Haskers: A generalization. An object lesson: Regard the lowly honey bee. A tiny beast weighing but a fraction of a gram. Armed, to be sure, but with a one-shot weapon which (with rare exceptions) is at best negligible in it’s life-threatening effect. Now further: Regard the modern automobile. An inanimate object of tremendous latent power, weighing, in some cases, more than two tons. A very useful device when intelligently controlled by a human operator. Next: Introduce into the sealed environment of the interior of the automobile the honey bee, in close proximity to the driver’s head... buzzing maliciously near ears, eye’s, nose, and mouth. The normalcy of the situation at once deteriorates to a panic scene with the human shooing, sweeping, swatting, and dodging desperately. The vaguest thought of vehicular control vanishes. The machine veers and swerves wildly, eventually "T-boning" a transit bus at an unspeakable rate of knots. In the ensuing fireball more than a few human souls take an unexpected Ride to Valhalla, or somewhere perhaps not quite so pleasant. Even more are treated to protracted holidays in hospital. What of the bee? Who knows, or for that matter cares. What then, is the point? Just this: The efforts of but one seemingly insignificant being can, through judicious application of intelligently planned influence, completely remake the destiny of a disproportionate number of the Great and Powerful. Such was the ordained purpose of the Hasker (or "Worker" in Neuspak, [New Speak] the prevalent language of the time). History does not record the number of great houses; Royal, Financial, or Military created, shored up, or brought down by the Worker Bees of Din Haske. (Literally: The Work, or The Task.) What became of the Honey Bees and their Hive? (The HaskeGuilde) As were so many Medieval Secret Organizations, they have been swallowed up by the dusts of time. No hard evidence remains of the Guild nor it’s members. Just another fading page torn from the Diary of The Great Celestial Movement. Haskers: The Legend Some time in the early part of the Ninth century in an obscure fiefdom in Middle Europe, the womanservent of a rather unremarkable Lady of an equally forgettable Lord happened to hear a soft sound emanating from a broken packing case at the edge of what is now euphemistically labeled "the landfill". The Town Dump. Further investigation evidenced a tiny, filthy, scrawny, mewling animal sheltered by a tattered oxhide, wrapped in a moldering badger pelt, it’s head warmed by a crudely-stitched rabbit skin. Disguise aside, the pitiful little thing was unmistakably a human infant. When the servant reached out a comforting hand, she was rewarded with a screech, a hiss, and a very painful bite. The woman, apparently not your average hireling, persevered and eventually had the little thing subdued, securely wrapped in the ox hide and on it’s way to what was known, perhaps a little grandiosely, in those parts as "The Castle." With the help of the kitchen staff, what turned out to be a female child, was cleansed and wrapped in an almost-white towel. With some trepidation, the infant was presented to the Lady of the House. For some unfathomable reason both Mistress and waif felt an instant bond. Why an upper-class Medieval woman would be interested in a child discarded (a not uncommon happenstance at the time) by who knew whom, for whatever unknown reason is impossible to divine. We only know some sort of interest was stirred. To make a long story not so, The child grew and flourished. In point of fact it was well before her tenth year when her intellect and guile easily surpassed that of her guardians. Soon it was she who manipulated the household fortunes. As it’s value grew so also her influence. She eventually fell heir to a sizable fortune of gold as well as real estate. At the time of her passing there were innumerable lives and fortunes greatly in her debt, and hundreds, if not thousands in her employ both overtly and covertly. The day she was sent beyond, the throng in witness was surprised to see a simple fir box, and not the ornate casket of rare woods they had expected. They would have been even more amazed had they been able to see inside as the flames licked round the pyre. There she lay, as serene as a slumbering innocent, wrapped in an ancient badger skin, sheltered by a worn ox hide, her head capped in rabbit. A final symbolic salute to her humble origin. Humble, may be, but for many years after her passing she was known and prayed to as The First Mother, or more simply The First. She left not one heir, and the Vultures who swooped to pick clean the bones of her estate fell back unsatiated. There was NOTHING! Her actual legacy was the almost mythical entity known collectively as Din Haske (Literally, The Work, or The Task. The Hasker’s Guilde). The tendrils of influence of this almost unknown organisation are still being felt to this day. Not a beggarly bequest for a filthy discarded brat from before King Arthur’s time. Here follows a few things yet known of the Haskers (best translation: the Workers, for so the Agents were known). First and most notable, particularly for the time: They were all Female. What’s more they were all Foundlings as well. Foundling Females, not by chance. Then, as now the fact made them all but invisible and untraceable. Second, and very important, each babe was permanently attached to a single Mother-figure within the organisation. They were nurtured body, mind, and soul as naturally as possible. Third. The equipment issued to every operative included Three items. A heavy oil-tanned waterproof ox hide. Known logically enough as The Ox. The second item was a generous badger pelt, soft tanned with the fur left on called, with profound simplicity, Badger. The last was a large rabbit skin to be used at the Haskers discretion. It was Hare, and most fashioned it into a purse for small personal items. There was a myriad of other devices, customs, and symbology calculated to draw the individual closer to The First and the Hasker "family". The Hasker BELONGED and felt loved from Foundlings Day, when their "Mothers" chose them, till life’s final thought. Rather than bore the reader further, most other facets of Hasker life will be revealed in the story of: VARA, HASKER DU (Vara! You [are a] Hasker) The Invocation of a third, and highest, ranked Hasker. A TreKron (Three Crown) Hasker. After a soft exchange of safe-words, an unseen hand threw multiple bolts, slipped heavy dead-men, and the thick, ironbound oaken door grated aside with a metallic groan of protest. Vara was forced to bend near double as she entered the looming gray basaltic mass of the Castle-Royale. Not with fanfare of horns, and scattered petals as befitted her rank, but with stealth and obscurity as demanded by her calling. 'Tis not often a person of rank or notability cares to make known a TreKron Hasker is on hand. As she straightened in the narrow, rough-hewn stone passageway her nose wrinkled in disgust as the hinges moaned again. She fought down her natural instinct to reprimand the dark-cowled figure beckoning wordlessly. What in the First's name good was a secret bolthole if you wakened Holgar Danske (The legendary giant sleeping Norse warrior, who wakes to fight whenever the Kingdom of Denmark is in peril) by using it at a time when stealth counted most? Damned poor attention to detail in an uncertain world filled to overflowing with just such details waiting to kill you. Oh, well. No skin off... you know. Ill maintained bedamned. It was obviously designed by a tactical genius. The opening was only waist high outside, but on the interior the floor fell away almost half a span. {Span: The distance of someone’s reach, fingertip to fingertip}. Anyone entering was bent double, exposing the back of the neck, whereas those exiting were merely leaning forward slightly, looking up. Meeting... whatever... poised to charge. She noticed a sturdy wooden bench to one side easily repositioned to facilitate such a rush. To the trained mind, the possibilities were endless. The door, having been forced... no small feat in itself, would have to be entered at a distinct disadvantage. The first attacker, unsure of the precipitous drop off, would pause, trying to pierce the gloom and SNICK! One swing of a keen blade, and to the horror of his fellows he lay twitching and headless partially blocking the choke point. Contrawise, if someone leaving found a gang of the enemy crowding 'round, the nearest would be laid hold of by his ankles, and dragged screaming into the Black Hole, there to be butchered as painfully and noisily as possible and tossed out piece by piece as each part was separated, into the midst of his fellow armsmen. These stalwarts would by then be drawing back in horror and disgust. If the first victim would not suffice, surely the second would clear a beachhead adequate for a small, determined band to take flight. If only it could be opened silently. Still... designed by someone of not inconsiderable military talent. She smiled inwardly and toasted the Unknown. SKAAL! (Quite literally SKULL! A toast from the days when the Norse would celebrate a victory by drinking from the actual skulls of the vanquished. A drinking salute in use in Scandinavia to this day). They padded along noiselessly. She by long habit allowing the balls of her feet to first contact the floor followed by the rest of the sole one area at a time. A Stealth Walk learned long before she could remember, now so ingrained it had become her normal gait. The rustle of the porter's robe made far more noise than she... even had she been running at full speed. She refocused her thoughts. Why the numerous twists and turns? To confuse her? If so, 'twas a futile effort. She almost intuitively counted the strides and directions at each turning point. She could retrace her steps blindfolded if need be. Occasionally there were glimpses of Grand Salons, and Great Halls, brightly lit, oozing wisps of conversation. The realm of the people who "lived". 'worked', or otherwise functioned inside the walls. Soft laughter, some billowing cloud-like, and sincere... some false, brittle... shattering as a nervously dropped looking glass. Often when ghosting around the fringes of these places, she puzzled over how so many could enjoy the grand trappings of privilege and wealth yet remain, perhaps even choose to remain completely oblivious to the true cost in terms of countless sweaty, dreary, hopeless hours expended by a myriad of small unknown unremarkable drudges who TRULY make the world go 'round. Grinding away toward infinity, futilely striving towards the perpetually receding "Light At The End Of The Tunnel." Her TRUE Mother had doubtless been just such, else she would not likely have been offered up that long ago Foundlings Day. The thought perhaps illuminated the reason Vara so loved her work. She shook her head, clearing the idea. Rectifying the conditions of the downtrodden was most certainly NOT in her job description. ABSOLUTELY not. She had been dispatched by the HaskeGuilde to meet with a potential client, to listen to the person's specific problem, divine the complexity of the solution, strike a bargain with the complainant in the name of the Haske Kontroldt, (Haske Controllers... the Board of Directors) receive one half the agreed-upon payment...Usually one third to one half the person's earthly wealth, be it splendid or mean...and bring her not inconsiderable talents of persuasion (peaceful, if possible), martial (and other) arts and iron will to bear upon the situation, bringing to it a rectification satisfactory the client. Once those needs were fulfilled, it was the Hasker's duty to collect the remainder of the fee and depart as inconspicuously as she had arrived. Of the commission, the HaskeGuilde (more commonly called simply The Haske or The Guilde) claimed 90% to repay the cost of training and nurturing her mind, spirit and body since her first year. The rest was hers. Rather generous, really. Clients were almost invariably the mighty of the land that happily paid dearly for having their wishes fulfilled. Especially whilst having no traceable tie to any funny business that might be involved. The indenturement was not as onerous as one might think. The Guilde was a nurturing sort of place and a competent Hasker could buy her contract in less than five years. The Haske was bounden to offer continuous support for a lifetime. The INcompetent Hasker generally did not last that long. The Kontrolt knew from long experience which contracts would require expendables and applied a time's ten adjustment, thus winnowing out the chaff not to mention swelling the treasury at a remarkable rate. The saying was "Years many or few, Haske gets its due." Beyond battle age there were generous stipends. Vara smiled grimly. Most were forcibly retired to Valhalla by cold steel long before. She stopped in mid pace. Her guide had stepped aside and was holding back a heavy drape of tapestry, bowing conspicuously and making an "after you" gesture. She leaned half-a-head through the aperture and rapidly scanned the room as only the trained person does. One does not lean in, and expose oneself to who knew what whilst looking all about. Best to pop in and IMMEDIATELY back out. Then allow the mind to reveal the details recorded by the eye. It really works. Try it sometime. Do NOT make scanning a potentially deadly situation your first try. The technique requires training. A useful method of practice is your automobile instruments whilst driving the motorway. A lighting flick of the eyes downward and after they are again safely upon the roadway, all will be revealed. A Hasker trick that works for we ordinary people. Someday I'll tell you who taught me. Suffice it to say it was an internationally recognised Rallye driver of some note and no small talent. A woman, perhaps not so incidentally. But we digress. Seeing the room empty, she quickly stepped one half stride in and to the left of the opening. The heavy drape whispered closed. Inconspicuously stretching an arm to the rear, she ascertained the wall hanging hid no secrets beyond her peripheral vision. As she did so, she noted two unique features of the tapestry. Where she had entered, the unicorn had a soft blue eye, directly opposite it was faintly lavender. The remainders were a muted gold. Aha, another portal, she thought. Pressing against the area where she had entered evidenced the way still open. The only furnishings in the ten-stride cubicle was a not quite one span cube of polished gray granite, overhung by a large iron chandelier. The floor was highly polished black basalt. Poor footing Here. Should she remove her boots? Before she came to a decision, the "violet" unicorn leapt aside... she was right!... and a tall figure strode into the space. Clad in an all-encompassing dark burgundy (almost black) robe. It moved to the stone and made a small head motion. Almost instantly a lackey struggled in with a heavy bale and heaved it atop the table... workbench? Altar? After the servant had departed, the dark cowl fell away to reveal a face of almost breathtaking beauty. An elongated oval constructed of a multiplicity of finely wrought planes, it bore almost imperceptibly slanted eyes... slate gray with flecks of gold. Very striking. Vara found herself straining to take in every detail. The women regarded one another narrowly. Unashamedly assaying strengths and weaknesses. Vara summed up with: Moves well... sinewy grace... probably deceptively strong under the robe. Beautiful, if you cared for the angular type. As for her part, she preferred the more zaftig sort, both female and male. The better to keep away the cold 'pon long frosty Norse winter nights. She thought fondly, though briefly of her own Bjern with his softly covered muscles. Like a bear. Her Isbamsa. (Polar Bear). For an eyeblink she wished she were home, but managed to wrench herself back to the case at hand. The other woman was thinking disparagingly, and with some irritation: So much for the Haske reputation. I specified a seasoned warrior. They have sent me a waif. Indeed, Vara's wide-eyed innocent first impression was but one of many weapons in her arsenal, as we shall see. The cold though animated eyes fixed hard upon the Hasker. "Jig ir Byrgge, Droddig d’af d’alt Rhumblan. De vil d’bas ny’d hannemannader". Vara was caught completely off guard by the short statement. Thought the voice was well pitched and modulated, the dramatic entrance, and exotic beauty of the woman was almost entirely undone by the nearly incomprehensible Rhumblander dockside dialect. She laboriously translated word by word. "I am Byrgge. Queen of all Rhumbland. You will bow down now, commonperson." She was about to make reply, but the short pause was apparently too much for her opposite. "JIG IR VATIG! " (I am waiting!) Vara did as ordered without protest, bowing deeply and murmuring "Your Majesty." in what she hoped was properly subservient tones. It was not her choice. She was simply bowing to Din Haskevij. (The Haske Way... The Haske Laws.) Not the least of which decreed that all propositions be discussed seriously, and any potential client be treated with proper deference and circumspection, Saint, sinner, commoner, or Royal alike. Oh well. Business was business, and no law demanded one actually admire a client. A show of respect was adequate. Her jaw ached as she broadened her pleasant-appearing smile... deep dimples imploding, as she knew they would. The robed figure, sensing a possible advantage, flowed 'round the table to sweep Vara up... Mother! She was tall. Easily exceeding Vara's nine hands and six. (A hand: the distance of one’s outspread hand from thumb to fifth finger, about eight inches. And six: Six finger’s breadth. One finger equaled about one inch. Hence... well, you do the math... a woman of about number one size.) Unexpectedly she found her head tilted back, and was abruptly kissed full on the mouth... hard, and DEEP! The Queen's tongue was thick and hard, and thrust and explored snake-like. The woman gripped her aggressively with her thighs. Muscles hard-coiled upon her bones. Jungle Pythons climbing tree trunks. No matter. Vara, though surprised and more than a little aroused, was not intimidated. She slackened her chest a measure, slipped down a hand or two, grasped the Queen's narrow waist, and with no seeming effort lifted the Royal Personage high off the floor. The roving tongue was retracted immediately as the woman gasped in surprise. Vara placed her gently back upon her feet, and the two broke apart with deliberate casualness, but were very careful to end their movement with the great stone block between. Neither sensed the other's evaluation of the event: "This one is deceptively strong, and not easily intimidated. Take great care!" Byrgge was flushed of face and breathing heavily. Anger, or arousal? Vara herself had to admit she still tingled from the rough encounter. This was a very irritating person. Did she want to make love to her, or kill her? She felt her loins swell with a fresh rush of overheated blood. Anticipation of sex, or violence... or both? Would both be possible at the SAME TIME??? She once again shook the thoughts away, blond ringlets tumbling. Damned adolescent daydreams! She thought angrily. The Queen inclined her head slightly. "Attend carefully" Vara found herself slipping more easily into the gutturals of the patois. "We loath repeating ourselves." A precisely manicured thumb and forefinger grasped the tag end of the pack binding, bursting it open with a small tug.. Vara eyed the exposed oddiments curiously. A blanket, a strangely shaped hammer, three 2-span discs, and four fist-sized metallic looking stones. The Hasker looked up quizzically. Byrgge elucidated: "The cloak of invisibility." She hooked the "blanket" with a long thumb, and with one graceful, feline motion threw it 'round her shoulders. Vara stared in disbelief. As the cloak was snugged tight, the woman's form wavered, blurred, and disappeared! Her disembodied head floated ten hands above the floor! After a moment, the wrap was loosed and fell to her feet. "How does it work? Troll Majik?" "All in good time, impatient one." In response to some unseen signal, four struggling pages near did one another harm fetching an immense iron shield. Dull, and flecked with rust, it none-the-less seemed imminently serviceable. Stood on edge before of Vara, it was fully as tall as she. At the Queens motion she examined the huge metal slab. Mother! It was near thick as her hand, and without a doubt heavier than her own well-muscled self. She would most definitely not wish to run afoul of the owner. Her Highness picked up the hammer, if indeed it WAS a hammer. It looked far too delicate to be of much use either in battle or workshop. The Queen held the device by the 'head', and a soft keening could be heard at almost the upper reach of the human ear. Vara heard quite clearly, and found it very annoying. The shield was turned edge-on to her, and after ascertaining the Hasker was watching, the Queen placed the 'handle' end of the tool against the outer surface of the shield. There was a sound akin to an angry cat spitting and a funnel of white-hot sparks fully 5 strides long blew from the rear surface. There was a heartbeat of total silence, followed by a sharp "PING, ping, ping." As a smooth disc fell to the floor. Vara watched, mesmerized, as it rolled to a stop against the toe of her boot. She bent to pick it up. "NA! NA! NA!" Cried the queen in alarm. Vara froze, and a small pair of pincers whisked the object out of her field of vision. She straightened to see it being dropped into a finger basin, which had appeared, on the table. There was a hiss as it fell to the bottom. It was hot! Just as quickly, the disc was removed, dried, and offered to her. She eyed it cautiously before accepting. About the diameter of her thumb, it was still quite warm. It bore no burrs, tooling, nor flame marks. It was as clean and unblemished as a newly minted coin. The shield was turned to face her. True enough, there was the hole that mothered the glyph. She put her eye to the opening. ABSOLUTELY clean, and trying the plug: Perfect fit! Drilled with infinitely more precision than any auger or punch in any Smithy's din of sparks... or anywhere in the mortal world, she was sure. Powerful majik, indeed. She carefully placed the object on the cube. An unquiting thought had come upon her. When the blow was struck, the shield had not so much as quivered. The "hammer" had obviously punched through, encountering about the same resistance as a hot sword flensing a snowdrift. She shuddered, and quickly washed her fingers, feeling an unreasoning need to be cleansed. In her mind played a battle scenario wherein the ham... THING was placed against a helmet, the fingers holding it moved, just so, and... she swayed and shuddered as if swept by a winter wind. She had a sudden urge to vomit. The thing was not right. There was no honest defense. It was monstrous, unnatural, disgusting, OBSCENE! She swallowed hard a half dozen times fighting down her bile, and turned to face a smiling Queen. "Interesting. Don't you think that?" Vara managed to nod, all the while thinking: Oh yes, about as interesting as a baby kitten must find it to be cuddled in the supposed warm safety of a thick sack when the cold waters of the millpond close over its head. Only the iron will of Haske training held her winning smile. Iniquitous peril was amongst the few things that could raise her deepest fury. Try waking in the predawn darkness, still thick with revelry, to find your dearest and most trusted lover arched as a adder, poised to plunge your own dagger. The fading white seam along her left ribcage still burned whenever she thought of her narrow escape. It was strange. She could not now even remember the traitor's gender, only the genius of fingers and tongue..., and the terror of unexpectedly facing steel. She still occasionally wondered if it were not some sort of Haske rite of passage, just as the preceding orgy. Well, never mind. The present scene was Haske business beyond doubt. Besides, the would-be assassin's neck had made a most satisfactory SNAP, affording her one final drenching, delirious, and yes... admit it... ethereally supreme spasm. She came back; surprised to find she was perspiring and breathing heavily. Again! She was forced to admit that at the time, in one gloomy black moment, she had been brought to terrible, glorious fruition. Hate, love, fear, joy, dread... everything brought to fulfillment in one stupendous eclectic orgasm. It had been weeks before she felt even vaguely normal again. Now, here was this incalculable icy-hot persona of Queen Byrgge rekindling, in a small way, some of the same dim near-forgotten sensations. Why? She MUST stop her attention from wandering. She was a Tre-Kron Hasker, and it ill-behooved her to be acting as if she were a suckling in the presence of the client. AKTUN, (Attention) Vara! She stood straight, and refocused upon the other woman intently. That one had dropped one of the disks to the floor. "Lift it," she commanded. Vara bent to do so. It was too heavy! Nonsense! The queen had carelessly handled it with but two fingers. Couldn't be! She crouched over the device, and grasping the handle with an overlapping longsword power grip, gave a mighty, joint-straining heave. Though, with some effort, she had lifted millstones at the last festival, the insignificant-looking little device moved not at all. Her only reward was feeling sinews stretch, and hearing a knee joint emit a muffled pop. The Queen almost smiled. "Try again, and this time put some muscle into it. Or are all those vulgar lumps just for show?" She touched the object with a narrow toe. Now thoroughly heated by the insult, Vara circled the offending device warily, then with fluid feline grace pounced upon it, and gave the handle a Thorzian death wrench. The unspeakable...insert here a Luruxanian word meaning roughly: by product of digestion of a (unprintable) foul, evil, dung-consuming, slime-dwelling, carrion-mating...oh, never mind. The unspeakable THING parted from the floor with no resistance whatsoever. The momentum of the lunge caused her to fling the accursed piece of deviltry against the well-draped wall a full two spans from the floor with a loud THUNK, and herself to fetch up, mostly upon the back of her head, against the very solid stone at the Queen's feet. That worthy, having abandoned all pretense of behaving regally, was braying like a Halkebuk (a forest elk), tears streaming down her flushed cheeks. Vara sprang (well, sort of sprang) to her feet. The Queen paced easily to the opposite side. To her credit, the Hasker suppressed the almost irresistible urge to lunge across, and turn the mocking face to view the Royal Backside... Permanently! Instead, she only smiled and nodded girlishly, causing cascades of platinum ringlets to again explode provocatively. The Great Lady returned the smile. 'Twas like watching Polar Sea Ice fracturing. She clearly hadn't an inkling of the near thing just passed. Vara was beginning to find her most annoying. Not at all a healthy thing, annoying a Hasker. "Ah, my sweet innocent. You must learn strength is not the final solution to every problem. There is logic, guile... and SCIENCE." The woman actually grinned... an expression totally inappropriate upon her visage. Vara stiffened as anger grew once more. Byrgge had continually used the intimate pronoun "Du". She would have much preferred the formal "De" during business negotiations. Even the casual "Da" struck a sour note when coming from such as confronted her. Though far from being a Haske snob, she felt business should be businessLIKE. She purposely drew up stiffly, crossing her arms. Regally ignoring the body language, the tall woman lectured on. "Two, or three presses upon this", she demonstrated upon the tabletop, "and the device cannot be removed from a polished surface by even the strongest of MEN." The heavily accentuated inference raised Vara's heat even more. "Yet a touch of THIS, and it may be removed easily." It was lifted with her fifth finger alone. "As I am given to understand, one control unleashes an entity which grips the surface offered with the tenacity of a limpet, though much more powerfully. The other goads it into hiding once again. Though the being is obviously there, it remains unseen, even if viewed through finest glass. 'Tis indeed a wonderment." Pointing to the gray stones, she continued. "These we will not demonstrate. Far too dangerous within the confines of this space." Vara lifted one... hefted it. Hmmm. Deceptively weighty. Ah, 'twas not a stone at all. Crafted, it was, not formed in the bosom of Fragg, (the Earth Sister} Builder of Mountains. She tossed the lump from hand-to-hand... once, twice. The Queen made a strangled shriek, and snatched the thing away. Eyes bulging in terror, she gibbered in a high-pitched raven's voice. "YOU IDIOT. YOU ACCURSED MUSCLE-BRAINED HASKE FOOL! You will be the destruction of us BOTH!" She clutched the artifact in both hands as far away from Vara as she could manage. Even the Hasker's steel reserve very nearly snapped. "But, my Queen, if I am to u..." She was cut short. "Very WELL! If we must, so be it. COME!" Vara was dragged to stand behind the agitated woman. "Crouch directly behind me. Do NOT move unless told. The blond head nodded in emphatic agreement. Byrgge pulled away bit of the object and another larger piece flipped away. tinkling across the floor. In frantic haste, the main body was rolled lumpily past the stone to thump heavily against the far wall. In desperate speed, the dark woman pressed against the reassuring mass of granite. Vara, though knowing not what to fear, yet not being entirely a fool, pressed in hard behind her. The room was almost instantly filled with a blinding yellow flash and a brain-numbing roar. Ears popping from the concussion and half blinded by the intensity of the sun-like strobe, the women rose to stare goggle-eyed at one another. The Queen's mouth was working in obvious rage, but not a sound could be heard, only the repeated tolling of monstrous bells. At last she could make out the tiny, tinny, rage-contorted voice. It was repeating endlessly. "LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO! LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Vara's eyes followed the trembling finger's direction. Oh, My MOTHER! On the floor, next to the wall, was a gritty gray stain about the size of an ox hide. Above it, in an area greater than she could span with her arms, the tapestry had simply vanished! Beyond that, frayed tatters smoldered greasily. Vara's mouth fell open and stayed as if frozen. What! That ball... stone ...uh egg. Egg! KRAKKAN’S AEGGE!!! (Dragon’s Egg), Both women exclaimed in unison. One a question, the other a statement. After a pause, they looked about for the remaining eggs. They, and everything on the table had been swept away by the violence of the piping. Vara almost laughed at the dichotomy. Now THAT was a pipping. While the Queen was over-directing a pair of servants in clearing up the wreckage, a small thought winked in the younger woman's consciousness. What had become of the hatchling? She cast round about. Aha! There high above the chandelier, the tapestry had been ripped loose. A celestory window gaped a jagged grin. Aha again. The ideal bolthole for dragon-whelp. There was evil loose upon the land. The servants withdrew, leaving a heap of artifacts at Byrgge's feet. Vara gave a start when next the Lady emitted a piercing whistle, such as those used by Alongshore workers as signals. There instantly appeared the most beautiful boy... no, young man she had ever seen. Almost as tall as she, but much finer. So slight and willowy as to be near feminine. He was almost too graceful and pretty. Extremely blond over his entire body, he was unclothed save for a minuscule breechcloth so nearly the color of his skin as to be invisible to the casual observer. Moving with the unstudied grace of a Temple Maiden, he bowed horizontally before the imperious figure . Vara stared openly. On the nape of the beautiful neck was a flap of pinched-up flesh about half the area and thickness of her palm, looking all for the world like a large earlobe. Into this appendage was let a smallest-finger-sized perfectly circular, completely healed opening. Therein hung loosely a heavy forged bronze ring. A permanent tether! The boy/man carefully recited "I live to serve my Queen", in a crystalline soprano . Castistrata! Was Vara's immediate thought. She had heard tales of how they, and other eunuchs were, due to the removal, in a permanent state of... she eyed the young man narrowly... ah no. If this creature were to be in such a condition his loincloth would readily reveal. An old wives tale, beyond doubt. The contrast between the boy and the Queen was unbelievable. He looked almost bleached, though not of the pink-eyed tribe. 'Twas a curiosity. Byrgge snapped her fingers loudly. The boy rose, making a questioning gesture The Royal fingers moved almost unnoticed, and the willow wand at the Queen's waist whispered it's myriad of splints softly against the floor. The man/boy gave a soft mewing sound as he desperately sought to divine his master's meaning and desire. A pointed toe touched the assortment on the floor. "Table!" With relief filling his eyes, the task was speedily concluded. The only interruption came when he tried to leave a shard of eggshell upon the block. The chorus of tiny willow tongues whispered once more. The object was instantly returned to the floor. Not dropped, mind you... placed there with the care usually reserved for precious relics. Even Vara was impressed. After he had once more abased himself, he was ordered to remove himself as well as the leavings. Too much to carry in his hands, he ended by filing his mouth. Finally he was told to polish the dust from the gleaming floor. He looked askance. No dust clothe. The order was repeated, and he was forced to use the only tool at hand. The loincloth. Vara observed intently, but alas, he was kneeling sidelong revealing nothing. Unfortunate, she thought. As the slight figure sidled out, the Queen laughed hugely. The boy, with averted eyes, murmuring, "Thank you, my Queen." through the junk in his mouth, disappeared. Did Vara perceive danger in the soft words? The Grand Lady shook her head. "I really have no idea why I keep him. He's so utterly useless... except, of course, as a fool." She once more fixed her eyes upon Vara. "Now to our business. Dispite appearances, our grip upon this land is far from secure. Not only is there turmoil in the streets, in the mountains there are rebels. Here to fore they have been but an annoyance, but of late there has come a leader. A surpassing charismatic leader who has drawn all their feuding factions into one cohesive organization. One who seems to ken my every move as soon as I. There is a spy, a mole, within these walls, leaking my every secret, my every plan. Betraying me! A scorpion in my bed! I have done everything to ferret out this swine to no avail. I have become convinced that the only way to counter this threat is to infiltrate the rebel stronghold and bring their accursed leader here, to me, alive or dead... I care NOT! Will the Haske... Will YOU accept this charge. I must know NOW! Vara thought for a moment. "What is known of the Rebel Stronghold?" "Little of nothing. And that is highly suspect. We know only in general its very location The few rebels we have captured have been 'strordinarily loyal. No amount of torture has loosed a single tongue. We have even let a few 'escape', but they never return to the mountains nor speak to anyone interesting. They simply wander through the forest living off the land. It seems that once captured, a Rebel simply ceases to be one. Thus far, it makes for unbreakable security." Vara thought long and hard. Here was an enigma of the first magnitude as well as an eminently deadly assignment. If she accepted, what were the odds? The left side of her brain almost automatically ground through the familiar, yet arcane Haske Probability Equation. Possibilities v. Degree of Difficulty to Information Reliability over Haske Temporal Constant relative to Accessibility, less Local Currency Conversion times Gold Equivalency cubed. Great Mother! The resultant went completely off the Haske Standard Scale! Never hesitating, she pricked a thumb with her stylus and with her own blood inscribed an amount, converted to weight of fine Gold, upon a small rectangle of sharkskin. A melodramatic move, but one which never failed to impress the eager prospective client. The chit was presented to the Queen. "One half now. The remainder after you are satisfied with the conclusion of the task." The cool gray eyes never flickered. "Gold?" Quoth she. "And pack animals?" Vara nodded. A slight move of the Royal Hand and the man/boy reappeared bearing a small tray with stylus and sepia. Disdaining the fluid, Byrgge drew blood with a small, beautifully crafted obsidian blade carried on a fine gold neck chain, and appended her mark upon the document. Regaining the patch, Vara delaminated it with a sharpened left thumbnail creating two ORIGINAL copies. One she tucked into her hare (a small rabbit-skin pouch} the other was tendered to the Queen. Her Highness regarded the invoice loftily. "It will be made so. Now I expect you will wish to inspect the pack train and inventory the packs ere it departs?" "That will not be necessary. The Royal Word is Bond." She neglected mentioning that in the event she were not notified, by raven, within a fortnight of the safe arrival and enumeration of the payment at Guildehalle, all action would be turned against the Client. Haskevij. "Now, my Child. Do you have a pack suitable for the tools I have obtained for your task?" She gestured toward the table. Vara looked distastefully. "Your Majesty. Must I use these Troll things?" She in some measure felt it less than honorable. A weaklings way. Instead of a direct reply, there came: "It is NOT Trollcraft. They are something MUCH more powerful. They are the prized artifacts of Futureman! Examples of their majik (Her voice lowered respectfully) or 'Technology' as they are wont to call such things. These devices have been brought to me at unimaginable expense by a means beyond even my ken, for the sole purpose of assuring your success. Do not be ungrateful... it is RUDE!. Well, put that way... but FUTUREMAN? What could that mean? The armed woman nodded slowly and silently. "But how...'" "It is not for you to know. Out and to the left of where you entered this chamber, you will find a small boudoir. There is adequate hot water and other things. You may 'fresh yourself afore your departure." Vara's mouth opened to refuse, then she thought of who could know how many gritty days on the treck, and instead out came "Your Majesty is most considerate.": The Queen, raising her cowl, said simply "GO!" and disappeared behind the wine-eyed unicorn. A basket pack was tossed into the room, and the youngish-looking agent soon had packed and shouldered her burden with an easy swing born of long practice. OW! The packframe was a poor fit. Ah well, adjustments could be made later at her leisure. Vara went. Holding the 'blue' panel aside, she paused eyes drawn by the besmirched evidence of the Dragon hatch. She glanced briefly upward. Amazing. But she hadn't the time to ponder. She stepped through, and turned left. Sure enough, The small room was just as described, embracing a steaming barrel staved tunn, a stand close at hand with a generous collection of small ewers, a mountain of fluffy white towels, and an inviting chaise. She quickly lost her clothing, and was soon wriggling in perfumed water like a happy otter. It was delicious! However time pressed and she had Guilde business. Rising like Venus, but looking more perhaps like Athena, she put the towels to vigorous work. 'HOY! WHAT WAS THAT? A mouse-like scuff to be sure, but ALWAYS check FIRST. THEN laugh at how silly you've been. She turned. FIRST MOTHER and ALL HER SISTERS!!! Between she and the door stood a burly young red-haired rascal clad only in a soft green jerkin. He grinned wolfishly as he took a purposeful step toward her, casting the shirt aside. She was cool enough to note his muscular form worthy of merit as a shaft of sunlight from the high, narrow window haloed his copious coppery body hair. His huge vieniated member was already rising as he lunged forward, attempting to throw his arms 'round her. She swept one away with a bone-numbing side slash, and ducked under. Before he could react to more than the shooting pain, she turned behind his back, snapped an arm 'round his neck, and settled his chin just above the Vee inside her elbow. The movement was a blur, but the would-be rapist was strong and struggled briefly as he felt Vara's biceps swell and his feet leave the floor. The vise-like grip left him unable even to make an outcry. Within seconds his vision tunneled to cool black velvet as his carotids were squeezed shut. His fingers, which had been clawing futilely at the thing garroting him turned to water and slid uselessly to his sides. Black grew yet blacker. Vara raised her eyes and was surprised to find herself staring directly into her own wide pupils in the polished brass reflector next to the fireplace. They widened with sudden recognition. The moment was frozen in time. She was as mesmerized as a bird by a snake. A feeling of sudden euphoria swept over her. Impending fulfillment? No. A battle rush? Not right either. A lovers peak? Still not quite. The hold? She, in her career, had used the hold well nigh a thousand times, but had never before seen it in its entirety. Her victims had always been faceless. Her only view the back of the head. Then she saw... felt the wholeness. The consummation. It was SEXUAL! She was at an erotic peak. She stared into the golden scene. She saw two bodies closely entwined... muscles tense... thrusting and lunging... breaths coming in gasps. She felt the intense, sweaty male between her thighs heaving and plunging. Red lips gashing open, flashing ivory teeth. Then one last epic convulsion before total helpless relaxation. She was breathing sonorously...felt moisture heavy upon both sets of lips. Was THIS the ultimate orgasm? Could it be replicated abed? What would your partner do? What COULD your partner do? She was as quickly aghast at the thought of using a battle tool upon a dear one. She snapped back to the steamy scene in the little room. Dropping her victim, she dressed at lightening speed. Outside the door, she found a robed porter who stepped off at an almost run. Back at the struggle scene, as soon as she departed, the tapestry near the chaise parted to reveal the shadowy silhouette of the Queen. She watched as the naked man began to stir groggily, flung a handful of coins in his direction, nodded , and with a cold smile ghosted away whence she had come. Vara, meanwhile paced steadily behind her guide. At the fourth intersection, she skidded to an abrupt halt. HOLD! This was not the way she had come. She looked at the rapidly disappearing back and with hardly a hesitation turned left... the way she KNEW to be correct. Breaking into a swinging lope she knew from long experience to be exactly double her normal stride she began to cover distance counting by twos. ...12, 14, 16, LEFT! 2, 4, 6... She smiled. The noiseless rhythm pleasured her, as always. In less than three minutes she stood before the escape hatch with a hand upon the first deadman. Hark! Someone approaches. Around the nearest corner came a robed lackey. Her guide? He was two strides from her when he slid to a clumsy stop. "YOU! How...?" "Haskers always know the quickest way. Let me out of this tomb... NOW!" She was rewarded with a shrug and a willing hand on the bolts. The door swung open soundlessly. It seemed someone had gotten the message about noisy machinery. Peering out cautiously, and perceiving nothing obviously amiss in the late afternoon sun, she sprang up lithely and reached back for the pack. Swinging up her burden, she galloped zigzag from brush to hedge until reaching the silver birches of the forest perimeter. She ceased dodging but continued moving rapidly until she reached the dense firs where a person could not be as easily silhouetted. She faded into the dark thicket as effectively as if she had been wearing the Cloak of Invisibility. A short hike later she cautiously approached her low-profile bivouac under the protective brow of a stone massif, looking about for sign of her Jernpeer. (Direct translation: Iron Girl, or Maiden. Closely akin to a Knight’s Squire). Depositing the pack, she crouched easily, back braced against the reassuring vertical granite wall. She pressed a palm to the soft green sod calling softly, "Tove. Tove. You may come from behind the hjembarri (homeberry... Wild blackberry... cultivated by many in their kitchen gardens. Hence: Home Berry). I ken you there. Your breath disturbs the leaves." A lovely girl... almost a woman of near nineteen frosts, stepped into view, balancing a large natural shingle of stone, a coil of rolled cloth protecting her head. Her eyes were downcast. "Oh, Vara. You knew, AGAIN." Vara smiled indulgently. "'Tis true, but only I, or another Tre Kron Hasker could have guessed. I could not hear you, you were well hidden, I could only faintly smell you. You are well scrubbed with yew and lichen. Further, the fire was VERY small and smokeless... hardly more than coals. You took the hearthstone with you when you sensed my approach and quit the camp, taking care to scatter the support stones damp side down. The sod below the place of the hearth is not in the least warm." Tove smiled with pride and resituated the hearthstone. "I have only two further queries. First, where are our packs?" Tove's smile broadened as she walked a few paces to one side of the great gray boulder, then instead of continuing into the woods, she whirled and ran full speed directly at the near vertical rock face. About two strides before collision she vaulted upward, her momentum gluing her to the rough perpendicular surface. In three strides she had gained the top. Bending out of sight, she straightened holding the gear. Vara laughed aloud. She couldn't help it. She was that pleased. After tossing down the packs, the girl leapt outward as sure as a squirrel. Catching the bole of a wrist-sized yew she swooped lightly to the ground not a half a stride from her Hasker. Vara wondered how much of Tove's day was spent practicing... no matter. Every task was done, and the technique could have a very practical life-saving use someday. "And now my clever cub. The most important question of all. Where is my horn?" Tove's eyes widened, she mouthed a silent "Oh, no!" and scurried to the hearthstone. Pulling aside a windbreak of damp moss, she produced a gray rams horn in miniature. Held with a buckskin pad it was presented and accepted by a grateful Vara with gauntleted hand. The rustic piece had been fashioned by Vara herself. Of course she could afford a shiny artifact in alabaster or silver from the finest Guilde, but she preferred this momento from her childhood when she could spend her time creating things, rather than the opposite. Snapping back to the here/now, she sniffed appreciatively. The heady effluvia of honey and yeast filling her nostrils before she quaffed greedily. Ahhhh she felt the foul taste of insincere words being sluiced from her mouth and head. Tove looked expectant. Well, all right. A boon never did harm. "AHHHH. Tove, my jewel. Beyond a doubt the finest draught ever to pass my lips." A flowery statement, but not without merit. The girl brewed a top peg cup. "Oh yes. One other small matter. I took careful note of your woodship this day." The girl fidgeted from one foot to the other. "In the name of the First I declare you fit for independent forest service." The young woman positively glowed and sank cat-like into the ready curve inside Vara's heavy biceps. The older woman felt her body warm and soften. A light rain set in. Vara placed her helm over the coals, which had been well bedded by Tove. The two sank as one upon the Haskers woolly Badger, leaned against the still sun-warm overhanging granite wall, and drew the heavy oil-tanned waterproof Ox over them. . In their abode, they were as protected as in any snug crofter's cottage. Tove's sleep-drugged face pressed into her right breast. Ah yes. This is why all those thick porridge-faced farm wives can go from day to endless day with such beatific smiles and infinite patience. Tove's pursed lips moved silently, as if to suckle, and the Hasker, terror of the unseen garrote, fiend of the silent blade, yet again loved... wholly, completely, and without reservation, need of coercion, strategic advantage, nor thought of sex. It was, as ever, a singularly fulfilling sensation. She sighed with contentment and was instantly totally relaxed though her senses remained on standby alert. Darkness was waning. Vara, having not really slept, brought herself fully alert and took careful assessment of the surroundings before cracking her eyes. She inventoried her senses one by one. All seemed to be normal within her ken, which was extended far beyond the immediate area by her intimate knowledge of animal habits. This morn, the tiny forest folk were about their normal business. All was well. Stomach gnawing from no real food the previous day, she retrieved a strip of halkebuk jerky pressed with bilberi (a blueberry-like fruit) from her kit. As she opened her mouth, she looked down and smiled. Tove was looking up in silent adoration. She offered the food. The girl shook her raven hair, and slid out into the morning damp. Her exit left far more than a physically less warm space at Vara's side. Oh, my Mother, she thought as the sleek well-muscled young form moved in and out of the lingering tendrils of morning mist. Has she a straight line anywhere? A flood of warmth, and a gathering in her feminine zones reminded her 'twas not only food for which she hungered. For her part, Tove seemed totally oblivious to all but housekeeping. Moving the helm from the hearth, she uncovered the last weary glow of the fire. This she fed part of a small cache of shredded birchbark, dry from her hare, worn (as did many) as a small pouch suspended by a fire cured wolf gut loop (emergency garrote) between her breasts. (Marvelous breasts added Vara mentally). In less than thirty heartbeats, a small hot fire blazed smokelessly, nourished by dry inner chips from a nearby deadfall. Shortly Vara was tendered a hot damp cloth smelling very slightly of juniper followed directly by two steaming earthen mugs brimming with maple sweetened oatmeal and black chicory tea. Her Tove... what a wonder. The tea warmed her hands and soul, the oatmeal her belly, whilst the girl warmed her psyche with another adoring smile. Trite but true. Life was GOOD. Morning ablutions and break-fast complete, camp was broken, great care being taken to leave the site looking, at least to the untrained eye, virginal. Next on the agenda was, simply enough, where do we go from here. The nearest Vara could come to an idea bearing even a nodding acquaintance with what might be called a plan was: Toward the mountains. They made the foothills in three weary days. Traveling game trails in the distance consuming lope used by all Haskers on forced march. A loose-limbed ten- leagues-to-the-hour swinging gait that could be maintained all day. Eating high energy snacks, and drinking on the run, neither camps nor fires were set. They dined cold and slept embracing for warmth beneath the reassuring weight of the Ox. Well... nothing is ALL bad. On the morn of the fourth day, after following a major stream rushing it's way downhill, they came upon the first signs of cultivated fields. Vara made a small hand movement and they melted back into the forest. Upon a convenient log, she opened a small compartmented box whilst Tove fetched a helmet full of water. Using this as a looking glass, she set at once to work upon her face. A sweep or two from the kit and peach cheeks became a five day grizzled stubble. Another sank her eyes, and so on. Until, instead of a strong young woman, there stared back at her the visage of an ancient weary pilgrim. She gave Tove a lascivious wink, who rewarded her with a fit of giggles. An archaic voice croaked. "Be still, boy. You simper like a silly girl. One would suspect your manhood." BOY? Tove turned beet red smothering her mirth. Next went the tunic and tights. Vara looked appreciatively downward. Yes, her swelling, sharply defined thighs and melon-shaped calves would do if she were careful. She drew on rough dun colored trews and bulky boots, hating the confinement of her lower limbs. A threadbare jacket, worn cloak and disheveled hunter's cap completed her ensambe'. Her large, strong hands needed but a coat of grime and black-rimmed nails. Her pack was turned inside for out to reveal another, much abused, burden. Her new persona was very nearly done. The new basket pack, now appropriated by Tove was dirtied in the stream backwaters after being "worn" against the rocks. Several rivets were driven out to be replaced by seemingly carelessly tied thongs. Sap from a jimsen weed turned the remaining hardware from shiny copper to mottled black and green. The girl was ordered to tumble in the dust under a spreading oak, but to take care to not OVER sully herself. With her shirt worn outside her trews, her young breasts were not noticeable, and her full dark pageboy hair was in keeping with style in some parts. Her fine clear alto voice was easily that of a boy who had not yet 'dropped'. She would do. Rubbing dark brown snuff-like spores from a large tree fungus aged Vara's staff very nicely. Stooping one shoulder, she stepped out with a pronounced gimp. "Here, boy. I need your arm", grated a dry rattling voice. Tove-the-Boy stifled an overwhelming urge to laugh and simply said, "Yea, Master." Later, as they trod upon a lane approaching the high road, Vara paused to insert what appeared to be fish scales into her eyes. A Haske invention. Minuscule lines engraved into wafers of highly polished glass, they displayed the milky orbs of the blind to the outside world whilst allowing the wearer to see passably well. They all hated the things. They irritated beyond bearing, but she supposed the discharge from rheumy red eyes made the illusion even more convincing. "Come boy", the hoarse voice quavered, and they stepped upon the fine gravel surface of the Great Road, turning to the right toward the smudge of smoke seeping over the next hill betraying the hearthfires of a sizable town beyond. True enough. Not far past the break in the ridge, next to a sturdily crafted bridge, was a well-made sign proudly proclaiming Lillebro {Little Bridge) Since several people were hanging about the tollbooth Vara leaned to within a hands-on distance and squinted at the carved letters from several angles. "WELL, BOY! WHAT BE SCRIBED HERE? BE YE STRUCK DUMB?" "B-b-b-but Master. Ye ken I know naught of letters. ONO! PLEASE Good Master. Please, PLEASE do not beat me... again. Ononononoooo" She mewled, falling to the small greensward, tucking into a fetal ball and rolling about dangerously near the stream bank. TOVE! thought Vara. NOW is not the time to become creative. But there was naught she could do save follow the lead. "DO NOT START WI' ME, YE YOUNG RAPSCALLION. I'LL..." She waved the staff menacingly. A large coarse woman rushed to Tove's side, catching the pole on its downswing. "NA, NA. NA!" she bellowed, red eyes bulging alarmingly. She wrapped a protective arm 'round the boy's shoulder cooing, "There, there young'un. He can na harm'ee nu. Ye be fine nu.." And then to Vara/The Master. "Ye ol' FOOL! Ha' can'ee treat a sweet young lad such? Mind yer manners afore I break that twig pon yer crook't back. COME! We rest ourse'ves." With that she set off with Tove still in her tow. Vara followed in a hippity-hop gait, The Bridgeman thundering along arear, arms windmilling bellowing "Mist'ess, MIST'ISS. That be Tre Cuperin... (three New Coppers)... STOP! HOY, STOP! WHY YE OL"... That is, until he noticed half a score or more individuals seizing the opportunity of his absence to make gratis crossings. Never mind. His red-faced efforts were having no effect on the woman whatsoever, so he quickly turned back. She boiled right along with the bit in her teeth leaving Vara farther and farther behind whining that she/he was lame and couldn't keep the pace. Before long they stopped before a small, but substantial looking cottage. Well kept it was, with a clean swept front garden and beds of color near the door. The woman sized them up for the twentieth time. "I do vum 'eeve not a copper tween 'ee." She asked dourly. At a signal from Vara, Tove ducked her ebon head repeatedly. "Oh, Mist'ess, Mist'ss. Na, na, na. We do have. S'truth, s'truth." She scrounged in the depths of her purse and emerged with three grimy green tarnished coins, which she proudly offered the woman in trembling palm. That one studied with grand disdain, finally choosing the least obnoxious from its nest of pocket lint and other... less identifiable things. "Well, t'will have to do." and they all trooped into the house. The interior was as neat as the outside. Vara's salient thought was, Ah Tove, you do me proud. My instincts served me well. The Jernpeer looked her Haskers way, eyes sparkling, and pointedly tugged her right earlobe. The 'boys' 'Master' returned the salute. Once inside, the woman, "Jus' call me 'Drulla", served a passable blackthorn tea and very fine barley cakes, but still had to "'Pologise fer th' pore fixins. M'mans away t'th' Mountains this whole summer." "Aint he feared o' bandits? I be". Offered Tove. 'Drulla laughed. "Lor luvvya, honey. Not where he be, he ain’t." "Pro'by bandit zone-se'f", growled Vara in an aside. "Watch y'mout", snarled Drulla in a low, ice-cold voice. "He be honorable man, on honorable quest". "Eh?" Grated Vara. 'Drulla leaned close. "He ta he'p take land from Black-Heart Queen... WITCH!" She quickly closed her 'mout' with a sharp click. "Well now. Ye know I don't mean nuttin' by nunna that. Jus' a li'l backwoods humor". She looked around, laughing nervously. Hey there! Vara was instantly on her highest alert. She casually looked Tove's direction. Good! The girl was looking carelessly out the garden window whilst surreptitiously easing nearer the careless old crone. Vara was broadcasting pointed thoughts in her junior's direction as red flags of danger fluttered madly in her head. TOO EASY! She thought. The first person they fall over wants to talk about the rebels. What were the odds? She looked again at Tove who was in eminent danger of separating her left ear from her head in the Hasker caution signal. Good. She was aware. Once again, her choice of the 'Ugly Duckling' from 'mongst the squirming, mewling pink mass of unwanted female yearlings offered to the Guilde on that long ago Foundling Day was completely vindicated. One child alone stood upright, lanky as a foal, critically observing the adults oooo-ing and aaawww-ing. She carefully and silently moved away from the gushier of the young Haskers making driveling fools of themselves over the clot of cherubic female people larvae. Vara simply squatted, caught the toddler's eye, extended her hand, and said, "Hello. My name is Vara. Come with me and we'll get away from all this." She was rewarded with a serious, large eyed, dimpled smile and a very comprehensible "eth peeth." They had not looked back since. Tove's urgent signals that something was amiss was just one more affirmation she had made a choice that could only have been guided by the First Mother herself. To add frosting to the cake, the girl was evolving into a woman of substantial intellect, startling physical strength, heart-stopping beauty, and almost mystical intuitively. A wise choice, indeed. Her fugue state was broken by their hostess asking with admirable, if foolish candor, "Hi! Ye don't be patrollers. Be ye?" Vara-as-old-man cackled like field stones falling from a cart, ending with a dry prolonged hacking cough. "Hay! Hay! Haaaaaay!" She gasped. "Wot think ye, boy? M'lady bethinks us armed men! Heeee! Heeee! Heh. Heh! Na, Goodwife. We be not Paterollers (giving the word its Outland pronunciation.). Bards, we be.. Be traveling to give joy to armed men in lonely parts. Safer by far (she indicated Tove) than nubile Dance-Girl. (and almost inaudibly) Altogedder earn not half so much, too." The woman eyed them in a calculating fashion and parked her fists upon ample hips. "Be bards, hey? Den entertain." Tove's surprise-rounded eyes sought Vara's over the woman's head. The old bard winked a right eye slowly and rummaged in his kit, at last surfacing with a small object wrapped in a semi-clean silken cloth. A ceremonious unveiling exposed a craftily wrought thumb piano. The chimes were struck, and a minor chord of remarkable clarity filled the small space. "Bards ny work for nothing." A quick hand muted the lingering tones. "Drulla spun the recently acquired corroded ver d'gris cuperin the air. "I will 'ave un coppers'urth", she demanded. Tove deftly caught the coin in mid-flight, then made an exaggerated show of biting it in much the same manner of someone assaying the worth a GeldKron. (Gold Crown). The "boy's" hand jerked to his jaw as if in extreme pain. The piece was offered to the master, who in turn refused it. Breaking into a fool's grin, he then made a big show of depositing his treasure in a small furry bag on a thong 'round his neck. He patted the pouch with finality, then with look of one perceiving a miracle, reached carefully and produced another gleaming bright copper from behind 'Drulla's ear. This was presented to the amazed woman whilst cavorting happily. They all laughed. It was a good mime and a clever trick. Vara motioned to the center of the floor. A place assumed by a very nervous looking Tove. The Master thumbed his instrument and the chords of a well-known ballad of unrequited love filled the room. The sweet transparent voice it accompanied would stop your heart. "Alas my love, ye be untrue. Ye cast me out most wantonly. Though I bear arms protecting you and homeland from calamity Long past our flights of youth Long past our games uncouth Long past our songs of truth. I despair the day of our trothing." And so on, through dozens of tiresome maudlin verses. In spite of all, Tove's sweet voice made it seem almost interesting. Finally the Kalimba began to sing with the beat of a lively schottische, and the boy broke into an animated dance from the grasslands beyond the eastern mountains. Their hostess was beaming broadly and clapping hands. At last, exhausted, the performance slowed to a stop. 'Drulla, staring at the boy fixedly, began to advance with arms outstretched and fingers clutching. "NA, NA! Be nunna that. Cost extry. One Crown GOLD!" The woman froze in her tracks, her shoulders slumping, she turned back to her kitchen hearth. "Could’st yer man an' his fellers use a little cheer. Mayhap they hoard a bit of loose jingly." The woman was livid. "KAGOR WANT NA PART YER BOY. GOOD MAN. NOT THAT WAY!" It was not easy not laughing. "Be at ease. I only suggest we sing and dance." "Ach... so ye say. Do'ee so weal? Swear oath?' "We will... do so swear , 'pon our Mother's Mother's Mother. Now! Will ‘ee take us?" "Na, na. Will ne'er take. Will draw picher... chart." She set to with stylus and berry ink. The product, on a scrap of stained sheepskin, was surprisingly competent. Perusing the parchment minutely brought forth an interesting fact. Beating the diagram against her own admittedly sketchy knowledge of the locale seemed to indicate 'Drulla had 'straight-lined' a very circuitous route to a site which appeared to be only about a two day march up a nearby fjord. The old harpy was not so foolish as she appeared. Had they been expected, or was this the usual procedure with anyone evidencing curiosity about the rebels? Proceed with extra caution. Shortly thereafter she and Tove departed the suspicious woman's abode and spent the night in a comfortable encampment several leagues in a straight line and some ninety degrees from the course suggested by the chart. They washed one another in the crystalline waters of a gravel bottomed trout pool. Before they quit their bath, Tove deftly hand-caught a lively silver behind the gills and skillfully bit it through the axe-shaped head to preclude a long, noisy, flesh-bruising death struggle. Besides, it was more humane by her way of thinking. Death swift and sure. Not long slow suffocation. Mother; let mine be such, she prayed. After a brisk rubdown with tender yew boughs, the women sun-dried upon a small slate slab just above nature's basin. Their rustic gear was left to dry upon dead Hollyhock branches. 'Twas good to be back in casuals. Vara restuffed the packs as Tove found a hearthstone, started a fire with her sparkstone, then chancing a person being near enough to smell, prepared trout-on-tree with pungent bay branches. That, with a cool sassafras tea, dent-de-Leon green salad with morals, bear-root baked in the coals, and sweet high-bush blueberries was their menu- complet. Ah, the deep woods. The poor person's Gourmet Shop. Afterwards, as they were licking fingers, it was agreed to be worth the trouble. They rolled into the luxury of separate shakedowns that night, but sleep came slowly. For some reason, the night seemed to be colder than usual. The Wolf was chasing the Boar in the Sky-Pictures ere the Schlafprinz (Sleep Prince... sandman) arrow pierced Vara that night. The second day's journey brought them to a sizable outpost of the Queen's military. After much ado with an overweening, over officious, over dressed, overSTUFFED guardian of the Queen's rules, they were finally allowed to pass into the sanctum. Vara suspected it to do more with their professional display of arms than the official-looking documents they waved. The ignoramus was probably illiterate anyway. Once inside, Vara became acutely aware of just how many layers of trail dust coated her tongue and readily followed the sounds of laughter and thumping tankards to the Sign of the Flowing Barrel. There, they were blocked by a rude fellow who kept yammering, in an impossible dialect, about guardsMEN and pointing a truncated finger ‘crost the public green, which was not very. The Haskers reluctantly turned away. Why go to all the bother of killing the uncouth wart over a draught? He was only trying to do his job. Off they went following the finger, and lo! There, proudly on display, was another flowing barrel . Tove began to laugh, and after a moment Vara could not help but join in. On the previous establishment the barrel was tapped, with foamy brew gushing from the spigot. Over the door of this public room, the keg was instead BROACHED, and the sudsy liquid poured from the narrow V-shaped cleft. Vara couldn't decide whether she was amused or insulted. Maybe both. They entered the portal without being accosted, and paused to allow their eyes to become accustomed to the light and their ears to the din. Vara smiled. The female side of the guards Taverna was, if anything, rowdier and smelt more of Kiff (North African hemp... Hashish.) than it's counterpoint across the square. She chose a table in a corner facing the door and awaited service. Smiling more broadly, she thought of how the upper echelons were likely laboring under the misapprehension that they were avoiding off-duty problems by separating the genders. She wondered just how many of the "sweet defenseless" individuals peopling the place the brass had actually seen. She laughed aloud and mentioned her observation to Tove, who shrugged and favored with a nod and shy smile the strikingly beautiful and blatantly butch individual in bronze breastplate who had been eyeing her with lynx-like anticipation from the bar. "TOVE! You little bar-slut. Don't be a fool." "Oh, Vara. Don't be so parochial. I think she's cute. Just like my big ol' bear-hound. So huge she scares everyone to death, but is REALLY lovable and just dying to cuddle." "Sooner cuddle bear... prob'ly safer by far." Tove crossed her eyes, and stuck out her long pointed tongue to its (very startling) limit. The schooners on the backbar chattered as the warrior-woman stood, and gently rapped the bartop with one knuckle of a ham-sized fist. The barkeep was instantly attentive. (smart man) His patron jabbed three extended fingers their way and started in toward them. A trio of dart players were flattened against the wall like so many squirrels as the Bergfrau (Mountain [of a] woman) Ducked under the hand-hewn mainbeam almost obscured in the oily-sweet smoke. Mother's, Mother's, GRANDmother thought Vara in wonder. She devoutly hoped the natives were friendly. As the figure loomed over them, The Hasker casually caressed the unlatched hilt of the short blade by her side. Blikker (Lightning) she called it, at the same time idly rested the other upon her chest, fingers forming the Hasker 'H'. This is similar to the Romish Figote (anti evil-eye sign) but with the fingers extended, and thumb barely visible. Before relaxing her hand she briefly tongued, then kissed the tip of her thumb. A thing not found in any Haske Guildebook, it is non-the-less used by many Haskers to demonstrate their Sisterhood. If the symbology escapes you, try it with your own hand. Now do you understand? The giantess made a small, but courteous bow. "Ah, now. Be Haskers. Might well have guessed. Two ladies as lovely as ye'se'ves," she looked around critically and shook her head, "in such sty . 'Twas fair a puzzle when'ee be not afear." She laughed like a bass drum with easy good cheer. "Will th' Haske gi' th' boon a sharin' a cup wi' or'nary sojur?" She put out a hand the size of a saddle pack. "I be Honi." Vara was dumbfounded. The voice, though low-pitched, was as sweet, friendly, and full of good cheer as that of any fair milkmaid. She and Tove shook the huge paw as wonder filled her. Never had her hand looked so dainty. With her foot, she pushed out a chair. Honi first tested the furniture by applying her weight to one backpost with only the diagonally opposing front leg on the floor. When the piece only groaned and creaked a little, she nodded, threw a long leg over and sat facing them over the back. Instantly a very small, very black man materialized at her elbow bearing three heroic tankards. "Be yuh Potah, m'ladysheb," he intoned in a very deep voice and outrageous accent Honi laughed. "I be 'ladyship' when'ee be Emperor of Kathay, ye alt troll." The man smiled loftily and returned, "Mayhab aye'm. Can'ee proof beyon argeemen aye'm NOD? An' hah! Aye ding be NOD troll. Can'ee proof beyon argeemen ayE'M? An' if firs prob'sition be troo, be secon exclude? An' secon' be troo if firs be opposite? Honi gave her brow an exaggerated furrow, squinting her eyes as if in great effort. Touching one finger to her temple, she gave the impression of sudden understanding. "AHA! It come to me. Na, yea, yea, na. And, yea, na, na, yea. OR.. yea, yea, na, na. That cover all. Anow, me fine scholar, kin'ly proof beyon' doubt we all actual HERE?" She and her tiny friend collapsed in laughter over what was obviously a very clever joke, the logic of which was completely lost upon the reality-oriented Haskers, who looked on blankly. Honi suddenly looked chagrinned. "Fogimme, fogimme! Vara, Tove, dis purse-size philosopher be D'ar. Be he nod mos' 'muse' man ever?". Neither had the foggiest, but managed to grin and nod enthusiastically whilst signaling one another "I haven't the slightest notion, either." As D'ar turned , Honi called "Hold! We mus' have three mo' flagon." She flourished a gold piece. The man's eyes lit up, and he started back to the table. But wait... he was actually drawing away...or??? He was walking toward them, taking long strides but was inexplicably being drawn back. His eyes widened with surprise... he redoubled his efforts, but was helpless. Fear began to show in the whites of his eyes as he grasped at the furniture, the post holding the mainbeam, the patrons, but to no avail. He was being drawn relentlessly into the awful blackness of The Back Room. One last disparate lunge at the door frame. He held momentarily, then the claw-like fingers were one by one stripped mercilessly away as the unseen demonic force dragged him back. Agonizingly the last twisted digit slipped from sight. There was a piteous wail followed by a horrendous crash. Then... ghostly silence. Everyone in the room was staring at the Haskers as if they, being strangers, must somehow be responsible Tove had risen, hand on weapon, waiting for Vara's signal. Vara, simply stunned, could only stare at the murky portal with bulging eyes. They both looked at Honi, who was in the throes of some sort of horrendous fit. Her face was beet-red, lips drawn back showing large square teeth. Tears coursed down tight cheeks from squinted eyes. She was emitting strange struggling sounds: "HUNH! UNGH! HUH! HUNH! Whilst lurching to and fro. She was in the steely grip of... then dawn broke. Laughter. LAUGHTER!? First a helpless person is swallowed up by some sort of evil spell, then his best friend LAUGHS? Mayhap her spell? Be she WITCH? Honi was motioning to them. They drew close. These might be her last words. She was choking. They beat her upon the back and raised her arms above her head. They began to understand words. They leaned closer yet. "B-b-be.... He... t-t- t-talent'd... o-o-r no?' (In unison) "WHAAAAT?" At that moment, d'Ar appeared with fresh tankards and a tray of smallfoods which he served with grandiose elan. "Comblimens o de Hus m'ladeez." The Haskers simply stared in disbelief whilst Honi was able to resuscitate herself enough to comment, "Styrkindt (Stellar) performance, my fren'. Allow me this small token." She held up a gold FymKron (Five Crown coin) and pressed it into the man's palm. He regarded it momentarily and in a supercilious voice announced: "d'Ar does not 'cep gra'tootees fa entatain frens frens." He held the coin up between thumb and first finger and with a grand flourish placed it in the middle of the table with a sharp 'Klack', leaving the women to stare at the spot which now held... NOTHING! Tove actually touched her fingers to the point. Bethought she the coin invisible? The three stared at one another in wonder. Be he a Merlin? The little man at last spoke. "Allow me." With a picket-fence grin, he held up the yellow disk... AHA! He had it all along... and reproduced the flowery motion very slowly. As the hand holding the Kron passed before the other, the coin was transferred. The same hand smoothly continued on its path to the center of the table and touched decisively. At the same moment the other hand snapped the coin down noisily...KLAK... and swept it unnoticed into the large pocket of the barman's leather apron. Even seeing how the trick was performed left them looking at the center of the table. Laughing anew, d'Ar held the coin to Honi, who shook her head. "Put it towards th t'ousnens aye awreddy ow'ee" The man smiled, spun the bright yellow object in the air, himself twirling around so adroitly that the disk arced to drop once more into the gaping pocket. He stepped off at the same moment to assume his station behind the bar to the accompaniment of a chorus of "Gud'uns", "Wellplayeds" and drink orders. He wore an expression of complete ennui as if it were only the usual day's work. "Amazin' lit'le Pip. Ain't he?" Observed Honi. The other two could only nod. "Ya oughtta seen dis udder thin' we done wi' one anudder." Vara arched an eyebrow. "Y'see, we go inta dis mock racket wheres I calls 'iz brew PIGSWILL wot tastes like it'uz aged inna GOATS BLADDER. Now y'unnerstan 'iz brew be 'iz PRIDE'N'JOY! Ee be VER' 'ticular uv ever'thin' bouten it. So 'e call me Musclehead Ignoramus wot usual drink goat pee anyhow. We trades insults fo' awhile alla time getting' louder an' LOUDER. Den I slaps m'arm." She demonstrated, making a sound very like a crofter wedging a wind-twisted elm. "Den say 'You tink you such big kega ale... you got anyting like DAT?' He admit not. So I punch m'belly an he say same ting. An' so on. Do leg, neck an all. Final' I axe 'im, 'Hey, Halfdraught, you got ANYTING biggern me?' He tink an look like 'e study real hard. Den he reach inside 'e trews an' start to rummage 'roun like sometin' been mislaid. Y'coulda heard a pin drop inna taproom. Ever hen inna place strainin' ta see wot nex'. 'E stop huntin', get big wicked grin on face an say 'Bet you ain't got no 3-han'...ever'body suck in breath when he whip IT out... stickin oughtta da placket of 'e trews... all brown an' gnarled... DIS long, an DIS big round...'e finish talk at same time... 'BAR RAG'! 'e say. Ladies, dey all scream an fall ovah wen 'e jerk da ting out. Den wen dey tumble to de fak dey been HAD, all scream wid laughs an fight ovah da silly ting... tear to shreads so’s all can have liddle bit to keep. SO funny. Me an. d'Ar laugh fit to POP. Could na walk for LONG time. MOS amusin... for a man." She rooted about in her purse, surfacing with a tattered scrap of ill-used tan duck fabric. "See ye here? Frum de VERY rag." The giantess smiled smugly. Vara laughed heartily. True or no, t'was a notable story, well-told and worth remembering. Honi stood. A thing which caused a momentary quiet. "We go now." The Haskers regarded one another, then arose. Well, why not? They departed to d'Ar's outragously lascivious wink, mimed broken heart and flowery blown kisses. Arriving at Honi's dwelling... more barn than house...t'was built to her scale, they were met by Bakka, her man. A smallish, well-made, eager sort of person with large expressive eyes. A Spaniel to his mistresses Mastiff. They sat comfortably with pipes and Porto watching the fire die when once more the lady of the house announced "We go now.", and they trooped down a short passage to behold the largest, highest, deepest feather bed in captivity. They disrobed by unspoken common consent. Vara swallowed hard. Honi was not the thick country commoner she had appeared to be. She was a Titan. Huge, to be sure. Immense, but with finely-chiseled unyielding muscles forming flamboyant Reubinesque curves. A whole mountain range waiting to be explored. Her man was a wonder unto himself. A doll. A perfect miniature. EXCEPT... when his trews fell! His organ could only be described as... well... Heroic! Wrist thick, it fell to near his knees. Smooth and powerful, it evidenced only the barest vieniation. The size of his Herculean member was accentuated by the silky blush of, fine, sand-colored pubic hair. Tove, who had been spectating avidly at once began to subtly draw away. Honi put a Mother's arm 'round her shoulders. "Be not 'feared, liddle one. 'E can'st... IT can'st... nod since 'e be liddle lad, and were struck by sojur's lance." She leaned close and whispered. "Only Honi big enuf an' got pleasure muscle strong enuf to care for Bakka's need. Bakka bound to Honi forEVER." She giggled like a little girl. Tove looked as though she felt it a genuine loss, and was instantly solicitous, going to the man, hugging him, and cooing over him as one would an injured puppy. Bakka looked not at all disappointed as the girl pulled him beneath the covers and they disappeared from sight, swallowed alive by the goose-down of the deep feather bed. Honi was altogether another draught of ale. powerful... threatening... INTIMIDATING. However, Vara had nothing to fear. It was the gentlest, most love- filled Vara had ever experienced. T'was overflowing with warm caresses and gentle kisses. She had never known what warm breath gently blown upon the proper places could do. They locked lips and exchanged life's breath 'till ears roared and eyes beheld shooting stars. Honi's huge hand and long fingers came upon tiptoe to fill her. Soon came a probing from behind. Not insistent, but rather a warm tentative touching. Asking permission. Vara smiled warmly as she melted in happy response. It was wondrous. Her partner's hand was so large, it could fill and pleasure her both portals. She need not respond. Her body was in full control and writhed otter-like in answer to Honi's erotic dexterity. She was only sad she could not reciprocate. Then her partner's intimate grip tightened and she was lifted closer to the comforting breasts. She had a sudden almost painful surge of overwhelming de-javue. FIRST ONE! What was it? It passed as quickly as it had come. Was it a deeply-buried baby's subconscious memory of Mother? The thought made her dizzy, and there was pleasure to be had. The huge nipple neared. At last she could participate. She kissed the aureole gently and began suckling like a babe. And later, even more avidly. The peak, when it came, was like nothing she had before experienced. No crashing wave, nor thunder roll. It was as a rising tide. Gentle, but irresistible. Flooding in. Flowing insistently into every crevice. Filling mind, body, and soul. Then lingering at neap. In stasis. Longer, longer, longer yet, until it could longer not be borne. One more heartbeat would bring madness. Then as beautifully as it had risen, it receded, leaving satiation, fulfillment, and a renewed, cleansed spirit. She released a long-pent breath, was captured by a watery relaxation, and slept embracing/embraced and secure. Vara often tried to explain, but it was a thing not entirely of the physical world. A manifestation to be experienced only... indescribable. The nearest she was able to encompass it with words was: Imagine being in a lea of a peaceful forest, surrounded by immense towering firs. In the air is the faint aroma of lavender. Far overhead, white popcorn clouds drift smoothly across the fringed patch of transparent blue afforded by the small isolated clearing. A soft breeze sighs almost inaudibly in feathery treetops. The airborne nectar becomes steadily stronger until you are joyously, orgasmicly drunk. Intoxicated by the lavender's subtle aphrodisiac. Eyes slowly droop and soon your world becomes irresistible warm burgundy velvet. Millennia later, light returns to a divan of soft pale green moss and the filtered warmth of a rich spring sun. The faint essence of lavender yet clinging, as a gentle kiss, upon smooth soft skin. It was not only singular, but also she felt truly enriched by the experience. Not a thing often said of such encounters. She held the tendrils of sleep at bay to longer bask in the afterglow, but was forced at last to cede the field. Before completely fading, she thought of Tove. A quick peek over an alpine hipbone showed her younger half with eyes tight-closed, chin pointed directly at the ceiling, breath coming in tight spasms through pursed lips. Between her updrawn thighs a prostrate Bakka tongued silent, worshipful, adoration upon the altar of her womanhood. Vara slept. Next morn, after hot lentil porridge had revived them and they lingered over steamy mugs of blackthorn tea, Honi drew Vara aside. Glancing about conspiratorially she offered in a hushed voice: "Had but me M'or (Bless Her) mayhab look doon dif'ernt trail Honi be Hasker herse'f nu. Aylee... 'tis pas' dat time nu, but ha' sma' t'ing I invent by my own. T'would be VER' he'pful to Hasker. Come... I show." Vara, who had heard all this many times before, started to shake her head. Honi looked annoyed, but held her tongue. She lifted the corner of Vara's heavy Ox from where it lay upon the windowseat. Her other hand disappeared behind. "Warch'ee careful" she admonished. There was a muffled 'klik' and a shiny needle lanced through the tough leather to fall into a waiting palm. Honi held the thick hide aloft and carefully reinserted the needle where it had popped through. ALTHAGGE! (old hag... witch)The Hasker gasped. It HAD to be a trick. Vara had seen a top quality Ox, such as hers, turn away the point of a well-honed dirk. Honi smiled and produced a palm-sized box. Removing the cover she displayed a tiny recurved bow fastened therein. "made frum mout'-bone uv whale-fish." She announced proudly. Vara had seen such animals, of course, but never at such a distance as to afford a view of said bones. "Thank The First" She muttered inaudibly whilst making The Sign. Honi continued. "Be not a weapon fo da fiel', up real close... hol' near ear, and 'klik'...All done. 'Mos' no blood... mayhab tiny drop in ear. Target jus' lie down." She then made a big show of turning the box over and opening a cover with an intricate ivory inlay. "Frum mout' uv toot'-wa'ker seal." Vara HAD seen those tusks. With a flourish Honi offered "Wouldst care fo' sweet?" The compartment was about half-filled with Maple-Gum lozenges. Vara chose one and chewed reflectively. Honi was right. She simply MUST have one of the fiendish little weapons. Honi smiled more broadly. "Ye like? 'Tis yours." The finely wrought mechanism was passed to Vara's ready palm. "An' fo' de fin' YOUNG warrior." A plainer version was presented to Tove, who squealed her thanks. "Nu, can'ee gift a boon to ol’ sojur?.. fellah arms bearer." "Be it in my power." "W'enee name de liddle toy... mind of Honi, vaer saa" (if [it] so [pleases you]). "It would be my very greatest pleasure, my good friend." She was embraced with enthusiasm, feet swinging several hands from the floor. A soft "Will missee" was breathed almost inaudibly into her ear. She touched down again and her friend walked quickly to stare, as if fascinated, through the wavy panes at the kitchen garden. "Go way... QUICK." It was a small, pinched voice. The Haskers did go, as quickly as possible. Their last glimpse was of Bakka, standing upon the window seat, stroking Honi's great shock of wheaten hair... consoling his giant mate. Later they both had a good laugh when Tove remarked she hoped he hadn't drowned in the flood of tears cascading upon his head. Later, after Guilde testing, copies of the murderous little box were dubbed Honibox' (usually called just plain Honi) Most thought for the camouflage of sweets. Vara never corrected this notion, feeling proud to hold the secret to herself. The next two days passed uneventfully. They traveled at Standard Pace due to the trickiness in extrapolating the straight-lined chart into tangents of an arc, interpolating the result into true straight lines and finally translating into curvilinear lines of best march. Even more difficult to do than to say, BUT t'would never do to go astray at that stage of the game. In forenoon of the third day, they looked down upon the Rebel fortress, admittedly a little surprised the find it where advertised. A large pentagon about one hundred strides on the side, it was solidly roofed with some sort of metalled material, Flat as millpond ice. No possible entry there. From just inside the forest, the two ferreted the entire perimeter. Only three openings could be seen. First, the drawbridge. Updrawn and secure, it seemed to be clad in the same material as the roof, and fit into the stone wall proper with only the narrowest of gaps. Not much hope there either. Of more interest were the portals which allowed a good-sized rill to pass beneath the stronghold. These seemed to be secured by wrist-thick woven iron bars. They must be conned more closely under cover of darkness. In short this was a far throw from the rude encampment she had expected. Staring at the upstream portal gave Vara inspiration. At her signal, they faded into the dark firs. As Tove set up camp, Vara began unloading her pack. At the cloak of invisibility, she paused. After a few moments indecision, she wrapped in it. Tove dropped the recently-found hearthstone upon her toes with a ripe Triple-Mother oath. She was holding her breath, owl-eyed. Vara looked down to espy several dark blotches in the fabric. The majik had obviously been damaged by the violence of the dragon hatch. Holding the coarse cloth up to the fading sun, it was her turn to catch her breath. She could actually devine how the thing was crafted. Yes... CRAFTED, a MADE thing not majik. If one looked VERY closely, one could discern that that the bulky material was actually WOVEN of scores and scores... too many to count... of tiny hair-thin PIPES. Through which, when looked upon, flowed a persons vision power allowing a view of the scene beyond. HOLD! Did that mean if not looked upon, NO scene flowed through? BUT... how did it know when a person... and how about two people... a HUNDRED? ACK! It made her head hurt. What craftsperson could... what TOOLS? Futureman, indeed! That made her head hurt even more exquisitely. "Tove. Willow bark tea...QUICKLY." The Jernpeers jaw snapped shut with an audible click as she sprang to comply. After quaffing the bitter draught and pretending her head had stopped pounding, she returned to her Field Kit. Two Dragon's Eggs, two Limpets, and carefully, The Hammer. A small flagon of dark honey water, one of strong mead. and four generous flags of halkebuk jerky completed her outfit. She glanced once more at the setting sun. Two fingers above local horizon. Just time for an oatcake and a few sips of water before setting off. At the forest gate, in almost total darkness, she adjusted her hood and they suddenly embraced, fully aware they might not see one another again until they had taken The Ride. Vara near collapsed when Tove, taking full charge, kissed her on the mouth... full and deep. "Care... Miss'ee." Whispered the girl. "Care" replied the Hasker, only adding a soft "Miss'ee too." after she had diagonaled down the brushy slope a full dozen strides. Arriving at the upstream grating in complete darkness some fifteen minutes later, apparently unseen, Vara was pleased to find what she had assumed from her long-distance reconnoiter. The grille was set back from the facade almost two full strides. She would be able to work unseen there in the sunken streambed unless someone were to look directly, at close range, into the gloomy portal. Plunging into the icy waist-deep water, she went directly to the grillwork and gave a mighty heave. She squandered her time. Not even the slightest movement. The bars were set firmly into the very substantial foundation. So she had expected and had come prepared. Gingerly lifting the Hammer from its nest, she pressed the business end against an horizontal bar one vertical from the stonework. Averting her eyes, she moved her finger as she had been taught. The angry cat spat, she felt heat upon her knuckles, saw a brief flash through even tightly closed eyelids, and heard the sibilant hiss of sparks hitting water not quite muffled by the run of the stream. An examination of the bar evidenced a hair-thin gap completely through. The exercise was repeated seven more times, resulting in a gate hinged by two solid horizontal bars next to the masonry on the right. Restowing the tool, she hyperventilated till she swayed as if drunken. Bracing her feet against the lowest bar, she grasped the solid vertical next to her "hinge" with her right hand and fastened lethally with her left upon the vertical near the fresh-cut horizontals. HuuuunnnNH!!! Her left triceps, pectorals, and right biceps bulged explosively. Vara bore down mightily... in her mind forming the crystal clear vision of the bars bending as warm taffy. She envisioned the tiny metallic particles flowing lava-like. Face neck and arms veniated like roadmaps. Rivulets coursed her cruelly-cut involutions to cascade noiselessly into the fast-running brook. Heavy iron, though seemingly immovable, betrayed it's weakness by shedding a blizzard of brown flakes, groaning softly, and slowly... slooowly surrendering before the onslaught of superbly trained Hasker muscle. When the gap was adequate, she wriggled through and leaned, gasping, against the cold, smooth wall. Breath rasped as stars swam before her eyes. As soon as she had regained her wind, and vision had cleared, she regarded her entryway. In the near complete darkness, it was not at all obvious. She would let it be. Might be needed later. From her belt she withdrew a large diameter marsh reed. Removal of a plug of moss resulted in the escape of a dim blue light. Pixie Light, or Fox Fire in the words of the superstitious and ignorant. All Haskers knew 'twas but a manifestation of tiny beings feeding upon a lump of decaying matter from the bog. If the glow should dim, feed the organisms with like matter and give them a small drink from a fetid pool, and the light would be renewed. Even the Gods simplest creatures deserve reward for labor well done. Feeble though it might be, the glow was more than adequate for eyes grown accustomed to almost total blackness. She was soon able to set about exploring the tunnel. There appeared to be a round opening of a shaft at the center of the barrel-vaulted ceiling. Just out of reach with no handhold nor ladder in sight. Without hesitation she produced the Limpets... how best to use. Then it struck her. Leaping upward, she pressed the hold-tight to the wall of the vertical shaft. She was able to give the lever three quick flicks just as her momentum was spent. Aha. She was left adangle. It held fast. Levering upward, she affixed her second disc. The first was removed and placed yet higher. And so it went 'till she fetched up against another iron grate. Not near so formidable this time. She listened carefully... breath abate. Not a sound. The covering was pressed gently upward. It LIFTED! It was not secured. IDIOTS! She moved the grille aside, passed through, brought up her limpets, and replaced the heavy lid in total silence. For no particular reason she chose the center of the three available openings to egress the small featureless room. In twenty two strides she emerged into a narrow passageway, and recapped her Foxfire in favor of dim flambeau affixed much too far apart along the high walls. She set out. Even though penetrated. the place was still an enigma. What she found as she traveled, up and down ramps, 'round many corners, was just that. No doorways, no rooms, no large halls, NOTHING. Nothing save endless corridors so narrow she could near touch the sides with her elbows. The ceilings were so high they faded to blackness in the inadequate torchlight. Every fifteen strides, more or less, was an intersection with identical corridors stretching away into darkness in either direction. Hmmm... even counting paces and turns could get a person lost in this rabbit warren. At first she found the very corners somehow unsettling. Not quite right. Not one was at a proper right angle. The she got a message from the logical side of her brain... "Child! you are within a PENTAGON. The inside is to match the shell." Well, that explained THAT, but she still liked it not. HOLD! Someone approaches. She was caught halfway between intersections. Quickly placing her butt against one wall, she braced her feet against the other and ascended the passage much as a rock climber negotiates a narrow chimney. Reaching the ceiling far above the torches, she locked her knees, assuming a position that can be maintained by a person in reasonable condition for well near an hour. For a Tre-Kron Hasker in her prime? Who knows. Vara watched the scene below with professional interest. First pairs of runners came pounding up to remove flambeaus. Close behind came others bearing brilliant mantle lamps. These were a affixed to the wall by slipping a peg on the body of the lamp into a bore in the wall some two spans above the floor using what appeared to be purpose-made pole mounted grasping devices. The dim lights were hustled 'round the corner at the next intersection. As that corner was reached, the torches were forwarded to the next corner, and so on, out of sight. What in Mother's name. No one had yet spied her. Actually, the reflectors on the fixtures directed the bright light downward, making it near impossible to pierce the gloom at the ceiling. That, and the very human habit of never looking above eye level when conducting everyday business made her hiding place quite secure. 'Twas one of the first lessons in Guilde training: Hide in plain sight. Do you have papers, money, or other valuables you wish to secure yet have at instant ready? Put your treasures in an envelope, and pin it to the wall ABOVE and INSIDE the door of a dark closet. Your goods will be there, safely awaiting you, even should you return to find your abode thoroughly ransacked. Actually, that is what most Hasker "Majik" is based upon... taking advantage of the frailties of human nature. The scene below was changing. An armed column was jangling into view following the route of the "lamplighters". Single file, the passage being too narrow to allow otherwise, all were clad in short gray-green tunics, tan leggings, and soft brown boots. They seemed to be about equally divided, male and female, if Vara were any judge of well-made legs (and she most assuredly WAS). About mid way in the column came another color. A teal-clothed woman. But WHAT a woman. Not a large person, but a commanding presence non-the-less. Pulled-back honey hair parting on a high forehead like a longship bow wave. Wide-spaced Arctic-blue eyes set beneath owls-feather brows. Ever so slightly prominent cheekbones, finely arched lips and narrowly sculpted nose with flaring nostrils. Though obviously less of a muscular physique than Vara, she moved with a cougar's grace and economy of motion which betrayed more than ordinary strength in the flaring torso beneath her pleated blue-green jabot. Directly below Vara's perch,, the entire column halted as one. The Woman's piercing orbs tilted upward, her head turning from one angle to the next, much as a Peregrine cons. My MOTHER! Thought Vara. She's looking straight at me, but the lamps have her blinded. No matter, she senses my presence. She KNOWS I am here... SOMEHOW. A dangerous person, this one. A woman of power in every sense of the word. There was no longer any doubt about the identity of the rebel commander, After what seemed like hours (but was actually less than a minute) the van once more stepped off, and shortly thereafter, the lamp/flambeau routine was reversed. As soon as the hubbub had faded Vara descended and trotted silently after, soon overtaking a clump of runners milling about an intersection totally immersed in something around the corner. Picking a person of about her size, she glided up behind and a deadly left arm snapped 'round a neck. DAMME, she thought. I've picked myself a MALE! Oh well, serves him right for having such pretty legs. His chin was settled into the Vee inside her elbow, her arm scissored closed. His feet left the floor effectively choking off any outcry and ending the possibility of noisy feet scuffling the floor. The Hasker smiled tightly. Deikoo! (the Two Qs... Quick and Quiet). After backing 'round the corner, the limp form was lowered to a sitting position, his head was bent forward to the chest and turned far left. Vara placed her thumbs one just above and one just below the small prominence in the spine formed close below the skull. She pushed sharply in a scissoring motion, and was rewarded by a well-dampened POP. She laid him down and performed a quick assessment as he was stripped. He still breathed, and the tiny drum still beat in the side of his neck... ta-dum, ta-dum. Lastly she peeled back an eyelid... the small black soul-pool shrank. Good. The eye would live to see another dawn... IF she were there to undo her handiwork. Otherwise? Well, just pray he had a good and attentive wife. Drawing on his clothing a familiar thought struck her. Let this be a lesson to all men. Treat your mate well, and never EVER rise her bile. You never know when you might DESPERATELY need her love and dedication. Pulling her sash tight she once again looked down. Damme again... he really does have lovely legs. She returned to the crowd 'round the corner. There was a subtle movement at her elbow. A sideways glance revealed nothing. She automatically turned and went to ready. Still no one. Then a slight shimmering the air and Tove coalesced into view. TOVE... wearing the cloak of invisibility! Even with the dark patches, in the dim light it served very well. Tove... What in Blue Flames was she doing here? Without a word, the Jernpeer spread the cloak and rolled the still-as-death form in it. Pushed against the wall, he simply disappeared. A squealing sound began to approach from the left and Tove, Mindful of their precarious position began to search for avenues of escape. Vara demonstrated the climbing trick and pointed upward. With a nod the girl was on her way. By the time a group of chambermaids and janitors arrived pushing a hellishly squeaky-wheeled cart, Tove had disappeared above and Vara was spectating with rest of the mob. One of the gray-clad group even tripped over the body, but only looked down, cursed and continued on. Eureka! And Bingo! Chars, janitors and there ilk are usually more invisible than the cloak around any major endeavor, and the basket would hold a platoon of potential victims. She snapped her fingers softly, pointed DOWN, and trotted after the cleanup crew one hundred percent confidant that her Jernpeer was in hot pursuit. True enough, in less than ten paces she felt a small tug on the hair of the back of her head. They overtook their object seconds later. She and the girl dispatched the three women and the smaller of the two men in less than a second with a head blow apiece. The last man was of about number one size, well-muscled and alert. When he spun and beheld two women, one in black and the other wearing a decidedly ill-fitting uniform, he immediately crouched and assumed the ready position. Vara feinted with a left hand thrust. He countered with a viscous kick that caught her squarely in the armpit, near numbing her to the fingertips.. He finished his move on balance and ready. His concentration completely focused. Hmmm... Alertness, strength, and initiative. This was not your average flunky. They danced momentarily, then inexplicably his eyes drifted to a point beyond Vara's left shoulder. Seizing the opportunity, she drove a steely flat hand, palm up, into the man's midriff just below his ribcage. In spite of his skills and speed, he was not in the best of condition. She felt muscles give way and his xiphoid crumple inward. Driving deeper she curled her fingers upward and held his living, beating heart between her hand and his ribs. It pounded furiously. She squeezed with all her strength. His face sheened and drained to a greenish white pallor, mouth and eyes forming perfect circles. The heart cranked on a few dozen spasmodic beats before vibrating uncontrollably and ceasing altogether. It only took a few seconds. Vara rolled him into the basket before sparing the time to see what had been his fatal distraction. MOTHER! Tove! She would have lost concentration as well. The young woman was standing, still as a statue, her clothing in a heap, as bare as the day she was whelped. ELDEST!, how she was maturing. Beautiful young breasts, not in the least pendulous. Small waist, gently flaring hips. Well-muscled also. Vara noted the smooth bulge of biceps, nicely molded abdomen, her tris, quads, and (as Tove bent to retrieve her garments) her glutes. Ah, yes. Must NOT forget those glutes. She shook her head... VARA! We have work to do! Pay attention! They completed loading the cart, changed into workers grays, and followed a small rattle of applause around the corner. All eyes were directed upward. There, near the ceiling standing upon a small balcony was the Teal-Blue Woman accepting the ovation, apparently having just completed some sort of speech. As they watched, the balcony slowly retracted into the wall, and the crowd began to drift away. Soon none were left save the Haskers and two guards. As the men looked upward expectantly, they were rewarded by the balcony oozing from the wall and beginning a slow slide downward. So THAT'S why Vara could find no doors! They were all at the TOP of the passages, with the rooms defined by the passages themselves. Was the place designed in such a way... or did it just grow with need? Queen Byrgge, in spite of her denial, MUST have known. Small wonder she was loath to storm the place. Even were the wall breached, there could be no real battle. The narrow passageways reduced everything to an infinite series of hand to hand, one on one street brawls. The passages were entirely too narrow to allow the engines necessary to batter down the interior walls. It would take years to storm the place... if indeed storm was the word. Skaal to another military genius. Hmmm... same as designed the castle bolt-hole? Vara would most assuredly like to meet the person. She crooked a finger and they began to push the cart toward the guards. Stopping hard by, Vara, looking very agitated, pointed a shaking finger at their burden and quavered. "P-P-please, g-g-good sss-sirs. W-w-ouldst c-c-come a-and sss-see?" The men craned over the high edge of the cart. There followed two gasps, two dampened pops, and the cart gained two passengers. Vara examined the newcomers. One had ceased breathing, and his eye's soulpools were large and unchanging. Beyond resurrection. Vara had thought Tove overly enthusiastic, but she held her tongue. It is not wise to admonish youngsters in the steepest part of their learning curve. It discourages them. After some consideration they resumed field dress, and divined the lift controls. At the top, a few more trials and they slid through a quickly opened and shut portal to be decanted into a small foyer-cum-reception room. The massive oaken door opposite the lift was guarded by a striking raven-haired receptionist clad in a swooping black gown displaying a precipitous amount of cleavage. Smiling blindngly, she rose, stepped from behind a vast semicircular desk and met them in the center of the room, arms flung wide. "VELKOMMEN!!!". Vara near goggled. This was not just a woman, she was an Opus of Womanhood! Tall... Sturdily-built... Forceful... exuding power. Vara felt her sensitive spot pulse. Oh YES, she thought, come to ME. The effusive woman completely enveloped Vara in a huge embrace, encompassing arms and all. The cooing voice of welcome became a nasty rasp as she was swept up, out of control. "Ye bet'inks ye infiltrate de Leader, hey!" It was a MAN, and one as strong or stronger than she. His arms were so long he was able to encircle her and grasp her wrists, folding them painfully beyond the limits of their natural bend. She struggled, but she could scarcely breath much less slip the hold. She was caught. Trapped by her glands like a common man. It was not only dangerous, it was EMBARRASSING. The pressure of the rib cracking hug increased. Mother-the-First! He was strong as a Russbjern. (Red Bear... an archaic variety of Russian steppe bear). Suddenly her attacker said "Hunnh?" and crashed full length to the floor. Tove softly gave the olden time lumberjack's call "Fall", as she closed her razor- sharp hawks-bill clasp knife. Vara looked back to the twitching form on the floor. Her... His dress was rucked up exposing one leg to the waist. The thigh hid the exact source of the crimson rivulet pulsing warmly from the groin area. As she again faced Tove, the girl simply smiled broadly and gestured: hands near the shoulders, palms up, fingers spreading outward. The universally recognized symbol of a self deprecation "It was really nothing." The ersatz female was paralyzed, just in case, his dead weight maneuvered into the knee-hole of the desk and the chair pushed in as far as it would go. After carefully checking for stray blood, they addressed themselves to the heavy door. As one they blinked and refocused. They were peering down a gracefully curved grand staircase into a huge high ceilinged room. It was dark, save for an intimate oasis in the far right-hand corner. Centered in this pool of brightness cast by low-hanging, well-shaded lamps was a large circular table covered with maps. The Teal-clothed woman and four companions seemed to be immersed in a strategy session. The lesser members of the group, three large men, and one tiny woman, seemed to be arguing heatedly amongst themselves. As the Haskers pondered upon a method of unseen approach, The Blue woman looked up staring straight at them. "Please join us. I have been expecting you." The Haskers stood as if rooted. Expecting them? Vara nodded...Down!... and they descended abreast hands hovering near shortswords. Upon reaching the bottom step, the woman came to meet them. "Greetings. I am Omphala. Welcome to my Citadel." Well, at least she came equipped with passable Neuspak. They gingerly grasped the proffered hands, remembering all to vividly the reception above. "Come... meet my inner circle." Vara hung back. The more they knew, the more expendable they became. "And now, my fine Haskers, that is Bearta, Kjell, Eugen, and Gerd. And you are..." Vara held her tongue, but the woman continued. "... Haske Tre’K’Vara, (formal title of a Three Crown Hasker. Tre means3, K, for Kron [crown]), but your lovely young Jernpeer is unknown to us." Vara was stunned by the woman's knowledge, then was mindful of her source within the walls of Castle-Royall. Meeting Tove's inquiring eyes, she blinked twice in rapid succession. "I am grateful to be Jernpeer a’trede k'Vara" her junior recited formally. (There is no modern translation for a’trede. It means something like ‘in service to and learning a trade from but an equal to’. Like an apprentice but on a more equal standing. If I knew a little more Neuspak...) "The Jernpeer honors me." completed Vara, true to the rubric. The group bowed slightly and traced a crown at the base of their throats reciting: "Haske. Det Tader Byrggest Morkke." (the answer [is the] shining [in the] darkness). Honor bound, the two returned the salute. How could this woman know? Worst of all was hearing the sacred Guilde words spoken by a MALE. The hair of her back along each side of her spine rose from crown to cleavage like that of a threatened feral cat. She couldn't help herself. Tove's hand hardened upon the haft of her shortsword. She was staring at her leader, trembling like a hound at point... begging for the word of release. The disappointment was clearly visible when Vara slowly closed and opened her left eye... a Hold signal. Ah, youth. "Come Kjell, let us take refreshments." The man opened his mouth. "Tea and cakes will do. We shall save the stout for later." Hearing that special tone in her voice, the rough-looking fellow went, and returned to serve with surprising delicacy. Omphala went on conversationally. "You must excuse the fare, but we are not particularly well endowed here. I suppose you noticed the ritual with the lights. Of course you did. One need not be of the Haske... they think I am not aware, and I never divulge. Why spoil their efforts to make me feel good. Now about your presence here." Vara leaned forward... weight on the balls of her feet, muscles tensing for a sudden leap. "No, no, my friend. Calm yourself. You are sent here to murder or disable as many of my faithful as possible, then deliver me to be at the pleasure of Byrgge, the Usurper Queen. True enough?" She waited not for a sign. "I am happy to say I shall do everything in my power to make your mission a success." Usurper Queen! The Lady Byrgge used those exact words to describe the person Vara now confronted. And HELP. WHY? "Come. Let us speak further." The woman appeared composed, but Vara sensed a momentous air. The breathless calm afore a violent summer squall? She looked significantly at Tove whose face was a cipher. Overcome by curiosity she nodded assent. "This way then. I'm sure the others will excuse us." As they exited through a small side door Vara wasn't so sure Bearta was quite as acquiescent. Her pixie's face was twisted by displeasure and her tiny hands clenched to fists under the table. She would bear watching. Vara almost halted as they passed through. The contrast was that great. From the huge hall they had entered an intimate withdrawing room hardly three strides on a side. Walls heavily draped with a fawn material, there were but four chairs of identical size covered with burgundy suede. Omphala made a careless motion and they sat as they pleased. The lady resumed her narrative. "First, kindly do NOT call me Omphala. I DISPISE it, though it is my proper name. I can assure you it was chosen long before I had a say in such things. Are you aware of what it’s meaning is in the Ancient Tongue? It means 'Little Hole'! (it actually DOES...auth) I am the youngest child and only daughter after an army of sons. I most emphatically do NOT feel complimented. I much prefer ‘Fala and would appreciate you extending me that courtesy. My brothers? All grist for the bloody mill of the Great Uprising. Not so incidentally the doing of your Lady Byrgge's father. Only I and an elder half brother remain. "So much for the niceties. I am well aware you doubt me seriously, but I have something to show you, and I would ask a boon that you abridge your quest until after you've seen and evaluated. Let us not forget you are deep within my seat of power and would be very unlikely to escape no matter how many you maim and kill with your Hasker skills. I, on the other hand wish to preserve lives. Vara turned inward, weighing the possibilities. The thought of a major kill made her breath come faster. Even in death, the picture of a graven bronze spike in the Great Swirl sunken in the floor before the Grand Lectern... well now... THAT deserved consideration. But, what of Tove? In the world of the Hasker, each must cast the die deciding her own fate no matter her rank. Also upon the table: Could this person be relied upon to be true to her word? "Will you swear a solemn oath to honor your word? The Rebel leader fell to her knees and taking Vara's right hand kissed the knuckles and held them to her forehead. "I will help you with your quest. I do so swear." It was an amazing gesture of abasement and the woman appeared to be sincere, yet one could never tell. The Haskers, of course had their unimpeachable Guilde Vows, But, another person's word? Only time could tell. Fala rose and turning to the wall opened a hidden panel. Withdrawing a small leather pouch, She produced a large signet ring with seal fully the width of two thumbnails. It was held out to Vara for inspection. "Recognize the device?" The Hasker studied closely. She did indeed know the crest. "Yes. It is the Royal Shield of the House Russheld, but I fear the mere possession means very little. Anyone could have such an artifact reproduced by even a moderately accomplished craftsperson, or for that matter, steal it." "True enough, but this be genuine... Min GrussFatters (My Grandfather’s). Pon my word." She kissed the graven symbol. "'Pon his grave." "Interesting, but still not proof. Not proof enough. Not irrefutable proof." Fala did not even frown. "Of that I am well aware. Allow me to amplify." Instead of speaking further, she worked the silver clasp at her throat the azure robe fell away. The armed women were immobilized... turned to stone as surely as had they viewed a Medusa. Oh my Sweet Mother, was Vara's only thought. She was constructed as a Panther. A fact made abundantly clear by the fact the only garment she had been wearing now lay in a heap upon the floor. Vara was finding breathing difficult. Her face... that of a sweet young damsel, completely belied THIS. She was not bulkily muscled, nor had she the sinewy litheness of a dispatch runner. She was very feminine, with every enticing curve the sharply delineated outline of underlying muscle. As she approached, not even her perfectly hemispherical breasts swayed. There was not a single part of her anywhere that was not under complete control. A symphony of motion. It was as though she had been machined from a solid amorphous block of extraordinarily firm, but totally compliant... something. Her loins were covered by an extravagant silken jungle. Vara LOVED it. She heard Tove trying to catch her breath. She had never seen anything like... Tove be damned! Neither had Vara! Fala was speaking. "Study the ring carefully." With some difficulty, the Haskers complied. "Behold!" She pirouetted gracefully and indicated her right buttock. Oh I DO say, thought Vara. Truly an orb to go to battle for. However, as delicious as it was, the entrancing shape was far from the point. Emblazoned upon the soft peach... ahhh 'peach' mused Vara. The wondrous demi-globe was not only the proper shape and hue, it was actually coated by exquisitely fine... ah... peach down. As much as she was pleasantly distracted, the was a more important attribute. Covering an area easily the size of the palm of her hand was a cruel but quite mature scar. Something from early childhood, beyond a doubt. Then the dawn broke. Again she studied the ring, holding it next to the bodymark. She unconsciously traced the outline of the scar with a square-clipped fingernail. 'Fala flinched, her glute quivering prettily at the ticklish stimulation. Finally she stepped away. "Enough. One more heartbeat and I shall be forced to fling you to the floor and have you on the spot." First Mother! Thought Vara, invoking the Holy Founder for the nth time that day. Was she drooling? Licking her lips she decided not from visible lips at any rate. But (sadly) back to business. "Do you wish to tell me more?" "Certainly. It is the Royal Cartouche. Every newborn of the Royal line is thus branded with that very ring ere it is out of the sight of the Royal Physician on its birthing day. Did you notice the symbol XI beneath the crest? Had I younger siblings they would have been marked XII, XIII, and so on. If your so-called 'Queen' cannot produce such a mark, then it is she who is the Usurper I know her to be." She jabbed a stiff finger sharply to the center of her breastbone. "I propose that we confront this consummate evil in her lair. To have done with her foul charade at once and for all time, and the sooner, the wiser." Vara stared at the ancient ring before placing it upon it's wrapping on the table. Well now, this was a fine draught of ale. She was honor bound to serve her client, yet forbidden by Haskevij to aid pretenders. But who was the pretender? In her mind there formed the distinct impression that she , and the Haske, had become but convenient pawns in a long-standing power-struggle. She looked at 'Fala, who was now facing away, forming the Sign o' the Heart by bending sharply at the waist to retrieve her gown. The posture also resembled a question sign. An amusing thought struck her. Why not have BOTH claimants between the sheets, and the better would be Queen? She almost giggledaloud. You might call the contest a ‘sack race’, she thought with evil humor.Having regained her clothing, 'Fala announced, "Shall we rejoin the others?" It was not quite a question, and she purposefully left the room as if knowing in advance what the answer would be. Vara shrugged and followed, with an acquiescent Tove bringing up the rear. For that totally illogical reason we have all experienced at one time or another Vara felt a stab of unwarranted jealousy when the petite Bearta ran to Fala and was swept up into an avid embrace and they kissed torridly. As they walked to the table, the smaller woman clung to Fala's longer arm like a vine to a tree. For some reason Vara found the display offensive. Then she felt Tove's soft caress on the back of her neck, and she, like 'Fala felt it too. Whatever IT might be. Once more gathered 'round the table, 'twas Kjell who broke the silence. "Well?" No more was needed. They all knew of what he spoke. Vara was truly torn and, at least for the moment, decided not to decide. "I shall not make a decision of such import so quickly. I must sleep with it." Gerd, a young man consisting, beseems, mostly of muscle, hair, and simmering hormones, sniggered openly; to be cut short by an ice-hot glare from his Mistress. He was suddenly unctuous to the extreme. "I crave pardon, M’lady. I was unsurpassing rude. My fate is in your hands." All the while glancing nervously at 'Fala. Vara thought fondly of long strips of skin, wooly black hair still attached, being peeled from a prostrate back. Then of pendulous body parts and rusty knives. In the end she settled for a slight inclining of her head and a backward sweeping motion of the fingers of the left hand. Obvious meaning: 'You are far too trivial to fret over. Incident forgotten. I carelessly brush it away.' He looked as he might smile, then stabbed a worried look at Fala., who closed her eyes resignedly and gave a small nod of her head. Gerd was very quiet the rest of the night, mostly studying his boots. Hmmmm, thought Vara. They fear and respect her. Score one for the Rebel Queen. Fala's voice sounded over-loud in the strained silence. "Would'st care to sup with us?". Now there was an invitation fraught with peril. In spite of the thought, Vara allowed they would be honored. Tove was especially pleased. With her rapidly developing mind and body, she found trail fare somewhat short of adequate. The meal, while not a banquet was good hearty 'country vittles' with a preamble on potato and wild mushroom soup. Vara eyed the potage dubiously. Hmmmm... could be loaded with something wot'd burn a hole through your gizzard. At the last possible moment, just as everyone’s spoon had just touched lips, she swiftly swapped bowls with Fala, who laughed heartily and plunged right in with undisguised gusto. The Hasker duo followed directly. After the last dish had been cleared, and pipes had been brought, their hostess spoke good humoredly. "You have no idea how tempted I was to say 'I knew you would do that' when you exchanged bowls. Only the thought of the carnage it might precipitate held my tongue." At that confession Tove sat bolt upright, gasped, coughed loudly and looked 'round wildly, tears flooding her surprise-widened eyes. Her fit due, no doubt, to her first strong pipe with 'grownups'. Everyone laughed, cautiously at first then with increasing brio. The Tobak was accompanied by a passable Porto and Vara watched with amusement as Tove’s head tilted forward 'till her chin made contact with her breast bone. Gerd seized the opportunity to lean close to Vara's ear and hiss, "Beseems your fool lacks common genteel sensibilities." Vara replied in the same soft tones. "My abject apologies m'lord. She will be delt with appropriately. I thank you for bringing the niceties of polite company to the note of we rough folk." She gave him her number one glare of pure glacial ice, and happily moved him to the top of her fun to seduce, entrap, torture, maim, and murder list. As she smiled with feigned embarrassment, his over-warm over-damp hand descended upon her thigh. 'THAT, my gonad-brained friend has earned several VERY special hours with me.' She mused. As her eyes met his, her smile deepened and she trembled with anticipation. His breath quickened as he followed her reaction and his tremor answered hers. She was sure she could wager her commission that the object of his anticipation was in polar opposition to hers. She came back to reality. He was in fact too right in one way. Tove would have to be severely reprimanded. In another circumstance her lapse could be fatal. She stole a glance at Fala. What had she noticed between Gerd and herself? Luckily, she seemed to be totally immersed in Tove's predicament. Vara had a sudden flash of how to handle that situation. She slid down in her chair, stretched out her foot, hooked Tove's ankle, and began to tug, slowly and gently. The girl oozed down without stirring. The rest of he company was having a painful time surpressing audible laughter. Soon her downward progress was interrupted when her nose was intercepted by the tabletop. Two large round eyes snapped open and rolled wildly in every direction, freezing upon the tabletop only a fingersbreadth away. Popping up like a Jack from his box, she was bathed in raucous laughter. She immediately turned a deep, rosy red and tears welled in her eyes. Punishment fitting and plenty, thought Vara. After a small eternity of boring pleasantries. Fala announced the time had come to retire. "Come Vara, Tove. I will show you to your chamber." The Haskers agreed unwillingly, dreading the thought of a night passed within windowless walls. Vara always felt as though there was not quite enough air to breathe. After making good nights to their hostess, they did after all find the accommodations passably comfortable. The bed was large, firm, and free from lumps, but best of all was the huge oval tub in a curtained alcove. Brim full of inviting hot water, it exuded billows of white steam and the sweet fragrance of primrose. Vara inhaled appreciatively. A Hasker and primrose? Oh come now. She was not only all Hasker, but indeed all woman, and enjoyed feeling feminine as well as, if not more than, any other. They lost their clothes on the spot. Neck deep in penetrating warmth, the tensions left their bodies with the trail dust... that is until Tove flung a sopping sponge full into Vara's face. That one promptly avenged herself by laying hold of her attacker's ankle and dragging her sputtering the length of the tub. For several minutes they cavorted like hippos in heat, then near collapsed with mirth over the amount of water slopped upon the floor. After watching the flood ooze down drains, they exited and dried one another reveling in the luxury of more than just barely adequate towels. From the nearby shelf of jars of sweet ointments, they both chose balsam. A small reminder of the forest they loved so much. Ablutions complete, they lingered before a full-length reflector. Vara was intrigued... not surprised of course, by her own powerful figure. She was pleasured by how little the years had marked her, still possessing breasts and glutes to be proud of. Only two of the many advantages of her life-long love affair with the huge bronze bells in the Guild Gymnasium. She pointed her toe and rolled her leg inward at the hip. Quads bunched like cargo bales. She smiled happily. Though she was not exactly in love with herself, per se, she was justifiably proud of her unusual height and extraordinary brawn... taller and stronger by far than most ordinary men. The idea still pleased her. The novelty never wore off... seducing a man with her femininity, and once abed, taking him by force. She bethought men a bit strange. Although they are not supposed to enjoy being forced into submission by a female... She'd had many struggle angrily and more than a few cry for mercy... there had been never even a one who wilted in the slightest. Indeed most seemed to grow even more avid. She was still young and feisty enough to thrill at the thought of a virile young man writhing helplessly between her thighs. Then there was Tove. Tove! It had been long since she had seen the two of them together. The girl was near as tall as she! Not her breadth, of course, but just you wait. In not many years, 'twould be she assisting Tove. Though the thought was formed lightly, she felt a small, deeply-held icy tremor grasp her heart as she was forced to admit the truth of it. The dark mood was instantly shattered when the object of her musings playfully stretched out a long finger and with her nail drew a slow line from Vara's chin to deep within the thick palomino pelt surrounding her cleft. "That DOES it, me pretty slut!" She effortlessly scooped up the smaller woman and flung her a full three strides into the deep feathers of the waiting bed and tumbled greedily in after. She exhalted in the show of power. Mother! Now that was what muscles were for. Their bodies slid together as only those of long time lovers do... as spoons in a drawer. There followed the warm kissing and tonguing that usually leads to... well to explain it graphically: ;) ;). Unfortunately, even the strongest of Haskers have days when they are simply overused, and that night the result was more like: |) |). Vara's eyes stayed closed. But she was on instant full alert. She felt Tove's gentle, surreptitious prodding upon her arm. (1,1...2,2. 1,1...2,2) Danger!.. Intruder!.. Danger!.. Intruder! She replied. 1,1...2,2 followed by a 2 heartbeat pinch. This message received. A clandestine squint toward the door, and she was at once disgusted and elated. She finger signaled her Jernpeer. Kit... Leaves... Hearth... Stay... Near. She barely felt Tove's pinch as her companion silently complied. The room was very nearly coal mine black, but using the Hasker trick of looking slightly below the object being observed (it really works, y'know) she could clearly discern the bulky form of a man. A man with whom she was familiar. A heavy hand clamped roughly over her mouth and nose, and Gerd's thick voice grated upon her ear. "Make one sound and you will watch lovely Tove die a horrible death 'fore I slaughter you. FORSTANZEE??" (Do you understand?)She nodded. Actually, the man's breath could have easily done the job. She heard the soft rasp of a sparkbox and the muted glow of a low lamp filled the room. "And now proud Hasker... OFF WITH YOUR CLOTHES!" He whipped aside the covers and gasped. There had been nothing save her fine self beneath. His eyes flashed in the lamplight, red as a feral dog’s. He was literally drooling. Vara laughed deep in the back of her throat, and arched, thrusting her pelvis upward. "Are you tempted? Have you enough man within you? Dare you wager your ego against my strength that you are male enough to bring your lust to fruition? What holds you. Does the little boy in you fear plumbing the Haskers power as well as her body? Be you Stallion or gelding?" She laughed deep and full, shaking her head, honey ringlets lashing and coiling as Medusa's coif. He tore his clothing preparing himself. Vara placed a large pillow beneath her hips and with both hands trailed her fingers up to cup her breasts. She twisted her nipples with sudden cruel roughness. They sprang up like forest mushrooms... proud... pulsing with life. She groaned, grinding her hips. His breath was coming in chuffing spasms. With grace uncanny for a man of his bulk he vaulted to the bed. Roughly forcing her legs apart, he paused as if the ravish her with his eyes. His grossly vieniated member pumped with every heartbeat. Crystal clear droplets began to ooze from it's tiny mouth to splash hotly upon her belly. Each impact caused her to writhe and moan. She thrust her arms up to him. "Please?" She whimpered plaintively "Please?" He fell upon her as a wolf upon a slaughter lamb, eyes glittering... impaling her greedily... violently. On his first crushing thrust he froze... eyes bulging from their sockets... mouth open impossibly wide... tongue protruding like a gargoyles. His face was pure deathly white. Vara stuffed a large rolled bandage deep between the gaping jaws and deftly tied the ends behind his head. The man still had not moved. It was if he had truly seen a Medusa and turned to stone. She rolled him to the side and motioned Tove to raise the lamp wick. "Leaves" was the Haskers only comment. Gerd was turned upon his back. His eyes were still bulging and he emitted strange urgent mewing sounds as he poured torrents of sweat. From his crotch blood flowed in a steady, sticky stream to become a thick pink sauce as it blended with the ejeculata pulsing from his tightly constricted, still spasming gonads. "Leaves." She repeated quietly. Tove tore her eyes away from the grisly scene to retrieve the half finger thick cauterizing leaves from the firecoals. Vara eyed the man's wound critically. His penis was split cleanly from it's tip to just before where it suspends the sac. She carefully applied the red hot cauterizers, first to the left, then to the right of Gerd's bifurcated member. The smell of grilled meat filled the air. The man made no sign of the additional insult to his private parts. A generous layer of a healing cream was applied, and the inert body was allowed to slump forward. Finding the proper site Vara popped the vertebrae. Examining his life pools proved them reactive. Almost a pity, she thought. They propped him in the corner and sat on the edge of the bed regarding their handiwork. Vara commencing laughing. "Look'ee. There's at least ONE the maidens need fear no longer." To which Tove quipped: "Oh, yea. Methinks this monkey has TWO tails." They both dissolved. Reaching between her legs Vara groped uncertainly before withdrawing a tubular device, the outside of which was obviously molded to fit her vagina perfectly. It was crafted from the sap of a tree which grew in a far off land... or so she had been told. The bore of the device was soft, smooth, and open from end to end, save for razor-keen blade bisecting the interior about half a finger's breadth from the outer opening. She squinted through to the lamps flame. Good. Seemed to be undamaged by Gerd's furious lunge. She tossed the weapon to Tove. " would you cleanse this, saa vinlig ([if you would be] so kind]? Take great care. 'Tis more than passing sharp, as you may have noticed." The young woman disengaged her fixed stare at the ruined form of what used to be a man slumped in the corner and carefully and silently complied. While she was about it, the crimson stained sheets were tossed into the tub. Vara lay upon the divan and immediately slept the sleep of the untroubled for her customary five hours. Tove, on the chaise, was awake somewhat longer. Their eyes were hardly open when there came a tentative rap upon the door. Vara opened a small slit to observe a small gray woman bearing a large tray. "Wouldst care to break the fast, M'lady?" Vara nodded and ordered "You may place the tray there." She indicated a small table outside the door, "and do not disturb us again this morn. Forstanzee?" The woman backed away nodding wordlessly. When the servant had gone, Tove fetched the tray, saying: "That will arouse suspicion. She will surely report to someone, and how will we explain THAT?" She nodded in the direction of the corner of the room. "She will report nothing." "And what's to prevent her?" Vara bit her tongue, trying not to rise to the insubordinate attitude. "The nature of humans. I was rude to her. People never expect one to be rude when obfuscating. One is expected to curry favor. Upon the subject of what to do, I do not wish my surroundings cluttered with that garbage. Attend me." Two chairs were fetched and Gerd's body was lifted up and rolled upon the wooden teaster above the bed. Pushed to the center, it was invisible from floor level. With that done they set about annihilating the food tray. There came another, more authoritarian rap upon the door. Vara made a signal for Tove to stand against the wall to one side. She stood a moment with her hand on the latch. Tove slipped the keeper on her shortsword and held it half unsheathed. In the middle of the second knock, Vara slammed the door fully open with a resounding crash. There, looking rather shocked, stood Bearta. "Omphala will see you. IMMEDIATELY." The Senior Hasker bridled and wondered if 'immediately' were an original part of the original message. She held herself. Saying only "We will go now, Tove." That one, muttering, slammed her weapon back into the scabbard angrily. Vara gave her a warning look, rewarded by eyes being cast sulkily skyward and a latchthong being replaced upon a shortsword hilt. Oh, well. She had been sorely tempted herself. Oh Mother! They still had to do something about the great oaf lagered over the bed. As much as the thought appealed to her, they couldn't just casually march away leaving him to die in his own filth. Ah well... there would be time. At her signal the armed women walked in easy fashion behind Fala's Emissary. The Rebel leader (Vara had ceased thinking of her in any other way) was in rare form and ready for action. Before the had fair taken a bite, they were bombarded with: "Well? What is your decision? Let us have your answer." Vara truly HAD given Fala's proposal serious thought, and had decided that once the Queen and Fala faced one another, matters would resolve themselves. "I am ready to travel when you are", was her direct answer. "Excellent. Our horses and pack train await us at the drawbridge. Your gear will be ready at the horses. By the way. What have you done with Gerd? Yes, I noticed the sparks you rubbed from one another last night. I am also fully cognizant of your bloodthirsty nature. Produce him." "Alas, I cannot. Ere we see him, I will inform him you seek him." "Tis best that you do." Fala glanced upward for at least the tenth time. Each time, Vara had followed her, but had seen naught. This time something new jumped into focus. The side walls of the great room did not quite reach the ceiling. What had appeared to be a wooden moulding revealed itself to be a caprail a span shy of the overhead. 'Twas obvious now, for at three stride intervals at the rail stood a yeoman with broad arrow nocked and longbow pulled. Fala, seeing Vara’s interest, merely commented, "Rebels reach graying in such ways. Now... we are OFF." She turned and marched purposefully away. MOR!!! (personal case Mother.) GERD! The Haskers returned to their chamber at the scramble. The place had been stripped. Their belongings, such as they were had obviously been removed. Tove wondered what the stuppeer (Chambermaid) had thought of the wet, pink sheets. What of Gerd! Luck of the First. The cleanup had not been THAT thorough. The man was safely retrieved and his paralysis reverted. At first he stood unsteadily then tried to run. Vara clamped down on the scruff of his neck with the force of a smithy's tongs, and spun him to face her. "If you try to run, or in any way divulge the slightest hint of what has befallen you, I promise your head will resemble your manhood. "FORSTANZEE?" The man's eyes went wild. Vara fastened a smothering hand over his mouth and nose. "LITTLE HALF-A-MAN, DO YOU DOUBT MY ABILITY TO DO JUST THAT?" He stood defiantly for perhaps five heartbeats, then sagged. "GUD"(good). He was released and fell to the bed sobbing. "For the next fortnight, we will be never more than a few strides from you. Remember well." The women turned and strode from the room, leaving the door gaping. The beaten man dragged slowly to his feet and followed. The Haskers arrived at the portcullis at about the same time as Fala who evidenced no surprise at the fact. She mounted and with a blinding smile motioned forward and announced "Shall we go?" Vara thought the low-key order sounded ludicrous, especially in the face of the import of the journey. As they were leaving the surroundings of the stronghold Fala turned to Vara and spoke in a very conversational tone, "Oh yes. Gerd reappeared a short time ago. He was walking very strangely, indeed. I have lectured him more than once about attempting to lay yeast to every fertile loaf he comes upon. He has sprained his manhood more than once before, but never like this.. I would pray he has finally learned his lesson." No one noticed that Tove had reined her mount and was riding some distance off. She was shaking mightily as if she were having some difficulty breathing properly. Vara herself was in a fugue-state, thinking of the trail and the many opportunities for mischief it offered. How might she best use the unanticipated? What if that Great Oaf, Gerd, babbled in his cups. How best to approach the Castle Royal with such a band, all armed? Such is the flow of a TreKron Haskers everyday thoughts. She must have a private conference with Tove at as soon as possible. Their actions must be in predetermined concert. She caught the girl's ever vigilant eye and made a discrete finger motion on cheek near eye. Tove started her way, but not directly. The day was cold and dreary under the loom of Castle Royale. The steady light rain, which had not slacked since before the previous sunrise transubstantiated the gray basalt walls into black glass. A typical fine winter day upon the Rhumblan coastal lowlands. Out of the dank tendrils of the day-long mist shambled a forlorn column of drooping gray horses. Tethered tail-to-bridle. Each was mounted by a pair of equally dejected riders, bound back-to-back, weapons lashed between and through crooked elbows. Bringing up the rear was a dun-colored company of dispirited non-entities bearing litters. As the van pulled up, the drawbridge rumbled down with a roar of chain and a generous splash of odiferous opaque water. Vara calmed her shying mount and spurred noisily across the span into the keep beyond, there to do an unseemly gape. The Proud Queen was there, in person, to meet them, brain-numbing rain or no. Her broad smile fell just short of bringing warmth to the scene. Vara dismounted, and sparing Royalty not a glance, awaited Tove who was bringing up the rear, urging stragglers along. The rain took this as a signal to play heavier music upon her helm. She squinted upward. Yea, thought she, ‘Tis a FINE day for destinies to change. Walking to the lead horse, she pulled down the riders. The man was stoic, but the woman hissed and spit like a Puma. The Mountain Cat en captur but ever defiant. Unfortunately, most of her impact was lost as she futilely tried to spit out the errant strands of sodden hair that insisted upon crawling into the corners of her mouth. She became just another bedraggled hausfrau (house wife) caught in the rain. Eventually her screeches took on a more intelligible note. "YOU BITCH!" She snarled. "YOU SLUT! YOU HASKER WHORE! I offered you my FRIENDSHIP... my HOSPITALITY... my FOOD... my HOME... MY... MY... MY BED!!! YOU COCKSUCKING, GOATFUCKING, TRAITOROUS PIECE OF FILTH... YOU...YOU... The woman's jaw snapped shut with the crack of a broken longbow as Vara carelessly, dispassionately but with terrible force slapped her twice, criss-cross. Palm... backhand... forehand... knuckles. CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK...CRACK! Omphala stepped back, trembling, white, and wide-eyed. A small trickle of blood crept from her left nare as Vara stated with exaggerated calmness. "No man could call me thus and live. Count yourself very lucky. In the Great Cosmic Crapshoot, your bones happened to roll up 'To be born Female.' It just as easily could have been the other way. In which case you would at this very moment be taking The Ride." She reached out and in spite of her victim's flinch, squeegeed away the blood with a broad thumb. Yes, very lucky indeed, she mused. "YOU MADE LOVE with her?" came an incredulous voice. The Queen, apparently drawn by the violence had descended the wide stairway. "Twas but a figurement, M’lady." Replied Vara. At the same time filing away the acute interest. Twas for naught. The Royal One's attention had been drawn elsewhere. She was nose to nose with Fala's riding partner. "YOU! I REMEMBER YOU! I was only a CHILD. In my eleventh summer. One summer's e’en... you trapped me in a haymow. You tore off my CLOTHING...you TIED me... my ELEVENTH summer. DON'T shake your filthy head. You TOOK me. RAPIST! DEBOUCHER! LOOK at ME! I shall never forget that evil face. GUARD! Take this one to my apartments at ONCE. Lock him in my SPECIAL room. TIE him, SPREAD-EAGLED to the bed. Never mind his clothing. This one is MINE!" A trembling Gerd was led away moving very like a man attempting to walk with a barrel between his legs. Vara smiled inwardly. She would almost give up her commission to be invisibly present when the Queen exposed her handiwork. There was a clatter as Kjell and Eugen were brought up, still lashed backsides to. There was no sign of Bearta (Small loss: Vara). "To the Throne Room", ordered Byrgge, turning away. The Haskers lingered slightly observing with professional interest how the guards were handling the captives. The whole crew was being herded more or less according to class. The armed men and officers were in an orderly phalanx to one side of the keep. The workers, servants, hangers-on, and other such rabble were herded amid much ado to the opposite side. How incredibly stupid! Even Tove was enough of a warrior to be shaking her head in wonder. With the officers and men in one place, if even one saw an opportunity to make good a break his/her compatriots would organise instantly for cohesive action without a clumsy herd of civilians to muck up the works. Vara stared in disbelief. She could not help herself. In the Throne Room, The Lady Byrgge was presiding in Regal Splendor, reveling in her final success. In obvious counterpoint, the bedraggled visitors straggled in, trailing dank rivulets and sodden spoor. It had been two days of THAT sort of rain. Even Vara's trusty Ox had failed her in some measure. No fault of the well-made garment... only a wax-sealed amphora could have kept the wet out. The Purple One regarded them in sour triumph. "COLONEL" A large sagging man of advanced years, clad in an impossibly ornate uniform, jangled into their presence. "How might I serve, O Great One." He croaked, creaking into what he must have thought to have been a flowery bow. The Great Lady diffidently sorted them out with a long black fingernail. "Those to the visitors quarters, and THOSE to the Donjon." There was not another word. The old gent straightened with some help of a blue-veined hand on a knee and presently led the whole group away. As soon as they had departed, the Queen flung herself back into the Throne, hugged herself with long angular arms and murmured with undisguised glee, "It is DONE!" Her mouth opened wide, exposing long teeth full to the gums and she laughed unrestrainedly. The Colonel's appointed flunky deposited the Haskers unceremoniously before a closed door, pointed vaguely, favored them with a disapproving grunt and departed. Upon opening the portal, Tove squinted in the murky, one-small-lamp-lit chamber, and first thing exclaimed "No tub", in a decidedly disappointed voice. Indeed, there was none, however there soon appeared a woman bearing upon a porter’s yoke two large streaming crocks and an adequacy of reasonably white towels, closely followed by a faceless... uh, person with their gear. Wonder of wonders, it appeared to be unplundered. Oh well, the towels were DRY if not snowy, and the water hot. They were too worn to bicker. After cleansing themselves and donning their only semi-dry clothing; Soft Halkebuk skin boots and bleached Chamois jerkins which had been stored, rolled in a well-cured, tightly-folded bullock bladder, at the very bottoms of their packs. They were now reasonably well dressed and only the slightest bit damp as they anticipated, with stomachs snarling, a call to dine. To pass the time (and to help ignore the gnawings of their inner wolves) they did the breathing and stretching mantras that are part of every Hasker's training, completing the entire sequence of ninety and nine with still no call to sup. They had begun searching the packs in the forlorn hope of finding a dry morsel when the bell outside the door jangled. Vara opened (with Tove in her usual defensive position to her left) and at first saw nothing, and then a large covered tray at her feet. It was whisked inside without delay. Never mind the table, they and the tray hit the bed together and off with the dome. AHHH! Who cared about the insult of the lack of an invitation to dine. They attacked the food relentlessly. The lamb and barley was hot and hearty, and the vint ordin was as the finest appellation to ready tongues. After they were satisfied, the ravaged tray was simply pushed aside to crash upon the floor. Er SAA. (So WHAT) She was a HASKER, not a hausfrau. The counterpane was ripped down and sleep felled them near before they had time to gratefully recite the First Mother's Tritism... even then an abridgment... almost the battlefield version. Vara had the rare experience of feeling her entire body physically fall asleep a bit at a time before her consciousness slipped away. Delicious! Their eyes came slowly open. Minds alert, evaluating, but bodies still not astir. Someone was scratching, catlike, upon the door. They moved silently to take their usual positions, and Vara suddenly slammed the great oak slab completely back against the wall. It was the blond man/boy... the Queen's Chamberman. Not bad for such a weakling, he flinched not at all from the sudden opening nor the heavy crash the followed. "My respects and a good morrow, M'ladies. Her Majesty wishes you in the Throne Room instanter." His pale blue eyes never left the person of Tove. It was as if Vara did not exist. "We will come presently", quoth the Hasker, completely in control. "That will not do. M'lady expects you IMMEDIATELY, and I am charged with escorting you without delay." Vara could feel the skin behind her ears redden. "We have not completed our toilette." Her rancor was not completely controlled, just as she had intended. "That is of no consequence. The Queen will see you no matter your condition." "We WILL complete our morning ablution FIRST. It is a matter of our faith." "In that case, I will wait." He installed himself in the large ornately carved chair near the still-open door, openly ogling Tove, and smirking with the knowledge that the power of the throne was behind his insolence. That DID it! Vara argued no further. She rushed him. His eyes opened wide with surprise and fear as he scrambled to stand. Too late! He, chair and all, was hoisted, and ejected through the door, a full five strides to smash against the stone wall a good two spans above the floor. Tove's brays of laughter echoed in every direction. "VARA... Vara... he... heee... he was still on the RISE... not sporting" She made a zooming motion with her hand. "We have a Royal audience. Tis rude to be tardy," A statement in lieu of reply. Vara whipped off her night tunic in full view of any passers-by in the hall, and doused the cold remainder of the previous night's water over her head. She signaled Tove to follow suit. After roughly drying they resumed the boots and jerkins. With shortswords as their only overt weapons, they paced into the passageway where the boy was still making a complete fool of himself trying to disentangle from the wreckage. Vara kicked the remains of the furniture away and hauled the insignificant creature to his tip-toes. "Well? Are going, or no?" He made no reply, but led them away displaying a very satisfactory gimp and visibly crooked back. Vara smiled. Well, it was going to be a fine morning after all. They entered the throne room to find it empty, as she had expected it to be. Royals most emphatically do NOT await commoners, no matter their station. Might as well be patient. Soon she would have the remainder of the HaskeGeld (Haske Gold. The contract payment.) and be on her way. A pleasant thought, indeed. The chain of thought was interrupted by a commotion outside the entry arch. In was herded a body of Rebel Officers. Still bound back-to-back and still soused to the skin. Mother! They had obviously been in the open keep all night. Shortly, with no ado, came Bjorn and Eugen, bound, but separate. Bringing up the rear, stiffly erect, and as much in control as the night before, marched Fala. The only sound was the steady drip-drip of the prisoners. Vara's brain was on automatic, sizing up the environment. Room: X-strides long, Y wide, Z strides to the outer door. A glance at Tove seemed to show her likewise occupied. The girl caught her eye, and formed a letter "O" with her lips. Seeming nervous she stroked her chin with two fingers. One, two, three. Four strokes, whilst looking disinterestedly out another portal. ("O" for, This way Out... the casual gaze: This direction, twenty(two fingers) four (four strokes) paces.) Vara lowered her right eyelid... I understand. My Mother, she thought. That one is going to make one damn fine Hasker before long. She congratulated herself for the Nth time. "Congratulations, Hasker. You have done well." They all jerked around. Byrgge had made another unannounced entrance. The woman was smiling as though she actually enjoyed it. She rang a small silver bell suspended from a decoratively knotted cord 'round her waist, and eight large armed guards tramped noisily into the room. Overkill, thought Vara. "It is done. I have my prisoners, and you your precious Geld. You may now be on your way. And good riddance" she muttered in closing. (WHAT???) "HOLD! I beg to differ with your Highness. MY prisoners... for so they shall remain until the remainder of the payment is tendered." The woman’s eyes narrowed. Her temples pulsed visibly. "Your WHAT? You received your tawdry scraps of metal ere you departed this place under my orders." "Again I must take humble exception to Your Royal Highness (My Royal Pain In The Ass, thought Vara), but the agreement, signed in BOTH our hands, was for one half the payment before the Vik, and one half AFTER you were satisfied, which as you have already indicated you are. That time be NOW... in FINE GELD." She held up a gleaming yellow Kron. She felt a momentary surge of pride in keeping her voice level and well modulated. Thanks be for the uncounted time spent with Haske trainers. Byrgge, in some heat, went on: "NEVER! There was NO such agreement. NOTHING is of such value. Particularly this insignificant wench you dare parade before me. What proof do We have you did not offer a handful of silver for the first tavern slut who crossed your path? As for your Kron, Haskers are well known to carry many such for bribery... most not genuine, beyond doubt." Vara seethed, trembling visibly at the undisguised insult. "My Queen, my Geld and my word are my Bond. If that is inadequate we have the original billet marked by both our hands. Indeed, what proof have I that you are who YOU claim to be?" Holding the coin before the woman's eyes, she easily folded it double between her thumb and first two fingers. Flinging it carelessly between her adversary’s feet she spoke in a voice as ice rimed as Greenland's distant frigid shore. "Assay THAT. Be genuine?" The woman's visage matched her robe. "WE NEED NO PROOF! We sit upon the throne of Rhumblan EVEN AS WE SPEAK! Her eyes bulged frighteningly. Vara said no more. She turned and snatched Fala to stand at the forefront. Dropping to one knee she wrenched the Rebel Leader over her extended thigh. Reaching into her kit, she produced the Royal Ring. "Can'st produce THIS?" Byrgge triumphantly held up a fist, knuckles outward, displaying the signet. "Yes, I have the accursed ring, as is meet and proper." Fala's skirts were flung above her head baring her buttocks to reveal the telltale scar. "And THIS?" queried Vara sharply. "SEIZE THEM! SEIZE THEM! EXECUTE THEM!!! EXECUTE THEM IMMEDIATELY!!! I will NOT display the Royal Person before COMMONERS like the ARSE OF A POX-RIDDEN DOCKSIDE WHORE!!! I WILL HAVE MY PRISONERS INSTANTLY!!!" Byrgge's body shook violently as with some terrible augue, her face contorting into a grotesque death's head. The woman had at last truly lost control. Vara did not wait for the startled guards to react. At her signal Tove slipped behind Bjorn and Eugen. The Jernpeer’s sharpest dirk bit easily through the bonds. Eugen, snatching her reversed blade, freed the nearest pair of armed men and passed the weapon on. The whole action was accomplished with such lightning swiftness the guards were slowed by surprise and their reaction lagged action by that crucial half step that so often separates the quick from the dead in battle. The nearest pair fell like mown wheat, the next sat down hard, and vainly tried to return his chitterlings through the hip to hip opening from whence they had issued. He looked not in pain, rather more puzzled. His mate's head fell, severed cleanly, rolling to a stop at the toe of Tove’s boot. She reflexively kicked, soccer-style, and the grisly object flew (only perhaps by accident) straight at Byrgge's face. She defended like a pro goalkeeper with only a few dollops of bright red finding her face. The remaining guards flung their arms into a far corner and sat upon the floor, fingers laced behind their heads. Byrgge was almost immediately unintelligible. She began to foam. Fala took the steps of the throne dais three at a time to snatch an ancient broadsword from a mount upon the wall above the Royal Chair. This she presented to the wild woman. Falling upon one knee before her, she flung her arms wide crying "KILL ME! I am YOURS... KILL ME! KILL ME... unless you lack the mettle." The Queen snatched the blade and attempted to draw it. It would not leave the sheath. "KILL ME!!!" Screamed Fala. The Queen grew ever more crazed. She strained every sinew. Sweat streamed. Her face blackened. Sticky threads of saliva spun weblike from her chin. "KILL ME, KILL ME! KILLMEKILLMEKILLME!!!" chanted Fala in increasingly more mocking tones. The Queen was unrecognisable as a thing of this world. The blade would not be drawn. In final desperation, the frustrated woman raised the weapon, scabbard and all, to smash it down upon the younger person kneeling before her. That one stepped deftly aside, ripped the antique away and presented it to Vara commanding "DRAW IT! "The Hasker accepted the long arm and tried. Nothing. Archaic blade. Rusted in place. She shook the sheath. No... it rattled. Must be some secret known only to its master. Shrugging, she held it out for Fala's ready hand. Fala in turn looked all 'round with a quizzical expression. Who else? All heads shook negatively. A hand thrust at Vara. "Ring!" She complied. The young Leader held the ring high and brought the butt of the sword up to meet it. The bold engraving mated precisely with the image carved into the ring. Turning the ring ninety degrees seemed to lock it into place. There was a soft click and the scabbard zzzzzzinnnnged off the blade from it's own weight and clattered noisily upon the highly polished floor. Everyone in the room stared at it, fixated. Fala, in some sort of fit of overdramitization, thrust her sword point skyward, shrieked as an eagle, and cried out: "MY PEOPLE... I AM HOME!" Unbelievably, and unnoticed, the day had turned from merely drear to stormy, and at the precise melodramatic moment a dazzling light split the dark sky followed by a Thorzian crash of thunder. Had it happened in a bard's balled or upon a stage, you would have laughed at how witlessly contrived. In actuality, the affect was so dramatic many of the guards rose to their knees, making religious signs upon their chests. In Vara's mind a switch clicked. She turned her eyes upward. There, in a pasture-sized painting of pure self aggrandisement, stood Ancient Rumbish King someone-or-another in the throes of gory battle with a hoard of nameless who-evers. In his right hand he was brandishing the easily recognizable sword. The device embellishing the haft was a GOLDEN RING! Byrgge... That foolish woman. The clue was there, in plain sight, for... How many years? Tove and Vara had been standing facing Fala, 3/4 turned from the soon-to-be-ex Queen. There was a sudden blood-freezing Berzerker's wail as Byrgge, using a kneeling guards shoulder as a launching pad, sprang through the air like a panther. The fingers of her right hand were contorted into talons, in her left she clutched an ornate obsidian dagger. A blade of the Ancient Ones. The trained eyes of the Hasker-women, perhaps without even using the reflex-slowing passages of the brain, sent an uncut message of pure battle-action straight to hair-springed arm muscles. Two stiff hands slashed out, leading edges hard as slate. They simultaneously met the mark nested as lovers. There came a soft moist crunch, much as if someone had trod upon a raw egg, overlaid by the sound of a snapping branch, as a larynx was crushed and a spine snapped in the same moment. In spite of the power of the blow, the body continued on it's trajectory, the glassy blade slipping from lifeless fingers to shatter into a thousand twinkling stars upon a heaven of black stone. The entire company rushed to the spasmodically twitching burgundy form, now looking more like a pile of rags than the most feared despot in the realm. Fala pressed the tip of her weapon against the orb of one fixed up-staring eye until the surface visibly dented inward. The funnel-shaped hollow grew as more of the blade’s weight was allowed press downward. There was a surprisingly loud pop and the orb collapsed, sticky droplets spattering. At the edge of the crowd someone retched, and ran from the room. Even Vara, veteran of many a gory scene, felt squeamish. Fala drew the blade away. "We had to be certain." was her simple statement. Tove drew her battle weapon and using the tip as delicately as a surgeon's knife raised the hem of the garment at their feet to above the waist of the corpse to reveal ivory buttocks. They were as unsullied as those of a newborns. The gathered throng exhaled gustily. Fala said it best: "Well... that’s done." A veritable masterpiece of understatement. In the faraway crags a lone wolf howled and ere long came faint jubilant cheers. "All Hail The Rightful Queen" They KNEW! The people KNEW. But HOW... No one could tell. No one could EVER tell, but the people ALWAYS know. A leader can lie, cheat, steal and intimidate, but in the end, the truth will out. No matter how absolute the despot, in the final analysis, 'tis the people who rule. Rulers come and pass, but the people have the true power. They are forever. That fact alone, in uncertain times in an even more uncertain world cheered Vara. Sensing Tove, she reached out. Their hands registered perfectly, and they walked in silence to sit upon a stone bench outside the chaotic Throne Room. Several hundred years later, Fala... uh Queen (?) Fala beckoned to them. Unwillingly they stood and followed. They navigated the corridors for several hundred paces to a narrow door which magically opened just prior to Fala's crashing into it at full stride. The hallway was immediately filled with billowing cumuli of aromatic steam. A small olive hued woman appeared to lead them as Fala vanished. They were conducted to hot baths and then to a sauna so large, the walls and ceiling disappeared each time a firkin of scented water was dashed upon glowing stones. Aaaaaahhhhh! Civilization at last. After an icy plunge, Vara was lifted rag doll-like and committed to the rough/gentle hand of a gargantuan masseuse whose entire vocabulary seemed to consist of but three words... "Relax... Move... Turn." Not a gifted conversationalist but she was pure genius with her hands. Soon she was completely relaxed. A blob of jelly. The powerful fingers seemed to ply her to the bone. Laying upon her belly, head turned to the right, eyes closed, she slowly became aware of a distinctive aroma. A musk. The unmistakable clean-animal fragrance of a woman in her prime. It was not Tove. That was familiar to her from the first bloom of childhood’s end. No. This was something else altogether. She forced her eyes to open. There, not four hands away was a luxuriant jungle of cooper-platinum curls, half-obscured by a strong feminine hand. Moving only her eyes, she looked upward. 'Twas Fala, smiling happily and looking singularly delicious. "Well now, Hasker. Feeling better? Oh, don't bestir your gray matter. I can see." Vara grunted, and let her gaze fall once more to the wondrous pelt. As she gazed, the obscuring hand was withdrawn and out tumbled a... what? WHAT! WHAAAAT!!! Oh, my Mother's STEP-mother... she.. he...IT was an HERMAPHRODITE!!! Fala possessed a penis longer than her middle finger and wondrously thicker. "Surprised you, didn't I?" She sounded almighty pleased at having shocked the unshockable. "It's not what you think. In spite of it's appearance, it's not a man's weapon, it's the same as yours... well sort of anyway. It's the other sign of royal blood... the females that is. The males are marked by Gaia (The Earth-Mother) in other ways. You're wondering how such an appendage is hidden. Let it suffice to say that I find riding VERY interesting." She touched the masseuses arm whispering "Now!" The Woman's attention was diverted from her shoulder to the small of her back. 'UFF!' Felt that. And THAT. The fingers were going VERY deep, hitting nerve with every rhymic thrust. Strangely, after two probes, it didn't feel so bad. In fact it felt almost good. Actually, rather pleasant. MORE than pleasant... VERY pleasant. Titillating... VERY titillating... uh no... it felt great... GREAT! Like her first draught of strong Honey Mead, it almost made her head buzz. Better than great, this was exciting... AROUSING... OH DEER DUNG! She was getting HORNIER than HELL! And Fala, that exhibitionist, wasn't helping in the least, waving her cunt... er... cock... uh... OH DAMME! Her... WHATEVER THE HELL less than a hand from her nose. The woman had the boldness to laugh full and bye at Vara's consternation, which seemed to have the effect of causing her appendage to grow both in size and erectness. "O how I LOVE it when Bunda does that. I wager that right now, if you could, you would joyfully bed me were I a Wart-Hog. Yes?" Vara could but nod her buzzing head. "You should see what she can do for... TO a man. What would you think of the most experienced whoremaster's sex act, from beginning to climax, being one gentle flick of my fingernail? They spew like geysers, all the while heroically trying to hold back. All plead... some even cry." She laughed anew. "I can't help myself. Sometimes I really do think there is evil in me. Then, and best of all, I use my 'Special Part' to mount an attack from the rear. Nothing will turn a snorting boar into a squealing piglet more quickly. You should see what it does to ME. The thought and the act makes me absolutely ANIMALISTIC. I cannot help but sink my teeth into the back of his neck and bury my claws into his ribs, and ride him like a tomcat. More often than not I sound like one." Her eyes were unnaturally bright and she was breathing rapidly. "BUT, that is not for us. I MUST watch your face... lovely face. I love your face." As she stepped away, she carelessly raked her nails along Vara's back from the nape of neck to right heel. Her left leg tingled in anticipation, but no stroke came. She felt almost wounded. Fala looked back. "The other side will have to wait until later." 'My Old Spinster Aunt!'. Thought Vara, 'she is playing me like a well-tempered lyre.' Fala went on. "I must say, I've wanted you from our first moment. You fascinate me. Woman, beyond question, but stronger, more muscular ... and yes, more dangerous even than any male who's pleasured me. Fascinating... yesssss." She turned quickly and rapidly disappeared. 'Mothermine, a very good thing', thought Vara. She was a bit appalled at how easily she was beginning to accept the notion of rape. Her senses hummed long after Bunda slapped a buttcheek, flipped her over, pronounced "DONE", and marched through the door, shoulders almost touching the generous frame. Vara smiled. An amusing fantasy galloped through her mind. Her smile broadened. That it was so deviated pleasured her almost more than the scene itself. Just suppose: She treated the most swinish male she knew to a massage. And suppose: Bunda did her "Special Treatment" on him. And suppose: She turned up his heat as much as she had Vara's. And suppose: After he became too overheated to help himself, the giant Woman just flipped him over and took him. And suppose: The rape was totally repugnant to him. And suppose: Bunda wouldn't let him stop until he was milked completely dry. And finally suppose: Vara could leap from her hiding place to laugh brazenly making the humiliation complete. She had a long list of VERY deserving candidates. She almost laughed aloud at her adolescent contrivance, but what of it... even Haskers, even Tre-Kron Haskers occasionally enjoy childish, witless humor. Still though... "STOP IT, VARA!!!"... then she realized she had given herself the order aloud. Quickly looking 'round there was, thankfully, no one to hear. 'Been in the field overlong', she mused. Her revere was broken by Tove and one of the attendants. The Haskers were bundled into fluffy white robes and led to their chambers. A waiting motherly-looking woman in servant’s grays curtsied nicely and produced folded clothing and sandals, as well as a message. "Lady Omphala's compliments. Would'st care to sup with her at setting of sun"? "Our kindest regards to your generous lady. The Haskers would be honored to attend her table. Would’st be escort at the proper hour?" The woman nodded, bowed, and smiled her way out closing the door as she went. "Vara?" She turned to face Tove who held up two white gowns. She fingered one delicately. Wonder! It was like touching a cloud. Almost weightless, but wooly and cozy feeling. This dinner obviously required more than the usual preparations, and indeed the materials were there, displayed upon a large table with two reflectors at ready. Nard for the body, selections of fragrances for the hair, even kol and lupis to add mystery to the eyes. They bathed with extra care, brushed and tied one another’s hair, and carefully donned the amazing garments. It was magical. The material closely outlined their bodies, but did not cling. It was not sticky. Muscles moved smoothly and suppley within much as a cat inside it’s skin. In two words, INCREDIBLY sexy. (Not the word they would have used of course, but my meager knowledge of Neuspak fails me.) They drew on silver sandals... the lightest they had ever seen, criss-crossing the thongs to tie just below the knees. Vara was appreciative of someone’s thoughtfulness for supplying ties long enough to encompass even her generous calves with enough left to form an acceptably decorative bow. She hesitated, then slipped her smallest, thinnest kris through the knot. So small and lavishly wrought, it appeared to be a decorative clasp. ‘Twas deadly, non-the-less. Vara happily called it Schwansti (Scorpion). Most appropriate, A light touch on an inconspicuous stud and tiny drop of Puff Adder venom was forced through a miniscule passage to the needle pointed tip. An almost unfelt scratch brought within seconds a surprised gasp, and a dangerous enemy became just one more piece of baggage for the Valkyries. Vara inspected Tove... Wunderkind! (WonderChild)The bedazzling young beauty had just finished adjusting her small garrote which was masquerading as a fine-stranded bracelet. "M’ladies" called the door. It was the woman who was apparently their assigned stupeer. "Ska vi gaa?" (Shall we go?) quoth she in very distinct Neuspak. Hmmm... A little too "mittle" (middle class) sounding for your average manual labor house servant, observed Vara. Be ‘ware. They departed, automatically counting the strides and turns to the Royal Banquet Hall. Outside the salon, Vara was taken aback, though nothing showed in her demeanor. Awaiting them was the beautiful boy/man she had seen twice before. So... he was NOT part of Byrgge’s retinue. Or was he? He bowed, not so deeply this time, looking much more dignified, saying in his unusual high pitched sing-song voice, "M’ladies, it is my very great honor to escort you." He offered his arms. At least he was dressed this time, clad in a short sleeved tunic of peach-colored material the same as their gowns. Each lady (by this time they certainly felt as such,)... each lady laid a hand on the proffered arm... arms wonderfully warm and covered by almost invisible baby-like hair. He was so graceful! Vara felt old, coarse, and almost lumbering alongside. Not a pleasant sensation, especially when the comparison is with a man. Oh well, she compensated. He’s not REALLY a man. Then she guiltily cast the unproven thought into Maarkke falle. (The Black [forever] Fall [in] The Bottomless Pit). Just then they turned into, not a grand banquet hall, but a rather ordinary sized room furnished with substantial pieces crafted from native fir burnished to that wonderful golden glow that only years of intimate human contact can bestow. The ladies felt instantly comfortable. The space was effused with the kind of rich inviting warmth we all wish our own homes to exude. The only other occupant of the room was ‘Fala who was smiling a warm welcome. The meal, good substantial local fare, was already served, country style, in large bowls on the imposing table. There was a mighty beef loin, trenchers of onions and white beans, a surfeit of tiny boiled cabbages, not to mention a fortress of WHITE bread (such luxury!), all floated away with generous flagons of sweet blossom wine. The groaning table was not the only surprise. Tove arched an eyebrow when the man/boy(?) servant/, servant/chamberman(?) joined them at the table. The Haskers looked at ‘Fala who gave not the slightest note. Though the conversation was animated, the boy/man added nothing, but was obviously listening very attentively. Ah, perhaps he is a memorizer, but at the same table as Mistress and Guests? Egad! and ‘Pon my word. How egalitarian! Tove noticed virtually none of this. She was busy embarrassing Vara to tears by charging her trencher like an Alongshore-man. In fact more akin to TWO Alongshore-men. Ah, lea. She was still feeding a substantial growing body and intellect which take fuel aplenty. Vara supposed she could probably be forgiven to some extent. After a pleasant dessert of bainberry tarts flavored with barleymead, followed by long clay pipes and a warm fortified wine, ‘Fala yawned and pronounced "Let us to bed", and led everyone to a chamber just off the salon. The woman was smiling comfortably. "These were my chambers when I was a child. This is much like returning to my Mother’s womb." Vara involuntarily stiffened. The last thing she expected to hear was The Sacred Name and Blessed Function uttered in such a careless fashion. In the same breath as it were. She caught her emotions before she demanded an immediate obeisance. After all, the woman had spent her life on the fringes of civilization, and even to many much more worldly folk the niceties of Hasker beliefs were more than passing arcane. Without treading on too many toes (remember what I said about annoying Haskers) I can say they revolve around their ancient founder (The First Mother, or more simply put, The First) from whose womb all th... HOLD HASKERS! I spoke in only the MOST respectful of voices and have cleansed myself under free-falling water which had never, since it’s creation by Gaia touched animal before I stood beneath it’s purifying strands. I see... I see. May I say ‘Person’ then. Thank you. From whose Person all good things both visible and invisible do flow. This is the Spiritual side of Haske. The Corporal half was called The Twins. More formally and correctly The Grand Dichotomy. A duality necessary for a balanced life. Suckling and Weaning. Comforting and Disciplining. Nurturing and Ignoring. Encouraging and Discouraging. There are half-a-hundred more. However NOTHING matches the inviolate sanctity of The First. It is not disrespectful to mention Her, nor to use any word having to do with her manifest functions. Indeed, many Blue Ear-Scorching Hasker oaths are invoked in the Name of The First. BUT to juxtapose PERSONA and FUNCTION in the same sentence, or even the same paragraph, is guaranteed to change a seemingly calm and peaceful Hasker into an instant frothing howling Berserker. In fact, rumor was that certain unscrupulous Haskers would show false enemy propaganda joining the two concepts in order to enrage the lower ranks before battle. Many of the younger Guilde members were gullible enough to be taken in. How many were felled by careless rage? Vara examined the young woman’s face yet again and became convinced she was indeed no more than ignorant. She breathed deeply and forced herself to relax. At a nod from Fala the boy/man snuffed the lamps save one, and with gentle insistence began to disrobe Tove whilst Fala commenced upon Vara. The bedcovers were laid back and the Haskers allowed themselves to be tucked in. Fala was eyeing the boy intently, he blushed prettily in recognition of her signal. After some length she urged "Now," He hesitantly moved to obey, shedding the few garments comprising his wardrobe. At his innerbreeches he stopped. "Now." Was repeated. The cloth fell. Vara caught her breath. He was facing full toward her. Between his straight, smooth thighs he carried... NOTHING! Nothing... no male organs, no female cleft, not even the smallest hair. NOTHING! Just a smoothly curved expanse of unmarked skin. Next to her Fala prompted, "Let us finish it now... once and for all." The youth(?) bowed sharply at the waist, reached far back between his legs and manipulated... something. When again straightened there swung into view a PENIS. Long and thin, it was completely smooth. There was no noticeable vieniation, nor visible pubic hair. It’s only mark was circumcision. Vara studied the appendage critically, coming to a startling realization. O, My Very Own MO... the poor unfortunate had been living with at least half the length of his manhood forced into his rectum! Imagine the pain! She could also see he really did have a scrotum. It had slowly descended from his pelvic cavity where it had been forced when the boy’s member was bent down and back, It must have been living hell. He walked gingerly to lave himself at the basin near the flickering fire. Standing for several heartbeats he seemed to be regarding his parts with some interest, as if seeing some new-found wonder. Fala motioned for him to come. She took his bare member in her hand, holding it gently. It could be seen his testes were only partly descended, and noticeably unconvoluted. Smooth, hairless and not at all pendulous. It was, with the exception of the length of the penis, the pubic area of perhaps the average boy of eleven Winters. "As I said, the Royal males are marked in a very peculiar way. They are all frozen at about twelve Springs. Vara, Tove, allow me to introduce my older half-brother Haagen. He is the only one left after The Uprising. Haggi... turn your back." Revealed to them was The Mark, though not so bold as his Sister’s. And so the secret of the informer within the old queen’s inner circle was broken. Then came a greater surprise. "Tove? Bethinks you he is pretty? Would’st gerne (emotionally want) him? Gud! Then he is yours for as long as you are beneath my roof. Do with him as you wish. He is your property. Go to her Haggi... GO. In spite of her robust body and young rowdiness, she will not harm you. At least not badly nor permanently." Haagen started tentatively ‘round the massive oaken posts of the bed. His apprehension vanished like an early autumn frost when Tove held the covers aside invitingly and he beheld once again the voluptuous strength of her young body. He fair fell in and was instantly enveloped by an enthusiastic woman already nickering with coltish glee. "Now as for you, me iron-framed beauty..." Fala fell upon Vara avidly, her tongue exploring in ever increasing circles from her nave. Now it was the Hasker’s turn to giggle. An unaccustomed sound to be sure. She knew it was supposed to be sensual, but it also TICKLED. Distantly she heard Tove moan. She had scant opportunity to investigate. Her mouth was invaded by a tongue not to be denied. As it began playing a steaming game of hide the sheep with hers, her partners fingers were driving her mad as they explored every ridge and crease of her body. A sharp fingernail traced every line. Vara felt as though divinely-honed chisels were sculpting her into primal existence from a virgin slab of finely-grained marble. After aeons of having her body and libido carved by her partners talented fingers, and feasting upon her perfect mouth, their twining reached a point with Vara upon her back, and Fala ‘tween her spread thighs. They rested there, the seated woman’s long tousled locks tumbling unfettered down the cascade of her shoulders. The mingling rich feminine aroma was raising the heat by the heartbeat. Fala slowly leaned forward. Nipple caressed nipple and lips met lips. Vara melted into the contact. Abruptly something stirred between her legs, and before she could properly evaluate, she was overcome by the most singular experience in her long and varied campaign between the four posts. Vara was being entered by a WOMAN! Though tense and suspicious, so skilled was her partner she soon coalesced into the moment. It was indescribable. There was the fuzzy oneness that another woman alone can offer, yet there was the satiating fullness offered only by a man. Fala was a Merlin. There was an eerie FEMALENESS storming her portal, bringing her to a level of ecstasy none but another woman could comprehend, yet there was the swelling force emphatically spelling MAN. She could feel it coming, deep in her throat... NO! she was NOT going to scream nor cry out! Then IT was rushing at her. So quickly had it come? HUNNH! That’s IT. (Almost aloud.) THAT’S the spot. O Dear Mother... she was being torn in TWO! She gripped Fala’s exquisite posterior orbs and heaved hungrily. Deeper, her body called. DEEPER her mind echoed. DEEEEEPER! Her libido screamed. Her lover, understanding her need completely, augered her deeper yet... to the limit. In one tiny corner of her mind, where a vestigial atom of volition still feebly flickered, she knew were this a man she would have been shredding his back, screaming gutter vulgarities. "POUND ME! SKEWER ME! SCREW ME! FUCK ME!FUCKME FUCKME!!! FUCKFUCAFUUUUUUAAAAA!!! And on and on. But not this coupling. This Glorious Conjunction. FAR too crude, too gross, too MALE. Instead she purred, she moaned. She moaned long, softly, pleadingly, HAPPILY. In perfect delirious chorus with her fellow traveler it became unbearable, and she felt herself flung over the precipice to soar slowly downward in great swooping arcs to alight, soft and warm, upon the welcoming sands of fulfillment. As her lover gently folded downward with a prolonged sigh, Vara felt her whole being split open as a carelessly dropped melon, to tumble out it’s precious cargo... tender, juicy, sparkling pink, and sweet. "Where have you been?" Whispering softly into her companion’s ear. "Waiting for you." Was the simple answer. The breath forming the words spilling close into her ear sent wonderful gooseflesh cascading over her body like wavelets upon a shallow beach. They turned upon their sides, facing, and Vara lost herself in a soft dance of fingertips tracing from the nape of her neck to the small of her and back again. Strokings she rewarded with soft kisses on eyelids, ears, nose, throat, all places she could reach without cooling the afterglow. She drifted away. Vara was on her back, immersed in the bright watery cocoon of a suede-black pool. Not far above in a diamond-bright halo upon the wavelet-shingled surface a single perfect frost-gilt maple leaf gently swirled. She slowly surfaced into fresh forest-scented air. So acute were her senses she could catalog the individual aromas. Honeysuckle... beesbonnet... dogwood... wild rose... lavender... ahh there were just too many. Lying, arms outstretched, head buoyed by the warm water, she drifted around to espy Fala reclining upon a leafy pallet of white wildflowers. The lovely woman whispered, but was easily understood. "That was truly lovely." Vara refocused. In reality, they were still in the bedchamber. She smiled and nodded. For indeed, it had been. Then she noticed. While she was "gone" someone had fetched a large basin heavy with fragrant steaming water. She had a momentary stab of guilt. A serious breach of security that, to be so completely oblivious. Ah, well. Even a TreKron Hasker must have release... a little fun. LITTLE? Like the Great Sea is a pond, the Great Eastern Forest a splinter. What? She started, then thrilled as Fala began cleansing her with a large warm sponge... a task not taking nearly long enough. She compared with having been with a man. Actually, she was just not quite fresh. Very like after a good run, and not covered with the flagons of the gelatinous sticky stuff men seem to take such delight in leaving everywhere. Yes, she knew without it the world would be a barren place, but that did not mean she had to enjoy dealing with the unused part. There always seemed a prodigious amount left over. AND when was the last time a man fetched a basin to cleanse HER? When Fala was done, she commandeered the sponge and returned the favor with greatest pleasure. Then, for the first time they gave thought to their bedfellows. Those two seemed to be sleeping... Tove carelessly lying atop Haggi, holding his wrists, pinning his hands to the pillows above his head. Both wore beatific smiles of ultimate fulfillment. Curiosity overcoming her, Vara lifted the coverlet. Tove still restrained one leg in the Twining Grip. Lifting the sheets yet higher, the women nearly laughed aloud. The couple was still exactly that... coupled. They ogled like a pair of decadent old men. Tove’s vagina was pulsing rhythmically. She was milking him... in her sleep, and he was in no way retreating. There was obviously an advantage to being gifted with a long supple wand. The two voyeurs soon retreated, fell into one another’s arms, and were quickly embraced by the Schlafprinz himself. Next morn they broke the fast with a powerful meal of toasted malted barely and fresh raadfrught met flaather, (redfruit[raspberries] and clotted cream). Whilst lingering over smoky tea, Fala broached the subject of a permanent post for the Haskers. Vara was sorely tempted, and Tove after a meaningful look at Haggi looked imminently interested. BUT, what of Haskevij? Vara had already gone MUCH too far with a... weeell, Fala was not EXACTLY a client, but she was tasked to bear all possible assistance to the Queen, so it was a technicality. What would it be like to be tied to one place year after year? Not to mention her own dear sweet Bjern, her own Isbamsa... and Magga. Magga, who would be the next Jernpeer to Hasker Tove. Sadly she declined, and then felt an unreasoning stab of grief when the woman seemed to understand and did not pressure her. In the forenoon there was a hugely ceremonial funeral for the dead "queen". Not because she was deserving, but to make the transfer of power more understandable to the people. Her flag-swaddled corpse was paraded through the streets upon a heavy battleshield, to be lifted to the foredeck of a black and red draped LangtSkib (LongShip a single masted square rigged with oars Viking style vessel). Did the shield have a VERY clean, thumb-sized hole? Wondered Vara. The pyre had the worldly possessions of the deceased arraigned close ‘round. Six husky oarsmen in black dress bent their staves, and shortly the eye of the wind near the middle of the Fjord was reached. The Stursmann (Direct translation: Steering Man. The person handling the steering oar), a gaunt fellow of slow movement, set canvas. The crimson and black squares’l bellied. The somber seven quit the Death Ship for a small pulling boat which paused but a few strides away. A torch flicked through the air. The bilges, awash with pitch spewed dragons breath. The rigging creaked as the sail drew in earnest. As the vessel made way there were two bright flashes and two accompanying thunderclaps. On the quay there were cries of astonishment and fear. Vara alone knew the secret of the explosions. Dragons eggs. Had the fire consumed the hatchling cubs? She was mindful of the remaining artifacts well-nested in her pack. What would the Haske Diviners, midst their noxious effluvia and flagons of evil slop make of them. The LongShip settled evenly into the wavelet-frosted water, billows of pitch smoke wreathing the pyre on its final voyage. Soon the thole pins were awash, followed by the stern post. At the stem, the fierce KrakkenKunst (Dragon Art. The ornately carved dragons that adorn the bows of Norse ships) glowered angrily as it too was swallowed up. The mast top burgee of red and black, the woman’s own colors, stirred briefly as if in defiance, and was gone. The gathering cheered as twelve ebon yeomen loosed longbows and a dozen flaming arrows drew golden traces into the heavens, to burn out on the ascent so the shadowy downward trace and almost silent disappearance as they stabbed beneath the cold waters would not be noticed. Such is life thought Vara. Only the golden upward arc is remarked. The shadowy downward plunge goes unnoticed until it ends, not with a blast of horn as celebrated the thang of the bow, but with a soft sibilant ssshhhh which passes in an instant. She was pulled from her revere by the bangs and hoots of what apparently passed for a town band in these parts. Fala grasped her hand and they marched the streets of the town on the way to the castle above. Somehow it no longer looked quite so forbidding. As they walked, gaggles of townsfolk of all ages cavorted alongside. From somewhere Fala produced a large shoulder bag and from it was tossing favors to the crowd. Sweets, toys, copper coins, bagatelles... all completely valueless, of course, except as a momento of having been at the Great Funeral. Never the less, the populace...and Fala, loved it. The rest of the day was spent on business. Fala's no doubt upon affairs of state whilst the Haskers toiled over returning their equipment to Guilde standards. Late in the afternoon they broke. "I'm for a walkabout." Announced Tove. Vara replied by standing, donning casual dress and ordinary weapons. The girl, with an anticipatory smile and happy her suggestion had merit, followed in kind. They strolled the corridors without aim. At the entrance to a darkened room, they had not quite passed the portal when they ran spangon into an exiting party of gray-clad maintenance workers. The leadman, a short, wide, bear-wrestler sort of person showed instant recognition. "YOU!" He shouted. "You. Dunnit! Causa you the Queen lie in deep cold." He charged, brandishing a long sharp scraper like a short sword. His crew, here to fore about equally divided between fight and flight, betook this as a signal. After all, it was aught but two women against the seven of them. Very poor judgement. Steely hands swept like scythes and the whole contingent lay neatly down like a newly-mown corn row to bubble out the last few seconds of life through crushed windpipes. The Haskers moved the whole futilely gasping mess into the dark room and closed the door upon the grim evidence. Tove looked troubled. Vara merely commented "There may be many more who still feel allegiance to the old regime. We must be aware." Tove smiled mirthlessly. "And if you have no love for Wares, you may choose to be a Lert." She showed a toothy grin, at last having an actual opportunity to use the tired old first-year-of-training pun. Vara felt unreasonably annoyed, but said nothing. They had no sooner progressed to the next crossing when Vara, for no explicable reason, threw her arm before Tove and took a short step. As they broke stride, clearing the corner wall out of rhythm, a gleaming blade swept murderously not one-half span before their noses. Had she not heard nor listened to The Voices they would have been riven from crown to crotch. As choreographed a thousand times they moved in absolute synchronization, drew steel, and whirled to face the threat. Four very large, very eager, very aggressive, young armed men were about to fall upon them. Tove flung her cap down the corridor in the direction they had been traveling. Vara was fading before the first attacker who whirled his long sword in a circular blur, screeching like a wetted Blue Troll about his foully murdered Queen. She ignored the other three altogether. Instead of meeting heavy steel, she ripped off her cloak, spun it once and whipped it 'round her opponent’s ankles. Entangled, his hands instinctively flew out to break his fall. Vara ducked under and adroitly aimed her shortsword... Blikken, in a blinding fast upward thrust. Her eye was true. It plunged into the small gap between the man's naveplate and chest armor. All her considerable musculature from bulging calves to broad shoulders were behind the stroke. She threw herself upward like the sudden release of the loops of a tightly-bound coil spring. She could almost feel his final heartbeat as steel met its mark. As she withdrew, she met his eyes. She found no pain, no anger, no fear, only surprise and wonder as he sat down in this world and looked upon The Other Side. Vara straightened to find Tove hewing away at the second warrior. The other two gaped. Momentarily startled at having to bear sudden unexpected witness to their leader's passing, at the hands of a woman no less, armed or not. She raised her hand, stretching to the limit, and snapped her fingers with a loud crack. The men automatically raised their eyes, Lightening struck exposed apple, and another victim fell upon his mate. At that moment Tove changed her grip and attacked with a fencer’s overhand thrust. A bold move, leaving her torso unprotected. Her youth was her ally. Her lightning reflexes easily defied her foe’s attack, and her narrow blade slipped cleanly through the eyehole of her foe's helm. There was a steely "pink" and a small inverted dimple appeared in the back of the dead man’s cask. He uttered not a sound, but fell beside his brothers like a woodsman’s axed tree. The remaining warrior lost his mettle and whirled to escape. In doing so he inadvertently threw up his arm directly against the recently honed edge of Vara's sword. The hapless fellows sword and arm to above the elbow clattered to the floor. He screamed like a schoolgirl and fled the abattoir-like scene, the stump of his arm scrawling crimson ocean waves upon the dark gray wall. His wails faded long before he was out of earshot. The Haskers cleaned their weapons on their victims clothing and looking about espied Tove's cap. Brilliant move, and what pleased Vara most was it was the girl's own invention. One of the greatest dangers of close combat, especially where landmarks are scarce, is losing one's way. More than a few have blundered directly into an enemy camp after a hot skirmish. Tove had recognised and solved the problem. It would later be writ into The Book as Tove's Ploy. She would be famous forever. As the girl retrieved her headgear, Vara looked back and nodded to her partner... she gave a start. Yes, she had actually thought the word partner, not Jernpeer. MOTHER! She punched her partner, not the actual word, but the meaning. She would have probably said something like Freu’sen. (A shortened form of Freund met Essen... Friend with Steel... Armed Friend). She punched her partner roughly on the shoulder. "Well. Not a bad aftens work, eh?" She began laughing and scratching herself lewdly in the manner men so often do after successfully completing some sort of daring deed. Tove’s rewarding fits of laughter caused her to become even more grotesque in her mime. They returned to their rooms to find a messenger waiting. "The Lady Omphala awaits your pleasure." Vara made a "lead on" gesture. They were conducted to a long low-ceilinged room with a row of divans along either side. Several cots were occupied by inert forms. Obviously a place of healers. Fala appeared and spoke in neutral tones. "Can'st undo what hast done? If so... please, NOW." MOTHER! Vara had all but forgotten. She went quickly from victim to victim repairing the Hasker spine dis-alignment. To Fala she reported that all were in good health, but it might be some time before they recovered enough even for speech. Fala looked dubious, but before long the Hospitaleers were having trouble getting their wards to shut up. Fala faded away and the Haskers headed back to their rooms. Several turns before their hallway they were confronted by a tiny, highly animated form. Baerte! She hadn't been seen since the departure from the stronghold. She began motioning avidly for them to follow. As they stepped off, the tiny woman halted and looked pointedly at Tove. Vara jutted her chin down the corridor and whilst seemingly playing with her amulet carelessly flicked her finger toward her fellow. (You go ahead) Tove casually strolled past with a small wave. "Have fun." She smiled. Following Fala's consort, Vara was soon let into a small chamber almost entirely filled with a giant bed. Baerte spoke not at all, but came immediately to the point. Her clothing was in a heap before Vara closed the door. Though a bit surprised, Haskers are well known for quick wits. Speak not of size, the woman was, in one word, magnificent. Sumptuously formed. A voluptuary of tight curves with large firm globular breasts and matching buttocks. In point of fact, thought Vara, she would look almost the same upside down as right side up. The ridiculous thought pleased her immensely. Baerte was holding her hand... leading her. She was taken to sit upon the bed and the Lilliputian joyfully hopped into her lap like an eight year old and began snuggling. Burrowing into her breasts, she playfully picked at the tunic clasp pretending she could not open it. Vara, fascinated, worked the fastener. And so the game progressed. A kind if slow-motion striptease, (NO! I do NOT know the Neuspak word for striptease.) with Baerte sucking in her breath with wonder as each of Vara's mighty parts was revealed. In no time she was as natural as her playmate, standing with Baerte happily hugging her rock-solid thigh. A thigh obviously larger than the tiny torso pressing against it. Vara looked in wonder. She had never seen anyone so small yet so superbly formed. A miniscule forefinger was placed against her breastbone and she allowed herself to be levered over the edge of the bed to fall heavily on her back on the thick mattress. Baerte swarmed up after her and within heartbeats tiny hands were busy with every sensitive part of her body. It was incredible... like being nibbled to death by butterflies. The larger woman at last groped in her day kit, hanging from long habit on the nearby bedpost. Her gleaming body erupted in a split second move to straddle Baerte, crushing the small frame deep into the feathers of the generous mattress. She held up what she had retrieved from her kit. A large sausage-shaped device, bulbous and grossly vieniated on one (Baerte's) end. "F" shaped on the other (Her) end. Vara called it simply MinToj (my toy). What we now call a dildo. (No, neither can I translate dildo). But WHAT a dildo. The whole machine, almost two hands in length, was fitted with a sturdy leather strap and heavy bronze buckle to secure it when the action grew hot and heavy. It was crafted especially for her in far away Romaglia from some unknown stuff (she had heard it was some sort of tree sap) that was both hard and flexible at the same time. For reasons known only to the crafters, it was molded in a ridiculous bright pink. The myriad of ridges inside the "F" shaped portion touched BOTH her sensitive areas such as could no man, however willing and diligent. No. She did not feel men were in any way mean nor cruel nor useless. They were simply improperly crafted by The Maker to be completely adequate. Make no mistake, she found men very fine indeed, particularly when feeling especially rowdy and randy. Still... they just did not have enough fitting parts. Men per se were not at fault. They tried VERY hard... since they usually wished to remain unbroken. (never, NEVER disappoint a Hasker) but again... just not quite enough. Too SINGULAR. Vara looked down yet again at Baerte, pinned as helpless as a butterfly on a collector's board. She felt a momentary pang of sympathy. Small as a child was she. She mewed like a kitten, soft and warm. The powerful woman reached down to turn the Toy into exactly the proper position. Even that slight movement caused her body to thrill. Suddenly she realized how much the scene was arousing her. She was as hot as a rutting halkebuk. Vara could hold no longer. She pressed home the attack. Baerte squirmed, moaned and thrust her pelvis to meet the surging muscular mass hard upon her. Her mouth split open, teeth gnashing. A transported mask of ultimate pleasure/pain distorted her usually serene features. Vara was totally engulfed by the scenario. She was physically stimulated beyond all reason, and watching her victim metamorph from a well-controlled young woman to a heaving bucking helpless THING added spice to her already heady draught. Far sooner than she wanted she felt Baerte being flung violently over The Edge, and her own Wave was curling high, towering, smashing down upon her. It spun and tumbled her with splendid power, then ebbed away, leaving her crushed, and helplessly atrickle with light airy foam. With difficulty she refocused on Baerte. The little bird lay still as a corpse, mouth agape, eyes open wide, breath abate. Vara could easily foretell an incipient earth shattering scream. Releasing one thin wrist Vara clamped a stifling palm over the wide-stretched lips. The outcry was choked to a muffled keening, followed by another, and another, and another, ad infinitum. Thanks to a Haskers appreciation of peripheral action and finely-honed powers of observation, a red alert began clanging insistently inside Vara's head. Baerte's free hand had opened a compartment in the headboard and withdrawn a spherical glass container. The results were reflexive and instantaneous. Vara rolled to the right and went from horizontal to vertical in a neatly executed "kip" (the acrobat's move). Baerte, only partially anticipating, arced her arm over to smash the crystalline globe at the very spot on the mattress so briefly occupied by Vara's head less than a heartbeat before. The bed instantly burst into choking billows of noxious orange smoke. RED FUMING ACID! The little bitch had tried to kill her... to burn her skull hollow with her witches brew! Baerte's mouth formed a silent "Oh NO!". Eyes wide, she was frozen for less than 1/4 heartbeat. It turned out to be the most important moment of her life. Vara struck like a Fer-de-Lance, grasping the woman's crossed left wrist. Like a rag doll the murderous little wench flew through the air in response to the Hasker's powerful left arm. Before she could recoil or cry out her windpipe disintegrated. It was all too brief to be called a struggle. She felt monstrous fingers grasp her head with the strength of a cart-ox. The huge paw snapped sharply to the right. For a split second there seemed to be an excruciating explosion of pain at the base of her skull. Then there was nothing... not even the consciousness of nothing. Vara threw the rag-bag remains back onto the bed, straightened the coverlet and tried to arrange it on it's side as she had seen it sleep. Without the support of the neck, it's stupid head kept sliding off the pillow. She was forced to settle for it being on its back. Twould have to do. A secondary wave of pleasure washed her as she removed the Toy. Not too bad, she thought. She cleansed herself and dressed. Not bad at all. At the door she looked back and flipped a jaunty salute, "Thankee, Little Scorpion. Twas fun", she was smiling as she closed the door. She was not an untruther. It WAS fun... ALL exciting... fun from beginning to end. She chuckled audibly. Striding down the passageway, Vara was in her favorite state. Still hyper-alert, but satiated. She took joy from her every part as it moved. She intentionally walked with exaggerated purpose causing each muscle to swell and shrink extravagantly. It was an awesome sight. She chanted the Power Mantra quietly and rhythmically as she marched. "Strong as an Ox, Quick as a Cat... Strong as an Ox, Quick as a Cat... Strong...", all the while thinking of another trophy on her totem in the GrusHalle (Great Hall). In her mind’s eye she judged it critically. Hmmmm... needed two more male tokens on the left to be esthetically balanced. It pleased her that the goal just might be reachable on this Vik (Venture, Adventure, Quest... no real modern equivalent.) She gained their quarters to be greeted by an enthusiastic Tove who embraced her eagerly, then stepped back to regard her with practiced eye. The girls demeanor heightened visibly. "You’re fresh from the kill", she cried. "You are, aren’t you? There’s the smell of death about you. You’ve killed. You cannot fool ME. I can smell it." She threw herself upon her Mentor and bored her mouth with wanton intensity. Vara disengaged her. "Slowly, my pet. Slowly." How could she be made to understand? A Hasker must become fond friends with Death. It facilitated many tasks, but to have an overweening fascination for the Grim Spirit, or an eagerness to become its lover twists a person’s judgement. The MorkkeAgger’s (Black Farmer) blade is keenly honed on BOTH edges. She gripped the girl’s shoulders and holding her at arms length shook her sharply. "Wouldst be so avid were it I lying cold? Wouldst one day slay me for orgiastic pleasure?" Tove stiffened, white-faced, and with a stricken expression wrenched away to stagger back, sitting hard upon the bench at the chimney corner. She wept openly. "I-I-I a-a-am Sh-shamed". "TOVE! FIRST LAW!" "I know. I know". "TOVE! FIRST LAW! SAY IT!" "I will never hesitate to take or spare a life..." "THE REST!" "...be it or not my own." "AND!" "The First finds every life of some value." "YES?" "A Hasker must never elevate hers at the expense of another." "FINISH!" "By the First Mother’s Grace." "Well?’ "I pray of thee, Hasker, guide me." "It is MY honor to so to do." "Form me, Hasker. I am clay." "You will study the Seven Prime Haske Laws and explain what they mean to YOU on the morrow before we sup. Forstann Mig? (Understand me?)" She added the formality as well as the ritual to impress upon the girl the import of the moment. The Jernpeer bowed low, arms outstretched, palms upward. "Ja-Ja. Jeg forstann dig". (Yes-yes I understand you.) Her voice was contrite. Her demeanor one of mortification. Good. Thought Vara. Let that be the end of it. "Come let us explore further." Tove smiled tentatively, happy to have the inquisition behind her. Again the walked without plan, soon coming to an area Vara recognised. Rounding a bend, they came upon the caulked door which had been Vara’s original entrance, this time tended by two competent-looking stalwarts in business-like light battle dress. Well now. A change in management means much. The guards stood carelessly each facing one woman. To the untrained eye it all looked very casual. To the Haskers, the readiness was obvious. The loose hands resting upon unlatched sword hilts, the unthinking flick of a cape away from a shield, the full engagement of the eyes... no honor flunkies these. Make no mistake, these were fighting men, battle ready; poised for action. The elder spoke. "Compliments of the aften M’ladies. May we be of assistance?" Gentle tone or no, these men were not the sort to be trifled with. Vara smiled a genuine-looking smile. "Ah Thankee no, Gud Styres (Good Stars [secondary meaning: Sirs, though not necessarily Knighted]), we but stroll." The men seemed pleased to be so addressed by a Hasker, but the only outward sign was a barely perceptible widening of their eye’s black soulpool. A clue easily discerned by the knowing eye. Even Tove, though not yet with extensive experience, saw the reaction. Good men, thought Vara. Highly self controlled. The transformation in security in only a few days was astonishing. As they departed, after the obligatory "Gud aftens." The guards proudly gave them the courtesy of a sharp cross-chested salute of the professional under arms. The women correctly returned the honor with equal pride, enjoying a seldom experienced feeling of camaraderie. Vara carefully counted her way back to the cubicle were she had first accepted the operation. MOR! Was it still the SAME operation? Careful examination divulged no sign of the dragon hatch. She carefully raised the violet-eyed unicorn to find a small chamber with but one exit. Entering stealthily they stood for some few heartbeats before realizing Fala and Haggi could distinctly be heard from the room beyond. Vara motioned to Tove. Exercising extreme care her Jernpeer lay upon the floor and tilting her head to vertical peeked one eye beyond the corner at floor level. Sliding back and standing she whispered almost soundlessly close in Vara’s ear. "Fal... Hag... no... sit... win... talk... na... ‘ware." Fala and Haggi were seated by the window talking. There was no one else in the room. They were not aware of the Haskers presence. It was a concise and descriptive message consuming but eight whispered one syllable words. It was Feldspak (Field speech.). It was for communication, NOT conversation. The two in the next room were also obviously laboring under the misapprehension that they could not be approached clandestinely. The Haskers stayed discretely out of view. Haggi: "But Fal, can you really justify having such a mercenary within these walls? She may'st be as taken with you as you with her, but she is a HASKER, and could THAT easily bring her every weapon to bear against YOU." He snapped his fingers with an echoing POP! Fala: (Laughing) "MY weapon is what the proud Hasker craves. So long as it is ready to fight the Battle of Counterpane, she will be mine. She may be as strong as a warhorse, but I am mistress of my special short arm." He: "Just because you have a centur of foolish court maidens panting for your attention does NOT mean the Hasker will fall. The woman is DANGEROUS." She: "Sooner or later they all fall. I offer the collection of favors in my chambers as proof. You are a typical male. You fret overmuch. What fear you. I did not notice your bedchamber task to be (heh-heh) INSURMOUNTABLE." He: (In heat) "Please do not make light of the evening! Mistress Tove is a kind and wonderful person. A lovely lady." She: "Your Lovely Lady possesses a thigh girthing near as much as your whole body. She could snap you like a twig." He: "Quite so, but she did NOT. Besides, she is so surpassing BEAUTIFUL," She: "You silly little boy. You speak as though you are in love with her." He: Silence... Loooong silence. She: "you ARE! You ARE! You cannot deny it. YOU are in love with a HASKER!" She began laughing helplessly. Tove, eyes flashed at the scornful words, and with set jaw took a purposeful step toward the next room. Vara threw up a flattened palm within one finger’s breadth of her nose, shaking her head in slow deliberation. The girl unwillingly relaxed and followed her to the unicorn room. The last thing they heard was Fala. "Very well, I shall break your puppy-love infatuation. Tonight you will brave the appetites of the Kron-ed Hasker whilst I devine what makes your Tove so wonderful." She mimicked her brother’s fluting tones perfectly. Oh thou vainglorious little wart, thought Vara with malicious glee. How dare he make designs upon her Tove. Tonight the power of her thighs would welcome him. Even now could she hear his shriek, muffled by stifling palm, as his spindly shanks splintered and pelvis crumbled. Milting little hinny. He would pay for his carnal phantasies. She would wager the commission he would swoon. She KNEW he would. When she snapped his twiggish fingers one by one, he would faint dead away at each and every crack. ‘Tis well known men be cowards about pain. Were it men who lost maidenheads and bore the babes, the world would be ruled by trouts. She almost laughed aloud. Mother, she was fair overcome by anticipation. Calm yourself, Vara, she thought sternly. It be not seemly to celebrate the moment ere it comes. At that, they entered their rooms. Tove peered at her. "Vara, thou ails?’ "Tis naught." "Oh, Vara, I know you only too well. You MUST promise he will come to no harm." The Hasker shook her head. "Tis a vow I might well break. Methinks he may attack me." Her partner, sitting on the bed tailor fashion, fell over in a fit of mirth which rang not altogether untrue. She was glad Vara did not query what weapon might be used in such an attack. The rest of the aften was passed in endless games of draughts. Not so boring as one might think. Amongst the many permutations was the loss of a piece of clothing with the loss of each playing piece, and a three heartbeat time limit between moves. An interesting variation. As the dread of loss increased also did one’s pulse and the less time one had to plan strategy. As they sat immersed, Tove clad in only her briefest most intimate innerwear, and Vara in not appreciably more, there came a rap upon the door. "Abende!" (You[may] open) she called without real thought. There appeared a youngish chamberlain clad smartly in dove gray jerkin and tights. "M’ladies..." it was as far as he got. He turned beet red and his eyes widened dangerously as popped back into the darkened hall like a hare down it’s hole. "Oh, I beg the ladies pardon, I saw naught... I mean to say what my indelicate eyes... nooo... that is to say, thou hast... I was... Oooooh", he wailed before he started over like a schoolboy when interrupted in the midst of a difficult recitation. "M’LadiesLadyOmphala’scomplimentsandwouldtheladiesdeigntodnewithherdirectlyaft erMatens?" He finished in an impossible rush all in one breath, and waited. He could be heard shifting from one foot to the other. Vara, with a Haskers total lack of affectations, replied. "Compliments to your most gracious Lady, and the Haskers would be honored to sup at her pleasure." "M’lady Omphala’s thanks." Came a relieved sounding voice, and soft footsteps could be heard receeding at the run. Tove burst into hysterical laughter. Vara looked puzzled, then saw themselves from a different angle. A liveried emissary from the de facto ruler of the land, in chambers, exchanging ritualized court pleasantries with two naked women. She smiled broadly. Then she thought of the boy’s report to his mistress, and laughed till she thought it would dispatch her. A short time later there was a timid tap. Opening evidenced a small woman bearing a black bundle and two pairs of sandals. Vara shooed her out. Having someone actually dress her made her feel uncomfortable. The black was gowns similar to the previous night, but more smooth. The sandals... oh yes. They stood back and eyed them from every angle, they were that strange. Flat under the toes, but swooping up over half a hand to the heel with nothing save a precipitously spindly shaft for insubstantial support. They tried them, eventually tying on them one another. MOTHER! TRY to walk. One risked an ankle at every step. Unfortunately their Hostess seemed to expect the footwear, so they practiced. By evening, they could manage fairly well. The calves would pay on the morrow, thought Vara. Quite correctly as it turned out. NIGHTFALL! They would be late! They accomplished their toilette with lightening speed and tied the ridiculous shoes just as their escort arrived. I will not attempt to describe the walk to the dining chamber. Once again the table in Fala’s old apartment was set family style. There was cock pheasant, white bread stuffing with currants, and a sweet yellow tuber unrecognized by Vara. Fala proclaimed them "Yams". Tove declared them "Delicious". Afterwards whilst having pipes and brandy, Fala asked if her guests would mind walking to the hearth. A puzzling request, but they complied without question. "Turn slowly, please." They did so. "Pray face away... now back. Please walk toward us, slowly.’ The Warrior Women actually made it without falling or spraining anything vital, but Mother-mine they agreed they exhibited a most peculiar gait. Backward leaning, buttocks tucked under, pelvis thrust forward, hips rowing like galley sculls, shoulders see-sawing in opposition. It felt awkward and ridiculous, but Fala and Haggi seemed to appreciate it... a LOT. When asked, Fala explained. "It shows your every muscle and part. Especially your fundament and most wondrous legs. Twould make one of those Saints to rut." Both Haskers looked down, but from their vantage point could see nothing unusual. Hagi made a significant motion. There was a polished brass reflector near the fire. Tove fairly scampered to it, uncaring of her bones. Weeel, mused Vara, just one quick peek might not be unseemly. They regarded themselves with critical eyes. Wonder! There WAS a difference. Their thigh muscles were stretched tautly, The ogee from just beside the knee to the top if the toes was elongated and accentuated far more than just the height of the small heel platform. Even the buttocks were lifted and tightened. AMAZING! And the walk! Vara had to admit it was all very intriguing, but to actually use such foot gear... Ridiculous! It would cripple a person. After they again sat, she regarded her right foot. Extremely high arch, almost a perfect isosceles triangle, the hypotenuse slightly bowed. "Provocative" some (both male and female) called it. Usually those who never had the misfortune to intercept it in mid-arc with a nose, Adam’s apple, or other, shall we say more sensitive and pendulous, body part. Those unfortunates were more likely to append the label "murderous". She waggled the appendage at it’s ankle hinge then quickly tucked her feet beneath her chair when she noticed the rest of the company was admiring the beautiful construction just as raptly as she. She was in no way ashamed of her body. Quite the contrary, but everyone’s sudden focus of one particular feature made her feel... well... a bit odd. When questioned about the origin of the filmy gowns and unusual sandals, Fala would but make a dismissing gesture and proclaim with grand finality, "From Majik Place beyond eastern mountains. And that, quite obviously was that. As "To bed" was announced and they lolled away to the nearby bedchamber, the Haske pair still feeling almighty self conscious. Tove whispered, "I feel as though every part of me is moving separately" Leaning back Vara commented, "From every evidence that be true, my Little Tantalizer." Raising her gaze she found four other eyes were also feasting . Fala had the modesty and good taste to blush very prettily. In the room, the strangeness escalated. Vara sat on the edge of the bed intending to at last remove the painful footwear. Before she could lift her foot, Haggi was there. He had fallen to his knees and firmly brushing aside any interference began caressing her feet along the sandal straps. The right bow was slowly, even lovingly manipulated, and the straps were tenderly unwound from her calf, her ankle, her foot. The shoe was slipped away in such a manner even THAT was a caress. It was put aside only after the straps were coiled almost reverently, then the whole ritual was repeated on the left foot. Vara looked ‘round. Who else beheld? No one. The boy/man gazed at her lovingly as he began to massage her feet... every part of her feet. It felt very pleasant. She sat bolt upright! The massage was changing. He was rubbing his downy cheeks against her feet, the arch, the instep, her ankles... he was KISSING THEM! Her impulse was to recoil. Wouldst be deemed an insult? What to do? He was kissing every part of her feet. He was kissing her toes. His tongue began to side BETWEEN her toes. All the while he crooned as if to a babe. He was SUCKING her toes! Without warning it came to Vara that she was ENJOYING it. He was so worshipful. She closed her eyes. It felt far more than ordinary wonderful. EXCITING! Then again she was not quite sure. ‘Twas all so very strange. She placed her free foot on the middle of his breastbone and pushed gently. Haggi collapsed backward with no resistance, still holding her foot to his lips. He kissed softly and groaned quietly. "Oh yes, Mistress. Oh yessss. Please? Oh, pleeeeese?" Somehow his behavior made her not disgusted, but rather wildly euphoric. She pressed down harder. He kissed and licked even more avidly, as if to nourish himself. Why was she so aroused? Why was he so intense? She could stand it no longer. Reaching down, she grasped his collar and wrenched him upright. Mama, he was light as a feather. She near tossed him over the bed. He swayed as if drunken. She stood and held him upright as she ripped down the coverlet. His tunic and jerkin tore as she carelessly whipped them over his head as one. No such niceties were wasted upon his tights. They were simply shredded and flung aside. Strap bows loosed, her filmy gown puddled at her feet. His breath whooshed out as she crushed him to her. He moaned, panted and trembled. There had been naught but powerful sensual female muscle and smoldering fire beneath the gauzy material. He involuntarily cried out as he flew through the air to be buried in the feathery mattress with Vara firmly astride. She regarded him with predatory interest, growling deep in the back of her throat. Hold! he might quail away. Instead he drew only slightly back and rolled his hips within her vise-like grip. His long, narrow man-thing popped neatly into its lair. Oh YES. She pinned his wrists above his head and his ankles beneath the forward curve of her own in the twining hold. He started to speak, but she smothered his mouth with her own. He struggled violently but briefly as she sucked the breath from his lungs. At the proper moment, just before blackness, she fed him a small breath from which her body had already wrung most of the sustenance. Just enough to keep him aware. She was in total control. He belonged to her body and mind. The thought caused her carnal power over him to explode into wanton carelessness. She wanted IT! And she would have it NOW! Dimly she heard Tove exclaim and give a low purrrr, then it was her turn to exclaim. The shaft within her was growing. Well, not exactly. The head was growing. swelling to the size of her balled fist, mayhap larger. Yes, definitely larger. It pulsed strongly. There was, some peculiar... something... on the upper surface that touched THE spot as it throbbed causing her love muscles to pull against it. A see-saw of eroticism. It... he touched exactly that certain spot most men never do... or can. Oh Mother! Men just hadn’t the slightest clue. Her pelvis was a millstone, grinding from him the grist of ecstasy. Her body arched as a longbow. Tighter, ever tighter, till the bowstring snapped home and she soared gloriously to her apex. Not with a mighty clash of thunder, but with a prolonged soul-rattling roll which seemed to go on forever, subsiding into dozens of small, blue-speckled pleasure-eggs which hatched one-by-one into quiet precious bundles of fulfillment. The earth tremor subsided as she drifted downward. Haggi was kissing her still erect nipples. Her eyelids, the pit of her throat, her ears. "Oh my Lady, my Goddess, oh yea, did your servant pleasure you? OOOh... Wouldst but I could be inside thee...become part of thee. Come closer, closer, crush me, CONSUME me. OOOooo." Vara heard little of his paean. She breathed slowly and deeply, drifted... vaguely aware her love-path had become separate from her. Another being. Something hungrily gripping and tugging at his manhood as if eager to continue it’s feast. She mounted the wave of passion thrice more. Each smaller and less wrenching by far, but in no way less valued. A brief ray of yellow sun piercing the black clouds after a refreshing summer squall. A small brave Crocus breaking through the early spring snowcrust. A fair wind in sight of the cliffs of home after a stormy Vik. Yes all glorious in their own way. She never felt sleep, as if another lover, wrap her in it’s arms and steal her away. Her last awareness was of two love-beings, divinely connected, majikly pulsing in perfect harmony. Vara roused herself, finding to her surprise she and Haggi were still one. She chided herself for lying so long abed. The soft dawning was ere now invading their chamber. Her lover was already with open eyes, looking up at her through a mask of abject adoration. She smiled self-consciously, released his wrists and felt him wilt within her. She sat and regarded his slim physique, deciding he was indeed very pretty but beyond that was at a loss. He rose and walked to the bathing alcove. His nether globes swayed as delectably as those of any tender maiden. Oh my Dearest Mother’s Mother he was a sweet package; as toothsome as a sugar plum. She had a brief, vulgar phantasy about her Toy and how it would feel to be bumping her belly against those sweet little jellyrolls. Delightful was her assessment. Ahhh could they but tarry one day longer. He entered the bathing area and carefully drew the curtain, which Vara found almost laughable. To make love all night, then be overcome with modesty whilst at his bath.. Ho! She almost said "toilette". He was that graceful. Her attention was drawn to the bed. There was the telltale imprint. His wispy outline was deeply embossed into the soft feather mattress with her outline haloing it... at least one hand larger on it’s entire perimeter. Once again she felt old, gross, and clumsy. Vara stood and walked to the bath, for some reason avoiding Haggis eyes as they met. Contrary to her usual custom she felt an urgent need to draw the privacy curtain. She was shortly joined by a serious-looking Tove, who looked her in the eye, made a biting motion with her hand and flicked three quick fingers in Vara’s direction. ("I must talk to you. Third level of importance.") Vara nodded once and jutted her jaw toward the door. ("I agree, but away from here.") Tove nodded in return. They swept the draperies aside to see Fala and Haggi in rapt conversation, heads almost touching. They looked up smartly, both smiling. Fala spoke. "Morn. Pleasant night erenow?" Vara answered they most assuredly had, but sad to say the time for parting had come. They had already overstayed their expected time and must depart that day... noon at latest. A simultaneous "OH, NO!" Burst from both brother and sister who seemed to be equally arrow-pierced. "We will speak of it later. " Proclaimed Fala loftily. The siblings swept from the room, Haggi looking back making plaintive, hungry, gestures in Tove's direction. Vara eyed the younger woman narrowly. "Tove. What hast thou done to poor Haggi. I have never seen one so distraught, and thou hast left a many a crushed male on the path." The girl tucked her chin and looked upward at Vara like a naughty child. "I... uh... well... choked him." "You WHAT?" "Weeelll, not EXACTLY. When I felt him nigh finishing, I pressed upon the places where the life drums beat on either side of his neck, just as we do with the sleeping hold in combat. I thought to stop him... to prolong our pleasure. When I felt his peak coming, I would put him to sleep. I did so more than a dozen times. Beseems it frustrated him. If not for my stifling palm he would have howled like a starving wolf. Inevitably there came a time when I did not anticipate correctly. He spurted about one half time before sleep took him. When he awakened, he was as a wild thing, a bedroom berserker... thrashing, fighting, pumping and spurting everywhere. I was hard pressed to contain him until he calmed. Restraining him while he struggled, controlling his peak, was so... so... I... I must have studied upon this every free moment. " Her eyes were bright, her brow damp. "I can say this: I CRAVE it. I crave it more than all the rest. If I cannot have that, then I want NOTHING. It is far passing the most exciting thing of all. I am fair overcome. Just the thinking of it makes me ‘stroidnarily ready." Her face was flushed, she was licking her lips. O by all the Mothers, how to tell her? "Tove?" (very quietly) "The sleeping hold, and everything like it, is the sister to the Black Farmer. A very CLOSE sister. Only ONE heartbeat separates The Sleep from The Ride. In the throes of passion how can you hope to keep count? It is NOT to be used save in combat. Not ever. NEVER!" Tove looked disappointed, then petulant, replying in cold, overly polite tones in the highest degree of formality. "Tre k’Vara... is the TreKron Hasker imposing an order upon the Jernpeer Tove k’Vara? If it be true, will the Hasker hew to Guilde Law and frame the order in words direct, or is the Jernpeer free to make of the Parable as she wishes?" Oh, The First take her, lest I fall upon her and dice her into rat food. "The Hasker leaves the solution of the problem to the best judgement of the Jernpeer. The Hasker and the Jernpeer will speak of it no further." And so, my insolent child, the sword is now in your hand. Tove sat as if expecting more. If so she waited in vain. The silence lasted five hundred heartbeats, then twice five hundred. The silence was malignant. You could hear a mouse change its mind. Finally the girl turned to face the wall for a long-term sulk. Vara thought about how satisfying it would be to simply skewer her on the largest two handed brute of a sword she could find. Her humor partially returned when she thought of the two hand stack of reports she would have to submit as a result. She was sure they served no useful purpose save dissuading Haskers from mincing each other into very small pieces over trivialities. It then occurred to her that the girl was not being careless with life. She was still experimenting. She thought guiltily of some identical thoughts while with the old queen’s rapist. Let Tove stew in her own juices for a while, then a bit of affectionate guidance would do the trick. "Tove?" After a long while Vara spoke the name very gently. The Younger woman near broke her neck whirling to answer. "Yes, Vara, yes?" "Tove, what do you expect of this? Wouldst thou stay? Wouldst he leave? Or are you satisfied to depart this noon letting the future be at it’s own devices? What of vows taken in the sacred name of The First Mother? What of ethics?" The reply carried the assurance of the very young. "He will follow me." Vara spoke with the sadness of experience larding her voice. "He is the Queen’s brother. The Prince Royal. Dost thou truly believe he will abandon his position after waiting yea, these many years?" "He will come." Stated Tove positively. At the same time her head was turning slowly and repeatedly from left to right, and a single... TWO large tears dropped from her chin. Vara’s voice though moderate was but a thin veneer over the snap of an order. "Ready yourself. Travel gear... standard arms". She turned to the details of her own kit, while from the corner of her eye she noted her ward slowly packing. Break-fast was strained. Fala kept suggesting how well it would be if the Haskers would stay. Telling Her-Soon-to-be-Majesty that it was not possible without angering her was a tightrope walk. It was Vara’s suggestion that she should examine the pack mules for proper rig that got the day in motion. Fala looked shocked. Haggi seemed about to burst into tears. Tove looked superficially calm, but Vara could read her. "Surely couldst find a moment to attend the...MY coronation", wheedled Fala. "My Queen..." Vara hoped crowning her early would soften the sting, "We have already bided far longer than Haske Law permits. Even now I will have to undergo an almighty inquisition by those old Krakkens of the Kontroldt. I may even be fined. ‘Tis only my abiding love for thee..." She hesitated, "and Tove’s for Haggi that has kept us so long from the road. My most abject apologies." The "Queen" was going into a fair snit. She did everything but stamp her foot. In the end all that happened was: "Oh very well. We tire from speaking incessantly on such a dull subject. Go now. Your evil-smelling mules and precious Gelt await you." The woman sounded more than just a bit annoyed. Yes, it was a good day to be on the road. There were other reasons to expedite departure. There lay a full dozen corpses within the castle walls including Baerte, a supposed member of Fala’s inner circle. Thus far no mention had been made, but Vara wanted away before the subject arose. They did indeed find the animals ready, in the keep. The cargo seemed to be in order, and the rigger had done a masterful job. Of the surroundings, many changes had been made. The drawbridge was down and missing its lift chains. The portcullis was up and held in place by man-thick timbers. The message was plain. "The People are welcome here" and the populace was availing itself of the privilege. Though the coronation was not till the aften’s half sun, the celebration was already well underway. Long trestles beneath the bunting draped parapets groaned under the load of hearty victuals. Fala, apparently having at last realized the futility of her attempt to retain the Haskers, had been kind enough to have two additional beasts burdened with a plenteous load from the repast. Vara motioned to Tove and they mounted up. Another luxury courtesy of the new Queen. Haskers ordinarily travel afoot, making for a smaller disturbance upon nature as well as human memories. As they settled in, Vara noticed, with some amusement that Fala ascended several steps so their eyes remained at the same relative levels. It must be inborn. Royal Eyes are NEVER cast UPward to to anyone, especially a commoner. The Queen made her last desperate try...offering a princely, or perhaps a Queenly sum. Vara had the insistent notion the Lady wanted, very badly, something more than a tactician and military advisor. Her infallible intuition alone would have been enough to keep her from accepting, even if it were possible to break her recently-renewed Guilde Vows. She was certain it would be impossible for Fala to evaluate her performance in the cabinet chamber separately from the bed chamber. Either situation alone could be tempting, but she knew it was not to be. She rose in the stirrups and kissed Fala’s hand in a genuine show of emotion rarely experienced. She scanned the face above and though there was no change of expression, one huge crystalline droplet tracked a golden cheek. She felt her own scrawling an identical path. She flicked hers away with a fingernail, then rose to stand in the saddle (fine stallion... didn’t even quiver) and looking directly into the Royal eyes kissed the saline orb away. Drooping again to her seat, she looked quickly away. Tove! Had her protégé’ seen her unseemly performance? Vara need not have been concerned. The young woman was totally self-involved... tears streaming down her face, she was looking down at the Queen’s brother. Haggi was on his knees in the dust sobbing, and worse he was pressing his tear streaked face again and again against the beautifully turned arch of Tove’s foot. Without further delay Vara reined her mount toward the open portal whistling the order for departure disguised as the first six notes of the song of a local warbler. She spared not a glance behind, confident that Tove and the train were taking up the march. Her assumption was rewarded by a strangled cry from Haggi and the jingle/creak of pack animals in motion. Neither woman felt moved to speak during the four hours it took to reach the ridge overlooking the town and the blue/black slash of the fjord. The clatter of iron-shod mule hooves the only counterpoint to birdsong. Still wordless they reined in as if by command. From the high vantage point they studied the scene for the last time. There were bonfires alight at the tops of towers, and due to a quirk of the wind they could hear bells tolling and the faint cheers of the multitude. "Rhumblan has a new Queen this day." Observed Tove. "I wonder... is she Her Majesty Fala, or Her Majesty OMphala." Vara smiled, nodding soundlessly. She had more immediate cares as she watched her second sympathetically. It was the girl’s first experience with the wrenching happiness/unhappiness of adult love. She wondered how her young friend would weather the storm. She herself had not only Tove for comfort, but Bjern and little Magga. Oh yes, Magga who would be the next Jernpeer to Tove, the Hasker, but Tove had aught but Vara. She knew from long experience that a woman, unless exclusively of the persuasion of Fre'nEsk (WomanLove... Lesbian) needed a male in her life, even if secondary to a principal female. Typical of a Hasker, Vara’s omnisexual appetites dictated that one should avail oneself whenever, wherever, by whomever and even whatever offered pleasure at the moment. The Gods alone knew when, or even IF, the next the next moment might come. Consequently, she felt in no way judgmental of various needs and enjoyments being proper or the opposite. It was simply the nature of the human animal, and she wore not the Magisters dread gray. She was but a Hasker, with a Hasker’s simple thoughts. By common unspoken readiness, they wheeled and rode on, abandoning the High Road for an unmarked forest track which was to be the first leg of the journey homeward. That night, they could not bring themselves to the thought of sleeping apart. Under the warmth of the heavy Ox they found the peace of intimate friendship and filial love. Vara relaxed in the starry night, full of wonder for the hundredth time over how much light is cast by stars alone when one is in a truly uninhabited place. Her satisfaction was heightened by the presence of the very special young person so comfortably warm by her side. Ah, the good Tove would have no trouble finding her way in her own time. "We pray Thee watch over us, Good Mother"... darkness. The days following were much the same till at last they arrived at the shore of din Hjlemfjord. (The Home Fjord). "No ship". Tove stated the obvious with a trace of annoyance. Vara said nothing. Did the girl expect a ship to do nothing but wait endlessly for a pair of unknown Haskers. Never the less, for some illogical reason it rankled her too, at the time. After setting camp well back in the dark firs, under darker cliffs, they brought their tackle to the rocky beach to angle for the evening meal. With life’s usual perfect timing, they had no sooner landed a fine brace of pinks than Tove looked seaward and very conversationally said "Sail", then went back to her line. Young people were very strange by Vara’s way of thinking. They will go to market, and laugh, cavort and generally make fools of themselves over a trinket not worth a grain of barley, yet espy the vehicle of their homecoming, greatly enriched, from a long and dangerous Vik and not so much as bat an eyelash. She was overweening pleased it was not such in HER days of youth. Luckily the fish were not yet still and swam to unexpected freedom readily. No use taking them boardship. Sailor are notorious abstainers from food of their element. A superstition? Someday she must ask. It seemed to take an eternity, but eventually the ship’s stem grated upon the dark beach shingle. The women admired the craftily carved dragons head looming above them. They saluted with clenched fist, forearms crossing chests smartly. The Kapitan did them singular honor. The fragile KrakkenKunst was usually shipped unless entering a major port. The Kapitan and Stursmann looked down upon their van critically. The Kapitan’s eyes clouded. VODDER EST? Bestern! Paa MIG skib EGGE! (What’s this? Animals! On MY ship, NEVER.) His face was a caricature of the mascot rearing above. Vara did not waste words with a wild man, but pointed out the mats lashed atop each pack. He calmed and shrugged. "Mats on FIRST", he ordered. It was made so, and ere long the wild-eyed mules were hoisted aboard without incident. The two day sail was uneventful save for a humorous happening the first night out. Soon after the Haskers had spread their pallets near the mule packs, several other shakedowns sprang majikly, like forest toadstools, hard by their own, obviously having been moved during the evening meal. Soon a loutish looking fellow appeared, leaning upon his shield advertising his warrior status by ostentatiously displaying its many battle scars. Tove batted her eyes in the approved manner and clucked over each and every nick and gouge, and was properly aghast at how they were acquired. He, being much encouraged, offered her the armor. She tried to lift it. It did not move a hair’s breadth. "You’re holding it", she simpered. Grinning wolfishly he held his hands far to the sides. The girl strained mightily. "UUUnnngh!" The man snickered, and rolled his eyes. At last, screwing her face into a grotesque mask, veins in her forehead distending, grossly, she gave a final, groaning heave. The shield rose some four hands. There it stopped. The obnoxious bucko put his fists on his hips. "F-f-four hands. A-hark...hark. Four hands at BEST. ARK! A-HARK! ARK! ARK!", his laughter brayed, affrighting the mules. He stood teary-eyed, smirking at Tove. His expression froze as the top edge of the shield smoothly rose to eye level. It hung there as ten long heartbeats were etched into time. Suddenly the heavy slab shot downward with a satisfying and final crunch upon the arch of the oaf’s right foot. His mouth and eyes flew wide open. It obviously hurt so badly he couldn’t even curse. He swung his head toward Vara, but she was studying the dark and distant shore as if totally unaware. The man howled like a Troll caught in a millrace. He spun and hopped to the Kapitan pointing and screaming pure gibberish, "I... She... It... Tha..." The ship’s master looked down with calm disdain. His words were like a firkin of ice water dashed upon hot coals. "They be Haskers." The wavelets kissing the hull became the loudest sound. Tove and Vara were completely immersed in their study of the Guide Star as it caressed the northern cliffs. When they turned inboard, theirs was the only bedding within ten strides of the packs. It was difficult corking their mirth. Later, they made love as noisily and grossly as possible. Sounds from other parts of the vessel, made it plain they had inspired some of the seamen to not let the penultimate night of the voyage go awasting. Vara silently thanked Hasker training and Tove's quick thinking. Common seamen returning from a lengthy voyage to unknown parts... who could know WHAT plagues they bore. She looked upon the well-formed frame sleeping, flawless, by her side. Mother! Why would anyone crave anything so gross as a ma... then a vision of her dearest Bjern swam before her and she was shamed. "Unskar, Min diglig...Jig elskat DU alang, min Stor Isbamsa" ([I'm] sorry my beautiful [one]. I [woman-to-man case] love only [intimate case] you, my Great Icebear [Polar Bear].) She mouthed the words silently, knowing the wind would carry them to the intended ear. Such are the niceties of Neuspak. In everyday patter it is much is like shorthand, with unnecessary words dropped as understood, and words of import having VERY precise meaning. "O, my sweetest Bjern. We shall lie together on the morrow." The thought felt comfortable in her mind. Between Bjern and the demi-woman beside her, what person needed more? The three of them were forever bound, just as she and HER Hasker, and her Hasker's Giftamann (nearest meaning: husband/father.) from the generation past. How time escapes one. Brave, strong Herda. The gentle, quiet strength of Preban. By custom, he had been her first after her EnJern Vik. (First Iron Adventure. Her first Vik as a Jernpeer.) It was Herda’s report of her performance to the GuildeKontroldt that earned Vara her First Iron Shield. She fondly remembered and cherished every detail. It was worth remembering. Herda had taught her well, and Preban... The Hasker had done well by him also. Vara's walls were never breached. To the contrary, it was a welcoming gate. A gate which she herself unlocked with her own silver key when or if she was ready. Never pressed, it was something enjoyed over many days, even weeks. She came away with the memory of a thing pure and enjoyable. How different from what she heard from ordinary girls who spoke of coupling as an unwelcome duty, not an expression of love, intimacy, enjoyment and yes, even recreation. How must the ordinary woman live? Vara did not like to think upon it. Tove's own first was likewise by careful Guilde custom, and with Vara's as well as the Jernpeer's full assent and consent. It could not have been otherwise. Haskevij. No member of the Trune (the basic Hasker family unit, actually taken to mean roughly the equivalent of what we call marriage), could be forced into an unwilling act by the other two. In other words, each member of the trio had the same power as the others together. Ergo everything was per force by unanimous assent. Even young girls destined to become Jernpeers, but not yet ready (no set age... the Hasker was expected to know.) had a minor, but respected voice. It was the Haskervij, and at least in their society it worked admirably. Even the Hasker herself, the Apex of the unit could only lead, never command. The result was the strongest structure known to humans... the Triangle, with each corner solidly anchored by Hasker, Jernpeer or Giftamann with no component weaker than those adjacent. If through misfortune an anchor was lost, the other two were well equipped to interview and welcome a new member. Should the unthinkable happen and a child or Jernpeer be left alone, then she would choose a new Giftamann and the two would search out an unattached Hasker. A Giftamann left alone? It had never happened, but the process would have been much the same. The Mother's wisdom passeth all understanding. It WORKED. It was a system of unmatched freedom and unequalled security. Vara was inordinately pleased at the thought of it. Next day, the sun was almost brushing the escarpment when the Longship KrakkenFest (Dragon's Feast} entered ViksHab’n (Adventure Harbor). Looping tightly back on its track, the Stursmann handled the barn door steering blade with the delicacy of a boneing knife. The port side gently kissed the jute fenders of the stone quay with nary a dip of the ready but still shipped oars. Interestingly, the terminology is still found aboard marine craft to this day. The left side was tied to the landing... the PORT, in order to protect the fragile steering oar... the steer board... STARBOARD... the right side. The ego-building landing was just the stuff for which Stursmann Oerstor was famed. Kapitan Fraelik smiled. The man was well worth his Geld. He always went well out of his way to make a ship's master look good. The masterful job meant an extra FemKrone in the man's purse. The great man smiled benignly down upon the gawking shore folk. Too bad they were just not knowledgeable enough to appreciate how near impossible was the maneuver. The women packed and readied the mules, then made sure of their own equipment. One could never be altogether certain what Guilde representatives would be meeting a ship, particularly one packing such a rich trove, Vara licked the corner of Tove's kerchief to obliterate a smudge from a cheek and received an extended tongue for thanks. It seemed as though her young friend was surviving the trauma of Haggi very nicely. Vara scanned the usual crowd of drones that gather whenever REAL working folk are to be spectated. She was looking for Guilde Folk. Ah yes. In back, against the wall, standing a full head taller than the masses, were five dusty-blue figures. One by one, in no particular order, a finger drew a curving line from mouth corner to eye then flicked casually in the traveler's direction. "Pleased to see you." It said. Vara and Tove closed their eyes twice, slowly... a respectful bow. The two felt warmed by the attention of so many of the Kontroldt outside the GuildeHalle. As each animal was led ashore upon a telescoping gangway, and handed over to a Guilde Countingperson, Vara received in return a centerpunched disk upon which was scribed the rough count of the geld. She carefully countersigned each. The task done, she looped the rawhide thong holding the tokens over her neck and ceremoniously pressed cheeks with the serious demeanored accounts woman, Only then was she free to seek out her people. Where? THERE!!! There was her great Isbamsa, her Bjern, and riding upon his shoulders (not so) little Magga. She and Tove barged carelessly through the milling mob. Those who did not make way for Haskers, as was customary, were simply muscled aside. They were HASKERS just returned from a perilous... AND profitable VIK. Ordinary beings WILL make room. And suddenly the loved ones were face to face. As usual everyone talked too loudly and rapidly and at the same time, so that no one knew anyone's news. No matter, there was time aplenty. Whooping with joy, Vara hoisted Bjern, Magga and all and spun in a mad dance. Magga squealed with glee, but Bjern, ever the cautious fellow repeated his usual "careful...careful". As soon as Vara had released them, Tove repeated the whirl. Magga squealed with delight at "her Jernie's" trick, but Bjern's eyes looked very like those of a captured wild horse. He was being tossed about by the same person he had flung to the ceiling not so very long before. He seemed much relieved to be returned to earth. They joined arms and marched through the harbor gates singing Vikinger Alla (Vikings all) in at least two different keys. The Zollermann (Customs Man) made a move as though to stop them, but being a sensible chap wisely reconsidered. The neat little house was, as usual, as clean as a newly-shelled bean, and the wonderful aroma of a roasting joint and mulled cider rolled out to greet them. Little Magga went from Hyper to Hypo kinetic ere the meat was carved. She had hardly finished a bite of her meal and a swallow of her goats milk before three doting parents were forced to carry her off to her bed. The trenchers were scoured, pipes were lit and Best Brandy lolled in lax hands. Bjern, of course, wanted to have a recounting of the whole story, but it was just too damned convoluted for mouth to tell or brain to comprehend. Vara tried but she stumbled, tongue thick with fatigue and good warm schnapps. Tove was no better. "I do believe I shall quote our last client," She announced with exaggerated formality. "In fact one of her favorite sayings. TO BED". The women rose, heading for the bedchamber with Bjern lumbering along behind, exuding a rather expectant air. They undressed, rather sloppily, and rolled into the giant four-poster au natural, (night clothes being far too much bother) in the customary order. First the Jernpee...oh I beg your pardon. The Haskermeenor (Hasker Minor...Provisional Hasker... for it would be, formally, on the morrow.) the Giftamann, and then the Senior Hasker. 'Twas one of those rituals that make one feel just that much more secure. For the first time in many days, they crossed arms, clasped hands and recited. "Mother we humbly thank thee for a safe return and the many other gifts and protection. Grant us thy eyes as we sleep. We cleave to your breast and are nurtured. Bless your children O First One." Somehow it seemed fitting to evoke the entire Matrology especially when returning home from such a rich venture. Soon Bjern's fingers were weaving a deft dance beneath the covers. Soft kisses were blossoming on sensitive parts, as if a warm sensual moth were playing. Vara felt her pathway moisten, her muscles swell. In two more heartbeats she would... what? She could feel her body racing ahead like a runaway horse, but her brain was in a fog. What good was carnal pleasure if one didn't know it was happening? Tove bestirred herself enough to sleepily mumble, "Not tonight dear..." In almost the same heartbeat Vara completed "...I have a headache." Both quoting a line from a bawdy skit in a traveling minstrel show. They laughed themselves to sleep leaving their man to wonder what in...? before he himself drifted away. They slept secure and complete, for the first time in many weeks. -FIN- The foregoing is a LIBERALLY embellished version of a tale told me by my German Grandmother and Danish Great Aunt. Sitting before a warm friendly fire in a small stone cottage in the mountains of northern Georgia (USA), we listened to a storm raging in the blackness outside. The sheets of rain were stabbed by fabled pitchforks of lightning whilst God’s own bowling balls of thunder rolled. It was a scene made to order for the line "Twas a dark and stormy night." The wind moaned ‘round the slab-laid walls. Not a contrivance. The wind really DOES moan ‘round rough-laid stone walls. Well, I’m sure you get the picture. In such a setting a small imaginative boy listening to two accomplished storytellers finds nothing at all strange about wizened Trolls, Grand Quests and all. Besides, children love to shiver, especially when they know in reality they are perfectly safe. -PROLOG- Retrospectively, as an adult, after reading about the difficulty experienced by law enforcement, counter terrorists and other organizations have experienced in tracking female fugitives and agents, it occurred to me that the Hasker concept was not outrageous by any means. Even in this day of so-called equal opportunity, women are very difficult to track. They, Political Correctness or not, are the invisible people of this and every preceding era. In addition, if something is perpetrated by a man, there is a flavor of Double-Oh-Seven or "Duke" Wayne about it. You know... guns blazing and fists flying. On the other hand, a woman drifts in, accomplishes her assignment and fades away again. When witnesses are questioned, chances are the only one that will remember a woman is the security camera. If for some reason I need a hitma... uh PERSON, I would never hire a square-jawed Dirty Harry lookalike. No! Much smarter to make a deal with someone who looks like your Aunt Millie. Invisible, right? That set me really thinking. Did Haskers... DO Haskers actually exist? That of course beggers the question: If so, where do you find one? Not the sort of thing one would find in the Yellow Pages. In fact WHO would they be? Actually, the answer is easy. Think it over. You at this very moment are on the ’Net in instant contact with millions. THAT’s the answer. They would be EVERYWHERE. Maybe your co-worker, your neighbor, your secretary, your girlfriend, your WIFE... perhaps even YOU. I live and work in what is commonly known as Silicon Valley, with its myriad of highly-mobile professional women. If there is a nest of modern Haskers, what better place. Interesting, but I hadn’t a clue of how to pursue the notion further than the thought. That is, until one evening as I was "parking" my way home on the sadly misnomered expressway, surrounded by my fellow Commuter Crazies. My eyes idly alit upon a "Vanity Plate" attached to a dark blue 3-Series BMW two cars ahead and one lane to the left. California: "HASKER 3" it fairly screamed. I damned near rolled into the car ahead. As we crept forward, her blinker came on. I (unlike so many... uh... Drivers do not take this to mean "Close the gap quickly to less than the thickness of a Zig-Zag paper lest you lose one car length in The Big Game") made space and motioned her in. She signaled thanks by wiggling her fingers as so many females do. The tired old Ad Flacks call it perky. I call it silly and affectatious, especially if her number plate was advertising what I thought. As she moved ahead I saw she had a companion. A young girl? I couldn’t really tell. At the next exit, her flasher once again came to life and she left the freeway with me a bit back. Yes, I KNOW they have stalking laws in California, but I wasn’t stalking. I was... well curious. I let her get a couple of cars ahead, then my luck abandoned me. She made a left turn on the tail end of a green arrow into one of those "Engineered Developments" which allow the homes to be constructed so cheek-by-jowl they are Row (attached) Houses except for a technicality. One COULD perhaps insert a playing card edge-on between the buildings. I turned in on the next light. Perhaps the car was not yet in the garage. I drove every street. No such luck. What was I going to do, anyway? Just walk up to her and ask straight out, "Hey lady. You a Hasker?" Hell, I dunno. The next AM, I parked outside the place and sure enough she came buzzing by without a second look. After two days of playing James Bond, I had found that she worked at one of those High Tech Government places with a yard full of satellite bird baths. I hadn’t an inkling of what to do next. Then one night a short time thereafter, quite by accident (so help me) I caught the Bimmer turning into a local watering hole favored by the engineers and scientists hereabouts. Since that qualified me, I turned into the second entrance and parked my old "finback" Mercedes in the Outer Mongolia area in an effort to preserve it’s flanks. Hmmm, could have as easily parked at home. As I made the trek to the entrance, I noticed something very interesting. As I strolled, I noted Audi HASKER6, and Volvo HASKER9, and Jaguar HASKER7, and Lincoln HASKER4, and Lexus HASKER8 and finally crouching like an inverted soap dish next to Hummer HASKER3 was a 356A Porsche Speedster HASKER1. There may have been more, but I was in no mood to cruise the entire parking lot. After entering, I was ritually insulted by a smug individual attached to a plastic tag proclaiming him the be my "Host." After making it plain I was not to be punished for the unpardonable sin of being alone by having a table three feet from the kitchen entrance or hard by the bus boys station, I was offered a seat near a large party of women and girls. I was able to observe their reflections in a wall mirror, but alas was too far away to hear a word. Some two hours later, having consumed a greasy game hen, overcooked veggies and an insubstantial fluffy California style cheesecake (advertised as New York), I was sipping the only thing worth ordering, a heady cup of strong Mocha-Java coffee, when a movement caught my eye. The woman I had been tailing was bent scrabbling beneath the table. She surfaced holding a quarter... a US twenty five cent piece. Some tipper, I thought. Finishing their coffee, the group rose and walked casually toward the door. As they passed my table, there came a soft feminine voice. "I beg your pardon. You’ll be needing this, I think." Looking up I found myself peering into the startlingly blue eyes of the object of my interest. She was holding something between the fingers of her outstretched hand. I automatically extended my open palm, and the object was dropped in. She smiled sweetly looking exactly like any of the thousands of young women doing yeoman (yeoperson?) work in any of the hundreds of firms which pop up like mushrooms in The Valley. I, ever the ego-driven male, smiled my best smile in return. "Thank you very much," said I. Though not knowing what I had received. Her pleasant smile never slipped. "You are quite welcome, I’m sure. Now, don’t EVER forget the old saying about nosy felines." And with that she was gone, leaving me basking in her golden afterglow. How curious I thought as I looked in my palm for the first time. It was the quarter... folded neatly in half, with a very sharp crease! "Curiosity killed the cat." My lips whispered unbidden. ...and that’s the ABSOLUTE end. Though I must add that since the encounter, I have had a very strong disinclination to search out modern day Haskers. I keep the quarter as a reminder, though it hardly seems necessary. hmmm... I wonder... who might YOUR partner be REALLY working for on those extended business trips???