SUBWAY TALE, Part II by Mardee Louise Prynne SarBeth meets Miss Ryan at the museum. Miss Ryan shows Sarah Beth how to dispose of a pickpocket. **************************************************************** I was still all hot and bothered from the incredible turn on of beating the hell out of that jerk-off who tried to grab my butt on the train. I was still all tingly and evan a little wet down there when I saw the museum against the background of Central Park. I stopped in my tracks and then hurried across Fifth Avenue. A small crowd was waiting for the museum to open at ten o’clock. Taking my cue from some of the college age girls milling about, I sat down on the wide steps. Suddenly I heard my name. "Sarah Beth Olinsky! I’m so pleased to see you’ve followed my suggestion. Really, I’m so impressed by your innate drive toward culture." I looked in the direction of the voice. The sun was backlighting a a very shapely woman of medium height. I blinked as my eyes adjusted to the glare. It was Miss Ryan. She looked so beautuful even though she wasn’t dressed like she dressed for school. A soft wool bias cut plaid skirt clung to the curves of her full hips. Dark grey stockings emphasized her sculpted calves. Her patent leather opera pumps made her chiseled ankles even more perfect. A sort of shawl or cape or both combined was pinned in place with a silver brooch. The sleeves of her blouse reached midway down her forearms to reveal a silver cuff bracelet worn over her longish gloves. Silver earrings matched the brooch and bracelet. A hat framed her face. I jumped to my feet. "Oh, good morning Miss Ryan..." Before I could say more, Miss Ryan interupted me. "We’re not in school now, Sarah Beth. Do call me Maude when we’re not in school." I felt my face redden at the thought of being able to call Miss Ryan by her first name. "That would be disrespectful. I mean..." "Don’t be so traditional, Sarah Beth. I’m sure we’re going to be great friends. I’m going to see to it that you’re provided with every opportunity to reach your full potential and to achieve a destiny far above those smug girls who try to lord it over you. Snobby little bitches aren’t worth your the sweat of your..." She paused. I was surprised and flattered by how much Miss Ryan understood about my status in the social milieu of our grammar school. I looked up at her with a combination of admiration and thanks. "Come along, Sara Beth. The museum is opening. Let me give you a tour. But first we’re going to fortify ourselves in the cafeteria. My treat. All of today is my treat." I was delighted at spending even a few hours in the company of this woman I adored. The cafeteria dining area opened onto a sculpture exhibition. Despie my efforts to impress Miss Ryan with feigned indifference I gawked like an out of town tourist. Miss Ryan smiled as she rested her finger tips on my wrist. Something akin to a chill ran through me as my heart beat increased. The tingle I had experienced on the subway returned. I crossed my legs and squeezed my thighs together. My hand shook as I lifted my cup of cocoa. "Sarah Beth, you seem perturbed. Did naything untoward happen on your ride in?" I nodded my head and lowered my eyes. Again, that thril as Miss Ryan pressed my hand between hers. "Your hand is icy. Do you want to tell me what happened?" Again, I nodded and lowered my eyes. After a deep breath, I told Miss Ryan of my misadventure. Somehow I felt relieved even as I spoke. "You did right by protecting yourself. Your instincts are so good." "But Miss Ryan, why did it feel so weird but so good after I beat him up?" "That, my darling, will take some time for you to understand. Time to visit the galleries." We emerged from the museum around half past noon. It was ever so special being guided through selected exhibitions by a woman I adored, a woman who had offered to be my mentor and hwo would be in more ways than I knew at that moment. "Well, I guess I go home now. Thank you for the treat and for spending your morning with me." "Must you really go home now? I would love to take you for lunch." "I really can’t impose nay more." Miss Ryan scolwed at me. "Really, Sara Beth. Were it an imposition I wouldn’t offer. Now telephone your mother and let her know you’re not lost. A few minutes later we boarded a double decker bus for teh ride down Fifth Avenue. I noticed that Miss Ryan, after paying our fares, left her wallet sticking out of her open purse. I tried to call her attention to it but she shook her head for me to be quiet. A thickset man noticed the wallet and followed us up the stairs to the empty upper level. As we started up the stairs, Miss Ryan smiled at me and winked. The bus lurched as we reached the upper level. Our pursuer stumbled against Miss Ryan. Suddenly he was standing on tiptoe with an agonized expression on his face. When he reached for Miss Ryan’s wallet she had wrapped one arm around his elbow and pressed down and back on teh hand that was trying to steal her wallet. "Aiie. Lemme go, lemme go. I just...Aiee. Hey, you’re breaking my wrist." "That’s for openers," taunted Miss Ryan as she increased the pressure. As suddenly as she had grabbed his arm she released only to grab his already sore wrist and force his arm up behind his back in hammer lock. "Make a sound and I’ll break it off and beat your balls with it." Miss Ryan was totally calm and totally in earnest. Miss Ryan chnaged the hold to an arm bar using it force the man’s face forward and down. Without warning she drove her knee into the man’s jaw. He collapsed to his knees. Miss Ryan smiled at me. "Get rid of some of your nager, love." I grabbed his ears and and drove my knee into his nose. He fell back as his nose crumbled. The would be pickpocket lay whimpering on the floor as the bus continued the trip down Fifth Avenue. Miss Ryan grabbed his hand again. "You’ll not put your hand in any women’s purse for a long time." He bellowed as she broke his thumb. "Finish him, Sarah Beth." I looked down at the helpless piece of trash as he knelt moaning on his knees. I shoved him onto his back adn kicked his balls. Miss Ryan put her arm on my shoulder and kissed me softly on the lips! "You learn quickly. Feels great, doesn’t it?" As we got off the bus Miss Ryan spoke to the driver. "There’s amn upsatirs. He’s hurt. Must’ve fallen or something." Miss Ryan held my hand. It felt really good! I smiled as I wondered if kissing Miss Ryan, really kissing Miss Ryan would be as much fun as practicing kissing with my girlfriends had been. Mardee Louise Prynne