Misty The College Years So, now it was time for college and Misty's parents insisted on a college with a superior reputation. Misty had decided on majoring in chemistry, minoring in biology a long time ago and she had her choice of several with full scholarships. She told her Mom she wouldn't be needing the benefits of her "college fund" yet and just let it ride. The one with the best reputation was in another state and sadly that meant Misty had to leave the comfort and security of the womb. Her parents were her best friends. Now she was going to have to make new ones. Fortunately the roll of the die gave Misty a short, fat totally unintimidating roommate, albeit she still had a D cup and yes, she drank a lot of milk, but the D cup was situated over a very rotund DD sized midriff. Her parents got her well-established and it was a traumatic experience for all of them as this meant there little daughter was finally leaving the nest. So with tears and well wishes they parted. Misty had a heavy schedule but she still had time for lifting. However there was no garage hidden from prying eyes anymore. She steeled herself and sought out the weight room. She peered in and oddly enough there were a sprinkling of women in the gym and of course the men were even bigger here than in high school. She said to herself, "I've been working out for four years and I'm not going to stop now", and went right to work. This time she had all new professional equipment to work out with. No more concrete weights. This gym had Olympic bars. Thanks to her summer growth spurt she now towered 4' 11" and weighed 95 #s. Her frame had broadened and she was almost on the verge of looking like a tiny woman except for the flat chest but her stomach was taut and even showed two out of a possible six pack. When she looked at herself in the mirror she was starting to think she had something worth looking at. Her ass was particularly pert and firm. She knew that was the second thing men looked at and her efforts had made considerable progress. She stopped wearing baggy workout pants and started wearing baggy shorts to the gym. "Mrs. Horne helped me in more ways than one", Misty thought. "I'd never have acquired what self-confidence I have if it wasn't for the weightlifting." In college, along with her heavy load of science, she acquired another personal interest and that was sports medicine which branched into all manner of sports related subjects included all the concomitant illegal performance enhancing drugs, and everything else associated with growing bigger and getting stronger. It was a natural adjunct to a solution she was determined to find. Along this time, Misty wanted to start experimenting with breast enhancing cremes. She would have done this sooner but she didn't want Mom to find out and least of all she did not want to dip into her college fund because that stuff was expensive. If she wanted to tap into that for breast cremes her mom would get curious. Mom was sharp, she could never pass that expense on as books so that meant one thing. Find a part-time job. She could probably tutor as a junior or senior because she didn't have enough college levels courses under belt so she'd have to find something else in the interim. While running around the campus area, Misty discovered, Long Wong's, a Chinese restaurant and it had a help wanted sign out front. She went in, spoke with Mrs. Wu and was hired on the spot. Mrs. Wu took a shine to Misty right off the bat and she was quite willing to work around Mistys school schedule. Misty had to wear a Chinese, silken, formal dress with fancy dragons sewn on the sleeves and such and Misty rather liked it. The slacks didn't fit at first but Mrs. Wu had an extended network of family. She had a cousin that was a retired tailor but still kept his hand in the business for family. Mrs. Wu set up a fitting appointment for Misty. "This won't take me long", Chin reassured Misty. The pants were form fitting afterwards and Chin Lu had to admire his work as Misty tested the fit in his workroom. "Anytime you need something altered, just give me a call", Mr. Lu said. "I don't want to be any bother", Misty said. "Nonsense, I can only play so much Maj Jongg and I would much rather help a pretty young lady then spend time with a bunch of old men." Misty brightened appreciably, "That's the nicest thing anybody has said to me in a long time, thankyou Mr. Lu". Aside from her parents, who were always saying how pretty she was, this was one of the first times she received a compliment on her appearance. Of course, she was generally buried in multiple layers of clothing anyway. In college, she was starting to let her hair grow whereas in high school she cut it short. Her first year in college was incredibly hectic. She was handling her classes well, although between her homework, and work at Long Wong's there wasn't much time for socializing but she wasn't about to cheat on her workouts. If anything she might have made them briefer but much more intense and she could always squeeze in 20-30 minutes of running here and there. She reserved harder workouts for the weekend. During the first half of her year she was earning enough money to start experimenting with breast creams. After a year and half she had tried every single one on the market. Nothing budged. Sure it was disappointing, apparently some women were having some success if you could believe the affidavits but she seemed to be totally resistant to any change via breast creams. After the first couple of creams she resigned herself that this approach wasn't going to work but she tried several more to be thorough. After all, if researchers and scientists quit after the first attempt, we would be short quite a few modern miracles today. She thought of herself as two pancakes and a couple of raisins. Not quite though. The progress was quite slow but gradually she was building a foundation of muscle. As usual, Misty did a lot of independent research and she was learning a lot about the musculature of the body and how to make muscles grow. Naturally for women it was difficult unless of course steroids were administered which have rather unpleasant side effects on the female anatomy. In addition, she wasn't any more enamored with needles than the next person, in fact, a lot less. Of course there were oral steroids and she wanted to become bigger in the bust and get stronger for that matter too, however she considered the side effects in a cost/benefit analysis and there was no question she had to find another alternative. And she wouldn't mind being taller but it was probably too late for that. The university gym was huge because it had a number of school athletic programs. She had free rein of all the equipment and the gym had long hours. All the professional equipment allowed her to advance her training methods considerably over the old, patched with duct tape, work out bench with cracked plastic, concrete weights that Dad had in the garage. But she kept to herself all the time preferring to work solo. Misty liked working with Mrs. Wu and they got along quite well. Mrs. Wu invited Misty to several family functions. Mrs Wu didn't have a daughter of her own and she was taking a stronger personal interest in Misty all the time. Misty was a waitress and the customers thought she was cute in her costume. At first Misty was a bit reserved, a little bit nervous, but she discovered in general the more friendly she was, the more she smiled, especially to men (with eye contact) her tips tended to be more generous. She realized that if she could sway and wiggle her butt and bent over with cleavage showing (this costume was buttoned at the neck) that she might have earned huge tips instead she had an athletes, round, perky butt on tiny, trim hips so there wasn't much motion possible there. She would have to compensate for the lack of those feminine assets by showing off her smile and simply being friendly. Misty was the only Caucasian working at Long Wong's. Sometimes they got too busy but Mrs. Wu wouldn't hire anybody else. It was just Misty and three other Wu family members for wait staff. Mistys birthday was in May just before the end of the school year. Mrs. Wu had a surprise birthday dinner at the restaurant in her honor. There was extended family at the birthday dinner most of whom Misty had seen coming and going, half of whom she'd gotten to know but she was thoroughly shocked and a little embarrassed at the attention. Her host asked for a toast and it surprised everybody that Misty responded in Mandarin with an ancient proverb that wished good health and prosperity to everyone present. An the end of the dinner, Mrs. Wu got up, rung her crystal water glass and said to all the guests present, in Mandarin, "Its time". At which time all the guests became quiet and solemn. This took Misty a little bit by surprise and the mystery was killing her when Mrs. Wu left the room and came back carrying an intricately carved, ancient looking platter that looked like it went back to the Han dynasty. She set it before Misty and on it was a very large, fortune cookie. Mrs. Wu was a little breathless, "Misty, this is a very special fortune, not like the mass produced fortunes we give the customers. It came all the way from China from someone that specializes in fortunes. A very talented and wise man. Please open it." Misty, gaped a little bit, looked around the table and everyone was looking at her expectantly. So she picked up the fortune cookie and very carefully broke it. Inside was, a a tiny scroll with a miniature silver tassel. She unrolled it. The characters looked like calligraphy made with gold ink. The scroll was like ancient parchment. Misty admired this fine piece of art then looked up and said, "Mrs. Wu, its in Mandarin, I can't read it." Mrs. Wu, made a small bow and said, "allow me." Mrs. Wu very carefully took the scroll and with great decorum and dignity unrolled the scroll and addressed the family. She first spoke in Mandarin, then in English, "Patience will be rewarded." At which point a number of family members went Ahhhh, after which socializing began at the table again and everybodys attention was no longer riveted on Misty. Mrs. Wu, gave a slight bow and returned the scroll to Misty. Misty was a little confused about this elaborate birthday party, especially the presentation of the scroll but she chalked it up to Chinese customs and how different there culture can be and left it at that. Misty didn't go home for the summer. She had signed up for a full slate of summer courses and she planned to continue to work for Mrs. Wu. she was on pace to complete college in three years because she had also picked up a few credits while in high school and had tested for credit as well. During the summer Misty decided to experiement with Over the Counter HGH, human growth hormone. HGH wasn't supposed to do anything to a grown adult other than help keep a person young by maintaining vitality whether that be in the joints, skin, retained muscle mass, quicker recovery and so on. Misty kept very careful records as usual and found that HGH did no more for the growth of breast tissue than the breast cremes did BUT she did notice that it accelerated her progress in the gym. She had packed on a couple more pounds of muscle which Misty liked a great deal. The progress was so slow that the growth was barely noticeable, but what growth there was, still encouraged Misty. By the end of the first semester of her second year she was still 4' 11" but now she weighed 101#s. She was getting close to having the physique of a sprinter. Full, well developed thigh muscles, well muscled shoulders and arms, and the beginning of a bodybuilders chest. Her best bench press was 130 #s now which was extraordinary for a woman of her weight. That was a testament to how hard she worked not only in the classroom but also the gym. Misty didn't mess around. Whatever she put her mind to, she decided to apply herself fully. Misty looked with disdain on the women that frequented the gym and typically used the machines with only one or two weights for "toning" purposes. "A complete and utter waste of time", she thought to herself. "They might as well stay home and lift a full coffeepot off the table repeatedly for the same amount of good it was doing them. Instead of maximizing there potential, they make every attempt to minimize it." Christmas swept by with another visit to home and once again at the end of the second year Mrs. Wu gave Misty another birthday party. Before the birthday party, Mrs. Wu told Misty to set an appointment with Mr. Wu to get measured for another dress that was to be her birthday present from the family. Misty almost broke into tears when it was presented to her by Mr. Wu. It was black silk jacket embossed with exotic, gold dragons and black silk slacks. She looked resplendent at the party. Misty thought she might look like Chinese nobility in an outfit like that as it came with matching slippers. Only the pants were form fitting. The jacket was loose, buttoned to the side and had a very high neck line. But the artwork was absolutely startling. Sometimes it seemed as if the dragons would leap off the jacket. Its true in the time that she'd been working there, she had developed some regular customers but Misty thought, I can't help but be noticed in this outfit. It was striking. Misty was a little bit more prepared this year then last and had prepared a slightly more verbose, toast in Mandarin to reflect the honor which they were bestowing on her. Although Misty was curious she never asked Mrs. Wu about why she deserved such a big gathering. "Are all birthdays celebrated this way in the Wu household", she thought to herself? This time in attendance one of the great uncles from China was present and he sat at the head of the table on the opposite end. Once again Mrs. Wu brought the huge fortune cookie with the miniature scroll in it. The fortune said, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." The great uncle stood after the reading of the scroll and spoke to Mrs. Wu to translate, as he couldn't speak a word of English, "remember these proverbs in times of crisis", he bowed, smiled and sat down. Once more the tension of the the reading had passed and everybody began to socialize or drink again. This puzzled Misty more than ever because these were the most mundane, ordinary, common pieces of advice which are freely available and known at an early age to every American. Why they were wrapped in such mystery and ceremony she was at a loss to understand but, oh well, she liked the attention and the experience of the moment. That summer was another heavy load of advanced classes and she was qualified to offer tutoring. She didn't want to quit working at Long Wong's because they were like her extended family now. However, during the summer the class load wasn't quite as full as during the regular semester so she signed up and the pay was very good for tutoring some of the advanced classes, $20 an hour. Even her Dad didn't make that much per hour. During that summer something rather special began to happen. There was a very ordinary looking guy with a big nose, blond hair that sat next to her in her Biophysics class and she decided to let down her hair with him and open up a little. She was ready to experiment. He'd been making friendly overtures for a while and she decided what the hell. It was a bit of a Mutt and Jeff situation as he was 6' 2" but she decided if they were discreet it wouldn't look to ridiculous. Robert cut a handsome figure and he wasn't all brains either. He was on the swim team. Robert invited her to come to a swim meet and she replied noncomittally so as not to get his hopes up but she had decided to attend anyway. When she arrived it wasn't difficult to hide behind some big, fat people and she paid rapt attention when it was Roberts turn to warm up and line up at the blocks. She really liked what she saw including the bulge in his swim trunks. From this distance, she couldn't really be sure but it seemed like his bulge was slightly bigger than the others. Misty figured, why not, since I don't have to compete for him it was time to lead him on and see where things went. Robert didn't win that heat but he was in a medley that won for the school so she would note that and mention it at the right time because she was certain Robert didn't notice her in the stands. The next day at class Misty congratulated Robert on his success, and his face lit up, "You were there?" "Oh yes, Robert, I had a good time." This led to an invitation to study together then another for walking together, even working out together but Misty still had discomfiture over their size differences. One time Robert escorted her to her dorm and Misty's roommate wasn't there and just as Robert was getting ready to leave, Misty said wait a minute, she got up from her desk chair, and shoved the step stool (she used for accessing some storage cabinets) over towards Robert, she casually walked over and stepped on the stool, looked him right in the face, "Thanks for being such a good friend Robert." Wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big kiss square on the lips. Robert was quite unprepared for that development but he gently enfolded her in his arms and responded with one of his own gentle kisses. They separated and smiled at one another, Misty stepped down and said, "I'll see you in class." "Right", Robert said and of course, Robert muddled through the rest of the day unable to concentrate on anything. Misty could see what effect she was having on Robert. He would steal glances at her in class and he was getting bolder with his invitations. Just like all her other experiments Misty kept a notebook on this one. How the relationship was developing, the steps that were taken, the timeframe in which it was happening and she decided that she needed to pick up the tempo before the fall semester started. There just simply wouldn't be time for a boyfriend and practical as she was she wasn't going to cut back on her sleep to accomodate an experiment. Late in the summer during the evening (Misty's roommate went home for the summer), Misty decided to invite Robert in and try some necking. Misty was wearing her typical bulky but light clothes (because it was summer) and they were trading some wet kisses when Roberts hand strayed toward Mistys chest. Misty caught Roberts hand and said, "You don't mind Robert if you skipped that part, do you, there's virtually nothing there and I'm a little sensitive about that?" Robert looked a bit crestfallen but said, "Sure, sure, no problem." Misty intensified the level of the kissing and breathing and pulled Robert back onto the bed on top of her. She ground her hips into his belly and because of the size difference his growing bulge was down below her pussy so she couldn't feel that growing against her. Misty was really starting to get interested in her experiment and she tried to remind herself to remain detached but she wanted to cop a feel of Robert's dick and for that matter, she'd never seen one in the "flesh" before much less touched one. So she withdrew her hips and reached down and tried to grope Robert, and said, "pull it out, left me feel it, let me see it." Robert was working up a head of steam, but he said, "all right", so he sat up unzipped his pants and had to fight his underwear to expose it because it was fully erect. "Oh my, its so big, Robert." Robert didn't know what to say so he just shrugged his shoulders. Misty, reached forward and grasped Roberts 8" hard on, at the base and it dwarfed her hand, so she reached forward and placed her other hand on top of the other hand and the head was still exposed. It was purple and angry. "Is there a lot of pressure?", Misty asked quietly "Not really", he said "Well maybe I can help anyway" Misty got around to Roberts right side (Robert was sitting on the edge of the bed now), because she was right handed and started stroking Robert from the base to the head. Misty didn't have soft hands because she doesn't use gloves to weightlift. "Tell me if I'm doing it right", Misty asked. "Faster", Robert leaned back and thrust forward as if he was driving his dick, deep into a woman. "That feels good, faster." And within a few seconds Robert was breathing hard, "I'm going to cum, I'm going to explode". Hold on a minute, let me get a towel. When she came back Robert was grabbing his cock and she could see it throbbed, it looked quiet massive and she couldn't see how that was going to fit inside her. She resumed her position on the bed beside Robert leaning against him and she said "kiss me", so he craned down and she resumed giving him a hand job. Out of the side of one of the wet kisses, Misty said, "use the towel before you explode." So he picked it up in his left hand, started thrusting again and said, "faster" and he exploded moments later. They continued to neck with his pecker back in his pants but this time he was pressing Misty to the bed and gradually climbing and thrusting more and more aggessively. Misty, was in unexplored territory now and it was pretty exciting. In between the wild kisses she started to take her pants down, which made Robert even more excited, which made Misty more excited and Robert helped her with her pants which left only her panties in place. Then Robert clumsily got his pants down around his knees which was where they were going to stay because he still had his shoes on which of course were dangling off the end of her single bed. Robert was good and hard now and was probing Mistys panties with his dick thrusting gently always probing and Misty reached down to position him for the best stimulation. "Slowly, Robert", which Robert would do for a few moments then quickly forget. Misty was beginning to think that Robert was a virgin but really didn't have enough second hand knowledge about how to determine something like this because whenever boyfriends came up in a conversation in school she quickly excused herself. But she had read a few romances to pick up some pointers. Mom & Dad never did the birds and bees speech with Misty because she didn't seem to be interested in boys and the boys didn't seem to "see" Misty whether it was due to Misty's camouflage and reserve or whether the boys found more interesting girls to pursue but Misty finally found a boy to help her research some of the more intricate details. Robert, was hoping and praying that Misty would get excited enough to drop her panties and he thought, "how I do I get this girl excited enough without being able to grope her tits. "Turn off the light", Misty whispered, "turn on the bathroom light and close the door half way. Robert had a raging hard on but he thought it was a good idea, then Mistys modesty would be covered and there might be a chance at penetration. He got up quickly, forgot about his pants around his ankles and quickly fell down. "I'll get it" he mumbled. He removed his shoes, pants and underwear as quickly as his haste and building excitement would allow. Misty, had to suppress a giggle so as not to enhance Roberts embarrassment but once the pants and shoes were off he was completely coordinated and Misty had to admire his physique and the way that pulsing hard on was sticking straight up! Misty welcomed Robert back to the bed with open arms and they quickly resumed where they left off and soon, Misty was one handedly trying to take her panties down and Robert knew that was his cue, so he helped her take those off and quite swiftly as well. He went back to probing the area between the legs and as he didn't really know what to do with his hands he had them wrapped around Mistys head, neck and shoulders most of the time or supporting his weight so that he wouldn't crush Misty. Misty was feeling pretty moist by now so she figured it was time and he reached down and aligned his cock with her pussy. "Gently and slow, Robert, this is my first time." Which put a hitch in Roberts momentum so he had to shift gears and try to put a little more control into his passion. It took a lot of gentle probing but eventually Misty was starting to open up. To date, nothing larger than two of Mistys fingers had ever been in there at one time but only in the name of science. However this time the science project was beginning to take on a life of its own. "Slightly deeper", by now Robert had no more than his head buried in her so he probed slightly deeper with his thrusts. For Misty, it felt like she was trying to shove an eggplant inside herself. She thought, "shouldn't this be done in steps, stretching exercises or something." But it was starting to feel pretty good. "A little deeper, Robert" and they were both getting really worked up now. "I'm going to explode", Robert said. He was doing his shallow thrusts faster and faster. "Not yet", Misty whispered huskily, but it was too late, Misty was lubed with his preejaculate and he buried his cock into Mistys pussy in an orgasmic spasm, which made Misty grunt with pain, and he thrusted heavily a second time pumping Misty with cum, which caused Misty to scream at Robert to stop but it was to late because Robert couldn't hear anything. He was piledriving Misty, ramming that tool into her vagina, bruising her cervix as Misty's size wasn't meant to accomodate Roberts entire length. Misty realized Robert wasn't going to stop until he was completely drained so she grabbed his ears, shoved his head back and yelled, "Stop, your hurting me". The realization struck Robert at that point and he withdrew. He became flaccid in record time and started to apologize, "I'm so sorry, Misty, I didn't mean to, what can I do, I just wasn't thinking, I didn't mean to", but Misty withdrew into a fetal curl at this time, "God, that hurt Robert, you fuckin idiot. I said slow and gentle and you tried to drill for oil in me." Robert, was alarmed and in something of a panic, "Tell me what to do, how can I help, anything!" "You can put your pants back on and get out of here." Quickly, Robert dressed, "Are you sure there isn't anything I can do", Robert pleaded. Misty had another stab of pain and gasped, then said, gently, "No, Robert, you've done quite enough for one evening." After Robert let himself out, Misty went to the bathroom, took a long shower, douched and took some aspirin. Misty thought, "Well this is one experiment that went awry." Misty resisted all of Roberts attempts to make amends and she decided to put closure on it as her final school year was beginning to start and she didn't want any distractions. She told him that she didn't want to see him anymore. Robert was typically a sweet, gentle young man and she knew he just got carried away. She could have made him her slave for that matter, he felt that guilty about the pain he caused her but it was a short-term experiment that couldn't interfere with the rest of her plans. Her final school year was the most difficult of all. Lots of courses with labs, an enormous amount of studying but she wasn't about to sacrifice working out and running. A lot of nights, despite being physically and mentally exhausted her mind would be whirling from the days events and if it was difficult to fall asleep she'd use a technique that she started back in junior high. She'd picture herself in a big, warm tub bath with fragrant bath oils and scented candles burning. Then she would command her breasts to grow one cup size at a time while massaging and reveling in the feeling of growth and swelling, the tightness in her breasts. She never got beyond a B cup before succumbing to sweet dreams of her expanding breast. Working out had become an essential part of her stress relief. Misty had added, vitamins, minerals and even glutamine to her diet. Creatine didn't agree with her digestive system but she tried that too. Because she had been restricting her fat intake, eating mostly chicken, fish, lean meat, no oils, butter and so on she was gradually reducing her bodyfat and increasing her muscle mass. She realized as a woman, progress would be very slow but with consistency and determination changes would eventually happened. By the end of her third and final year of college she weighed 107 #s and could probably start going to amateur bodybuilding shows in the lightweight division. There was a large mirror in the bathroom in her dorm room. "Damn." It was as if she was seeing herself for the first time. "I'm starting to look pretty good. I've got to start showing some of this off." She figured she might not appeal to the big breast crowd but there was certainly a contingent of men that liked women lean and well muscled. Unfortunately she was still mistaken for somebodies kid sister fairly often because of her petite frame. The balance of the school year had been spent working her ass off (literally) both in the classroom and the gym and working at Long Wong's with a respite for Christmas and spring break as she felt she earned some time off although the books still came with her. Unexpectedly, Misty got an invitation to join another budding chemist to go to Mazatlan with her and some of her friends. She was a year ahead of Sherry, had tutored her on an advanced chemistry course and they had struck it off fairly well. Misty, was flattered by the invitation and asked if she could have a day or two to consider. She talked to Mrs. Wu if she could be spared for a week and Mrs. Wu said, "don't be silly, you've worked very hard, you deserve a week off." Having cleared that hurdle, Misty did some internet research on Mazatlan and it inevitably showed bikini clad women on the beach gathering some rays and then it struck her. "Why not another experiment? I'll get a bikini!" The next day, Misty enthusiastically accepted Sherrys invitation. Sherry said she'd take care of all the arrangements. Now all she had to do was get a bikini. She was already starting to feel nervous. She'd never parked herself in public semi nude before and then it dawned on her, where the hell was she going to get a bikini in March? She called Mr. Lu. "Misty, how nice to hear from you, why don't you call more often?" "I'm sorry Mr. Lu, you know how hectic college is." "Oh, I do at that, and that should always be your top priority, now is this a social call or is there something I can do for you, Misty." "Well, I uh, (Misty wasn't normally tongue-tied), spring break is coming up and I'm going to Mazatlan and I need something for the beach." Mr Lu toyed with Misty, "Well do you want a mu mu?" "no" "A Sarong?" "No" "A kimono?" "NO, Mr. Lu, I need a two piece bikini", Misty accidently shouted. "Oh, my dear well I'm glad you brought this requirement to me as I know exactly how I can help you. Always in the future, please remember that, I, Mrs. Wu or anybody in the family is always here to help you, please don't forget that." Thoughtfully Misty said, "I will remember, Mr. Lu, your whole family has always been very kind to me and I'm very appreciative." "Now my dear, Lucy can help you with this project." "Lucy?, I thought Lucy was an accountant." "She is my dear, she was apprenticed to me for some time before she became an accountant and she is quite skilled. She likes to do it as a hobby now and I'm sure she will be more than willing to help you in this matter." "Thanks Mr. Lu, I could kiss you." "And I would like that, but more importantly, never feel hesitant to call on me or Mrs. Wu when you need a hand." "I will Mr. Lu, thanks" Misty knocked on the door of Lucys home and Lucy peeked out, "Please come in, I'm on the phone, just make yourself comfortable in the workshop through the door on the left. The workshop looked like an add on to the house and it was filled with the trappings of the trade. There were numerous projects in various stages of completion. Right away Misty spotted the step stool that short people generally have within easy reach. Misty met Lucy before on a couple of family occasions and she ate at the restaurant fairly often. Lucy was a couple inches taller than Misty but figured she'd need that step stool if she was working on American women especially the younger generation. Misty reflected, for that matter I don't think anybody in the Wu family is over 5' 6" A couple of the younger nephews and cousins maybe that but there mostly a bunch of runts just like me. In bustled Lucy and Misty exclaimed, "You seem to be pretty busy already." "Oh yes, but don't you worry, there is no rush on these other things and actually a bikini doesn't take very much time. What type of bikini did you have in mind?" "A two-piece", (Misty wanted to show off her flat, hard, lightly muscled midriff). "Very good, lets look through a catalogue I have, you can choose from among those and then we can look at some material and then we take some measurements okay?" They spent some time choosing the right bikini where the top was a critical issue. Misty wanted to broach the subject of an enhanced bustline but was too timid to mention it, so she just stabbed her finger at one of the choices and said this one. "Okay Misty, you're wearing a lot of clothes and I can't get a good measurement that way. Lets go into the bathroom, I'll turn on the heater and we can look in the mirror." Misty was getting nervous. She'd always been very healthy and never had stripped in front of anyone, not even a doctor. She removed everything down to her panties and left her bulky shirt on. Lucy was standing there with her measuring tape waiting but it appeared that Misty wanted the measuring done with her shirt on. "Misty, if you want a bikini top you need to take off the shirt so I can take a measurement." "But I don't wear a bra." "That doesn't really make any difference. I cannot get an accurate measurement with that bulky shirt and I intend to do the best job I can but you'll have to work with me." Misty, slowly unbuttoned her velour shirt and pulled it over her head. Lucy whistled, "Wow we could use you for a griddle at the restaurant." Misty turned bright red, and her face started to fade into shame and embarrassment. Lucy immediately realized that she just traumatized Misty and quickly tried to cover up her mistake. Talking quickly, "Now look, Misty there are lots of women that don't have much up top and I can make it look like you've got a B cup and it will look extremely natural and no one will know the difference. You will be a knock out on the beach" Lucy started to circle Misty. "Oh you've got a beautiful body, you must be an athlete, your going to drive the men crazy, turn sideways here and look at the mirror. Look here at the curve of your butt, most Chinese woman have flat butts and nothing up top, see look at me, Lucy turned quickly and showed Misty her flat butt. Confucius say something about sexy women have strong, well rounded butts or something like that, I can't remember but you are definitely sexy looking." Misty brightened considerably and the flush disappeared from her face. "How can you make me look like a B cup?." "Oh that's easy, I don't make the bras but I take the measurements and send out for it. There is a website on the internet. If I wanted, it could come back in next day mail but they make a combination padded, fake breast bra that jiggles a bit when you walk. We'll incorporate that into your bikini top and no one will be the wiser." Misty was absolutely ecstatic and she hugged Lucy tightly. "Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!" "Oh goodness, not so tight, you are a strong girl. Now what color do you want? "How about yellow." Misty like daffodils Lucy looked at Mistys pale form and studied her. She had skin that was egg shell white and the only area that had a resemblence of color was her face and hands. "May I make a suggestion. If you want to make the biggest impression you should have a white bikini and a dark tan. Your a long ways from any kind of tan and you would burn too easily." Misty said, "I can fix that", remembering the way bodybuilders use artificial tanning agents for there contests. "White is a good idea, lets go with that." Lucy said, "Stand still so I can get those measurements." Misty squealed, and danced up and down on her tiptoes, "I can hardly wait." "Settle down girl, so I can get started." Misty got dressed, hugged Lucy again, although not as hard as before and thanked her profusely all the way out the door. As Misty was walking away Lucy called out that she would drop it off at the restaurant when she was done. Misty made a note to send Lucy a bouquet of flowers with her check for payment. It was only $30 too. The Wu family was always so nice to her and Misty couldn't figure out why they chose to "adopt" her. After about 10 days and when Misty arrived for the dinner shift at Long Wong's a package was waiting for Misty. She was so excited she had a difficult time concentrating on the customers and couldn't wait to get home to try it out. After work, Misty sped home and opened her package, there was a note inside. "Any time you need anything, feel free to call on me, it was a pleasure, Lucy" She practically ripped off her clothes and put the bikini on in record time and dashed into the bathroom to check the mirror. It fit perfectly and more than that the pseudo breast did jiggle if she had a spring in her step. Misty figured with a little practice she could get these little babies to bouncing as she walked down the beach. It was sort of like a tube top that covered everything and wouldn't show cleavage, but it did give the suggestion there was a bouncing bosom underneath. Only one thing left to do and that is apply the tan and there was two weeks left to do that. Misty had a difficult time tearing herself away from the image in the mirror, first twisting one way then another and admiring her hard earned ass as the bikini bottom was definitely doing what it was supposed to do. She stored the suit and checked her mail and coincidentally her tanning lotions had arrived the same day. One was topical and the other was oral. Misty did a bunch of research on these two. Some of these lotions leave an orange tint but she was sure she got the stuff with the most satisfying results and she started applying the topical that night before going to bed. Once more she had difficulty going to sleep, this would be her first trip outside the country, first trip to a beach, first trip to Mexico, first college excursion; it was a first for a lot of things. So she concentrated on her favorite dream but substituted seeing herself walking down the hard packed sandy beach with her top becoming more and more stretched bouncing a little more with each step and she quickly fell asleep. Misty's busy schedule made the intervening time til Spring break go by very quickly and it was time to grab the plane with Sherry and a couple of acquaintances. They were going from cold country to the warm beach and by the time they got off the plane in Mazatlan they were ready to switch into shorts and tank tops or whatever. They got a taxi to the hotel which was right on the beach. Sherry and Misty were to share a room. By the time they had got unpacked it was late afternoon. "I want to show my appreciation for your invitation, Sherry. I can't tell you how much this trip means to me and how excited I am to be here. Let me buy you a drink of your choice at the beach bar, (Misty had already read the list of hotel services). Let me change clothes and I'll be ready to go. Misty changed in the bathroom and Sherry changed in the bedroom and when Misty emerged Sherry caught her breathe, "Wow, Misty you...you look great in the bikini. Where did you get the tan" "You really think so? Thanks, You don't look bad yourself, the tan came out of a bottle and if I hadn't prepped a little bit before hitting the beach I might have turned into a cinder the first day." "Sherry was a head taller than Misty about 5' 8" and also relatively flat chested with perhaps an A cup. She looked good in her suit too but she wasn't as lean and well muscled as Misty. An ordinary looking brunette, she had to wear glasses to see anything that wasn't right in front of her face but she had a pretty smile when she chose to use it. They brought some towels and, sun lotion and sunglasses with them and told their friends in the room next door where they would be and they headed for the beach. The place was swarming with college kids on spring break. There was a volleyball game in progress with a mixed group and they decided to park themselves and watch from underneath the shade of a cabana. One of the college boys spotted Misty and Sherry and then he did a double take. During a break in the play he sauntered over and asked if they wanted to play. Misty said, come on Sherry it'll be fun. "What's your name?" "My name's Jeff" and Misty made the introductions, "but first I need some sun lotion on my back, do you mind?" "No, not at all, let me help you with that." Jeff came down with a few other boys and this led to one invitation after another but not only from Jeffs group. Sherry and Misty circulated as much as possible while wearing there bikinis. Misty's practice had paid off and she was getting the most motion possible from her newfound breasts. Misty bought a set of mirror sunglasses so that nobody could see her eyes and she was always observing the young men to see where their attention was riveted. She noticed that if there weren't any big breasted women in the vicinity or taller women with equally fit figures then she was usually the center of attention. If Sherry and Misty were walking together Sherry would be looked over but there attention usually rested on Misty and if she had to formulate a theory she figured it was the bouncing boobs and her athletic figure which tipped the scales in her favor. That was one axiom that Misty had to add to her male postulates. Never underestimate the power of bouncing boobs. And there was a tremendous amount of foot traffic on the beach. Big boobs, D or larger were pretty rare Misty noticed but when they were on display, she noticed it caused quite a stir amongst the men. She also noticed that the bigger the boobs were, in general mind you, the bigger the waist and hips as well. She couldn't carry a notebook around all the time so these were just general observations that she accumulated over time. Once a buxom woman that wasn't fat was playing volleyball and gradually more and more men were gravitating towards the court as spectators. Misty noticed all of this and more. Misty also noticed something else that was peculiar. During this trip to Mexico and her brief flair with semi-nudity she seemed to attract big men. Big to her at least where she'd get a kink in her neck looking at these guys. (Where are all the normal sized guys or did the hormones in cow milk just grow the younger generation bigger?) They had a great time that week. Misty didn't think she would get that much attention even with her new tube top (which she wore everywhere, either as part of her two piece bikini or under shirts when they went to eat at restaurants or to other bars). The only think Misty didn't try was water skiing because she was afraid she might lose her top if she fell off the skiis and plowed into the water. Sherry and Misty became good friends sharing this adventure together. The only misadventure was there two other friends got a nasty sunburn the day after they got there which put them out of commission for most of the balance of trip until Sherry had located some aloe vera. After returning back to school, life couldn't have been any busier because there was only two months left till finals, then graduation for Misty. She asked Mrs. Wu for a week off from work prior to finals so she could cram and she also volunteered to help Sherry study for a couple of her classes. But she could certainly spare an evening in the middle of all this for her third and perhaps final birthday celebration with the extended Wu family. Misty wore her black silk/gold dragon outfit and there were more people in attendance than ever before. This time there were FIVE relatives from China and it was a resplendent feast. Mrs. Wu had even closed the restaurant for this occasion. Misty was more mystified than ever before as to why the Wu family would honor her so, just because she worked at the restaurant and was "adopted" so to speak. "I'm just a college student", Misty thought, "Why are they doing this for me.?" It wasn't long before she found out. Grandfather had already been introduced to Misty and he sat at the head of the table with several venerable uncles. After dinner was finished, he stood up and the entire table became quiet and there must have been 40 people in attendance. Mrs. Wu went to his side to translate. "I want to tell you a story", he said. "Many years ago as a young man, I saved another young mans life. He was a very special young man as he was a fortune teller that discovered his talent at a very early age. His reputation grew and he also accurately foretold the emperors fortune for which he was richly rewarded. He fled the country before communism's iron fist took control but he has never forgotten the assistance I gave him so he chose to give me and my family one fortune telling per year for as long as he and I live. Sometimes it would arrive by a special messenger, often a monk, sometimes by other mysterious means. Eventually he returned to China when the time was right. Generally I assign the fortune telling to someone in the family who needs it the most. The last two years I have given it to you Misty because it was prophesied that you would come into and have great influence on our lives. It was prophesied that you would have an impact on the Chinese people, however, as far as fortune tellings go the tellings given to you are more imprecise and vague than most because Master Zi has never met you and you are half a world distant. Master Zi said that in order to provide a profound telling he would need your picture and something personal. You left a hair brush here at the restaurant and we provided a picture. So it is with mixed emotions that I provide you with the last telling." "Last telling? Why will it be the last telling." "Because Master Zi will die before another year passes." "I'm sorry." "Don't be, Master Zi led a long and fruitful life and his gift has led us to you. Please reveal the last telling." Misty was befuddled, perplexed and more but she figured she could try to puzzle these events out later and attend to the business at hand. This time it was a much bigger scroll and it wasn't in a fortune cookie. Misty gasped, the scroll was in an ornately carved ivory tube. It had dragons on it and what seemed like little figures that were like pharmacists as they were working with mortar and pestles. "The craftsmanship is exquisite, please, I don't know why I deserve this, I just wait tables, I don't know if I can accept this." "Misty", Grandfather said, "You must accept this, nothing will change if you don't but you must know how deeply indebted we are to you and you cannot refuse this." "But I haven't done anything!" "Time will make the difference. Please, open it and Mrs. Wu will translate it for you." Mrs. Wu pulled the scroll out of the ivory case with great decorum and ceremony, "Look to the orb of a new dawn." Misty addressed Grandfather, "The sun will shine tomorrow, so what Grandfather, it does every day, what does it mean?!, she said on a rising note. Grandfather said with understanding in his voice, "I don't know what it means any more than you, but remember those words in the time of your greatest need." Misty reflected for a moment, remembered the occasion, "Thankyou, Grandfather, I am honored." Grandfather smiled and proposed a toast, everyone stood and raised there goblets to Misty, "In your time of need we shall not fail you." Misty had prepared a more elaborate toast but was too flustered to recall her rehearsed speech and gave the short form instead, "To your health and prosperity." Misty had a tough time striking the mysterious and strangeness of her birthday party from the upper levels of her consciousness so that she could concentrate on finals but she dug in and applied herself like never before. But also practicality demanded that she find a safe place for her treasured artifact/antique/heirloom/artwork or whatever category it fell into. She couldn't store it in her dorm so she took an hour and opened a safety deposit box and made a note to research Master Zi when she had the time. With few distractions, Misty did better on the finals than she thought she would and Sherry did well also. Now it was just a matter of waiting for the final grades to be tallied to see where she ended up. There was an on campus job fair in a couple weeks after graduation and she wanted to go to that but first was the graduation and although she really didn't care about the pomp and circumstance she realized this would make her parents delirious with pride and happiness. It was the least she could do for Mom and Dad. The final figures came down and it was a tie for summa cum laude between Misty and a Mathematics major. It went to a tiebreaking committee and they gave it to the other person based on extracurricular activities. Misty wasn't disappointed at all. Now she didn't have to do a stupid keynote speech and tell everybody how they were the key to the future and all that rot. She didn't think she was capable of writing a melodramatic, inspirational speech anyway.