Olive The Champ Part Four, Olive battles Mae for the cash prize By the time Olive got to the arena, Mae was already in the ring, strutting around the ring, working every man in the crowd into a fever with a slow deliberate rolling of her hips as she walked. She looked absolutely gorgeous, dressed in a bright red bathing suit with a plunging neckline that accented her massive melon like breasts, it hugged her voluptuous form as if it was painted on, her body rippling and breasts jiggling with every step she took. When she caught a glimpse of Olive and Popeye making their way to the ring, she couldn't help but break out into shrieks of laughter. Olive was looking pretty haggard, dark circles under eyes, and her normally neat hair was frizzy and sticking up all over. She was wearing an "exercise outfit" that was so big it almost looked like a clown's outfit and was walking in a slow careful manner with her legs slightly bowed and Mae knew right away that Clyde had done his part. Popeye's eyes were glued to Mae's luscious body and he had a moony lovestruck look on his face and he almost tripped over the stairs on the way into the ring..Mae knew that the little sailor wasn't going to be a problem, her plan was right on schedule!!!! The fighters were introduced the ring was cleared and the fight was on! Olive came out slowly keeping distance between her and Mae but the busty blonde came charging out of her corner with murder in her eye, the sooner she knocks out this skinny little beanpole, the sooner its payday!! Olive doesn't want any part of the voluptuous blonde, she's too tired and sore, all she wants to do is stay away until the end of the round, then a little spinach will do the trick. Olive is doing laps around the ring to stay away while Mae slowly stalks her, taunting her at the same time, "come on "champ", let's fight. You're not afraid are you? Come on, give me your best shot," and the brazen blonde sticks out her chin daring Olive to hit her. Olive's clumsy attempt at Mae's chin hits nothing but thin air and the momentum sends her sprawling face first into the mat which brings a roar of laughter from the crowd. Embarrassed and blushing she starts to get up only to have Mae kick her in the butt, sending her sprawling forward again, bringing more laughter from the crowd, while the beautiful blonde just smiles and continues to taunt her, "some "champ", I'm going to kick your ass all over this ring, take your money, your stupid title and your man!" Olive gets up but spends the rest of the round running until the bell signals the end of the round and she trudges tiredly back to the corner. She plops down on the stool, "Popeye, I need spinach ......right now," she pleads. But Popeye is too busy gawking at Mae's luscious form to pay any attention to what Olive was saying, "yer doing great Olive, just keep it up," he says absent mindedly. Amazed, Olive looks at him confused and asked, "What're you talking about, can't you see whats going on out there?" But Popeye's attention is still riveted to Mae, she's shimmying her sumptuous breasts at him, making it almost impossible for him to tear his eyes away, and too soon for Olive, the bell rings for the next round. Olive is on the run again but Mae finally traps her in a corner, "gotcha now you skinny bag of bones," Mae says with a little smile on her face and moves in for the kill. Out of desperation Olive reaches out with one long thin arm planting it firmly in Mae's face, and try as she might, all of the buxom blondes punches come up short, swishing harmlessly thru the air. She finally manages to muscle her way inside Olives long reach and nails her right on the kisser with a "classic" one, two, that straightens Olive's ponytail. A big smile on her face, Mae winds up and tags her with another stinging left right combination that made Olive's eye's spin around like roulette wheels and when they stopped it was a big double zero. The sexy temptress rains lefts and rights down on her stunned opponent, clubbing her with every punch in the book, banging poor Olives' head back and forth like volleyball, making her see stars.