SEA YOU LATER (c)1979 by Tim Hollis Tim Hangschwartz was driving down the highway in his Timmobile, which you may remember was a writing desk with wheels attached. This time, there was a small trailer hooked on to the back of the desk, and in the trailer was one of Hangschwartz's two bodyguards, Muscles Mahogany. "It's certainly nice to get away to the beach for a few days," Hangschwartz remarked. "Yeah, and it will be nice to get away from Krinklesnyde for a while, too," agreed Mahogany. What she didn't see was the sinister figure of Krink himself, who had been holding on underneath the trailer ever since they left Hangschwartz's palace. "That's what THEY think, heh heh heh," he sneered to himself. Once they arrived at the beach, Mahogany checked into her motel room and changed into her swim suit. "I'm going out to get some sun," she announced. "Oh, I have to stay out of the sun," said Hangschwartz, pointing out his pale skin. "It fries me like bacon if I'm in it too long." Now, Krinklesnyde knew this as well as Hangschwartz did, so he quickly hatched up another dirty trick. He slunk out to where Mahogany was sunning herself on her beach blanket. "If I can get HER out of the way," he snarled, "I'll be free to get that Hangschwartz!" Krink had with him a long chain, with a heavy anchor attached to the end of it. With a loud, "AR, HAR HAR!" he sprang at Mahogany, and before she had time to fight him off, Krink had her wrapped so securely in the chain and anchor that she couldn't move at all. "Now, into the ocean with you!" he roared, tossing her helpless form into the rolling waves. With Mahogany out of the way, Krink next grabbed Hangschwartz and carried him out to the hottest spot on the beach, intending to give him the worst case of sunburn in medical history. "HELP! MAHOGANY! I'M COOKING!" yelled Hangschwartz, having no idea where she was. Where she was, was just beneath the water's surface, held on the ocean floor by the heavy chain and anchor. Looking about, she saw a clump of seaweed that looked somewhat familiar. By sheer dumb luck, it was a patch of the rare underwater Super Pill plant! Since she couldn't use her hands, she had to bend over and stretch her tongue a couple of feet to reach the little pink vitamins. But she finally managed to gulp a few down, and BOOMO! The chain exploded into a thousand bits of metal, as Mahogany spouted muscles on top of muscles. Grabbing up the anchor with one hand, she shot to the surface. Back on the beach, Krink had just about finished cooking Hangschwartz in the sun, when there was suddenly a roaring sound from the direction of the ocean. Looking over his shoulder, Krink saw what looked to be a tornado or waterspout roaring toward the coastline, but on second look, he could see that at the top of the funnel was the angry face of Muscles Mahogany! He tried to run away, but she swung the anchor like a cowboy's lasso, and belted Krink right on the jaw with it. He went sailing through the air, crashing through the roof of an aquarium a couple of miles down the strip. Tourists visiting the aquarium couldn't figure out the new display that seemed to have been added. There was a wooden cutout of a mermaid's body, meant for people to stand behind while they had their pictures taken. But now, the mermaid's head looked more like an unconscious green kangaroo... and do you know something else? It stayed that way for the next two weeks! The End