Kelly, pt 2 by superbuff Kelly's friend, Phoebe, buffs up to defend Kelly's brother. After Kelly discovered her older brother, Jesse, spying on her having muscle sex with her boyfriend, Aaron, she made Jesse her personal slave. Jesse begged his older sister, Sonja, for help, but really, what could she do? "How much money do you have, Shit-head?" Kelly asked her brother. "Kelly! No! Please, you can't take my money," whined Jesse. "I'm getting bigger and stronger every day, and none of my t-shirts fit me any more. I don't have enough money for a new wardrobe. And I know how tight you are, I bet you have a nice little nest egg saved up with you're pizza delivery tips." Jesse swallowed hard. He had worked pizza delivery for a year and a half and saved every penny. He was sure Kelly could wipe him out in one shopping trip. "Ok, whimpy, I won't take your money." Jesse felt a glimmer of hope. "Are you serious?" "Sure. I'm just gonna take your clothes, crappy as they are. Get all your t-shirts, jeans, sweatpants, and shorts together, wash them, and leave them folded on my bed." Jesse turned away with a groan. "After I lifted the front of your car, I would think you would be properly motivated to show more enthusiasm." Kelly gave her older brother a slap on the butt that was so hard, that she lifted him in the air. She laughed at him. She actually had a lot of money that she made selling the muscle growth drugs that had transformed her into a supergirl. Kelly and her boyfriend, who was a personal trainer at the gym, were planning to pool their funds and buy their own gym. They planned to cater to the growing number of super buff kids taking the new drugs. A couple of days later, Kelly invited her friend, Phoebe, over. Phoebe was kind of short (5ft 5in) and chubby, but Jesse found her cute. He could see that there were some pretty big muscles hiding under that fat. He could also see that her shoulders were naturally wide, and her legs and arms were actually sort of muscular under her smooth skin. She was also very curvy, with a big butt and big tits. Kelly started showing Phoebe how she had Jesse under her thumb. Phoebe pretended to be enthusiastic, but was actually furious at her friend for treating her brother (who Phoebe thought was actually kind of cute) like a slave. Kelly offered her bodybuilding drugs to her friend. "You've got a lot of potential, girl!" Phoebe had her doubts, but she knew it was the only way for her to free Jesse. The more she thought about it, the more excited she became about the idea of becoming super muscular. She thought, "I do have potential." Before she left she managed to have a moment alone with Jesse. "I'm going to take these drugs, comeback, and free you from your sister." Phoebe started training that evening. She had a small weight set that she kept hidden under her bed. She had an extra big bucket of whey protein powder. She made herself a big glass, swallowing the drugs with it as directed. Back in her room, she started to lift. She noticed an immediate increase in her strength and stamina. She worked out extra hard, but to her surprise, she was completely recovered by morning with hardly any muscle soreness. She started working out every morning, and in a week, she had outgrown her 100lb weight set. She also started noticing some muscle. The next week she joined a gym, and started working out in the evenings too. By the end of that second week she was benching 200lbs and squatting 550lbs. She loved the changes taking place in her ever more powerpacked body. She wasn't very ripped, just a couple of big veins on the top of her biceps, but she was getting big, with thick muscles on a dangerously curvy frame. Her big tits got only a little smaller, with the trade-off being almost magical firmness. She had always worn tight clothes, and now her wardrobe began to get skimpier as well. She couldn't go anywhere without getting stares. She was starting to hold her own with the strongest kids. Before the end of the third week she had three of the handsomest men and three of the most beautiful women chasing after her. She started to forget about her promise to Jesse. All of these people made Kelly's brother look like a little boy. Kelly actually started to be nice to her, and soon they were friends again. At the end of the third week she started to exhibit some super strength. She was regularly having intense muscle sex with up to three people at a time. She tested out of high school and started to spend her days doing the circuit of underground gyms.