Something Old Something New by G-Man The Bridal Battle The time for Christi's wedding was drawing near almost everything was ready; the guest list, guest seating in the wedding and at the reception. Registries at Lord and Taylor's, Macy's and Target's, the decorations, the minister, the license, the dresses, the tuxedos, the flowers everything! Well almost everything; I'm the groom Bernard, and my beautiful bride Christi was still upset because throughout all the preparations her maid of honor Fatima, and her matron of honor Beverly, fought. They could not agree on anything, colors, fabric, positions people would stand in, music; imagine a shouting mach in church over 'Luther or Eric Beneit it was driving me crazy! So I know Christi was upset. Two weeks before the wedding everything started to come to a head; Beverly and Fatima were barely speaking to each other or Christi and my lovely bride was at her wit's end not wanting to choose between them. An idea then came to me; Christi knew both these girls through her life's passion, sports; Beverly was her best friend since Jr. High. The did everything together, they were called "the tomboy twins' they played basketball, softball, ran track, they were the first girls to lift weights, they even were the first girls on the wrestling team. In fact my Christi is now the first female wrestling coach at Harrington High School their almamauter where she teaches math. Fatima was her protégé and best student in math and wrestling, she called her the little sister she never had. Fatima matched and surpassed records that Beverly and Christi set together; her parents were from Nigeria they met in the states while in college where they both were world class athletes. The boys at school had a running joke; they would comment on Fatima's amazing feats of strength and skill then they would point to her flawless orb-like posterior and say," she got it honest, it's in her jeans" It was obvious that there was some jealousy on Beverly's part rolling her eyes every time Fatima's accomplishments were mentioned. There was even some on Fatima's. Fatima once said, "I wonder who would have come out on top if I was there 'back in the day'?" Beverly frowned, sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes, shrugged and said under her breath, "you would have got yo' lil African @$$ whooped." The physical rivalry was not the only problem there was also the girl thing; except for my Christi these were to of the most stunningly beautiful women I had ever seen and they knew it. So the vied for the attention of the men in the wedding party which caused even greater tension between them. Christi was in tears about this so I had to think of something and I did; a contest. I proposed that the have a contest to settle who the best was; they would have a race, a weight lifting match, a cardio match; they would see who could keep up with Donna Richardson- Joyner's high impact tape and an arm wrestling contest. The winner would have one day of bragging rights and the loser would be silent throughout the rest of the wedding days. My wife thought it was a great idea except for one thing, " what if they tie?" she inquired. "Then I get my secret wish", Boo. " And what pray tell is that?"She asked. They wrestle for it in baby oil ha ha ha ha" I replied chuckling. She slapped me in the back of the head and said, "pervert!" The time came for the contest there was only, my video camera and me; I figured if they had a big audience things would get a little crazy. It to place on my uncle's ranch I made sure everyone else was gone and that everything was set up. You would swear this was the Olympics or something they both had their game faces on h#!! they did not even smile at me. The first event was the foot race; though Beverly gave a valiant effort the younger girl over took and passed her for the win. Fatima was not sportsman- like about it, " give it up grandma your day is over" she whispered in Beverly's ear. After a short break they were ready for the second event that was the cardio workout with the Donna Richardson advanced tape. At first they were even but eventually the younger girl started to run out of gas and then to misstep. Beverly said smiling, "Dang! little girl can't keep up with grandma?" Fatima rolled her eyes still huffing and puffing. The next rest period they spent eye balling one another and if looks could kill; I swear if I did not know my baby better I swear I would think they were all lovers. The next competition was weight lifting; it was to be a bench pressing test of strength, they started with 100lbs 3 sets of 10 reps and then 10 more ponds were added. They got up to 250lbs and Beverly faltered; "don't feel bad old girl you did better than anyone would expect". The last rest period came, Beverly looked fatigued and worried Fatima looked refreshed and ready to go. I was impressed with the both of them win loose or draw; Christi told me they were both the finest competitors she had ever known but that was an understatement. Now came the last of the competitions the arm wrestling; Fatima was hyped and talking noise; "ready old girl, ready to face reality?" Beverly spoke not a word they lay down flat locked hands eyes affixed on each other; I gave the signal and the struggle began Fatima heaved and strained but for some reason Beverly's momentum was prevailing. I was amazed and then it came to me it arm wrestling was 10% strength and 90% technique and Beverly had been national women's champ once; slowly but surely she pressed the younger woman's hand to the floor. It was a draw! Now what? I was only half joking with Christi about the wrestling; the baby oil part. "Well ladies it looks like you are even so do we want to cal a truce?" "NO!" they replied in unison stepping to each other nose to nose. "OK ladies there is a way to settle this but you two must swear never to tell Christi" "What is that?"Asked Beverly. "A wrestling match" "I was hoping you'd say that", Fatima said smiling. "The rules?" asked Beverly calmly. "One fall, no time limit, no wrestling holds barred, but no striking; no fists, kicks, butts to the head or face, no elbows, no biting, scratching or gauging although you can use claw holds. A victory can only be gained by submission or knockout." They both nodded their heads in agree meant. The singlette's they were wearing were drenched with sweat and disappearing into the divides of their loveliest features so they both shed them leaving only their sports bras g-strings; I turned my head and asked them if they would like me to get their shorts. They declined, Fatima commenting with an evil grin, "lets give him the best d@^^^ wedding present ever" they both broke into impish laughter. They were the same height about 5'5 1/2, same weight 135lbs; Beverly was a buttery caramel toned enchantress with straight silky indigo locks, her arms curvaceous and firm, her shoulders unusually broad for her size yet matching her womanly frame perfectly. Her back designed like a straight young tree, her stomach sexy and muscular as if her 4 kids never existed; her sweat varnished thighs and legs exhibiting every erotic striation while her sumptuous perspiration coated glutei was flexing with confident expectation. Fatima was an immaculate indigo imbued seductress, with a Lauren Hill body type; sleek, sensual, taut and powerful. Her exuberant breasts pert and heaving with the expectancy of struggle would have inspired drool in a lesser man but I maintained. Her picture perfect six pack flexed, marinated with perspiration. Her athletic posterior and thighs tremor anxiously exhibiting their unrivaled symmetrical preeminence. I thought I was going to die with perverted delight having the opportunity to observe this symphony of combative feminine flesh. This was far better than any bachelor party I could have hoped for! Well any way the fight went like this: It was a little scary they actually ran at each other growling; their head collided as they clamped on mutual choke holds. Blood was trickling down both their lovely faces as a result of their head butts it mingled with their briny physiques. At first they twisted each other creating chocolate and caramel swirled contortions that left my heart racing. Beverly crashed her butt into Fatima's hip, twisted her and slammed her to the floor Fatima keeping her wits about her head on to her choke hold and carried the cinnamon hued vixen with her. Fatima then wrapped her legs around Beverly's upper torso and began to squeezing to which Beverly replied, "Uuuuhhhh lil B!%@#!. Beverly then pushed forward with her legs pressing the back of Fatima's head to the floor, pressing her pelvis against Fatima's relieving some of the pain inflicted by the scissors hold. This maneuver wedged her head closer to Fatima's so she sneaked in an occasional butt against Fatima's forehead while maintaining gravity assisted choke. Fatima's poise was commendable during this part of the exchange many an experienced fighter would have panicked. Fatima did not panic, she simply inched her scissors hold upward on Beverly's body and with the sexy suppleness of a contortionist she slipped a leg lock onto the top of Beverly's head. Beverly responded by rocking to the side and slipping on an abdominal figure four scissors of her own. I could hear indication of air compression in their joints as frightful bone popping sounds came from them while rolling in this ball of woe. They growled and exchanged curses as they punished one another in this curiously erogenous orb. Now they grunted and moaned twisted, turning, thrusting with their puissant glutei in what could only be described a transudation soaked Kama Sutra knot. This position was so painful they could only hold so long before something gave; neither would surrender so they seem to silently agree to release each other. Both rushing to their feet, chests heavy, muscles twitching, sweat pouring, eyes red, circling one another both knowing that the next engagement would be the last for one of them. Their eyes locked, they again simultaneously screamed and ran at each other resuming their front chokeholds and more; it was inevitable that they employed their sensually curvaceous and lithe legs into the fray. The leg clenching action was extraordinary; it seemed that from their drenched pubic hair to their toes the entangled amazons were immersed in bitter conflict. Glutei flexing, shifting to and fro, perspiration glazed and aquiver; lost in the intercourse of battle. They rolled across the room back and forth tightening their holds causing each other to labor in breathing and vibrate with the trauma of conflict. I noticed gurgling sounds coming from them both along with spittle, snott, and sweat, then those sounds subsided little by little as their mid- sections displayed exaggerated epigastrium that caused their sticky sensuous abs to touch creating a smacking noise like gigantic lips kissing. Finally and all at once they ceased struggling, their arms and legs relaxed; I hurried over to see who the victor was. When I drew near to examine their war torn faces, to my surprise they were both out cold, convulsing, and frothing at the mouth; it was a draw! I attended to them both bringing them back to consciousness. The next day I had a 'sit down' with them and explained that since both failed to win, what I said from now on would be the law. They were to fulfill their duties without complaint or comment especially to Christi and if they wanted to revisit one another in combat it would have to be after the wedding. They agreed to my terms and demanded that they be able battle again in the future agreed to oversee the next match, in fact I was honored that they asked. They were the two most magnificent warriors that I have ever known. The mutual disdain for each other seemed to be replaced by a peculiar kind of admiration that allowed them to behave as ladies instead of quarreling cats during the wedding. This newfound peace made my bride ecstatic! "Who won Bernard?" "How did you get them to stop quarreling Boo?" Christi asked. "Easy Baby, I offered. "It was the naked oil wrestling ha ha ha ha!" Yea right, dream on Buddy, said Christi. G-Man