Shirley and Sherry come home for a wedding and Shirley re-educates Kirk by After the whooping I took from Sherry on her last visit home, she sure was being her old cocky self again and starting to taunt me again. When she returned to Alabama, she told her mother, Shirley, all about it. Years ago, Shirley had given me some of my worst beatings. Some of the matches I had with her were totally one sided and I had been completely dominated from start to finish. Sherry called about a week later and told me that Shirley should would like to try me again when they make another trip back home to visit. Two days later, Shirley called and said they were all coming home to attend a wedding and that they would pay me a visit. Shirley said that Sherry had told her about her match with me a couple of weeks ago and that had Shirley ready to do battle with me again. Shirley said it had been a while since she had wrestled. Shirley said that Sherry and her had done a little practicing just to make sure I would not beat her too bad. Immediately I started thinking that I was being set up and Shirley was playing mind games with me. I told her that Sherry had gotten lucky and I would not be so easy this time. Shirley told me that Sherry was coming with her and she was wanting a rematch if I was up to it. Naturally I immediately said yes, I needed revenge for the last beating she gave me. Shirley said she doubts she can dominate me like she used too. I knew it was a psyche job then, these two never gave in to me, especially during our jawing sessions. I informed her that I was working all weekend and would get off Saturday at 2:00 if she was still brave enough after she got here for the wedding. Shirley said the wedding started at two and all the festivities should be wound down by 6 or 7. During this week before the wedding I was kinda reminiscing about some of our old matches how much Shirley liked using kicks and long lingering holds. I had only bested her once and knew I had to be on my toes if I wanted to do it again. But as the weekend drew near, I found myself actually starting to believe that she had not wrestled much since they moved to Alabama and I should have a much easier time that when she was in top shape. Hopefully this down time had cooled her kicking ability, the rest I felt I could handle. My wife was taking the kids with a friend of hers to the water park in the next city for the weekend since I would be working all weekend. This meant that I would have the house to myself for the weekend and the match could proceed unimpeded. I got off work about 3 o’clock Saturday and fell into my big chair recuperating from a long hard day. I was really beat and had halfway hoped Shirley was kidding about coming by for a battle, and I know I didn’t want to face Sherry being this tired. After showering, I felt a lot better and actually felt like wrestling now. I got back in my chair and a little later the fatigue bug jumped on me again. At about 7 o’clock, I heard a knock at the door, I pulled myself from my chair and answered the door. It was Shirley and Sherry. They were both wearing nice dresses and said they had just come from the wedding reception. They asked where my wife was and I told her about the water park trip. Sherry said that now we could wrestle all night and she wanted another match after Shirley’s. I told them both that I was really pooped and didn’t feel I would be much competition. They said they still wanted to go at it. Shirley went to the bathroom to change and Sherry helped me move the furniture back. I was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. Sherry then went to change also. Shirley returned wearing a black and white striped one piece bathing suit that was high cut on her legs. She still had the dark tan and very smooth skin that I remembered. She didn’t appear to have aged much and her legs were still very pleasing to look at. They still flexed nicely when she walked and then I saw her lovely feet. I had almost forgotten how much I loved worshiping her feet, just seeing them brought back all those wonderful memories. Her toenails were painted a bright red and matched her fingernails. Shirley said she wanted to go two out of three because she has not done this in a while, except for the little practice with Sherry, and it may take her a while to get back in the swing of things. Shirley started to move closer to go over the ground rules and I asked to stop over there and we would start apart. Sherry had returned wearing very short denim cutoffs and a lime green bikini top. Sherry laughed and said I must have learned something from her last trip. Shirley then threw a front kick with her right foot and then her left foot. They were not close to hitting me but I know she saw my expression, I had been had. Shirley grinned and said she was ready to start. With Shirley appearing as though she had not lost a step and me being really tired, I knew I had to work fast and quick to try and end this in two falls my way. I didn’t even want to think about facing Sherry tonight. Shirley and myself moved towards each other, I kept my concentration on her legs cause I remembered how much pain they had given me in the past. Shirley would slap at my hands and fake some kicks just to see my reaction. I decided it was now or never and rushed Shirley. Shirley turned her back to me starting the motion for a spinning kick and I was able to grab her from behind in a standing rear chin lock. Shirley was not expecting me to be behind her so quickly so I was able to get a very secure grip with the chin lock. With our height differences, almost a foot, I was able to pull up so that Shirley was up on her tip toes. This allowed me to keep her off balance. The only thing that kept Sherry from helping her mother was I told her that if she helped, I wouldn’t wrestle her later. Sherry was hollering all kind of encouragement to Shirley. I knew if I could keep this locked this tight for just a little while longer, Shirley would have to give. Shirley then started to struggle and wiggle all over the place. I spread my legs and hunkered down to give me good base. Shirley reached back with both hands and grabbed my shorts and suddenly pulled forward. I was trying to think what good would that do when I felt her butt slam into my groin area. Shirley then brought her hips out again and appeared as though she was lining up for another butt shot. I scooted my feet back a little and managed to maintain the chin lock, but had lost my good base and was now bent over waiting on Shirley to try another butt shot. Shirley then grabbed my left arm, that was around her chin, with both hands and dropped to her knees and rolled slightly to the left causing me to flip over her and land on my back on the floor. The position we ended up in was me on my back and Shirley was on my left leg with her left arm still grasping my left arm. I grabbed her left arm with both of mine and all I had to do was straighten my legs out and I had Shirley in an arm lock out hold. I did not use much pressure and Shirley knew exactly how the hold worked from using on me in the past. I put my right calf under her chin so I could see her face so that I could enjoy this. Sherry even said that I got her now. I don’t ever remember having Shirley controlled this much before so I wanted to make this last a little longer before making her tapp out. Sherry told me to enjoy it cause that would never happen with her. I told her to just wait, it’ll soon be her turn to lose. Shirley seemed to know that she would not be escaping and just laid back waiting for the final squeeze. The position that I had her arm trapped in caused it to go right across my groin. Shirley started pressing her elbow down which caused my groin to grow even more. Sherry told Shirley a little more of that and I wouldn’t be able to hold her there. Sherry was right. I leaned back a little more and Shirley slapped my right calf saying she gives. I released her arm and stood up. We took a little water break and then Sherry and Shirley started whispering about something. Shirley then pointed at my crotch and asked if it will ever go down. I knew it was hard and wasn’t no use in trying to hide it. I looked down and as I started to look back up, I saw a gorgeous foot coming at my head. Shirley’s right foot connected with the left side of my neck. My knees buckled and I was trying to crouch for another attack and was caught in the stomach with another kick from Shirley’s right foot. The motion of her perfect red toe nail painted foot going into my stomach was as though it was in slow motion and I was unable to move. But the effect of the kick sure didn’t feel like it was moving in slow motion. Shirley then stepped back and shot her left foot into the right side of my neck. Those neck shots are used by defensive people as brachial stuns and now I know exactly what they are supposed to do. They rob you of your faculties for just a second and your equilibrium goes haywire. I had taken two of them with a stomach kick thrown in for good measure. I dropped to my left knee trying to maintain some kind of balance. I could hear Sherry encouraging Shirley and had that "about time" tone in her voice. Shirley then stepped back and launched a right half straight half roundhouse kick with her right foot and caught me in the left side of my head at my ear. I fell to both knees and Shirley stepped forward grabbing my hair with both hands. She lifted my head up and brought her left knee around in a circle motion and caught me in the forehead with her left knee. This knocked me onto my back. I was laying on my back with Shirley standing on my left side near my knees. I rolled to the right and tried to get to my hands and knees when Shirley jumped square on my back knocking me back flat on the floor. Shirley’s angle at which she landed on my back caused my arms to fold under me and I struggled to get them out to my sides. Shirley grabbed my hair with both hands and yanked my head up. When I tried to bring my arms up from my sides, they hooked behind her legs at her knees. Shirley sat back trapping both of my arms with her legs. With my head pulled up by my hair, Shirley tried to slide her hands down for a chin lock of her own. When she would release my head to move her hands down, I would duck again and she was unable to get a good chin lock on me. Sherry then told her to pull on the straps of my tank top. The shirt had ridden up a little and when Shirley grabbed the straps and pulled back, the front went right into my throat and started cutting off my air. With my arms secured in Shirley’s legs, I had no way to relieve the choke hold. I think Shirley realized she had me at this point and was content to dish out some pain for my earlier fall victory. Shirley kept a tight grip on my tank top and just enough pressure on my throat to allow me just enough air to stay awake. Sherry then got down on the floor and started taunting me to my face and, as always, grinning real big. Sherry was also keeping Shirley apprized of the condition my face was in, going from red to white. Shirley asked me to give and as I started to speak, she pulled hard on the straps causing me to gag. She did this two or three times, never letting me say "I give." Then tauntingly saying that she was not letting go until I gave. With the pulling of my arms and Shirley’s grip, her butt had ridden up so that it was sitting on my shoulder blades. I could see her knees out of the corner of my eyes on each side of my head. Shirley was keeping the pressure in an upward direction now instead of straight back which did give me some relief. I had been robbed of much needed oxygen and had no fight left in me. Shirley then pulled real hard on my straps and then released the straps. I saw black dots for just an instance and then my head fell to the floor. I lay there gasping and then taking deep breaths trying to get some air. Shirley grabbed my hair and pulled my head back a little and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I think it’s time you give honey." I immediately said yes and she let my head go back to the floor. Shirley took her sweet time getting off my back letting her foot drag over my back before walking away. Sherry fixed water and brought it in for us and really started taunting me and told me it was only a matter of time before I would be their foot slave for the night. I didn’t know the match had stakes on it but Sherry must like having her feet worshiped to say that. It really didn’t bother me much and knew that damn choke hold had taken a lot out of me. Shirley was also glowing with confidence now and seemed to have gotten some extra energy. I pulled my shirt off and told them that no way would I supply them with a weapon again. I was now only in shorts. At least my shirt tail helped hide my hard on but now it was there for the world to see. After about a ten minute rest period, Shirley said she was ready to kick my ass again. Shirley looked like a big cat on the hunt and I looked like I was moving in molasses. Shirley’s smirk had also returned which I was going to try and remove. We circled about a half circle and I moved in and grabbed her around the shoulders and pulled her towards me trying for a bear hug. Shirley jumped upwards into me grabbing my hair with both hands. Shirley put her feet on my hips and jerked backwards violently. I rolled with her and she sent me flying over her. I landed on my back sliding into the living room wall. I landed on my butt bone and it sure was hurting. Sherry broke out in a loud laugh telling Shirley how good of a move that was. I don’t remember if I had ever been flipped that convincingly before. I laid there a minute trying to gather my faculties and saw Shirley on her feet coming towards me. Shirley seemed to be pumped now, maybe she was surprised at how well the flip worked, I know I was. I know I keep harping on it, but Shirley has gorgeous feet and now I was eye level with them. I rolled to my side trying to get up and felt a powerful shot in my kidney area. Shirley had landed a kick to my back kidney. I rolled back onto my back and Shirley was looking down at me grinning real big. Shirley put her foot on my chest and mockingly said "this is too easy." Shirley then turned to Sherry and told her that there might not be anything left for her to fight. Shirley then flexed her toes in front of my face, grinning the whole time. Shirley then took her foot off my chest and bent over and grabbed me by my hair. Shirley helped pull me to my feet and pushed me up against the wall. Boy did my back hurt, high and low. Using the wall to prop myself up was a good thing, or so I thought, until I saw Shirley step to my right side. Shirley rotated her hips and threw a right windmill kick and her right foot buried in my midsection. I doubled over and still had the vision of how good her leg muscles looked as her foot approached my stomach. Shirley grabbed my hair and stood me up again, halfway holding me against the wall with her left forearm. Shirley stepped closer and swung her right knee into my midsection. I sank to my knees with my head resting on Shirley’s right thigh. Any other time I would love this position, but the pain in my gut kept me from thinking about anything but how to ease the pain. Shirley grabbed two handfuls of my hair and pulled me up against the wall. Shirley then pressed her body up against mine and I saw her voluptuous breasts smash into my midsection and that didn’t feel bad. This could not have looked very manly, a 6'7", 280 pound decent shaped male being whooped and beaten by a 5'5" voluptuous older female. I was over a foot taller and outweighed her by about 150 pounds. Shirley did have the psychological advantage of defeating me several times in previous meetings and always took advantage of the slightest opening she got. Shirley was grinning very wide now and I could tell she knew she had me. I still had not recovered from almost being choked out the round before. Shirley, still holding onto my hair, jumped up and shoved her beautiful feet deep into my midsection and jerked backwards again. And again I went flying over her in another flip. This time I slid over to where Sherry was sitting. Sherry put her foot on my face and pushed me around to face towards Shirley. Sherry and Shirley were both ecstatic about the flip working that well again. I laid on my back trying to figure out what hurt the most, my stomach, back or butt bone. Shirley got on her knees at my head and jumped on my upper body with her head towards my feet. Shirley slapped her legs together securing my head in a reverse head scissors. Even with all the pain I was feeling at this time, the feel of her soft legs against my face was wonderful. Her skin was so soft, even when her thighs bulged with power. Shirley reached back and pulled my head deep into her thighs so that my nose was grazing her butt cheeks. Shirley could put me out any time she wanted. Sherry was quick to point out that my hard still had not gone away. Shirley put her arm on it and worked it along with my head in her thighs. Seeing her butt muscles tense up was marvelous. Shirley did not use a full blast of power from her thighs, she was just content with keeping me trapped for a while. Sherry once again kept her informed on the different colors my face would change. Shirley then released my head from her thighs and rolled to my left side. Shirley turned to face me and pulled my head into a front head scissors. Shirley said she wanted to see my face when I uttered my final surrender. Sherry was telling Shirley to hurry up and finish me so she could have her rematch. Shirley told Sherry that I looked to pooped to fight anymore tonight and Sherry would get her rematch in the morning before they left to go back to Alabama. Sherry agreed and said she wanted me to give her some competition. Shirley then pulled my deep into her soft thighs and my nose was whiskers away from her crotch. Shirley said she was going to play with me just a little longer and then she would put me out. Shirley was keeping constant pressure with her thighs to keep my head secured, which even I admitted the fight had gone out me at this point. I still did some futile struggling and Shirley and Sherry would just laugh and then Shirley would grit her teeth and power her thighs. Her thighs would swell just a bit and my struggling would immediately stop. Shirley then twisted to her left which pulled me over onto my stomach, which was still sore. Shirley was lying on her back with my head buried in her thighs. Shirley pulled my head up and really dug her thighs into the sides of my neck. This was a beautiful sight for me, looking up at Shirley’s large breasts and her looking over the top of them down at me. Shirley grinned real big and said, "I think it’s time you surrender to me now." I immediately said I give. Shirley patted my head and said to close my eyes because I was fixin to go to sleep. Shirley said she had hoped that she would get the opportunity to knock me out to prove she still had dominance over me in our matches. Shirley leaned back and her thighs bulged and starting cutting into my neck. My neck felt like it was being separated from my body and I could hear Sherry cheering her on. I was barely able to open my eyes and saw Shirley looking down into my eyes as the black dots came into my view. The last thing I saw before going out was Shirley’s smirk. I woke up lying on my back with Sherry and Shirley sitting on the couch on my right side. Sherry threw a little water in my face and told me to wake up. Sherry said she always had wanted to knock me and now knew how to do it. Shirley was drinking some water and gave me some to drink also. I was finally able to make it to my knees and drank some water. My neck still felt like it was on fire and I had a small headache. Shirley then extended her left leg and pointed her left foot at my and told me to get busy. I immediately put down the water and put her gorgeous left foot in my mouth and started licking and sucking it. Shirley put her right foot on my left shoulder. Shirley told me to do a good job or she would have to kick my ass again. I took her painted toes and work them with my tongue and kissed and licked her entire foot over and over. Shirley leaned back and moaned a little, especially when I would run my tongue between her toes and suck them. Sherry told Shirley that I at least knew how to lick feet. Shirley then took her left foot away and told me to do her right foot. I licked and sucked Shirley’s feet for awhile. Shirley said she had once again proved her dominance over me and would most definitely do this again when she visited. Shirley said they would be back tomorrow morning at 10 am for Sherry’s match. Shirley then told Sherry to go change clothes and take her time. Shirley then shoved her right foot in my mouth and put her left foot behind my head. Shirley then fingered herself while shoving her foot in and out of my mouth. Shirley kept looking into my eyes and then she leaned back and her eyes rolled up a little and she let out a loud moan. Shirley fingered herself feverishly and I worked her foot like there was no tomorrow. Shirley then removed her finger and took her foot out of my mouth. Shirley told me next time she may let my mouth do the finger part, but then who would suck her feet. Shirley grinned real big while saying this. Shirley then took her right foot and pressed it into my rock hard groin and said, "what do you want me to do about this." Before I could answer, Shirley pushed me onto my back with her feet and told me to scoot up to the couch. I quickly did as ordered. Shirley then pressed her gorgeous feet into my crotch and started rubbing my hard on. Shirley then took her right foot and put it over my mouth and massaged my groin with her left. It only took a matter of second and I erupted all inside my shorts. Shirley grinned and said, "that’s a good little boy." I laid there in a mixture of extasy and pain. Sherry walked back in asked what was going on. Shirley said that her victim was paying his debt. The big stain on my shorts was very evident and could not be hidden. Sherry smiled and told me to be ready in the morning. Shirley changed her clothes and off they went to stay with Shirley’s niece for the night. I hurt all night and knew tomorrow would be tough, but I kinda liked being beaten by these women, and they do enjoy their work, even though I tried to do my best most of the time. Sherry’s match tomorrow will be done as a separate story.