Neighborhood Advocate turned Outlaw by Steve b A story about a female martial arts expert using her skills to clean up the neighborhood. Patti hid in the shadows watching Chuck's Billiards and Pawn Shop. She watched gang bangers and drug dealers go in and out of this establishment. It was public nuisance to the neighborhood. Prior to Chucks Billiards, this was a nice blue collar community. Children played in the streets at night, old people sat out in their lawn chairs talking about the good old days. Since Chucks opened, all the locals went inside at night. The gangs and drug dealer took over the street. It wasn't uncommon to hear gun fire. The nice neighborhood had turned into a crack street. Patti remembered  the past 3 years, when she and all the other community leaders went to City Hall for help. They were told the police were doing all they could but the city was understaffed with qualified police officers. The neighborhood leadership attempted lawsuits against the owner of the establishment but it wasn't clear who legally owned Chucks. She watched a lot of the folks of the neighborhood give up and move to the suburbs, but a lot of the older people on a fixed income couldn't afford to move. The seniors were becoming targets for the gang bangers and druggies. When Patti's grandmother was mugged in front of her house in broad daylight, PATTI DECIDED ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH! Patti was an attorney. There was a time when she felt that the legal system could resolve all problems but watching her childhood neighborhood going to hell, she decided to use her other talents. She had been practicing taekwondo and hapkido for 15 years. During the summer, she went to ninjitsu school. Patti was adept in hiding in the shadows, silent stalking and star throwing. Patti was hiding in the shadows across from Chuck's. She had been staking the place out for weeks and decided tonight was the night. She was a very beautiful girl. She was 5 foot nine with the build of a gymnast. She was wearing the black GI of a ninja. The only part of her uniform that wasn't consistent with her dress was her rubber flip flops that she wore on her feet. Patti felt more comfortable fighting in her barefoot since her primary skill was taekwondo. A lot of the hoods of Chuck's Billiards and Pawn Shop had left when Patti made her entrance. There was only 5 of the local hoods left when she entered. Most people would be alarmed when someone walks into a business in a ninja GI with their face covered but these gang bangers weren't easily scared. It was after hours and the place was unusually quiet. The only sound heard was Patti's flip flops popping with each step. She walked to the center of the room and kicked her flip flops off and went into a teakwood stance. "This is a robbery everyone throw your wallets on the floor and I'll take the cash in the register!" Cobra, the store manager stared at her with evil eyes and laughed, "Well Miss Bruce Lee what the hell are going to do if" Before he could complete his sentence, Patti took 3 fast leaps and launched a flying spinning back kick to his head. The impact of her heal to his head made a loud smacking sound to his head. Cobra was out cold with his blood all over the floor. One of his gang brothers, Buzz ran at Patti with a pool stick striking down at Patti. She executed an ax kick that broke the pool stick and then went low and did a leg sweep to his legs that put him on his back. One of the gang brothers off to her right pulled a pistol and was leveling at her when she threw a ninja star that struck his wrist and the pistol went tumbling down. She ran forward faked a high kick to the gunman's head then through a low sidekick at his inner leg The impact broke his leg and he let out a scream she advanced on him and drove her barefoot into his jaw which instantly snapped and  thought while she was at it drove her heal into his ribs. "Have some broken ribs to go with your jaw!" The fourth gang Bangor tried to attack to charge Patti but was caught a side kick. The edge of her foot hit him in the adams apple and he went to the ground struggling for breath. Patti ran snapped a few kicks and broken jaw and broken ribs. Her deadly feet had put everyone but Buzz out of commission within thirty seconds. Patti decided that Buzz would be her slave. She charged Buzz with a variety of kicks. She aimed her kicks at all parts of his body but was pulling them. She aimed several outside crescent kicks at his head. Patti could have broken his jaw but was only wanting to stun him. She backed him against the wall a raised the side of her foot into his throat. He tried to move around her foot but her strong sexy toes kept him from moving. Buzz was about to pass out when Patti removed her foot. "You are going to tell me who the leaders of this gang is and who owns this place!" Buzz replied, "If I told you that they would kill me!". Patti replied, "Here's the deal, if you tell me when the next big drug shipment comes, I'll let you live and no one in the gang will have to know. I will expect you to keep me up to date on what's going on." Patti raised her foot and left it about a foot from his head. I want you to look at my foot. Look at my high arches and long toes. I can kill you anytime I want. You can be walking down the street on your way to get a beer and my foot could come out of nowhere and break your neck. You can't be safe from the wrath of my feet. SO DO NOT BETRAY ME. Buzz stared at Patti's feet as if he had been hypnotized. He grunted "I'll do anything you say." Patti replied, "Well good; say goodnight." She spun her right foot forward and faked the leaked in the air with jump spinning back to Buzz's head. He was out cold. Patti got all the cash from her victims wallets and cash drawer. She collected over $14,000.00 in cash and would give it to charity. All the drugs she would flush. She finished her job slipped on her flip flops and hear the pop pop pop of her feet as she left