THE COME BACK The Little Accountant's Fantasy It had been two years since Shante' did her work on the crown of Fanny's head. She had reconciled with her husband who was temporarily mesmerized by Fanny's light skin and "big behind". Connington was his name; he had learned the hard way that you don't keep an old girl friend as a "family friend" after you married someone else. Fanny could not take the fact that Connington had chosen that little "black country girl" over her. Fanny harassed Shante' for a solid year and Shante' remained a lady though it all. Bottles through her window, tires slashed, threatening phone calls and letters you name it. Finally Fanny talked her self into going to their home to confront them. Fanny cursed her way into a fight but it did not last long. The little former cheer leader and track star was all over her. Fanny out weighed Shante' by about 40+ pounds but she was slow unskilled non-athletic and Shante' was the opposite of all that and it showed. Shante' pinned Fanny against the brick wall of her home and proceeded to riddle Fanny's head speed knots; the remarkable thing was that when they took Fanny to the Emergency room to be examined the triage nurse said the bumps were arranged in a word; SHANTE'. Fanny was not only hurt but humiliated by a girl half her size who had also taken her man; even her own relatives laughed at her. For two years it seemed she vanished from the face of the earth; but then she came back! Fanny had gone into seclusion but she was not inactive though, she was on a mission. Fanny had come to the realization that Connington was lost to her. Reason being "that little black country b!@#$! She was going to have her revenge for her humiliating defeat at the hands of the sexy little princess. Four months had passed since the birth of Shante's last child; Shante' wanted to get back into shape and had been working out at a little gym she found in the neighborhood. She had now regained her six pack and lost all baby fat due in part to dedication and discipline of herself and her trainer. Shante' had no idea that her trainer and Fanny's trainer were the same person, G-Man. G-Man met Fanny in a self defense class immediately after the fight he convinced her that she should take up grappling sports of some kind in order to become a superior fighter. He knew she was naturally slow but he could teach her jiu jitsu and build her strength with weight training and diet. G-Man knew that he had to teach a slow fighter timing also to make up for the lack of speed. Fanny had become good, real good! Shante' on the other hand only trained to get in shape; she was a good fighter because she just had natural talent , cat-like speed and deceptive strength, all to well did Fanny know these things about her first hand. Fanny also new that Shante' was a natural African beauty. Shante' looked like a CheerLeader; tiny waist, smooth milk chocolate skin, taught shapely legs, perky bit sized breasts and a perfectly rounded little a%% that was to die for. On top of all this she had the face of a child and the voice of a mother finishing a bed time story to a child whose eyes are half shut. For these things Fanny hated her and much more. When they first fought, Fanny was built like a "broke down Faith Evens" her face was bumpy, her belly over lapped on all sides her legs only looked good when she wore heels and her butt was out of control and dented. She had potential but never worked on herself until "the beat down"; now she was not only a woman scorned but also on a mission to destroy her blood enemy and make Shante's man watch. From time to time G-Man would have tourneys for girls at local gyms looking for talent that could possibly go national or international. G-Man had been working with Shante' on some wrestling techniques just for fun and he noticed that she was a natural but not ready for the tourney yet. In his opinion neither was Fanny but she more than Shante' although both girls wanted to fight. Since they were G-Man's only two beginning students in the region he decided on a private match both girls would fight under an alias if they wished and would negotiate rules through him. He would need a doctor's approval from each and both girls would need a second to drive home or to the hospital. Suspense was killing Fanny so she decided to follow G-Man and see who her opponent would be she staked out the gym on the days she was not working out. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would see what she saw could it be true? Was G-Man working out with the object of her obsession, her nemesis,"the little B!@#$!" YES! There was a god for the evil after all!. Fanny knew what she was going to do now; she had two more weeks to prepare. First she started to run smack about how badly she was going to beat her opponent; G-Man "being the sick puppy" had no more sense than to carry the message and Shante' could not hold back from responding. Finally when it was time to settle on the rules the both girls wanted a no holds barred submission match where the looser was either knocked out or had to scream out ,"Mommy I don't want no more!" There would be no throwing in the towel and only at G-Man's desecration will the match be stopped he figured because of the amount of smack running that a least one of the girls knew the identity. All the better it made for a real good fight! The day finally came. G-Man set up a cage for two reasons on because he knew each girl was bringing someone and did not want any interference. Two he did not want either girl to run if the match was not going her way; the loser must submit or sleep. The cage was made of see-through wire mesh it was 15 feet high and 15 feet in circumference; there was only one way in and one way out. The place was a secluded area in west Texas underground, beneath one off G-Mans ranch homes. Shante's husband did not like it one bit but he never could stop her from doing what she wanted. Fanny brought her friend Shaniqua (mouth of the Ghetto) she knew that once she crushed Shante' Shaniqua would tell the world in less than an hour. At the top of the cage were video cameras, both girls eyed them suspiciously as they approached. When the two came into mutual light Fanny was grinning but Shante' said nothing she just frowned and started after her golden foe. Shante's husband and G-Man keep them apart," I see you to are aquatinted with one another (smiling). "This is it, B!@#$%", barked Fanny. " S#!@#! Let's go baby!" demanded Connington. "No!", replied the little brown bombshell. "I aint runnin' from her fat a!@#! "Listen to ya' man little B!@#$! It won't be the same this time!", growled Fanny. "What you learned 'Fat-fu' in the past couple of years?, taunted Shante' "We gonna' see lil' h@#!", returned Fanny. Each were wearing robes; Shante' in a red silk robe with black lettering 'The Lioness' and Fanny in royal blue with golden writing,'Cat Eater'. G-Man was the referee yet before he could give the signal they were at each other. Shante' was wearing crimson colored French cut tights; tapered low in the front revealing her sensual six pack and in the back drawing ones eyes to her logical "gluteus conclusion". Fanny was in a black connected two piece revealing her new found six pack and her now muscular arms. This surprised the little warrior but it did not deter her in the least she still felt she was the superior fighter plus she hated Fanny for trying to take her husband. Shante' jumped at Fanny wrapping her legs around Fanny's lower waist and her arms around the big girls head smashing Fanny's nose into her chest. Shante' wasted no time she tightened her grip and started hammering the back Fanny's head with the first two knuckles of her right hand while tightening her scissors hold every time Fanny took a breath. Though the victim of a devastating "first strike" Fanny did not loose her head she wrapped her arms around Shante's waist then slammed her into the mat using the force of her own weight. They went down with a thud "Whaam!!" Uhhhhhhhhh! All the air left Shante's body her scissors hold was broken and she was only holding Fanny's head for support. The tide had turned, Fanny was in the drivers seat and Shante' was a helpless passenger. Fanny quickly moved up on Shante's little body pressing her weight, locking her legs and applying a front sleeper which the "little brown vixen' desperately tried to break. Shante' had never been beaten before and she did not like the feeling; once again she was loosing air , this time slowly. Shante's was helpless she could only try to bridge out before she passed out; with all her might she pressed her pelvis upward against the big girls pelvis. The sight of the cocoa and butterscotch swirl of sweaty feminine flesh lock in mortal combat almost overcame the 100 year old G-Man but he maintained. Fanny began a new assault; she whipped her forehead into Shante's face bloodying her nose bruising her right cheek bone and eventually closing Shante's right eye. Simultaneously Fanny continued to engage Shante' in a pelvic press occasionally looking in Connington's direction with an evil smirk. (She was so vulgar she was thinking "yeah ni&&@! you couldn't take the power of this p!@#$! That's why you settled for this baby c!@#$!" "But I show yo a!@! who has the best poonanee!") As she finally over came Shante' pressing her quivering glutei to he mat ;she demanded of her beaten foe,"Say B!@#$! Say it! Say it! Even half-conscious the little chocolate goddess would not yield she slowly drifted into unconsciousness (by this time Connington was screaming ,cursing, and banging against the cage like a mad man). "Let her go Fanny you've won, it's over", said G-Man softly as he gently tapped Fanny on the a!@# . Fanny let her go but not without what she thought was well deserved humiliation; she spat in Shante's face then stripped off her red tights exposing the little ones chest and rear then drug her around the cage for a victory lap. G-Man just shook his head then exclaimed,"that was unnecessary Fanny, you do know...... 1.1 What Goes Around Comes Around DEACON