Paula Meets Chieko In Tokyo by Lady Luck Paula arrived at Tokyo airport at 6pm and was met by her friend Chieko. "Konnichiwa Chieko-san" said Paula in her best Japanese accent, "Konnichiwa Paura-san," replied Chieko, bowing politely. The women embraced and then left the airport to drive to Chieko's apartment. "You unpack, take shower and freshen up," said Chieko, "then we go to sushi bar in City and have sushi and sake." "Sounds good to me," said Paula. The arrived at the sushi bar at around 10 pm and chatted whilst they ate and drank their sake. "So, Paura-san, you in tlouble again yes, with Jacks, but you knock him out and teach him good resson yes?" Anyway you forget about tlouble for now and enjoy horiday." "What's the Japanese for 'man'?" asked Paula suddenly. "Plick" said Chieko instantly, breaking into a smile, "and how do you tell a man to fuck off?" asked Paula, amused at Chieko's reply. "Same as Ingrish," said Chieko, raising the middle finger of her right hand, "fluck off plick!" That sent Paula into an almost uncontrollable fit of giggling which attracted the attention of two men sitting in the corner. "See two plick in corner Paura-san?" "Yes said Paula, looking out of the corner of her eye, "they Amelican plick. They after fluck." "Not from me, they're not," said Paula, "oh shit they're coming over." "Hey sweet thing, that's a real sexy laugh you got there. Me and my buddy thought you might like to join us in a drink, huh?" said one. "No thank you," said Paula, "not tonight." "Hey you're English," he said, "and I always thought American men were a bit slow," countered Paula sarcastically. "Hey, now what's that supposed to mean?" he said "we're just trying to be friendly and buy you ladies some sake." "Which is presumably designed to get us into the sacky," replied Paula wittily. "Hey, now you're a very funny lady and if you play your cards right, it could be your lucky night." "I think we'll pass," said Paula." "It's your loss sweetheart," he said. "Well I'll try not to cry myself to sleep," said Paula. The men withdrew and returned to their seats in the corner. "Well, Paura-san," said Chieko, "one of two things gonna happen now. Either we reave and they forrow or they reave and wait for Chieko and Paura-san; either way it fluck or fight." "Well it's definitely not going to be fuck," said Paula. "Are you up for some fisticuffs Chieko-san?" "Chieko arways leady to fight plick," she replied. The two women left the sushi bar at around 11.30 pm and headed in the general direction of Chieko's apartment. At first there seemed to be no sign of any imminent confrontation, but then as they turned the corner into a quieter area they heard a voice say, "Hello again ladies. I've brought some of my other buddies along to meet you." "What this, gang-bang?" said Chieko, as the women were suddenly surrounded by six men. "You got it honey and I fancy kissing some Oriental clit tonight," he said. "You kiss this," said Chieko, and crashed her right foot straight into his mouth. She punched him in the stomach, kicked him in the balls, kicked him in the jaw and knocked him out with a karate kick to the side of his head. It was all over in a instant. She grabbed a second man by the balls, whilst kicking a third on the jaw and then spinning round to smash her right fist into the face of a fourth. She butted the second one in the stomach and then brought the back of her head straight up hard and fast and rammed it into his jaw and knocked him out. Another karate kick to the third man's jaw and then a left hook and a right hook knocked him out cold. She grabbed the fourth man's arm and threw him over her shoulder onto his back and then she brought her foot down hard into his balls. She pulled him up by the collar and then knocked him out with a crashing right hook to his jaw. Meanwhile Paula was dealing with the other two in much the same way. She elbowed the first man in the stomach and then sent the back of her clenched fist crashing into his face. She brought her right foot down forcibly to the second man's knee, leaving him writhing in agony on the floor. She'd finish him off later after she'd knocked the first man out. She did that with a beautiful stinging punch that smacked into his jaw and he was out. She dragged the second man up from the floor and then threw him back down with a flick of her wrist. She picked him up and threw him again, and then again, and then again, and then again and when he was obviously too dizzy to even care, she knocked him clean out with a fantastic karate kick. The two women stood triumphantly facing each other and Chieko smiled and said, "You lemember what I teach you Paura-san. You good fighter. You good girl. Now we stlip plick naked," she continued. The women left three naked men face down and then dragged the other three on top to make up three lovely adoring couples. "Now plick fluck each other," laughed Chieko. They continued their journey back to Chieko's apartment and decided to get themselves drunk to celebrate yet another victory for the superior sex. THE END