plane meeting part 4 The rest of the morning she spent in her own gym.  She worked out continuously for two hours. The spectacle was amazing.  Always using heavy weights, she swung them with an incredible furious fast rhythm and she repeatedly pushed reps to the limit .Without any rest she shifted from one exercise to another.  In no time her body exploded  into one muscle bound statue.  Rope like muscles were swelling up all  over.   Sweat was pouring off her enormous body and veins were pushing up  underneath her skin.  Looking in the mirror her body looked extremely pumped and so wide compared to mine.  Standing just behind here, her massive  muscular contour covered my figure completely. Swinging her heavy bulging arm, I had to escape out of the way not to get hurt.  From time to time she would invite me to assist her, either to increase the weight with my own bodyweight or to clean off her sweat. When she did push ups, she had blocks about 4 inches high positioned under her hands .She asked me to lay down in front of her,  my legs pointed towards her.  She did her first push ups one handed, grabbed my ankle with the other and with one short jerk she shoved me under her body,  my head facing now directly her bulging pectoral muscles.  With incredibly quick repetitions  she lowered and raised her body high up on stretched fingers, and then so deep down that her firm breasts would brush my face.  I could only but contemplate the pectoral bulging, while my upstanding rod was pearcing between her massive thighs,  my semen oiling up these enormous masses. After each exercise I started rubbing her body.  Doing this was a tremendous feeling.  She made her muscles bulge and shift and my hands could only give a superficial massage to her muscles.  But she did not want to waste time on my never ending erections.  Doing standing calf raises she had me sitting on her extremely wide back, my thighs spread open by the shifting of her lats; the up and down raises gave me a hard on.  My lengthening member climbing up her with muscle embedded spine made me cum like hell. Finally she spun her head around and blew me a kiss. After her work-out she started some vacuuming and cleaning.  I couldn't resist in assisting her though I clearly was more out to continuously tease her and try to get in her way.  But she didn't mind, as from time to time she would just push me off  guard.  I would jump on her back, push her, try to hold her brush stick from moving ... her thick, veiny bulging arms continued the job.  Nothing seemed to bother her as she just proceeded with her work . Just before noon we decided to go downtown.  She got dressed and I awaited her in the hallway.  A while later I heard her shut the door and saw a new look Jane appear. She wore a very short miniskirt revealing her imposing pilar thick 30 inch thighs, muscle fibers continously shifting.  Her deep muscular buttocks displayed marvelously through the tight skirt.  She had a t-shirt with no sleeves.  Shoulders covered just barely above her deltoids and a short V-cut showed only little of her pectoral muscularity, but was very easy to imagine.  The back was more   open, revealing the tremendously muscled shoulder plates.  Firm breasts pushed nut sized steel nipples outward.  Her t-shirt definetely showed her awesome biceps and triceps.  I still was a foot ahead of her and as she was turning to walk up, she hooked her hand in the inside of my elbow.  She laughed, clearly enjoying me taking the lead as aging couples do.  I felt annoyed at first, but after decided I was proud to walk this lady. But walking a bit further she start to move her hand over my bicep and started to squeeze.  I kind of enjoyed it, after all a woman likes to test the male strength.  Only now she increased the pressure.  Of course I resisted and flexed made my bicep to withstand it.  The pressure kept increasing and I was getting worried a little how far she would take it.  Soon I couldn't handle the strain and I feared that the bloodstream would stop any second.  Feeling the horrible pain I finally gave up.  I stopped our walk and facing my imposing lady I begged her to let loose. "Can't stand my crush on you"?, she teased. "Sure I do, but I prefer that you take the lead", I joked while I examined the state of my arm. Without hesitation she stepped up, presented her arm inviting me to hook on to her arm. Happy as a child I responded to the invitation, though I realized the switch of role play was not evident.  The palm of my hand clenched the inside of her elbow now. It didn't take long before she started her new trick on me.  She raised her upper arm causing her bicep to balloon.  As I felt my hand trapped I unconsciously moved it upward to the belly of her bicep.  I couldn't resist and fully spread my hand and fingers over the muscular mass. I saw her clench her hand into a  fist and immediately the bicep ballooned into a steel hard muscle, causing a thick vein to burst through her skin .My palm sensed the clear pump of the rushing blood . My rod jerked into a steel pole.  A large bulge strained the thick material of my levis pants from just below the zipper upwards to my belt.  She curled her wrist even more and her bicep grew now to a 19 inch balloon, pure steel;  steel threaded veins carving the now glazing surface.  Though I squeezed with all my force, the muscle ball opened my finger grip.  She curled her fingers inside her palm.  The pressure was so intense that her sinewed fingers turned pale, even her ring started to get loose around her finger.  All the time she didn't really look back, though I noticed she tried to catch a glimpse of my bulge.  Anyway I noticed the smile on her face.  She enjoyed as much as me getting harder and harder.  I was getting so aroused that my member raged into a thick, big size, wood hard baseball bat, lengthening so high up that the tip was ready emerge from under my belt.  The pain again was unbearable and walking further was getting impossible.  I slowed down, my knees getting crossed hoping to control the pain.  I pulled down on her arm to make her notice my problem.  At first she continued as if she didn't pay any attention . Finally she stopped and spun around.  Seeing the spectacle she exclaimed in laughter "oh not again, hun, we aren't getting anywhere if you can't restrain yourself a bit". She was standing in front of me.  Suddenly she hit a left arm bicep pose.  She pumped it up a few times and then again she really fisted her palm, causing fingers to press all the blood away. The result was amazing. Her bicep ballooned ....20 inches I'm  guessing, veins protruding all over her upper arm and bicep.  The ball was not only huge but it looked immensely dense and hard.  One big vein, finger thick, squeezing through the very thin skin as if it was laying on the surface.  I could sense  the pump of the blood rush, which was calm but very distinct. My penis was now visible about an inch above the belt.  The pain was extreme since it got so rigid that I started its descent downwards and this caused me to stretch my belt.  As she noticed this new record she engaged another act.  I could see that her thighs were glistening, her own juices oozing their way down.  She was getting aroused too.  With an angelic smile she dug her free right hand into her skirt and with one frenetic grip she pulled up her t-shirt to just above her firm breasts.  A marvelous washboard jumped into action.  Girating her waist it made her abs ripple and bulge.  My penis was in an extreme state.  The pain was kind of transformed in a  glorious feeling.  The power couldn't be contained and made the needle of the buckle sheered through.  She pumped and pumped her bicep, ballooning it to an amazing 21 inch steel ball.  Her abs were continously rippling in waves.  My rod was horizontal, my pants dropped to the floor and a one long spit of boiling cum hit her abs.  Her own fluids came down pouring as if it was a well.  Our eyes locked, she made a step forward causing my trembling member to be trapped against her abs.  She pushed me against the wall, lowered her arms and put them under my buttocks.  She lifted me up an inch and we remained crushingly, passionately entangled for long minutes into one melting body, on the floor a big ooze of fluids! missed earlier parts or Comments: