Battle of the sexes A true account of an amazing contest between the sexes on TV Cable television, it must be said, has not really inspired me in any way, shape or form for some time now. Endless repeats of the same shows carried out with mind numbing regularity do not do much to heighten ones confidence in what passes for entertainment these days. Assuming you watch the normal channels, as I do, then you will probably agree with me on most counts. After a fairly uneventful Sunday morning, I decided to treat myself to a couple of hours of television. I didn't expect anything other than the usual shows, but as a change I decided to channel hop through some of the more non-descript foreign channels. It must be said that most of the content on these channels is pretty much like our own in the US, just with a different language. On the odd occasion however something intriguing and interesting pops up which immediately grabs ones attention. As I flicked over to yet another channel I was presented with what seemed to be some kind of sports talk show. From my rather limited knowledge of foreign languages I deduced that it was an Italian channel. As I continued to watch, a clock appeared in the top corner of the screen, it started to count down from 10 to zero. As the clock reached zero the camera suddenly cut to a live scene inside what seemed to be some kind of small arena with banks of seats up both sides, filled with cheering people. As the commentary meant absolutely nothing to me I had to rely more or less on what I was seeing. The camera panned round and gave an isometric view of the arena, in the middle seemed to be some kind of raised platform about 10 feet wide by 10 feet long, similar to that which sumo wrestlers use in Japan. As the commentary continued the camera suddenly zoomed into what seemed to be some kind of combatant. He was walking slowly towards the center of the area, to the platform. I immediately thought that this must be some kind of fighting sport as the guy was very well muscled wearing black shorts; he was about 200 lbs and quite tall too with a totally bald, tanned head, obviously spending a large portion of his week lifting weights and lying beneath a tanning bed! The crowd roared as he stepped onto the raised platform and onto a blue mat and started to warm up. I don't really enjoy watching these kinds of testosterone fuelled contests, they are quite boring to me, if you have seen one, you have invariably seen them all, well at least in my opinion. As I grabbed the remote and thought about what channel I should turn to something astonishing happened. The camera zoomed in on the other fighter, I could not believe my eyes as what seemed to be quite a tall and tanned blonde female walking into the arena, her beaming smile immediately capturing my attention! She looked to be about the same weight and height as the man, and had long wavy blonde hair, with tanned skin and had a rather skimpy pink bikini on; it was obvious that she too spent quite a long time in the gym, but she looked strong and quite well muscled. Suddenly my attention was completely focused on this impromptu match, my eyes transfixed on what was about to happen. Seeing two weight lifters from the two sexes fight it out was something that I was not intending to miss. As she walked up and onto the mat, her skin glistened with oil, her eyes wide and alive at the prospect of battling her male opponent. Around the side of the platform were about 6 or 7 scantily clad women also wearing bikinis. They had obviously been employed to look nice! They sat there, each in a seductive pose, watching as the two fighters limbered up. Another clock appeared at the corner of the screen showing five minutes, and sooner than I expected a buzzer sounded. no announcements were made, or referees giving rules, the fight just started! The man walked forward and met the woman in the center of the mat, they were going to engage in a test of strength it seemed. This was very interesting, the man looked to have a slightly larger upper body, but the woman's legs looked thicker and more powerful than his. As their hands clasped together they both strained their bodies, wincing as they tried to gain the upper hand. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing, this was totally unexpected. The crowd were cheering and shouting as the woman unbelievably held her own. This must have gone on for literally 2 minutes, their arms shaking as each gave all the strength they could muster. The man's face was contorted and winced as he tried with all his strength to push the women into a more submissive stance. Suddenly their arms moved down, they were pushing and straining against each other, veins were pumping, huge tanned muscles twitching at the huge force generated by the two combatants. Suddenly the mans feet started to ever so slightly move back, the crowd noticed this and let out an almighty roar as the woman started to press home her advantage. The man, in desperation at being out-strengthed, dropped down lower and grabbed the woman round her waist and attempted to tackle her to the floor. The woman responded however, instinctively grabbing the man by his waist over his back; they both stumbled to the floor trying to gain an advantage, their slippery limbs slapping and grabbing at each other. The crowd continued to cheer even more loudly as the woman gained the upper hand! She had pinned him amazingly on his front with her arms around his neck making his face redden and strain in anger and frustration. He continued to struggle as the woman jostled and maintained her hold on him, slowly sapping his strength second by second like a fly caught in a spiders web. Each attempt he made to escape was greeted by roars of laughter and whistles from the crowd. Even the women surrounding the platform looked surprised, some of them with their hands to their mouths in total adulation of this woman, who was actually dominating this man by brute strength. He continued to thrash wildly every couple of seconds as the woman just looked to maintain her position. Suddenly she positioned her arms around his neck and started to squeeze! His eyes widened even more, as she pressed with all her strength into his well- muscled neck. What an amazing sight this was, she was in complete control as his face started to turn from an angry pink into a vein popping purple. The woman whooped in delight as she realized that his chances of escaping were diminishing quickly. It had taken her less than three minutes to apply this hold and assert her authority over the supposedly "better" male. As the clock on the screen entered the last minute a number appeared next to it. It seemed that the audience members were going to vote on whether the woman should let him go or keep squeezing! This was kind of similar I suppose to the roman gladiators who would get an opinion from the crowd as to whether someone should live or die! Two hands appeared on the screen, one with a thumbs up and one with a thumbs down, as the audience voted it seemed that an overwhelming 99% wanted her to squeeze the life out of him! Perhaps the one percent who wanted her to get off him was his wife! The mans eyes started to roll back as the woman squeezed harder and harder, the clock finally reached zero and another buzzer sounded signaling the end of the contest. She rolled off the half conscious man and immediately adopted a winner's pose, placing her foot on the beaten mans sweat drenched back and raising her arm into the air. He lay there, completely humiliated and beaten by this blonde, tanned amazon-like woman, her pink bikini damp with perspiration. Her pose was greeted with cheers and whistles from the crowd, most of who were shocked at the way she had dealt with the supposedly stronger sex with such ease.