A Day at the Mall By 'Steve the Z" Bobby and his girlfriend Cindy were at the mall one day, walking hand in hand past the stores, window shopping. Bobby was 17 and Cindy was 16. Bobby was 5'9" tall, weighed 145 pounds and had straight black hair and a cocky expression. Cindy was only 5' tall, very thin, with long blonde, rather lifeless hair, and a pretty, fresh face. She weighed exactly 90 pounds. Bobby was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, Cindy a white blouse and black slacks. They had gone to the end of a row of stores and turned back, retracing their steps, when Cindy suddenly stopped. "What's up, Cin.?" Bobby asked. "That store - it wasn't there before!" "Huh?" Bobby said, looking at the store Cindy was pointing at with a dainty forefinger. "'Ye Olde Magick Shoppee'", he read aloud. "And you say it wasn't here the first time we passed?" "Uh-uh." Bobby peered into the somewhat dusty glass of the shop's windows. It was murky inside. He could make out rows of shelves or tables, but that was about all. "Want to go inside?" "Uh-huh." she said. Bobby gallantly opened the door to let Cindy inside the shop. A bell tinkled. They found themselves in a rather dusty emporium, with long tables laden with all sorts of vials and jars and boxes and scrolls and many other strange looking objects. Each item had a hand lettered card propped up beside or before it. "Weird." Bobby observed. Cindy was walking up the center aisle, reading some of the cards, when a short, brown-skinned man wearing a loose fitting shirt and equally baggy red pants aproached them. He appeared to be from a middle eastern country, India perhaps. "Hello." he said in a soft voice. "May I help you two young people?" "Uh, we're just looking, I guess." Bobby said. "What do these cards mean?" Cindy asked the man, who was actually an inch or two shorter then she. "The cards, young lady, are descriptions of the magic properties of the objects in the shop." "Oh," Cindy said, then pointed to one on the table in front of where she was standing; a pretty green vial stoppered with a cork. "This one says, 'Instant Bodybuilding Pills - 50-50 Chance'. What does that mean?" "It is indicative of many of the spells here," the man said. "You purchase a pill, in this case an instant bodybuilding pill, and there is a one in two chance that it will work, and you are transformed into a bodybuilder. If the pill does not work, you do not receive another chance. It is a one time only spell, you see." "Sounds like a ripoff to me." Bobby said. "Oh no, young sir. These spells are very real. Would you care to purchase a pill and try your luck?" "How much?" "For you fine young people, fifty cents a pill." "Oh! Try it Bobby, I've always liked guys with muscles!" "You mean you don't like me the way I am?" Bobby said defensively. "Of course I do, silly! But what have you got to loose?" "Fifty cents, that's what." Bobby said surlily. "A mere trifle to please your lady friend, don't you think, sir?" "Well," Bobby fished in his pocket and pulled out some change. "Here," he said, handing two quarters to the little man. The quarters seemed to dissapear into the owners hand. "Thank you kindly sir, and now, your pill!" He pulled the stopper from the bottle and shook a pill into Bobby's hand. "Now what?" Bobby looked at the pill dubiously. "You simply put the pill in your mouth young sir. It will dissolve instantly." "Wait a sec," Bobby said, "Won't my clothes get ripped up or something if I get big muscles?" "This is a magic pill." the man said seriously. "Your clothing will adjust to any changes that may occur." "Go ahead Bobby!" Cindy urged. "Uh, all right then." A little embaresedly, Bobby put the pill between his lips. He looked startled. "Wow, it just dissapeared like!" he said. They waited expectantly, but nothing happened. "But alas, no muscles. Your chance did not succeed young sir." "Aw, it's just a scam anyway." Bobby said. The little man started to protest, but Cindy said. "Let me try one!" "You?" Bobby said, laughing, "What the heck for, Cin?" "Just for kicks," Cindy said, a little miffed. "Hey, it's your money." Bobby said, raising his hands in a surrendering motion. Cindy took a dollar bill from her purse and handed it to the proprietor, who gave her Bobby's two quarters in change. "Here you go young miss," he said, shaking a pill from the vial into her outstretched palm. "Here goes nothing." Cindy said, popping the pill into her mouth. "Oh!" she said, her eyes opening wide. "I feel so - so..." "So what?" Bobby said. "So - strong!" Cindy suddenly clenched her little fists tightly. "Oooo!" she said, "My arms feel like they're growing!" Almost as if she were compelled, Cindy raised her arms and flexed her biceps, which promptly began to bulge, stretching the sleeves of her blouse tightly across them. Bobby's eyes opened very wide. "Oh my God!" he said. Cindy's shoulders simultaneously widened, and her blouse was stretched even tighter. Her chest deepened, pulling her blouse from the waistband of her slacks as her breasts rose high on her thickening pectorals. Her exposed abs had become a highly developed six pack plating her tanned stomach. "I'm getting stronger and stronger!" Cindy cried. Cords of sinew thickened her neck; her trapezius muscles grew so large they slanted down from the top sides of her neck into her wide shoulders. Just when her blouse seemed about to split at the seams, it transformed into a spandex sports bra, showing off her newly muscle-bound torso and stretched tightly across her powerful chest. The lat muscles of Cindy's back became so strong that Bobby could see them from the front. And he never realized there were so many muscles in anybodys forearms! Cindy lowered her arms, her highly developed muscles bulging and twisting under her brown skin with every little movement. She couldn't hold them straight at her sides, but had to rest them against her super-wide lats. "Bobby, I feel great! So healthy!" Cindy's slacks were getting tight. Her thighs, or quad muscles, were rapidly developing, and her calves had grown much larger. As with her blouse, just when her pants were ready to split apart, they began to change, to shrink, the cuffs rapidly travelling upward, baring her mighty legs, and her deeply tanned skin. Cotton became spandex, slacks became cullotes, cullotes became shorts, and shorts became micro-shorts, skin tight and short-short. Her outer thighs curved gracefully, packed with super developed muscle, and her inner quads formed huge teardrop shapes above her knees. Cindy's calves protruded on each side of her legs and looked very strong. "I - I'm really a bodybuilder!" she squealed. "Just look at all my muscles Bobby!" Bobby couldn't help but look at Cindy's muscles, since every one of them was superbly developed. And her skimpy outfit left very little to the imagination. He felt himself getting sexually excited by his girlfriend's new body. She flexed her huge bicep, which had thick blue veins running across it. "Look at how big my bicep is!" she said, holding her arm next to Bobby's. "Yours looks so skinny compared to mine!" Bobby simply stared. Cindy's bicep was now at least twice as large as his. "Why you and not me?" he murmered. "Such is chance," the store's owner said. "I wonder how strong I am now?" Cindy said, twisting this way and that and watching her muscles bulge. "I bet I'm a lot stronger then you Bobby!" "I hope you are not intimidated by your girlfriends metamorphosis, young sir." "I, I, no, not me..." Bobby said with little conviction, unable to take his eyes off of Cindy. "Perhaps you would care to try another potion?" he said helpfully. "Oh yes!" Cindy said! "What else have you got?" "Maybe this -?" he said, pointing to a carved ivory box. Bobby read the label. "'Instant Height Increase - 50-50 Chance'" "Would you like to be taller, young sir?" "Yeah, why not?" Bobby sneered. "The odds are for me now too!" "Quite correct." "Uh, is it still fifty cents?" Bobby wanted to know. "Yes, indeed." "Ok," Bobby handed the man two more quarters. "Very good," he said, raising the lid of the box. "Take your pick." Bobby reached out and took one of the green pills. He put it in his mouth, fully expecting to grow taller, but once again, nothing happened. "Oh, I am so sorry, sir. Such bad luck!" "My turn!" Cindy said, holding out Bobby's two original quarters. "No, Cindy, haven't you gotten enought already!" Bobby protested. "Like you said, Bobby, it's my money!" she said, as the man took her quarters. Cindy took a pill, and confidently placed it between her lips. Immediately, she began growing taller. "It's working!" she said, giggling, her muscular legs growing longer. Always a head or more shorter then Bobby's 5'9", Cindy found it strange that she was now looking directly at Bobby's chin. "This is so neat!" she said. "Uh, yeah," Bobby said as Cindy's eyes raised to the level of his nose. "I'm as tall as you, Bobby!" Cindy said in delight, now also 5'9" tall. A second later, Cindy was 5'11". What do you say, Shorty?" she said, laughing as she proceeded to grow over 6' tall. Cindy stopped growing at 6'4", seven inches taller then Bobby. Her legs seemed to have become not only longer, but more muscular as well, as if adjusting to her new height. "Oh, Bobby, you seem so wimpy to me now!" Cindy said. "I'm so much bigger and stronger then you!" "It was just pure dumb luck!" Bobby protested. "Maybe so, little guy," Cindy said. "But it's still true!" She did another double biceps pose for him, and he gasped. She was huge! Her biceps measured 20". He didn't know that, but he could see how big they were. "I am an Amazon now, and you are just a little boy. I doubt you could even sexually satisfy me. I doubt you're man enough. Why, my thighs are bigger then your waist!" Cindy approached the store owner. He looked up at her, she was a giantess compared to him. "Thank you sir, you have truly changed my life." she said, shaking his hand. "It was my pleasure, young miss." he said, bowing his head. "Come along, little boy." Cindy said to Bobby as she turned to leave, crooking her little finger in a 'come hither' gesture. Meekly, Bobby followed her. The End?