Assassin By DaVID the kid. Assassin is sent to kill beautiful Chinese princess "He’s loose in the palace!" The cry echoed everywhere through sacred walls and pillars, reverberating through the pavilions of the forbidden palace. The Han Emperor of China, Wang Ti, rose from his dragon throne, unable to contain his anxiety. The rumors were true, had come to pass like some kind of terrible omen. An assassin had been sent to kill his beautiful daughter, A-Chiao. Everywhere he looked palace guards scurried about, swords drawn. The captain came to him. "You must hide yourself, Majesty. It is Ming-Jing himself, the raging tiger. He has penetrated the palace’s inner wall." "Nonsense!" Wang Ti screamed, "He comes for my daughter. You must send your most capable men to her pavilion. Do this at once!" "Yes, my Emperor, but you must protect yourself. Ming has already killed four of our guards with his bare hands." "I thank you for your concern, captain, but we must go now, to my daughter’s quarters. Give the command!" The rumors of assassination had found their way back to Wang Ti, only after arrangements had been for A-Chiao’s, marriage. Already a radiant beauty of fifteen years, A-Chiao could command an all-important alliance with Duke Chou from the north. An Alliance with Chou would break the growing power of the warlord Tsien. If Tsien had threatened to kill the Han Emperor it would be provocation for war, so he reputedly had threatened to send an assassin after A-Chiao, whose beauty was unsurpassed in all the land. Shouts and commands erupted through out the Han palace. Finding strength in his old limbs, Wang Ti managed to keep up with the younger guards as they raced toward, A-Chiao’s quarters. Twenty guards raced ahead of him up a flight of stairs. It was too late. The door to A-Chiao’s quarters had been smashed in. Yet as the guards reached the door, none of them entered. They just stood there with a look of awe transfixed on their faces. What had happened! Why didn’t they follow their orders and kill the assassin. Breathing hard, Wang Ti reached the top of the stairs and pushed his way through them. To his Amazement, A-Chiao was okay. She had the assassin pinned to the ground, face down. She had used the incredible legs she had inherited form her mother to defeat him. The large curved thighs and calves normally hidden within her robes, were spread over the top of the assassin. She had skillfully tied his ankles and wrists behind his back, completely subduing him. She looked up, a smile emanating from her beautiful face. "The raging tiger had been entwined by the coiling serpent," she laughed, reciting a kind of peom. Ming-Jing in his black assassin’s garments squirmed helplessly beneath her legs. Truly his daughter was a wonder of all China.