The Dinner Guest By Midnite Writer Bobby learns that spying on Rebecca is a bad idea My daughter, Rebecca, was home from college for the Christmas holidays. I had invited old family friends over for dinner. My husband and I were in the kitchen when Bill and Irene arrived, along with their 16 year old son Bobby. Bobby was a small, skinny kid who always seemed to be pretty quiet. I told him Rebecca was upstairs in her room, and he nodded and headed in that direction. The four of us talked for a while in the kitchen, and I asked my husband to go upstairs and get a tablecloth from the linen closet. He came back in a minute and asked if he could talk to me alone. We excused ourselves and walked into the living room. "When I went upstairs" my husband said "I saw Bobby peeking into Rebecca’s room and the little bastard was rubbing himself!" "What did you do?" I asked. "Nothing...he didn’t see me so I just came downstairs to tell you and find out what you think we should do." "Forget it," I said. "She can take care of herself." Back in her room, Rebecca had been talking on the phone with a girlfriend. She was sitting on a stool, dressed in tight jeans, and facing away from the door when Bobby had arrived. She hadn’t heard him approaching, and when he caught sight of her gorgeous ass stretched astride the stool he had stopped still and remained quiet just staring at her. He couldn’t help rubbing his crotch at the sight of her, and that’s when he Dad had seen him. Meanwhile, Rebecca was finishing her phone call, and happened to catch site of Bobby in a nearby mirror. She hung up and then began to turn toward the door. Bobby stepped back out of view and was headed to the bathroom when Rebecca intercepted him. Looking at the bulge in his pants, she just stared at him and shook her head. "So Bobby," she said, "I guess you liked what you saw." He was embarrassed and speechless. She grabbed him and pushed him into her room and threw him down on the bed. Rebecca was a big, strong girl. At 5’10" tall she was a starter on the school basketball team. She outweighed little Bobby by about 30 pounds. After we had returned to our friends in the kitchen, and the food was almost ready, I told them I was going upstairs to tell Rebecca and Bobby that dinner was almost ready. When I walked in her room, there was Bobby lying pinned on the bed with Rebecca sitting right on his face. She had his arms pinned up above his head and her denim clad ass was planted firmly on his face. "Hi mom," she said with a grin. "Look what I found spying on me a few minutes ago." I smiled back at her. She had him in a position my husband would have recognized, for I frequently pinned him the same way. "Well it looks like you’ve got things under control here," I said. Bobby must have realized someone had come in to the room, and he started squirming for all he was worth. It did him no good, though, because Rebecca was just too strong for him. In his desperate struggles he managed to get a little air, but that was about it. Finally he stopped struggling, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to get free. "I just wanted to tell you two that dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes" I said. "That should be about enough time for Bobby to have learned his lesson" she replied. As I walked away I glanced back and saw her reach over to her nightstand and grab a magazine. Her ass lifted off his face as she did so, and he was able to look out from under her and see me in the doorway. His face was red from the weight of her sitting on him, but it got even redder with embarrassment as he realized that she had been pinning him in front of her mother! The last thing he saw was me smiling back at him as Rebecca lowered her ass back onto his face. As she began to thumb through the pages she gently wiggled her ass back and forth on his face until her buttocks were completely wrapped around his head. I knew the next 10 minutes were going to seem like forever to poor Bobby!