Lauryn Hill Vs LiL Kim Rap Diva Beef It has been a few years since Lauryn Hill took the music world by storm with her unique style of socially aware Hip-Hop R&B. At the same time rap artist LiL Kim was capturing the libidos of men young and old with her sexy clothing and risqué lyrics. They also criticized each other in their music, Lauryn to Kim for being lewd and Kim to Lauryn for being judgmental. You would think with all the accolades awards and other tokens of recognition they would be over their little disagreements but reconciliation does not come easy in hip-hop circles. Besides certain agents of the Battle Clan keep the fires of gossip going though the years;-). Both divas demanded a no holds barred street match, complete with biting, gauging, scratching, choking, fishhooks, spinal attacks, crotch attacks, and many other fighting taboos. They would meet in a small room wearing only fingerless padded gloves, short pleated Catholic school girl type skirts, white ankle socks and black loafers; one of Deacon's sick little ideas. Knowing how brutal the match could be come both girls chose to wear special vaginal guards to protect their most prized physical possessions. The time came and both women were more than ready both their bodies taut sinewy and swelter glistened from their warm up sessions. 'Lil' Kim's honey toned musculature pulsated with effeminate perfection; striated back, shoulders and arm development, jaunty pliant softball sized breasts that defy gravity, cascading abdominal muscularity pouring between buttery mound-like hips dripping with tasty saltine juices. Her camber contoured rump cheeks grappling for attention while her shapely legs were radiant with vigor. Sable dreaded locks at rest atop an angelic mahogany countenance; sensuous flared Nubian nostrils, enormous mystic catlike eyes garnished by thick elliptical eyebrows above them. Full seductive lips perpetually fitted for kissing, gentle lofty cheeks and a delicate mandible concluded this sonata of feminine excellence that could only be called Lauryn Hill. Her body had the sinewy perfection of a distance runner; soft round shoulders, Champaign goblet sized breasts that seemed to be weightless aloft a dispersal of abdominal vivacity that was received into her slim yet vigorous lap. Her diminutive orbed posterior and athletic thighs and legs shimmered with transudation. As verbose as these two lyricists are they had nothing to say they just stared at one another until the gong sounded. With machine-gun like tempo the hammered each other with rapid-fire punches from head to toe in thirty second intervals this solicited echoing staccato grunts. This went on for ten minutes and culminated into a clench where Lauren's arms were wrapped around Kim's head and left arm at the elbow locking it in an upward position. Lauren's tight hold pressed her sweaty breasts atop Kim's. Kim was not idle she had a few of Lauren's locks with her left hand and was busy snapping Lauren in the ribs with a succession of right hooks. Lauren then twisted their bodies slamming Kim to the floor with a flip, then engulfed Kim's right leg with hers like a double fudge and caramel twist. Kim tried to bridge using her other foot to fortify position and employing her pelvis to shove against Lauren's. Their tiny kilts hoisted to their waists while their sinewy hind ends rotated to aid in the struggle. In order to break the clench Lauren began butting the little rapper in the face Kim answered with a kidney attack using her left heel. Both women reacted audibly to blows taken with their sonorous tones manifested as groans and curses. Lauren released Kim they scrambled to their feet swinging and kicking then baking away from each other to catch their breath. At this point they saw how much damage they had done; Kim's teeth were bloody and she had a mouse under her right eye, Lauren's full lips were even more swollen and she had a bloody patch in her head from a dread being snatched out. They smiled at each other then resumed sparing furiously; Lauren had an advantage because of her Jersey background; the girls in Jersey would engage in what the fella's call 'speed boxing'. Speed boxing was a form of street fighting where the combatants would stand toe to toe and go at it until one of them dropped. Lauren realized that if the battle took to the ground again she could possibly lose so she lured Kim into the "speed box", "come on B!%@#! Let's see who backs up first!" The little caramel colored Broklynite stepped up; their foreheads touched and the began banging away, crosses jabs, hooks upper cuffs, elbows and forearms amid screams of rage and agony. A mixture of their blood and tears dripping from their chins and mingling below them. Minutes passed which seemed like hours to them both, Lauren was astounded that Kim could stay with her for so long but she did. Suddenly Kim dropped to one knee bowing her head and clenching Lauren's waist exhausted displayed by her heaving chest and hyper-epigastrium. Lauren though equally exhausted called on her reserve and wasted no time she grabbed a hand full of Kim's tress and began to knuckle punch Kim in the soft part of her skull. Lauren then applied a front face lock raising Kim to her feet then suddenly dropped backward into a head-busting move. Upon impact Lauren wrapped her legs around Kim's torso squeezing tightly while cinching her headlock simultaneously cutting off her air in two places. Lauren grunted and Kim gagged as she tightened her holds; Kim's taut curvaceous thighs and hind end began to shudder and jounce irrepressibly then ceased in a twitching decrescendo of beguiling motion. It was over, Lauren too fatigued to move her fallen foe released her hold and left Kim unconscious and drenched with the juices of battle lying between her sweltering striated legs and pert battle firm bosom intermittently rising and falling according to Lauren's arduous panting. Because of their close contest Lauren had a new found respect for Kim realizing that she came close to loosing to her; a month later they met went shopping and squashed their beef. G-Man