Mr. Mom By Betty at Bob thinks Karen should stay home and be full time Mom. Please let me know what you think. Karen and Bob just had there first baby after five years of marriage, perfect little girl that they named Penny . They got married and started working just after college. They worked at the same company as sales people. She was a far better salesperson and made half again as much as Bob did with half the work but they were happy. Now with Penny born Bob wanted Karen to stay at home and be a full time Mom. He said that he could make up what she made by taking over her customers ,but hell she knew he had his hands full with the ones he had now. And as much as Karen loved Bob and Penny the thought of staying home was not one she liked. Karen did agree that a full time mother would be good for her daughter and after giving it much thought she had a plane. Bob and Karen had there first night out since Penny was born and they came home feeling like every thing was settled or Bob thought every thing was. He paid the sitter and Karen made sure that Penny was sleeping. Bob was taking a shower and Karen started her plane .They both had free gym membership from work but the big difference was Karen worked out and took tibo and boxing ,she loved free weights and free style mixed wrestling but all Bob did was sit in the hot tub ,and have massages do a little racket ball and go to the health bar and talk with other members. Not that he was in bad shape and he was handsome as hell and she just loved his rear and his eyes but Karen was in dam good shape even for just having a baby. As Bob was getting out of the shower he was surprised to see his wife standing in front of him wearing knee high boots and her workout gloves and a big grin and nothing else. His own grin was also big ,not to mention his cock getting big. Karen walked up to him and just touched his manhood and with another big smile she said later darling but first we have to talk about how YOUR going to be quitting work and staying home as a full time MOM for Penny. Bobs smile left his face .What are you nuts honey I’m the man and I should work and you as the mother should stay home you know like both our parents did. I thought we have been through this before and you said that you’d be leaving work and being a full time mother. And you said you’d drop the Ms Hopkins and take up Mrs. Johnson so Penny wont get confused with all the different names .Hell we even got a new Minnie van for you and Penny . I know I can make as much as you do when I take over some of your accounts honey now stop this none sense and get to bed I want to make love to that tight body of yours. Walking up to her husband Karen smiled and then almost floored him with a slap across his face. Sweetie I never said id stop working and when You quit and I take over ALL your accounts ill be making more then we both do now so lets get to it so I can bed your hot body Looking at her in all her glory at five foot five inches her blonde hair in a pony tail with just her boots and gloves on made her look like Lora Craft .Even thou he was six foot two he felt intimidated but also hot as hell and his cock showed it .He knew that he was going to win this and that it would be over and they could stop this bull and she would stay home so he took a fighting stance ,but hers somehow look much better even to his eyes. End part one