SANDY'S FITNESS CENTER By D.H. Laurents A babalicious fitness guru shows a man who is boss and teaches a class of women to do the same. This story contains sex and mild violence. If you may be offended or are under 18, don't read it. ----------------------------- Copyright 2000, D.H. Laurents THE CLASS Sandy's Fitness Center was holding an unusual class. Ten ladies were seated on the mats of the workout room. At the front of the room stood Sandy, the owner and instructor. Sandy was sweet, but under that exterior was a strong willed lady. She was of Czech heritage, high cheekbones, five feet eight inches of beautiful anatomy; brunette, long, lean muscles under a beige workout outfit, almost boyish, with perky breasts. Sandy said, "I invited you members today because some wanted to know how to impress their husbands or boyfriends with their new fit looks." She walked closer to the women seated cross-legged on the mats. "If any of you may be squeamish, prudish, or offended by what I am about to show you, you may leave at any time." A cute, 35 year old lady in a black exercise outfit raised her hand and asked, "What is the... uh... nature of what we're going to see?" Sandy said, "I will show you how to get almost any man to become infatuated with you." The ladies had shocked expressions. "And I know this really works... not on all men... but on many. Men have certain hot buttons. I'll show you how to find and press them." Another hand went up, from a 40-year-old tall lady in a white leotard and headband. "You mean we can get a man to fall in love with us?" "Sorry, Darla. not fall in love. I'm not a fairy princess." The class laughed. "Only you and chemistry can do that. But if a guy likes you, I can show you how to make him become like... a puppy dog. A big, huggable puppy dog that will do almost anything to please you." One of the ladies said, "I like puppies." Another girl said, "Especially if they have a big wallet and a big doggie whistle." Everyone laughed. Another hand went up. "Is it hard to learn?" Sandy said, "Its very mechanical, like baking a cake. Follow the instructions, maybe have a couple of failures, and then one day... voila!" One of the ladies said, "Sounds good to me." Another chimed in, "Yea. Let's learn to bake this friggin' cake!" CRASH TEST DUMMY Sandy said, "I think you'll find the high amount of money you paid for this class to be worth it. If not, I'll refund it." She continued as she walked towards the door, "This session is hands- on training." She opened the door and a man entered, dressed in shorts, t-shirt and barefoot. He was about 5' 9, dark hair, 30 years old, quite good looking. The ladies faces lit up. "Ladies, may I present Bill." A chorus of "Hi, Bill's," went up. He gave a wave to the women. "Bill volunteered to help today. He's a friend of my boyfriend, Don, and I know he has the hots for me." Everyone laughed. Bill blushed. "This is Bill's only chance to get his hands on me, so he took it." Laughter again. "Bill, please tell my class that you're here as a volunteer so they know I didn't kidnap you." Bill said, "Sandy told me she needed a man for some kind of fitness demonstration. I was only too glad to help her out." He smiled. The ladies were mesmerized by his boyish good looks. No one was even thinking of a refund. LESSON ONE Sandy continued, "You ladies are all over thirty five so you've had experience with men... and maybe women. Bill here is your typical guy... nice to look at... I'm sure most of you would not turn him down if he asked you out. "Bill, do you like the looks of my ladies?" Bill said, "They're a very cute group." Sandy said, "See? Bill is charming and diplomatic, too. Now, ladies, how could you improve your odds that if you went out with Bill that he would call you again?" One of the bolder ladies called out, "Give him a BJ!" Everyone laughed. Sandy said, "You have to make him want something only you can give". Let's say you've gone out on a few dates and Bill comes to your place. Suppose you both have a few drinks and you say. "You know what I find fun? I like to play wrestle. Wanna wrestle?" Bill said, "I'd say 'sure, why not'". Sandy said to the class, "See? You separated yourself from other women by offering a man an unusual thrill" One lady said, "But I don't know how to wrestle." Sandy answered, "Just watch." She turned to Bill and asked, "Bill, how about if we wrestle a little? Just to get acquainted." Bill shot back, "Ahh... you're giving me that chance to get my hands on you, huh?" Everyone laughed and admired that Bill was both cute and clever. "Yep. This is your chance, Bill. Get me in any hold, and I'll try to escape. Ok?" Bill came next to Sandy and got her in a headlock. Sandy didn't resist. She said, "Bill thinks he has me trapped because he's stronger." She reached up between his legs and grabbed his balls. She squeezed and said, "Bill, take your hand from around my neck, please, dear?" He hesitated and she squeezed harder. He complied quickly. Sandy said to the class, "He'll do anything I ask. Anything." A lady in the back row called out, "Make him say he loves you." Sandy smiled and said, "Bill, do you love me?" Bill said nothing. Sandy's fingers tightened. He said painfully, "I love you." She released him and put her arm around his shoulder. "I didn't hurt you, sweetie, did I?" Bill rubbed his scrotum and took some deep breaths. "I'll be all right. Just give me a minute." Sandy continued to the class, "The trick is to get him to WANT me to do things to him. That way, he'll keep coming back for more!" The ladies were in awe of the demonstration. NEXT LESSON "Pain gets a man to do things. But the other half of the equation is pleasure. Bill, be a dear and get me in that headlock again? I promise I wont hurt you." Bill warily put Sandy in a headlock. Sandy reached between his legs. Bill let go and jumped back. "See how lasting the desire to avoid pain is?" She said to Bill, "Baby, I said I wouldn't hurt you. Please help these nice ladies learn about men. They all like you. Don't you ladies?" People in the class said, "Bill, c'mon." "Bill, you're our fantasy man." "Bill, please help Sandy." Bill walked back to the demonstration area near the ladies. Bill got Sandy in the headlock again. Sandy reached up and massaged his balls through his shorts and underwear. He got hard immediately. "Bill, honey. Please come sit down next to me." Bill said, "You want me to release you from this hold?" Sandy said sweetly, "I could rub you better if we were both sitting." Bill released her and they sat on the mat. Sandy held up her hands and shook her hair to show how free she was and said, "See, ladies? No effort." The class applauded. T-REX Sandy continued massaging his balls. Bill tilted his head back in ecstasy. "Ladies, Bill is hardly listening to what I am saying to you. He's in his own world." Bill's eyes were closed. After the pain Sandy had inflicted on his scrotum, her massaging felt like heaven. "What have we learned? That you could control a man by giving pleasure or pain to his organ." "Secret number two is to get a man hooked on you through his sense of touch and smell." One of the women asked, "Isn't it more important how we look?" Sandy answered, "You come to my Center to look good. You have to be different. Did you know that the sense of smell does not go through the higher brain functions... it goes directly to the reptile brain. Believe me, a man has no control over his emotions when that primitive center is stimulated." "So what do we do?" a woman asked. "Here are the major areas: the butt, pussy, feet, and mouth. Got it?" They nodded. One woman looked around for a pencil and paper to write it down. "You must get him to sample each area. Don't think any part is yucky or let him put you off by saying it's yucky. Follow this carefully. See? I told you it's like baking a cake. Simple instructions! Now watch." PREFERENCES - ANATOMY "Some guys call themselves 'leg men' or 'breast men'. Or other things. Anyone want to suggest how you can tell which kind of man your guy is?" A woman called out, "Ask his ex-wife!" They laughed. Someone called out, "Ask him?" Sandy smiled, "That's right, Kirsten. Just ask him. Make comments about a lady's anatomy and see what he says." "Bill, be honest with me. What part of the female anatomy turns you on the most?" Bill blushed. The ladies looked at him with desire. He was a cute, sensitive, charming guy. Bill finally said, "I love the major areas, like breasts and legs. Pussy is great once I get excited." Sandy asked, "Anything turn you off?" Bill replied, "I like to look at butts, but it doesn't get me excited in bed. Same for feet." Sandy addressed the class. "Ladies, see how much valuable information I've just gotten? I know Bill's hot buttons and his turn-offs." THE PLEASURE PRINCIPLE She stood up and maneuvered him into a headlock. He struggled to free himself, but was surprised to find he could not. He said, "Sandy, are you on steroids or something?" She said, "Nope. It's all leverage." Sandy walked around the room in a circle, holding him against her waist, forcing him to stagger along. "A big strong guy can't get out of a little hold?" she teased. "Bill, you can run your hands over my legs. I'd like that." Bill felt her lithe, smooth legs. The ladies saw him getting hard through his shorts. Sandy looked at the class. "Ladies, this is a turn on for both of us." Sandy looked at the bulge in his shorts. "I see our cake is rising. By the way, ladies, you're not here to become sadistic. You just want to get a man to become infatuated with you because you're different from the other ladies he's dated. And more fun! If you stopped now, do you think you would get a call from him for another date?" Everyone called out, 'Yes!" enthusiastically. "And notice I didn't give him a blow job or anything." She laughed and the class did also. PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE Sandy walked and Bill had to stagger along with her, his head still trapped. "I'm parading him around now. It's degrading to him. Bill isn't getting upset yet that I'm controlling him. But he will." She reached around and pulled down his shorts and underwear. "Hey!" he protested. "A little nakedness adds to the embarrassment, don't you think?" Bill tried to pull up his shorts, but Sandy had paraded him away from where they had slipped down and off of him. He was naked and erect. Sandy slapped his ass every few steps. "(Smack!) Bill, honey. (Smack!) You seem to be pointing. Don't you know that's not polite? (Smack!)" Bill's head, already red from the force of her arm around it, turned redder from humiliation. Sandy dropped to one knee and Bill was forced to drop to his knees also. Sandy leaned him over so that he fell onto his back, his mouth against her chest. Her weight was on him, making his breathing difficult. Sandy held him almost effortlessly. Bill grunted and made feeble attempts to escape. Several minutes passed. Bill stopped struggling and lay there. "There's nothing you can do, sweetie. I can keep you here for hours if I like. I am on a pressure point. I will keep you excited and deny you release. Then you will beg me. Would you like to beg me?" "No," Bill said, his voice muffled from his mouth being pressed against Sandy's chest. "I think you would." She pulled the strap from her shoulder, exposed her breast, and moved it against Bill's mouth. "Suck, honey." Bill didn't want to allow her to control him, but the sight and the feel of her sweet breast was too much. He began to suck. "See, ladies? He can't control himself. Men are such babies." The class of ladies was hanging on her every word, amazed that this slender young girl could take complete control over a strong, virile guy. "The more he sucks, the more aroused he'll get. Soon, he'll do anything I say. Won't you, Bill?" Bill grunted, "No." Sandy said, "Getting your macho streak up? Good. Now we'll really have some fun! And you all heard Bill consent to this, so he can't back out now." POPSICLE TOES She released him. Bill started to rise and Sandy quickly wrapped her legs around his abdomen. She squeezed. Bill grunted in pain, trapped and feebly attempting to unlock Sandy's powerful legs from her crushing scissors hold. She placed one foot near his mouth and rubbed her toes along his cheek. "Bill, honey, your sucked my tit, how about sucking my toes?" Bill said "No!" It was the first sign of anger and outright defiance he had shown. Sandy smiled. "If you suck my toes, I'll rub your wee wee and make you feel soooo nice. Would you like that?" Bill struggled, writhing around and clawing at Sandy's legs. He was sweating profusely now. Sandy shouted, "Suck my toes now." Bill didn't comply so Sandy gave a sudden squeeze to Bill's abdomen. Bill groaned in agony. His insides felt like they were caving in. He tightened his stomach muscles to counteract the force of her legs. He was in good shape, but he knew he couldn't hold out for long. "Enough," he cried. "Let me up." "Beg me," she said and squeezed him mercilessly. After a few seconds hesitation, he grunted, "Please. please let me go." "I want to hear you say, 'Sandy, I beg you.'" "Oh, god. Please, Sandy. You're hurting me. Sandy, I beg you to stop." "Promise to suck my toes now, baby?" she asked. He said nothing. Sandy kept her pressure, feeling him weakening. She loved this part. the turning point. where the realization came that he had to submit. He cried out, "Yes. Yes, whatever you want." Sandy addressed the class. "This is more advanced, but I wanted you to enjoy a good show, and because, well, it's fun. I love breaking a man's ego. Guess I'm just a bitch deep down." She giggled. Bill's stomach finally loosened and Sandy squeezed one quick jolt. Bill jumped. "Better suck, sweetie, or your insides will be mush. Now do it!" Bill tentatively took her toes in his mouth. "Ohhh, that feels good, Bill. Now tell me you love to suck on my sweet toes." Bill said nothing, Sandy squeezed. Bill said like a robot, "I love to suck on your sweet toes." "Oh, honey. I know you do. And you'll love sucking on my sweet ass, too." Bill's eyes widened in fear. Sandy laughed. She knew it was only a matter of time before she ruled his mind as well as his body. It was too bad that the class was so short. not enough time to take full control and make him into a docile zombie. She would not fully re-program him. Sandy said to the ladies, "Look at his cock. Jeez, men are so easy to control." Sandy took Bill's engorged cock in her hand. She could feel by the throbbing that Bill was ready to come, but Sandy slapped his balls. She did this every time she felt his cock begin to quiver. "Does my big toe feel like my nipple in your mouth, Bill?" Lost in the pain and pleasure, he could not answer. Time had stopped for him. To the ladies, it looked like he was sucking on Sandy's toe like it was her nipple. He put his hands around her foot and caressed it like a breast. Sandy turned to the class. "Remember when I asked him about feet? He said it was no big thing with him. Well, I think our boy's gonna grow up to be a foot fetishist before too long!" The class and Sandy laughed. Sandy released him and walked behind him. Just as he staggered up to a standing position she wrapped her arms around his head. Carefully, she placed him in a sleeper hold, standing on her tiptoes, grasping her own forearm with one hand and placing the other on his forehead. To disorient him even more, she placed part of her hand over his eyes. He clawed at her arms. She tightened her hold, with one of her forearms against the pressure point in his neck. He moaned as he realized he could not escape. "Ladies, I think the baby needs to relax a little. I won't put him to sleep, but I want to place him in a twilight world. Bill, are you sleepy, honey?" "Please," he said weakly. "Please what, Bill? Please put you to bed?" She kept up the pressure, walking him around on the mat, swaying his head slowly from side to side. He felt her lovely, warm arms around his neck. He felt her smooth, bare legs against his. One of the ladies called out, "Look! He's falling asleep. Look at his eyes." His legs got rubbery and Sandy released him. He fell to his hands and knees on the mat. She used her foot to easily push him over and he fell onto his back. Sandy got on her knees and placed her face just an inch from his. He could smell her breath as she spoke to him. "Bill, put your hand on my pussy? It's very wet." She licked his ear. Bill felt his mind slipping away. His sense of order in the world, where men were on top, was a distant memory. Rubbing her cheek against his, Sandy said, "Bill, beg me to rub my pussy." She placed his hand on her pussy. Bill started to rub his hand along her leotard between her hot legs. She pushed his hand away. "Beg me," she said. "Please", he said. "Please what, honey?" "Please let me rub your pussy," he said mechanically. CLASS PARTICIPATION "I see we have only fifteen minutes left." The class groaned in protest. "I have some exciting things planned for the grand finale." Sandy released Bill, grabbed him by the hair, and stood up, bringing Bill up on all fours. Sandy stood next to Bill, holding him by the hair like a trainer with a puppy on a leash. She said to the class, "Would everyone please stand up? And face away from Bill." The class stood, turned their backs to Sandy and Bill, and turned their heads to look over their shoulder at them. Sandy pulled Bill's head so he was looking up at her. "Bill, show me your submission. Walk to each of the lovely ladies and give them long, loving kisses on their asses, sweetie" Bill shook his head no. Sandy straddled him around his neck with her long, luscious legs. She crossed her ankles and calves together. She squeezed his neck in a vice- like grip. He grabbed her rock hard calves. He looked at them. They were so beautiful, he thought. Even as they brought him to tears with their power, he stared at her lovely feet, one of them still glistening from his saliva where he had sucked. He squeaked out, "Ok, ok. Please, no more. I'll do anything you say." One by one, Sandy walked him to the ladies. He dutifully kissed each of them, licking their butt cheeks. Some ladies were embarrassed and some moaned with pleasure. Sandy said, "Good boy! Good puppy," and petted his head. She placed him on his back on the mat. He was weak and totally humiliated. He could not get up because his stomach muscles were temporarily out of commission. He lay there quietly. Sandy stuck her foot in his mouth. He sucked on it. THE AWAKENING "Can I have a volunteer?" Sandy asked. Connie, a short lady of about forty, in very good shape, walked over. "Connie, take the demanding job of caressing Bill's balls while I attend to other matters." Connie sat down next to Bill and started rubbing his cock and balls with both hands. Bill looked up at her briefly, through half closed eyes. Sandy sat down and positioned herself so that Bill's head was between her thighs in a leg lock. "Bill, do you like laying with your head between my warm thighs?" Bill immediately said, "Yes," not wishing to incur the wrath of Sandy, and only half awake. Through his fog, Bill realized he was actually enjoying the new sensations. He had surrendered to a woman and felt a sense of release. It seemed to go against all his instincts. It filled him with a feeling of freedom. Sandy shifted, grabbed Bill by the hair, and pulled his head until his mouth was about six inches from her butt. Sandy slowly inched his head closer until Bill's face was almost in her butt crack. Connie continued pleasuring him. "Connie, slap his balls if you feel he's going to come." Sandy parted her legs and gently pulled Bill's head deep into her butt crack. She could feel Bill resisting. She didn't pull hard, just insistently. Soon, Bill's face was buried in her butt crack. Sandy said to the class, "Bill said that butts didn't turn him on. But look at him. His mouth is touching my butt hole. Are you content, Bill?" she asked. Bill, almost in a tranced state, said nothing. His ability to think clearly had vanished and he was lost in a world of sensation. Pleasure, pain. Pain, pleasure. They blurred and merged. Sandy said to the ladies, "Come up and sit next to us. Find a convenient spot and plop down. Start caressing Bill wherever you want." The ladies began rubbing his legs, feet, back, rear... everywhere. "Bill, is this a fantasy come true or what?" Bill could only moan in pleasure, "Ohhh." Sandy said, " Feel like royalty, Bill?" Someone called out, "Stick a fork in that cake. It's DONE, baby!" HAVING CAKE AND EATING IT, TOO "You ladies get the idea. The official class is over. Let's just have some fun." An enthusiastic chorus of "Yeaaa's" went up. "One of you take Bill's free hand and put it on your pussy. I'm sure he'll be glad to rub you. I'll take his other hand from my pussy so someone else can have him do you." Bill started rubbing his free hands against two of the ladies pussies. Already excited by the earlier demonstration, they began to moan with pleasure. Bill's earlier feeling of freedom increased. The 'surrendering' was intoxicating. He couldn't get enough of these women. Sandy said, "Who's gonna be the lucky girl to get Bill to eat her?" A few shouted out, "Me! Me!" Sandy turned to Kirsten, a longtime patron of the Center. "Kir, plunk your pretty self on Bill's face and show him a good time." Kirsten said, "Should I take off my shorts and underwear?" Sandy said, "Yes. Get naked and sit on his face." Bill had a vague sensation of being rubbed all over. A stray thought about writing a letter to Penthouse crossed his mind, but he thought they'd never believe it. Hell, he didn't believe it either. Bill summoned what little remained of his inner fortitude and protested in a weak voice, "Sandy, please. I've had enough." Sandy put her breast in Bill's mouth. "Enough of what, sweetie? This?" Sandy's breast in him mouth overwhelmed him and he quickly forgot what he was protesting about. Kirsten straddled Bill. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Bill's eyes opened and he saw her. She kissed him on the lips. She slid her tongue into his mouth. She licked his ear and neck. Bill loved the way she tasted, the way she smelled, the wetness of her kiss. Kirsten edged forward until her pussy was over his mouth. She lowered herself. Bill began licking, making slurping sounds. Kirsten rubbed her breasts and moaned softly. "Anyone have something they want to do while Bill is open to suggestion?" Sandy asked. Darla, never one to mince words, and who was the boldest of the group said, "Yea. Let him lick my ass." The other ladies tittered. Sandy said, "He said it was a turn off." Darla said, "Look at him! He doesn't know if he's licking feet, pussy or ass! He's like, out of things." "Ok. You can try it after Kirsten gets her pleasure." Kirsten was moaning louder now, rubbing her breasts vigorously and thrusting her drenched pussy into Bill's face. Bill was licking for all he was worth. Finally, she let out a deep moan and shuddered. She got off of him and lay on the mat, a smile on her face. Bill continued to lay immobile, tranced, his face covered with her pussy juice. Sandy said, "Go for it, Darla." Darla eagerly took off her cute exercise outfit and plunked her butt right down on Bill's face. Bill let out a startled sound, muffled by Darla's asshole on his mouth. He tried to push against her butt cheeks with his hands. The ladies quickly grabbed his hands and held them. Darla, the irrepressible, bouncy, outspoken lady, had a reputation at the Center as a real character. She was tall, skinny as a rail, with a bubbly personality. She began bouncing up and down on Bill's face. "Lick it, baby. Lick it," she shouted. Bill called out weakly, "No, no. Please." Yet something deep inside of him yearned to try something forbidden until now. "Don't be a baby, Bill. You know you like it." She grabbed his balls and said, "I learned from Sandy." She squeezed. "Now lick!" she commanded as she squeezed him. Bill had no choice. He licked. "Mmmm," she said. "Feels nice! Like it, honey? Stick it all the way up." Bill continued to lick even after Darla lessened her grip. It was his final surrender. RELEASE Sandy said, "The hour's up, ladies." Almost as one they shouted, "No," but Sandy said, "Time to wrap things up. Let's give poor Bill the release he's been waiting for." Darla said, "Ooh! Let me do it." Sandy said, "You had your turn, honey". She turned to another member of the group. "Elaine, you're the quiet one. I think I'll let you do the honors." Elaine put her mouth next to Bill's ear and whispered, "This is your reward, sweetie." Elaine positioned herself next to Bill's penis, took hold of the shaft, and started stroking it. She leaned over and put her lips around it and sucked it. She began to moan softly and caress his balls. The other ladies watched and pleasured themselves. Darla still sat lightly with her butt on his face. Bill began to writhe in ecstasy, making loud "Oooh" sounds. One by one, the ladies reached close to the peak of their pleasure, rubbing their clits and breasts. Bill gave one loud, "OH!" and spasmed. His tongue shot deep into Darla's butt. She orgasmed instantly. Elaine held his penis, milking the last few drops from him. The other ladies let out moans as they each reached their own, private, intense, soul-shattering orgasm. AFTERMATH Everyone sat or lay on the mats quietly for several minutes. Bill, lying alone in the center of the room, looked like he would never return to Earth. Finally, Sandy said, "Ladies, get dressed." They slowly put on whatever workout clothes they had removed. She walked to Bill. She stroked his cheek and said, "Are you OK, Bill?" Slowly, Bill rolled over and painfully sat up, looking spent, exhausted and disoriented. "Huh?" was all he could manage to say. The ladies of the class sat there for several minutes, too tired and happy to move. Sandy said, "So now you know a few tricks to pleasing a man. See if it works for you and let me know." She stood up. They filed out of the room and into the showers, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Like a drunken man, Bill made his way to the men's shower area. It was at least an hour before he could even speak. He was totally spent, ached all over, yet felt rejuvenated. He also wondered how he would ever come to terms with his new feelings. Sandy looked around the room, decided it was ready for the next class, and left. She thought, "This is how to keep customers." The ladies had certainly learned to bake a special cake. Please email comments to