His Awful Marriage - chapter 8 by Michael Freemont She could have told him she had a few reasons for making him stay naked when he was at home - that it would help destroy his pride and self confidence and that she intended to lock up his clothes and so he would be trapped in the house. But tonight she liked the "because I said so" answer. "Now I have to go to the bathroom Michael. Lets' see if your remember what to do so you don't piss me off." Mike went into the bathroom and got into position and Diane sat on his hands and Mike began to obediently kiss her legs. Diane smiled - and then she felt his tears dropping on her legs. He was crying. That made her feel good - she made him cry - just like a little boy. Oh he was the perfect husband for her. She was going to really break him. Now she was going to speak nice to him. "Michael darling. I do love you. Now let's talk about your restrainer. I've been thinking about it and I really like it on you." "But Diane," Mike said as he lifted his head from Diane's thigh. "Michael," she interrupted, "Put you face back down on my leg and keep kissing. When we're in this position I want you to keep you lips on my legs and you can talk without lifting your lips. Okay?" Mike said "okay" into her leg. "Good boy. Now Michael, you knew I want to keep you a virgin didn't you?" "Yes," he answered into her leg. "Well Michael, the only reason you want your restrainer off is so you can play with yourself.. You're a married man and you want to play with yourself." Mike felt so stupid having to speak with his lips against her leg. "But Diane - it's not normal - it's not fair - I need relief--" "I know darling, I know. But do you know what happens if you don't get relief? You'll become more devoted to me - to pleasing me. I'll tell you what. I want to be fair. We'll keep your restrainer on until our first anniversary. The first year of any marriage is always the toughest and in our marriage you have all your rules to learn. It's going to be hard for you to learn to sleep with your face in my ass and I think it will be easier for you if you weren't distracted by your male urges. And I certainly don't want to ever catch you playing with yourself. So that' s what we'll do - we'll leave it on until our anniversary and then we'll see. Is that fair?" What could Mike say? He didn't want to fight but a year was such a long time. "I-I guess so," he said into her leg. Then she got up and flushed the toilet. Mike felt so depressed. He wanted to make the best of his new marriage and he suggested to his wife that they go out to dinner. Diane smiled. Another lesson for her husband. "Michael, darling, I have a date tonight." It was as if she had slapped him again. "A-a date - b-but-----with who---?" "Michael, Michael, Michael, didn't we discuss this before we were married? You know I can go out with other men. Well tonight is a beautiful night and I'm going out with Carl. He's sort of - well my boyfriend." "But - but what about me?" he asked and Diane smiled at him. "Michael, I want you to clean the house. I'll make up a list of what has to be done here. The place is filthy. You probably won't get it all done tonight but you'll have tomorrow too when I'll be going out with Carol." She made Mike kiss her ass as she left for her date and then she had to scold him when she returned at 11 and he forgot to kiss it again. He cried most of that night as he lay awake with his face in her ass. Sunday was a beautiful day and Mike felt so depressed as it passed with Mike following his wife's instructions, cleaning the refrigerator, washing the windows, scrubbing the floor. It been ten o'clock in the morning when she'd left and Mike had remembered to kiss her ass and he'd spent the day at home, naked except for his restrainer. His restrainer, It was going to stay on for a year. A year. A full year without getting any sexual relief. It was outrageous but what could he do? He couldn't even leave the house because he had no clothes. Diane had locked them up. And so he did the chores he wife had told him to do hoping she would be home soon. But she didn't get home until 10. "Oh we had such a wonderful day darling," she said "but now I need your tongue. Go take your shower and let's go to bed." Mike was so happy to be back to work the next day but because Diane wouldn't let him wash or shave in the morning he had to make sure not to get too close to his friends and coworkers. His face smelled from his wife's pussy and ass and she warned him that it had better smell that way when he got home. He was home from work at six and he got undressed and did the chores he wife told him to do that morning Diane came home at 7 and she was pleased when he remembered to drop to his knees and kiss her ass in greeting. She had brought in dinner and they ate and then at 8'oclock she told Mike to take his shower and shave and to come into the bedroom. When he did he saw his wife laying on her stomach. He saw her huge ass and correctly guessed that she wanted him to kiss it. He did. Diane smiled, trying hard not to break out laughing. "Tell me how much you love me Michael." He started to come up. "No Michael, stay down there. Tell my ass." He swallowed and did and spoke to her huge ass. "Keep your lips against my ass when you talk to it Michael." He did. "That's it. Get used to doing that Michael." Finally she turned on her back and Mike noticed the beer and the candy on the nigh table and he saw her reach for the TV remote. "Okay darling, I'm not tired tonight. I want you to make love to me. Get under there and start kissing my thighs - and tell me how much you love me. Be romantic." Then she pulled up the covers and bent her knees. Why did she have to pull up the covers? He hated it down there. It smelled - she smelled - she never bothered to wash up but he knew better than to complain. He started kissing and licking and soon he knew she was worked up and then her first cum all over his face. Then as he kept on kissing her gently bringing her down from her high, he heard her click on the TV. She was going to watch TV while he would have to stay under the covers. Like in the drive in. And that's how the evening went - as would most evenings after that. At around 11, although Mike had no way of knowing the time, she adjusted him so that his nose was in her ass and his mouth at her pussy and she lowered her leg on his cheek as she drifted off to sleep leaving Mike to try to - if not sleep, to doze - or if not that then just to rest. That was Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday were the same. On Wednesday Mike noticed the sound of voices in those periods after her cums and he realized it was not the TV - she was talking on the phone. It was a very unpleasant life for Mike but Diane thought he was adjusting to it far better than she could have hoped. She had tried to be careful and not go too fast but she knew that what she had done just had to be done right away - his sexual denial, the bathroom routine, keeping him naked and making him spend the night with his face in her ass. That, she realized was the most important. Not only did it make her feel so wonderful but making him stay down there all night awake most of the time with his nose in her ass was doing so much to destroy his ego and self confidence and self assurance and helping him adjust to the life she was going to impose on him. Wives built up their husband's confidence in themselves - Diane was determined to completely destroy Mike's. And she saw she was succeeding better than she could have hoped. Mike avoided the people at work but as Diane knew, he and his friend had a regular card game every Thursday evening. That, she was determined was going to stop tonight. Diane was not going to permit Mike to have any friends. On Thursday morning before Mike went to work he reminded Diane. He should have expected her answer but it made him very unhappy. "Michael, you're married to me now and you don't have any time to be with your friends. You're not getting all your housework done and tonight I have some extra work for you to do." She didn't but she would think of something. She saw tears in his eyes and she smiled. She loved making him unhappy. That day at work Diane planned for that night. Go out with the boys? She had to show him that was a freedom he would no longer be allowed. But what extra job? Then she thought of it. Of course. Her feet.