Jaimie By Joe Albanese, Dwfboss@aol.com Commentary:The story you are about to read is 100% true. I still can not believe it myself. The best way to start is from the beginning. My name is Joe and I was at the time 21 years old and I was dating a girl by the name of Jaimie. She was very tall around 5'11 but was very skinny weighing around only 105 pounds. We had the same likes included female muscle. I always thought it was very sexy on a women and she always wanted to have it but never could being she had a very fast metabolism. After being together for around 7 months we went our seperate ways and did not speak for a long time then about 2 years later I got a phone call from her saying she wanted to get together for coffee and asked if I would come to her place and I agreed. That afternoon I went to her house and as I went to the door I say a sign. "It's open come on in!" I entered the house and I heard her voice from the bedroom. "I'll be out in a minute." I sat down for a minute or 2 and she came out wearing a sweat shirt and a pair of baggy jeans and I noticed something was different but I was not sure exactly what it was. We sat down and talked for a while and then she told me why she really asked me over. "Joe I have decided I want you back!" I was shocked and I said I was not sure and Jaimie looked angry. "You don't get it! I want you back and I will have you! Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" I just chuckled and started to walk away and she grabbed my arm and I must admit it hurt and I was a bit surprised! "Where do you think you are going little man!" Jaimie replied. I started to laugh thinking she was joking and just then she grabbed me by the back of my shirt and pulled and to my shock I fell down and as I got up she chuckled. "Ha! You will be mine because that is how I want it! You will cook for me and clean for me and pleasure me whenever and however I want! I am stronger then you now and you will be my little toy!" "How do you plan on doing that!" I repled! Just then I got the biggest shock I ever got in my life as she with her bare hands ripped off her sweat shirt and jeans! I have never seen so much muscle on a women in my life! She went from 105 pounds to 200 pounds and it was all muscle and she just stood there with her hands on her hips in a bikini! "As I said you do not have a choice in the matter little man and if you do not listen to me I will make you call me master!" Jaimie replied. I tried to talk my way out of the situation but she was having none of that. "Just admit I am far stronger then you could ever dream of being and I will go easy on you." She said. I chuckled and said no way and put my hand on her shoulder and I could feel the muscles popping out and just then she grabbed my wrist and all she did was grab it and she was so strong and the pain was so intense I was forced to my knees! "Ha! I did not even squeeze little man!" Jaimie says. "Now just do as I say and I wont hurt you!" I of course tried to get up but I could not she was too strong! So I tried to punch her as hard as I could in the stomach and all she did was laugh! "Ha you fool! Say goodnight!" Jaimie said confidently. Just then with one shot I passed right out! As I came to everything was kinda blurry and all I could do was crawl and just as my vision came around I was at her feet and she was by the mirror admiring herself anf flexing. "Oh did we wake up from our little nap! You were so weak I had to go for a run just to break a sweat now get on your feet little man!" Jaimie said. Just then she reached down and grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me off the ground showing her incredible strength! "As I said Joe I can have you when I want and how I want but you would not listen would you! Now you pay! Kiss my feet little man and get used to obeying your master!" She said angrily. She dropped me and I realized I was a beaten man so I leaned over and she stopped me. "Wait! BOW! NOW!" She ordered. I had no choice otherwise she would destroy me so I bowed before her as she flexed her 21 inch biceps and then I kissed both of her feet and at her command called her master! Just then she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me into the kitchen. "Now little man cook me dinner and make it fast!" She ordered. Just then Jaimie was in the living room flexing and watching TV and I came in with her dinner and she asked for me to kneel and serve it to her and I obeyed! "Good.....very good! Now have you realized that I am far stronger then you could ever be and do you agree to be my property? Or must I show you that I am even stronger then you have seen." She said. "No Jaimie No! I understand and I will not disobey you ever again. You are stronger then me and stronger then I could ever dream of being! I am yours!" I replied in defeat. Just then she demanded I rub my face against her feet while she eats and poses and I did as she admires her biceps and talks about how big she is and I agree as always when it comes to Jaimie. THE END