Olive The Champ Part Five, Olive battles Mae for the cash prize The bell rings in the nick of time and Olive wobbles off on unsteady legs to her corner as Mae raises her arms in the air in celebration, and confidently strolls back to her own corner. Olive makes it to the corner but Popeye isn't there, and when she looks around the outside of the ring and sees Clyde beating the living daylights out of the little sailor, she knows she's in big trouble!!! When the bell rings for the next round, Olive is frantic to stay out of Mae's reach. But it's no use, the blonde comes sailing out of her corner like a train and catches Olive with a huge punch to the breadbasket that sends her flying backwards into the ropes. Mae's on her in a flash, pummeling her with rights and lefts from all angles, determined to destroy poor Olive and collect her winnings. A clubbing right to the top of Olive's head folds her up like an accordion but the blonde reaches down and hauls her back up by the hair, another crunching shot to the head sends her back down. The blonde beauty lifts up the outgunned Olive by the ponytail, letting her hang lifelessly in the air before unloading another crushing right to the kisser that sends her tumbling through the air onto the top rope in the corner. Olive's legs are tangled in the top rope but she's too beaten to hold herself up and slumps forward sliding down until her head bangs on the mat, her legs still tangled in the top rope. The blonde bombshell slowly saunters over to her beaten foe hauling her up by the hair again, "time to put out the trash" Mae says, and pounds another right hand to the kisser sending Olive over the top rope where she lands on Popeye. Popeye's can of spinach flys up in he air, then crashes to the arena floor shooting the contents into Popeye and Olives mouths and out of reflex they start to chew. Seconds later they're both on their feet, each one flexing to show huge rock hard muscles fully revived and ready to get back at their tormentors. Popeye took off for Clyde, while Olive leaped into the ring where Mae was strutting back and forth smiling like the cat that swallowed the canary, and when she sees Olive she just laughs, "Back for more? Well come on, stringbean, I can dish it as long as you can take it!" She cocks her arm back and unloads a haymaker only to have it catch nothing but thin air, a puzzled look on her face she throws a flurry of murderous lefts and rights but none of them are even close. Olive arches her back like a cat and leaps onto the busty blonde, a whirlwind of destruction she tumbles all over the ring with Mae punching and tearing at anything she can get her hands on. When they finally come to a stop, Mae's a ragged looking wreck, both eyes are black swollen slits, bumps and bruises all over her body, her suit is ripped to shreds, most of her long blonde hair has been pulled out and what's left is a sweaty tangled mess plastered to her head. Swaying in front of Olive she still manages to throw a couple of punches but Olive just bats them away, then uncortks a "twister" punch to Mae's huge right breast twisting it into her body until all that's left is her nipple sticking out. Another "twister" punch to the left breast leaves it looking like the right one, Mae's in shock when she looks down, but manages a couple more punches at Olive, only to have them miss by a mile. Another whirlwind series of rights and lefts has Mae backing up vainly trying to block them, a sizzling right hook catches her flush and sends her spinning around the ring like a top. She slows down only to have another whizzing hook send her gyrating off again. By the time she stops spinning every last bit of her clothing is gone, leaving her tottering back and forth, naked, dazed and defenseless. The spin around the ring also untwisted the busty blonde's breasts and their bobbing around on her chest draws Olive's attention, "My, my, I think Ole Bossy needs to be milked." With a little grin on her face, Olive grabs a huge breast in each hand, squeezes hard, then pulls down stretching Mae's big jugs like taffy until the blondes big globes hang down like two stretched out sweat socks. One more gut busting punch doubles her over, a crushing uppercut to the chin lifts her on her toes and then the blonde vixen crashes forward flat on her face, her chin resting on the mat and her big shapely butt sticking up in the air.