Misty In the shadow of small things... The Childhood Years there could be greatness. And there is no doubt that Misty started out small. Her parents were subnormal statured, her Mom being 5' and her Dad was 5'5". Her grandmother was even shorter at 4' 11" just like her. Other than that they were normal in every way except that flat chests ran in the family. Her Dad was a mechanic and her Mom was a housewife and Mistys birth was so difficult it was life threatening. Her parents decided not to have any more children. Misty was always small for her age and always trailed her fellow students in physical development. However, scholastic studies were a different story and she was always near the top of her class and her specialty was science. Misty was very bright and developed an awareness of things at an early age. She asked her Mom why children could be so cruel when they were supposed to be innocent at the age of 10. Misty wasn't quite a midget but her physical development always painfully lagged behind the rest of the children at her age. What made things especially difficult for her although her parents were immensely proud is that she skipped the first grade and went right to second. Since she was an only child both her Mom and Dad spent a lot of time with her and as parents are always wont to do, they were striving for the best education for their daughter. In fact, Mom even did part-time work as a seamstress to help pad Mistys college education fund. Mom actually started buying shares of Microsoft in 1976 for her daughter as well as a few other inspired purchases. Misty graduated from grade school near the top of her class and would have graduated valdictorian but she didn't care for P.E. nor music or foreign languages which were all required courses. The class picture has Misty with her cap and gown in the front row and she was dwarfed by those around her. She didn't receive that many insults in grade school because she learned keep a low profile, a veritable shrinking violet if you will but when they did come even though unintended they were very painful. She even realized that she was too sensitive and had a hard time shaking off faux pas or gaffes. One time during a school event one of the teachers scolded her for not being with her classmates and trying to herd her into a group that was three years behind her. She tried to tell the teacher she was running an errand for another teacher but she was shushed and had to wait until the teachers back was turned to sneak away and finish her errand. These types of events were spotty but that always left a lasting impression. Her Mom tried to ease the pain that Misty would feel because of her diminutive stature, she was a very slight girl as well, but her Mom didn't prepare her well enough for junior high and high school. Because Misty skipped first grade compounded by her genes she was only 4' 6" as a freshman. Misty noticed that the young women were already starting to grow breasts in 8th grade and a lot of them had started there growth spurts in the 7th. So it was that Misty had the ritual of having her Mom measure her height on the doorframe leading to the storage room. But by the time Misty got to her 15th birthday she became discouraged with that annual event and to spare her Mom any pain she told her she was getting too old for that. Its not hard to imagine why growth, size, or anything to do with the physical maturation process became something of an obsession with Misty. Even in eighth grade she started doing independant research on the hormones farmers used on the milk cows to increase milk production. She was absolutely fascinated by the subject and did separate lines of research on the history of milk production which led to the unbelievable lengths farmers went to maintain certain blood lines of the best diary cows and the selective breeding process. But that was a whole different thing from the hormones that were added to increase milk production and although Misty lived far from the farms where this was all done she still found pictures of milk cows with there udders dragging on the ground for which farmers had to build special bras because cows were known to have stepped on there udders and teats and cause terrible damage. Misty had a voracious appetite for details of this nature. Anything to do with unnatural growth (artificially induced or otherwise), or growing attracted her and she absorbed it like a sponge. Anything to do with gigantism she had an encyclopedic knowlege. She read about Robert Wadlow, the worlds tallest man that ever lived, in the third grade from the Guinness book of World Records. She didn't research his life until high school. The seed of a passion was sown in grade school, in high school it became an obsession and in college it became an addiction. Junior High was very difficult for Misty socially or perhaps self esteem wise because her classmates were sprouting up around her like weeds. A number of the young women were going through various bra sizes whereas she didn't have a glimmer of a hope of developing anything. Even though, she knew that the tight sweaters over rapidly swelling breasts weren't meant to be a direct affront to her lack of feminity she still couldn't help feel that they were showing off. Sure she was jealous and she realized the real intent of these overly developed young ladies was to attract young men and Misty was very observant. She noticed that some girls were developing as early as sixth grade although she distinctly remember Lucy Florez who must have been a B cup in fifth grade. In fact Lucy went to the same junior high and high schools as she did and Misty observed the growth of her progress. In her case Lucy started her puberty quite early and as Misty researched later, those that developed early generally had there progress arrested early but there were always exceptions, like Lucy. Lucy was self-conscious to the extreme because her early and continous development. Misty didn't become an expert on bra and cup sizes until after college but she estimated that Misty had easily reached J or K. You almost never saw Lucy without books or something in front of her although this became much more difficult to accomplish in her senior year. On the other hand during junior and senior years and since she was at a highschool that had a liberal dress code more and more of the young women that had cleavage were displaying it under nice tight sweaters. It was almost a rite of passage. Misty thought how different humans were from nature. The male birds in nature had the bright colored feathers and performed mating dances but in high school it were the females that were displaying with brightly colored fingernails, toenails, makeup and cleavage. One thing Misty did in high school which was sort of peculiar but she started very discreetly taking her own poll of whether the busty teenaged women drank milk or not. She watched carefully in the cafe and at some of the after school hangouts. Misty didn't socialize because she just didn't feel like she fit in but in the course of her part-time tutoring she would go out of her way to deliver messages or graded homework or whatever so she could have a legitimate excuse to hang out albeit ever so briefly. Back then she did a rudimentary statistical analysis that lasted FOUR years that she kept in a notebook. By the time her junior year came around she had a somewhat firm statistical correlation that those teenaged women that drank milk grew taller and unquestionably had bigger breasts. Those that were drinking pop all the time to protect there svelt figures were also denying themselves, potentially, a fuller bustline. That preliminary finding nagged at her until her senior year when scientifically she determined that her sampling was large enough to reflect a definite trend if not an outright specific finding and that took an outright toll on her belief of a supreme being and the fairness of the universe. Misty screamed, that night, "Why God, why did you make me allergic to milk products!?" Mistys slow physical growth continued through high school. She grew an inch each of her first three years and had her growth spurt her senior year culminating at 4'10" and naturally, Misty thought, the majority of her spurt occured during the summer after high school where she grew at a dizzying pace of 1/3" inch per month and so she would enter college a head, sometimes head and shoulders below the vast majority of women in college. As far as breast development was concerned, there was none. Bodybuilders that took too many of the wrong kind of steroids grew nipples far bigger than hers and of course there was no breast mounds whatsoever, for that matter there was virtually no chest muscle either, so whereas Lucy Florez had difficulty hiding her blessings Misty simply wore bulky sweaters that C cups could have hidden in, like a needle in the proverbial haystack. As far as scholastic development, Misty was heads and shoulders above most. She had an insatiable, voracious appetite about those things that mattered to her. Just like Scotty on the Enterprise who relaxed with technical journals. Misty was fascinated with science and her enthusiasm started to extend into chemistry because she had an inkling that in the short term growth could be stimulated by chemical means whereas in the long-term genetics would be the safer and easier solution solved at conception. But she figured that was further down the road certainly not a possible solution as long as she was a young adult. One of her least favorite courses was history and then again there remained the quintessential arch enemy class, P.E. Sure, she was ideally suited for gymnastics but that required ridiculous numbers of hours of practice, year after year. She needed something to help her get through P.E. without damaging her G.P.A. This was the only time in her educational career that Misty solicited her parents help to get her out of a situation that almost paralyzed her when she thought about it. She did not want to get naked or semi-naked in front of the other girls. She knew it was irrational even though she would probably have to suffer some stares and the odd comment or two but she didn't want to even suffer that amount. Mistys Mom was totally empathetic and her parents actually made the trip to speak to her counselor to see if there was an alternative and the answer was, there would be no special privileges. It was required and Misty wasn't handicapped period. The parents apologized to Misty but said it was out of there hands and told her do the best you can. Misty approached the gym teacher, blushed a deep red with embarrassment, gritted her teeth and discussed the situation with the teacher as to the best way to get an A and avoid locker room activities. Mrs. Horne said, "Give me a day and let me think about it." P.E. was a required freshman course and Mrs. Horne was looking down at a 4'6" very petite, pretty but very bright young adult stuck in a little girls body. Mrs. Horne was empathetic and knew it was going to be tough on Misty if she had to participate with all the rest. Show up tomorrow with some apparel for running. Separate from the rest of the class, Mrs. Horne told Misty if she could run the twice around the track in 2:00 minutes she would get an A, 2:15 she would get a B, 2:30 a C and so on. Well Misty had absolutely no idea how fast she could run around the track and she was absolutely paralyzed with fear that an entire semester's grade would be based on a one-time event that she had not practiced for nor knew anything of its potential outcome. "Or", Mrs. Horne said, "You can go to P.E. class just like all the rest of the girls. Misty was made of pretty stern stuff however ironic that might be in that delicate little body. "Alright, Mrs. Horne, I don't care if I get an F...uh...I do...but I'd rather risk an F than have to measure up to all the rest of the girls." "So be it", said Mrs. Horne. "On your mark, get set, go" Misty, had P.E. in grade school but generally she led a pretty sedentary life except for riding her bicycle back and forth to school, on errands or to the library. So, she was out of shape but not inordinately so. She went out way too fast and running the second lap was absolute torture much less any kick at the end. Misty dragged herself onto the football field and collaped in the grass. Mrs. Horne had to smile at Misty's pluck and she walked over and told her, her time. Misty pulled out the card and checked her time on the card Mrs. Horne gave her and the time was a distant second to the time for receiving an F. "Mrs. Horne!", Misty cried (and this she rarely did), "this is totally unfair." "I know it is Misty but I had to make sure you tried your very hardest running around the track. This is not your final grade. Now your goal is to beat the time you made today. If you beat it by 15 seconds you get a D, 25 seconds a C, 35 seconds a B and 50 seconds you get an A. There is one other thing you have to do. and I never require this of any girl student but you are getting special treatment and I want you to earn it. How much do you weigh Misty?" "75 pounds" Then by the end of the year you have to bench press 75% of your bodyweight for an A, 65% for a B, 55% for a C and 45% for a D" "Bench press, Mrs. Horne?" This led to a quick demonstration and then a lecture that lasted the entire period about the importance of a strong body which has a direct impact on a strong mind and vice versa. So although Misty had some very good teachers, Mrs. Horne was the most influential and the one that Misty would thank the most for her guidance and eventual friendship. Misty even kept in touch with Mrs. Horne through college and beyond whereas all other teacher relationships were allowed to lapse. This is because Mrs. Horne set her on the path of a regimen that was a healthy outlet for all her frustrations and there were many. At the end of the school year Misty beat the time for an A quite handily as she sped around the track and as for the bench press, she benched 82% of her 79 # bodyweight. How did she manage the bench press you ask? Dad had an old weight bench stuffed into the back of the shed, covered with webs. As with most well meaning, intentioned individuals he started working out shortly after Misty was born but it had been stored ever since. So Misty asked Dad to dig it out and for them to workout together. Her parents were unusually curious about this development but they realized if she made some kind of progress with this it might help out with her self-esteem issue. (Who knows, they thought, it might even stimulate her endocrine system). Even more curious, Dad and Misty worked out together the entire time she was in high school. Dad wasn't all that enthusiastic about working out after wrenching on cars all day but he realized that this was a good opportunity to bond with his daughter, stay in touch with her and be there for her during those trying high school years. She didn't stop running either. She didn't have a prayer of being competitive because she was so small but it did keep her toned. No, she took to weightlifting like a duck to water because by the end of the required P.E. courses she noticed changes in her body. Since the changes that were supposed to take place weren't happening, maybe she could effectuate a few changes of her own, Misty thought. Her favorite exercise, bar none, was the bench press. Prior to meeting Mrs. Horne she never gave any thought to what weight lifting could do for her because it simply never entered her universe as a possibility. Along with weightlifting, vis-a-vis, bodybuilding, Misty could have an impact on her physical appearance. Throughout her weightlifting career with Dad she liked the bench press the most and by the end of high school she was benching the entire weight stack of 100 #s 8 reps. Misty, budding scientist that she was had the foresight in the very beginning to measure her progress and although it wasn't much she had added some muscle mass to her chest. Breast tissue it wasn't but since god wasn't offering she was going to try a different tack. So by the end of high school, Misty had packed on quite a bit of muscle and was no longer delicate. After graduation and before her summer growth spurt, she was 4' 10" and 91 #s of lean muscle with the barest traces of definition (muscle, not breast tissue) on her chest. Misty kept records and journals. One thing that tremendously aided Mistys self-education was a home computer. Mistys Mom realized the importance of computers when they were first coming out. Mistys first computer was a brand new 80286 although Mom was very practical and waited for the 386s to come out before she got a bargain on the 286. Misty always wondered why her Mom didn't go into business and why she decided to be a housewife. Misty couldn't help but think, was it because Mom was only 5' tall? Every once in a while her Mom would tell Misty about the stock portfolio that was growing for her and how she had invested in IBM, Microsoft, Intel and others. Misty thought that was very nice but she had other interests, other concerns at this point in time. A small fraction of Mistys "college fund" went towards the purchase of the computer and later on, internet access. Socially, Misty was treated like everybodys kid sister and it didn't matter if she was the same age or older. When the conversation turned to boyfriends, or who looked cute or anything whatsoever to do with male/female relationships, Misty turned a cold shoulder to it and preoccupied herself with something more productive. There were very few underdeveloped students like herself but she made buddies with one or two but for the most part kept to herself with her own hobbies. As far as boyfriends were concerned, forget it. How could she possibly compete, for that matter, what would she do with a 6' boyfriend whose shoe she could stick both feet in. One of her pursuits was divining the level of hormone usage and what kinds in the various milk manufacturers that ended up in the local grocery stores. That was an ongoing special interest project that never failed to maintain her interest. Misty was never ridiculed or teased that much in high school because she blended into the background so well. She wore baggy clothes like an anorexic would except she was hiding her size or lack thereof. She compared it to nature where some animals raised there hair or expanded themselves to look bigger to frighten opponents whereas she looked big enough so that she wouldn't stick out out like a freak of nature she subconsciously thought she was. There was a point in time where she thought she might talk to her parents about getting growth hormone treatments but she just wasn't small enough to qualify. She wasn't a genuine midget, just very small for her age. Although there was some pretty stern competition, Misty was valdictorian. There were classes she didn't like but she found a way to get good grades anyway and she received extra measure for some college level science courses. She had some trepidation about the valdictorian speech but since she was enveloped in a gown and hid behind a podium, it was only slightly traumatic. Yet, she realized it was a good character building exercise, although she would have preferred to have done without the pomp and circumstance but she was making her parents ecstatic and there happiness made her happy.