Karen 18 and 19 So I thought it might be fitting to tease you all with the next chapter of 'Karen'. I haven't worked on it for a while because it's hard coming up with new stuff for women to do with a shrinking man. However, I've thought of a new route to take and now the inspiration has taken me. So, for those who may not remember where we left off I'm posting Chapter 18 and Chapter 19 together. Enjoy! PS I have had some fun collaging and my pictures are in Yahoos 'Giantess Utopia', Battle Puppet's excellent club. I've also posted some in my Yahoo photo section. Chapter 18 Christy didn’t even need to open the cage door, she simply dropped me through the bars and onto the soft pillow. 'Sleep tight, Shrimp.' She said and blew me a kiss. Christy watched TV for a while before falling asleep next to Karen. Karen was still covered in chocolate syrup. In the multicolored light from the TV made her skin look almost alien. I imagined for a moment that I was no longer on earth. That I was in fact trapped by these giantesses and taken to their world, halfway across the galaxy. Somehow, that made me feel better. I guess the hope of having someone, somewhere my size was comforting. I wondered what my future was going to be like. No matter what’s in store for me I know I’m going to have some fun. With that thought, I fell asleep. I awoke the next morning to find Christy helping Karen into the bathroom. Karen didn’t look so good, she must be hung over. They were in the bathroom when Ana came in. Ana took one look at the chocolate covered sheets and cursed under her breath. She immediately pulled them off of the bed and carried them into the hallway. She returned a minute later and remade the bed. When she was done, she knocked on the bathroom door. 'Senorita Christy?' she called. 'Is everything alright?' The door opened and Christy poked her head out. 'Karen’s not feeling so good.' She said and looked at me. 'Shrimp, your awake. Ana, could you take care of the little shrimp for me?' Christy said. 'Gladly.' Ana said and practically ran to the cage. She saw that I had shrunk again and smiled. 'Good morning Senor!' She said opening the cage door and extending her hand inside. 'Hi Ana.' I said hopping into her palm. Her gigantic fingers with their two foot long nails closed around me as she removed me from the cage. 'How are you feeling this morning?' She asked holding me at chest height. 'Like I was beaten up and left for dead!' I said feeling my sore muscles groan as they were pressed by Ana’s powerful fingers. Ana carried me to the kitchen. She placed me down onto a soft oven mit and filled a shallow bowl with hot water. She placed the bowl on the countertop and stuck her finger in to test the temperature. 'This should make you feel better!' she said and dropped me into the steaming bath. I leaned my back against the wide rim of the bowl and enjoyed the steam. 'I’m going to get you some bath oil.' Ana said and walked out of the kitchen. No sooner did Ana leave, then Andrea walked in. Her hair was a mess and her eyes were barely open. 'Morning Andrea!' I said as she walked past me. She opened a cabinet and pulled out a bowl. She put the bowl next to mine on the counter and fished a spoon out of a drawer. 'Hi Andrea!' I shouted. She was wearing a robe which wasn’t tied and I caught my first view of Andrea’s breasts. She next went into the pantry and retrieved a four story high box of cereal. She mistakenly poured the cereal into the bowl that I was in! 'Wait! Andrea!' I screamed as she put the box down on the counter. As I struggled through the monstrous flakes ,the sleepy girl next went to the refrigerator and pulled out the milk. She opened the container and poured it over the cereal. 'I’m in here!' I yelled at the top of my lungs and she still didn’t hear me! She placed the milk back into the fridge and shivered. The cold air must’ve hit her naked skin. She clutched the robe to her, picking up her spoon and the bowl I was in! 'Andrea!' I screamed as she carried the bowl over to the breakfast table. When she placed the bowl down I tried to climb over to the side but her spoon dropped right in front of me! As she lifted the spoon towards her open mouth I rolled off the side and fell back into the bowl. I was underneath layers of cereal as she scooped up more and shoveled it into her mouth. Again I tried to climb over the side and again I was carried up by the spoon towards her mouth. This time I grabbed what I could of the handle and swung over the side as she slid the spoon between her lips. I dangled there as she chewed noisily. 'Help! Andrea!' I screamed as she leaned on her elbow, and brought the hand that held the spoon to her head. It was way too high for me to jump now. 'Andreaaaa!' I screamed as she shivered and shook the spoon so hard that I lost my grip and fell. Luckily I fell into the sleeve of her oversized robe and tumbled down the warm fabric to her elbow. As I lay there in the soft cotton next to her arm I heard a phone ring. Andrea’s arm moved like lightning as she reached for the cell phone in her robe pocket. I slid down her sleeve again and into the pocket just as she was pulling out the phone! 'Hello?' She said in a groggy voice. 'Oh hi Cindy! I’m eating breakfast, give me twenty minutes.' She listened for a moment and then said 'toodles!' I was afraid she would put the phone back in the pocket, but she didn’t. Just then Ana came walking back in. 'I’m sorry I took so long Roberto, Senorita Karen is very sick! Here’s the oil for your bath.' I heard and then came the gasp as she realized that I wasn’t in the bowl. 'Not again!' she cried. 'Andrea! Did you see little Roberto?' Ana cried. 'What?' Andrea said slowly. 'Little Roberto! I left him in this bowl! He was taking a bath!' I could picture the scene in my mind. Ana looking at Andrea. Andrea looking at Ana. They both look at the bowl in front of Andrea. They both scream! 'Don’t tell me that I ate him!' Andrea yelled. 'Poor Roberto!' Ana screamed. I heard the sound of crunching flakes as Andrea and Ana searched the bowl for me. 'Wait a minute! I would have seen him!' Andrea said. 'No. You wouldn’t have.' Ana replied. 'It would have been pretty hard for me not to notice a six inch tall man in my cereal!' Andrea yelled. 'He’s not six inches tall anymore.' Ana said. 'What?!' Andrea croaked. 'How small is he?' 'Oh small enough.' Ana said. She must’ve given Andrea an idea of how small I was because Andrea started running. 'Don’t throw up in the toilet! You might flush him!' Ana screamed as she followed Andrea up the stairs. Ana helped Andrea as she puked in the bathroom sink. I thought it amusing that Christy was probably helping Karen do the same thing in another bathroom. 'He’s not there!' Ana yelled happily! 'Thank God!' Andrea said and almost sat on me as she slumped to the floor. 'If he’s not here, where is he?' she asked. I was finally able to climb out of her pocket and onto the floor. I ran out into the open waving my arms. 'I’m down here!' Ana saw me immediately. 'Roberto!' She said and picked me up. 'Where did he come from?' Andrea asked. 'I’m so happy that you’re okay!' Ana said pressing me to her enormous lips. I explained what had happened as they both went back to the kitchen. 'Wow, I guess I need to be more careful.' Andrea said. Ana filled the other bowl and poured in some soothing oil for me. I enjoyed my bath as Ana cleaned up the spilled cereal on the breakfast table. As Ana was drying me off the doorbell rang. She carried me in the towel as she answered the door. I had deja-vu from yesterday when Shannon found me at Ana’s feet. This time I was in her hands and it wasn’t Shannon at the door. A cute brunette with wavy hair and pretty eyes was there. 'Hi Ana. Is Andrea ready?' the girl said. 'I’m afraid she’s still in the shower Cindy. She’ll be a couple of minutes. Why don’t you come in and sit down?' Ana offered and the girl walked in. Cindy was wearing a sundress that was short and tight in all the right places. She wore shiny sandals on her feet. 'Would you like some breakfast?' Ana asked. 'How about cereal!' I yelled but neither of them heard me. 'No thanks. I just ate.' Cindy replied and sat down on the couch in the living room. 'Well if you change your mind, I’ll be in the kitchen.' Ana said and carried me back inside. Ana fed me crumbs of a blueberry muffin and sips of milk from a goblet made for dolls much larger than me. When we finished she carried me back upstairs to check on Karen and Christy. Christy was just tucking Karen back into bed when we walked in. 'Shh.' Christy hissed. She left Karen and walked with us back into the hallway. 'She is so hung over!' She said smiling. Christy held out her hand and Ana placed me in it. 'Shrimp, you look good enough to eat!' She smiled. Ana and I laughed. 'What?' Christy just looked at us. Christy ate breakfast, showered and dressed. She wore a sleeveless, button down shirt tied under her breasts, short denim shorts and sneakers. She stuffed me into her cleavage and grabbed her car keys. 'Where are we going!' I yelled at the giant girl. 'To see Dr. Armstrong.' She said and jumped into her car. I was overwhelmed by the amount of flesh that surrounded me. I imagine a similar feeling could be had by stuntmen who fall into those bags from up on high. Her breasts weren’t quite hot air balloons, but they were close enough for me! I looked up at Christy, her hair blowing in the wind and a smile on her lips. She apparently liked to drive fast and was doing some speed down the winding roads of this wealthy neighborhood. At three inches tall it was amazing to see the trees fly by as Christy sped down the wooden lane. I couldn’t calculate the proportionate speed, but it seemed that we were going much faster than seventy miles an hour. Twenty minutes later I was on one side of a large magnifying glass looking up at one gigantic blue eye on the other side. We were inside Dr. Armstrong’s lab. 'Well, you look to be in good shape considering what happened yesterday.' Michelle said pulling the glass away. Instead of one huge eye, her huge beautiful face filled my view. 'I’m a little sore.' I said as she lifted me up between her fingers. 'I’ve never given a painkiller to someone who only weighs a few ounces.' She smiled. 'Christy, get an ibuprofin tablet and crush it up.' Christy went into a cabinet and pulled out a single pill. Using a mortar and pestle she ground the tablet into a powder. 'Now Rob, I want you to only take a small amount. I have no idea what this will do to your physiology but I hate to think of you being in pain.' She said and using her finger she pressed it into the powder. She held her finger tip out to me. I picked up two small pieces about the size of a normal aspirin. I swallowed them with a little water from a dropper that the Doctor held for me. Michelle then carried me to her office and set me on her desk next to her huge coffee mug with the large, red lipstick mark on the rim. Christy sat in the chair that Karen sat in the first time we were in this office. Dr. Armstrong took a sip of coffee from the enormous mug and cleared her throat. 'Rob, I’m going to be blunt. I’m worried about you. I know I said that I thought you’d only shrink to around three inches, but now that I’ve seen you I can’t honestly say when you’ll stop shrinking.' She said, her voice trembling. 'Michelle…um Doctor Armstrong.' I started. 'It’s okay. You can call me Michelle.' She said lowering her head down to hear me. 'You’ve been great to me and I can’t blame you for not finding out what’s causing me to shrink. You’ve done all you can.' I shouted. 'Thank you.' She smiled. 'Rob, I’d like to keep you here overnight for observation. Just in case you shrink again.' 'I guess that’ll be alright.' I said. Christy called Karen and let her know what was going on. She was fine with it considering her condition. I spent the day in Christy’s cleavage as she went around her normal volunteer duties. It was amazing! From my position, I looked down upon people who were giants to me! There weren’t many children there that day as it was Saturday and beautiful outside. 'Having a good time in there Shrimp?' Christy asked me as she sat down to do some filing. 'This is great!' I yelled back. 'I’m surprised you haven’t humped yourself silly by now!' she smiled. 'I’ve been enjoying the view!' I yelled. 'Well good!' she said pulling me out by pinching my hips between her long nails. 'Because having you in there has made me horny as hell!' She said placing me on the desk in front of her. She stood and looked around. God was she big! It was like looking up at a skyscraper! Christy quickly unzipped the fly on her shorts and dropped me into her panties! With two fingers of one hand she spread her lips and slid me between them with one finger of the other. I was instantly engulfed in her heat as her moist lips wrapped around me! 'Now, do what you do best little man!' She said and zipped her shorts back up. With my face directly in front of her clit I had little choice but to start licking the basketball sized nub. I moved my hands up and grabbed it as she sat back down at her desk and crossed her legs. 'Oh…that’s good!' she said and wiggled her hips in approval. I ran my hands over her clit as my feet explored the entrance to her pussy. Needless to say my feet quickly became wet. I felt Christy moving but I couldn’t tell if she was writhing in ecstasy or simply walking around doing her work. I pulled myself up so that my dick was at the height of her clit and began humping it. I definitely heard Christy moan. Suddenly the zipper opened and light poured in! One hand came down and covered me with the palm as she inserted her long middle finger into herself. She mashed me into her clit as her finger lovingly stroked her on the inside. As before I felt, rather than heard her heart beat through the soft flesh of her labia. Christy’s moans became louder and higher as the pace of her finger increased to a frenzy! Then, just as it happened last night I was caught by friction and shoved by her finger deep inside her! I was pushed and jabbed and jabbed and prodded by her huge finger as she orgasmed furiously! I was caught inside as her muscles tightened spasmodically around me, squeezing the breath from my lungs and drowning me in cum. A few moments later, I heard something squish around and poke the bottom of my foot. I imagined it was one of her long fingernails as she probed around for me. I felt it again and this time the tip of her finger hit me and actually pushed me deeper inside her! I felt her racing heart actually speed up as I heard the squishing sound her finger made while it searched feverously for me. I tried moving towards her finger but her walls were too slippery! No matter how hard I kicked and struggled I couldn’t gain an inch. It was getting too hot for me and I knew the air would run out soon. I felt Christy moving and then she went horizontal. Suddenly, there was light as two large steel beams gently grasped me by the ankle and dragged me out. Dr. Armstrong breathed a sigh of relief when she saw me laying there in her rubber gloved palm choking on Christy’s cum. 'Is he okay?' I heard Christy ask. 'I’m fine!' I yelled up at the Doctor who was again on the other side of the magnifying glass. After she cleaned me up and had a long discussion with Dr. Armstrong, Christy kissed me and placed me in Dr. Armstrong’s waiting palm. 'See you tomorrow.' She said as the doctor locked the door behind her. I asked Michelle to put me on the floor as she did paperwork in her office. 'I’ve been held so much, I never get a chance to stretch my legs anymore!' I yelled as she gently held her hand down. 'Now, don’t get underfoot. I don’t want to step on you!' she smiled. 'Here. My shoes will be the boundary.' She said slipping her pumps off and placing them about a foot away from her chair. 'you stay on that side and I’ll stay on this side. This way there won’t be any accidents.' I watched as she slid her chair back under her desk and continued working. I stood for a moment next to the black sling back pumps with heels higher than me and remembered shining Karen’s shoes. With a piece of tissue I found under her desk I went to work buffing the black patent leather. It took me about twenty minutes to do one shoe but I couldn’t readily reach the strap. So I climbed into the shoe and made my way up the slope of the sole until I was sitting on the edge of her heel. 'You’re doing a great job!' Michelle suddenly said from above me. I was startled! I lost my grip and slid down the length of her sole and into the dark toe of the shoe. 'Oh my!' She yelled and picked up the pump. She brought the pump around and looked into the toe at me. 'Are you alright in there?' She asked. 'I’m fine!' I said poking my head out. Suddenly, the expression on Michelle’s face changed. She went from a caring doctor to a curious, sexual women. She smiled. 'Is there enough room in there for me?' She asked. 'Huh?' I was wondering what she was talking about. 'Rob, I’ve got to tell you.' She paused and sat straight up in her chair. 'I was very fascinated by Kate’s story yesterday.' She said running her index finger across the toe of her shoe. 'Okay?' I said helping her get it out. 'Well, did it hurt when she put the shoe on with you in it?' she bit her lip. 'Ahh, no it didn’t.' I said now knowing that she wanted to put her shoe on with me in it. Michelle laughed nervously. 'Do you think… that I could, you know.' 'Put the shoe on with me in it?' I said. She nodded excitedly. 'Sure. But if I start pounding your toes take it off. Okay?' I said. 'Yeah! Of course! I would never want to hurt you.' She smiled. 'Little man.' Michelle brought the shoe down and slipped her nyloned foot inside. I pushed myself as far as I could into the pointed toe as I was once again enveloped in darkness. Her big toe pressed against my head but didn’t hurt me. Her other toes squirmed against my body and legs. 'If you’re okay, tap twice.' She said. I banged on her second toenail two times with my fist. 'This is weird!' she exclaimed as she walked around her office. The pounding was loud but it didn’t hurt. 'I think it’s time to pack it in!' she said, grabbed her purse and walked out the door. I spend the next half hour in her shoe as she drove to her expensive condo on the beach. When she pulled the shoe off she placed it down on her bed. I crawled out and saw a dazzling ocean sunset through the window wall of her bedroom. Michelle was slipping off her other pump as she too admired the view. 'God, I love it here.' She said softly. I saw the outline of her feminine form through the thin fabric of her blouse, her skirt left little to the imagination. 'Rob, I was thinking…' she said pulling off her blouse revealing a very seductive push up bra and a very tight tummy. She pulled off her thigh high nylons and lay on the bed. 'We could have some dinner and then go for a stroll on the beach!' she smiled. 'Will I be strolling?' I asked enjoying the fresh air. Michelle smiled slyly and said. 'Well, I do have a new pair of sandals I want to break in.' she pouted. She ordered Chinese and twenty minutes later I was eating rice the size of small bananas and pulling small pieces of pork off of a chunk the size of a car. 'Do you want help with that?' Michelle asked shoving half a car into her mouth. 'I got it.' I said chewing the thankfully tender meat. I went over to the small cup of duck sauce and dipped my piece of pork into it. Michelle had the same idea and using her chopsticks dropped her piece into it. Duck sauce splashed up and covered me from top to toe! She laughed. 'Sorry!' she said and picked me up. She wiped some of the sauce off with a napkin while she licked the fingers of her other hand clean. I saw the look on her face and could almost envision the light bulb going on as she removed me from the napkin and brought me to her lips. Starting at my feet, she licked the sweet sauce from my body. When she reached my hard cock she giggled and looked down her long nose at me. She kissed my head and torso all at once before she pushed me between her lips. She sucked me clean and then dunked my legs back into the container of sauce. She again licked them clean, paying particular attention to my dick. Michelle’s tongue was incredibly dexterous and she tantalized the tip of my cock with it. I came instantly. She didn’t even notice, she just kept dipping me in over and over again until there wasn’t any sauce left. After dinner she rinsed me off in her bathroom sink and placed me on the floor at the foot of her bed. 'Don’t move!' She said backing away. Michelle changed her skirt to a pair of white shorts and covered her bra with a short button down shirt. She then went to her closet. She bent over, revealing a nice amount of cheek and retrieved a shoe box. She came over to the bed and sat down. I admired her feet, with her cute toes and nice pedicure. She pulled a pair of shoes out of the box and placed them on the floor to my left. They were beige platforms with a six inch cork wedge heel. The toes were completely covered and there was a small patch of fabric to cover the heel of her foot. From the patch, two long strings hung. She slipped on the left one and tied the strings around her long calf, bringing it up in a criss-cross pattern almost to her knee. 'What are you waiting for? Get in!' she said and watched as I walked up to the platform under the toe which was as high as I was tall. Instead of jumping up and pulling myself up that way I went to the back of the shoe, grabbed one of the long strings and pulled myself up the heel like Batman climbing up the side of a building in the 1960’s series. When I reached the top of the six inch heel, I simply slid down the sole and into the fabric of the toe. 'You are too cute!' Michelle said slipping in her foot. The fabric that covered me and her toes was a loose, fibrous mesh that allowed a lot of flexibility and breathing room. 'Are you okay in there?' she asked wrapping the strings around her legs. I banged her toe twice with my fist. 'Good. Let’s go!' Michelle walked along the boardwalk while the sun sank, enjoying the ocean breeze. I was surprised. I was enjoying it too! The fabric was very comfortable, I could breathe and Michelle’s toes were very accommodating! I quickly became hard and I stuck my dick between her third and fourth toe. 'Rob? Are you okay?' she asked and I punched her big toe twice. 'Are you doing what I think you’re doing?' She said crouching down. Again, I banged her toe twice. 'Oh my God!' I heard her say and then a small moan escaped her lips. With hurried steps Michelle made her way down to the sand and under the boardwalk. 'Please! Do it more!' she groaned throatily. I slid my cock between the smooth skin of her toes and she moaned. 'I…can…feel…your…' she breathed as I pumped away. She was really getting into it! I mean she was wriggling her toes and moaning like crazy! I kissed her big toe and ran my hands down the length of it. 'Your…on…my…toes! Please! Please don’t stop!' she yelled and I humped faster. 'Love them! Love my toes!' I managed a peek through a hole in the fabric and saw her with her hands down her pants. Her dark hair hung in sweaty clumps around her face. She had broken three buttons off of her blouse leaving one large breast free, the clasp of her bra; broken. God damn! She was having a good time! Seeing her like this only made me pump faster! 'G-G-God! My God!' She yelled, her hands working frantically. Her toes clenched a final time as she orgasmed. Watching her from my position in her shoe was like peeking in at her through her bedroom window. Her sweaty, beautiful face. Her large, naked breast! Her long fingers down the front of her shorts! That was enough for me! I quickly came between her toes! Michelle, after a few minutes removed me from her shoe and clutched me to her breast. 'That was the most incredible experience of my life!' she exclaimed. Michelle looked around, it was dark. 'I’ll put you anywhere you want to be! You deserve it!' she smiled softly. 'I’ve always been a breast man.' I said clutching her finger as she rubbed my belly. She dropped me onto her nipple, pulled up her bra and covered herself the best she could as she returned to her condo. When we got back she placed me on her bed. She removed her shoes and shorts, threw out her shirt and sat on the bed in her bra and panties. Just then the phone rang. Michelle leaned over and picked up the cordless. 'hello?' she paused. 'Oh hi Mom!' Michelle brought her knees up to her chest. 'Mom! I’m home on a Saturday night by choice! I’m conducting an…experiment!' she smiled and bid me to her with her finger. I climbed up onto her big toe and straddled it like a rider would straddle a horse. Much to my surprise she wiggled her toes and I bounced up and down! So I grabbed onto the edge of her nail and rode her toe like a bucking bronco! 'Don’t worry Mom, it’s a fun experiment. No, I’m not using any dangerous chemicals!' She laughed. 'Oh, I can’t put anything over on you! Yes Mom I have company.' Michelle stopped wiggling her toes. 'His name is Rob.' She said. 'Yes he has a good job!' She said extending her legs. I rode her toe all the way down. Her feet were now perpendicular to the bed and I dangled from her toe. 'Well Mom, if you must know he’s a little on the short side.' She smiled. I managed to climb up and wedge myself between her big and second toe. Michelle closed her eyes, she was enjoying it! 'Yes, I do wear heels when I’m around him!' She laughed. 'He’s not embarrassed at all. In fact, I’d say he rather likes being shorter than me.' She smiled. 'No, for once I don’t mind being taller. It’s kind of….exotic! I feel like a supermodel. It’s a very powerful feeling!' I began to rub myself between her toes. Michelle bit her lower lip. 'Mom, I have to go. He’s coming. I’ll see you tomorrow for dinner. Love you!' she said and hung up the phone. 'You sure do know how to please a woman!' she said. I noticed her nipples were hard. That night I made love to Michelle’s feet six times that night, each time was different. The first two, you know about. Next she put on a pair of open toed pumps and I fucked her while lying on top. Then she caught me by surprise and stepped on me! She trapped me in the space between the ball of her foot and her toes and I screwed her that way. Michelle came as I painted her toe nails. She said it was the visual that did it for her. Finally, at about four in the morning she accidentally dropped me into a mule, from which I couldn’t escape! She relished watching me as I clamored up the sole, only to slide down because of it’s severe angle. Then she pretended that she didn’t see me and slipped the shoes on. Michelle came for the last time that night when I pretended to struggle against her mighty toes! She collapsed on her bed and left me on the floor, in the shoe to sleep. Michelle woke me up when she slid her feet into the shoes. 'Good morning, little man.' She said and I groggily tapped her toe twice. Pleasing giant women is hard work and it definitely gets harder as you get smaller! After a few minutes, Michelle slipped off the shoe and picked me up. 'Thank you for probably the most sexual night of my life!' she kissed me. 'You’re welcome!' I shouted. Michelle showered and I bathed in a tea cup. Finally, she called Christy and said that she would drop me off at the house. Karen was feeling better and wanted very badly to see me at three inches tall. Michelle pulled on a beige sundress and pulled out the shoes she wore on the beach last night. I gladly slipped into the toe and we were off. Chapter 19 'Look at you!' screeched Karen cupping me in one hand. 'Is it what you’ve always imagined?' I asked. 'Oh it’s better!' she said kissing me. 'Christy and I are going to go out and get something to eat. Are you hungry?' 'I’m starving!' I said rubbing my stomach for effect. I found myself shouting a lot. I figured it would help my vocal cords if I motioned with my arms, like sign language. 'Well then, let’s go!' Christy said moving towards the door, her high heeled sandals clicking on the tiled floor. 'God, I’m so anxious to see where you fit!' Karen said pulling down her top. She pulled out her bra and dropped me on her nipple which was already hard. 'Oh, he fits into a lot of places.' Christy said walking out the door. 'You didn’t!' Karen screeched. I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was laughing and not angry. 'All I’m saying is that if you do…' she said getting into the car. 'You’d better tie a string to his leg!' she cried. 'Christy!' We went to a rather ritzy place for breakfast. I sat on the end of a spoon as Karen slipped me muffing crumbs and bits of her omelet. When the waitress came over I simply hid behind the salt shaker. I listened as the girls talked about going to the beach and then back to Christy’s house for dinner. 'Should we bring the Shrimp?' Christy asked sipping a mimosa from a goblet big enough to be a pool to me. 'Why not?' Karen asked handing me a basketball sized blueberry. 'I thought we could build him a little sand castle and then trash it like two giants!' Karen said a little too loudly. Christy’s eyes lit up. 'That would be fun! But what if he gets eaten by a crab or something?' She said smiling. 'I’ve never done a Heimlich on a crab!' Christy said, remembering what Jill did to me. 'You’ve got a point!' Karen said looking at me and frowing. Suddenly, from behind me came an enormously loud scream 'Karen! Darling!' I turned, just in time to see the incarnation of Stella Stargaze of 'Fem Force' fame come rushing over and drop her huge purse on the table! Her purse not only knocked over Christy’s mimosa but it hit the end of my spoon, catapulting me into the air! I landed perfectly on an open makeup compact inside the enormous purse. 'Brigitte!' Karen screeched. 'Look what you did!' 'Look at my new sundress!' Christy cried. It seemed that Brigitte ignored the commotion she created. 'Karen, you haven’t returned any of my calls! Have you been avoiding me?' 'Brigitte, I told you I’m through with modeling!' Karen yelled. 'I’ve got a hundred grand with your name on it!' She said reaching into the purse and grabbing a check that was next to the compact. 'See?' Even Christy stopped bitching about her new dress. 'Brigitte, that’s very generous but I have other priorities in my life now.' 'Get rid of that little man and come with me!' Brigitte said. 'What did you say?' Karen gasped. 'I said, tell that pipsqueak Jimmy to go to hell if he can’t handle your success! What did you think I said?' 'Never mind.' Karen breathed. I too thought that Brigitte was referring to me. 'Anyway Darling, keep the check until you decide what you want to do! You know where to find me!' Brigitte said and lifted up her purse with me inside! As she shifted it around a huge can of hairspray fell and slammed the top of the compact down on me trapping me inside! I spent the next hour or so wondering how I was going to handle the hundred foot tall woman when she opens the compact and finds me inside! I didn’t have to wait much longer. I felt her drop the purse and lift the compact itself up to her face. Just as her long nail flicked the hatch open the phone rang. I watched from my precarious perch as the giantess picked up her French style phone. 'Yes Darling?' she said tilting the compact around. 'Steven! I’ve missed you so! How have you been?' With the sudden shift of her hand I slipped on the fine powder and fell! I bounced off the incline of her left breast and landed on the hard desk top just below. I wasn’t hurt, just shaken as I now looked up at the beautiful giantess. Brigitte was barely past her prime but with her overdone makup abundant cleavage and loud manner of dress I could see why I immediately thought of her as Stella Stargaze. I decided to use my freedom to help establish communication with her. So I jumped to my feet and ran behind a gigantic picture of her and Pam Anderson. There were a dozen other pictures on the table with other stars, like; Harrison Ford, Jim Carrey, Glenn Close and Barbara Streisand. I naturally ran behind the picture of the woman every guy in North America fantasizes about. 'I must tell you, I think she’s playing hardball! Steven, she barely blinked at the hundred grand!' Brigitte said now holding the phone with her shoulder and applying the powder to her nose. 'I taught her too well!' She laughed and wiped the powder from her chest with a inquisitive look on her face. 'Well, I left her with the check and I’ll give you a call as soon as she cashes it. Love you, bye darling!' She said and hung up the phone. Brigitte looked down at her enormous breasts. 'How did I get powder all over myself?' she said brushing more off of her. I watched as she looked down at her desk. 'What’s this?' She said. 'looks like… footprints.' She said following the trail of powder I left. It was only a matter of seconds before she found me so I decided to let her know I was there. I stepped out from behind the picture. 'Hello there!' I shouted and the giant woman jumped. 'Ahhhh!' She screamed and stood up. She immediately pulled off one of her platform pumps and held it up like a weapon. 'My name is Rob!' I yelled. I figured that taking it slow was my best bet. 'You…your…you’re a man!' she shouted from high above. 'That’s right!' I said stepping out into the middle of her desk. 'My name is Rob and I’m three inches tall!' 'Brigitte Darling, there’s a itty bitty little man on your desk.' She said to herself and lowered her shoe. 'I think it’s time for a little break.' She said walking over to a corner in her office and opening a cabinet, inside was fully stocked bar. She made herself a martini complete with olives from the fridge and drank it down in one gulp. She immediately made herself another and came back to sit at her desk. She fished a long cigarette out of a gold case and lit it. She then leaned back in her leather chair and put her feet up on her desk. 'Little man, I’ve never had a break down before.' She said taking a long drag on her cigarette. 'Your not having a breakdown.' I said. 'I’m not? Then why are you here?' She asked taking a large gulp from the glass. 'You brought me here.' 'I did? How?' Brigitte’s eyes were wide as saucers and I could almost feel her heart beating from my place on the desk. 'I was in your purse. I was having breakfast with Karen and Christy one minute and the next I was flying through the air the next. I landed safely on your compact.' I said brushing some of the powder off myself. 'You know Karen?' she asked. 'Of course! We’ve been seeing each other for the last couple of months!' I said proudly. 'You and Karen!? Dating?' She now sat straight up and placed the glass on the table. 'Well, to tell you the truth we only had one real date.' I said and she laughed! 'What’s the matter?' I asked. 'What’s the matter?! I sitting her speaking with a naked man who’s only three inches tall! I am having a breakdown!' She said and gulped down the rest of her martini. 'You’re not real!' 'I am so!' I shouted. 'Wait a minute, I have an idea!' she said eating the olives and turning the glass upside down and placing it over me. I had to crouch down to avoid getting hit in the head. 'Hey!' I yelled, but it was too late she was walking out of the room. I sat in my glass tee-pee for a couple of minutes until she returned with another woman. 'Gilda, when I lift this glass up tell me what you see.' She said. 'Yes, Ms. Boudoir.' Said Gilda. With that Brigitte lifted up the glass and Gilda gasped. 'it appears to be a little man!' She said with a heavy accent. 'Thank you Gilda.' Brigitte said and placed the glass back down over me. After Gilda left, I watched as Brigitte locked the door behind her and came back to the desk. She leaned over the glass and lifted it up so that her gigantic breasts were right above me and I was forced to crane my neck back to see her face. 'You are real!' She smiled. 'What did you say your name was?' She asked. 'Rob.' I gulped. She had lust in her eyes. 'Rob.' She smiled and one hand went to her breasts. She ran her finger down her cleavage and over her nipple. 'Rob, do you… have an agent?' 'No.' I said almost too quickly. I was completely mesmerized by her mountainous breasts which now hovered just a few inches above my head. 'Good.' She smiled. 'Because we are going to be very, very good friends.' She said unbuttoning her top. 'And as your agent, I will give you complete access to my… assets.' She said revealing a very sexy satin bra. Her smile widened as she saw my manhood come to attention. 'With me as your agent, we’re going to make millions!' She said and lowered herself down until I was enveloped in her cleavage! 'What about Karen?' I asked struggling to breathe under the weight of her chest. 'Karen? Oh, I’ll call her later to give her the good news!' She said pulling herself up with me stuck firmly between her breasts. 'Right now, we’ve got a plane to catch!' The next thing I know, we’re on a plane bound for Los Angeles. 'Rob Darling. If you stop moving you’ll enjoy the ride more!' She said smiling at me as I struggled between her breasts. 'You promised you’d call Karen!' I yelled from my soft prison. 'Darling, what does she have that I don’t?' Brigitte asked taking a sip of a martini. 'Youth, beauty and great personality!' I shouted. 'Well, you’re right.' Brigitte said. 'But you’re not between her breasts right now. So, you either listen to me or…' 'Or what?!' I shouted defiantly. 'Or this!' Brigitte said and shrugged her shoulders causing her breasts to squeeze together! She was crushing me! I couldn’t breathe! I tried to bite her but her skin was much to thick for me to get a hold of. Thankfully, she released me before I suffocated. 'Do we have an understanding?' She said taking another sip of her drink. 'Yes!' I shouted when I caught my breath. 'Yes WHAT?!' She scowled at me. 'Yes, Darling!' I shouted. 'That’s better!' She said and patted me on the head with her fingertip. 'I can see why she likes having a little man around.' 'What?' I asked, wanting her perspective. Maybe I could work it to my advantage. 'You’re like having an expensive piece of jewelry around my neck. It’s a very powerful feeling, if you must know. ' She said placing her glass down. 'Rob darling, did you and Karen ever have sex?' she asked. 'That’s none of your business!' I shouted. Brigitte immediately squeezed her breasts together. When she released them I was almost unconscious. 'Yes! We did!' I shouted. 'Really?' She smiled. 'How would you like to join the mile high club?' She laughed and got up. I noticed immediately that we were on a private jet. She brought me in to the bathroom, which was gigantic compared to the other airline bathrooms I had been in. Brigitte ignored my protests and pulled me from her cleavage. Dropping me on the counter, she proceeded to remove her top. 'You can’t do this!' I shouted. Brigitte dropped her top and smiled. 'Never tell me what I can and cannot do!' she grabbed me about the waist with nails half my length and dropped me onto her hard nipple. I sat upon her enormous nipple, holding onto the small bumps in her skin for balance as she admired herself in the mirror. 'It’s too bad I don’t have another man for my other nipple. I feel so uneven!' She laughed. 'I must say, you look like you belong there!' As she unzipped her skirt and slid it down her long legs, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I did look like a piece of jewelry hanging on her gigantic nipple! I watched as Brigitte lifted her other breast to her lips and began sucking on the nipple. She moaned. She then shifted her attention over to me and lifted her tit to her lips. I tried in vain to maintain my grip on her nipple but it was like struggling against a vacuum. She sucked me right into her mouth and giggled as I fought against her writhing tongue. Brigitte’s lips parted and in came her long fingers which pulled me out and held me up to her face. 'You taste remarkably good!' She whispered. 'I’ve been told that before.' I said trying to let her believe I was succumbing to her feminine charms. Which wasn’t too hard a trick to pull, my dick was hard as hell! 'Look at that!' she said admiring my groin. 'I thought you didn’t like me?' She pouted. 'Brigitte, Darling. It’s not that I don’t like you. As you can see, I find you incredibly attractive. However, I usually enjoy getting to know someone before they shove me in their cunt!' 'Such language!' She said lowering me down her voluptuous body. 'Unfortunately, you don’t have that luxury!' She said and dropped me into her silk panties! I wasn’t surprised to find her panties soaking wet. I slid myself down so that I was just outside her lips and was about to reach inside when two fingers slid down on either side of me and parted those lips. From behind, I felt another finger push me up between her labia from outside the panties. Brigitte moaned. I grabbed her clit with both hands and was about to start licking when her body rocked with the force of an earthquake! Her lips wrapped around me and I heard her screaming for what seemed like forever! As suddenly as she had dropped me into them, she pulled me out of her panties and dropped me onto the counter. 'Darling! That was fabulous!' She said adjusting her hair. 'I’m glad you had a good time!' I shouted at the giantess. 'Here, clean yourself up!' She said pulling the stopper in the sink and filling it with hot water. 'I need a cigarette.' She said and hurried out of the bathroom with just her skirt and bra on. I slipped into the steaming bath and waited for her to return. After about five minutes the bathroom door opened again. 'I was getting worried! I thought you forgot about me!' I shouted. I turned to see a wide eyed flight attendant staring at me! 'Hi!' I said. 'Hi.' She said standing perfectly still. 'Where’s Brigitte?' I asked. The young woman shifted uncomfortably and pointing back towards the cabin said 'She’s passed out.' I looked at her name tag. 'Sally, my name is Rob and I’m going to need your help!' 'What can I do for you…Rob?' she said still standing firmly in place at the door. 'Well, first I need help getting out of this sink!' I said swimming to the edge closest to her. Sally slowly walked towards me and stared down at me over her puffy shirt. 'It’s okay if you pick me up! I won’t break as long as you’re gentle!' I shouted. Her dainty hand shook as she lowered it towards the water. She slowly slid it beneath me and lifted me out onto the counter top. 'Thank you!' I said slipping off her hand. 'Now I need something to dry off with!' From off the wall, Sally pulled and enormous towel and dropped it next to me. I picked up a corner and dried myself off. Sally broke the brief silence. 'Y-y-you’re so tiny.' She whispered to me. 'Sally, I’d like to make a phone call.' I said. She was still staring. 'Sally!' I shouted and she blinked. 'There’s a phone at your…seat.' She said staring at my ass as I dried my legs. 'Sally, I don’t want to wake Ms. Boudoir. Is there another phone I can use?' 'Please take me to it?' I said and the nervous girl picked me up and carried me back to the service area. I gave her Christy’s number and she dialed it for me. Rosa answered.