Big Brown Bousie Battle Cincinnati's African American social club "The Friends of Amistad" was holding their 60th annual Young Women's Role Model Award. Three notable finalists were selected out of a field of 20 candidates. Her Honor Star Jones, National Security Chief Condeleeza Rice, and Producer, Writer, Singer and Rapper Missy Elliot. Ophrah had won the award for ten years in a row so to avoid redundancy both she and the organization decided to leave her out of the running and make her mistress of ceremonies. Each woman, phonemes in their particular fields and highly respected. There was mutual respect between the finalists also; well at least that is what was believed at first. As it turned out the race was close Secretary Rice was edged out by a small margin and much to Star's chagrin so was she. Star could not believe that she was passed over by "that country, bucked toothed, Hip-Hop Cow!" In Star's opinion Missy should not have been a candidate because her "lil musak" did not compare to her accomplishments and that of others. "After all what she does has nothing to do with academia, business, medicine or law". "What the Hell were they thinking?!" Star shrieked. Little did she know that Missy was standing in the doorway of her dressing room, Missy had come down to Star's room to meet her because she was a long time admirer. Suddenly Star's personal assistant caught a glimpse of Missy fuming, out of the corner of her eye and was tapping Star vigorously as Star ranted and raved about Missy's unfitness for the award. "Is that right B!%@#! said Missy in a very aggravated tone. "Excuse me? "I'm sorry you had to hear that but every word was true and I'm not in the habit of taking things back! "oh is like that huh? Questioned Missy By this time Missy had made her way from the door (closing it behind her to the vanity were Star was sitting and touching up her make up. Her assistant stood between them saying "now ladies" in a worried voice. "Sweetie it's me, I am a litigater we can talk about this like two adult women (Star was saying this while giving Missy a smile a nod and a boxers stare). Missy smile stared back and said "absolutely" "In fact give us some time alone, we need to talk. We're civilized sista's and both have said some things we regret, we are going to work this out". After Star made this statement she stood to her feet and reached for Missy's hand; their fingers interlocking and both voluptuous beauties giving reassuring grins to Star's concerned assistant. "That's the Star I know", replied the assistant smiling. Star smiled back and said, "In fact take the rest of the evening off and put the do not disturb sign on the door; we will get room service and take this thing over." Star's assistant agreed and left the room confident that everything would be all right. Once the door closed Star and Missy stood side by side patiently waiting for her to get down the hall and out of eye shoot at the same time squeezing each other's hands. They buried their nails into each other's skin for about two minutes until they heard the elevator bell ring. At the sound of the bell like to prizefighters they turned face to face and commenced the intercourse of battle cursing, punching, and kicking furiously. By this time their robes were torn off and their lovely rotund forms were exposed sweating, glistening and flexing arms, legs and glutei. Engaged in a dance of battle both voluptuous she-cats struggling back and forth seeking to lead. They berated each other in traditional ghetto fashion. "Is that all you got b!%@#?! Questioned Missy sarcastically. I'm just takin' my time beatin yo' @$$! Hoe I want to enjoy this! Answered Star. They finally settle in a standing mutual headlock their breathing labored and ruff with airy growling evident by their sweaty heaving chests. Both women were trying to trip the other using their plump but shapely legs as they struggled side by side. Star suddenly snapped her right heal in to Missy's crotch causing the musician to hit a 'high note of agony' and to press her mighty thighs together seeking to ease the pain. Star took full advantage of the moment and hip-tossed Missy slamming her on to the floor yet never relinquishing her headlock. Missy knowing she was in trouble leg locked Star's thigh tightly and attempted to break Star's headlock by prying a wedge between them using the heel of her hand against Star's chin. The two plump goddesses were bound in a caramel and chocolate swirl; twisting, flexing, toiling for dominance. Star though far from the "hood" socially was thrust by the battle back into "street mode" never ceasing to talk "trash". "How you like this @$$-whoppin b!%@#?! Missy wisely preserved her strength and only answered in a growl and an occasional punch to the head or body. Star got off on the sensation of power over her opponent. So she delivered a series of hip-toss slams around the room crashing Missy's voluptuous frame to the carpet. Star finally grew weary of hoisting Missy over her hip and so settles on top of her still punishing the sexy Virginian with a vice-like headlock. Once the were settle on the floor Missy locked one of Star's shapely milk chocolate thighs with her sexy dark chocolate legs squeezing until their perspiration was indistinguishable. Simultaneously Missy held Star's head stationary in "the guide to keep her from doing anymore damage so that she might somehow gain an advantage. Star's leg was beginning to grow numb from Missy's lock so she foolishly tried to work her way out with one of her hands indicating weakness to Missy. Missy went to work; she grabbed Star's hair from the back with one hand and her chin with another twisting Star's neck to turn her over. Missy also twisted her leg lock in the same direction. Star though feverishly trying to bridge out of Missy's now superior position; was now exhausted from the whole ordeal and was breathing heavily and losing strength fast. Missy now was in full control; her forearm pressed against Star's neck her legs double locked onto Star's her stomach firmly pressed against Star's making it difficult for her to breath. Missy was leaving nothing to chance she realized early that t she was not fighting some soft lawyer type but an experienced street fighter so she started to deliver sharp head butts to Star's face targeting her eyes and nose. The blood began to flow and Star began to moan in agony loosing contiousness. Missy rolled Star over on her belly then applied a back leg lock with her right leg and with her left leg she stabilized the hold. Missy continuing her pattern of caution she gripped Stars throat then rolled backward converting the hold into a leg lock-back breaker-choke combo. Star was devastated; consciuos only because of the pain in her contorted legs and back, unable to cry out because of the choke. Star's body ceased to be her own "her @$$ was Missy's. Star was not even able to beg for mercy, Star's eyes bulging even more than normal, sweat dripping from her twisted thighs and hyper-extended glutei one mammary exposed. Star prayed for unconsciousness, which would seem to be her only relief. Her desired state came only after a hamstring pull and a ruptured disk indicated by a popping noise in her back Star moaned and whimpered her bottom lip quivering uncontrollably "Mmuuuhhhh". Missy dropped her to the floor on her face then rolled Star over to straddle her face. Missy rotated her hips grinding her crotch in Stars face saying."Now Buushie B!%@#! Respect the way I suk suk suk my style!"