Poem By Lady Luck She was a pretty English lady with martial arts skills With punches, kicks and judo throws, she gave so many thrills One dark night in a backstreet alley, she was set upon By four tough guys, or so they thought, she decked them one by one A kick to the stomach and then a superb right hook to his jaw A knee in his balls and a punch to his head, put the first thug on the floor Then spinning round like a ballerina, she faced the second lout He swung a fist, she ducked, he missed. She smiled then punched him out The third one aimed a kick at her and she replied in kind Her left boot thudded to his head and almost blew his mind She followed up with a stinging right and then began to dance Then she caught him with a stunning left ad he almost wet his pants As he staggered back she sprang at him, he was so scared he froze Then she dropped him with a super punch that broke his fucking nose The last thug stood there petrified, then dropped onto his knees He begged her not to touch him, "Please don't hurt me, please!" "You men are so pathetic, you think that you're so tough Four of you to fight one woman, and that's just not enough For women are so superior, of that there is no doubt" And she dragged him up to face her, then she knocked the man clean out!