Behind Closed Doors. jpc 900 David is the WWF Heavyweight Champion, he is 6 feet 8 inches tall and weighs 275 lbs, he has defeated 8 challengers this year... by universal agreement he the best pound for pound professional wrestler in the history of wrestling. He is a very private individual he lives in a secluded mansion with his new wife Susan. Susan is a diminutive blonde ,only 5 feet tall and weighs less than 90 lbs, she used to be a physiotherapist but now she is a devoted wife. To the outside world they are a normal happily married couple ....but behind closed doors.!!!!! In there own private world they lead a suprising life filled with contrast, excitement and eroticism some would consider bizzare ! Their bedroom is designed as a wrestling ring a true replica of the professional set up, every Sunday a special tournament is staged. Susan inserts a tape into a hi fi.. a recorded announcement introduces ----- Ladies and gentleman introducing the challanger...David 22 yrs old....275lbs.. ......introducing the undefeated 90lbs.. .......SUSAN. They meet wearing silk dressing gowns in the middle of the ring , it is obvious they are both serious this is not an empty facade but a real contest. Susan is dwarfed but she fixes him with a stare from her blue eyes. They retreat to each corner remove their robes, they wrestle naked their bodies are a complete contrast David the huge muscled body of a male athlete...Susan a petite , feminine but shapely sex bomb. She rings a bell and David rushes at her speeding across the ring....... .Susan seemed to expect this and like a dancer..... light on her feet kept him at out of range.......she was certainly much quicker than him . He chased and chased her but could not catch her .....eventually he tired and slowed. For the first time they spoke "still you can not catch me me big man "Susan teased.. ..."well we both know you have no chance now" what did she mean?......David now dominated the centre of the ring and Susan was dancing around him.. ..occaisionally he lunged at her but she was much to quick for him...."it won,t be long now baby" she whispered "you had better watch me carefully "....she was teasing him. "you little witch " he answered "maybe just maybe I will get you tonight"...."in your dreams " she replied.. ...Susan was twisting and moving like a hypnotic snake. Eventually she worked her way behind him.... .feined to move left then moved to her right closed in on him grabbed his penis in one hand and gave it a few firm strokes before darting out of his reach. "Got you now"...she grinned.."how do you feel ?"as he started to answer. ..she struck again ...under his arm ..straight to his cock . ...then a few rapid strokes and away again......this time her touch had aroused him and he became erect......"got that funny feeling yet"? ."oh is starting again I am trying not to think about it"! he stammered....."then I had better do something about that" she replied with a knowing look... ...he had slowed down a was retreating rather than commanding the centre of the ring....Susan continued to circle around him.... .then she grabbed him around his waist....... she held his penis this time she wanked him slowly and sensually....he was very slow to react ... she had some time to get him very aroused before escaping ... he had not managed to lay a hand on her for the entire bout. "that was my best move yet!" she was elated..." I bet that softened you up .... "You don,t have a chance " she seemed to be toying with him. David had a remote , distant look of resignation...inside he had a strange feeling... a mixture of lust.... erotisim...but it was starting to drain him. Susan knew the glassy look in his eyes.. ... it meant he was hers to take down whenever or.. however she wished ! The match now changed from a competitive challange to a choregraphed ,erotic ritual ... . one that would inevitibly end in a tiny sexy woman overpowering and defeating a huge male. Susan was now confident enough to go on the offensive.....she attacked his erection... .this time from the front as she wanked him she pushed him to the ropes.. ..he was trying to fight her off but amazingly she was too strong for him... ..she wanked him faster and faster.. he seemed unable to stop her..."I get better and better at this!" she boasted "6 minutes and I have made you too weak to resist...."Oh are devastating tonight...I am already as weak as a kitten.. please stop let me rest...I want this feeling to last forever!!"..."not quite yet I want you just a little weaker....I have plans for you champion !!!!!" She pushed him to tht ropes...all the time gently and teasingly running her fingers up and down his massive erection...he grew weaker and weaker.....then she took her hand away and pushed him gently he fell helplessly agaist the ropes....."tell me what,s happening in this bout Champion" she asked as she lifted his arms over the top rope and left him hanging like a rag doll..."as usual you have easily weakened and overpowered me.. you are beating me as you always do!!!" "why do I always win "? ......"because you are woman and you can use your sexiness to overpower any man ".But you are a big strong man ..why don,t you stop me?".... "I try ..I..really try..but once you give me that drains me....leaves me too weak".. "shall I finish you now ....or do want another chance ?" "I want to rest get my strength back.... so I am much stronger than you...then I will try to beat you yet again... .....but I know you will find another way to get me "sure I will ....but this time it will only take me 3 minutes.. ...then I predict you will be even weaker than now!!" Susan walked over to David ,released him from the ropes...he sank to his knees..still too weak to stand..... "poor baby are you still too weak to walk let me help you yo your corner."....she held him up and supported him to his stool.He collapsed into his corner. She walked to the opposite corner still fresh as a daisy....she winked at him and stood brushing her hair.. She left the room and returned with two pebbles ....she placed them on her stool. "Feeling stronger?" she asked "strong enough to try again?"..He hauled himself to his feet.."I need a few more really did a number on me tonight"......"Oh that was nothing compared to my plans" she kicked her stool out of the ring. "Shall I help you move your stool...or are you strong enough to do it yourself"? She bent down to pick up the two pebbles that had fallen from her stool.....she turned her back on him as she placed them under the bottom rope.....This was his chance and he crept up behind her.....before she realised he grabbed her around the waist and neck ...lifting her off the floor " Got you this time " he said she dangled high in front of him in a seemingly hopeless position."you think so"! she whispered in his ear as their faces rubbed against each other...then he gasped as he felt two tiny warm feet trap his penis and start to glide up and down... bringing him to an instant erection.."damn you" he screamed as he started to squeeze his strangle hold on her. Susan bent and flexed her shapely legs as fast as she could her feet rubbing up and down his cock like pistons.....he staggered ..the pressure on her neck eased...he sighed and swayed..."this is fabulous" she whipered as she slowed her caresses to a gentle sensual rhythm. "I bet this is the most arousing experience for you.... by the way what has happened to that powerful strangle hold ???" she asked.... .... as she felt his resistence melt away. He started to get light -headed and dizzy ...she had given him that feeling again...he was weakening and fast She laughed at him as she escaped his grip ..."it,s so easy to beat you.. your too weak to hold a little girl" She turned to face him.....smiled knowingly..put her hand on her hip and held his massive erection in the other. "Are going to give up now or can you try to stop me?"..."OH I want to try and resist you ...and feel that exciting and erotic sensation as you overpower me!!"...."then grab my wrist with both of your hands... and you will see how easily I will weaken and overpower you."!!! ... .he held her wrists..."now stop me from stroking you....your two male arms against my tiny feminine hand." she started to push her hand along the length of his penis he pushed as hard as he could to stop her....slowly she started to move...then a little more then back again... he struggled to stop her but gradually the pace increased and it became easier and easier. "You are getting weaker...and your knees are beginning to buckle....its only two minutes and I have almost got you helpless." After only 10 strokes...she felt no resistence at all...then his hands fell away as his arms fell limply to his sides....he groaned...then sank to his knees..." Poor darling what has your little girl done to you?" Susan asked as she held him under his chin.He could not answer,then she pushed him on to his back and with her little finger held him...1 2 3 she counted then raised her arms in a victory salute.