Family Feud Chapter 3 by Mickey One Lady Laura Wentworth rushed down from the gallery of the Auction House and barged through the door to the basement room. She glared, menacingly, with blazing eyes at the stocky, muscular woman in the black sweater and pantaloons who stood triumphantly over Laura's mother, supine and unconscious on the floor. "You'll pay dearly for this, you old bitch" spit out the young Wentworth woman, through clenched teeth. The tall, lanky woman quickly grabbed her mother's cape from a corner of the room and draped it over the still motionless form. The older woman flutteringly opened her eyes, uncomprehending as to her present circumstances. Instinctively, she folded herself into a fetal postion, as her hands went to her pelvic region and she massaged herself between the legs, hoping to alleviate the pain that caused her to periodically groan loudly. "Its alright, Mother, you'll be fine in a couple of minutes, just lie back", comforted Laura, as she placed her own cape under her mother's head. She then turned her attention to the stocky woman who was now in the far corner adjusting her cape and preparing to leave. "Just where the hell do you think you're off to, you bitch", shouted Laura, moving quickly towards the woman. "You think you're going to just saunter on out of here, without dealing with me. You and I have something to settle and as soon as I've got my mother on her feet, I'm going to give you exactly what I gave that fat little slut of a daughter of yours, only worse. So stick around, you old hag and I'll be right with you". "As much of a pleasure as it would be to put you in the same position I just left that worn out old hump over there, one Wentworth per day is my limit", sneered Angela Colbert, as she finished adjusting her cape. "But don't fret, Laura, I haven't forgotten what you did to Phoebe and knocking the crap out of your mother was just the quickest way I could think of for getting ahold of you. Oh, you and I will get together real soon". With that her Ladyship Colbert turned on her heel and started for the door on the far wall of the Auction House. In that instant Laura Wentworth literally threw herself at the older woman and both went crashing to the floor. Tom Tyrell, the local blacksmith, who had been the "overseer" of the fight between the older women, had been standing to the side of the room and immediately rushed to the two women now rolling on the floor. "Laura, Mrs Colbert, please, this is not the time nor the place", Tyrell shouted as he struggled to get the two women on their feet and apart from each other. As Tyrell stood between the two seething women, Laura Wentworth turned her anger on him, "And you, Tyrell, so you finally roused yourself, after letting this fat slob hit my mother when her back was turned and then humiliate her when she was unconscious. "Laura", Tyrell responded in a reasonable tone, "as you know, better than most, in a fair fight, it is the responsibility of each to protect themselves at all times. As far as what happened at the end, well, in the heat of battle....." Tyrell let his words drift, tacitly implying that it was common knowledge that Laura had shown no mercy to a throughly beaten Phoebe Colbert at the end of their fist fight at the Sandberg mansion. Laura took the point and did not pursue the subject further. "Be that as it may, " Tyrell went on, " we've had all the fighting we're going to have here today. If you two wish to engage each other, I suggest you make arrangements to do so at another time and another place". "Fine", both women chorused. "You'll hear from me this afternoon, you slob" Laura sneered. "I look forward to it", replied Angela Colbert, "As much fun as I had knocking that worn out mother of yours around, its nothing compared to the pleasure of getting a payback for what you did to my daughter. That's what I wanted all along, and beating your mother to a pulp was simply a means to that end" As anxious as she was to get her hands on young Lady Wentworth, Angela Colbert was still a pragmatist. She was well aware of Laura Wentworth's boxing prowess, learned from her three brothers. Mrs Colbert had vividly recalled her daughter's condition after the beating she received from the young Wentworth woman. Phoebe Colbert had come away from that fight with a dislocated jaw, two broken ribs and a deep seated fear of Laura Wentworth. Angela Colbert realized that while she might have a significant weight advantage over the younger woman, she would have to insert some conditions into a one on one battle that would significantly improve her chances with the Wentworth woman. So it was that when Laura Wentworth arrived at the Colbert home to set the terms for a fight, Angela Colbert already had a strategy in mind. The Wentworth woman was accompanied by her oldest brother who, being a champlon boxer at the University of Virginia, was familiar with boxing rules and was also there to prevent any premature violence between the two women. The Wentworth "camp" wanted a convential boxing match of unlimited rounds and a "come to scratch" provision, meaning a round would end when a fighter went to the ground. The downed fighter would then be given sixty seconds to return to the center of the ring and resume fighting. Angela Colbert knew this would favor the younger woman who possessed significant advantages in both age, heigth and boxing skill. Colbert suggested a "no rules" encounter with each fighter allowed to grapple and punch her opponent with only eye gouging and kicking being disallowed. This form of fighting favored the shorter, stockier, heavier older woman and somewhat negated the younger woman's boxing ability. The negotiations lasted for two hours before the rules were agreed to by both sides. The compromise provided elements of a free form fight, but would be mainly staged as a boxing match. The fight would be held in a roped boxing ring, outside of town on a fomer Civil War battle field. Each participant would wear small leather gloves to prevent damage to their hands and the fight would continue until one participant was knocked to the ground and was unable to rise in sixty seconds. There would be no rounds and the fighting would be continuous, with the exception of one two minute "time out" allowed for each fighter, to be called by the fighter at anytime during the contest. All type of punching would be allowed including rabbit punches and punches to all parts of the body. Angela Colbert had also insisted on one other provison. Prior to the start of the boxing, the women would come to the center of the ring, at a distance of four inches from each other and, standing flatfoot, would be allowed a "free punch" at her opponent. The fighter throwing the punch would not be allowed to step forward when punching and the fighter receiving the blow would not be able to defense it in any way. Angela Colbert felt that with her weight advantage, a clean, unobstructed punch at the start of the fight would, if not disable her younger rival, at least put Laura Wentworth at a decided disadvantage at the start of the fight. Wentworth had reluctantly agreed to this proviso, reasoning that it was only a single flat footed punch and she felt certain she could withstand such a blow from the older woman. Laura, likewise, felt that while she had to take a "free punch", she also would have the opportunity to land one on her older rival. Additionally, the young woman was confident that once this preliminary phase was over, her boxing skills, would provide all the advantage she would need to thoroughly thrash the older woman, much as she had done her daughter. Sunrise on fight day dawned bright on the old battle field outside the small Virgina town. A huge crowd had gathered, not only locals, but throngs from neighboring towns who had heard of not only this fight, but the two previous encounters between Colbert and Wentworth females. Both women arrived almost simultaneously in carriages. Both wore body length capes buttoned up to the neck against the early morning chill. Each moved quickly through the large crowd and climbed through the ropes into the boxing ring. They repaired to opposite corners and watched as Tom Tyrell, again the designated overseer, entered the ring. Both women removed their capes and there was a collective gasp from the large crowd. While the younger Wentworth woman was wearing a blouse and what, in that era, were known as "miner's trousers", short trousers cut to just above the ankle, it was the older woman's outfit that triggered the crowd's reaction. Angela Colbert wore only a brassiere on her upper torso and wound around her waist was a wide belt of silk cloth wrapped several times around her body and up through her thick, muscular thighs. "What the hell are you advertising, you old slut?" Laura Wentworth shouted across the ring at her rival. "I thought we were here to fight, not to go horseback riding" replied the Colbert woman, "this is standard boxing attire, so shed some of that riding outfit and let's get to what we're here for". The reaction from her younger rival was exactly what the older woman was hoping for. Laura Wentworth was unnerved by this development and uncertain what to do. While she was reluctant to shed her clothes in public, she was now being challenged to conform to a more convential fighting attire. "I..I...I'll stay with what I have on" Laura stammered, "I wasn't told about any standard attire". There was a bit of incongruity to the young woman's reticence, since following her fight with the younger Colbert woman, Laura Wentworth had stood triumphantly over her badly beaten rival, in a bustier and panty, and proceeded bring herself to orgasam in front of a score of onlookers. However, she now hesitated to disrobe further. "If that's the case, let's forget the whole thing", replied Angela Colbert, "I'll just go see if I can talk your mother into another go 'round with me. There's still a couple of spots on that worn out old body that I didn't get to the last time". That was all the young Wentworth woman needed to hear. She immediately began to unbutton her blouse, revealing a white brassiere. She then proceeded to slip out of her trousers, and stepped forward in a sheer off-white panty. Her tall, lanky body was in direct contrast to her opponent, whose short, stocky frame seemed even more muscular in the abbreviated outfit she had chosen. The younger woman, however, had not had the opportunity to choose an outfit and was now at a disadvantage in having to fight in what was essentially her underwear, a result that fit Angela Colbert's plan perfectly. Both women wore leather gloves and short leather boots. The two women now proceeded to the center of the ring, where Mr Tyrell stood. "Ladies, as you know, you have agreed that prior to engaging in a standard boxing match, each of you will be accorded a single punch at her opponent. The punch must be thrown from a flat footed stance and no followup blows are allowed. By lot, her Ladyship Angela Colbert has the choice and chooses to have the first punch. Mrs Colbert, at your pleasure". Angela Colbert took up an open stance four inches from the younger woman, she bent at the knees and, without hesitation, sent a hard right hand punch which landed flush on the jaw of her younger rival. It had all of Colbert's substantial weight behind it and even from a flat footed stance was a powerful blow. This was apparent by the way Laura Wentworth's head shot back and her entire body shook from the effect of the punch; her knees buckled and even her white panty slid several inches down her hips. However, she did not leave her feet. She lurched several steps backward, shook her head a couple of times to clear it, bounced up on her toes, hitched up her panty and moved forward, inches from the Colbert woman. The younger woman now took a simliar open stance in front oF Angela Colbert. The older woman braced herself as Laura took a deep breath and without any other preliminaries, sent her right uppercut straight into the solar plexus of the woman in front of her. Angela Colbert had been expecting a blow to the face and had tensed her muscles from her shoulders up, and was caught completely off guard when the younger woman's right hand exploded into the relaxed muscles of her lower body. She grunted audibly, her thick legs quivered and then gave way and she dropped to her knees in front of her younger rival. The older woman's hands went to her lower body as she attempted to take a deep breath and regain her feet. However, her first effort failed and she fell back to the ground where she sat for a full half minute. She again tried to raise her body from the grass, this time succeeding and stood to face her advesary. Both women stood glaring at each other, eager to begin the second phase of the fight. Tom Tyrell announced to the two women and the crowd, "The initial phase of the contest is complete and both women have indicated their willingness to continue. The second phase will be a continuous boxing match, with each participant being allowed to call for a two minute rest at any time during the match. If a fighter is knocked off her feet, she shall be given one minute to rise, failing to do so will signal the end of the fight. Is that clear, Ladies?". Both women nodded their assent. "Then return to your corners", Tyrell continued, "and on my signal commence fighting". Both women returned to opposite corners of the ring, turned to the center to watch Tyrell, saw him lower his hand and moved toward each other in deliberate fashion, each with hands held high in classic style. The pattern of the fight was immediately established as Laura Wentworth landed two left jabs solidly in the face of the smaller woman. Angela Colbert moving forward, absorbed the jabs and threw several lefts and rights of her own but they succeeded only in landing on the younger woman's arms and shoulders. Wentworth again began her assualt with a left jab to the face, followed by a another jab into the middle of the bra covering the older woman's large breasts. Angela Colbert gritted her teeth as the secnd jab landed and dropped her hands slightly to protect the more sensitive area. The younger woman immediately brought a right hand straight from the shoulder and caught the short stocky woman on the side of the jaw, dropping her to the ground as if she had been hit by a two by four. On her hands and knees Angela Colbert made her way to the ring ropes and there tried to shake the cobwebs out of her head. After nearly forty seconds with the assistance of the ropes , the stocky women rose to continue fighting. Again, the younger woman began with two left jabs, one of which was short and one landed on the nose her advesary. Encumbered by her limited reach, the older woman was unable to penetrate the long arms of Laura Wentworth. The next jab from the younger woman was in the form of a feint towards the breast area of her adversary. Reacting as before, Angela Colbert lowered the own left guard and paid the price in the form of a devastating overhand right that detonated flush on the jaw of the stocky woman. This time Angela's thick thighs reacted first, visably quivering from the from the force of the punch and she staggered backwards, futilely grabbing for the ropes, but since she was hit in the middle of the ring, no support was near. Her balance deserted her and she toppled straight back to the ground, landing in a sitting positon, before her head continued to fall back and came to rest on the lower ring rope. The older woman was dazed and seemed on the verge of lapsing into unconsciousness. The lanky younger woman stood over her downed rival, reflexively hitched up her white panty, and leaned down close to the older woman, "Come on, Angela, don't quit on me, now, you're only half way to the beating I have in store for you. Why, you haven't even wet your pants yet". After nearly forty five seconds, the stocky woman slowly got to her feet, adjusted her brassiere which had started to droop off her shoulders, hitched up the sarong-like covering around her waist and resumed a boxing stance. The younger woman advanced quickly, confident the fight was hers, now intent on inflicting punishment on this woman who had savaged her mother several days earlier. The fight continued apace of the earllier action. Laura Wentworth continued to throw jabs and right hand punches to the head and body of the older woman. Angela Colbert continued try to bore in close to her youthful opponent and while throwing a number of heavy handed punches, in the main, only succeeded in landing on the arms and shoulders of the younger woman. In addition, Angela Colbert seemed to be noticiably tiring. Her mouth was now wide open and she was inhaling great gulps of air, while at the same time spitting out blood from inside her mouth. In addition, the covering around her waist had begun to slip down and now hung percipitously on her large hips. Her large bra, which had deflected several of the younger woman's punches, was also beginning to sag and the left strap had slipped down the arm of the older woman. Still Angela Colbert continued to throw punches at her taller lanky rival, but mainly succeeded in landing on the arms of the younger woman. The third knockdown was the most dramatic of the fight. The shorter stocky woman sent a right hand punch towards the younger woman, who again caught it on the shoulder, and while grimacing momentarily, moved inside the punch and drove her own left fist deep into the solar plexus of the older woman. Amgela Colbert's head obediently dropped as the punch landed just below the silk wrap around her middle and immediately Laura Wentworth sent a second punch, a beautifully timed uppercut, on a collison course with Angela Colbert's descending jaw. The impact stunned the older woman to the point that her head shot skyward while at the same time the impact of the blow was such as to dislodge the wide belt of cloth covering Angela Colbert's waist. It unraveled and as the stocky woman hit the ground the silk covering flew from her limbs. Angela Colbert lay spredeagled on the ground, covered, from the waist down, by a black panty, severly dazed from the force of the blows she had absorbed and, for all intent and purposes, a beaten fightrer. She lay on her back for a full half minute, before regaining a semblance of awareness. She then reached for her cloth wrapping while at the same time, signaling to Tom Tyrell that she was calling her two minute "time out". The signal to Tyrell came in the form of a gurgle, since her mouth was even more clogged with blood as a result of the last devastating punch from her opponent.The short stocky woman then staggered to a corner of the ring, gagging on the blood in her mouth, collapsed on her hands and knees, while reaching for the water and sponge that was made available by several spectators. Her opponent bounced confidently to the opposite coraner and stood with arms draped across the ropes, flexing her arms and shoulders, anxious for the action to resume. Angela Colbert, her face misshappen and sporting several lumps from the punches of the younger woman, raised herself to her feet with the help of the ring ropes and began to fashion the cotton wrap around her waist and through her thighs. She placed it again over the pair of now sweat stained underpants. The cotton garment hung loosely from her waist following her adjustments. She also took the time to adjust her bra which had nearly slipped completely free of her breasts. Laura Wentworth on the other hand seemed only slightly the worse for wear. Although the Colbert woman had landed several punches to her upper body, most of the blows from the older woman had resounded off the younger woman's arms and shoulders. This, however, was not without consequence. While most of Angela Colbert's blows had not gotten through the young Wentworth woman's defense, the punches were heavy handed and thrown with the full force of the heavier woman. Laura Wentworth's arms, therefore, sported several bruises from the constant battering of Angela Colbert's punches. In fact, Loura Wenthworth's arms were starting to feel much heavier than when the bout started. Tom Tyrell, who had been studying his timepiece throughtout the "time out", now stepped to the center of the ring and annouced "Ladies, two minutes have passed, box on". Both women moved towards the center of the ring, Laura Wentworth noticably quicker than her shorter, stockier opponent. Wentworth again began with a several jabs, all of which fell short, while Angela Colbert continued to throw punches that landed on the long arms of the younger woman. A differnce from the start of the bout was that Wentworth's jabs seemed to lack the snap of her earlier punches and she was clearly wincing each time the heavier woman landed punches on her arms. Additionally, the younger woman's arms were beginning to drop perceptibly lower as each of the older woman's blows landed. Angela Colbert noticed the change and nearly a minute after resumption of action, the older woman landed her first meaningful punch. Stepping inside another short jab from the lanky, younger woman, Colbert drove a straight right fist into a spot just below the panty line of her rival. Laura Wentworth grunted at the impact and her hands moved down defensively. The older woman took advantage of the defensive lapse by aiming a followup right hand punch higher on the younger woman's body, just under her left breast and finished the series with a left hook hard into the ribs of Laura Wentworth. The younger woman backpedaled out of reach of any additional punches and again sent a left jab to the face of her rival. This time, however, the jab did little to stop the older woman, who "walked through" the punch and fired a return right hand straight to the left breast of her rival. It served both the purpose of inflicting punishment on the younger woman's mammary and actually dislodging the breast from the bra. Laura Wentworth, however, was not going to make the same mistake her mother had made, and thus maintained contact with her adversary and, ignoring the swaying breast, fired a powerful right hand punch at the shorter woman. Unfortunately it missed and the force threw the younger woman off balance and vulnerable to a counterpunch. Angela Colbert did not let opportunity pass. Setting her feet, she threw a searing left hook flush into the region slightly below the panty line of the younger woman and instead of following with another blow higher on the body, switched tactics and sent a followup right hand punch cruelly aimed at the crotch of Laura Wentworth. The tall woman groaned loudly as the punch landed, instinctively grasped at the violated area between her legs and sunk to the ground, falling almost in sections, knees, torso, arms and legs. This probably would have been an ideal time for Laura Wentworth to call her own two minute "time out". She had seen that her opponent had been at least partially rejuvenated from a two minute respite. Indeed, Angela Colbert had transformed from being on the verge of a knockout to scoring a knockdown of her own. However the impetuousness of youth overcame good sense. Laura Wentworth was anxious to get back at her rival and redeem herself for the indignity of being knocked to the ground. The tall lanky woman raised herself to a sitting position and carefully massaged inside her panty to relieve the pain from the low blow between her legs. After thirty seconds, she rose to a standing position, adjusted her breast within her bra, hitched up her panty and started toward the older woman who had been riveted on her rival with her eyes from a far corner. Both women, having been knocked off their feet, now exhibited caution in their approach. Angela Colbert, still the worse for wear, sported facial bruises that seemed to be swellling by the moment. Laura Wentworth, while not having absorbed as much punishment, still found it difficult to keep her hands up high and the bruises on her arms were outward evidence why. Closing the distance, the taller woman again began by throwing another left jab, which her stocky rival avoided and, Angela Colbert, in turn, threw a left and right hand punch at the younger woman. Both blows landed, as many before, on the arms of Laura Wentworth, only this time the impact caused the younger woman to wince visably and cry out. The older woman noticed this immediately and again sent two more punches towards her taller rival, now seemingly content to batter the severly discolored arms of the younger noblewoman. Laura Wentworth, still trying to fend off her oncoming opponent, attempted another jab, but, by now, the parry was little more a pawing punch. Angela Colbert, emboldened by the deteriorating condition of her opponent, moved quickly to the attack. The older woman, getting close to her rival, sent four punches to the arms of her rival, all with the desired effect. Laura Wentworth could no longer keep her arms up and she resignedly let them drop to her sides. The older woman, taking this unintended invitation, hammered two heavy punches directly on those now limp, bruised appendages and when the younger woman cried out, the short stocky fighter moved in and drove two right hand punches, first into the ribs and then to the breasts of the lanky young woman. Laura Wentworth, a look of abject fear on her face, backed into a corner of the ring, where, trapped against the ring post, arms at her sides, she presented an open target for the advancing, now snarling, Angela Colbert. As she had done when finishing the fight with this young woman's mother, Angela Colbert showed remarkable patience as, unhurried, she set herself in front of her rival, spread her legs to gain maximum leverage and proceeded to send three devastating punches thudding into the now unresisting body of Lady Laura Wentworth. The first landed just under the young woman's heart and caught a large portion of her left breast, the next intruded into the tall woman's womb, landing in the middle of her sweat soaked panty and the third, carefully aimed, exploded between the long legs of the now groaning Lady Laura Wentworth. The tall woman, hands clutching herself between her legs, began to pitch forward. However, her short, stocky adversary took a quick step toward her rival and, using both gloved hands, stopped the descent of her nearly unconscious opponent and roughly shoved her back into the corner, against the ring post. Laura Wentworth sagged in the corner, her glazed eyes looking imploringly at the woman in front of her. Again, exhibiting a cruel patient pace, the older woman sent a right hook into the ribs of the now stationary target, who emitted a pitiful mewing sound as her entire body buckled at the knees. Angela Colbert then sent a right hand punch flush on the now accessible jaw of her rival, who was propelled back into the ring ropes and then instantly catapulted forward to land face first on the ground, unconcscious. Tom Tyrell stepped near with his timepiece to unnecessarily count off sixty seconds the young woman had to rise. After sixty seconds, the tableau remained unchanged. Laura Wentworth remained in a prone position, arms out in front of her, while her stocky opponent stood several feet away, watching for any sign that her rival might regain consciouness, a slight smile creasing the older woman's swollen face, indicitive that the fight had not been one-sided. Tom Tyrell looked up from his timepiece and annouced "This fight is over, the winner.... her Ladyship Angela Colbert". The older woman stepped over to the still unmoving Laura Wentworth, knelt down beside the unconscious younger woman and roughly turned her over on her back. She then stood and, using the toes of her boots, parted the legs of Laura Wentworth, leaving her in a supine, spreadeagled position. The older woman then lowered herself unto the upper body of the young noblewwoman positioning herself so that her own legs were now pressed against the younger woman's arms. Tom Tyrell, stepped forward, "Your Ladyship, I've declared the fight finished, please back away from your opponent". "Its you that better back away, Tyrell", growled Angela Colbert, through swollen lips, "this part is personal". Tom Tyrell stepped backwards until he was near the ropes and then climbed out of the ring leaving Angela Colbert on top of a still senseless Laura Wentworth. The older woman, now, gently began to lightly tap the face of her younger rival, "C'mon Laura, time to wake up, there's one more thing we need to do". The younger woman's eyelids opened and she contemplated her situation. "That's it, Laura", soothed Angela Colbert, "just one more little thing to take care of. I offered your mother this choice and she, regretably, declined; with you, therefore, there is no choice". With that the older woman raised herself up and in a swift motion unwrapped the silk cloth from around her waist. She cast it aside and then deftly removed her black panty, leaving herself naked from the waist down. She then lowered herself back into a position of top of the younger woman, who was only now gaining full consciousness. Angela Colbert moved her knees up near the side of the head of her young rival and positioned her large thighs so that they practically engulfed the other woman's head, leaving only a small space for the woman underneath to breath through her nose. For a full minute, Angela Colbert remained in that position, slowly rotating her pelvis against the younger woman's face while at the same time reaching under her own bra to gently fondle her large breasts. Finally, a perceptable shudder coursed through the stocky woman's body, her head went back and an "Hmmm" emanted from his lips. She then moved her knees away from the young womans head and slid down to her original position, pinning her rival's arms with her legs. "Oh yes", Angela Colbert said, "one other thing, Laura, Phoebe asked me to say hello". With that, still pinning Lady Wentworth to the ground, Angela Colbert sent left and right hand punches to the helpless woman's jaw, sending her head swiveling in opposite directions and rendering the woman unconsciouness. Angela Colbert now raised herself from the lanky, prone form of the unconscious Laura Wentworth. She retrieved her silk garment and rewrapped it about her waist. She then picked up her sweat stained black panty and, moving to her comatose rival, reached down and placed it gently over the unconscious woman's face. "That's something to reimind you to think twice before you trifle with the Colbert family again". Seemingly satisfied, Angela Colbert moved through the rings ropes and out through the crowd that had watched the last five minutes in stunned silence. The Wentworth and Colbert feud, which had started with a fight between two young noblewomen over a dinner place setting had ended, thanks to Angela Colbert, with the public humiliation of both the mother and daughter of the Wentworth family. It was over, at least for this time and this generation. This completes the "Family Feud" trilogy. Comments on any or all parts may be addressed to MickeyOne10605@yahoo. com Thank you. MickeyOne