GODDESS by Slika Power Slikapower@hotmail.com My oil-sleek body, ripped and tight, Gleams slick beneath the stage's light A gasp goes up at each new flex Of awesomely striated pecs; And when they see the perfect slabs Of six deep-cut and rock-hard abs, They cheer for what seems like an hour To see such undiluted power. My tiny, shiny posing suit's, Designed to show off well-toned glutes - It glistens wetly, deeply black As I turn round to flex my back And hugs me close as if to be A seamless, living part of me. My biceps swell to empathise With diamond calves and muscled thighs, And nipples clearly, proudly, thrust Against my top with urgent lust As, revelling in my iron physique I tower above the watchers weak. It turns me on to know that they Would worship, honour and obey, And, given half a chance would be Obedient, cringing slaves to me; Content to grovel, cringe and cower Before my flawless female power.