Sheila By Pedro A small airplane flew for the African forest, when suddenly it forms a great storm and one of the rays reaches a wing of the airplane, and the airplane you shatters in the deep of the forest. In the airplane the family Grenn formed by Mr Jonh, Ms Ann and its daughter Sheila traveled. In the accident died the father and the mother, while Sheila survived. She had 14 years she was blond of blue eyes and their constitution was strong, because in the school toward a lot of sport mainly swimming and athletics. In spite of their short age she could survive in the forest, since she fed of the fruit of the trees, of fish of the rivers and of small animals that it was able to hunt. So it was the time happening and after 6 years Sheila had become a real woman. Their body had become that of a supermusculous woman, of big biceps. she every day will take a bath to some small waterfalls, taking a bath undresses, for what was observed their musculous arms, their fibrous body and their voluminous legs at the same time that she had a soft skin. Along their life in the forest she had fought against lions and crocodiles, but their big enemies of she was the men of a tribe that were always pursuing her. One day she went walking for the forest, when she met with two men of the tribe and they began to fight. She catches one of them and she hug him with their arms and began to press very strong and she began to lift it of the floor, when she had it caught in the air, her arms were tightened a lot but and the man began to give strong screams, she to make it remain silent him gave a butt leaving it unconscious, meanwhile the other man had surrounded it from behind and he had surrounded her with their arms but she gave him with the elbow in the belly and she leave him without breathing then she brings near to he and it put a hand in the neck and another in his crotch, then all their muscles were tightened and she lifts him of the floor she stops later to lift it over head. She was completely furious and one could see their great body their arms they were very muscular and their nipples were hard as stone, so she began to walk while it maintained the man lifted on their head coming closer to a ravine and throwing the man to the bottom of the ravine. Meanwhile the other man had wakened up and he rushes furious toward her, but she saw it come and she hit him a punch in his face, for afterward to give him a kick in the belly. The man fall to the floor and she went him and it put one of their musculous legs above his. The man saw that she was very strong and that all its body was supermusculous. Then she bow down and with their two arms she lift the man of the floor and it pressed the man's face against their nipples, she wanted to suffocate it against their nipples and the man began to scream but she continued pressing it against his nipples, until the man accent of screaming, then she caught it in arms with his muscular arms and she lift it over her head. She went with the man over her head toward where all the men of the tribe were, then she told to them that the following one that dared with her would pass him the same thing that to their partner,then tightening all their muscles throws to the man then against their partners. She was very happy because she had given a cudgelling to the men of the tribe and wise that then would be afraid hers and she could live calm in the forest. But Sheila was mistaken the men of the tribe were not defeated. They make a meeting to attack Sheila when her this sleeping in their small hut. They are chosen five man of the tribe to carry out the mission, they are the men but strong of the town. It was completely at night and Sheila carried out the physical exercises before going to bed. She is hung of a bar and with their musculous arms herself rises above the bar but of a thousand times and to finish training he/she ends up lifting a stone of but of 500 lb of weight.It has made that their body becomes every time more in a very musculous body, where one can observe each one of its muscles from the feet until the head, she knows that she is a very powerful woman and that it can conquer easily anyone with one alone of her muscular armsShe also possesses a very beautiful body with some very potent legs and a stomach full with biceps and hard as the steel. When it was only listened the noises of the animals, the five man they came near to the hut where Sheila lived, they walked slowly to make little noise so that Sheila didn't wake up. They wanted to catch Sheila when she was sleeping because it will be this way the only form of being able to her to conquer. They entered one to one through the window, because Sheila always slept with the open window so that the breeze of the jungle caresses its naked body when she slept But that night Sheila didn't sleep deeply and the steps of the men inside the hut woke up Sheila, she rises quickly of the bed and she came near toward the first man giving him a strong punch against its face that it leave him completely unconscious, their arms of Sheila was musculous and agile for that quickly could repeat the punch against three of the men being also unconscious. In that moment the man that was still of foot began to cry of fear, but Sheila catch him among his arms and she began to press him until leaving it totally without breathing, it stops at the end to allow it to fall to the floor. Sheila had killed a man but he even had left four more, all they were unconscious in the floor, then Sheila caught one of them and she mount it to him in its shoulders, but suddenly the man woke up and he began to scream, then Sheila went out quickly with the one in arms of the hut and she saw a tree that had a branch that stood out down, which finished in tip. Sheila put on quickly under the branch and she ascended with its powerful arms to the man against the branch, for what the man was crossed by the branch and he died. Meanwhile the other three men had already gotten up of the floor and they had seen as Sheila had killed their partner. Sheila had made a great physical effort and the drops of perspiration fell hers for the forehead to continue through its hard chests and to travel all its musculous body. She wise that should kill the three men that were so that this way they didn't bother hers again more. Suddenly one of the man one rushes on Sheila, but she stop him at the same time putting the hand on the man's neck to lift him of the floor with a single hand that their hand pressed the man's neck until breaking it. Now alone she had left two men and she should kill them quickly since she was a little tired. Sheila rushes quickly against the two men and again she catch them at both for the neck, each one of them with each one of their musculous arms and without carrying out effort none she was them lifting both at the same time of the floor and the two men began to scream due to the fear that they had Sheila. Then Sheila told them that they could scream, but nobody will listen to them. In that moment all the muscles of Sheila were very tense and the big biceps could be seen that she possessed. Sheila began to press at the same time in a strong and slow way the necks of the men that she had them lifted above the floor, suddenly a crack was heard that was the necks of the men that Sheila had broken up them with its powerful hands, so first it loosed one of them that fell to the dead floor, stops later to make the same thing with the other one. After burying the bodies from the men Sheila return to their hut, as her body it was sweaty she nude completely to be given a bathroom, the perspiration fell hers through its body, Sheila wanted to relax its body a little since it was completely tense, then to relax she began to be caressed its body smoothly while she was taking a bath, she began to go its hand first by its face to go lowering little by little through its neck, she caresses its nipples with its long fingers, to arrive until its musculous stomach where she caresses its abdominal ones smoothly. For she finish it began to go their hands by their powerful legs. She wise that she was a very strong woman and that could win any man easily, their body was more musculous that the of a man and its arms a lot more strong, Sheila could lift trunks of trees about of 500 lb without to get tired and to break the coconuts with simply a punch. Sheila was pleases then they would no longer bother it more the men of the tribe and she could live in the forest in a calm way, Sheila didn't have him fear to anything then wise that had she mount of force and nobody could never win her in a fight body to body.