Becky the Teenaged Boss-Girl By BC email Becky tries to take over her Dad's workplace but faces strong resistance Note: Part 1 of this story, "Becky vs. the Biker" can be found in the Misc. #11 bookshelf of the Diana the Valkyrie library. Part 2, "Becky Rules the House", is in the Misc.#13 bookshelf. I have previously chronicled (in Becky Rules the House) how Becky had beaten up her stepfather as he was attacking his mother, and had taken over as "head of the household". Most girls would be more than satisfied with treating a formerly abusive stepfather as a servant, as well as having authority over her mother, but Becky is no ordinary girl! She saw an opportunity to get more power when her stepfather Al's secretary went on maternity leave this past summer. Becky coerced Al into getting her hired as his temporary secretary. Of course, Becky had no intention of being her stepfather's secretary, or helper in any manner! She was using the position to get a foothold in the warehouse where Al was the foreman. He supervised a crew of twelve workers, including forklift operators, truck drivers, laborers to load and unload the trucks, and a shipping clerk. All of the crew were men. Becky was ready for a new challenge. She had first tasted power at the age of 13 when she beat up and subjugated her 17 year old brother Jimmy for the first time (see "Becky vs. the Biker"). By the time that she was 15, she had established herself as the toughest kid in school, and even 18 year old seniors on the football team backed away from confrontations with her. The first time I saw her, last year, she physically destroyed and humiliated a tough looking but middle-aged biker in a supermarket parking lot. The next time I encountered her she had demonstrated the power that she had taken from her parents. And Now, Becky had just graduated High School - the only student in her class, I am sure, to own her own house, not to mention to control her parent's money! But now she was setting her sights on her next target - her father's workplace. Becky had told me to meet her at the warehouse, so I was waiting in the parking lot for her to arrive. The workers were parking - nearly all of them driving SUVs or pickup trucks. Typical macho vehicles belonging to blue collar men. Each of the men would have been far more for me to handle, but Becky had boasted that she would be the boss of the whole lot of them before long! As formidable as I knew Becky to be, I began to wonder whether she could single-handedly control them as a group. Then I heard a roar as a big Harley Davidson pulled into the lot. As I watched the man get off of his bike, I realized how huge he was. About 6'5", and he obviously worked out. I had seen Becky beat up another biker before, but that one was out of shape and twenty years older than this guy. The other men all called to the biker, whose name was Bruno, and with the respect and deference that they gave him, he seemed to be their leader. I was now wondering if Becky had bitten off more than she could chew. The workers were hanging out when Becky pulled up in a late model Lincoln Navigator. Al had bought the luxury SUV shortly before Becky took over the house. He was very proud of it, fitting in with his macho image and the fact that as a supervisor he could afford more than a Jeep or a Blazer. But Becky, who had just become old enough to drive, took the Navigator from him as a 17th birthday present for herself, just as easily as her 18th birthday present, when Al signed ownership of his house to her! There were murmurs from the workers. "Hey, there's Al's Nav!" "I wonder why he stopped driving it right after he got it!" From these and other comments, it was clear that they had been puzzled by the fact that Al had suddenly stopped driving his new pride and joy, and instead drove an old, battered station wagon. The reason, of course, was that Becky had gone to the junkyard and found the perfect car for her stepfather, an old, ugly, barely reliable station wagon and with no status at all. The workers, expecting to see Al, instead saw a young woman emerge from the Navigator. They gasped at Becky's long legs, accentuated by platform shoes that kids wear these days, and a pair of shorts that ended a third of the way down her thigh. She wore a halter top that left a bare midriff on her flat stomach and barely contained her plump breasts. Light brown hair flowed freely below her shoulders. Some of the workers made animalistic grunts as they looked at her shapely, revealing young body, not having any idea of the strength within it, much less anything else about Becky's history. "Hey, that must be his kid!" said one worker. "I heard that she was going to take over as secretary for the summer!" "Yeah," said another, "but what's the girl doing driving the Nav while her old man drives the heap?" At that moment, Al drove up in his "heap" and parked next to the Navigator. Becky was waiting for him there, palm upturned. Al sheepishly handed Becky his keys, looking self-consciously at the men. "What the fuck!" exclaimed one of the men. "It was strange when he stopped driving the Nav right after he got it, and he never wanted to talk about why. And now the kid has it. What's up with this?" "Yeah," said another, "and he grew that beard right around that time! And started acting strange. Kind of like he was pussy-whipped! She's only his step-daughter, maybe they have something going on!" I had to hold in a laugh. The only thing "going on" between Al and Becky was that he had become his stepdaughter's servant. "Pussy whipped?" Becky had whipped Al with his own belt many times, but the only contact he had with her pussy was to eat it out whenever she wanted! Their confusion was understandable. Al HAD been acting strange. Always a clean-cut ex-marine, he suddenly grew a full beard and had seemed less confident than before. That and his sudden change of cars had made the crew wonder for months. Becky walked crisply towards the warehouse door, which Al held open for her. I could hear the puzzled murmurs of the workers as they watched Becky lead the way to Al's office. Al's office was just off the main room of the shop with a large window that looked onto the floor. And of course, the workers could look right into the window at the office. The worker's murmurs got louder as Becky sat down in the chair behind her father's desk while he stood obediently before her. She took a cigarette out of her handbag and Al rushed to light it. The workers looked curiously as Becky jabbed her cigarette towards Al as if she was giving him orders. And he was nodding back! "What's the deal here" one worker asked. She's acting like she's the boss!" "She must have something on him.!" answered another. "That explains why the girl is driving the Nav, and the way she's acting towards him now! It's just too strange. She has to be blackmailing him or something. There's no other explanation for it!" Again, I laughed to myself. The workers still couldn't imagine that it wasn't blackmail, but Becky's brute force unleashed against her ex-Marine stepfather. Becky and Al came out of the office. Al called all of the workers together. He seemed uneasy. It was obvious that he was uncomfortable with what he was doing. "This is my stepdaughter Becky." he announced. "Becky will be working here this summer. I want all of you to listen to what Becky says as if it were coming from me!" The men looked at each other and mumbled restlessly. "What does he mean, listen to her?" one voice said. "We never have to listen to no secretary!" said another. Then a voice from the back. "Hey Pete, you always have something to say, so tell them this is bullshit!" Becky had been watching the men as they reacted to what Al had said, and was trying to pick out who was saying what. But now her eyes were focused on Pete. Pete was the shipping clerk, and the least blue-collar of all the workers. He didn't unload trucks or operate heavy equipment. He just walked around with his clipboard and pencil all day. I learned that Pete had gone to college, though he didn't finish, and he liked to pontificate about everything. At 5'7" he was the shortest of the men, more than three inches shorter than Becky. His frame was thinner than the others. He didn't need strength for his job. The other workers made fun of him for that, but now, they were turning to him to set the record straight with Becky. Pete cleared his throat. "There is a protocol here, Becky." he huffed, trying to sound as officious as possible. You might be the foreman's daughter, but you are still a mere secretary. We have to listen to your father, but not you!" The men grinned at each other, satisfied that Becky had been adequately admonished. Becky slowly walked towards Pete, a slight grin on her face. Suddenly, when she got within range, she stuck her right hand out and grabbed Pete by the throat. She kept walking forward, pushing Pete backward until they got to the wall. Becky pushed her arm forward, slamming the back of Pete's head against the wall, the hand on his throat pinning his neck to the wall. She pushed up on his neck until he was on his tiptoes. Becky was still tall enough to look down on him, her face inches from his. "What would the protocol be for sending you to the hospital, Pee-Wee?" Pete resembled Pee Wee Herman, and he had taken ribbing for this in from his co-workers in the past. But he didn't expect it from this brash youngster, and he didn't like it. He reached up with his hands, but found that his two hands weren't strong enough to pry Becky's right hand from his throat! He struggled like crazy, but Becky simply tightened her grip on Pete's throat until he was in too much pain to fight. He dropped his hands from her arm in surrender. Becky contemptuously let him go with another slam into the wall. Pete slumped down and sheepishly struggled to his feet. Becky turned to Al. "Daddy," she said sweetly, will you please introduce me to the crew individually?" The men had expressions of confusion and anger, but Al obeyed Becky's request. Becky stared into each one's eyes, but everyone avoided eye contact after a few seconds. Everyone, that is, except for Bruno. Bruno, the fierce looking, 6'5 Harley biker, glared in silent but powerful anger at her. Becky told me later that she knew at that moment that her key to gaining control would be to break Bruno when the time came. Having made this decision, Becky turned away from Bruno's stare. The other workers saw this as a victory, that Bruno had stared Becky down. They thought that they had won a small battle. "This wouldn't happen if we had a union here!" one voice muttered. "Yeah! said another. "Once we vote the union in here we won't have to put up with this shit!" "Awww," a third voice said, "What can she do? She can't really make us do anything that we're not supposed to!" Still another said "Why does Al put up with that kid's shit?" The other workers mumbled in agreement. Becky had heard some of those comments and found out from Al that there was supposed to be a vote in a few weeks on whether to unionize the warehouse. Becky didn't know much about unions, but she instinctively knew that it would it wouldn't be as easy to take over the shop if there was an organized force like a union opposing her. This was a situation, she knew, that she had to keep an eye on. Becky spent the rest of the day in Al's office, going over every detail of the warehouse's operation. By the next day, she was ready to take further action. While Al sat docilely in his office, Becky started exerting the power that her stepfather usually wielded. This included monitoring attendance and lateness, the time it took to perform various tasks and in general keeping the shop running. The workers weren't happy, but their grumblings were quiet. During this time, Becky treated her stepfather like shit, making contemptuous remarks to the workers about him in his presence. She even ordered him to clean the entire office. The workers looked on in astonishment as Becky continued to sit at Al's large desk, in his leather chair, while Al sat at the secretary's desk! The workers were amazed that Al would take all of Becky's shit, but he obeyed her without argument. By the end of the week, Becky had learned all facets of the operation and the roles of the workers, and made her next move. She started docking the men when they came in late or spent too much time at lunch and coffee breaks, and instituted a new rule that they had to ask her permission to go to the bathroom! This was too much for the workers, and one of them, Ralph the forklift operator brought a petition to Al on behalf of the others, complaining that she was enforcing rules that they never had to worry about before, and that having to ask permission to go to the bathroom was unacceptable. But if they thought that the petition would be the end of their problems, they were sorely disappointed. Their boss meekly pleaded with them to listen to his stepdaughter, assuring them that she was only there for the summer and that things would soon be back to normal. The workers couldn't understand why Al was so fearful of Becky. She was destroying his credibility as their boss, and he seemed powerless to do anything about it. Becky decided that she had to make an example of Ralph for speaking up against her. So the next day, Becky took him off of the forklift and had him work in the loading dock for a day. Ralph looked to Al for help, but he just turned away. Ralph seethed, but he unloaded the freight for the rest of the day, glaring at Becky whenever he saw her. The other men didn't want to piss Becky off in the same way, but they weren't happy with the situation, and their grumblings got louder. She heard more mutterings about "the union wouldn't let this happen!" Becky showed no emotion, but by now I knew that fierce determination in her eyes. She had expected that reaction, in fact wanted it, because it led to her next move. Becky now sensed that she was close to her goal of pushing the men over the edge. She knew that she had to goad them just a little more to get them to rebel, so she could smack the rebellion right down. So on the following Monday, she instituted, for the first time in the shop, to institute a no-smoking rule. Smoking in indoor workplaces had actually been outlawed a few years ago, but everyone had ignored it. Until now! Once again, to no avail, the workers complained to Al. He wimpishly talked about the "state law", and they saw that he would be of no help. Their anger was getting to the boiling point, and Becky took the opportunity to push the envelope even further. As she walked menacingly around the warehouse, her thick heels making loud, echoing sounds that the workers had come to know and fear, she lit up a cigarette of her own and casually smoked it as she walked around the shop, observing the workers! The workers were outraged at Becky's arrogance. The teen brat had prohibited the men from smoking, but she obviously had a different set of rules for herself! Namely that she could do anything that she wanted, regardless of the rules, but that she could enforce the same rules that she ignored for herself against the workers! Becky's brash act caused Bruno, the biggest, toughest and loudest of the men to defiantly light up a cigarette of his own. Everything was falling into place perfectly for Becky. She had been trying to figure out a way to pick a fight with Bruno, and she knew that it wouldn't take much to goad him into one now! Becky walked right up to Bruno and snatched the cigarette from his mouth. She held out her hand. "Give me the pack, Bruno!" she snapped. But with a defiant sneer, Bruno put the pack back in his shirt. "No little fucking bitch is going to boss ME around!" growled Bruno. "I don't know why your father puts up with your shit, but I won't! You need a good whipping, or maybe a nice big dildo pumping inside of you!" The other workers looked proudly at Bruno for standing up to Becky, and saying things that they wouldn't dare say themselves! Becky and Bruno stared at each other. Becky was 5'10, so Bruno, at 6'5", was more than half a foot taller than her. Much bigger than the biker that she had pulverized in the parking lot. Like then, she didn't flinch and he was the first one to turn away. "Motherfucking bitch!" he muttered. Becky got into Bruno's face again. "If you have a problem with me, Pussy, let's take it outside!" The men gasped at the girl calling Bruno "Pussy". He glared hatefully at her and I almost expected him to hit her right there. But he turned away and to save face, lit another cigarette. Becky stared coldly at him, but I knew that inside she was happy. She had manipulated the big man into anger. Once she had converted his anger to rage, she would win. She decided that she would push him over the edge after work outside of the shop. Back in the office, Al spoke up, which was unusual. "You might have been able to get the better of me, Beck- I mean Daughter Dearest, but Bruno is another story. He's been to prison and is a lot tougher than you think!" "Oh yeah?" asked Becky. "What was he in jail for?" With unusual boldness, Al said, "Rape and assault! He broke into his ex-wife's apartment and raped her, and then beat her again until she was unconscious! And he's bragged about raping and beating other women who were afraid to turn him in! So you'd better back off or he'll fuck you up!" Becky stared hatefully through the window at Bruno. "No, Daddy, I'm going to be the one to fuck HIM up! Rape and brutal assault? There's NOTHING that I could do to him that would be worse than he deserves! And you, Daddy, are such a fucking asshole to think, after all these months, that I wouldn't be able to fuck him up. Just watch us later!" The rest of the day, Becky seethed at Bruno, seeming to harness every drop of anger she had into energy. Finally it was six in the evening and the shop closed. As he walked towards his Harley, Bruno gave Becky a nasty look. She got right in front of him. "Like I told you before, Pussy, hand over your cigarettes!" she ordered. Bruno's face went red with anger. "No way, you fucking slut!" he growled. "What you need is a nice big cock inside of you!" Instead of being taken aback by that comment, as Bruno and the other men expected, Becky stepped to within inches of his face. With her platform shoes she stood well over six feet tall, and was nearly chin to chin with him. "I get all the cock I want from men that I choose. Actually I think that YOUR secret wish is to have a big cock buried deep inside YOU, Girlie Boy!" The men gasped, again amazed at the audacity of a teenaged girl calling their leader's masculinity into question. He was big and muscular, hardly looking like the "Girlie Boy" that Becky was calling him. Bruno surprised Becky by grabbing one of her breasts and twisting the nipple. Becky gave a short gasp, put a hand on his chest and shoved him back a step, causing him to let go. "Just like I would expect a girlie boy to fight, groping a girl's tits!" Steam seemed to be coming out of Bruno's ears with Becky's taunts. "Okay, bitch," he seethed, "You wanna fight, let's fight right here, right now!" Bruno then crouched into a classic fighting stance. Becky smiled. "Okay, Pussy!" she drawled. "But by the time I'm done fucking you up, you'll be the bitch - MY bitch! A Girlie Boy Bitch with a the filled-up ass that you probably dream about!" Bruno's face got even redder. >>From the way he was crouching, it was obvious that Bruno had previous fighting experience. Becky, on the other hand had no formal fight training. She had never needed it before. Her older brother was her easiest target. It was almost too easy the way she was able to kick his defenseless balls. No one in school was able to overcome her brutal if unrefined fighting skills. And her rage when she caught her stepfather beating up her mother absolutely overwhelmed the former Marine, and has been easily able to subjugate him ever since. But Bruno was different. He was bigger and tougher than her previous opponents. I was worried because of his previous fighting experience. I had heard Becky brag in the past about being a "natural born fighter", and looking at her now, she didn't seem concerned at all. In fact, Becky told me later, she had decided that she wouldn't disable him by hurting his balls. She didn't want Bruno to claim an unfair disadvantage later, and wanted to show him and the other men that she could beat the big man without resorting to that. Becky swaggered up to Bruno as he stood in his fighting stance. With one hand she swatted away one of his fists, and with her other hand she bitch-slapped his face, forehanded and backhanded! Enraged, Bruno threw the first punch, aiming for Becky's face. Becky ducked and the fist grazed the side of her head. She came back up and sent a right-left combination at him. Bruno blocked the first punch, but the second punch pounded his chest. However, despite the hard blow, Bruno didn't move, flinch or show any weakness. He started to punch furiously, and Becky responded in kind. Not having formal training, she didn't concentrate on defending herself. Standing toe to toe with Bruno, her body absorbed his punches as Bruno's body absorbed hers. For the next five minutes, the two combatants threw furious punches at each other, as the other workers stood around them and watched. Neither fighter had a measurable advantage over the other, but the men were surprised at how well Becky was holding her own against the feared Bruno. Bruno tried to protect himself, but many of Becky's punches were getting through. She may had not been schooled in boxing, but she was throwing combinations of well-coordinated punches that seemed to take the bigger man by surprise. Just as he reacted to one punch, a fraction of a second later came the second. I was beginning to see what Becky meant by being a "natural born fighter". Once she saw that she was starting to get through, her combinations went from two punches at a time to four or six. For the first time, Bruno was showing concern about how well Becky was hanging in. He pivoted back and with a grunt tried to take the girl out with one mighty punch to the head. But Becky saw it coming and she easily ducked. Bruno's punch missed completely, and his body spun around as he tried to steady his footing. But before he had a chance to recover from the unlanded blow, Becky gave him a shove, propelling him harder in the same direction that his momentum was already carrying him. This was another example of Becky's incredible fighting instinct. She had never taken boxing lessons, but she has the uncanny ability to sense weaknesses in her opponent. It wasn't a split second between the time that Bruno missed his punch and the time that Becky took advantage of the situation. Bruno tripped over his feet and fell to the ground, but quickly got up, his face showing more fury than ever as he got back into his boxing stance. But by now, Becky sensed that she had the momentum. Bruno had been the first fighter to show weakness, which Becky immediately exploited. Now, Becky's combinations were landing with more frequency to Bruno's face and body. Slowly, but surely, Becky's blows began to take their toll, and Bruno's reaction time got slower. The big man's formal training was becoming less of a factor as the girl's punches found their target with greater frequency. Any knowledge of how to fight defensively was becoming more and more irrelevant as blow after blow hit Bruno. Becky started mixing punches to his arms as well as his face and torso, at first imperceptibly, then more often. By the time Bruno realized what Becky was doing, it was too late. Before long, Becky was concentrating almost completely on Bruno's arms and shoulders. After several minutes of this onslaught, it was obvious that despite his frantic efforts, he was barely able to lift his arms up! At this point Becky grabbed Bruno's right wrist, pulled his arm up and delivered a powerful uppercut to his right armpit! She repeated the move with his left wrist and armpit, and now the big man's arms hung like limp dishrags at his side. He couldn't move them an inch! As he stood helplessly, Becky stepped over to Bruno and casually took the pack of cigarettes and a book of matches from his shirt pocket while he helplessly watched. She lit one and blew the smoke in his face. He was breathing heavily and angrily when Becky raised the stakes by contemptuously flicking the match into his mouth! He yelped with the sudden surprising sting of the burn. Rage flowed through Bruno's eyes, but his arms were still helplessly paralyzed. Becky held her cigarette in one hand while blasting punches with the other. She slowly walked around him, casually smoking, landing sudden blows with quiet force all over his defenseless body. On her second walk around him she mixed kicks with her punches, battering his sides and back. Bruno could only stand stupidly as Becky came around to face him. Putting her cigarette in her mouth, she used both fists to land punishing combinations to his face as she leisurely puffed away. He would have two black eyes and lots of pain all over for days! He couldn't stop her when, smiling at his helpless, pathetic looking face, opened his fly and gave his balls a vicious squeeze. Having proven that she could win without needing to hurt his testicles, she now wanted to have her fun. The big he-man let out a very un-masculine scream as she dropped to his knees. Bruno's stunned co-workers stood speechless and motionless, not fully believing what they had just seen. None of the men would have even thought of taking on Bruno in a fight. He was their supposedly "fearless" leader. But he was losing the fight! He was letting them down. They had counted on him to stop the dominant teenaged girl who had already taken so much control of the plant, and who would now be seemingly unstoppable. Bruno was starting to get feeling back in his arms. On his way down he meekly, pathetically, probably involuntarily, put his hands on Becky's strong thighs for support. "GET YOUR FUCKING PAWS OFF OF ME, PUSSY!" she growled, putting Bruno's previous growls to shame. When the big ex-brute didn't react quickly enough, the girl grabbed his ears and smashed her knee into his mouth, knocking out his two front teeth! Releasing his grip on his ears, allowing him to slump down further while on his knees, With a running start, she brought her powerful leg up and kicked him solidly up his asscrack. He was too weak to even scream. All he could do was squeal in agony as he fell face down to the ground. Becky walked around Bruno's prone body and dropped her cigarette but in front of his face. "Pick it up with your tongue and swallow it, Pussy!" she growled. In a final act of defiance, Bruno refused to move his head. Becky grinned evilly, as if she was hoping that he would find this last act of degradation unbearable. She raised her leg and then POW! she stomped down on the back of Bruno's head, smashing his nose flat. The men all gasped at this latest show of brutality that the teenaged girl was heaping on the one-time rapist. Becky gently rested her booted foot on Bruno's head. "You have ten seconds to eat it or I'll squash your head like a bug!" she hissed. With great effort, and with Becky's boot still on his head, Bruno meekly accepted his fate and took Becky's spent cigarette into his mouth and gagged it down. She stepped off of him, walked around and kicked the unsuspecting man up the ass again! Now he was too weak to even squeal, and could only let out a pathetic whimper. Becky then grabbed Bruno under the shoulders and heaved him up. She looked at Al, who had been watching along with the other workers. "Get over to Bruno's bike, Daddy, and hold it steady!" she snapped as she hauled Bruno to the Harley. Al, having been the victim of her step-daughter's brutality, was less surprised than the rest of the workers at the result, but he still had the look of stunned defeat on his face. Not wanting to incur Becky's wrath, he did as he was told. As Al held the Harley in place, Becky draped Bruno over his bike seat so that his torso was upside down and his head inches from the ground. His belly was against the seat, and his legs dropped down on the other side of his bike seat.Becky pulled down Bruno's pants and underpants, leaving his exposed ass naked on the seat, right in front of Becky She then pulled off Bruno's shirt, socks and shoes, leaving him completely naked and bent over on his bike.. Becky removed Bruno's belt from his pants and doubled it up in her hand. "Okay, Daddy, hold the bike still until I'm finished. I don't want this girlie-boy to fall back down until I'm ready to send him there! Al Obeyed his step-daughter, looking around with shame at the workers that he was supposed to supervise. He was ashamed, but knew that he had no choice. As her step-father held the bike, Becky whipped Bruno with his belt until his ass was as red as his humiliated face. After several minutes, she put down the belt and picked up one of his shoes and continued to pound away at Bruno's rear end. Finally, she dropped the shoe and with her bare hand, spanked his ass repeatedly, concentrating on several spots until she drew blood! By the time she was finished, Bruno was whimpering uncontrollably, like a little baby. "Okay, Daddy, you can move away now!" Becky purred. As the astonished men watched, Al backed away as Becky approached the big, defeated man bent motionlessly over his bike. With powerful but effortless ease, she sweep-kicked the wheels, causing the Harley to crash to the ground, and Bruno along with it. Bruno's head hit the ground with a thud. Becky glared at her father. "Take the pussy home and put him to bed. No hospital, no doctor, no cops. I'll deal with him further tomorrow! With contempt, she stepped on Big Bruno's body on the way to her truck. She gunned the engine. The wheels, inches from Bruno's prone body, spat gravel into his face before she sped off, having no doubt that Al would follow her orders, and that none of the other men would cause any trouble. Becky had, to say the least, left a powerful impression! Of course, Bruno didn't show up for work at the plant the next morning. But his absence was felt. They now regarded Becky with respect, fear and awe. Her step-father, the nominal boss was, in reality, becoming increasingly irrelevant. And after the way she had utterly destroyed the big man that they all feared themselves, they didn't dare disobey any of her orders. Even though she smoked her cigarettes with impunity, the men knew that she would enforce her no-smoking rule with them, so they didn't even try. After work, Becky told me to follow her to Bruno's house. "I'm going to make that fucking rapist wish that he had never been born!" she declared. "You don't know the meaning of rape until you've been on the receiving end of it, but tonight Bruno WILL learn the meaning of rape!" It was dark when we reached Bruno's house, where not surprisingly, he lived alone. It was dark enough for Becky to have me help her strap a harness around her waist in her car without anyone noticing. Approaching the door she screwed on a double-ended dildo, which she had recently had made Al purchase for her at an adult bookstore, into the harness. The phallus that stuck out from her crotch was a foot long, while the other end was smaller and fit more comfortably inside of her. It was softly studded and ribbed in order to provide her with maximum sexual stimulation. "I want to get as much pleasure out of raping the rapist as he is getting pain!" purred Becky in anticipation as she banged on the door. What happened next to Bruno was awesomely brutal and humiliating, but it will have to wait for the next part of this story. For now I will tell you that Becky had only begun her torment of Bruno. And her grip continued to tighten on her step-father and the company he worked for! And she still had to get her older brother Jimmy back home and under her thumb. All this will be covered in my next posting.