Translation in english of the story "A Ilha" The Island My name is Robert and one of my bigger pleasures is to sail. Once I invited Carlos, an infancy friend, to sail and he accepted. We left about 9 a.m., in my proper boat. We sail for about 2 hours, but, without perceiving, we moved away excessively from the margin and badly could see the beach where we leave. In that day the sea was rebels, and would be hard to come back. We could not see nothing beyond water all sides and I forgot my compassing. We were lost. We passed some time thinking about what to do when we saw an island.far away. Our provisionses already were over, so, as the sea was a little calmer, we were in route it. There arriving we brought alongside the boat and we decide to get in the jungle and look for something to eat. After some minutes walking we found something that left us impressed. There was a specie of aboriginal village there, however, with two details that differentiated it of a normal tribe: one of them is that it was all composite for women. Women of all the types and etnias, whites, blacks, blond, etc. The second and more impressive particularitity was that they were all enormous, with extremely muscular bodies, that could jam us with one arm. We were still admirated when we felt that someone grasped us for backwards. One of the women saw us, approached and lifted us without demonstrating the lesser effort (me and Carlos together weigh around 170 kgs), and was loading us inside the village. We start to debate us so that in she released us, to what she answered with a light squeeze that seemed that would break our bones. We decide, for our good, to wait and see where she was taking us . In little time we arrive in the presence of a woman who seemed to be the leader of the village. She was very beautiful, and was bigger and stronger than all the others (if it was possible). She explained us that in that island the men served only for procreation and as enslaved, and the children, if were born men, would have the same destiny then the others, but if they were women, they would be trained since early age as them all had been. She also said that our destiny would be as of the other men, except if we could superbake the challenge she would propose. We would have about 30 minutes walking for the village and choosing each one a woman to fight in a combat without weapons. The victory would mean the freedom, the defeat, the perpetual slavery. We accept and we leave in our search, that didn't seem to be good, therefore each those women was probably stronger than 6 or 7 men together .We were already thinking in accept our destiny without having to pass for a fight without victory possibilities, when a vision fulled us of hope. Two girls of, in the maximum, 16 years, talked gladly far away. They used clothes that covered almost their full bodies, but we could perceive that they were a bit fats, a little stronger than girls of their ages, but nothing that could cause us great problems. We direct our decision to the leader of the village, who said that the fight would be in the following day. We were led to a hut where we ate and slept, and we would be fine in the following day. Two women had been taking care of us, so that we did not run away, but we didn't even cogitate this possibility, so certain that we were of our victory. ... In the following day I was led by one of them until a specie of arena, where the fight would occur. There was much agitation and some women were around to attend the event. The woman who brought me explained that Carlos was led to another arena, a little distant of mine. She also said that events as that one were rare, therefore so much movement. I asked if some man already had profit and she answered that never. I told her, with much confidence, that this time would be different, and she answered with a laugh. That disdain let me with so much anger that I almost started a fight with here right there. I contained myself, cause she was much bigger and stronger then me, but I promised that it would deduct in my young challenger. . And there i was, in the arena, in front of my challenger and with all the women around against me. I started to feel mercy of her, after all, I had more than the double of its age and decided not to hurt her a lot. The fight went to start and she took off the clothes that was using, leaving me terrified. She was extremely strong, and not only fat, as I had thought. She had a very muscular body. I had never seen someone so strong (except, of course, for that island), not even men. She should have 3 times my size. She used very small clothes, that covered only the close parts. The fight started and she came walking in my direction. As I did not have alternative, I also went to fight, knowing about my almost null possibilities. We grab each other and I tried to push her behind, without sucess. In a little time and with much easiness she passed the arms around mine, hugged me, almost breaking my bones and throw me behind. The crowd that attended vibrated, and I was in the soil, with the body in pain of the squeeze, while she looked at me, as if she was asking: "Is it over?". I decided to continue and ran in its route, but she quickly held my neck with one of her hands and lifted me. I was hung by the neck almost without air, and she wasn't demonstrating to effort some. I was geting red when she throw me behind. I was in the soil when she said: -"So you thought that, as i'm a a young girl, you would be successful easily, right?But all the men who come here choose me thinking the same thing, and I always finish them, and with you it won't be be different. However, I think I will give you a chance. Come on, try to beat me. I won't react." She got stoped , waiting an attitude. Well, that was my possibility, and I went close to her. I congregated my forces and gave her a punch. I beat well in the belly. She didn't even move and I cried out of pain. It seemed that I had broken all the fingers of the hand. She and all the others women that were attending started to laugh at me, leaving me humiliated. That let me furious, in mode that I hugged her and started to press with force. She had no reaction, saying, with debauch air: -"Wow, how strong you are. You are killing me. Let me try." And pressed me with as much violence that I started to cry out of pain, while felt my bones almost being broken. I started to beg for mercy, so that she didn't kill me. She freed me, saying: -"Sorry, but the show must go on. " With these words the slaughter started. punches, kicks, and all kind of physical aggression, and also psychological, therefore at the same time she beat me, she also insulted me, calling me weak, needy, idiot, among others things. And the interesting thing was that she beat strong enough to cause pain, but weak enough so that I was not knocked-out, keeping me conscientious, cause she wanted that I felt everything, what showed a sadist side in that almost infantile face. In the end of that I was finished, with marks for the whole body, and did not have forces even stand up, while she did not seem to have even sweated. she lifted me to take me to the cell of the men, but before she would take me to see as my friend was going. When we arrive in the other arena I only had time to see the other girl (so strong as another one, as I already had imagined) giving a punch in Carlos that throw him far and let him unconscious. He was taken to the cell, as well as I. There were men and boys in that prision, but we could not continue there. We had to scape. End Suggestions for a possible continuation, send to