tried to speak to her. Mary was moaning and writhing and still bent in that awkward position. . . her eyes staring. Supergirl was at a loss. . . she could only watch in horrid fascination, trying to make the unresponding Mary as comfortable as possible. Suddenly, for no visible reason, Mary unfolded, her gold- booted heels striking the ground with a 'thud!'. For a moment she lay gasping and squirming, not aware that she was free, her psyche swirling in the incredible arousal of the moment, but then, with the loss of stimulation, she slowly became aware of her surroundings and Linda's anxious face above her. "Holy Moley!. . .", Mary sighed, ". . . What's happening to me?!? Where am I?!?" "You're all right. . .", soothed Linda. "We're alone. I don't know what happened! I got you out of there as fast as I could. . ." Seeing her friend's worried expression, Mary tried to reassure them both. "I, I think I'm alright, now. . . I don't feel anything out of the ordinary. Oh, thank you! Thank you!" With that, Mary rose and threw her arms around Linda's shoulders, buried her face in Supergirl's muscular shoulder and began to sob. Angelina, had released her paralyzing grip on the doll, but had kept hold of its hair, watching and trying to hear the doll's words as the melodrama played out. When she saw the doll encircle something in its arms, she struck again, gripping its arms and upper body in her fist, squeezing with all her might! Both Mary and Supergirl were shocked! "Mary! Let go! I can't breath!", gasped the Girl of Steel. "Oh, Linda!! It's happening again!!", cried Mary. "Help me!! I can't control my arms!! OW!!!" The last exclamation followed from Angelina evilly pressing the jay feather into the doll's anus. It twitched crazily as Mary kicked her legs and clenched her powerful buttocks in a attempt to dislodge whatever was attacking her. With some difficulty, Angelina repositioned the doll's legs so that they too were trapped in her left fist, which was also circling whatever Mary was holding. With both hands, the young witch squeezed with all her might, but she couldn't close Mary's arms. She guessed correctly that she had trapped the red, blue and gold clad Girl of Steel! This would be interesting! Carefully turning the doll over, still keeping its arms and legs locked about the incompressible center, she went to work on its most sensitive flesh. Once again, the magic proved stronger than her immediate surroundings, and Mary slipped into an erotically charged state almost insensitive to the struggling powerhouse in her arms. Falling under the spell, as real-world events sometimes become incorporated into a dream (an alarm clock's rattle becomes a fire bell or a mother's insistent wake-up call is interpreted as a siren's song) so the writhing body in her grasp 'became' her savior. She murmured "Thank you for saving me!" over and over, pressing her cheek against Linda's. Her center melted, becoming warm and fluid, and her lips sought Linda's. The struggles of the World's Mightiest Maid were no longer attempts to escape! Now she ground her engorged clit into Supergirl's (thankfully unbreakable) pubic bone, reveled in the press of mighty breast on mighty breast, and lost herself in the orgasmic exploration of the Kryptonian's conquered mouth. Angelina too came under the non-magical spell of the doll's writhing, accentuated by the switching feather still lodged in its rear, and her feeling of power over this almighty goddess seen as a squirming, lust crazed mannequin. It kindled an unquenchable passion in her own loins. She let the feather drop, and applied her right hand to her own needy sex. Mary, momentarily relieved of the irresistible stimulus slowly became aware of her surroundings again, of her friend nearly unconscious in her crushing grip, her head rolled back, her tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth. In a moment of supreme desperation she called out the name of the Wizard, "Shazam!" The blinding lightning stroke flashed from the clear sky, sending the wisdom, might, strength, and speed of the goddesses to her secret place and leaving a weak, exhausted teenaged girl. . . all that was left with the magic gone. Mary and Supergirl fell in a heap, gasping in the carpet of pine needles; slowly recovering from their frightening ordeal. At that instant, the mannequin went limp in the witch's hand. She knew immediately what had happened. As her euphoria slowly dissipated, it was replaced with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Everything had worked! She had held the World's Mightiest Girl helpless in the palm of her hand! She had followed her actions! Now she could plan the encounter that would transfer to her the incredible mystical power of the Marvels! Recovery Mary Bromfield and Supergirl lay huddled together in a bed of pine needles as they sought to understand what had transpired. Linda knew of Mary's identities and realized that she had thwarted the crazy attack of the World's Mightiest Girl by changing back to Mary Bromfield. Through her tears, Mary was telling a stranger story. . . of Mary Bromfield's nightmares that somehow 'felt' like Mary Marvel's inexplicable 'seizure'. . . of a body that seemed to be under someone else's control. . . of terrible, inexplicable, uncontrollable urges drowning her in a dizzying maelstrom of lust. . . a sudden unexplained respite and her final act of desperation to call out the Wizard's name. "When did the nightmares start?", asked a calm but disheveled Supergirl, stroking Mary's tear-streaked cheek. "A- a- a- a little over three months ago!", hiccuped the sobbing teen. "They always have Mary Marvel in some kind of queer net which seemed to grow every night! She's trapped, but always writhing in some kind of erotic spell! I could f- f- f- feel it! It was horrible and wonderful at the same time! Linda, am I going crazy?!?!?", sobbed the distraught girl. "There, there", soothed Linda. "You don't have insanity in your family, and I don't think the Wizard would have chosen you, nor the goddesses, either, if you had the spark of madness in you. This is something that is centered on Mary Marvel, not Mary Bromfield. It may be illness, but it sounds to me more like some kind of weirdling attack. I think we need help from someone who knows these arts. Perhaps. . ." "I know!", sniffled Mary. "I'll change to Mary Marvel and fly to the Rock of Eternity. I'm sure that the Wizard himself can get to the bottom of this!" "But what will happen to you if you change?!?", interjected the Girl of Steel. "Let's wait a bit and see if we can't find some other way. If only Mary Marvel is affected, perhaps 'she' should 'lay low' for a while. Let me take you home, you get a good night's sleep, and I'll try to find some other way to do this. OK?" Mary agreed, though still unsure. She let Supergirl wrap her in her red and gold cape, and suffered the high speed flight. . . hours or roaring wind as she was pressed to the warmth of that super body. . . home to Fawcett City and the Bromfield Estate. Supergirl stayed while Mary showered to wash away the reminders of the day's events, had supper and finally fell asleep in her own bed. When Mary's breathing became slow and even, Supergirl kissed her lightly on the forehead, whispered "goodnight", silently slipped out into the night air and was gone. If only Linda had stayed another five minutes! Mary was rapidly falling into another nightmare. . . the worst yet! Nightmare Calling As Mary spiraled down into that unhearing, unfeeling, but vulnerable state of deep sleep, she felt as though she was slowly falling through a long, dimly lit natural tunnel. She floated, never quite touching a tunnel wall, ever downward. The tunnel walls appeared soft and warm and soothing at first, but as she drifted lower she became aware of a slight increase in light and a faint buzzing. She wafted through an opening and found herself in an immense chamber containing an incredibly complex web of fine, pulsing, polychromatic strands. At the center of this net, writhing in its grasp was the figure of Mary Marvel. The Nightmare had begun anew! The young girl, dressed only in her nightclothes, swam lazily toward the center of the web in a complex midair slow dance, never touching any of the bright filaments. Never able to touch one, even though the web became thicker towards its center. As she drifted closer, she noticed that the buzzing became louder, and she could now hear whimpers, groans, and gasps from the trapped red, white and gold clad figure. The pitch and volume of the buzzing varied in a complex pattern, in synchrony with pulsing of strands of the web, and with the fascinating 'dance' of the captured heroine. The effigy's eyes were open slightly but unseeing, like someone drugged or listening to far away music. Momentarily, the buzzing became louder, Mary Marvel's hips bucked upward, her arms and legs, tangled in the web, spasmed as her body became rigid. The drifting teen watched in amazement as fluid spurted from the crotch of her trapped goddess-given essence, blowing her skirt out and drenching her golden boots. Then the buzzing subsided, and the figure slowly began to writhe again. This process was repeated over and over as Mary Bromfield twisted and turned through the web around the captured figure, watching, as if secretly observing some strange evil ceremony transpiring in a hidden forest glade. Mary knew that her goddess-given essence was somehow being controlled and perverted to concentrate all its powers on sexual stimulation, and while frightening, the vision was also somehow strangely titillating. She became aroused watching the supernatural rape of her alter-ego, her most sensitive regions pulsing to the rhythms of the obscene performance. As she languidly orbited her alter-ego, the highly charged nipples briefly touched, sending both Marys into uncontrollable spasms. As the enraptured teen fell deeper under the spell of the chorus of buzzing, gasping, and whimpering, performed in time with the tendrils' pulsing light show, she became aware of the voice. It was nearly inaudible at first, only sensible as a whisper or moaning of the wind, but it grew louder until she could make out words, then whole sentences. Finally, its meaning began to dawn in her addled mind. "Mary Marvel. . .", the voice said. ". . . I've got ya in my web, girl! I own ya! You gotta come to me, your mistress, and receive me! You'll never know peace till you accept me! I am waitin' for ya in de old stone chapel deep in the forest. Find me. Come to me. Come to me. . ." As the message became clear, the torment directed at the effigy increased, and continued to increase. It was now orgasming almost continuously. . . so frequently that if it had been human it would not have been able to take a breath. The enthralled teen melted and began to come in sympathy, spasming, gasping, hiccuping, mewling, and finally screaming! She awoke in a cold sweat lying in a soaking tangle of sheets briefly trapped in a web of her own making. A full moon shone brightly through the partly open window. This had to end! She couldn't go on like this! It had to stop. NOW! She, at last, had a lead, and she would follow it! The youngster had enough presence of mind to phone Supergirl but all she got was her answering machine. She left a short message, then, impatient, confused, frustrated and angry, she opened her window and threw herself out shouting "Shazam" as she passed the sill. Magic lightning thundered down from a cloudless sky, melding once more the goddess' mystic powers with the living teenager. Mary Bromfield, 'average' teenager became Mary Marvel, the World's Mightiest Girl just as she cleared the window. Meeting Unfortunately, along with the change came the sensual turmoil that had been inflicted upon the effigy. Mary's eyes glazed, she became deaf to the world and her fluttering hands sought her nether regions as her attention was drawn inward toward her molten core. In this state, she flew like the proverbial brick, landing head first in the soft loam of a newly prepared garden plot, burying herself to the waist. She lay there a while, disembodied muscular legs and butt slowly squirming in the moonlight centered in the gold trimmed red circle of her inverted skirt, like some exotic nocturnal bloom alone on the fragrant earth. Maybe it was the cool earth in her face, or the final orgasm that racked her liquid center, or (more likely) the fact that Angelina stopped tormenting the doll when the effigy disappeared. . . Mary slowly came to her senses and, extracting herself from the ground, shook her grimy head to clear it. Regaining some control, Mary took to the air again and flew, erratically and slowly, toward the chapel in the forest, and her fate. She hoped that Supergirl would meet her there, but whether she would or not, she couldn't wait. This torment had to end! Angelina's heart was racing. In her tube top and cutoffs, she was covered with a cold sweat as she crouched behind the altar of the old chapel. Moonlight streamed through dirty stained glass windows, lending a warm glow to the stone interior. She had brought the doll, and as many of her mystic tools and potions as she could comfortable carry, and had arrayed them in appropriate places about the building. She had seen the effect of the doll on the World's Mightiest Girl during her TV appearance. But this was the real thing. . . a face to face confrontation with the powerhouse, this node in the nexus of magicks that was the Marvels. Mary would at last know who and what was affecting her. Would she be able to rally her forces, steel herself against further attacks and visit her vengeance on the young witch? The doll rested on her lap. Contact with her bare legs maintained the connection between it and Mary while giving Mary nearly complete control of herself. When Mary buried herself in the ground, the witch saw and felt the doll as it writhed, bent over at the waist, squirming to orgasm. . . watched as it straightened itself and assumed the streamlined position of flight. . . and waited with bated breath as the slight motions of the doll told of Mary's unsteady flight. Despite herself, Angelina began to melt at the erotic tingling the warm moving doll imparted to her sensitive young thighs. She was almost lost in erotic reveries when the doll suddenly shifted position, and she heard the whisper of a breeze followed by a 'thump' outside. Mary Marvel, both her prey and her most frightening adversary, had arrived! Crouching in the shadows, Angelina saw the heavy oak door silently swing open revealing the silhouette of a beautiful, muscular girl in a short skirt, cape, and boots. Mary stepped quietly into the chapel, her eyes searching through the gloom. Angelina suddenly seized the doll with both hands, completely immobilizing it and with it, the young heroine. With practiced care, she bent the doll double to hold it with one hand and then slipped a number of large rubber bands over the tiny form. Mary, taken by surprise, suddenly found her arms fastened to her sides, her legs stuck together and her face pressed firmly against her knees! She fell forward, rolled, and came to rest on her side. She'd barely had time to grunt, "What the. . ??", before she felt herself trussed up like a sausage. In fact, there were no bonds on Mary. The restraints on the doll forced her into this uncomfortable and humiliating position, to be held as long as the doll was strapped and in contact with the living flesh of another. Angelina stuffed the doll into her belt to keep it in contact with her body while freeing both hands, then gingerly stepped around the heavy fieldstone altar. She cautiously approached the grunting, struggling superheroine, finally announcing herself, taunting, "Mary Marvel in da flesh! Why, girl, I'm honored to finally be meetin' ya! T'anks for comin'!" "What have you done to me?!?", gasped the struggling heroine. "Who are you, and what do you want?!? Release me this instant!!" "I'll let ya go soon 'nough", drawled Angelina. "Just's soon as I take what's mine. . . But first, I wanna make some tests." "Why? What kind of tests?", queried Mary, anxiously. "First, let me tell ya about me, you, and dat Wizard, Shazam. I t'ink ya'll see da reasons for what I'm doin'. When we're done, I'll have you magic, you powers, and ya can get on with you little- girly life. Ya won't be Mary MARVEL no longer. . . just plain old Mary." Overcoming her own fear, Angelina reached out and, for the first time, touched her prey, lightly drawing a fingertip along the quivering thigh from boot top to exposed red panties, wringing a gasp of outrage from the World's now most Helpless Heroine. Angelina explained to the twisting, fighting Marvel at her feet her supposed claim on Shazam's magicks, Mary's part in their 'retrieval', her construction of the incredible doll, and even, driven by sheer pride of her craft, her need to test it further. Mary didn't understand every word, but she got the general sense of the exposition, and began to realize that she was up against something possibly as powerful as she! Why hadn't she waited for Supergirl?!? Mary desperately fought to reign in her feelings of despair, and tried to reassess her position. As Angelina droned on like some Jamaican professor of the mystic arts, Mary began to realize that while she, Mary Marvel, seemed to be totally helpless, Mary Bromfield was not linked to the doll. There were no actual straps around her body. If she transformed to her teen identity she would be free, and might be able to take Angelina by surprise! Just as she worked this out, she felt something filling her mouth! Squinting between her knees, past her powerful but helpless thighs and buttocks, she could just barely see Angelina stuffing something into the doll's mouth! Angelina must have had the same thought! The witch snapped a small rubber band over the doll's mouth to keep the gag in place. Mary felt it as a slap in the face! Still, the realization that Angelina wasn't all-powerful gave the trapped girl hope, and she resolved to stay alert to take advantage of any opportunity that was offered. Angelina went about her business, lighting candles, arranging her paraphernalia about the hall, and all but ignoring Mary. She had the doll tucked into her jeans to hold it against her living flesh, its head and legs just peeking out over her belt, squirming weakly. Left more or less alone, the resourceful Maid of Might was able to gather her reserves and formed a plan. She tried and found that, even bound as she was, she could levitate herself. Having a very limited field of view, and being disoriented by her awkward position presented severe difficulties, but she could fly! From Angelina's actions and 'learned discourse' Mary understood that the doll had to be in contact with a living person or contact would be broken. All she had to do was to knock the doll out of the witch's grasp, and she would be free! Angelina seemed to be setting up for a long series of 'tests'. Mary, seeing her chance launched herself at her self-absorbed jailer! The wobbling flight was clumsy, but she was able to strike the witch a solid blow as Mary's butt collided with her head. Angelina somersaulted, landed hard on her back and lay still! Although the baby witch was unconscious, the doll was still stuck in her pants. Mary struggled to maneuver her doubled up body until she was able to grasp the doll between the toes of her boots and pull it out of contact with the witch. Mary was instantly free, her body springing open, sending her tumbling clumsily to land hard on her butt. For a moment she sat sucking in air, legs splayed before her, pushing her hair back with a trembling arm realizing she'd won! She was free! Unsteadily, but with growing relief, she regaining her feet. Looking about the candle-lit room, she couldn't make any sense of the collection of 'junk' that her adversary had been arranging. Turning back to her downed opponent she was startled to see the witch silently crawling across the floor toward the doll! "Not today. . .", Mary hissed, and dove for the doll. Unfortunately, when Mary's hand closed on the tiny figure, she was reconnected to the doll's control! The doll was still gagged and bound tightly with rubber bands. A very surprised Mary immediately doubled up again. Her hand had closed about the doll's knees and head and as a result, Mary was suddenly blind as well as bound. She was able to open her hand but the doll struck her as it fell and she found herself springing in and out of her stringent bondage, feeling the contacts with the doll as though being batted about by some giant hand. Finally, a dizzy, disoriented, and disheveled Superheroine found herself sprawled on her back, legs against the cold stone wall of the building. Before her head had cleared, she was once again cruelly compressed as Angelina picked up the doll. The angry young witch, holding the doll by its legs, beat it like a hammer against the stone altar, giving the desperate Mary the spanking of her life! "Ya hurt me!. . . Ya nasty t'ing!. . .", screamed the black girl. Mary bucked at each painful impact, and was soon screaming through her 'gag', as her bottom and thighs blushed pink, then red, then turned an ugly purple under the relentless attack. It was minutes before Angelina calmed down. She had nearly lost it all! She had been attacked by a Superheroine! But she had prevailed! "Dat was clever, girl. . .", she allowed, ". . . but let me give you somethin' else ta t'ink about!" Holding the doll by the hair, she gave its bottom another viscous whack with her hand, setting it spinning wildly. Mary, her butt and thighs on fire, compressed so that she was barely able to breath, trying to sob in her folded position suddenly felt the room swirl around her. It was all she could do to keep from vomiting! After nearly a half hour of torment, Angelina left a sick, dizzy, thoroughly chastened, and confused World's Mightiest Girl to stew in her misery while she resumed her preparations. Not wanting to loose the doll again, Angelina had pressed it deep into her pants, between her hard buttocks where it was continually massaged, crushed, and twisted by the action of those powerful muscles. She giggled cruelly as she heard Mary gasp, and watched her twist in synchrony with each bump of an ad-lib 'hula' she performed. Mary, in addition to being strapped, contorted, and only capable of the shallowest breathing, was now blinded as the doll's eyes were in the dark, and felt she was being crushed and rolled between two massive, hot, organic smelling mattresses. She had made a bad mistake and was paying dearly for it. In her haste she had come once again into the worst position she had ever known, but, she told herself, she was learning the rules of this game, and there was time yet. The longer it went on, the more likely that the witch would make some other mistake, and Mary would be ready! Unfortunately, Mary did not yet have any notion of the nature of the ordeal she was about to experience. Tests The 'tests' that Angelina had planned would tell her just how much influence the doll had over the struggling Marvel. She already knew that it controlled her body. Whatever position the doll was in was instantly mimicked by the real thing. Beating the doll, incredibly, raised welts on the 'impregnable' Champion of Justice. Manipulating its erogenous zones drove Mary to distraction. Now, what else. . . Although Mary's legs were bound together, her arms bound to her sides, elbows at her waist, wrists at her shoulders, and her head bound to her knees, she was able to bend her legs at the knees. When she was finally ready, Angelina extracted the doll from its sweaty hiding place and whispered to it. She instructed it to flex its legs, hoping that she had control over the heroine's conscious mind, but Mary remained steadfast and the witch realized that her captive's mind was her own. Could Mary even hear or see what the doll did? Angelina put the doll's head to her lips and shrieked! She felt a thrill of success when Mary winced! She took a camera, set off the flash in front of the doll's face, and was rewarded by Mary screwing up her face in apparent pain. Mary felt the pain of a slap to the doll and vertigo from the doll's spinning. What else could she feel?!? Angelina began by lightly drawling a feather tip along the doll's upper lip and was pleased by Mary's shudder and grimace. She continued exploring the doll's body with the feather, enjoying the quiver of each powerful muscle and each of Mary's gasps and whimpers. She worked her way down the tiny form, ribs, tummy, crotch, thighs, and knees (back and front) driving the twisting, pleading Mary closer and closer to desperation. Finally, she maliciously teased the doll's naked feet with the feather tip. . . Mary nearly exploded! Her legs, kicking frantically, squealing into her 'gag', the sympathetic motions of the doll almost freed it from the witch's hand! "Yes!", hissed the witch between her teeth, eyes following every delicious movement of the World's most Frantic Heroine. . . until those golden boots struck the floor, splintering stone and sending a chill of fear through the child witch. Dropping the feather, the dark girl grabbed the doll with both hands, pressed its tiny feet against its lifelike buttocks and strapped the legs in place with more rubber bands. Mary, a pathetic little ball of red, white and gold, shuddered, hiccuping, as she tried to calm down and catch her breath. When would this end?!? But Angelina pushed on. Stuffing the doll back between her buttocks, she struggled with the half conscious 'nuclear bomb' she'd disarmed but not yet defused. Straining, she lifted the helpless Mary like a side of beef and tied her cape to a lighting stanchion in one of the heavy ceiling beams. "Now da little bitch can wiggle all she likes wittout bustin' anyt'ing", she thought, as Mary's compressed body swung slowly back and forth. Pleased with herself, Angelina opened a number of plastic bottles, and placed them in a row on the altar. Taking the doll again, she pressed its head into the mouth of the first bottle, then squeezed and released it like the bulb of a turkey baster. Mary bucked and wheezed pathetically as cheap perfume seemed to envelop her. The witch continued down the line, mentally noting each of Mary's reactions. . . revulsion when exposed to rotten meat, a fit of sneezing when peppered, and, surprisingly, a whimpering sigh when treated to the fragrance of her own excited cunt. The last she continued, cautiously stepping around her suspended quarry, watching intently. In her semiconscious state, the pheromones worked their natural magic on Mary through the doll, calming her, centering what was left of her consciousness on these most powerful of instincts, pumping blood into her hardening nipples and swelling vulva and melting her belly. Interested, the witch dipped the doll's bottom in warm oil and began to lick its unprotected genitals. The swinging of the 'World's Mightiest Pendulum' became somewhat erratic as Mary's passion grew. Breathing hotly on the doll's posterior while expertly teasing it with the tip of her tongue, Angelina slowly brought her increasingly agitated captive to the brink, held her there for a seemingly interminable time, then, reaching up to the helpless heroine, flicked the clitoris tenting the tight damp crotch of those red panties. Back and forth, faster and faster she flicked Mary's pearl of lust as she placed the squirming doll to her mouth and droned a low note directly into its wriggling ass. Mary, vibrating at the end of her cape, suddenly became completely rigid, as fluid gushed through the already soggy crotch of her garment. With an evil grin, the witch then dabbed the doll's genitals into an oily preparation of red hot pepper. The discharge and twisting became spastic, increasing in intensity with each second until Mary's body actually blurred and a curious humming emanated from the superspeed twitching. Aromatic love juice splattered everywhere, the humming and squealing coalescing into a continuing crescendo of hopeless surrender. Her squirming, whimpering captive, the heady fragrance of arousal and Mary's urgent release all had their effect on the witch. She herself was aroused nearly to distraction. Stuffing the doll into her pants again, unmindful of her own safety, she reached for the blurry form before her. Her fingers buzzed as they came into contact with the orgasming Super being, but she was undeterred. She wanted to remove Mary's panties, to take possession of the center of this, her defeated captive. . . but the clothing wouldn't budge! "O' course not!", she realized. Why should this goddess given garment, designed to stay in place at hypersonic speeds under the most trying stresses yield to the feeble efforts of a mortal! One last trial. . . As a dazed, nearly asphyxiated Mary gasped through the aftershocks of her last mind-numbing orgasm, the witch cautiously brought the doll's bottom to Mary's genitals! As the dolls touch stimulated Mary again, her vulva quivered, stroking the doll, stimulating another spasm. The result of the Mary's uncontrollable shudders acting through the doll back onto herself caused a vibration in her nether regions which grew in both pitch and intensity. The witch had an understanding of oscillation produced by positive feedback from the finicky old public address system sometimes used at the village community center. She was pleased to see it demonstrated so vividly in this unusual situation. She tried to press the doll into Mary's clutching cunt, but her muscles were no match for the World's Mightiest Pussy. Mary once again froze in a massive orgasm that left her spasming mindlessly, for minutes afterwards. Her tests were complete. She'd gone almost as far as the doll could take her. Now the last step! She'd trick Mary into calling down the magic lightning, thinking to free herself from the doll's spell. But Angelina would be there to catch the magic when it thundered down. She would become a Marvel, and Mary would be nothing! As Mary shuddered through the after shocks of that natural magic that controls all mortals, the witch stealthily removed the gag from the doll. Lying on the floor just below Mary, as though overcome, Angelina held the doll loosely and waited for her power to descend. Mary's wracking sobs slowly subsided. Her body and soul had both been pushed nearly to the breaking point. Her flesh ached and tingled in every part. Finally, the waves of that sea of sensation cast Mary's nearly drowned spirit up on a quiet 'beach'. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings. She was still trussed like a sausage hanging in a butcher's shop, her ropy damp hair tickling her thighs as her head tried to press itself between her knees. She held her breath listening, finally hearing the slow steady breathing of her captor. Between her knees, as she slowly circled at the end of her cape, she just caught sight of an arm, motionless on the floor beneath her. Further rotation brought a still spray of frizzy brown hair and a quiet black shoulder into view. The witch was down! Perhaps Mary had struck her in her convulsions!?! The gag was gone! Perhaps it had become dislodged in the fall!?! This was her chance! Mary called on the Wizard, "Shazam!". Magic lightning lit the chapel momentarily blinding and nearly deafening two mice who had come to investigate Angelina's museum of odors. More Marvels Mary flopped free, still swinging at the end of her cape, toes just above the cold stone floor, but no longer a human sausage. Dizzy and sick, confused and exhausted from seeming hours of climaxing she desperately sought to gain control of her limp body. Opening her eyes, she saw her red tunic emblazoned with its gold lightning flash still straining to retain her heroic breasts. "My goodness!", she realized, "I'm still Mary MARVEL! What happened?!?" Yanking on her cape, she pulled the lamp stanchion free, dropping her unsteadily to the floor. As she staggered, the heavy iron stanchion still tied to her cape swung down and slapped her in the butt, startling her and causing her to stumble, falling on her face. Recovering rapidly, she jumped up, crushing the offending piece of metal while glancing around nervously searching for the witch and her doll. The doll was nowhere to be seen! The witch in her tube-top and cutoffs was gone, but picking herself up off the floor was someone new. This massive looking woman seemed disoriented, and a little giddy, but very pleased with herself. Her great brown eyes caught and challenged those of the Worlds Mightiest Maid. She grinned, and Mary recognized the eyes of the witch! Before Mary had arrived, Angelina had taped a thin wire to her spine and through means known only to her had transformed herself into a mystic lightning rod, to attract to herself the weirdling energies of the mighty wizard. She wasn't sure whether she would be transformed or vaporized by the magic bolt, but felt the risk was worth the prize. She knew she'd won her chance when she heard Mary utter the Wizard's name. Then her universe exploded. As the magic forced itself into the unfamiliar vessel, Angelina was overcome. Uncontrolled spasms sent the doll flying from her grasp. The magic made a transformation, but this time a new one. Melding itself with the witch, it created from the two a new being. Where Mary was chaste and modest, Angelina was experienced and wanton. Where Mary was self effacing and supportive of others, the witch was selfish. Where Mary was honest and straightforward, the creature before her was mischievous and untrustworthy. Candle light flickered off the massive, glistening, muscular black body. Angelina Marvel's uniform, reflecting her soul, was composed of thin strips of red material. Two crossed her shoulders, descended, seemingly glued to her imposing breasts, to join at her crotch and disappear between her muscular thighs. A tiny gold lightning insignia appeared just above her left breast. A red thong reappeared at the small of her back, just above her jutting buttocks where it joined with a slim gold belt that was almost lost on her sturdy frame. Another red strip encircled her chest and boobs, serving as a totally unnecessary bra. Around her throat was a gold choker, from which a small white cape hung to the shoulder blades of her massively muscled back. On her feet, gold pumps raised her already impressive figure a full 5 inches off the ground. As Mary took in the massive maid with the entrancing eyes and wickedly grinning mouth, brilliant white teeth shining between succulent brown lips, she was awestruck. She felt she had never seen anything so beautiful, or so frightening! She was beginning to understand what had happened, and was galvanized into action. If she could take this frightening apparition by surprise, before she had a chance to become accustomed to her new powers she might have a chance. Without thinking further she rocketed toward the giant! Angelina had no time to prepare before Mary's fists collided with her head! She spun over backward like a broken propeller, finally hitting the heavy stone wall with her belly, upside down. Dropping to the floor in a heap, she rolled to a sitting position, shaking her head to clear away the flashing lights. As she held her head with her hands and moaned, she noticed through slitted eyes that Mary seemed to be in a similar position! Mary hadn't seen that punch coming! How could the witch be so fast?!? She'd been struck in the forehead and thrown backwards, spinning crazily. Worse. . . the witch seemed to have recovered and was now charging! Angelina pulled herself together and launched herself across the room toward the still dizzy Mary. Feigning a blow to the head, she drew Mary's attention away from a viscous spinning kick delivered to her midsection. Once again the witch was swatted back, clutching her wounded abdomen, surprised and dazed! Once again she was stopped by the wall, and landed hard on her butt, only to see Mary doubled up in pain against the opposite wall! "Uh Oh. . .", thought the black giant, ". . . I shoulda seen dis comin'. I got da magic dis time, but now Mary and me are linked on da astral plane! Worse dan identic'l twins! Can dis be de truth?!?" Experimentally, Angelina pinched her left butt cheek. Mary squeaked, jumped and slapped a hand to her left buttock! Worried now, Angelina realized that fighting was not going to get either of them anywhere. She had to think! Although Angelina Marvel appeared to be Mary's equal (or perhaps even her superior) in strength, she wasn't yet comfortable with her powers. She needed time to practice with them. On the other hand, she had been 'in charge' most of the evening and was in pretty good shape, while Mary had spent hours clamped in the most strenuous bondage while every sense was assailed, finally forced to orgasm until she'd fainted. The World's Mightiest Maid was still sore, dizzy, disoriented, and hovering at the edge of consciousness. "Let's try dis. . .", though Angelina as she sensuously began to stroke her own abdomen, working in slow circles. While her left hand slowly circled upward to her cantilevered bust, her right spiraled downward toward her crotch. Mary, seated on the floor with her legs splayed out, leaning slightly forward, felt this unexpected new assault but couldn't divine its source. Bringing her hands protectively to her belly, she felt herself sliding once again into what had become too familiar a path. Her breasts surged, nipples swelled to little stones, her groin warmed, softened, and began to flow again! How could she fight this again?!? Angelina saw her confusion and surrender. Mary's jaw drooped, she stared into space, and began panting like a puppy. "I've got ya now, ya little red slut!", sighed the triumphant witch, growing aroused herself. "Let's jes' see if we can kill ya wit' kindness." Angelina was well trained, disciplined, and in control of her faculties. Mary, dizzy, confused, felt tossed by a river of sensation that quickly washed her through too familiar channels to ever increasing distraction. As Angelina masturbated herself, slowly swirling her nipples with one hand while massaging her depths with the other, Mary was brought to the edge again. As the witch slowly caressed her straining clitoris, Mary's hips bucked uncontrollably, and when the strong brown fingers began to twirl and bend that throbbing clit, Mary, once more, was driven over the edge, clutching, gasping, vibrating, and gushing in a nightmare of overwhelming pleasure that went on and on. Angelina, with a strength of will that surprised even her, maintained control of herself and of Mary! Concentrating all her being, she was able to 'feel' Mary's orgasms along with her own arousal without succumbing. The situation appealed to her on a technical level. She had to know what Mary was feeling! When Mary could support no more and fainted in a sweaty heap on the stone floor, gasping and shuddering with aftershocks, Angelina crept over to the beaten Superheroine. Reaching out and squeezing Mary's left nipple between thumb and forefinger she felt a bolt of pleasure lance through her own breast to ricochet about her own body finally setting off bubbling tremors deep in her belly. Mary whined. Angelina gasped in spite of herself. Without thinking, she raised the hand still holding Mary's nipple, lifting the squirming Marvel nearly off the floor. This sent another spark into her aroused system. "When ya can juggle elephants, I guess being held up by a nipple ain't nothin'. . .", thought Angelina. Then shaking Mary slightly and feeling new electric sensations of lust shoot through her body, added, ". . . but fun!" Now holding the delirious Marvel by the hair, she peeled her tunic down, trapping her arms and exposing her Marvelous boobs. "Hah!", she remarked foggily, thinking back to the trouble she'd had trying to move Mary's panties aside. "I guess all Marvels have control over all Marvels' clothes! Let's take a trophy!" Changing her grip, she pressed one nipple between index and middle finger and the other nipple between ring and little finger, and so lifted the Maid of Might with one hand. Working her fingers she kept Mary squirming in mental turmoil and herself pleasantly aroused. With eyes half closed, she grasped the crotch of Mary's red panties and whipped them off, reveling in her strength, control, and the lust shocks echoing through both their bodies. Balling up the soaked garment to hold in her palm with two fingers, she renewed her assault on the dangling Superheroine. Twisting her hand to titillate the World's Mightiest Tits while rhythmically flicking the World's Mightiest Clit, Angelina brought her lips to Mary's and muffled her plaintive whimpering with a possessive, mouth conquering, deep tongued kiss. The witch maintained the all out attack for minutes, relishing at the strange new feelings of conquering and simultaneously being conquered. She wrenched climax after climax from her weakly struggling plaything, finally bringing herself to an explosive orgasm that seemed to blow away earth and sky together. When she came to, Mary was motionless, lying face down in a pool of liquid lust. "Whoa, girl! You' one hell of a love doll! Maybe I should take ya home wit' me!", grinned the witch. But no. . . Mary was still too powerful, and she might not be taken so easily next time. Angelina realized that although things hadn't quite turned out as planned, she had at least some of the magic she'd come for, she still had a link with Mary and would know if she transformed back to her wimpy alter-ego. She could then perhaps finish this job, and bar the magic from rejoining with Mary Bromfield, leaving herself as its soul possessor. Quickly she packed her things, searching for the doll as she went. "Damn!", she thought. "Did I t'row dat t'ing outside?" Dawn was just beginning to lighten the eastern horizon, but the grounds were still pooled in blackness. The witch lit a candle and strode to the door. A voice from behind stopped her. "Wait! Please!" Mary had recovered enough to stand on wobbly legs. "Please don't go! Lets work this out!", pleaded Mary. Growing stronger with each minute. "We don't have to be at each other's throats! We can go the Wizard. Maybe he'll see fit to return the magic you think he stole. He's not an evil soul. We Marvel's were put on earth to protect it from evil! Maybe you can help, too!", reasoned Mary. Angelina was surprised by this offer of friendship. As an orphan, and a loan witch at that, she had known only loneliness and rejection since her mother had died. Her mother had used her knowledge to help her little village, and Angelina had been raised in honest and loving home. Now that she had some of the Wizard's magic, she and Mary were more alike than any two other people on the planet. Maybe she could join. She wavered a moment, then quietly replied, "I'll t'ink 'bout it." They stood motionless, the two Most Powerful Maids in the World looking deeply into each other's eyes, searching for common ground when without warning both suddenly folded in on themselves and fell to the floor with surprised grunts! Both now were struggling ludicrously as though bound into tight balls of muscle, legs folded against chests, heads smashed into knees, backs curved and powerful backsides spread and twisting over wiggling feet in constrained turmoil. Someone or some thing had found the doll, and they were both under its inexorable control! New Owners "Wow!, What's been going on in here?!?", whispered an excited feminine voice. Several college age youngsters cautiously peered in through the open door of the old building. . . . . . . . These were four pledges from Sorority Chi Phi on a late night quest to prove their worthiness. They were to spend the night together in the forest, searching for a prize (a bottle with a certificate in it, planted by one of the older sisters) as a test of their seriousness, ingenuity, and resourcefulness. When they had detected strange lights and sounds coming from the abandoned chapel, their curiosity got the better of them. They had shied when a window was broken and the unmistakable sounds of battle were heard, and hid themselves in the underbrush. When the doll came flying through the door, it landed on rocky ground close to the margin of the clearing holding the old building, and close to the cowering quartet. When the turmoil inside the chapel died down, Samantha, a statuesque blonde who was the tallest of the group and the boldest, stole out to see what had been landed at their feet. "Sam! Don't! Come back!", hissed June, a timid brunette with large spectacles and a more cautious demeanor. "It's a doll! . . .", whispered Sam, ". . . A really strange doll", she added hesitantly. The gathering dawn afforded enough light to make out the sadomasochistic position of the perfect little figure. Picking it up to examine it more closely, she was surprised at its warmth and by a final muffled 'thud' that simultaneously erupted from the old stone building. Three other shadows joined Sam. All were dressed in jeans and heavy sweatshirts against the evening's chill. "Here, take a look!", she whispered to the others. For a moment, the four girls passed the doll around. Still trussed up like a salami, it emanated a disturbing quality that none could quite put their finger on. "Maybe some kids were fighting in there?", offered June. "If so, they're awfully quiet now. . .", observed Yuki, the diminutive Japanese student, ". . . do you think they're hurt?", she added, concerned. "If they're kids, they're either awfully big, or are playing with explosives. . .", shuddered an obviously frightened Yolanda, ". . . let's just leave!" Yo, a striking Hispanic beauty from the inner city had survived as a child by staying out of other people's way. "No. It's our duty to see if anyone's hurt and to help if we can", asserted Yuki. "I know CPR and some first aid. Someone might be dying in there! We can help!", she pleaded. "And don't you want to know what's in there?", added the reckless Sam with an engaging grin. Sam, a large, powerful, athletic girl, at school on a gymnastics scholarship, with a black belt in karate was already striding up to the moss-spattered stone steps, holding the doll in one hand. She slowed as she mounted them, giving the others a chance to catch up. She steadied herself with her free hand holding the ancient but still solid door frame and, with the others at her heels, peered inside. Noticing candles and the cloth draped over the altar, June, peering around Sam's shoulder whispered "Somebody's been holding a service in here!" "Or a gang war. . .", remarked Yuki, pointing out the broken window, damaged walls and general disarray. Sam boldly called out "'Anybody here?!?" All were surprised when a soft voice called out "Please. Help me!" Drawn to the voice and sounds of struggling, the four pledges came upon Mary Marvel curled up in a ball and apparently in some distress. "Do you have the doll?!?", gasped the tightly constricted heroine. "Please. Put it down! Now!", she went on in short, strained sentences. Samantha raised the doll to take another look at it. It, too, was tied up in a tight ball, held in place by rubber bands. It, too, now seemed to be struggling in her hand! Sam almost dropped the tiny mannequin in her surprise. Without answering Mary, she whispered in awe, "Hey, guys. . . look at this! The doll's tied up just like this girl, and its moving!!" "Lemme see!", cried June, the computer science major, suddenly excited as she whipped the doll out of Sam's grasp. "HEY!! . . .", yelped Sam, ". . . watch what you're doing!" "No!. . . Look at this!", began the animated June. "That 'girl' on the floor is wearing a costume just like Mary Marvel's. . . although I didn't know that Mary had no panties," she added curiously looking over the embarrassed bundle at her feet. While Mary blushed with humiliation, realizing that the most prominent thing about her as she lay bound on the floor was her naked bottom. "The little troop of possible rescuers has a really great view of the World's Mightiest Maid!", she thought ruefully, while June babbled on. Before she could compose herself, Mary found her head raising slightly. "I don't believe it!!", June squealed in delight, as she pulled the doll's head back. Pulling off one of the rubber bands, June extended the dolls legs, straightening out its knees. She squealed again when Mary repeated the maneuver exactly! "What's going on?!?", queried a befuddled Yuki. "Yeah, what's up?!?", Yolanda chimed in. "Watch and learn!", answered June smugly. "I always knew she was a robot! We've just found her remote control!! Wow!, this is really high tech!! Look how she follows the control's movements exactly. . .", she hurried on, flexing the doll's (and Mary's) legs again, then flopping her feet apart, then together awkwardly a few times. "It even has orientation feedback! Watch!!", she cried excitedly as she released the doll's legs and watched them move a little as Mary began to thrash. "It's not very good, though, is it?!?", she continued disappointed as the doll only twitched a little. "Oh well, let's unwrap it and see what it can do!!!" "Hold on!", said Sam. "We don't know what this thing can or will do! What if it's dangerous"!" Maybe it's programmed to kill any unauthorized person who finds its remote?!?" "Maybe you're right. . .", returned a more cautious June, looking at her discovery with a new respect. ". . . After all, this thing is incredibly powerful, and its owners wouldn't want anyone to steel it, I'm sure. Maybe we should just leave it as we found it?" "How do we turn it off?", whispered Yolanda, now becoming frightened. "Remember how it moved when its feet were freed! Maybe it'll come after us when we put down its remote!", she added frantically, almost in tears. "Maybe it has a 'HELP' function. . .", suggested June hopefully. ". . . Hey robot! How do we shut you off?" "I'M NOT A ROBOT!!", hissed Mary through gritted teeth. "Just put down the doll! PLEASE!!" "That's not very helpful", said Yuki, shivering. "Maybe we should just take the remote, and leave the robot. It doesn't seem to be able to do anything as long as you're holding it. . ." "HEY!!!. . ." shouted Yolanda, suddenly. She had been nervously inching away from the group when she stumbled over Angelina. ". . . there's another one back here!!, and I think the remote controls this one, too!! Move a leg again!!" June flexed the doll's legs a few times. "Yep!!. . .", said Yolanda, ". . . this one's following too!. . . But this one's not dressed exactly like Mary Marvel. . . it doesn't have much to its costume, and its really 'built'! It looks more like some life sized body-builder sex doll!" "Maybe that's what they are. . .", reasoned Yuki. ". . . Look, the Mary Marvel robot doesn't have any panties, and even looks . . . 'aroused', somehow. . ." "How would you know 'aroused'?", asked Sam, surprised. "I thought you people were much too 'proper' for that sort of thing." "My people. . ." returned an obviously annoyed Yuki ". . . are well aware of all aspects of human beings. We have an ancient and complex pornographic literature and artistic tradition. Even the 'tentacle rape' motif, which seems to be new to you westerners, is evident in paintings dating back hundreds of years!", she continued with a superior sneer. "If these things were built for sex, I can put them through their paces! Let me see that remote!!", she added, holding out her hand to June. At this point, Angelina, realizing that 'playing dead' was no longer going to be a useful ploy joined Mary in trying to convince the four coeds to relinquish control, but it was no use. June, with a new respect for the tiny oriental, passed the doll to Yuki, being careful to point out the rubber bands and to make sure that Yuki grasped the doll firmly before she let go. When Mary and the witch both felt the soft, warm, sensual grasp of the sexually learned oriental, both renewed their struggling and pleading. "Wow!! That's quite a show!", remarked Yuki, enjoying the play of muscles under glistening skin of both 'robots'. "I bet their owner is a control freak, who indulges in fantasies of domination." The pleading and struggling became squealing and finally shrieking frenzy as Yuki whipped the doll's privates gently with a thin gold chain bracelet. The three others look in shock from the agitated 'robots' to Yuki, who seemed to be enjoying herself. They'd never seen this side of the normally reserved Yuki, and didn't know what to make of it. "Wow!!. . .", said Yuki again, ". . . they've really got all the moves and sounds programmed in! It's almost real!", she added in an awed whisper. "It's too real!!", stammered the timid June. "Please stop, Yuki! I don't like this! You're freaking me out!" "OK. . .", sighed Yuki with some annoyance. ". . . we'll try something less offensive to your tender sensibilities. But I'll need some help, if we're going to have them put on a show. Since you're so sensitive, why don't you give me a hand, June. Take the doll's arms, while I take its legs. That's right, don't be afraid. Now I'm taking off the other rubber bands." "Be careful!!", cautioned Sam, eyes warily watching the two sweaty figures on the floor. "Are you sure we should be doing this?", asked Yolanda nervously. "Oh poo! . . ", scoffed Yuki. ". . . Just follow my lead. Now, June, hold the arms straight out and forward from the shoulders. Good! Now I'll hold the legs like so. . .", she added. The doll could now be placed on hands and knees, (if they'd felt they could safely let it go). "OK", ordered Yuki. "Now Sam and Yolanda, you two turn Mary on her back and put the black one on top of her!" "How do we know we can even lift these things?!?", whined Yolanda. "They've got to be awfully heavy!" "Just try it!", commanded Yuki. Sam and Yolanda approached the two 'robots' with trepidation. Both Mary and Angelina were whimpering and squirming as they tried to accommodate the pain of the unexpected beating. So engrossed were they in their pain that they didn't notice Sam and Yolanda moving them until they were positioned. "They're heavy. . .", huffed Sam, ". . . but not as bad as I thought. There we go!" Under Yuki's direction, with a lot of giggles, clumsy moves, corrections, and straining the troop finally got the two Marvels joined in a '69' position. The head of each was captured between the thighs of the other, face pressed to crotch, hugging each other. Yuki fixed the position of the doll using rubber bands, then, to the amusement of her friends using the doll like a puppeteer, she had the trapped Marvels put on an impromptu display of 'synchronized squirming'. Helpless ears were ground between muscular thighs. Nodding heads pressed between powerful buttocks. Blushing faces nuzzled puffy pussies. Angry, humiliated super beings howled their disapproval into each other's gooey cunts, the vibrations causing further unwanted stimulation. Yuki's three friends were soon laughing so hard at the 'robot's' antics that they had to lean on the walls for support. "St-t-top ittt. . .", shrieked June. "It's to-o fu-fu-funny, Yuki!! I can't take any more!!" "Is that what sex is like in Japan?!?", joked Sam. "No, its a Japanese view of Gaijin sex!!" rejoined Yuki. "Hey, guys!!", Yo suddenly whispered sharply. "We're not alone!" The laughter and squirming came to an abrupt halt. Four sets of eyes turned toward the door. There, silhouetted against the brilliance of the sun washed morning stood the awesome figure of a powerfully built young woman, hands on hips, abbreviated skirt caressing muscled thighs, shoulder's thrown back, head high. "What's going on here?", asked the newcomer in authoritative, measured tones. Supergirl! As the athletic figure strode gracefully into the room, the four schoolgirls backed slightly. Each recognized the Girl of Steel. Each had read reports of her exploits in the newspapers and on the WEB. All realized that they had been caught doing something that they probably shouldn't have been doing. "I repeat. . .", snarled Supergirl. ". . . What's going on here?!?" Suddenly all four girls began at once: "We're sorority pledges sent here on a quest!" "We were just having a little fun!" "We found a couple of super robots and their remote control!!" "Samantha made me do it!!!". . . "Hold on! Hold on! Slow down! One at a time!" admonished a bemused Girl of Steel, holding up her hands to quell the flood of words. "What's this about Super Robots?!?" "Over there on the floor. . .", pointed Sam. ". . . and Yuki has their remote. See?!?" The blue and red clad powerhouse knelt by the strange 'lump', suddenly (as sometimes happens with ambiguous optical illusions) recognizing it as two sweaty, gasping, beautiful women intimately conjoined. Further recognizing the read dress and gold belt of the one on the bottom, she gasped, "Mary!! Is that you?!? She brushed back Mary's hair but her face was hidden between the sturdy buttocks of the black girl on top of her! Yuki, as though coming out of a dream quickly pulled the doll's head back, effectively extracting both girl's heads from each other's bottoms. Mary's face was glistening with Angelina's sticky discharge, her hair matted, and her eyes wouldn't focus. She had been under such strain for so long that she was barely conscious. She had been abused, humiliated, and beaten for hours and through it all she had orgasmed repeatedly. She was still whirling, lost in a red mist of lust, but somehow the confident voice, blue cloud of a uniform and blaze of golden hair triggered a recollection. "Supergirl. . .", Mary sighed. "Are you really here?. . . Oh please. . . Help me. . ." "Here, Supergirl. . .", stuttered Yuki. ". . . You take the control! It's OK. We were just leaving!" She put the doll down on the nearest pew, backed away, and then all hell broke loose! Angelina had been waiting for just this chance, and she wasn't going to blow it! The instant Yuki let go of the doll, Angelina charged. Supergirl never knew what hit her. In a microsecond, the witch went supersonic and inflicted a Marvel 'Atomic Punch' on the hapless Girl of Steel! The four freshmen tumbled out of the door, pushed by the concussion of the blow that drove Supergirl's head deep into the stone floor of the tiny chapel. Dazed, head buried to the shoulders in stone, Supergirl could not react in time to save herself. With one mighty yank of her golden belt, Supergirl was extracted from the floor and instantly subjected to such a storm of Marvel strikes that she lost consciousness! "I've gotta have time to think this out!", thought Angelina, puffing with the exertion of the attack. "I've gotta get away from here! But first I'll have to fix these two super-types so they can't follow!" Thinking rapidly, the World's Mightiest Witch, dragged the unconscious Girl of Steel to the dazed Mary and tied the two together. She first looped Supergirl's right arm over Mary's left shoulder, and Supergirl's left arm under Mary's right, then tied the two together tightly behind Mary's head using strands of Mary's unbreakable hair! She repeated the process with Mary, tying her arms behind Supergirl's head. The two beaten superheroines were now locked in a tight embrace, face to face, arms forming a pair of interlocking loops! Angelina repeated the process, interlocking the Superheroines legs, tying their ankles behind each other's heads with their own super hair. By now, Supergirl was beginning to awaken, but it was too late. Angelina lifted the moaning heroines and, slipping their twisted hair over a sconce, stood back to admire the awkwardly bundled Guardians of Right. "Wow. . . Cheek to cheek, and cheek to cheek!", she quipped, admiring the way Mary's naked groin nestled into Supergirl's blue clothed crotch. Unable to resist, the witch reached out and ran her fingertips lightly over the two presented pudenda. Supergirl groaned and Mary's nether lips quivered and drooled. Angelina slowly twisted Mary's still erect clitoris, driving the delirious and hopelessly aroused heroine to buck, spasm, and quickly climax, grinding her crotch into Supergirl's while mindlessly trying to force her tongue past the blonde's pouting lips. Angelina toyed with her catch a while longer, bringing Mary again to climax, and further confusing Supergirl with what would otherwise have been an assault of pleasure. Finally, when both heroines were drooling at both ends and locked in a deep kiss, the witch scooped the doll into its carrying case (being careful not to touch it with any live flesh). Staggering slightly as the intensely erotic waves emanating from her Marvel 'twin' surged through her being, Angelina rose unsteadily, and flew slowly into the brilliant sky of a late fall morning, towards the city and her tiny apartment. A bargain. Nearly half an hour after Angelina had disappeared from view, four shaken but still daring young women lifted themselves, one by one from their hiding places, regrouped and cautiously made their way back to the chapel. "I'm pretty sure the black one is gone. . .", whispered Sam, ". . . but I didn't see the others come out. I think we should see what happened!" "Be careful!!!", hissed June, teasing dead leaves out of her hair. "We still don't know who or what they are!" "Maybe the robot and her friend needs our help!?!", offered June. "How can a 'robot' have friends?!?", Yolanda shot back. "Yeah!. . .", joined Yuki. "Either its a robot and its owner or we've been doing something terrible to a girl like us!!" Sam whispered the obvious, "She may be a girl, but she's certainly not like us! I'm thinking that maybe she is one of those superheroines. Maybe we've just seen Mary Marvel and Supergirl fight some horribly evil villainess. . ." ". . . and loose!!!", added Yuki with awe. Now moving with purpose, the four made their way past the broken door and into the dim interior of the damage building. Their eyes were immediately drawn to a brightly colored mass swinging from the heavy central beam. When they drew near, it spoke to them!! A timid voice asked, "Can you help us, please?!?" "um. . . what are you trying to do?!?", Sam returned hesitantly. In the dim surroundings she still hadn't made sense out of the tangle of hair, arms, legs and gaily colored clothing. "We've been tied up, and we can't reach the knots!", came the voice again, this time stronger with a wave of hands and wiggle of fingers for emphasis. "Can you get us free? Please?!?" "We'll try!", answered Sam. "Come on, ladies. . . let's get them down and look at those knots!" It took all four of the freshmen to lift the dense bodies of the trussed up super pair off the sconce. It was a sticky bundle, still reeking of sex, evoking various visceral responses in the rescuers, but all remained steadfast to the task and soon settled them on the altar. After a brief rest, the bundle was lifted again and transported to the chapel's brightly lit entrance steps. Working swiftly and quietly, with great concentration, the four saviors moved as a team, applying pressure on the two super girls as needed to relieve tension in their hair, twisted strands of gold or lustrous brown back through tightened loops, teased tangles free, and little by little released Supergirl and Mary from their terrible bondage. Mary, recovering from her ordeal but still a little groggy straightened her uniform, brushed her fingers through her hair. "Thank you!!!", she effused. "We couldn't have done it without your help!!! If you need anything, just ask!!!" "Well. . .", began Sam. "Maybe you could help us?. . ." "What can we do?!?", asked Mary encouragingly. "Well. . . We were in the forest on a quest from our sorority. We were supposed to find something for our initiation. But all we found was. . . you. Could you come to the ceremony and help us?!?" Supergirl pulled Mary aside, whispering, "be careful what you get us into, Mary!!! It's likely to be a night of adolescent 'fun and games'. Not the sort of stuff a Superheroine should be part of!" "In case you hadn't noticed", shot back Mary recovering some of her old spirit, "we're both adolescents! It might be fun!! In any event, I'm going to college next year, and I'd like to know what it's all about!!! Please come with me!?!" Supergirl raised one eyebrow in thought, then nodded reluctantly. "OK!!", said Mary. "We'll come!!. . ." ". . . But it has to be after we take care of whatever it was that took us out!!", added a thoughtful Girl of Steel. The four students bounced about, clapping their hands at the wonderful news! It was going to be a great semester! The final battle. Nearly recovered from their ordeal, two determined super heroines left their rescuers, and began their search for the witch. They flew side by side, athletic bodies cutting through the cool autumn air like rockets, Mary modestly holding her skirt to her thighs with both fists. As they soared above the forest in a low arc toward the city, they continued their discussion. "I don't think we should have promised those girls we'd visit their sorority!", worried Linda. "It can't be good for us. I've got a bad feeling about it!" "You worry too much!", rejoined the World's Mightiest Girl. "But lets talk about that later! We've got more important things to think of now! The girls said that Angelina had flown off toward the city, so that's where we're going! But what can we do when we get there?!? "We'll fly a search pattern and try to locate her. Unfortunately, even with my super vision it'll be like picking a needle out of a haystack! Any other ideas?", asked a dubious Girl of Steel. "We don't have any idea where to start looking!!", said Mary sadly. "Your idea sounds as good as any to me. Let's see what happens when we get to the city." Minutes later, The concrete, glass, and steel towers of Fawcett City stretched out below them. They alighted on the central Fawcett Tower, Mary grimacing as she struggled to hold her skirt down. Standing on the gravel of the small roof near the trademark tower supporting most of the city's communication antennae, (Mary still clutching her skirt to keep the brisk wind from unveiling her most private parts), the two surveyed the hubbub below them. Their search seemed less hopeful with each passing minute. Without warning, Mary's legs snapped together! Taken by surprise, the World's Mightiest Girl toppled, landing on her butt on the gravel. "OH NO!!", she wailed. Then gasping, "That witch is doing it again!! She must have tied the doll's legs together. . . and now (gasp!) she's (groan!) masturbating again (ohhhh!), the filthy thing!! Help me, Linda!!!", she pleaded. Supergirl was dismayed. She had no idea how to help her friend. Remembering how Mary had attacked her last time she had been hopelessly aroused, Linda began to rack her brain for some way to painlessly restrain Mary, should she loose control. Both girls recognized this for what it was. . . an attack. If Mary succumbed to Angelina's bondage and sensual manipulations, it might just bring her to render Supergirl helpless, too! Then the witch could surprise them and knock them both out as she had before! This looked bad!! Mary twisted herself into sitting position, her muscular butt grinding on the gravel. She let go of her skirt and screamed "I WON'T LET HER DO THIS TO ME AGAIN!!!" Then, with surprising inspiration, she stiffened her fingers and jammed them into her own ribs. Two miles away, Angelina, playing with herself and the Mary doll, and slipping under her own sensual spell suddenly squealed, flapping her elbows to her sides as though she were jabbed in the ribs! "What the.?.?.?", she gasped. "Do that again!!", demanded Supergirl. "I think I heard something!!" Mary repeated the poke, and, sure enough, after a roughly ten second delay, Supergirl's super hearing clearly detected a girl's shriek! "Keep doing that!!", Supergirl called over her shoulder. "We've got her now!" "Get the doll!! GET THE DOLL!! DON'T TRY TO FIGHT WITH HER!!!", Mary shouted after her friend as she struggled to rise. "I'll keep her off guard!!", promised Mary. "We learned in Psych that you can't tickle yourself, but she's not me! What I'm doing to myself must be driving her crazy!!. Let's see if I can up the ante. . .", she thought excitedly. Bending forward over her magically bound legs, she managed to remove her golden boots with one hand while continuing to play a tattoo on her ribs with the other. Then hitching herself forward on her butt, she slid the soles of her feet lightly over a protuberance on one foot of the tower, sending excruciating sensations to the corresponding members of her enemy! Suddenly, Mary's legs were free! The witch had dropped the doll!! Supergirl followed the sounds of distress to a large dilapidated brick building in the seedy section of town. She had no problem identifying the witch's apartment. Squeals, shrieks, and the sounds of heavy impacts on masonry brought her to a damaged window on the fifth floor. A thrashing, out of control super being can do a lot of damage. Mary, at last free of the doll's dictates and in control of the strange 'sensation exchange' existing between her and her enemy was now flitting about the communication tower like a giant red, white, and gold Tinkerbell. Now poking herself in the ribs with her steel hard fingers, now running some small spike between her toes, now dancing the sole of her foot across a bird feather, she kept Angelina guessing, and in convulsions! Before charging into the apartment, the Girl of Steel carefully perused its interior with her super vision. She spied the doll, lying near the window with the witch, still in her perverse Marvel costume, writhing on floor several feet away. Carefully planning her trajectory, she shot in through the window, snagged the doll, and rolled it into a tight little package! Angelina's limbs, mimicking the doll's immediately folded against herself. She lay gasping, trying to catch her breath as Supergirl anxiously squeezed the doll with both hands. Linda wasn't going to let it go a second time. Mary too folded up, her naked butt once again on display as her thighs pressed against her ribs and her arms embraced her legs. She squeaked in surprise and fell nearly 50 stories before finding the self control to halt her earthward plunge and hover erratically just 40 feet above the pavement. After a moment's reflection she was elated! Supergirl must have the doll! Unsteadily, still wrapped up like a bail of rags, she flew as best she could in the general direction that Linda had taken. Flying on her back, she finally sighted through her powerful knees, the broken wall of an elegant old brick building that had seen better days. She managed to enter through the damage-enlarged window and dropped to the floor just in time to witness Angelina's desperate last stand. The super powered witch, also still able to fly, threw herself against a surprised Girl of Steel, butting Linda in the crotch. Taking further advantage of her position, she bit down hard on the Maid of Might's unprotected blue clad pudenda sending waves of pain rolling through that incredible body. It is a credit to Supergirl's resolve that even under such duress she held onto the doll. Writhing in pain, without thinking, she clubbed Angelina with the it! Adding to the force of Linda's frantic blow, the mystic feedback between doll and its target created an internal explosion, knocking both Angelina and Mary instantly unconscious! Supergirl gasping to catch her breath, whimpering quietly and inelegantly soothing her wounded sex with one hand, crushed the doll to her mighty chest with the other and fought to recover. Quickly, she found a few heavy rubber bands and fixed the doll's position. She then stuffed it into her tunic to press against her warm living flesh for safe keeping. Momentarily safe, she sat by the window, spread her legs and used both hands to nurse her tortured labia. She lifted a dampened finger to view. . . "That damned witch actually drew blood!!", she hissed. This was indeed a dangerous enemy! Endgame With the doll safely inside her tunic tightly wedged between her large breasts, Supergirl waited for the two Marvels to recover. In addition to the doll in her tunic, she now had both hands on the witch, holding her by both her hair and the belt of her costume. After nearly a quarter of an hour, both girls began to stir. "SHAZAM!", groaned Mary, as her tortured mind struggled towards consciousness. The magic lightning, striking so closely, momentarily blinded and deafened even the Girl of Steel. A very angry Mary Bromfield, no longer under the control of the horrible doll, launched herself at the two super beings. "Where are Mary's panties!!", she demanded. "AND where's that doll!!" "I'm not affected by it. . . only Mary Marvel! We can rip her to shreds!" "Hold on, Mary!!", warned a nervous Girl of Steel, but her friend charge in heedless of the danger. When Mary was on top of the two, Angelina twitched in Supergirl's grasp and even bound by the doll and held in a grip of steel the movement was enough to send Mary flying backward to land (thankfully) on the couch. Mary shook her head to clear it, then approached more cautiously. "Crush the doll!!", she pleaded. "Tear it up!! Burn it!! Get rid of it once and for all! The old Wizard will fix anything that happens to his magic! I can't bear to be a prisoner of that damned doll again!!!", she sobbed, edging closer. Supergirl now held the witch up and out of the way (like a parent keeping a dangerous tool away from an out of control child. Mary knew the doll had to be on Supergirl somewhere, and when she saw its bulge between the breasts of steel she struck out with her fist! Even the punch of a normal girl had a painful effect on Angelina, who yelped and jerked in Supergirl's grasp. "Lets just take this witch to Shazam and have him set things right!", suggested Supergirl, struggling to keep Angelina still. She was surprised when both girls responded with, "NO!, Not that!" Mary looked sheepish but Angelina, cowed at the thought of being taken as a prisoner to the mighty wizard hurried on: "Look, ya two. Lets just turn me back to my normal self and we can each go our own way. We don't have to bother the wizard. I can set things right myself. Let me do it and let's let bygones be bygones. OK?!?!?" "How do we know we can trust you?", queried a cautious Girl of Steel. Angelina thought for a second then answered: "Mary Marvel's panties are stuffed into the crotch of my costume. . . Take them. While Supergirl held the bound witch tightly, Mary, disgust evident in her face and her gesture, slid her hand into the slim red bands of material that made up her foe's uniform. Both Mary and Supergirl were wary, but Angelina made no hostile moves. She even refrained from giving words to the obvious wisecracks that Mary's reluctant search suggested. Mary was able to grasp a corner of the stolen garment and pull it from its warm, moist hiding place. Supergirl looked questioningly at Mary who, blushing furiously and stuffing the panties into the pocket of her jeans, softly said, "If we don't have to bother the wizard, let's not." Then, to Angelina: "OK, call the name of Shazam and change back, then we'll talk." "OK. Shazam!", gasped the trussed up witch. Nothing happened. "I think you have to do it!", Angelina told Mary. Even with all this magic in me, I guess the lightning thrower does not recognize me. We'll have to do it like I did with you in the chapel. . ." Still trussed up like a sausage, Angelina instructed Mary and Supergirl in the necessary preparations then told Mary to call on the Wizard. Mary embraced her 'packaged' nemesis to get as close as possible and called out "Shazam!". Magic lightning thundered into the broken apartment, blinding the three girls and wrenching the stolen magic from the witch's body. Angelina, freed from the magic spell was once again herself, a normal human witch. No more super strength. No more power of flight. No more bound by the magic of the doll. The witch, a normal healthy athletic young woman in the prime of life surprised both her adversaries by lashing out at Mary, kicking the astonished teen out through the broken window towards the concrete five stories below! With a look of surprised shock followed by an angry glance at the now normal witch, Supergirl dove through the opening in the wall to save her friend from certain death. Angelina knew she had but moments before her captors returned, knew there was no hope in running. In the few seconds allowed her, she managed to find the materials needed for an 'invisibility' spell, and vanished from sight! A five story fall takes a little less than two seconds! Without thinking, Mary, falling backwards, called out the name of the Wizard, and was transformed just as she and Supergirl and the pavement made contact! The World's Mightiest Girl (once again) immediately folded into the bound form dictated by the doll. . . knees pressed tightly against powerful chest, heels indenting (still naked) muscular buttocks, arms locked tightly around legs, face rammed into aforementioned knees. Unfortunately, in the rush of events and confusion wrought by the exploding magic lightning, the Girl of Steel was just too close to the Maid of Might as she folded in on herself. Supergirl's head wound up wrapped so tightly between Mary's heavy thighs that even the concrete splintering impact of the two on the sidewalk didn't dislodge her. The impact, greatly amplified by the doll still in Supergirl's tunic, wrung a tortured wail from the battered Mary! Mildly stunned by the impact and confusion of Mary's transformation, Supergirl struggled to her feet, wearing Mary like a grotesque helmet, turning her head this way and that, wondering why she couldn't see anything! Mary, heels and buttocks seemingly replacing her friend's face, groaned "Linda! Untie the doll! We have to get the witch!!" Supergirl, reached up, grabbed the doll through her tunic and pulled it and the material away from her body. Instantly, as the doll lost contact with living flesh, Mary was free, and tumbled to the sidewalk, landing heavily on her side. Without thinking, Supergirl fished the doll out of her tunic, once again causing Mary to snap back into her bound state when the super hand made contact with the magic monstrosity. Unfortunately, Mary's spasm jerked the still partly dazed Girl of Steel who fumbled the doll, and as she inadvertently juggled it poor Mary went through several more 'free, bound, free, bound' cycles before Supergirl got the bonds off the doll and placed it into her belt, out of contact with her living skin. Mary, shaky from the rough treatment, ran a hand through her long brown hair, straightened her costume, shook her head, and let out a long sigh of relief. The doll, its waist trapped by Supergirl's belt, was at last still. "Let's find a box for that thing so we can carry it safely!", Mary pleaded. Then, slapping her forehead, "Holy Moly!! I'd forgotten all about that witch!! We can't let her get away!! She has to disassemble the thing!!" The two super girls darted up back up to the apartment, but were dismayed to find it empty! Angelina's invisibility spell did not exactly render her invisible, but rather caused her to be seen as something else. In this case it 'disguised' the witch as a large chest-of-drawers against one wall of the sparsely furnished bedroom. The two Superheroines searched everywhere. Supergirl used her super vision. Mary opened everything and anything large enough to hide a person, even the old chest-of-drawers in the bedroom. The witch was disconcerted at first when Mary pulled her top open, peered at her sweaty breasts, then let it snap closed and did the same with the waistband of her pants. "Nothing here!!", called Mary disappointedly. "Not for you, ya' bubble-headed nitwit!", thought a relieved Angelina with a smirk. The two superheroines spent hours searching the rest of the building and immediate neighborhood but finally had to admit defeat. The 'invisibility' spell had done its job. The witch, first fearful of being discovered or accidentally torn apart by one of the two powerhouses, soon grew more confident, poking Mary's naked butt (Mary thought she'd accidentally backed into an open drawer), tripping her (Mary berated herself for her own clumsiness), and even once trying to grab for the doll when Supergirl walked past. Fortunately for Mary, she missed! Mary found a box for the doll, Supergirl carefully fastened it inside and sealed the lid, then tucked it under her arm. After the two crime-fighters left, Angelina packed what she could of her mystic supplies, and left to find a new place to stay. It wouldn't be difficult. The two 'airheads' (as Angelina thought of the heroines) had beaten her not by their own might and cunning but had won the encounter (in her estimation) because of her own inexperience. She would try again. . . perhaps not so near the seat of magic. She passed easily down the street, appearing to passers- by variously as an old stray dog, a child on a bicycle, a swirl of dry leaves, and other innocuous, commonplace things. Zatanna Although Angelina had escaped, the two heroines had the doll, and were heartened to think that its threat would soon be over. "Let's take you and the doll to your friend Shazam and have him take it apart!!", chirped a buoyant Supergirl. "Uh. . . I'd rather not. . . ", mumbled Mary. "What?!?", queried her surprised friend. "Why not?!?" "You don't know what he's like", whimpered Mary. "He's an old man, and the worst male chauvinist I know. He might even intercede to have my powers permanently removed if he feels I can't handle them. I'd rather do this without him.", Mary added unhappily. "If that's the case. . .", smirked Supergirl, ". . . you'd better get your panties back, too!! The male chauvinist might not appreciate you flashing your naked butt (here she slapped Mary's left buttock) under the Marvel uniform!!" Mary jumped and reddened, looking even more troubled. "What can we do?!? Do you have any magical friends who can help?!?", she begged. "I think so. . .", Supergirl answered thoughtfully. ". . . I even think that she's in town. Why don't you change back to Mary Bromfield, and we'll go find her tonight." "I'd rather stay as Mary Marvel. . ." returned Mary. "I don't know what happens to my costume when I'm Mary Bromfield, and I'd hate to have old Shazam find it minus the panties! I'd also rather not have any more people know my secret identity than really have to", she added in explanation. "Suit yourself. I won't tell a soul." Late that night, two brightly dressed young ladies quietly found Zatanna backstage at the Bijou. The magician was finishing another well received engagement, and was packing her props for their trip to Gotham, the next stop on her tour. At first she thought that two locals had sneaked in past security, but then recognized Supergirl. "Hi, Linda!!", she greeted her warmly. "What brings you here?!?! Did you catch the show?!? Who's your little friend?" Top hat askew, dark coat tails flying, fishnets on her long athletic legs swishing past each other, heels rapping on the old wooden floor, she ran forward, embraced Supergirl quickly, then held her out at arm's length. "We don't get together often enough!", she finished. "How are you?!? Supergirl introduced Mary and quickly explained her awkward situation. Zatanna was thoughful. "I might be able to help you. Let's start with something easy, so I can see if I understand the kinds of mystic arts involved. . .", she said slowly. ". . . Let's try to get your panties back. Where did you last see them, dear?", she asked Mary. A little uncertainly, Mary answered: "I put them in the pocket of my jeans. . . in my secret identity". "Well, where are these jeans, now? Can you get them?!?", asked Zatanna, kindly. Mary hesitated, then realized she would have to tell Zatanna her secret. Supergirl had vouched for her, and that would have to do! "Shazam!", she intoned. Magic lightning filled the stage with a blinding flash and a deafening peal of thunder! Mary Bromfield stood where the World's Mightiest Girl had just been, mists dissipating about her, a smile on her lips. . . until she saw Zatanna. "Oh, I'm so sorry!!!", she apologized. "I should have warned you!!!" The magician was sitting on the floor, her legs spread out in front of her, arms stiff holding her upright, hat rolling on the floor several feet behind her, hair covering half her astonished face, mouth and eyes agape! "WOW!!!", she finally gasped. "You've got to teach me that one!!" Apologizing profusely, Mary, now a cute teen, helped Zatanna up. While helping put her costume in order, she explained her relationship with the Marvels and old Shazam. Zatanna brought the discussion back to the panties. "OK, do you have them??", she asked. Mary fished in her pockets. "Here they are!", she announced brightly, holding them up. Then suddenly blushing, she averted her eyes and balled them up in her fist. "It's OK, dear. . .", encouraged Zatanna. "Finding them is the first step. Now, if I'm right, in order for them to stay with you through your 'transition' you'll have to have them inside of you. If they're outside, they will be treated like the rest of your clothes and exchanged! Let's try it!!" What do you mean by 'inside' of me?!?", asked Mary, dubiously. "Is it enough just to completely enclose them in my hand??" "I doubt it, but you can try if you want to! I'd suggest you try it with them in your mouth!!", replied the magician thoughtfully. "If that doesn't work, maybe you should swallow them." she continued Mary regarded the unappetizing garment, still damp with the juices of the World's Mightiest Girl, rung from her in her Most Ignominious Defeat with distaste. "There are other places you could put it. . .", offered Zatanna helpfully, glancing downward. Mary sighed, squeezed the garment into a ball, and pressed it into her right cheek. Holding her teeth together and sounding a bit like a 'chipmunk', she quietly said: "Stand back please! . . . Shazam!" In spite of the distortion of her voice, the Magic Lightning obediently thundered down, transforming her, once again, into the bare bottomed version of the World's Mightiest Girl. Mary's eyes lit up when she felt something in her mouth, and quickly spat the panties into her hand. Blushing, with a sheepish grin, she quickly wriggled back into her long lost panties, then squirmed a bit to settle the gooey garment into its least uncomfortable position. (Hopefully the next transition cycle would clean them for her.) "OK!!!!", cheered Zatanna, giving Mary a pat on the back, and Supergirl a broad smile. Putting an arm around each she said "I think I can help. Fortunately, I don't have to be in Gotham for a few days. Lets stop off at my home, and we'll take a harder look at that doll!! Follow me!! sdinw, yrrac us emoh!". Seemingly from nowhere, a whirlwind sprang up, lifted Zatanna and the two surprised superheroines, their skirts and capes billowing about them, and carried them off. With a friend like this. . . Moments after the three were lifted gently from the ground in the eye of what seemed a ferocious tornado, Mary was suddenly torn from the Zatanna's arm and sent into the fury of the storm where she began spinning like a manic figure skater. "What?!?!?", gasped Supergirl. "Oh no. . .", whispered the mistress of the Arcane arts. "EEEEeeeeEEEEeeeeEEEEeeee. . . Wh..Wh..Wha a a a t t s s s.. h..h..h..h..a a a a pp e e n i n g m..m..m..m..m..eeeEEEeeeEEEeee?!?!?" wailed the startled victim. "What is it?!?", demanded Supergirl, urgently. ". . .It's the magic! I should have thought of it, before!", groaned the magician with a self-deprecating tone. "Not all magics are compatible. Mary is largely an arcane creature. My protective wards have expelled her from my safety and sent her to the most dangerous part of the storm spell, as if she were an enemy!!! She'll spin like that, steadily speeding up, until she flies apart or the spell ends (whichever comes first)!!! I can't stop the spell! It must end of its own accord when its task is complete!! Oh Supergirl. . . this is terrible!! We can only hope that she's strong enough to survive the next few minutes!!" "To hell with that!!. . .", growled Supergirl. ". . .I can't sit by and watch while my friend is torn limb-from-limb!! I'm going to pull her back in!!". "NO!!!", shrieked Zatanna, but it was already too late. Supergirl extracted herself from Zatanna's desperate grasp and dove into the maelstrom! Unfortunately, when she touched the rotating Marvel, trying to save her, the awesome magicks swirling around the two bold Superheroines recognized in the Girl of Steel a second danger, and took her too. While Zatanna was carried gently at the center of an eddy of incalculable mystic forces, both the World's Mightiest Girl and the Maid of Might suffered the most frightening ride of their lives. Spinning like tops, they orbited the magician, only meters from her tranquil seat, squealing out their confusion and distress in very unsuperheroinely tones. Each was spinning ever faster as the vengeful magicks filled them with angular momentum stolen from the very earth itself. Colorful capes twisted around heads. Skirts stood out like discs, but revealed nothing more than flesh colored blur. Trying to regain control of their bodies, both girls instinctively held their muscular legs tightly together, and their powerful arms wrapped about themselves, struggling against the nearly irresistible centrifugal forces. Despite their best efforts, blood began pooling in their extremities, slowly leaving the two super brains. Mary, who started earlier and was spinning faster, lost consciousness and went limp. Instantly, her arms and legs snapped to the sides placing enormous strain on hips and shoulders. Now unconscious, she spun with arms stretched to her sides, legs in a perfect 'split', but Zatanna only saw a strange broadening of the red, gold and white blur that was Mary. A slight wobble developed in her spin, which rapidly became a dangerous instability, finally resulting in a terribly wrenching reorientation. After this, Mary was now lying horizontal, spinning about her middle as if a vertical axle were built right through her. Her arms and legs were pulled apart by horrible centrifugal forces. Her hair tugged 'upward' on her head as if trying to separate it from her neck. Her skirt's hem was flapping against the bottoms of her huge breasts which in their turn were almost tearing themselves from her powerful chest in an effort to escape through the neck of her tunic. Her golden boots had slipped off and were now orbiting Zatanna along with the two Superheroines, occasionally colliding with the dizzy forms. After only minutes, which seemed like hours to the horrified perpetrator of the spell, it ended. The dying wind unceremoniously delivered its three passengers to the spacious lawn of Zatanna's ancestral home. Zatanna, who had been carried gently in the 'eye' of the whirlwind landed easily on the carefully manicured grounds of her Victorian estate. The whirling body of the unconscious Mary skipped about the lawn crazily, chewing up the well kept expanse of green wherever she touched down. The twirling Supergirl had landed on her feet, but totally out of control, she drilled herself into the rich loam of the estate. Luckily Zatanna's wards protected her from the red hot pebbles flying like bullets from Mary's and Supergirl's collisions with the unprotected earth. When the cacophony ended, Mary lay sprawled on her back in the middle of a shallow crater formed of newly turned earth, her cape twisted around her head, tunic and panties nearly on backwards, and her body covered with dust. Her golden boots were visible in the distance at the ends of their own paths of destruction. Only a little tuft of golden hair in the middle of another circle of dirt marked Supergirl's resting place. While Zatanna hastily checked her mystic environs to be sure she could approach her poor guests without causing them further harm, Mary came to, and Supergirl began to slowly dig herself out of her hole. "Make it stop!. . . Make the spinning stop!!!", moaned the World's Dizziest Girl as she slowly regained sense of her surroundings. Lying motionless on her back, her two eyes simultaneously following two different clouds, as she tried to sort out the odd sensations the dirt and misaligned (and partly missing) uniform were sending her. After extricating herself from her unintended planting, Supergirl lay on her side, eyes squeezed shut, retching onto the mistreated lawn. Disconnection Seeing that there was no permanent harm done, and assured that her magicks weren't going to cause more, the magician regained her composure and her good humor. "Oopsy!!", she laughed, helping them to their feet. "Next time I'll try be more careful. I hope you're alright?!?", she added in sudden contrition. "It's, OK, Zatanna. . .", groaned a bleary-eyed Girl in Blue, beginning to untangle her cape from her long blonde hair. ". . . I'll just never get used to magic. I don't like it one bit, but if it'll help Mary, I guess I can stand it!", she added gamely. Mary just groaned, held her head in her hands, and waited for the dizziness to subside. When she felt she could stand, she struggled to her feet, then, staggering like a drunken sailor just off a stormy sea, she arranged her costume' unwinding her cape from her nose and mouth and setting it down her back; squeezing her breasts back into her tunic, and tucking the latter into her belt; and, finally, twisting her skirt straight and pulling her panties out of her ass and back into position. It only took a moment more to retrieve her boots. Recovering, the two powerful friends became aware of their surroundings, admiring the beautifully landscaped hillside, with its oaks and maples scattered throughout a lush green lawn. The house, a multi-gabled Victorian mansion set on the crest of the hill haughtily looked down upon the newcomers with apparent disdain. "Nice digs. . ." murmured Mary, in some awe. ". . . but for some reason it gives me the creeps!!" "That's just my security spell!", explained Zatanna. "We're way out of the way, but I felt that a spell causing unexplained fear would probably be all I'd need to keep the occasional 'visitor' away. It works, too! I've seen a stranded motorist walk on by without even approaching the house! But I'll turn it off for you. . . esuoh, tpecca ym sdneirf!!" As soon as the words were spoken, the strange feelings of dread and foreboding dissipated, leaving both Super Girls breathing easier. "Come on in!!", crowed the magician, taking each girl's hand leading them up onto the spacious porch toward the heavy, carved front door with its ornate brass knocker. "You can have a drink and unwind while I get my 'stuff' together!!" Inside, the early morning sun streamed through large curtained windows, illuminating dark oriental carpets, intricately patterned wallpaper, and shelves displaying unusual ancient leather bound books, bestial bronze figurines, and other mystical 'knickknacks'. "This isn't anything like my family's mansion!", remarked Mary, lost in her visual exploration. "Nor mine!. . . we'll we don't have a mansion, but you know what I mean. . .", added Supergirl softly. Zatanna directed the two beautiful heroines to a love seat in the drawing room. Three tall frosty drinks were already awaiting them on a tray on the table. Zatanna took hers, and with a quick wave and a "mi casa et su casa!", left the girls to themselves. They had just finished their drinks (fruit punch) when Zatanna returned with a small cardboard box overflowing with her 'tools'. She took a seat behind the great carved desk, set the doll's box before her, asked Mary to stand, then fished out what looked like a pair of reading glasses and put them on. "WOW!!!", she exclaimed, tilting her head back to observe Mary through the mystic lenses. "Your aura is really distorted! It doesn't just enfold you, but it seems to radiate outward in all directions!" Then, opening the box with the doll, she exclaimed again, "Incredible! The doll seems to have your aura, too!!" Then looking more closely she gave a long slow whistle, "This is an incredible piece of arcane artistry!!! It must have taken months to construct!!" Entranced by the workmanship of the doll, Zatanna couldn't resist picking it up and manipulating it. Mary gulped as her arms swayed and twisted in perfect synchrony with the doll. "Please't. . .do. . .that!!", she managed. "'Sorry!!", apologized Zatanna, sheepishly, quickly putting it down. "its such a beautiful piece of work!! Didn't you feel anything while it was being put together? How long do you think it took?!?" "I think it took a little over four months. . .", said Mary, "I could 'see' the work in Mary Bromfield's dreams. I didn't know what was going on, then. Do you think you can you disconnect us?!?!?" Searching her box of mystic implements, the magician extracted a wooden handled tool, something like an awl, but with a nearly microscopic hook at the end of its sharpened metal shaft. "Let's try this. . . I'm sorry, Mary, but I have to touch the doll to see the tie points, otherwise the aura is just a blur. Be brave!" Mary gritted her teeth as Zatanna took the doll's right foot between the thumb and index finger of her left hand, and raised it. Mary was now balancing on her left foot. Then Zatanna, squinting through her 'reading glasses', gingerly brought the hook to the little toe of the tiny mystic figure and watched it slide in. Mary squealed, hopping about on her left foot in great distress. "What are you DOING?!?!", she managed to gasp, but Zatanna, with only a glance up, continued. Finally with a quick twist of the wrist that wrung another shriek from the red and gold clad heroine, she put the hook down and released the doll, watching intently as an almost invisible, even with her mystic lenses, multicolored filament of aura left the doll, snaked its way through the air like a retracting spider web, and returned to Mary! "Take your boot off!!. . .", Zatanna commanded the still dancing Superheroine, rising to follow the filament. ". . .I want to see where it goes!!" "It tickled like crazy while you were poking it, then there was a sharp shooting pain, and now it just tingles!!", gasped Mary, holding her foot up to the inquisitive gaze of the magician. Zatanna watched the filament slowly retract and resume its place in Mary's aura. "It looks about done. . .", she finally remarked. ". . . How does it feel now?" "Nothing!! I don't feel anything!! I think it's gone!!!", bubbled a hopeful Mary. "Did you do it?!?! Is that all there is to it?!?!?" "Is that all?!?!?", exclaimed Zatanna. "I've returned one fiber of your aura. There are hundreds, maybe thousands more!! Each one will probably be as painful to remove. Taking it apart will be quicker than building it in the first place, but it will still take hours. . . maybe days to get it all out. I think I can do it, but you have to tell me if you feel you are up to it!" Although Zatanna was comparatively fresh, Mary and Linda had been up for more than two days. . . two days of torment and torture, not to mention their horrible trip. However, with the end of her terrible ordeal in sight, Mary couldn't wait. "Please do it!!", she begged, excitedly. Zatanna looked dubious. "Why don't you change back to your other self, and maybe it won't be so bad!", suggested Zatanna. Mary did, and Zatanna tried another filament, another toe. Mary Bromfield didn't even wince, but Zatanna, couldn't follow the retracting thread. "That witch must have capabilities I don't!", she remarked. "I don't know whether that filament is back safe and sound or if it's gotten 'stuck' on something else. . . Oh, wait a minute. . .", the magician, who had been scanning the room carefully suddenly reached out and plucked at a chair leg. ". . .There it is!!", she called. "I think I will need Mary Marvel in the room with me. I'm having trouble finding where old Shazam hides your powers when you are 'normal'. I'm sorry, Mary!" Mary changed back to the red, white and gold clad heroine. "Its OK, . . I can take it!! Please go ahead!!", she sighed, resolutely. A tired Supergirl, who had been looking on, wincing along with her friend's squeals and sometimes shuddering at the strange feel of the magics flowing around them in this mystic room cleared her throat. "Do you need me here?", she asked. Mary looked up, eye's pleading, wanting her friend near but not wishing to be a burden. "It's OK!", she said bravely. "Why don't you go take a nap and look in on us later. I'm sure we'll be fine!!" "Sure!. . .", chirped Zatanna. "You'll be comfortable in the guest room! We won't bother you. It's in the other end of the house. You can get some rest, and if we need help, I can send for you! Go on, off with you!!!" Linda had thought of leaving, altogether. She wasn't overjoyed at the prospect of trying to sleep in this mystic domicile with powerful magicks everywhere about her, but she read Mary's expression correctly, and couldn't just abandon her! Zatanna showed her to the guest room with its connected bath, gave her a towel, and left her to clean up and rest. Supergirl did just that, and in spite of her misgivings, she was soon fast asleep. Zatanna returned to Mary, set up several video cameras, and placed her PDA on the desktop, explaining that she wanted complete documentation of the dismantling of the doll so she would be able to prepare herself for possible future meetings with this witch. Mary had some misgivings. She saw the value of the notes, but didn't like the idea of being the subject of such a bizarre video. In the end, she acquiesce and the two set to work. Zatanna made a few quick notes on her PDA, balanced her arcane 'reading glasses' on her nose and began. Working as rapidly as she could, wrist twitching like a weaver unhooking a rug, Mary twitching (and trying bravely not to squeal with each shock) the magician and the Marvel worked through the day and into the night. Zatanna had started at the doll's extremities, toes, fingers, limbs, working inward so as not to tangle the skein of mystic fibers that made up the myriad connections between the devilish doll and the Superheroine. It was shortly after midnight, Mary's arms and legs were her own again, and she was naked as the magician needed to follow the return paths of the astral filaments. Zatanna was just starting in on the more sensitive portions of her aura when Mary snapped! Suddenly, all of her suppressed screams were wrenched from Mary's throat! Hours of tickling, snapping pinpricks of pain, with their tingling aftermath, building on more of the same and now the invasion of her body's most private places was sending the twitching, shivering woman swirling into a maelstrom of incredibly intimate sensations. "YOU'RE PLAYING WITH ME!!!", she screamed. "ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS TORMENT ME!! ST..ST..STOP IT!!!" A tired Zatanna, suddenly galvanized by the unexpected shouting, looked up in alarm, just in time to see Mary's fist close on her blouse and lift her into the air! Mary shook the startled magician, shouting "STOP IT!! STOP IT!! STOP IT!!" Unable to speak, with Mary's fist under her chin, shaking her back and forth, the surprised magician did the first thing that came into her mind. She pressed her nails into the abdomen of the doll she still clutched in her hands. Mary doubled over in pain, clutching her belly and dropping Zatanna. Now Zatanna, not thinking clearly herself, upended the doll and began slapping its butt with the stylus of her PDA. With each stroke, she upbraided the unfortunate Marvel, who danced around the room, muscular legs flashing, breasts jiggling wildly, brown curls bouncing, hands trying to protect her rapidly blistering bottom. "You. . .have. . .no. . .right. . .to. . .address. . .me. . .like. . .that!!!", shouted Zatanna above Mary's sobbing squeals. "We're. . .both. . .tired!!!. . . . " Then seeing Mary's distress, she suddenly stopped. "What's going on here!?!?" Supergirl was at the door! "I couldn't sleep with all that noise! What's the matter!?!?!" A concerned Linda strode into the room. The naked Marvel threw herself on her friend, sobbing. "Oh Linda!! Thank heaven!! I can't take any more!! I need a rest!!" Then, one hand rubbing her reddened bottom, the other arm embracing an uncertain Supergirl, she sniffled through a tangle of brown and golden hair, "I'm sorry, Zatanna!!! I didn't mean it!!! Please don't be mad!!" Zatanna sighed, "It's OK, dear. We both need a rest. I'm sorry I lost it. But we need to do something to protect us both! I could have been killed!! Maybe I can reattach some of the doll's limb motor control filaments so we can use it to restrain you while I work??", suggested the witch dubiously. "OH NO!!!!", groaned Mary. "Please don't put me back under the doll's control!!! I'll be good!! Supergirl can help me. . . can't you Linda?!?!?", she added, her desperate eyes searching her friend's for confirmation. The Girl of Steel was unsure whether she could restrain her friend if Mary really lost control. She had nearly been raped once by the World's Mightiest Girl. Then, she had been under control of the doll manipulated by a crafty and viscous witch to be sure, but the experience was not one to be forgotten. She told both women of her concern, but then, seeing the desperate uncertainty in Mary's eyes, her resolve crystallized. She looked Mary straight in the eye and told her: "Mary, were all in this together. I'll see you through it. Let's take a quick rest. I'll be with you when Zatanna is ready to begin again!" Mary was somewhat reassured by Supergirl's promise, and the two left the room. Two heroines, one in yellow, blue and gold. . . the other as naked and as beautiful as a statue by Rodan. Zatanna didn't rest, but rather sought to make things safer when they resumed. While Mary napped, with Supergirl resting reassuringly on the bed beside her, Zatanna constructed a mystic crystal sphere, which, she hoped, could contain further outbursts. To be safer, she would ask Supergirl to stay in the sphere with Mary to reassure her, help her through the rough spots, keep her from hurting herself, much as a Lamaze coach at childbirth. With these preparations made, she too took a quick nap. They resumed next morning on the great lawn in front of Zatanna's ancestral home. All three had showered, eaten, and were refreshed. Once again, Mary stood naked before the enchantress so that the mystic filaments of her aura and the effects of their detachment from the doll could be more easily monitored. Once again, Zatanna had deployed several miniature video cameras, each with weirdling lenses capable of making visible Mary's mystic aura. Supergirl, her old self-assurance back in force, stood holding Mary's hands. Zatanna enveloped the two in her mystic crystal sphere and intoned the spell that sealed it. In doing so, she essentially sent the two superheroines, and the bit of lawn on which they stood, outside our dimension. Only magic connected what amounted to two universes. Only magic and magically assisted light could pass between the two. The crystal sphere was more invisible than the clearest glass. Zatanna could see the girls, and they could see out as though the sphere didn't exist, but no matter, sound, or other substantial phenomenon could pass that mystic interface. Mary and Supergirl suddenly found themselves in deathly silence. Linda tried to call out to Zatanna, but Zatanna gave no indication of hearing and her own voice sounded flat in that restricted place. Neither Mary nor Linda was completely happy with these arrangements as each had a very healthy aversion to magic in any form, but they trusted that Zatanna wouldn't knowingly let anything evil happen to them (. . . again). The enchantress seated herself at her portable desk and began. While Mary and Supergirl looked into each other's eyes and held hands tightly, Zatanna placed her enchanted spectacles on her nose, picked up her mystic 'hook', placed a naked finger on the doll's tummy, and began the delicate procedure again. She started slowly, plucking a glowing strand from the outside of the doll's right breast, letting it retract to Mary's bright halo of eldrich light. Mary's startled eyes reflected her surprise and uncertainty. She jumped in Linda's arms and squeezed her fingers as the now familiar pricking sensation followed by a protracted tingling suffused her right breast. Zatanna watched, satisfied with the result, and continued: Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. The enchantress worked around the periphery of the still attached bundle of fibers, and so Mary felt the sensations traveling around the most sensitive zones of her body. Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her left breast. . . Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her sculpted tummy. . . Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her left inner thigh. . . Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her right labia. . . Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her right side. . . Prick* T.i.n.g.l.e. - her right breast again. . . and on it went. Zatanna got into a rhythm, and was soon stripping the errant filaments swiftly. There were so many of them! It would take hours! In spite of all her logic and reason Mary's body was sliding down what had become a very familiar path. It was beginning to succumb to what it interpreted as the seductive ministrations of an insistent lover. Supergirl was not unaffected by all of this. She began to worry when Mary's eyes glazed and her grip tightened. Being naked, it was terribly obvious that the World's Mightiest Girl was, once again, under the evil spell of the doll. Her breath came fast and shallow. Supergirl noted the vacant, half closed eyes, the swelling of Mary's nipples, and the faint but unmistakable fragrance of her arousal. Mary's eyes seemed to be looking right through her friend. Her nipples were like nodules of flint. "Relax! Breath!", whispered Supergirl while pulling Mary toward her, reassuringly. Unfortunately, when Mary took a deep breath, her chest rose, flicking the World's Flintiest Nipples across Linda's Nipps of Steel, striking sparks in both! Linda gasped, and it happened again. The tinder that was the two young amazons growing lust roared into flame, and the roaring deafened them. Mary, eyes half lidded, breathing fast and shallow, pressed Supergirl's hands between the thumb and fingers of her left hand while lazily tracing feathery circles on her friends forearm with the fingers of her right hand. Linda, unsure how to react found her body had made that decision for her. The warmth and growing aroma of Mary's perfect body pressed against hers, the light fingers delicately exploring her glowing skin, even the knowledge that she was trapped with a being as powerful (possibly more so) as herself inside a mystic unbreachable globe thrilled her in ways she hadn't expected. Her nipples, already hard and sensitive, broadcast buzzing waves of fire through her quaking body. Her swollen vulva, already heated to melting, began to leak fluids down her rugged thighs, each tickling rivulet leaving quivering muscles in its path as it wakened more of her body to the excitement that was burning within the two. Further Bondage Adventures of Supergirl Just as Mary shuddered through the first of many climaxes, Supergirl shouted "NO!!!", now painfully aware of her predicament. If she allowed this, neither she nor Mary could look each other in the eye again! She tore herself from Mary's grasp and darted away. Unfortunately, she had forgotten the crystal sphere. She stuck it at nearly Mach 3, her face flattened against it, her breasts slapped it under her jaw, and her body folded back upon itself so that her booted toes tapped it just above her head before she bounced back. Picking herself up off the ground, she threw herself at the invisible wall again, clawing at it, trying to push herself through it. The befuddled Mary just noticed her friend wasn't close anymore, and hazily looking about, tried to find her. Zatanna glanced up to see Supergirl's desperate, pleading expression through the impenetrable barrier. . . so near and yet so far. Then she returned to her work. Freeing Mary from the doll was top priority. Supergirl, realized that she couldn't press herself through the interface. Mary had seen her and was approaching like a zombie, her pussy and breasts twitching lewdly (in synchrony with Zatanna's pricking). Every few steps her body would freeze as an orgasm rolled through her mighty frame. Beyond reason, Supergirl dove into the ground, hoping to dig her way out of the mystic prison. She hit the buried wall at dizzying speed, nearly knocking herself out. As she lay motionless, only her muscular buttocks and legs visible above ground, Mary found her. The World's Mightiest Mortal took hold of the crotch of Supergirl's leotard and, with one mighty arm, extracted her from the sucking earth. Unaware of what she was doing, she slapped the dirt from Supergirl, as if cleaning a rug, and then began an exploration of her friend's body as intense as that which she was receiving from the mystical machinations of Zatanna and the dreadful doll. Supergirl, regaining her senses began to struggle again, but Mary would have none of it. When Supergirl succeeded in pushing Mary's hands away, the World's Mightiest Girl simply replied with an Atomic Punch to the side of Linda's head, knocking her nearly senseless again! In her mindless desperation to get at her friend's body, Mary grasped the neck of Supergirl's blue leotard and in one motion, yanked the unbreakable garment down around her waist, exposing the Kryptonian's magnificent breasts while pinning her arms to her sides. The groggy Girl of steel, unable to free her arms, tried to push the invading Mary away with her powerful legs. With an incredible display of strength, the invincible Marvel immobilized the Legs of Steel by bending Linda forward and pressing her booted feet under her arms! Frightened but helpless, Supergirl could do no more than futilely clench her fists (now on either side of her Ass of Steel, wriggle her red booted feet (which were now behind her shoulders), and toss her head from side to side. To further immobilize Supergirl, the naked Marvel straddled her head and, with one hand gripping the blonde locks behind her and the other holding Linda's belt, pulled the twisting face into her crotch and locked her powerful thighs around it. Another brutal pull with both hands fixed Supergirl's mouth into the World's Mightiest Pussy and her nose just outside of the World's Mightiest Anus. Mary crossed her legs at the calves and applied pressure. Supergirl was lost in the roaring of her's and Mary's blood in their incredible bodies, the taste of Mary's salty-sweet lustful discharge, and the heady, musky fragrance of her arousal. With Linda's head fixed in her nether region, Mary took the crotch of Supergirl's leotard in her left hand, raised the magnificent (if distorted) body before her, and began a more leisurely exploration of the exciting Kryptonian landscape spread before her. Later, while reviewing the videos of the event, Zatanna would note that Mary's right hand fluttered over Supergirl's body to the places corresponding to those on Mary that were being excited by her work on the doll. The doll was no longer the only source of stimulation for Mary. When Supergirl inhaled, the cool draft between her powerfully clenching buttocks drew her attention. When Linda exhaled, the damp warmth of her breath set Mary's quim quivering delightfully. Soon Supergirl too fell under the spell of events. Whether it was some overflow of the magicks snapping through Mary, constriction of blood flow to her brain, the delicate stimulation of Mary's seeking hand, the incredible aromas and tastes bombarding her, some perverse pleasure at being defeated and defiled, or all of the above, Linda's body began to respond. Supergirl's nipples swelled to surprising proportions, attracting Mary's attention. A mighty orgasm overtook the Marvel just as she was fondling the Nipps of Steel causing her whole body to seize. Her fingers closed on the nipple in an Atomic Pinch, which drove Supergirl further down the road to oblivion. Recovering her journey of discovery, Mary sent her thumb deep into Supergirl's cunt and her middle finger past the Sphincter of Steel. Supergirl's tormented body finally had had too much. Her belly melted, Labia swelled and opened, and as her knotted body squirmed and twisted, her Puss of Steel erupted, sending hot pungent fluid bubbling over her tummy and clamping down on Mary's thumb with enough pressure to turn coal into diamond. Mary's only reaction was a vague, whispered "OW!. . . ". This was followed, moments later, by "OOHH!!. . .", when Linda's Super tongue snaked into the World's Mightiest Pussy and began an exploration of its own. The End Satisfied with her work, but weary beyond measure, Zatanna finally plucked the last strand of Mary's aura from the doll. The doll no longer looked like living flesh. Mary was no longer under its influence. The witch pushed back from her desk, leaned back and was shocked to see Supergirl and Mary locked in what appeared to be a mutual perpetual orgasm. Their muscles stood out like those on an anatomical chart. Their bodies rigidly vibrating. Mary still clutched Supergirl's head between her mighty thighs, the blonde mane seemingly cascading from her quivering butt. Mary's arms circled Supergirl's body, clutching her friend's pubes to her needy lips. Fluid spurted past the faces of both Superheroines without their notice. Zatanna wanted to help, but given the incompatibility of her's and Mary's magicks she decided to err on the side of caution and leave the mystic crystal sphere in place until the two were spent. It took several hours more, but finally, Mary lost consciousness. Collapsing to the ground, she dropped the still knotted body of her friend, to rock helplessly on her back, working through the last of her climaxes. When Mary was obviously 'out' Zatanna dispersed the sphere, making that little volume of space once again part of our universe. At the interface when the sphere disappeared, she was totally unprepared for the wave of moist warmth and overpowering fragrance of the two mighty superheroines, which had been collecting for hours in the tiny sphere. It nearly overwhelmed her, sending her wobbling to her knees as her body responded to magicks as old as life on this planet. Fortunately, the winds quickly dispersed the fog of pheromones, and her own fortitude won out. She staggered to the two bodies and, still not daring to use any of her own magic, lifted the limp form of Mary and put her to bed. She wasn't able to pry Supergirl out of her unusual bondage, but was able to carry the Girl of Steel, still trussed up like a captured game animal, into the house and onto a comfortable bed to await the new day. The next day, late in the morning, Mary recovered, showered and dressed. Apologetically, she helped the humiliated Supergirl out of her awkward and revealing position. Supergirl slowly worked the kinks out of her poor mistreated body and arranged her costume into some semblance of order. Mary, with downcast eyes, kept repeating, "Oh Linda! I'm sorry!. . . I'm SO sorry!. . . I didn't know what I was doing!. . .", while the Girl of Steel rearranged, blushed, and squirmed in silence. When the Maid of Might had finished dressing and could no longer feign being preoccupied with her clothing, she turned to face the teary eyed and increasingly agitated Mary. Still blushing profusely in humiliation and shame but desperately needing to regain her self respect, Supergirl said quietly, "It's OK, Mary. We were both under a terrible spell. Neither of us is immune to magic, and neither of us is to blame for what happened. . ." As she spoke these soothing words, she began to realize the truth in them herself, and slowly the pain and shame of having been completely overpowered, tied in a knot, and brutally raped by her friend began to ebb away. It hadn't been a confrontation of Mary against Supergirl, but of some horrible ancient magicks against the two mighty heroines. Both were victims, attacker and vanquished alike. Zatanna could see Supergirl stand taller, shoulders squaring, head rising, as she spoke. Mary's eyes dried, and the haunted worried expression was replaced by warmth, love, and respect for her mighty friend and ally in the struggle against evil. They had suffered, but they had won in the end! It was over! Both incredible Superheroines, filled with the relief and joy of having fought and beaten a powerful foe, fell into each other's arms, reaffirming their friendship and alliance. Later, they would relive the 'War with the Witch', chattering over recalled events with less and less pain in the memory. Somehow, the fact that their enemy had escaped and was still at large seemed not so important at the moment. "By my calendar. . .", remarked Zatanna to the two Superheroines, ". . . its November first!. . . All Souls Day!. . . The evils should be banished! I'm sorry you two didn't exactly have a Happy Halloween, but at least your survived it!!", she laughed. You should celebrate your great victory! You were up against a powerful wielder of magicks, and came out on top!" Finally free of the doll, and more or less back to normal, the two heroines thanked Zatanna and took their leave, but their trials weren't completely done. "Hey Linda!. . .", Mary called excitedly over her shoulder as they took to the air, ". . .Don't forget that we promised those girls that we'd show up for their sorority initiation A week from Saturday!" Supergirl groaned inwardly, but turned back to smile half-heartedly and wave. As she did, she caught sight of Mary's receding form and her eyes were irresistibly drawn to the deep cleft between Mary's powerful buttocks and the dark treasure hidden between her muscular thighs, which were being whipped by her tiny wind-driven red skirt. Linda's groan caught in her throat, and a sudden excruciatingly pleasant but disturbing twinge deep in her belly was reflected in a minor but noticeable 'stumble' in her flight. Had she been looking at Mary's face at that moment, Supergirl would have seen the brow of the World's Mightiest Girl furrow slightly, her eyes momentarily mist over, and the tip of her tongue quickly flick across her beautiful full lips. Were they ready? Could they face each other again in only a little over a week?. . . But that's another story. Epilog Angelina left Fawcett City. She moved to Metropolis, thinking to hide herself in the teeming millions. As she arrived, she was attracted to a shop window display in the train station advertising "Flexible 10 inch tall Action Figures of the SuperHeroines! Accurate copies of Supergirl, PowerGirl, Wonder Woman, Mary Marvel, and Batgirl!". "Damn!", she thought, wistfully, gazing at the displayed dolls. "Dat Mary doll had all of de personal things I had o' Mary. I'll need more t' make another, but dat's not gonna be easy gettin' it. It didn't work out dat well, anyway. . ." she continued, sadly. "Maybe I otta try someone else. . . get away from magic people for a time. . . but who!?!? How can I get sometin' really personal o' any one o' dem?!?!" Then came that maddening tickle again. This time, reaching into her mouth she was finally able to extract the annoying hair that had been stuck between her teeth. . . an unbreakable, curly golden filament! . . . The young witch smiled. She tucked it safely into a tightly closing wooden tube, which she cached in her pouch of precious items, and, without further hesitation, strode into the store. --- End ---