His Awful Marriage - chapter 4 by Michael Freemont So he was sure to keep his face in her ass and as he breathed the smell of her fart he knew he would not fall asleep soon. He again thought back to the beginning. He realized he should have seen this coming before they got married. That first time in the drive in when she was dreamily enjoying his kisses and his tongue after cumming all over his face she was so relaxed that she unexpectedly farted in his face. And Mike quickly brought his face up expecting maybe - an apology. Fat chance! Instead of being embarrassed Diane was angry and slapped Mike in the face. "Who told you to stop? Are you trying to embarrass me because I farted Michael? Am I supposed to hold it in and get cramps? Now get your face back down there and keep it there! You broke my mood damit! And poor Mike had and Diane had smiled at her victory. He had been trained to please Diane before they were married. She taught him that she loved to be brought to several orgasms and that she didn't want him to move away between them as she came all over his face. He learned how to keep licking and sucking at a slower pace as she came "back down to earth" as she called it. Mike learned to bear the smell of her unwashed crotch - she would never bother to wash up first claiming it would break her mood. And then after they were first married he had learned to get used to the disgusting mess during her period - although having to swallow her period blood took some getting used to - it was so disgusting! "I know darling," she had said so many years ago, "I know it's messy and disgusting but Michael, if you love me it wouldn't make any difference. I mean, do you think it's fair that a woman should have to go without sex every month at that time?" How do you argue with that selfish logic? Mike was also taught that when Diane was finally satisfied - which could take an hour our two - she liked to just drift off to sleep and she became angry if Mike moved his face away before that and so he had learned to wait until he heard her steady breathing and then slip out from between her legs and go home to wash his face and relieve his sexual frustration . When Mike got undressed on their wedding night he felt so foolish with his penis locked up in that ridiculous restrainer. When Diane saw it she got goose bumps. He looked so - so helpless there in front of her. "Oh Michael, it's perfect!" she had cried as she clapped her hands in delight like a little girl. "I love it!" "A-are y-you going to take it o-off now?" he asked shyly and Diane had a hard time not laughing in his face. "Let's leave it on tonight darling. I love seeing it on you." Diane knew she had him. She had all his money and they were now legally married. She could relax - he wasn't going anywhere. He looked at her confused and unsure of himself. Diane sat down on the couch, crossed her legs and explained the situation to her new husband. "Darling, it's my wedding night and I want you to make love to me better than you ever did. A woman's wedding night is very special to her and I don't want you to be distracted by your selfish male urges and with your penis locked up you won't be. Now sweetheart, I love it when you go down on me but before you put your face in my pussy I'd like you to kiss my thighs a bit. And my butt. That will be sort of foreplay for us. Michael darling, now that we're married things are going to be different. We'll be able to do things we couldn't do before. I feel that you belong to me now. Totally." Mike was still confused. She continued. "You know how much I like to fall asleep with your face in my crotch after I cum don't you?" Mike nodded, still puzzled. "Well, it's always bothered me when you got up and went home. And now that we're married that won't happen will it?" Mike said it wouldn't still not understanding. "Good. C'mon. Let's make love now." Diane took off her robe and got into bed on her stomach and Mike noticed her large body. He also noticed the beer and the popcorn on the night table. Mike approached her and kissed her butt and she rubbed the back of his head. "That's it. That feels nice. Wait, let me get under the covers." Diane turned and started to pull the covers over them. Mike became aware of her smell - a smell he knew so well. She hadn^Òt bother to wash up but he knew he shouldn't have expected her to. "Now you know what to do - now that we're married I'll be able to know that you'll stay there all night while I sleep. Oh Michael darling, that's so romantic!" Mike was still confused as she patted his head and brought the covers over him. "Ok darling. now kiss me down there - show me how much you love me. " He began kissing her thighs and the area around her pussy and then licking her cunt hairs softly. Mike hated her smell. She always smelled down there and Mike knew she never concerned herself with how clean she was but he knew this was not a good time to discuss this. He continued kissing her legs and then finally her pussy and then in a few minutes she erupted all over his face and she put her hands on the back of his head and she pulled him tighter to her. Mike knew she was having an orgasm but he continued to gently kiss and lick the way he had been taught. Suddenly Mike heard a familiar hiss and then he smelled it - she had farted. He hated the smell of her farts. Diane smiled. She farted in her new husband's face and he was just staying put down there. Oh he was going to be a perfect husband for her. She reached down and rubbed the back of his neck - the only show of affection she would ever give him. Then Mike heard her click on the TV. Now it was like the drive in. She was going to watch TV while he had to stay down there and work her up again. I took a little longer this time but soon she again came all over his face and Mike again continued gently licking her to bring her "down to earth" It was hours later that Diane had enough and Mike then realized what Diane meant by Mike having to stay there all night. When he tried to come up he found that her large thighs were holding his head and he couldn't move. He realized then that she had fallen asleep. and he remembered what his wife said about his not getting up. Did she mean she wanted him to stay down there all night? Oh no -no - she couldn't have meant that. It was awful down there. The smell of her fart was still there. What should he do? And that damn restrainer was still on and he hadn't had any sexual relief. And it was his wedding night. Okay, he knew he wasn't going to be permitted intercourse but he thought at least she would take this thing off and let him masturbate. It was his wedding night. But she had said not tonight. What could he do? An hour went by and Mike stayed on position - then another. What should he do? Then it happened again. Mike felt the warm blast from expelled gas from her body on his face, heard the explosion and then - the odor. Pheww! Mike couldn't take it anymore. He started to rationalize. She couldn't have meant that he stay there all night - she meant just until she fell asleep. Sure - that was it. And he was sure she was asleep now. Mike decided he couldn't stay there any longer and so he got up quietly. But of course Dine woke up. "Where are you going Michael? Why are you out of bed?" Mike felt guilty - like having been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He didn't know what to say. "I-I ---"Michael, didn't I explain it? I want you to stay down there all night. Why are you out of bed?" He tried to explain. "Please Diane, I can't stand it under there. It's hot. There's not air and - and it - it smells--. I can't breathe--I-I can't sleep. It's not right." Diane took a breath. "Look Michael, you woke me up and I'm tired and that's what's not right. Now I'm in no mood to discuss this. I told you before that I wanted you to stay down there all night didn't I?" Mike squeezed his lips together. "Yes but---" "No buts! I said I'm tired and I don't want to discuss this now Michael." Then, laying on her side she lifted one large leg and said, "Now get your face back in here. I want to go back to sleep." Mike swallowed. He knew he'd better not argue with her in the mood she was getting into. He got back into bed and put his face between her spread thighs. "No Michael, move up. Get your nose in my ass and your mouth at my pussy." Mike did. It stank. "That's it. Good. Now stay there! Just like that." Diane lowered her leg locking him in and pulled up the covers. Once again Mike was subjected to her smell. This was crazy. She did expect him to stay down there all night. Oh no. He couldn't breathe. There was no fresh air and her ass really smelled bad. He really didn't want to fight with her - especially not on their wedding night. Finally he resolved himself that he would stay down there all night and speak to her in the morning. It was a terrible, long and uncomfortable night for Mike and he was up the entire time.