The steel girl By CDR She is most powerfull girl in everything. Its the year 2005 and the place is the world-wide championship Ms. and Mr. Ultramuscle in New York. This championship is the new version of the Ms. and Mr. Olimpia, but the concurrence has increased a lot in the last years, turning it into a forced point of encounter of the most famous stars of the movies, sports and jet-Seth. Science in the sport of the female bodybuilding has taken great steps in short time, allowing the arise of stars like Alphie Newgirl and Joana Needmusc, who, compared to the 1999 competitors, would make them look like little school girls. The athletes of this year were arriving. The limos leave the stars in the entrance and then they walk trough a long red carpet. This year, in front of the multitude, Pamela Anderson and Leonardo Di Caprio are applauding freneticaly, when they are not holding hands. Five minutes before time one long silverplated limo parks at the entrance. The multitude awed in shock when the driver stepped down. She was an enormous a 2m tall amazon and her wack was 1m wide. Her long and muscular legs threatened to explode trough her red leather pants on each step. Her red high-heel shoes walked to the back door of the limo and stopped. Soon the graceful fingers of the amazon opened it and from the dark the most sensuous foot of the world arised . Her toe nails are painted silver and match perfectly with the metallic high-heel sandal that covers, with a few cables, the perfect golden tonality of their skin. Attached to it was a spectacular leg that made Pamela die with envy. Pamela's heart almost stopped when she saw the rest of the girl's incredible body. From the limo emerged the most sensous creature she could never imagined, a blond girl of 2.10m of height, with breasts bigger than a pair of basket balls, a super-thight litlle waist, glutes of steel and even harder legs. The austanding living sculpture was dressed with a TITANIUM bikini linked together with heavy chains. Her arms and forearms were covered with bracelets of the same metal. With each step the carpet bursted in flames under her feet. Pamela glanced at her and the girls shining gray eyes took control of her soul. Her delicate face was so sexy it almost hurt. Suddenly she looked at her with such raw sexual power that almost immediately Pamela felt as her libido exploded out of control. She forced Di Caprio to kiss her. He could feel as he also had been affected on the same way. Driven crazy of passion, they gived each other the more penetrating French kiss of their lives and when they looked back, still holding each other lustfully, both could see as the steel girl reinforced her glance even more, approaching her long silverplated nails to one of her extraordinary breasts. This was simply too much, Pamela felt that she was runed over by an orgasm the size of a transatlantic and immediately another one of the double of intensity, another one still more powerfull, and another one... Both actors fell to the floor in the middle of shouts and espasms of éxtasis. With this half of the witnesses passed out, but this girl was just beginning. When the monumental adolescent was half of the carpet, one of the assistants of the event security commented to its companion, wispering, that if she were so sexy she had to be a total jerk without brain. As soon as he finished the phrase the steel girl turned around abruptly and walked towards him, fixing her glance into one of heavy the steel posts that, locked to the floor, supported the heavy chains that separated the multitude of the footbridge. Soon the post began to shake, with increasing violence. The security guard observed perplex as the gesture of the sensuous teenager turned furious, her red sensual lips opened slightly by moments to show her perfect white teeth. Suddenly the steel post was violently ripped of the floor and chains. The voluminous post remained floating in the air maintained by the colossal mental force of the powerful teenager. When all thought that she was about to drop it the post began to bend by the half with a strong sound of protest and soon enough she bended it a second time before sending it, with a strong head turn, towards the sky, not without before breaking the ceiling with a loud rummble. Just before the door a young and sensous millionaire girl acomodated her strip of mink, watching her with self-centered air. When she realized that the incredible adolescent noticed her gesture she started to shake in fear, but the steel girl didnt do more than look at her enormous amazon bodyguard and snapped her fingers. Immediately a group of amazons in suits appeared from nowhere holding black portfolios. One by one they opened the portafolios at the girls feet draining the content to the floor. Several million of dollars were accumulated at the sensuous feet of the young amazon. Soon she gathered a package and trow it to the millionaire who was exploding with envy. After this she just continued walking by the red carpet until she arrived at the end of it. When her feet touched the concrete, it cracked violently exploding in all directions. Finally she arrived to the door and an enormous guard of security said to her, with a naughty smile, that she could not pass unless she were a bodybuilder. The face of the steel girl changed and a guttural sound could be listened, like a giant black panther growing in her throat. She flexed her arms into the classic double biceps pose with her long fingers pointing to them, soon with a sensuous Umf! shen caused her biceps to grow extraordinarily, causing the steel bracelets that she was wearing to cry desperately seconds before exploding in a thousand pieces, but she did not stopped with this. She continued flexing her, now gigantic arms again and again. With each flex her formidable herculean biceps added more and more raw muscle mass, 70cm... 80cm... 95cm... Soon all her muscles began to grow in violent and uncontrollable form. Her musculature increased so much that the hard titanium of her bikini was overcomed almost instantly. All the titanium chains and cables that maintained her armor together exploded one by one. The back of the girl turned so wide, mighty and amazingly muscled that she looked like an enormous cobra preparing to attack. Her legs were transformed into a pair of super-muscled-oaks. She tooked of her sandals and stood up on her toes. Her calves eruptively jutted out into huge diamond shaped muscles. They growed so much that they could be seen learly from the front. Her arms didnt stopped their growth for a second and they had surpassed the height of her shoulder and were around of 120cm of circumference. A fight started between her forearms and extraordinary biceps. The security officer passed out frightened and the steel girl was in front of the armored door of 3m * 3m. Finally her fists and forearms began to shake and with a powerfull roar she pushed her biceps so big that they touched her fists at the time the heavy door was ripped of the hinges along with several bricks by the unstoppable psychic blow. Where it used to be the door now was a smoking opening of 4m wide and in the middle of this, the naked silhouette of the most powerful person of the world. Moments later she entered the podio where the judges gave her the first place with no need to see the other contestants.