Diana's Hunt By Nicholas Klinsman http://www.mindsync.com/rapty/moscow.html A femme fatale begins her murderous vendetta Inside the master bath of her home, Diana Swenson attentively brushed her reddish brown hair, making sure each shiny strand was attractive and in place. An exquisite fragrance of French perfume alluringly permeated the air around her skin, which thanks to the California sunshine was covered with a golden tan. Not completely content with her appearance she leaned her 5 foot 10 inch body over the bathroom sink and artfully applied the rest of her makeup. Her greenish eyes were focused and business like, colder than one would expect from a woman preparing for an evening with her husband. For the most part pleased, she posed in a variety of postures making sure she looked her best from every view and angle. The son of a bitch is going to get his, Diana thought to herself knowing there was little else she could now do. Her planning for this evening had begun long before this night. The strategy was simple. Diana knew that the longer Jack couldn't have something the more he wanted it. It would be this yearning for her flesh, which would enable Diana to steer him into a position of vulnerability. After six years of marriage she knew his every turn on. Each and every detail of this night would be executed with special care so as to stimulate his desire. One sensory aphrodisiac after another would manipulate his emotions and deceive his judgment until he was in a state of rapture. Then she could make her move and take the revenge she had awaited for so long. Her preparation was then interrupted by a terse, masculine voice that rang out from downstairs. "Hurry up Diana. I'm starving down here," called out her husband Jack as he lounged on his burgundy colored leather chair and gulped down a glass of Bourbon and 7. Not pleased with his wait, he raked his gray hair with his right hand out of boredom. "I'm almost done up here Jack. By the time you make me a drink I should be right down," replied a calm, female voice with a noticeable Eastern European accent. Except for the suit and tie folded over the top of the chair, Jack still wore the same slacks and pinstriped shirt he had on at the office. It was Friday and the workload this week was particularly heavy. All day he had looked forward to unwinding. Picking himself up and out of his chair he walked over the hardwood floor to the wet bar. Jack reached up for a bottle of Gin and mixed it with tonic and ice. To cure his impatience he mixed himself another bourbon and 7. Once he finished stirring their drinks, he looked up in anticipation at the stairs, but there was still no sign of Diana. Meanwhile, the delicious aroma of dinner continued to drift out from the kitchen was making him hungrier by the moment. By the time Diana appeared on the stairwell, enough time had elapsed for Jack to finish his second drink. A smile widened on his satisfied face as soon as he saw her. At the top of the stairs Diana stood still and divinely gazed down at him with a sultry expression on her face, which obscured both the anxious throbbing of her heart and the countless considerations racing through her mind. In contrast, there was absolutely nothing secret about Jack's intentions. His grayish blue eyes wolfishly leered over Diana from head to toe, appreciating the way her clothes revealed such stunning bodily features. Her square neck tank top was made out of solid black colored silk, which snugly fit against her chest and came down to her navel so as to reveal her flat waistline. Tied high on her left hip was a wrap skirt made out of a transparent silk with a tiger striped print design. In between the slit of her skirt, the complete length of her left leg could be seen as she slowly descended downward. Adding seductive power to her steps were stiletto heels attached to a pair of black, strapped sandals. Only a few steps away from the bottom of the stairs Diana stood still and elegantly rested her left hand on the wooden stairwell, giving Jack more time to savor what was his. With the composure of a model she offered him several eye pleasing poses, confident they would fulfill him even more. "Do I look good?" asked Diana in a relaxed tone while she continued down the stairs. "You look beautiful," answered Jack who eagerly opened up his arms and prepared to embrace her. As soon as he felt the warmth of her body next to his a galvanized rush of pleasure surged inside of him. Diana then leaned her face forward and tenderly brought her lips over his mouth. Gratified, Jack tightly clutched her in his arms and joined her in a long, drawn out kiss. The intensity of his passion was a strong indicator of how eager he was for her love. Moments later she eased back away from him. Although Diana knew her husband was not content to stop, she also realized that giving too much of herself too soon would ultimately not be to her advantage. "No, no. It's too early for that," said Diana with a mischievous smile across her face. Playfully she slapped down at his wrists, treating him like a child caught putting his hand into a tray of dessert before dinner. "Come on Jack. Let's eat. You must be famished." "You bet I am. The smell of that food is driving me nuts. I was thinking about starting to eat dinner alone if you didn't show up soon," replied Jack. "Be patient Jack. Good things are always worth the wait," answered Diana as she gently held his right hand with her left. Leading him by the hand they entered the kitchen, which was set to a dim, romantic lighting. On a marble countertop was a bottle of Jack's favorite Merlot next to two crystal wine goblets. Situated cozily into a dining nook, surrounded by windows on three sides, was a round glass table with two candles set apart equidistant from one another. "Please light the candles honey," asked Diana as she handed her husband a set of matches. Soon afterward Diana joined him by the table, then handed him an already filled wineglass, as a subtle, exotic scent drifted into the air from the candle flames. Jack proudly looked out the window into his well-kept backyard. Beyond the tiled patio and pool, he could see spots of light in the darkness coming from the homes situated below his hilltop view. "Here's to us honey," toasted Jack while both of them raised their goblets and looked into one another's eyes. Although the crystal clanked in unison, their minds were worlds apart and each of them had completely different perceptions as to what would transpire by the end of the evening. After taking a sip, Diana set her glass on the table and went back to the kitchen. From there she busily went about making final preparations for the meal, while Jack sat down at the table and continued his wine drinking. Like a master appraising the quality of his vintage. Jack held up the goblet parallel to his eyes and studied the wine's thickness and texture. Almost instantly an approving gleam in his eyes came into view. He delicately tilted his glass back and forth in a small circular pattern, making the wine splash against the crystal in the same manner a mild sea wave would roll onto a sandy beach. "Good choice. This wine is terrific." "Of course it is Jack. You know I would never disappoint you." Taking a knife in her hand Diana sampled a bite of her roast. Fortunately her hard work had paid off, the meat was ideally succulent and tasty. Meanwhile Jack looked on admiring not only Diana's physical beauty, but also her culinary skills. He had long since appreciated the value of being married to such a talented woman with such incredible energy. It was hard for him to believe how at the onset of his marriage, his friends and colleagues could chuckle to themselves at the thought of Jack marrying someone more than twenty years younger than himself. Behind his back some still made reference to Diana as a mail order bride. However, Jack knew the reality was different. He exulted in the fact none of his acquaintances had women anywhere close to matching her. Later Diana brought out a salad and rejoined her husband at the table, while Jack refilled his glass. After making herself comfortable in the seat, Diana casually crossed her legs, letting her husband see the firm, shapely benefits of having a wife who swam laps each and every day. "Bon appetit honey," said Diana as she watched Jack begin to devour his salad with very little regard for table etiquette. Usually Diana would have reminded him to slow down, but this time she made an exception because she knew his gluttonous cravings would eventually well suit her. Although Jack had many times been warned of his high blood pressure and cholesterol, he rarely paid any heed to his doctor's advice. True to his earthly persuasions he carnivorously consumed his feast and washed it down with potent quantities of wine. Already a second bottle had to be uncorked. In addition Diana fed his ego and psyche as well. At no time did the conversation ever focus on the mundane rigors or thankless tasks of everyday life. Instead, Diana cleverly made sure the mood of discussion was always upbeat and festive. Whenever possible, she made sure to compliment his achievements and appreciably laugh at his jokes At the same time, she attentively studied his every movement. The fuddled look in his eyes, combined with the unaccustomed irregularities of his speech were welcome proof the wine had successfully gained influence over him. It was now time for her to move into the next phase of the evening. "It's so nice outside Jack. Let's go out on the patio." "Good idea. I could use some fresh air," replied Jack as he lifted himself out of the chair. Due to his alcohol level the steps he took were slower and more deliberate than they ordinarily would have been. "I'll join you in a moment. Just as soon as I put these dishes in the washer," added Diana who also rose from her seat and picked up several plates. Once outside Jack headed for the poolside table. Except for the pool illuminated by lights below the surface of the water, the entire yard was shrouded in darkness. As if his arrival had already been anticipated, a bottle of his favorite cognac along with two shot glasses were conveniently placed on the tabletop. Without a second thought to the alcohol already in his system he sat down and filled his glass. "You bad boy. You started without me," called out Diana from behind. "Sorry honey. I wasn't sure you would make it out here so fast," answered Jack as he poured a glass and handed it to her. Taking her glass, Diana stepped over to the edge of the pool. After slipping off her sandals, she dipped her foot into the water. "It feels terrific. Maybe we should go for a swim." "Now Diana, do you really think a swim is such a good idea after that kind of meal?" asked Jack skeptically. "What harm could it be? A little exercise will probably help you digest better. Besides, if you don't go in with me, I wont be able to give you the nice little gift I have planned for you." "Give me a hint. What kind of gift are we talking about?" Jack asked while wearing a sly smile on his face. Diana returned his smile with one far more devilish and stepped toward him. Standing directly in front of him, she downed her entire shot of cognac and then defiantly slammed it down onto the table. "That's something you are going to have to find out for yourself," was her reply as she began to slip out of her skirt and top. In the silent seconds it took for her wardrobe to slide down onto the tiles, Jack held out his arms and hungrily tried to pull her toward himself, but Diana evasively backed away. On the edge of the pool she teasingly looked at her empty handed husband until their eyes met. Then she turned toward the pool and dove out leaving very little splash behind her on the surface. Predictably, Jack followed suit and began to slowly take off his clothes, while Diana casually glided through the water. Unlike Diana, who regularly worked out, Jack cared less about his health. Even though he still possessed a strong frame, signs of weakness were very evident in his slack muscle tone and the shortness of breath whenever he physically exerted his self. Instead of diving in, Jack cautiously took the steps into the shallow end. Using the wall, he propelled himself outward toward Diana, who was treading water in the deep end. Once reunited the two of them embraced their arms around one another. Before Jack could completely catch his breath from the swim, Diana tightly locked her lips over his. This was the moment Jack had looked forward to all evening. With equal vehemence, he returned her kiss. All of a sudden, Diana surged forward putting all her weight on top of his chest. Still holding their kiss, the couple then submerged themselves until Jack needed air. As the two reemerged from underneath the water, both took long excited breaths. However Jack's were by far deeper and more frequent. Before Jack could regain the air he wanted, Diana again surged forward. Once more taking him under with another kiss, this time even longer and harder then before. "My god Diana! What good will I be to you all out of breath?" exclaimed Jack as he grabbed the pool's edge with his hands. "You're right baby. You need something more relaxing then that," said Diana as she pulled herself up and sat down on the edge next to him. "Here, I'll get you another cognac," continued Diana, whole standing up and bringing him another filled glass. Handing the glass to Jack, she sat back down on the edge of the pool so that her legs straddled his back, which was turned toward her. Bringing her hands around his neck, she began to affectionately rub his shoulders. Once she could see her massage having an affect on him, she curled her right leg to the front of his body and gingerly brought her foot between his legs. Ever so slightly she used the bottom of her foot to roll back and forth over his groin. Seeing him sigh with delight, Diana estimated his threshold of enchantment. Taking her left hand she brought it around his body and over his heart, etching her nails across his chest. The fingers of her right hand lovingly scratched the back of his head, while they ran through his hair. Bringing her mouth over his left shoulder, she leaned forward to kiss his neck. She then protruded her tongue, pressing the tip firmly into the muscular groove where his trapezoid met his neck, causing his to sigh louder and more appreciatively. With her right hand she tilted his head sideways toward herself and brought her lips up to his. Expecting another kiss, Jack leaned further forward, but Diana calmly backed her face away. "Not before you say I love you," whispered Diana with a tempting but wicked smile across her face. "I love you Diana," Jack complied obediently as he again brought his face forward. In silence Diana mouthed the words with her lips. "I love you too." Then just before their lips met, Diana gripped a handful of his hair. When Jack's neck was fully extended forward Diana realized it was time to strike. Taking his head with both hands she used all her strength to slam it full force into the concrete edge of the pool. Immediately, she then jumped forward driving Jack face first into the water with her on top of him. She used the leverage of her legs still straddled around his torso and her arms pressing downward on his shoulders to keep his entire body submerged. Blood oozed from the side of his head forming a sea of red around them. Showing no sign of mercy, Diana relentlessly kept the pressure bearing down on him. None of his wild kicking and flailing could help him recover. With all the power and strength Jack could gather, he tried to use his hands to desperately pry himself loose from between her legs. However, Diana foiled all his attempts by simply closing in her thighs. Trapped underwater like a boar caught in the death grip of an Anaconda, Jack's lungs began to take water into his lungs. By the moment, there was less and less power in his body. Soon his arms and legs drastically decreased their flailing until finally they had stopped completely. Reaching down with her right arm, Diana scooped up his right hand by the wrist and held it up out of the water. A satisfied smile appeared on her face as she released his hand and watched it splash as it pathetically plopped into the water. Finally, the job was completed. Her short-lived smile then disappeared. Now, there was no expression of emotion on Diana's face while she looked down at her husband floating lifelessly in the pool. Jack's demise brought neither joy, sorrow, nor triumph. For Diana, this was not the first time she'd seen the grotesque sight of death, nor would it be the last. Killing Jack was only the beginning of the dark, bloody journey she knew awaited her. rapty@mindsync.com/rapty/moscow.html