Margaret vs. Chantel By The ladies do battle to see which of them will marry Robert. This story happened some years ago and was supposed to remain a secret, so the names have been changed to protect the innocent, as they would say on the police movies. The story is written as told to me by Robert. I first met Margaret at a gym while on a business trip. We seemed to hit it off and were soon doing the drinks, dinner and dance scene. Margaret was a blonde about 5' 9" tall with the most gorgeous long legs, not overly busty at a 38C, with a 28" waist and 38" hips. A few weeks into our relationship, which appeared serious, we had our first bedroom encounter. She was fantastic. Now you just know that things can't be harmonious, that's rule number one. Enter lady number two. I was working out at the same gym where I had met Margaret; she was out of town, when a shapely brunette asked if I was Robert. I replied that I was and she proceeded to tell me that she was a friend of Margaret's. Her name was Chantel. She was about 5' 7" with large breasts; I guessed at least a 40dd with 29" waist and 39" hips. We went for a few drinks and more before my week in town was over. I got to leave town before Margaret found out about Chantel and I. I don't want to seem conceited but both ladies wanted me. There were numerous phone conversations as I was some 1000 miles away. One day during a workout at the gym, the ladies decided that they would fight for me. I would belong to the winner and the loser wouldn't see me again. Margaret wanted a catfight to the finish. Chantel wanted to box to a knockout. The compromise came down to a boxing match and a catfight. This could still leave the situation unsettle if there is a tie. The third match if required was to be a no rules anything goes match. The ladies would get a month to prepare and train. I was to be at ringside for all matches. I continued to see each of them when I was in town but there was to be no sex. Both of them broke that rule. I started to feel guilty, as I now knew which one I wanted but I also wanted to see them fight over me. This is a secret that I've kept for many years, as I did marry one of them. You'll find out which one later. The ladies planned to settle this on a long weekend. They had booked the gym for a private match late Friday nite. I arrived at the gym, ushered to a ringside seat and offered a drink. The ladies and their seconds entered the ring, Margaret first, followed by Chantel. Both ladies looked ravishing. Margaret wore a black high cut silk bikini that accented her long legs. Her perky breasts and erect nipples bulged from her bra. There was no doubt that she had shaved her pubic hair. Chantel wasn't to be outdone. She wore a red satin bikini that looked a size or two too small. Her voluptuous breasts were half out of her bra. In fact I thought to myself, one good punch and they'd be loose. Chantel's bikini panties didn't leave much to the imagination. Chantel is a lady that has very plump outer labia and her bikini almost contained them. She too had shaved her pubic hair. The fight would be a two-minute round with one-minute rest until one lady couldn't continue or the referee stopped the fight and declared a winner. Standard boxing rules were in effect. Their gloves were white, the first time that I'd seen white boxing gloves. The ref called the ladies for round 1. The seconds removed each ladies bra. They are going to fight topless. Chantel is the boxer and is favored to win, that is if she can protect those large melons of hers. I should describe both ladies breasts. Margaret's are perky 38c in size. Her nipples are small, deep red in color, the areola about the size of a quarter with nipples about half an inch long when hard. Chantel's 40dd breasts sagged ever so slightly. Her nipples are huge, pale pink in color; about 2 inches across with nipples that stuck out a full inch when erect. The ladies waste no time in trying to land leather on their opponent. The first minute is one of toe to toe slugging. Most punches were blocked but there were audibly groans from both ladies. The round seemed to end quickly but both ladies were now wet with perspiration. The seconds prepared the fighters for the second round. I got a smile from both, then they glared at each other. Round 2 was more intense. It began with Margaret smashing a right into Chantel's huge left melon. Chantel screamed out then went to her knees clutching her wounded tit. The ref counted to 6 before Chantel got up. Margaret with a smirk on her face moves in on Chantel. Margaret attempts another tit punch but Chantel is quick and drives a firm right into Margaret's mid section. Margaret takes it well but has to hang on to catch her breath. The ref pulls them apart. Both ladies now show some respect for their opponent. The remainder of the round is mostly jabs. They go to their corner without any visible damage. The ladies come out for the third. They move in and go toe to toe again. The sound of leather striking flesh echoes through the gym. To me this sounds like the final round. Chantel scores with a huge right to the side of Margaret's head that drops her on her shapely behind. Margaret shakes her head trying to clear the cobwebs. The ref makes 8 as Margaret stands, a little shaky but upright. Chantel attacks tenaciously with lefts and rights in an attempt to finish Margaret. It looks like curtains for Margaret when she drives an uppercut into Chantel's chin. Chantel falls flat on her back; legs spread apart, an erotic site with her womanhood outlined distinctively by her wet red bikini. Chantel struggles valiantly to her feet. Her eyes are glassed over. The ref even asks if she can continue. She nods yes. Margaret moves in punching with little defense from Chantel. Chantel takes some firm leather to her beautiful breasts before being saved by the bell. This was the action round so far with both ladies going down. Margaret has a bruise on her cheek. Chantel's head is probably still spinning; her breasts are red and tender. Chantel is slow coming out for round 4. Her timing seems off, as Margaret's long arms are able to penetrate Chantel's defense. Chantel clinches to tie Margaret up. There's no doubt that she's hurting. Margaret sends lefts and right into those huge melons. Chantel will be spending the nite with her tits in ice water. Chantel scores with a right that hurts Margaret but she comes back with a right high on Chantel's cheek. Chantel staggers into the ropes, then down. Chantel makes it to her feet as the ref counts 8. Margaret in quickly to try for a knockout. Chantel takes some more punches but finishes the round on her feet. It looks like a matter of time. Margaret's reach and height seem too much for Chantel to contend with. Chantel took more damage this round. Her breasts now show signs of bruising and her left eye is swelling and turning black. She gives me a sheepish smile. Now I really feel guilty. Chantel's second does a great job and she looks ready for round 5. Margaret comes out to finish the fight. Chantel comes out with renewed vigor. Chantel takes a couple of punches but retaliates. Both ladies are about even until Chantel drops Margaret with a right hook. Margaret is stunned, getting groggily to her feet as the ref calls out 9. Margaret attempts to defend but must be seeing two of Chantel. Chantel scores with two unanswered combinations to Margaret's tits. Margaret backs to the corner covering her tits with her arms. Chantel goes low just above Margaret's bikini with a left, then a right. Margaret coughs out her mouthpiece as her legs buckle and she collapses to the canvas. Again I think it's over but Margaret struggles up on her wobbly legs. The ref allows Margaret's corner to replace her mouth guard. Chantel rushes in to finish Margaret but gets nailed with a roundhouse right to her chin. Chantel drops to the canvas breasts first. I don't think she'll make it up. The ref calls out 7 with Chantel still motionless, then 8 and the bell saves her from the knockout. I doubt that she'll be ready for round 6. Both ladies now look like they've been in a fight. Chantel's left eye is black and almost swollen shut, her breasts are red with dark bruises. Margaret's breasts now show signs of bruises, her left eye has a mouse below it and she has a trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth. The two previously gorgeous warriors meet to do battle in round 6. Chantel appears a little wobbly but is able to defend against Margaret's punches. Chantel scores to the side of Margaret's head with a right that hurts her. Margaret backs up with Chantel pursuing her to the corner. Margaret's trapped in the corner and Chantel unloads with lefts and rights. Chantel with a hard right hand to the top of Margaret's bikini. Margaret pitches forward going to the mat on her knees but not before Chantel connects with a left uppercut. Margaret hits the mat knees first, then rolls onto her side holding her stomach. Margaret again struggles to her feet by shear tenacity. The ref almost stops the fight but Margaret convinces her that she can continue. Chantel moves in with a left hook to Margaret's jaw, then a straight right and she falls flat on her back. Margaret is out cold. It takes a few minutes to revive her. Chantel had scored a solid knockout. Chantel has won the boxing as predicated but took more of a beating than she had planned on. In fact both ladies are beat up. There is no way that this contest can continue this weekend. It's agreed that the catfight will take place in a week. I spend the nite with my future wife. Hate me yet? I do ask her to stop the contest but she insists on continuing even though I assure her that she's the one I want to be with. Even though she was sore we did make love well into the nite, and then she fell asleep in my arms. I had to leave before dawn to save her virtue. All three of us agreed that I should leave town on Saturday. This would preclude any contact with either lady. I would return Friday in time for the catfight. The week went by slowly for me, all I could think of was the upcoming catfight. I did break our agreement by calling my future wife on the phone. I again asked her to withdraw from the contest and move in with me. She said that she had to go through with the contest. I arrive mid afternoon, check into the hotel, then go to the gym to work off some tensions. I go back to the hotel have dinner and wait nervously for fight time. I am worried about my future bride being hurt in the ring. If Chantel wins tonite, the contest will be over but Margaret is the catfighter so is favored to win in which case there will be a third fight. I arrive at the gym for the second time today but this time it's quiet. All the machines are stopped and the ring is empty. The manageress gets me a drink and I talk to her and the referee while we wait for the girls. Margaret enters from the dressing room area, comes over and gives me a kiss, then whispers in my ear, "she doesn't have a chance". Margaret enters the ring. Chantel leaves her dressing room in time to see Margaret kissing me, so not to be outdone, comes over and gives me a long deep kiss. Chantel smiles at me as she enters the ring. The referee asks the ladies to remove their robes. Margaret is wearing light green silk matching bra and panties. Chantel is wearing an off white silk and lace matching bra and panties. Neither outfit looks very durable. There are a few rules, no biting, no eye gouging, and no hitting with a closed fist. Other than that, all parts of the body are fair game. The bell sounds and the ladies move out to face each other. They lock hands overhead in a test of strength. Margaret with her long arms forces Chantel to her knees. Chantel rolls onto her back to relieve the pressure. Margaret drops onto her knees straddling Chantel, her butt crashing onto Chantel's stomach and knocking the wind from her. Chantel lays motionless gasping for air as Margaret forces Chantel's arms to the mat then pinning each under her knees. Margaret calls to me, "Are you ready to hear her scream?" With that, Margaret rips Chantel's bra off exposing her beautiful DD tits. Chantel's nipples are rock hard, about an inch long. Margaret grasps each nipple between her thumb and forefinger and begins to twist and pull. Chantel screams out, struggling franticly, her legs flailing in an attempt to get free. Chantel is able to strike Margaret in the back causing her to lose her balance and fall to the side. Both ladies scramble to their feet. Chantel backs out of reach rubbing the soreness from her nipples. The ladies move together again locking up, each trying to throw the other to the mat. Chantel trips Margaret and they go to the mat locked together with Chantel on top. Chantel delivers a weak knee between Margaret's legs. Margaret groans in pain and Chantel takes the opportunity to yank Margaret's bra off. Margaret's nipples aren't as large as Chantel's but are just as hard. Chantel drives her fingertips into Margaret's tits. Margaret shrieks out as tries to unseat Chantel. Margaret is finally able to throw Chantel into the ropes. Chantel is on her hand and knees facing me as Margaret straddles her back as if she was riding her, then tugs Chantel's waistband up giving her a wedgie. Chantel squeals out as her panties cut into her pussy. Chantel attempts escape by leaving the ring but Margaret hangs on to her panties exposing her firm buttocks in the process. Chantel unable to escape rolls onto her back, kicking at Margaret. Margaret takes a foot to her head, falling backwards onto the mat, somewhat stunned. Chantel is up and drops onto Margaret's tits with both knees. Margaret rolls over to protect her breasts, moving up onto her hands and knees. Chantel moves behind Margaret to remove her panties but Margaret sends a backhand into Chantel's right tit. Chantel howls out in pain, curling into a ball to protect her breasts. Margaret pulls Chantel's head up by her hair and applies the dreaded sleeper hold. Chantel struggles violently but Margaret hangs on until Chantel slips from consciousness. This looks like the end for Chantel. Margaret releases the hold allowing Chantel to slump onto the mat. Margaret drags Chantel out flat on her stomach, then removes her panties, tossing them to me. They're damp and I get a whiff of Chantel's beautiful scent. Margaret rolls Chantel over exposing her plump vulnerable pussy. Margaret positions Chantel spread-eagle on her back next to the edge of the ring where I'm sitting. Margaret smiles at me and asks, "Enjoying my win, dear?" She then drops with her knee contacting Chantel's pretty plump pussy. Chantel lets out a moan as she begins to regain consciousness. Margaret gives her one more knee to her pussy then commences to inflict damage to Chantel's nipples. It's a good thing that these ladies are friends, I'd hate to see how an enemy would be treated. Wow, what an ending, maybe a little brutal. Chantel leaves the ring with help from her second and goes to her dressing room. She does give me a smile as she departs the ring. Margaret comes over, her robe hanging loosely over her shoulders. "Well darling, did you enjoy my win?" She gives me a tonsil-tickling kiss as she slides my hand inside her robe and over her breast. Margaret goes to her dressing room for a shower. I go to see if Chantel is ok. I knock on the door, her second tells her it's me. She says, "I don't want you to see me like this." I walk in, Chantel is propped up on her stomach on the trainer's table with her tits in ice water and her pussy on an ice pack. I ask her second to give us a minute, she says that she shouldn't, as we're not to be alone. I bend down and kiss Chantel gently. She says, "You shouldn't see me like this." I slide my hand under the towel that's covering her firm bum. She says, "Oh that feels good." I tell her that I don't want her to fight the final match but she insists that she has to. I kiss her again and tell her to call me later. There is no way that the tie-breaker can go before next weekend or maybe two weeks to give Chantel time to heal. I say goodbye to Margaret and again I leave town so as to have no contact with the ladies before the final fight. My future wife calls me on Saturday and I talk her into flying over for a few days. We have broken the rules and even if she doesn't win the final fight, I intend to marry her. I arrive late Friday to find out that the final match is postponed until Sunday to give Chantel more time to heal. She is still very sore. I have dinner with both ladies. I ask both ladies to leave it as a draw and forget the final fight. The problem is that my future wife knows she has me but also wants the win. Margaret says to Chantel, "Are you ok to fight if we box?" Chantel replies, "Yes, I think so. Let's do it tomorrow nite" Chantel loves to box and feels very comfortable with the gloves on. The tie- breaking fight is another boxing match on Saturday. I can't help wondering why Margaret agreed to box. Chantel is the boxer but I guess Margaret wants to get the tie broken. I do sleep alone that nite but do talk to my future wife. Saturday, I sleep late, which for me means about 8 am, have breakfast, then go to the gym to work off my anxiety. I watch football and have a few drinks in the afternoon to kill time. Finally it's time to go to the gym. I walk into a quiet gym, by now I know where the bar is and where I am to sit. I want to go back to the dressing rooms but am forbidden by the manageress. I sit quietly sipping my drink. The only lites are the bright ring lites. I hear a door slam and look towards the dressing rooms. It's Margaret and her second, she comes over on her way to the ring to give me her usually tonsil tickling kiss. She smiles and says, "Don't worry love, it won't take me long to finish her off." I know she has something planned. Soon I hear Chantel's dressing room door close and she soon appears with her second. She also comes over, giving me a light delicate kiss. I whisper, "good luck." She replies, "Don't worry, I'll be ok." The ref asks the ladies to remove their robes. This will be my first glimpse of there fighting attire. Margaret come into view first, she's wearing a pale green thong that shows off her gorgeous ass. She still has a bruise on her left breasts and on her right rib cage but looks good. Chantel removes her robe and the bra she wore into the ring, an indication that her breasts are still tender from last weekend. Chantel looks great in black lace boy-leg panties, which are low rise even though Margaret gave her the option of reducing her target area. Chantel has several bruises around her nipples, which I might add are rigid. Chantel deserves a lot of credit for entering the ring not fully recovered from last weekend. The ref, "Ladies you know the rules, please follow them. Touch gloves, then go to your corners and wait for the bell. Both ladies dance in their corners. Chantel looks a little stiff. I guess we'll know the winner shortly. Round 1 The ladies come out jabbing at each other. The first fight went into the 6th round but I can't see this one lasting that long. I can hear Chantel groan as Margaret's jab contacts her breasts. Margaret steps up the pace, trying to create an opening. A right misses and Chantel comes back with a firm right to Margaret's chin. Margaret's legs go rubbery and she's forced to hang on. Margaret is probably wondering why she offered to box Chantel. Margaret shakes it off and becomes more defensive. Chantel becomes the aggressor with a couple of firm rights to Margaret's left tit, which causes her to scream out. Margaret comes back with a left to the top of Chantel's panties. Chantel's tummy is tender and can't resist the punch. She spews her mouthpiece out as she loses her wind, trying to go to her knees before Margaret can connect with a right. She ends up on her hands and knees in front of me. I'm looking at Chantel's firm round bum, which is partly covered by her black lace panties. She looks great. I'm rock hard. Chantel makes it to her feet. The bell ends the round before she gets her mouthpiece back. Both ladies are breathing heavy and are wet with perspiration but neither suffered any visible first round damage. Round 2 The ladies step up to meet each other. Chantel with quick left to Margaret's tits, followed by an overhand right to her head and Margaret is on the canvas. The guests are going wild. Chantel has become the favorite. Margaret is shaking her head in disbelief. She gets to her feet as the ref counts 7. Margaret and Chantel exchange smiles as they move to face each other. This time Margaret is ready. Margaret with a left to Chantel's right tit. Chantel cries out but nails Margaret with a short right uppercut knocking her to the mat again. I made a fatal error here by yelling, "Go Chantel." I'm sure I saw Margaret glare at me as she got to her feet. The ladies squared off again; this time Margaret with a barrage of punches drives Channel to the ropes just above me. Chantel ends up sitting on the bottom rope with her bum inches from my head. I could hear her squeal and groan with every punch. She topples forward onto the floor and takes a 7 count before getting to her feet. The ref cleaned her gloves and Margaret moves in front of her. I think I knew it was over for Chantel. Margaret hit her first to the top of her panties, then a left and a right to her tender tits. Chantel was now backed into the corner beside me. Margaret with a left uppercut under her chin followed by a right uppercut, which almost lifted Chantel out of her panties. Chantel is out cold and falls onto the ropes, then ricochets onto the mat. Chantel is on the mat with one foot caught up in the middle rope, so her legs are spread apart and I'm looking at her pussy through the leg open of her panties. That is my future wife laying out cold in the ring. Margaret posed over her fallen victim for a number of pictures. Chantel had to be carried from the ring. Margaret called to me from the ring, "Wasn't that a great knockout? I'll shower and be right with you." Margaret came out to collect her trophy, "me". She knew what I was going to say before I said it and she didn't make it easy. I informed her that I had chosen Chantel. This meant that Chantel and I had to leave town. Chantel was ok but sore. I held her in my arms all nite, then in the morning caught the first flight out. We were married six months later. Oh, Chantel took a month off but continued to box and still does some 10 years later. Margaret's knockout was the most devastating of Chantel's career. Comments or criticism to