MegaMan Meets His Match By Story requests taken, and feedback desired. MegaMan landed outside the warehouse with a grace that belied his tremendous size. At six feet, seven inches tall and 325 pounds of super-charged muscle, MegaMan was a forced feared by the criminals of New York, as his appearance usually marked the end of what nefarious mission the villains were attempting, and tonight was no exception. Choosing intimidation over modestly, MegaMan wore as little clothing as he could get away with; showing off his 30" arms, 40" and iron-plated eight pack abs. A tiny jock strap barely contained his immense cock. Acting on a tip, MegaMan arrived at the warehouse a few minutes before the criminals were due. Noticing the padlock on the door, MegaMan hesitated, deciding whether to lie in wait outside of the warehouse, or to position himself inside, so as to catch the criminals red handed. After a moments thought, MegaMan grasp the lock between his thumb and forefinger, and shattering it.. Entering the warehouse, he moved behind a few boxes, waiting for action. He didn't have long to wait, hearing a key in the lock of another door within moments. But, to his surprise, rather than a small army of villains, a slim, attractive woman entered. "Hey, you," MegaMan whispered, "get out of here! There's going to be trouble." The woman smiled faintly. "Oh, really? What kind of trouble?" "I'm not sure exactly," MegaMan quickly explained. "All I know is that an army of incredibly powerful Mutants are due here tonight to cause trouble. Now get out of here before you get hurt!" "Hurt? Me? Not a chance. Oh, and you got it wrong. See, it's not that an army is showing up. Just a bitch with the strength of an army, a bad attitude, and itch that only a MegaCock like yours can scratch. See, MegaDork, the trouble's here, and I call myself Xerces "Look, lady, I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but beat it! I've heard these guys are incredibly strong. I probably should have brought backup, but I didn't have time. Now go!" "Oh, backup wouldn't have help. I'd just kill them, too," the woman said, a twinkle in her eye, "probably fuck 'em first, but definitely kill them." Suddenly, moving faster that even MegaMan's inhuman vision could follow, Xerces crossed the warehouse, grabbed MegaMan's jock strap, and ripped it from his body, exposing MegaMan's flaccid, 8 inch cock. "What the fuck! How!? What!? Jesus!" MegaMan exclaimed. "Hmmm," Xerces said, as she inspected the ripped cloth, "I had heard this thing was made from some super material, and could resist just about anything. Guess not." MegaMan stood, speechless. In fact, his jock strap was made from Surillium, a super strong flexible material that can only be molded or changed once heated to over 1 million degrees Farenheight. MegaMan himself was unable to rip it. And Xerces had torn it like tissue paper. "W….who," MegaMan stammered. "Like I said, the name is Xerces. And I'm strong. Real strong. You're, what, about 10,000,000 times stronger than the average man?" "Y….yeah." "Well, I'm not sure, but I'm about, oh, 12 BILLION times stronger than you. Probably more." Backing up a step, Xerces removed the overcoat she was wearing, displaying her lithe, muscular body. She began a classic posing routine, first flexing her long legs, her sleek 25 inch quads jumping and bulging. As she moved into a double bicep shot, a beautiful 15 inch peak leapt up, thick veins feeding snaking in and out, She turned slightly and hit a triceps shot, the horseshoe of muscle clearly defined and striated, he firm D-cups and beautiful, long, pink nipples sitting high on her chest. Finishing by turning back towards MegaMan, she placed her hands behind her head, and hit an ab shot, her six-pack jumping into bold relief leading down to her perfect, shaved cunt . "I don't really look it, I know, but I'm strong; Stronger than anyone on this planet. Hell, I'm stronger than EVERYONE on this planet, COMBINED!" "H….h….h…" "How? Does it matter?" Xerces moved next to MegaMan, and began gently caressing his immense arms, a look of lust on her face. "I haven't had a good fuck, and I mean a really good fuck, in a long time. I've been watching you, waiting to see what you are made of. You're impressive, especially right here," she said as she grab MegaMan's dick and gave it a playful squeeze – a squeeze that would have turned another man's penis into so much jelly. MegaMan gave a yelp, and involuntarily tried to jump away. Xerces held him fast. "Uh, uh, uh. Where do you think you're going?" "Get offa me!" MegaMan suddenly bellowed, his situation dawning on him. With a mighty bellow, MegaMan delivered a right cross to Xerces's cheek that would stop a freight train. With a suddenness that jarred him to his teeth, his fist stopped at her cheek, Xerces's head not moving a single millimeter. Xerces smiled, and looked up, into MegaMan's eyes. Releasing her grip on his cock, she grabbed his wrist. Slowly, she began to move it back down to MegaMan's side. As she did, MegaMan resisted, pouring more and more force into his attempts, until every muscle in his body flexed to tremendous size. For the first time in his life, MegaMan began to sweat with effort. His hand now halfway down, he began to tremble, pouring millions, if not billions, of tons of force into stopping her movements. Xerces continued to smile, and did not show the slightest bit of effort as she lower MegaMan's hand, returning it to his side. "Naughty, naughty." Casually, Xerces delivered a backhanded slap to MegaMan's face. In all his years of fighting super-powered villains, MegaMan had never felt a blow as powerful as that effortless slap. His head snapped to the side as his body flew over 100 feet, crashing through boxes, equipment and shelving. As he landed on the concrete floor, his check throbbed with something MegaMan had never felt before – pain. He felt the cheek, and winced as he pressed against the broken bone, and another unfamiliar feeling flooded MegaMan - fear. Fear for his very life. Before he could stand, Xerces ran to him, again moving with amazing speed. She straddled him on the floor, he cunt pressed against his iron abs. She gently caressed his tremendous pectorals, playing with his nipples, a slight moan growing in her throat. "Mmmmm, I do love a muscular guy." Without warning, Xerces pressed a single finger into MegaMan's rib cage, and a crack as loud as a gunshot echoed through the warehouse as a rib gave way. MegaMan howled in pain. "I especially love it when they scream." MegaMan, now panicking, began delivering punch after punch, hitting her abs, her tits, her legs, anything. Xerces simply sat there, her arms casually at her sides, an evil smile on her lips, as blows powerful enough to turn concrete into powder bounced harmlessly off her. After a few minutes, MegaMan stopped, his energy spent. Xerces reach behind herself, and grabbed MegaMan's still flaccid 9 inches. "Now, here's how it's going to be. I'm horny as hell, and I need some relief. You're going to service me, like you've never serviced anyone before. You do anything I don't like, and I break a bone. If, after I cum, I think you've done a good job, then you get to cum, too. If I think you've done a bad job, I'll rip off you're dick, and shove it down you're throat. You know I can do that, right?" "No!" he bellowed, and arched his back, barely managing to leverage Xerces off him, sending her flying across the room. With the grace of a cat, Xerces righted herself in mid-air, landed gently on her feet, and placed her hands on her hips. Leaping to his feet, MegaMan bellowed in rage, running full force towards Xerces, his shoulder lowered in a classic tackle. His powerful thighs flexed as he propelled himself forward, the concrete floor of the warehouse cracking and buckling with every powerful stride, as he used every once of his immense strength. Just as MegaMan was about to hit Xerces full force, she sidestepped at superspeed, reached out, and simply grabbed MegaMan by the shoulder, instantly stopping him. His momentum carried his legs forward, and he found himself in her grasp, his legs splayed out in front, his upper body supported only by her grip. "Idiot," she said, looking MegaMan in the eye. With a contemptuous expression, Xerces squeezed MegaMan's shoulder, making him cry out in pain.. His hand uselessly flew up to hers as he attempted to break her grip. He then tried using both hands, clawing at her fingers and wrist in a vain attempt to loosen grasp. "You still don't get it, do you? You may be powerful, but I…..AM……POWER!" She shouted, pouring more strength into her grip, grinding MegaMan's invincible bones into so much dust. Forcing him on his back, Xerces once again straddled MegaMan, now painfully grinding her cunt into his chest. Ribs snapped and cracked with each grind. "Now get it up, MegaFucker, or so help me, I'll kill you right now." Grasping his cock, Xerces began to stroke him with surprising gentleness. And, despite the pain, or perhaps because of it, MegaMan responded, his massive cock expanding to nearly 12 inches long and 9 inches around, and harder than steel. Moving quickly, Xerces maneuvered into a classic 69 position, and took MegaMan's cock into her mouth, expertly deep throating him, her impossibly strong tongue rubbing the base and balls as she slid her head back and forth at superhuman speeds. MegaMan groaned, giving in to the pleasure as his cock grew harder and harder. After a few minutes, Xerces pulled her head away from MegaMan's crotch, spun around, and mounted him, quickly swallowing his cock with her cunt. As her hips began to move back and forth, she titled her head back and moaned loudly. "Shit, you are HARD, motherfucker," she said, now looking MegaMan in the eye. "Of course, I'm harder." With that, Xerces stopped moving, and instead flexed her abs and inner muscles. Billions and billions of pounds of force squeeze MegaMan's cock from all sides. The pain of his broken cheek and busted shoulder were instantly forgotten as a whole new level of pain racked his entire body. Maintaining the immense pressure, Xerces leaned forward, her tits now pushing into MegaMan's chest, her lips now barely touching his. Her tongue darted out, and caressed his, as she again moaned. Her hands came up, and surrounded his head as she spoke in a low, threatening voice. "OK, big boy, time to get to work. Let's see how hard you can drill with that iron of yours. And don't even THINK about trying to run away." Xerces dismounted, laid on her back, her legs in the air. MegaMan moved to his knees, and pressed his cock against her lower lips. His abs and glutes squeeze as he tried to enter her. With that ineffective, he used both hands, spread her labia apart, and tried to enter her tunnel. Xerces laughed. "What's a matter, baby, not STRONG enough?" Still laughing, Xerces relaxed, and MegaMan's cock slid in. Slowly, almost gently, he began to pump back and forth. "I said 'drill me,' asshole. Pump it! As hard as you can!" MegaMan bent over, and began to pump, each stroke harder than the last, his massive cock pounding in an out of her cunt, his hips slamming into hers with the force of a nuclear blast. Beneath them, the concrete crumbled into dust, unable to deal with the force of their fucking. "Yes!" she cried out. "Harder! Harder damn it, harder!" MegaMan reached deep within himself, now fully caught up in the passion and pleasure. Still harder he pumped, each stroke harder and harder as every last bit of energy he had was pouring into his cock, every muscle on his body flexed. Suddenly, he felt his cock quake, and without warning, he began to cum. Pulling out of Xerces's cunt, huge amounts of thick cum shot from the end of his dick with the force of a gunshot, drilling into Xerces's stomach and harmlessly bouncing off. Again and again he came, his body flexing and tightening with each spurt, his head back as he scream in pleasure. Spent, he collapsed on top of Xerces. "Wow. You came. You came before I did. Big, strong, and no control." "Please, I'm, I'm sorry. Just, just give me a few minutes, and we can go again. Really. Please," Megaman begged, guessing his fater. "Nawww," Xerces said as she wrapped he legs around MegaMan, "I got a better idea." Slowly, ever so slowly, Xerces increased the pressure of her scissor hold, and began rubbing her cunt into MegaMan's chest.. At first, the spent MegaMan didn't even notice. But as the pressure increased, his rib cage began to compress, and he began to have trouble breathing. Then, one by one his ribs began to crack. With an almost detached looked in her eyes, Xerces grabbed MegaMan's face, and forced him to look at her. As his ribs snapped, blood began to froth at his lips. Suddenly one of MegaMan's broken ribs poked Xerces's clit, and an intense wave of pleasure hit. Wrapping her arms around his head, and drawing his face into her tits, Xerces gave into the pleasure, and lost herself, and her control. Her body flexed, and she began to really exert herself. Billions upon billions upon billions of pounds of pressure compressed against MegaMan as orgasm after orgasm wracked Xerces's body, her legs loosening and tightening as the waves of pleasure hit, the muscles of her legs, arms, abs and ass fully flexing and relaxing with each orgasm. Her orgasms spent, Xerces lay on the floor, still holding the mangled body of MegaMan. Suddenly, the wall of the warehouse crashed in, and five members of the Justice Gang stood, hands on hips, ready of action. SuperGuy, Amazing Woman, and the Bulk, the three Justice Gang members whose strength dwarfed even that of MegaMan, stood, mouths open in disbelief as they stared at MegaMan and Xerces. "Oh good," Xerces purred, "reinforcements." THE END