Little sister learns a lesson By Bahx My girlfriends sister learns bigger isn’t always better My girlfriend Lisa and her sister Dawn have had an ongoing rivalry since they were little, even though Dawn is 2 years younger. Their dad believed in letting them settle any arguments "amongst themselves" and made them put on boxing gloves; go to the basement or back yard and duke it out until one of them called it quits. Even though she was younger, Dawn was taller, heavier and much more aggressive than Lisa, so these little back yard battles always ended the same; with Lisa getting her butt kicked time and time again. Because of this Dawn grew to be somewhat of a bully and constantly looked for ways to goad Lisa into fights or chances to humiliate her in front of their friends. Lisa’s most humiliating moment was a backyard confrontation at a party right before her 19th birthday. Dawn beat her almost senseless then "bitch" slapped her until her face was a bright red before finally pulling her pants down and slapping her ass till it too was crimson red. Not long after that embarrassment Lisa moved out of the house, got her own apartment, a good paying job and enrolled in a kickboxing class, vowing "the next time that bitch lays a hand on me will be the last time." Some month’s went by without the girls crossing paths, but then one week end Dawn was out by the pool with a few of her friends when Lisa and I unexpectedly walked into the back yard. "My, my," said Dawn, "look what the cat dragged in. Where ya been sis? I’ve missed you. I haven’t found anyone as much fun as you to play with," she said sarcastically, "and my friends and I haven’t had any entertainment for a while, how about we give em another show? They really liked the strip show that you put on last time." and they all broke out with hoots and catcalls. "Look," said Lisa, "I’m not here to start anything, we just came by to go for a swim and lay out by the pool for a bit. There’s plenty of room for everybody, we’ll just stay at the other end and won’t bother you or your friends and before you know it we’ll be gone." Dawn got out of her lounge chair and did a virtual bump and grind on the walk over to where we were standing and stood there with her hands on her hips. Standing so close together the difference between the two sisters is like day and night. Lisa is petite at 5’ 3" tall, 105 lbs, but is somewhat curvy with a very cute face, not "model" type beauty, but certainly very easy on the eyes. Dawn on the other hand is a 5’ 8" 140 lbs voluptuous blonde with a great ass, gigantic 36DD breasts and stunning good looks make her the center of attention where ever she goes; but she's an arrogant bitch with a major attitude. "Your just being here bothers me," sniped Dawn, "but I how about this? Let’s go to the basement and settle this the way we always do. If you beat me you can stay my friends and I will leave and the pool will be yours for the rest of the summer, if not the pools mine and you leave for the rest of the summer. But I’m warning you, the last time I kicked your ass was just a preview of things to come, this time will be worse .....much worse," making her friends whoop, holler and laugh. Dawn was grinning like a Cheshire cat as Lisa looked down at the ground and stammered. "Look Dawn, I really don’t want to fight, like I said, I just came by for a swim and a little sun, so I’ll just leave and you and your friends can party till you drop." "You’re such a fucking wimp," Dawn gloated. " Take your sorry ass on out of here and don’t bother to come back" and with that slammed her palms into Lisa’s chest knocking her backwards to the ground. She turned and gave "two thumbs up" to her friends, then went over to exchange "high fives" as they laughed and giggled. The look on Lisa’s face said it all, that was the last straw and she jumped to her feet and stormed over to where Dawn and her friends were celebrating. "Ok bitch, you want it, you got it.....let’s go," said Lisa and grabbed Dawn’s long blonde mane yanking her backwards towards the house. Dawn looked stunned but quickly recovered and tore herself from her enraged sister’s grasp, "I don’t know what the fuck’s got into you, but you’ve just earned yourself a serious ass whuppin," snarled the big blonde, "I’m going to fuck you up but good." The girls headed downstairs and into a separate room that had nothing in it but two large mats laying on the floor and two pair of well-worn boxing gloves. Neither one said a word as they pulled on the gloves and waited while they were tied and when they were finally done the girls stepped to the center of the mat. Dawn, still dressed in her bikini, looked like a stripper, her huge breasts and shapely ass swayed and jiggled with every movement, it’s hard to believe that someone her age could be built like that. Lisa was dressed in a halter-top and shorts that accented her curvy little frame and you could see that she had a lot more muscle tone and definition than her more curvaceous but softer sister. "Ok sis," said Dawn, "its ass whuppin time," and with that threw a big round house right that caught Lisa on the side of the head and knocked her flat on her ass. "I think this time instead of just showing everybody your ass I’m going to show them your pint sized tits too. You should have left when had the chance, but nobody ever said you were smart." Lisa was stunned and sat there for a moment with a sheepish look on her face; she’d been caught off guard. Although the punch had stung, she wasn’t seriously hurt and quickly got back on her feet, with her hands up and a look of calm determination on her face. Dawn had a little smirk on her face, "for a minute there I actually thought you were going to put up a little fight but I guess this will be over quicker than I thought......... time to go nitey-nite baby!" She said and fired another big roundhouse right at Lisa’s head. Only this time Lisa sees it coming and easily ducks under it and at the same time pumps a straight right hand hard into Dawn’s soft belly. "Ooooofff" was all that came out of Dawn’s mouth and she bent slightly at the waist from the impact of the punch. The smirk was gone from her face and I could see that she was upset as she fired another big sweeping punch at Lisa’s head, only to have Lisa smoothly move away and counter with a crunching punch to the ribs making Dawn grunt in pain. Now Lisa was the one with a smile on her face, "what’s the matter sis? I thought you were to going to fuck me up good? Come on now, you’re not going to let a wimp get away with that are you?" she said, and whacked Dawn another crushing shot to ribs. That tear's it and Dawn launches into Lisa with both hands firing lefts and rights, hellbent on pounding Lisa into the ground. But her big sweeping punches are being caught by Lisa’s gloves and arms and aren’t really doing any damage. Lisa goads her sister on, "come on sis, that the best you can do?" angering Dawn further as she continues to throw lefts and rights with murderous intent. The big blonde is baffled at her inability to connect but keeps on pounding away knowing one of her bombs will land, but she’s running out of steam and her punches slow down until finally she stops to catch her breath. This was what Lisa was waiting for and throws a hard right hand straight down the pipe landing right on Dawn’s nose, snapping her head back and making her howl in pain. Instinctively Dawn’s hands come up to cover her damaged nose which is trickling blood and Lisa pounds home a couple more hard punches deep into Dawns soft belly, then rocks the blonde with crunching hooks to the ribs which draw grunts of pain. "I’m still waiting sis.....I’m still waiting for that "ass whuppin." Or are you just going to stand there and bleed all over the floor," taunted Lisa. Dawn looks a little unsure but launches another volley of punches at Lisa, only to have them swish harmlessly through the air, as the now elusive Lisa ducks under and counters with a searing three punch combination to the belly making the busty blonde buckle over. A sizzling uppercut catches Dawn flush on the chin lifting her up, then a straight right hand to the jaw knocks her flat on her shapely ass. The confused look on Dawn’s face says it all, she can’t believe what just happened, but she gets back to her feet, a little unsteady, but still determined to do some damage and cautiously advances towards her sister. "This ain’t over yet you little shit," the big blonde said menacingly, "when I get my hands you it’ll be a month of Sunday’s before you’re able to show your face, or what’s left of it." Lisa rips off another combination to the belly and ribs making Dawn’s big boobs shake like bowls of jello, "talk, talk, talk, is that all you’re going to do?" chided Lisa, and banged another combination into Dawn’s aching rib cage. Dawn’s arms are low to try to protect her battered ribcage and belly and seeing this Lisa plants another beautiful right hand flush on the nose, once again snapping Dawns head back. Its beginning to look like a "heavy bag" workout as Lisa peppers Dawns with a series of jabs, hooks and crosses, driving the big shapely blonde backwards as she futilely attempts to protect herself and escape the pounding that she’s taking. It’s target practice for Lisa, every thing she throws is connecting and she feeds Dawn a steady diet of jabs to the face before going back to "mine some gold" pounding the belly and ribcage making the big blonde shake and bounce with every shot. Lisa eyes Dawns huge chest and whistle’s a sharp left, right off the big girl’s huge left breast, then bangs home another left right off the right one making Dawn gasp in pain. She’s trying to get her gloves up to try to protect her sumptuous breasts only to have Lisa bang another combination off her face before digging a shot deep into her battered belly knocking the wind out of her and doubling her over. Dawn’s still gasping for breath when Lisa grabs her under the chin and lifts her face back up and you could see the fear in Dawn’s eyes, "what’s the matter Dawny? Aren’t you having any fun? Are you already tired of kicking my ass?" she asked sweetly. "I think you’re going to need a little something to remind you of how much fun this was, but I can’t decide what, lets just play some more and see if we can figure something out." Then she ripped a tremendous uppercut to one of Dawns big jugs driving it upwards and out of the flimsy bikini top, another crushing uppercut to other one and the bikini top was dangling uselessly around her neck leaving Dawn’s big melons bobbing up and down on her chest. "Whooo-eeee, Dawn’sy, those are some real whoppers all right," said Lisa, "and you sure love parading around with em hanging half out and showing them off in front of my boyfriends, don’t you? Let’s see you how much you feel like showing them off when we're done." Lisa tees off with a bruising series of uppercuts to Dawns big tits and Dawn is desperately trying to protect her immense breasts with her gloves. But when she drops her hands, Lisa shifts her attack and uncorks a string of left and right hooks to the head and face rattling Dawns head back and forth. Lisa then goes back to Dawn’s big boobs blasting each one with punishing right hands before going back to the belly and pounding home several gut wrenching shots and as Dawn doubles over she hammers lefts and rights to the big girls huge tits. Its no contest now as Lisa is just chewing her up and spitting her out; she continues firing lefts and rights into those big jugs making them jiggle and bounce around like two mounds of silly putty. A thumping uppercut to the chin straightens the buxom blonde back up; the relentless beating has the big girl out on her feet, but Lisa’s not about to show any mercy and continues to pound Dawn with lefts and rights until the busty blonde is on the verge of collapse. The devastated blonde is wobbling back and forth ready to fall, Lisa grabs her under the chin and looks her in the eye, tears are streaming down Dawns face, "No more," she mutters weakly, "please no more." Her nose is a broken bloody mess, her lips are swollen and split, her left eye is almost swollen shut and from the looks of it by morning she’ll be sporting a beautiful pair of "raccoon eyes." Her long blonde hair is a sweaty stringy snarl plastered to her head and her breasts look like she’s been hit by a truck as large purple bruises were beginning to form. Lisa slips her thumb into Dawns bikini bottom and yanks down hard, ripping the small patch of cloth and throwing it to the side. She got right face to face with her battered sister, "Who's the wimp now and who's naked?," she demanded. Dawn hesitated and didn't say anything. Lisa crashed home two more punishing uppercuts to Dawns big aching breasts making her howl with pain and asked her again, "I said, who's the wimp and who's standing here naked?" "Me, its me, its me" she blubbered. "And whose pool is it?" Lisa asked sweetly "It’s yours," mumbled Dawn "That’s right, and who’s the big stupid cow who's going to stay out of my sight this summer?" Lisa demanded. Dawn didn’t answer and just looked at the ground. Lisa grabbed both of Dawns huge breasts and smashed them together grinding them back and forth, making Dawn sob out loud, "I am," she cried, "oh please, no more, please, please, don’t hurt me anymore," she pleaded. Dawns friends had looks of shock on their faces, bewildered as to how this could have happened to the toughest girl they knew. They’d all seen Dawn fight before and she had crushed anyone who had dared to square off with her, now here she was reduced to a blubbering, whimpering fool. "Nitey-nite sweetie," said Lisa and hammered home a thundering uppercut, followed by a left hook and right cross all flush on the kisser sending Dawn crashing to the mat, out cold. She held out her gloves, "help me get these off," she asked me. After getting her gloves off, she looked down at Dawns crumpled form and decided on one last finishing touch. She took the discarded bikini bottom wadded it up and shoved it in her mouth and using the top of Dawns bikini she tied her hands behind her back, then took one of her boxing gloves and shoved the thumb of it deep into Dawns pussy. She turned towards Dawn’s friends eyes blazing, "Who wants to be next?" she said, but they were all backing away as fast as they could. "I want you all to get lost, and don’t come back" she said threateningly. They scattered without so much as a backwards glance at their former "queen," afraid that little Lisa’s wrath might come their way. "Now, lets go lay by the pool," she said, "and afterwards we can get the camera and take some pictures....I just know she’s going to want some double prints," and a big smile spread across her face. The End