ICE a love story? In some way she had been a hunter all of her long life. As a young child she first began by stalking the wild game that roamed free on the island paradise she once called her child hood home. Then when she became more than a woman and left the protected cradle of her birth. She once again used the skills of the hunter as well as that of the warrior so she might confront evil in all it's forms here in the outside world! In fact her very name was the Roman version of the Greek Goddess of the hunt. But this day things were different, this time it was she who was the hunted instead of the hunter and she didn't much care for it.    'That wasn't excactly true,' she thought to herself.  'There are times that It is just as exciting to be the prey as well as the predator,' smiling at the thought of who was hunting her. Looking around with a hunter's keen eye she could see nothing but the never ending ice and snow that both surrounded and towered over her. In forms made of ice that seemed to come from the disturbed mind of some insane sculptor.. Her tall athletic form stood proud and erect as she sampled the air her with her heightened sense of smell. Her sisters back home had three times the ability in sight, smell and hearing of the typical human and she in turn had senses far better than even theirs. Ears that were even keener than that of her sisters listened for the slightest sound of he who was even now stalking her. But the same never ending wind that made her superior sense of smell all but useless, also handicapped her remarkable hearing as well. But what her five senses failed to tell her, that mysterious and often misunderstood sixth sense told her that he was near. She didn't know how she knew or were he was exactly, but every atom every molecule of her being told her that her opponent was close. Every fiber of her athletic form quivered and danced waiting for the attack she knew must soon come. Muscles that were some of the strongest on earth trembled in anticipation for the expected attack. The woman remained on edge as her instincts told her that threat she could neither see, hear or even smell was never the less near. She barely had time to take all of this in when suddenly a massive form landed on her from above and behind her.  Even before she could react an arm was around her throat as her own powerful arm was bent behind her back in a hammer lock. She struggled to free herself by bending at the waist and grabing hold of her attacker's leg. But the massivel arm around her neck prevented that. She might have failed at first.  But that didn't stop her from continuing to try in making her escape. Even as she continued in the attempt she managed to tell her attacker, "You sneaky bastard, I thought we agreed on no flying?" "I didn't," he answered with a grin. "I ran up the side of the ice wall, leaped across the ice crevasse and making sure I was up wind, came up behind you and managed to take you by surprise!" Once again she tried her best to muscle her way out of the trap but failed. She seem for a brief moment to become resigned to her predicament, relaxed and stopped trying to fight her way out of the trap she found herself in. Then suddenly she sent the heel of her red boot into her opponents instep. She was both satisfied and ashamed to hear the cry of pain from her tormentor. Not making the mistake of resting on her laurels she made good on her escape by quickly falling to the ice and using a leg sweep knocked her attacker on to his back. She dove on top in order to pin him but he was already gone and standing above her as she landed on the cold blue ice. "Fast little girl, but not fast enough," he told her knowing full well just how much it angered her being called a girl! Just as he expected she lost her temper as she snarled, "You want fast, I'll show you fast!" She then launched herself with a sudden leap that came down at him as she screamed out, "HIYA!!!!" He caught her in mid-air as he answered, "Fast but not faster than a speeding bullet!" Then proceeded to send her smashing into the frozen ice cracking it.  Before he jumped on top of her pinning her arms above her head to the ancient ice below. Her teeth were clinched as she grunted with the effort of trying to make good on her escape. But try as she may and as strong as she was, she still failed in the attempt. As she continued to flail against her tormentor, he took the opportunity to lean over her body and with a smile asked, "UNCLE?" Her answer was a violent shake of her head no! "Don't you ever give up?" he asked in response to her silent but still defiant answer. "NO!" she said bravely as she finally broke her silence. "Ever?" he asked "NEVER!" The proud woman all but screamed into his face as it hovered but inches above her own. But even as she screamed her defiance she smiled sweetly up at him while she slowly managed to bring her foot up and suddenly launched it into his stomach knocking him backward and off of her. Leaping to her feet she launched a windmill attack of kicks and punches that he managed to either duck or block. Realizing the foolishness of continuing in this mode of attack she leaped backward and stood some ten feet in front of him. With a foolish grin he asked her, "Ready to give up now?' For an answer she smiled as if she was trying to conceal a great secret. Then slowly began to peel off her bracelets. In a shaky voice her attacker asked, "Honey what do you think you are doing?" "What do you suppose I'm doing?" she answered as she tossed the first one at his feet. Then as it bounced off the ice she added, "Thought I would level the playing field a bit and make things a little more interesting!" She was just working on removing the remaining bracelet when the large man in front of her said in a concerned voice, "You know how you get with out them." "No reason to worry, I'm just playing," she replied as her full red lips began to turn upward into a snarl. "That's the problem, you play to damn rough with out those trinkets of yours!" "Then why don't you pick them up and try putting them back on me?" "If you think your man enough!" She challenged just before leaping at him feet first. The only answer he could manage was a loud "OUFF!" as the heels of her red boots slammed into his chest knocking him backward into a wall of ice that was smashed from the power of the impact of his body.  She followed this assualt up with a straight from the shoulder punch that tore into what was left of the ice wall as he ducked her punch just as it breezed past his skull. Standing up they interlocked fingers and pushed and pulled against one another. The tall woman was slowly being driven backward until with a supreme effort on her part, she dug in her heels and managed to stop him. Then with a cry of rage and triumph she actually began to move his massive form a few steps back. She looked into his eyes and with a snarl in her voice asked him, "What's the matter dear, getting old?" "So the little girl want's to play does she?" was his reply just before picking her up and slamming her down on to her back in to the snow covered ice shelf. He pinned her arms over her head and laid on top of her pressing her down into the cold snow. She tried to free her arms but failed, she tried to buck him off, but that too failed. She even tried to bring her leg up and kick him off as she did before, but she soon discovered that he was now wise to that trick, so it failed also. All most helpless beneath him she launched a string of vindictive curses at the man on top of her in ancient Greek. His response was to simply smile and say, "I'm glad our little girl isn't here to hear how her mother abuses her daddy." "That so called little girl of ours is nearly twenty one years old and I'm going to do a lot more than abuse you verbally when I get free," she told him in a snarling voice before she tried to bite him. "NOW LET ME GO!" "Why so you can beat me up so more?" he asked with a silly grin. "I'll do worst than that if you don't get your stinking overgrown carcass off of me!" "You didn't talk like that last night," he replied. Her rage was momentary replaced by a sly smile as her mind wandered back to the pleasant memory of what they were doing the night before in the bed they shared as husband and wife. But the smile was gone just as suddenly as it came as another wave of her warrior madness came over her once again as she screamed, "Let me up you raping bastard!" "Not before you say uncle." "Never, " she screamed. "An Amazon warrior never surrenders to any man," she growled defiantly and proudly. In response and in his best comic book villain voice he told her, "Now my proud beauty, I have you in my power!" Even in her ever increasing rage and lack of emotional control she couldn't help but let out a brief laugh as she went along and replied in a false high pitched voice, "NO, no you evil villain I will never marry you!" "Little late for that, isn't it my dear?" he asked. Once again she tried to escape but failed. Even in her warrior's blood lust she knew strength alone would not be enough. As a small girl her mother taught her that when you face a opponent you can not defeat with strength or even skill. You must use cunning and the knowledge of your enemy and the only person who knew the man who was pining her down better than her, had been dead for almost thirty years. It was because she knew him so well, she knew just how to escape. She tried to raise one shoulder, then when she failed she faked a low moan of pain. Just as she knew he would, he released her arms at once.  Which enabled her to pull him by the hair and roll him off of her. She quickly jumped on top of him and snarled, "Now who is in who's power?" He smiled sweetly up at her, broke her grip but still said, "uncle!" With out her bracelets to help control her emotions she was well on the way to losing it. But something strange happened, the usual thirst for violence she suffered with out her bracelets was soon being replaced with another emotion, a much more pleasant one. Even as a snarl was building in her throat she was licking her full red lips with her tongue before she brought them down hard into her husband's waiting but also equally eager mouth. Even as they locked lips she was franticly tugging at the belt around his waist. Trying her best to relieve him of his famous uniform, at the same time she was doing her best to climb out of her own almost equally famous red, white and blue striped costume. "DIANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" "Your old enough to know by now, even you can't be that much of a Boy Scout?" "Or are you?" she quickly added. She went back to smothering him with kisses and ripping off clothes and prevented him from speaking by using her mouth on his. All this continued even as her husband kept trying to speak, "But Honey, I, I mean we don't have any protect.... I don't have any...... shouldn't we wait until we get back home to the fortress before we......" "Shut up farm boy, what I need from you is less talk and more loving," was her only response. Then with a sexy growl added, "Come on Boy Scout, give it up or do I have to take it from you?" Before he could answer her, his wife went back to loving her husband. The husband in question saw his wives bracelets were now in easy reach, it would be a relative simple thing to force them back on her, even in the state she was in. But it was when she was kissing his now naked chest that another idea began to form in his mind as he thought to himself, 'What am I, crazy?" Just before they both rolled over onto his red cape. There under the Antarctic sky and under the watchful eyes of a large flock of emperor penguins they past the next few hours as husband and wife. With only the ocasional voice of The Man of Steel raising over the howling wind and the moans of pleasure from the woman he loved, "Hey! no biting." Later with her bracelets safely back on once again, The hero, wife and mother known to the world at large as Wonder Woman was content to snuggle with her husband as she lay naked with him carefully bundled in his red cape. All but immune to the cold, never the less it didn't stop their breath from condensing in the frigid Antarctic air covering their hair and faces with frost. The wind had finally died down as Diana began to stir.  "That was nice," she said smiling as she rested her head contently on her husband's chest. "Nice yes, but it was also embarrassing," he scolded his wife as he playfully smacked her on her bare bottom. "That's all right, we have a license!" she replied.   Then almost as a after thought Diana added with a sly grin, "As if you and Lois never made love on a beach," she teased right back. "And how did you ever find out about that?" he asked. "Lois told me." "You two gals seemed to have talked a great deal behind my back!" "That's because we both had a common interest," she replied before going back to nibbling on his ear. Suddenly he found it was very hard to think let alone speak with his beloved nibbling on his ear while she explored his body with her free hand. It took almost all of his concentration and iron will to finaly tell his wife, "When Lois and I did make love on a beach in was in the south seas, on a deserted tropical island with palm trees, sandy beaches and with the warm blue sea lapping on the shore. Not on the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica freezing our butts off!" "The only difference I can see is that when we made love, it was just a little further south!" she replied with a mischevious grin. "And a hundred degrees colder," he interrupted. "Lucky for me I have your love to keep me warm," she cooed as she held him tight. "What Lois and I didn't have was an audience!" Raising her head Diana asked, "What audience?" "Our tuxedo wearing neighbors," he teased pointing at the flock of penguins. She began to laugh quietly as she asked, "Think they will complain to the authorities?" "Well if I was going out to dinner wearing my best evening clothes and I caught some couple making love in public, I sure enough would!" "Well if they do, we can always bribe them with a few fish heads to keep their beaks shut, "answered Diana. He laughed out loud before asking, "Are you looking forward to our daughter coming home tomorrow from college for the holidays?" "Of course! But I also would be a liar if I didn't admit I'm going to miss this little vaction of ours! "Me too," he admitted as he kissed her on her left breast before he began using his hands to do some exploring of his own. Diana jumped up suddenly and stood over him. She was stretching when her husband reached up to pull her back down.  She jumped back before saying, "Lois gave me one last piece of advice about you." "What's that?" he asked. "Always leave him wanting more!" she teased before turning to leave.   "Were do you think your going?" he asked in a voice filled with disappointment.   "For a swim!" "Swim?" he asked in shock. "Were are you going to swim?" For an answer she took to the sky turned sharply and dove down plowing through the ice and into the frozen Antarctic sea. "Well what's good for the goose is good for the gander," he told himself as he followed her equally naked lead and plunged through the ice laughing after her.