Hand cream By Englishboy An indian girl puts an english boy in his place at work. It was a lazy Friday afternoon in the office, I had gotten back from my lunch to discover that there were only 4 of us in. There was Sharon my boss, an attractive woman of 40 who kept herself trim by working as an aerobics teacher to supplement her income. Then there was Juilet, Sharon's assistant. She was very attractive with long long legs which seemed to go on forever, Juliet did little to hide them wearing short skirts to work every day. The third member of staff was Manjula, a young Indian girl who despite being very ambitious was currently a mere clerical worker helping us out. As for myself I was a man of 25 and also a clerical worker but superior to Manjula simply on the grounds that I had worked there longer. I enjoyed bossing Manjula about, she was very subservient and did just as I said. This Friday afternoon was different. I sat at my desk and looked about the office, Sharon and Juliet were working hard. As I looked around I couldn't help but notice Manjula applying hand cream to her hands, she seemed to do this constantly and it had begun to get on my nerves. "What's with all the hand cream" I asked "You get it everywhere, its on the door handles, pens, cups. Whatever I pick up slips through my hands because you've greased it up". "Its not my fault" said Manjula "I have to put so much on because I am doing all the paperwork on my own without any help from you, all the filing and stationery. You just sit there and play on your computer". "Its not fair that I do more than you and get paid less, you think that because I'm an Indian girl and you're and Englishman you are better and smarter than me but you're not". I was taken aback by her attitude, up until now she had been so frightened to say anything and had pretty much been like my own assistant. "I do plenty of work" I replied "Just shut up and get on with yours, remember who's in charge here". At this point Sharon and Juliet looked up from their work. "Yes, me" said Sharon angrily "Whats going on Manjula?" asked Sharon. I interrupted quickly "She's just" but before I could continue Sharon shouted me down "I'm asking Manjula, now shut up" "Whats the problem Manjula?" "Its Ronnie, he keeps picking on me trying and I'm doing all the hard work while he just sits at his computer all day" she protested. "Its not fair because I know I'm better than him". I laughed out loud at this but it seemed I was the only one laughing. "You couldn't beat me at anything, just be happy with what you've got and be quiet" I said defiantly. "Don't tell me to be quiet, I am better than you and could beat you at anything. I'm smarter, do my work faster and I could probably kick your arse as well" answered Manjula with a smile. I laughed again, harder this time before once again Sharon cut me off "You really think you could beat him up Manjula?" asked Sharon with curiosity "He is a lot bigger than you". I was 6'5" and despite not being hugely muscular I was a good 200lbs compared to Manjula who was around 5'3" and can't of weighed more than 120lbs. "Yes I'm sure I could beat him" insisted Manjula "I used to wrestle back in India, men are weak and easily tamed". Sharon was obviously intrigued "Really! How about this then? You two wrestle and if Ronnie wins Manjula you must carry on as his assistant and you must not query anything he asks you to do or ever argue with him again". Manjula nodded her agreement. "And Ronnie if Manjula beats you she gets your job and you become her assistant and obey her every command, do you agree Ronnie?" asked Sharon. "Of course I agree" I replied "But its not my fault when she gets hurt". "Agreed" said Sharon "Now lets clear away these desks and get some room". We moved the desks to one side and began to limber up. Manjula disappeared into the toilets to change into her aerobics gear which she had brought with her. I of course had no such clothes so I simply stripped down to my boxer shorts. It had been agreed that we would wrestle barefoot and that it would be submission wrestling on Manjula's request. Manjula returned and immediately reached for her hand cream and rubbed her hands thoroughly with it. Sharon called the pair of us together and laid down the rules to us "Its purely submission, no punching or kicking, no throws, no biting and as soon as I tell you to release you make sure you release. OK lets go" ordered Sharon. She moved out of the way and sat upon one of the desks next to Juliet. Manjula and I circled each other before I reached out a hand for her to take hold of. She took the grip but as I started to squeeze her hand slipped from my grasp, obviously the hand cream would make things difficult. I held both my hands out this time and Manjula grasped them, I began to push down with my leverage advantage and quickly had the upper hand. Manjula was almost down to her knees when she slid through my legs and quickly pulled my hands up hard between my legs, my forearms crashing into my groin. I dropped immediately to my knees in pain and before I could protect myself Manjula grabbed me from behind in a full nelson. She pressed hard on the back of my neck while pushing my arms up high, stretching my shoulders. I tried to lean back a little to release the pressure but as I did I felt Manjula's knee in my back, pushing in hard. I couldn't take it and leant forward again right back into the full nelson. "Do you give yet englishboy" asked Manjula with a giggle. I struggle in her grasp but couldn't shake her. She knew I couldn't escape but I wasn't going to submit in this hold so she released me and I fell forward to the floor. My arms were numb and my neck stiff, I needed a rest while the blood came back to my upper body. "I told you I could beat him Sharon" bragged Manjula. "You did" said Sharon with a smile "but he's not finished yet". "Finish him" begged Juliet "I want to see him give to you, humiliate him". "Oh I will, I'll give you ladies a show" promised Manjula. I knew I had to do something and made a grab for Manjula as she bragged. I picked her up from behind and began to apply a bear hug. My arms wrapped around her and rested just beneath her breasts, I had hold of her tightly and she wouldn't slip from my arms so I picked her up clear off the ground and squeezed. I could feel her struggle in my grasp but she couldn't break free. She tried a few nips and grabs at my flesh but I wasn't letting go so she then surprised me with her next move. I could feel her lift her legs up and place them on my midriff "No kicking remember" I exclaimed. "Who's kicking?" she said quietly. With that Manjula slipped her feet into my boxers and gently pulled them down with her feet and let them slip to the floor. I was shocked and worried because of who my audience was, I didn't want Sharon and Juliet to see me naked. Particularly because I wasn't hugely well endowed, a pathetic 5.5" hung between my legs. For the moment though Manjula was obscuring my penis so I squeezed harder hoping to finish it here so that I could use Manjula as a shield and put my boxers back on before the ladies saw my tiny package. I squeezed with all my might but Manjula wouldn't give, I'd held her now for 5 minutes and my arms were getting tired, very tried. I kept up the bear hug but let Manjula stand back on her own feet, lightening the load on my arms. It was no use though as my left arm began to give, Manjula quickly noticed this and broke the hold, spun round and forced me down to my knees. She then applied the same full nelson hold to me only this time she also wrapped her legs around my waist and applied a painful scissors. She lay back on her back, exposing me to Juliet and Sharon. "Its tiny, I've never seen one so small" laughed Juliet. "You're right there" agreed Sharon "My 14 year old son is bigger than him". Their words should have appalled me but to my horror I could feel my dick begin to rise and harden. "He must be enjoying himself, keep going Manjula" encouraged Sharon. Manjula needed no more encouragement and squeezed harder and harder, I couldn't take any more pain or humiliation "I give" I muttered "Sharon I give, make her stop" "Don't stop Manjula, keep going" demanded Sharon. Manjula did as she was told and squeezed harder yet again. I was getting more and more excited, my dick was fit to burst. I was fully under Manjula's control as I looked up to see Sharon and Juliet grinning down above me, their eyes wild with delight at seeing this big man humiliated by a little Indian girl. Their looks of pleasure just excited me more and with that my dick exploded with cum, it shot up in the air landing upon my chest and some even upon my face. "Oooooh" said Juliet and Sharon in unison. "You can let go now Manjula, come see what you've done"said Sharon. Manjula released her grip, stood up and walked round to look at her handy work. She looked down upon me "Now you're my assistant, my slave. Lick up that spunk slave, clean yourself up". I did as I was told, humbled and knowing my new place. "Looks like you like the taste of spunk Ronnie, I'll remember that next time my husband wants a blow job and I can't be bothered. I think you'd like that, sucking on a big 9" Indian cock" teased Manjula. With that my dick began to get hard again "You see he does like that" laughed Manjula. "Now get dressed and go home, when you come back on Monday morning the fun will begin". I did as told and disappeared to the sound of girlish laughter and giggling, my life was about to change forever.