Olive Oyl and The Sea Hag's Curse By Leee leee@altawoman.net Bluto, thoroughly dejected, sat down in his lonely apartment and began to feel sorry for himself. Another strike out, another defeat! How many times had he tried to make it with Olive? Sure his personality was a bit rough, but hell, dames like it that way, don't they? If it wasn't for that little runt Popeye and his damned spinach, Olive would have been his years ago. She's a passionate woman with needs and he knew that he could get those needs filled, if only.. Suddenly Bluto got an idea, he knew he did because a light bulb appeared over his head, "Hey I never got one of those before!" he chuckled. It was better than an idea, it was a brilliant plan, a plan that could not fail. He thought, why didn't I ever think of this before? But, it was late, he would have to wait until tomorrow to put his plan into action, he went up to bed and dreamed of making passionate love to Olive Oyl, with NO Popeye in sight anywhere. The next day was a beautiful late summer day that begged for the citizens of Toonville to spend it frolicking outdoors. Sure enough we find Popeye and Olive enjoying a lazy afternoon on board Popeye's boat, "The Olive Oyl". Olive was on deck sunning herself and Popeye was busy doing odd chores on the boat, cleaning the brass railing, coiling the ropes in a neat sailorly fashion, all the while humming to himself and smoking his pipe. He occasionally glanced at the bronzing Olive in her two-piece bikini, laying spread out on the lounge chair. But every time he felt his dick start to swell, he busied himself with the tasks at hand and chuckled to himself, "Har har har, there's plenty of time for that later old man!" Meanwhile about a half a mile away, a sinister collaboration was taking place on a dark and mysterious looking craft anchored just offshore. "Bah! I've tried magic on him before, but it's not strong enough against that green slop he eats!" snarled the old Sea Hag. Bluto still couldn't believe he was sitting with this retched old evil woman. But he knew that between the two of them, they could defeat Popeye, and Olive would finally be his. "Listen, you ever try and eat that green slop yourself? I know it don't work with everybody, but if it could make your magic powers stronger, you should give it a try." Bluto pleaded with her. "My magic is my strength, I don't need big fat bulging muscles, what would I do with them?" the Sea Hag retorted. Bluto put a can of spinach on the table in front of her and said, "I told you, spinach has different effects with different people, just give it a try, will ya?" The Sea Hag cast a hateful glance at the can sitting in front of her. She had always been a proud independent witch that prided herself in needing help from no one. She considered it for a while and then made an awful cackling noise and turned away from the table. Beginning to lose his patience with this unsightly crone, Bluto tried one last attempt, "Just think about it, we could both get even with that little runt, Popeye, for all the years of misery he's put us through. Don't you think that's at least worth a try?" She did hate Popeye very much, probably almost as much as she hated that skinny little girlfriend of his. He had made her life miserable and has been the one person in the world that she has not been able control with magic. Thinking that he had almost convinced her, Bluto begins to tell the Sea Hag his plan again, "Once you eat the spinach, I'm sure it will make your magic stronger. Then I want you to cast a spell on Olive, making her real horny..so horny that she can't stand it! Then I want you to cast another spell on Popeye, shrinking his dick to the size of a peanut. That's where yours truly steps in and satisfies poor Olive and relieves her of her sexual frustration!" The Sea Hag stands up and walks close to Bluto, her breath smelling like stale sardines, "And what do I get out of all this?" "After I have my way with Olive and put Popeye in his place," Bluto muses, "you can use your enhanced power to do whatever you want with Popeye, just leave the girl to me!" The witch sits back down beside the can of spinach. She looks at it for another moment, and finally decides to give it a try. She opens the can of spinach, takes a little in her hand and puts in on her tongue; she grimaces at the bitter taste. She finally takes the entire can and swallows it without chewing. Bluto sits for a few moments watching the Sea Hag for any changes. She closes her eyes and seems to be in a meditative trance, she mumbles a few words and Bluto thinks he sees a small smile creep across her haggard looking face. Suddenly a bright green glow explodes around the witch, she leaps out of her chair and raises her arms to the sky. Bluto is knocked backwards in his chair as he looks up and sees the Sea Hag standing over him surrounded by a blindingly bright energy field. As he gets up, Bluto laughs loudly and exclaims, "Ha! I knew it would work! Now get to work you old witch!" With clenched fists, the Sea Hag begins to mumble some indecipherable incantations. Her voice rising and falling as she casts her magic. The energy field pulses around her and soon strands of glowing green energy begin reaching out beyond the boat, out into the ocean. Her voice rises into a crescendo and another powerful energy explosion occurs around her as she finally collapses onto the floor, exhausted. Back aboard "The Olive Oyl" the boat's namesake began to feel a little strange. At first the feeling began as a misplaced restlessness, which quickly grew into a definite sexual yearning. Olive had had similar feelings before when she was with Popeye, but nothing this intense. She actually felt herself become moist in her crotch. She rubbed her hands over her small breasts, squeezing her hard aching nipples. She let out a moan that even surprised her. "You alright sweetie?" Popeye asked as he was relighting his pipe. "Oh Popeye, I don't know what's come over me, I suddenly feel all empty inside. Like I need something big to fill me up. OHHHHH!" She exclaimed even louder than before Popeye nearly dropped his pipe as he saw Olive pleasuring herself, "Olive, my gosh, what are you doing?" Olive moaned breathlessly, "Popeye, I need you. I want that big strong dick of yours! I need you inside me NOW!" He had never seen Olive this way before, but he decided he wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. He ran over to Olive as he took his shirt off and unzipped his pants. He was just getting on top of her when they both got the surprise of their lives. First Popeye looked at Olive's alarmed face who was staring at his penis. He casually looked down to see what she was staring at, and his eyes popped five inches out of their sockets as he saw his once proud cock no bigger than the size of his little toe! "Great Neptune! What happened to me?!?! My dick looks like it shrunk in the wash!" Popeye cried. At this point Olive was hornier than ever. She was in a near frenzied state. She needed something and she needed it right now. Then, just on cue, Bluto boards the boat from his small lifeboat and swaggers across the deck. "Did someone call for some stud service?" he bellowed. He pulled down his pants and let Olive take a good look at his enlarged manhood. She let out a low moan and started crawling on all fours toward her holy grail. "Bluto", she moaned, "You're so big, I...neeeeeed..you..badly.." Popeye, who was still in shock about the size of his miniature member, ran to Bluto yelling at him to get off his boat and to leave his girlfriend alone. "Listen runt" Bluto barked, pointing at his shriveled dick, "You obviously aren't up for this job, why don't you go fuck a minnow, HA HA HA!!!!" Bluto then landed a strong backhand against Popeye's face sending him flying through the air and landing his head against the brass railing. He tried to get up but everything went black as he collapsed onto the deck. "Now my little sea nymphet, let me show you how a real man can satisfy you." Bluto whispered in Olive's ear. Olive grabbed Bluto pulling him down on top of her as she passionately kissed him like a wild animal in heat. She wrapped her legs around his big waist as she started gyrating into his groin. She was moaning even louder now. The Sea Hag had just awoke from a brief unconsciousness. Casting powerful spells tended to drain her. Even with the enhancement of spinach, casting still took a lot out of her. She looked around, Bluto was long gone, no doubt to take advantage of Olive and ridicule Popeye. All thanks to her super spell! She began to feel used and taken advantage of, surely Bluto had no interest in helping her - all of this was for his benefit! "Curses to that Bluto! Curses to them ALL!" the Sea Hag spat, "I'm going to make all of them suffer!" She picked up the other can of spinach that Bluto had left, in case the first one wasn't strong enough, and emptied it's contents into her mouth. This time the magical energy came to her quicker. She was surrounded once again by a green pulsating cloud of energy; she felt the great power growing within her. She began to recite an incantation: "Olive Oyl's loins remain on fire But those who enter will be bent Their cocks are soon to tire Blocked by a solid wall of cement!" She repeated this four or five times, as the energy field increased around her, until the last frenzied recital, as before, the massive green energy shot across the water to it's intended target. Bluto's dick was now fully erect and throbbing. He was ready to enter this sexually crazed woman. This is going to be the best lay he's ever had! But as he tried to enter her, he hit a brick wall..literally! He looked down to see her pussy totally blocked by a rounded cement slab, stuck right between her thighs! "Huh? What gives? Olive get that thing off" Bluto commanded But Olive was just as surprised as he was, "Oh my, where'd that come from?" She tried to get it off but it was physically cemented to her crotch! "Oh God" she cried in desperation, "Please, I've GOT to get this off!!!!" Poor Olive was getting delirious, she was beyond horny, and the aching longing for pleasure was so great she couldn't stand it. But it was beginning to look like nothing could penetrate her newly formed cement chastity belt. Just then Popeye came to. He witnessed what was going on. He watched as Bluto unsuccessfully (and painfully) tried to enter Olive. And he saw Olive growing more desperate and frenzied by the second. Popeye had no idea why all this was happening. But he had had enough. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a can of spinach. He downed it and instantly sprang to his feet. His chest swelled, ripping open his shirt. He flexed his mighty biceps and gritted his teeth. He bounded over to Bluto. "First things first" Popeye snarled, "don't you ever learn your lesson you big palooka?" He hammered his fists into Bluto's dick, beating it to a pulp. "I never want to see that thing in front of my girlfriend again!" he yelled. Popeye then took his enormous arm, swung it around a few times as his fist grew to the size of a basketball. He connected with Bluto's chin with such a tremendous force, it shattered the windows of the boat. Bluto went flying off towards the ocean, beyond the horizon. Popeye then turned to Olive "And now Miss Oyl, it's your turn!" he said with a smile. "Oh YES POPEYE!" Olive screamed with the though of his spinach enhanced cock entering her. But alas, he looked down at his dick and saw it was still the size of a pencil eraser!!! "I just don't understand" Popeye cried, "Me spinach always does the job, look at my muscles.this isn't right." He ran down to the ship's galley where he keeps a well-supplied pantry of spinach. He swallowed another can, concentrating all it's power towards his tiny member. His muscles ripped and grew even more, his biceps exploded with more power and finally, slowly his penis returned to just normal size. Still not good enough, he thought. As he heard Olive's frenzied moaning on deck he swallowed an unprecedented THIRD can of spinach! Finally the Sea Hag's curse had worn off on him and his dick now exploded to a gigantic swollen state. He flew up the stairs to where Olive lay writhing on the floor. His dick turned into a giant jackhammer as he guided it towards Olives' cemented pussy. He started hammering away, but to both their surprise, the Sea Hag's super spell induced cement block remained intact! Only small pieces chipped away as Popeye frantically tried to penetrate her, but most of it held fast and remained solid! Olive was now past the point of no return; she knew she couldn't last another minute in this agonizing sexually frustrated state. She ran down to the galley and picked up two cans of spinach, thinking that she was going to give them to Popeye to give him more strength to break the cement barrier. But as if by instinct, she opened the cans and swallowed them both herself. The bitter green mound of spinach slid down her throat. A giant bulge hit the bottom of her feet and leapt back up to her chest. Olive's normally thin frame burst out with bulging muscles. Her small breasts exploded into large gigantic melons, sending her bikini top flying across the room. Her legs became massive tree trunk sized limbs of sheer muscle. Her mousy hair grew to a luxurious thick long mane, flowing behind her as she bounded up the stairs where Popeye was waiting for her. She laid down in front of Popeye and used her tremendous thigh muscles to try and crack the cement block wedged in her pussy. Her hands were tight fists and sweat beaded on her face as she squeezed her gigantic muscles with all her might. The cement finally began to crack. Popeye joined in with his jackhammer dick and finally between the two of them (and five cans of spinach) the concrete barrier exploded into a million pieces. Popeye was now able to penetrate Olive's wet and pulsating pussy. He pumped her hard and she met his strokes with equal thrust. Their muscles bulged as they rammed their bodies into each other over and over again. The super shock waves they created spread out around their boat for miles in each direction, causing all the boats in the area (including the Sea Hag's) to start rocking back and forth with tremendous force. Popeye was like a huge steaming piston, driving his cock ever deeper into Olive's tight and muscle-bound pussy. Olive was reaching her climax, she let out an inhuman wail and she experienced the most powerful orgasm of her life. At the very same instant, Popeye came inside Olive, with the force of a fire hose, which would have normally knocked the weaker Olive through the deck. But they hung on to each other with their muscular arms and climaxed together causing another shock wave that was ten times more powerful than the ones before. The force sent a huge tidal wave out from around the boat. It reached the Sea Hag's boat like a huge wall of water and capsized it. The great force threw her from the boat into the deep ocean. She shrieked in agony and cursed her plight as she disappeared into the deep murky waters. Olive lay on the deck, smiling, as her body quivered. Her muscles pulsated gently. She was finally relaxed and satisfied.well, sort of. With a mischievous grin, she looked at Popeye and said, "How many more cans of spinach you got down there?" The End