Jen By Daniel “Pendragon” Jennifer was a young woman in the standard office in the standard Corporate America. And she wasn’t happy. Jen had a sort of sad life, ever since she learned what was happy and what was not, it seemed like life and fate teamed up against her to remove as much happiness from her as they possibly could. It wasn’t as if she was a depressive. No, she was far from that. It was just that she couldn’t truly remember any specific moment of happiness in her life. The main problem, she had long since known, was the fact that she was over two hundred pounds overweight. She was born heavy, and for all of her schooling life, she had been laughed at and made fun of because of her weight. Every diet plan she tried never worked, and she was beginning to loose faith in them all. So now, she sat at her desk, her mass overflowing her seat – which had to be specially supplied – while she munched freely on a huge bag of chips while typing away. Prettier young women, who she had trained in, now passed her up for promotion on a regular basis. Her whole life consisted of the routine of waking up, shower, have breakfast, go to work, have lunch, come home, have dinner and then go to bed with snacks in between. That was her entire life, interrupted sometimes by watching TV or the occasional sick day. Jennifer had long ago sunken into the realm of mediocrity. The only meaning in her whole life was Justin. Justin was everything she had ever wanted in a partner. He was tall, strong, smart, funny, and in all the world, was the only person who had really treated her as a person instead of just another fat person. He said hello, joked with her over lunch, smiled at her when she was feeling down, gave her presents on her birthday and at Christmas... But the insecurity she felt with her weight kept her from going any further with him. There were portions of her own body she had not seen in years – if ever – and in her mind, it was better to have a friend, than someone who couldn’t stand the thought of you because of your ugliness. There were times in which she had cried herself asleep at night because of her weight. She wished she could afford liposuction, but there was no way she could ever afford the operation. And even if she did find a way, her incredibly low metabolism, which seemed to change everything she ate into fat, would make her, her usual size in no time at all. And then as a last insult from fate and life, her body would still be unattractive anyway. Her breasts were nothing more than rolls of fat instead of swollen glands, and her face would seem greatly unattractive... like a horse she thought looking into the mirror hanging off her wall. But even now, as she plugged away upon her computer, she was suddenly startled by a low chuckle. "You know, I thought you were going to meet me in the lunchroom at noon." Came a voice, and she turned with her chair to look up at her friend Justin, he smiling at her. She smiled back, thinking on how grand it would be to have him as more than ‘just a friend.’ But then she remembered what he had just said, and her head turned quickly toward the kitty clock sitting on her desk. "Oh! I’m so sorry Justin... I just got caught up in all this work." She gestured to the piling ‘in box.’ That wasn’t the whole reason, though. She was thinking of starving herself to loose weight... cut down on the intake, but the low fat, no sodium chips she was eating tasted like the bottom of a shoe after having walked through a dairy farm. She also didn’t want to sit in front of her friend, her mouth salivating from hunger while he ate the usual hamburger, fries and large pop without gaining a pound. That was the only thing she didn’t like about men. "Well... see you later then. I have this meeting I need to go to, so I thought I’d drop by and see if you were ok." She nodded. "Yes, very. And thank you Justin." He smiled and retreated again. She continued on with her work until the end of the day; and when she was done she shut everything down in her cubicle, and headed for her car. Her car was also way too small for her, and it always took some doing to get her girth in through the door. When she drove home, it was with the seat all the way back. Her home was a one-bedroom apartment, and though not in the best of neighborhoods, it was still home, and Jennifer kept it well made. It was always clean, and had some nice things, and the lock was nice and strong, so she felt safe in the middle of the night. It was also on the third level, and the elevator was out again. Rolling her eyes, but not cursing her bad luck, she huffed up the stairs. By the time she got to her landing, she was already out of breath, and then pausing there for a few seconds to catch her breath, she then stepped to her door. Jen had to fumble with the keys before opening her door, but once she did she quickly stepped through it, closed and locked the thing behind her an d then dropped her huge bag of personals beside the portal. Immediately thereafter, she went to the fridge for the last of her three snacks for the day – in place of her meals – plopped down on the couch and began to watch TV. What must’ve been hours later, she was suddenly jolted awake by the TV. Had I been asleep? She asked herself, and then her head lifted to see the commercial that was currently running. Definitely hours past, she corrected herself, for these looked like the late night commercials that usually only came on after midnight. The commercial that was playing was showing many perfectly bodied men and women, all in bikinis and Speedos, all displaying their joys in the fun things in life. All of a sudden, she felt very hurt and very angry, and she lifted the remote to shut the TV – tears starting in her eyes – when the image suddenly flashed stunning her consciousness briefly, and the image changed again. "That’s right, ladies and gentlemen," an announcer was saying. "All of these people were overweight, slow, and rapidly deteriorating. But thanks to a revolutionary new development in modern medical science from the well-known Genome Project, they were able to turn back the clock and become the people they wanted to be again, or just to reclaim their youth. Some of these fabulous people have never held a shape even remotely like this one before! "And what is this science?" the image changed to show a before and after picture of a man who had once looked like a pot bellied pig, to a stunningly chiseled man with a soft face. "Why it’s Gen-e-tek’s newest marvel in human physiology, the Minerva formula!" Jen’s eyes blinked briefly as they showed a picture of a small bottle of tiny gel-cap tablets, and she finally lowered the controller back to the tabletop. "This magnificent formula tracks down various imperfections in the human genetic code and corrects them within a matter of weeks. Once completed, you will have a whole new life being the person who others would say: ‘perfect!’" "For years, I’ve been nothing but a total nerd!" one man was stating. "I still have my formidable intellect, but now..." he opened his arms and a pair of super model-like women pressed into his sides. "Fabio wishes he were like me." The two girls giggled, and again the scene changed. "Our treatment is totally guaranteed to work. If it doesn’t, we will refund your money back three times over, and if need be, we’ll compensate you for any other losses you should incur. "So call now, and get your bottle of Minerva today!" Jennifer’s hand was on the phone and dialing as soon as it flashed a number. The price was even good too... only five payments of twenty-nine ninety-five. It was worth a try. The operator on the other end who picked up was nice and cordial, and in no time, Jen’s check card was cleared for processing, and she was informed that her ‘treatment’ would arrive in three to four days. ****** Jen worked for a whole week before she came home one night to find a package within her mailbox. It was smaller than she thought, but it contained the Gen-e-tek logo on the front. She was so excited that she forgot the rest of her mail in the box, and hurried all the way up the stairs to her apartment. It was as if she had just received something that betrayed the secret of the universe and she wished to keep it to herself. Well, maybe it wasn’t a secret, but she didn’t want anyone else to know that she was ashamed of her weight and was looking for a way to rid herself of some excess baggage. So she squirreled herself within her room, opened the box, and from within fell a plain looking bottle with a childproof cap. Turning it over, she read the instructions. Welcome to Gen-e-tek’s top product. Once only available to the world’s select, we now bring this wonder formula to you. We have finally been able to decipher the genetic code, and find that there are common elements in all human genetic makeup, which cause side effects such as obesity, disfigurements, as well as many other physical and even psychological ailments. These can be reversed, altered or even removed, while other favorable traits are enhanced. And so, you now have the secret to become a new person. Mark well that this is a therapy toward achieving a definite goal. Please follow directions perfectly until the last pill is gone to avoid side effects. Directions: Take three pills per day with your meals and lots of water. Effects are practically immediate. Jennifer was ecstatic. Removing the cap and then puncturing the seal, she emptied one of the pills into her hand, and after examining the thing briefly, promptly swallowed it. Then, following as per directions, she had her meal. Not a snack as she had been doing the past few days. But a bonnafide meal. It wasn’t as big as her usual meals, but she felt sated anyway, and so disrobing, she went to bed. ****** She felt different. She actually felt different when she opened her eyes again, and staring at the wall directly in front of her, she laid there, fully awake, and simply experienced the feeling of a body that had changed. And so, when her alarm rung, she blinked out of her stupor and reached out to shut off the alarm. Once done, she sat up, feeling a little dazed, and her stomach churned as if there was a mild virus inside her. But other than that, she felt perfectly fine. It was then that she looked down at her form, and after a moment of shock, her hands snatched at the front of her oversized nightgown to feel her stomach. It was true... it worked! There was a definite, noticeable shrinkage to her girth. Her stomach was definitely at least a third smaller, and instead of the flabby mass that it was before, she could feel a certain firmness behind it. And then, as if she were afraid it would go away, she tugged at the ends of her nightgown, pulling it up from where it hung past her knees, up over her stomach, and at last over her bosom. A instead of a pair of folds that just lamely fell over her stomach, the pair has actually lifted a little, rounding along the edges, displaying her healthy nipples in wonderful splendor. It was like her fat in her stomach was compacted and then just stuffed in her chest! Breasts, She thought, I have breasts! That’s not all she had either. She could see past her stomach now without a mirror, and she could actually see the object of her femininity again, her triangular shaped bush framing the apex of her thighs beautifully. Standing up, still holding the folds of her gown up over her chest, she hurried into the bathroom, to the large mirror that she used to check to see if she were totally clean after each showering. There, she removed her gown completely, and stood in front of the mirror, marveling at her new form. Leaning over, she closed her eyes for a few seconds, just so that she could feel her breasts hanging from her chest; a smile splitting her face. "This is unbelievable," she told her reflection as she grasped her belly, and then, timidly, cupped her breasts, feeling how firm they had become. Ecstatic as she was, she danced out of her bathroom and into her living room, giggling and pirouetting this way and that. And then she realized that she was growing short-winded by all this... but it wasn’t as fast as she usually did. On top of everything, she had energy again! Giggling ecstatically, she went back and admired herself in the mirror again, turning this way and that, noticing that she had hips for the first time in her life and her butt was firming up. Already gone were the cauliflower-for-thighs. Weighing herself, she found that she had lost nearly twenty pounds since she went to bed last night, which was less than she expected, but she didn’t have time to wonder about it. She was too happy. And when she went to shower, she actually frolicked within the falling water, stopping to feel it splatter against her face and body, holding her breasts up to it and laughing joyously. For the fist time in her life, she felt truly happy! ****** Jennifer stood before her mirror again, looking at herself and turning this way and that. She felt truly happy, still on a perpetual high from looking just this good. She was actually able to fit into one of her smaller dresses, and on top of that, she had to use a belt wrapped around her waist to keep it on. She was able to get easily into her undergarments, and was actually able to fit on her bra. Before, the only support she had was a pair of men’s boxer shorts slipped over her head, with the crotch cut out for her head. Just the mere thought of being able to go to an actual piece of feminine support raised her psyche up yet another notch. She also took the time to put on makeup again, keeping it simple for now, and then taking up her bag and locking her door, she swung forward with a friendly grace, waving to others as she passed by. She was too happy to notice that everyone only afforded her a small wave in return. She was also ecstatic when she was able to enter her vehicle without any problem, able to – at least – tilt the seat forward before her girth got in the way. It was shaping out to be a wonderful day – excuse the pun... ****** Throughout the day, Jennifer had been feeling a state of change; feel herself transforming, as it were. And though they were minute changes, they nonetheless energized her, and she felt vibrant and alive, excited unlike she had ever felt before. Life was now beautiful, and she was whistling along with her radio at her desk. Especially when it came time for her to eat lunch with her good friend. Justin was sitting at their usual table, and for the first time, she was glad to see, quite set apart from everyone else. "Hello Jen... have a seat." He said as she neared with her tray of food, and then he paused. "Are you feeling alright Jen?" he asked. "You look... different somehow." Jennifer smiled broadly and then sat down across from him, smiling impishly. "It’s my new diet. It’s working a lot better than all the other ones I’ve tried, it’s almost like its working overnight." Jen’s smile broadened, and then she managed to look shy when Justin noticed her pile of food on her tray. "And the best thing is," she continued quickly. "Is that I can eat whatever I want." "One of those miracle diets, eh?" he chuckled; raising his eyebrows at the mass of food she had. She guessed that were true. But also, she just felt so hungry, starving practically. She had eaten a hearty breakfast, several snacks, and now this full course meal. They talked, about everything, and she stared dreamily in his eyes, while eating her fill, cleaning off her plate while Justin was still working on his. "I just can’t get over how different you look Jen." He said as he stood up, and then turned to empty his plate and tray in the nearby garbage can, giving her a wonderful view of his back and lower body. She smiled warmly at him as fantasies of a whole new her with him aroused her femininity and drew here nipples erect. "You look thinner, and more supple instead of... of..." He paused looking a little awkward. "Ample." She finished for him, and stood up herself to empty out her own tray. He nodded, and then smiled his thanks for Jen forgiving his slip of the mind. "See you around then, Jen." He said, and favored her with a light pat upon the shoulder before going back to his own job. "I hope." She whispered, watching him retreat from her, or rather, watching his behind. ****** Jen looked into the bathroom mirror, leaning way over the sink counter so that she could look close at her face, lifting a hand so that she could feel its firming contours. Instead of the pear-shaped face she once had no more than twenty-four hours ago, she now had a developing heart shaped face. But that wasn’t all... wrinkles were disappearing, her features were smoothing over as if she were wearing a full facial mask, and that scar underneath her chin seemed to be going away as well. I love this stuff! She thought inwardly, and then reaching into her purse, opened the bottle securely tucked away inside of it, removed another of the pills, and then promptly swallowed it. She was still feeling the same as she had when she woke up in the morning, if not more so, and shouldering her purse, she continued onward to her desk, giving a light hop on her way out the door. Though she couldn’t really notice that much of a physical change to her body underneath the huge dress, she continued to feel lighter and lighter as the day drug on. About three quarters of the day through, she had to readjust her belt a notch. Work was tedious, it always was, but it seemed to go by faster now. She was light headed with finally able to loose weight, about finally feeling as if she were growing closer to Justin, about finally feeling happy. And by the end of the day, she was given another surprise when she found that the last of the inbox work was done. But looking at her clock, she found that she had worked an extra hour and a half without even noticing it. There was a knock on the side of her cubicle entrance, and turning, she saw Mr. Andrews standing there. He was a big man, balding with age spots, and all the gruff mannerisms that were akin to a cop that had served during the fifties and was now behind a desk. But he was always pleasant enough. "Miss Angelou," he said in the same gruff tone of voice to imitate his demeanor. "I do appreciate all the hard work, but I’m afraid I’ll have to tell you to go home now." He offered her a small smile. "We just aren’t busy enough to need workers on overtime right now, and upper management has not authorized overtime." "Oh!" she exclaimed, and then activated the shutdown on her computer with a couple of keystrokes and up gathered her things. "I’m sorry Mr. Andrews, I got so into my work I lost all track of time. I’m sorry sir. Thanks for having me though." And to both their surprise, she leaned forward and gave her boss a kiss on the cheek as she hurried out, leaving him at least staring after her with dumb shock playing upon her features. Jen looked over her shoulder, waved good by to him at the elevators. She chuckled inwardly at her newfound attitude, while at the same time, musing on how he touched his cheek and then lowered his hand to look at his fingers. It wasn’t everyday an old man got kissed by a beautiful woman... or in her case, a woman in transition. She was aware of the two pairs of eyes looking at her back as she stood before the door, her two coworkers trying to make her out as if they had never seen her before. Everyone knew her at the office at least. All major projects went through her to be processed. Jen was an ‘administrative assistant,’ or in actual terms, ‘The Secretary.’ And she had at least found a job where everyone needed her. She hurriedly made her way to her car, revved up the engine and made her way home. But as she was driving home, she began to feel another feeling of change overtake her, and she suddenly felt herself becoming dizzy, and there was a queasy feeling in her stomach. Shaking her head, she slowly pulled the car over to a gas station and parked, blinking several times to clear her head. She was there for several long minutes until she felt well enough to drive again, and pulling out of the parking lot, she moved to get up, but knocked her head against the upper rim of her car. Strange, that’s never happened before. Even when she was vastly overweight, instead of just obese as she was now, she had never knocked her head upon the rim of the door. Slinging her purse over her shoulder, she rubbed at the spot on her head. The pain didn’t last long, she noticed. But then as she continued to walk to her apartment building, she began to notice something else. Stopping suddenly and looking down, she found that the hem of her dress was brushing against the top of her ankles, instead of the top of her shoes as it had always done. Quickening her strides, she hear the click-click of her shoes against the pavement as she came to her elevator, became impatient at its slowness, threw open the stairway door and hurried up its length. She didn’t have time to notice that she wasn’t out of breath as she raced down the hallway to her apartment. Fumbling a moment with her keys, she threw the door open and hurried in, slamming the door behind her and throwing all her things to the floor. Kicking off her shoes, she then made her way to the doorframe to her room, and flattening her back against it, raised her hand to the crown of her head, passed it back to the doorframe, and quickly turned around. A mark she had etched in the doorframe when she had first arrived marked her height. She had been that height for half her life. And now, her hand was about two inches above that mark. She measured herself again and again, feeling herself grow giddy each time she did, until she was sure that she had actually grown an added two inches! Jen labored to rid herself of her belt, and then reaching down, crossing her arms as she grasped hold of the hem of her dress she then began to pull it up off her head. She had to see what other changes had happened, but stopped when her arms bumped against her breasts. She lowered her arms a little and looked down at her ‘shelf.’ That’s all she could explain it as now. She blinked down at the huge mounds that projected themselves underneath her shirt, and then becoming even more excited she practically tore her shirt off, pulled her hair out from the inside of it, and hurried toward her mirror. It’s as if my skin’s just falling over what mounds I have the thinner I get. She heard herself think; and almost tentatively, she lifted her hands to her breasts and cupped one of the full, rounded projections. It felt real. Her hands then moved to her back, and she undid the clasp of her bra, and then slipped out of the thing before arching her chest, allowing her to view herself better. They weren’t just mounds of fat. They didn’t droop, and they didn’t sag. Indeed, they were actually quite full, and quite rounded, and other than sliding away from each other with the freedom that no bra entailed, they indeed sat perfectly upon her bodice. Jennifer walked daintily to the bathroom mirror, a huge mirror she had bought months ago to help her see around all of the huge rolls of fat she used to carry. She stood before it for a moment or two longer before removing her panties, and stood there, looking at the stranger that looked back at her from within the glass. Instead of obese or even just fat like she was when she woke up this morning, now she was just plump. A shape she would be very happy to have for the rest of her life. But then she looked at her purse where it still laid by the door down the hall, and not bothering to dress, she walked to the door and locked it, before reaching down for the thing. Inside was the bottle of wonder drug pills, which were transforming her into the woman she always wanted to be. And then she wondered... How far will it go? ****** For the next two weeks, Jennifer experienced continued bouts of dizziness every once in a while, and the occasional queasiness, but nothing too hazardous to her life. After each spell, she was more and more defined. At the dawn of each new week, her form changed drastically again, and she went from plump to ample, and finally to supple. She felt strong and vibrant, felt beautiful. The effects of the drug had some pleasurable side affects as well. Her skin was growing smoother and softer; birthmarks were disappearing, as well as any other blemishes. She had also had peach fuzz underneath her nose and extending from her sideburns, but that had disappeared too. For that matter so had all of her body hair below the neck. All of it, leaving only soft, smooth skin. Even her crotch, once baring a healthy patch of pubic hair, was gone, revealing the smooth folds of her pubic mound. In turn, however, her head hair seemed to be growing at an alarming rate. Her breasts were growing firmer as well, and her earlier suspicion seemed to be proving correct: that as her body grew more slender, her flesh just simply conformed around what already was there. That meant that she always had a good-sized pair of breasts; she just didn’t know it until now. And finally, she was gaining a body that super models would die for. But then there were the odd things as well. Though she had grown only a little more since that first day, she hadn’t lost that much more weight. It seemed that she was merely hovering around her two hundred and fifty pounds, and no matter how much she ate, she didn’t gain any weight. That would normally be under wondrous benefits, but weighing herself right after eating, she found that she still weighed much the same. But still, she continued taking the ‘treatment.’ And so, in the third week of it all, she finally felt confident enough to try to win Justin as her own. That evening, instead of going straight home, she instead went to the shopping mall, with a magical piece of paper she had made that was entitled: ‘New Measurements.’ She wanted to look sexy, wanted to feel sexy. Never in her whole life has she ever felt beautiful before now. She noticed that the men at the office, even her boss, Mr. Andrews – happily married for over thirty years – paid her enough thought to develop that wonderful little bulge in their trousers. She noticed also, that Justin was experiencing that as well. The women commented on how well she looked, all giving wonderful comment after comment about her new look, and whenever they asked how she did it, she just smiled and said "A new diet." When she stepped into the mall, she filled her lungs, feeling her full, rounded breasts press against her blouse and bra, stretching the buttons against her chest and filling her bra beyond its capacity. She’d have to buy a new one of those. For the rest of the night, she went shopping. When she arrived at home, she carried four bags worth of new clothes with her. And she had to try them all. After locking her door, she undressed and removed her bra last, and then standing before the mirror of her spacious bathroom – it had to be spacious before her change – she ran her hands over her body. She had to feel herself constantly, reassure herself that she wasn’t still just lying asleep upon her couch from three weeks ago. She had to feel how firm she still was, admire her new height, the size of her chest, and revel in her newfound sexuality. She turned around to look over her shoulder at her back, pull her hair over her shoulder so that she could see the minute creases of her developing muscle tone underneath her taut flesh. Then she turned to the first of her bags deposited on the sink counter, her smile broadening as her breasts hung down from her chest, sliding just over the muscle underneath them instead of sagging and drooping every which way. When she arose with the bundle in one hand, she felt her breast one last time, giving it a soft caress that erected her nipples some, before she spread open the dainty fabric of what had been in the bag. She had never worn panties like this before as she held it up; nor had she ever even worn their color. It was an ebon black, with a lace going along the straps, with a narrow back that was about as wide as the front... a single wedge to show off her cheeks. She smiled impishly as she put it on, feeling the back strap down the middle slide between her cheeks a little to hold the back wedge in place. The triangular patch of silk of the front conformed easily between her legs, sliding over her crotch to protect it, and framing her thighs beautifully. Again she turned, imagining accidentally dropping her papers in front of Justin, and when he bent down to help her pick it up, she’d innocently shimmy up her skirt, and spread her legs just enough... She laughed at the thought in her head, and then tried on her dresses. Evening dresses, casual attire. New bras, bikinis, bathing suits. Underwear. She looked perfect in all of them. Sexy, alluring, sensual, beautiful. Tomorrow... she’d have a surprise for her friend. And if she were successful, she hoped she would soon call him lover. ****** The day started as it usually did nowadays, with Jennifer waking up with her nightgown wonderfully baggy. Only a short while ago, her girth had filled the whole of the thing, and now, she could feel its fabric slide across her sumptuous form, against her bottom, her bodice, and her hips! She had never had hips. It was like her body simply enlarged itself from baby to adolescent, to young adult to adult. Like a caterpillar engorging itself. But now she had finally cocooned, and she was the most beautiful butterfly around. She got up like she always did now, sliding her dainty feet out of bed after throwing the covers away, walking gracefully with her now long and slender legs leading the way to her bathroom and weighed herself. She didn’t possess the height or the mass to weigh two hundred and fifty three pounds, and she had tried her weight on several different scales to be sure hers just wasn’t broken. All of them gave her the same weight – both analog and digital scales alike. But it was nearly forty pounds less than what she used to weigh; and it seemed that her weight was going down day by day, little by little after all. The next thing she did was pull her nightgown up over her head, and just admire herself in the mirror for a few moments, reveling in how sensual this new form made her feel. Such a wonderful experience. And then she showered, again, reveling in the sensual experience of her whole body being under the water, instead of just a little bit at once. Her showers were a little shorter now, but only because she took so much time getting cleaned, and because she wanted to experience its thrill. Before it had been a chore to wash herself, especially having to get underneath every fold of fat and all. Now there were only two folds of fat to deal with. Jen finally finished by stepping out of the shower and dried herself off. When she walked into her room – toweling her hair dry and feeling the cold air against her bodice – her eyes finally fell upon the clothing she had laid out for herself today and an impish smile crossed her face. She then dropped the towel, ran both her hands back against her head to smooth her hair back, before she reached down onto her dresser and picked up the special, black-lace panties she had bought herself yesterday. Again, that impish, slightly shy smile crossed her features as she then bent over to pull them on, feeling the straps as they hugged her high arching, broad hips, with the back sliding sensuously over the cheeks of her bottom. She wanted to dispense with the bra today. She wanted for him to stare at her... to want her, and so she merely pulled on a short cotton undershirt that framed her well rounded bosom quite nicely. Over that she pulled on a silk blouse that was merely opaque... practically translucent, before she then pulled a jacket on over that. And then finally came her dress. It was a small black thing, a skirt that came down to just above her knees. She had bought it because it accented her hips and lower bodice, caressing her narrow stomach and the luscious curves of her long legs, while flaring off over her hips into a pleated skirt. She was also surprised when she found that she was able to fit in a size eight. Not necessarily a size six, but even she didn’t want to be that thin. Those were for girls and anorexics who thought that that sort of thing was beautiful, not women. Sitting on her bed, she then pulled on a pair of thigh-high white socks and then her loafers before walking back into the bathroom. She looked at herself then, trying to decide how to apply her makeup, but it seemed as if she already was wearing makeup. Even in her own eyes, she was beautiful. It was enough. A soft, whimsical smile crossed her face as she looked at herself for a moment longer. And then, arching her back, she readjusted her breasts so that they hung more apart from each other, and promptly gathered up her handbag – another purchase from yesterday, that huge purse was just too big – and headed out her door. She walked with a warm smile on her face, hearing the occasional catcall from the men doing construction across the street, and got a wide-eyed stare from the Hispanic gardener for the apartment building. For the first time in her life, she reveled in the feeling of the bounce to her tits as she walked. Hopping into her tiny little car, she then made her way to work, her head filled with giddy thoughts and visions of what she hoped her day would become. If she were lucky, she would finally be made a woman by the man of her dreams that evening. Again she received stares and various double takes from men, while women stood there comparing themselves in a desiring way to her. This was the first time in her life that she had ever felt high on life, and she was grateful of the card that fate had recently dealt her. She made her way to her cubicle, signed in onto her computer and started working. Then she was in for another pleasant surprise when one of her coworkers walked into her cubicle and stopped suddenly and looked at her. She smiled at the way his face twisted up into a mixture of confusion, surprise and wonderment for her. "I’m sorry, I’ve been gone for awhile. Was Jennifer fired? Did she quit." Jennifer gave a soft laugh and smiled up at him. "Nope... I’m still here Jason." She giggled, and watched as the surprise took upon a double take upon Jason’s face. "Wh-what happened? Did you go in for an operation or something?" Again, she flashed him that soft smile, and was pleased when she noticed his pupils dilate and his body drew more... erect. "No. Just a very, very effective diet. Now was there something I can do for you?" He suddenly remembered why he was there, and offered up the report to her. She smiled, accepted it, and then shooed him out of her cubicle. The first part of the day continued on like that, people wondering if she had been fired or quit. And finally came the moment she was waiting for, when Justin came into her cubicle. "Wow! You look beautiful, today Jen." He said, leaning on the edge of her wall. "You ready to go to lunch?" She just smiled, not wishing to fake a sultry smile, because she didn’t want him to fall in love with the wrong person... just fall in love. She turned to him, uncrossing her legs, and was getting ready to do her routine when another women came up and gave Justin a deep, loving kiss... on the mouth. Jen felt her own mouth open a little and instantly go dry, felt her heart fall into the pool of acid that was her stomach as she watched this. When they pulled apart finally, the new woman giggled. "I finally found you, my white knight. Those security people wouldn’t let me in here until your boss let me through. They’re so cruel. Just then, Mr. Andrews walked by and gave a small wave. "Oh Jen. This is Angela, my fiancée." Jen felt her heart dissolve. "Angela, this is Jen. A good friend." She was too late. "It’s so nice to meet you." She said, and offered a hand, and Jen blankly took it and let this woman shake it. I’m too late, she heard herself think. She looked up blankly at this woman who had won Justin’s heart before her, and her mind entertained a moment of crushing her hand. "You have an impressive hand shake," Angela said, pulling her hand out of Jen’s as her fingers began to constrict. "And you are quite lovely. I hope you find a good man someday, like I have." They kissed again while Jen watched. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she heard fate laughing at her. Absentmindedly, she also felt her lower lip begin to tremble. "Would you like to come to lunch with us Jen?" Justin asked inquisitively, and she forced a smile in return. "N-no." she said quickly, hearing her own voice crack as a black emptiness filled up inside her. "I-I’m not hungry." "Aww... I was hoping to get to know you Jennifer. You’re all Justin talks about." Angela said. "Jennifer this and Jennifer that. I better be careful, otherwise you’ll steel him away from me before I get a chance to put a leg iron on him." Justin snorted and then chuckled. "Well... we’ll see you later then Jen." Justin said at last, and the two of them walked off, laughing with one another. For the longest time, for what must’ve been an eternity, Jen just sat there, staring at nothingness, and perhaps and hour passed by, or maybe two, before someone came into her cubicle. Her boss, Mr. Andrews was passing buy, and he stopped upon seeing her sitting there, tears that had yet to fall shining within her bright blue eyes. "Are you all right?" he asked stepping into the doorway to her cubicle. Jennifer’s eyes lifted to his, and at last, the first tears streaked down her cheek, and when she spoke, her voice cracked over and over again. "Mr. A-Andrews." She said, feeling a tightening in her throat. "I-I need to go home now. Please let me go home." Andrews looked intently at her, and at last nodded his head. "Go." He said simply, and softly, and without another moment of hesitation, Jennifer gathered up her things and made her way out of the office. She held back her tears for the entire time it took her to drive home, and for the time it took her to quickly climb the stairs and then open her door to her apartment. And then she lasted as long as it took her to drop all her things and then enter her bedroom. It was then that her resolve finally broke, and the vast wells of tears that had been backing up for the past hour or so finally welled up from her eyes, her throat tightened, and she cried. She had been living in a fairytale for the past few weeks. Now, when it seemed that the princess was about to receive her prince, she was instead met with the undeniable truth that her prince was stolen by another princess. And now, she was locked up within her tower, crying over and over again, wetting her sheets through while her chest heaved with the convolutions of trying to breathe along with her tears. Before this new life of hers, she had never felt the wonderful feelings she had been able to experience before. But now, she realized that along with her ability to feel that way that she was also able to feel as she did now. Sadness, sorrow, hurt and pain. They all struck her at once. Amidst her tears, her head lifted from off of the edge of her bed, and she saw her purse laying in the hallway. A determined feeling overtook her, and surging to her feet, she snatched up her purse, and pulled out the bottle of pills. She felt her teeth grinding onto her lower lip as she stared at the bottle; her purse dropping from her other hand as she stared at the thing through tear streaked vision. And then in another surge of motion, she twisted the top off, literally breaking off the childproof cap off, and upended the remainder of the bottle into her mouth. Dozens of the strange pills found their way down her throat, one or two falling to the floor, which, when she had emptied the bottle. She dropped to her knees, and got what she could of those that had fallen, swallowed those as well, and then stood up again. There she swayed for a moment or two, before something in her head prompted her to walk, and she subconsciously planted one foot in front of the other until she was before her large bed. Then tipping forward, she collapsed onto the bed covers, and laid there, wallowing in her sorrow. There she cried herself to sleep. But at the last moment, just before sleep overtook her, she felt a feeling of change. ****** That night, Jennifer dreamed. She awoke in what felt like a dream world one where immediately she gasped as an erotic sensual high stabbed her in the chest like a bucket of cold water splashing against her tits. Almost groggily she rolled to her feet as if trying to rise from a drug-induced dream, gasping heavily as she lurched to her feet, feeling a trickle of something warm and viscous slide down her leg. Something alive also seemed to be writhing inside of her, spreading to every corner of her bodice. She could feel her heart beating with such force that it practically vibrated her full and rounded breasts. Jennifer staggered forward, feeling a throbbing between her legs exciting her body, energizing her as she stepped forward, seemingly unaware of the things that she was doing in her dream. After a few false wobbles, she opened her eyes, looked around her, and saw that she seemed to be in a grass filled park now, with the darkness pushing in all around her, closing off her vision. There were spots of light off in the distance, like bright globes, perhaps coming from supposed street lamps. I feel as if I’m half awake and half asleep at the same time...she thought, like in this world I’m fully conscious and aware, but in the meantime only aware of half the things. She pinched her nose and shook her head to clear it from that last thought about the nature of the universe as it was now. It was as if in this universe, everything was focused upon her. There was a moon and clouds above her, and the radius of her universe seemed to be restricted within a broad spotlight projected from that moon, following her as she walked. As she neared things they became clearer and more defined, one of the spheres of light off in the distance slowly becoming a broken shaft surrounded by light, and then a street lamp once she got close to it. A tree was nothing but fuzz, and then solidified into a two-dimensional shape, and then three, and then filled out with more and more detail once she was standing before it again. But when she finally did get close to anything, her eyes picked up so much detail. She could actually see the divots and dents in the paint made from the imperfect surface it had been laid upon in the case of the street lamps, and the veins in the leaves of the trees. She paused at another lamp, still feeling her heart pounding inside of her, still feeling a tightness about her skin as she pressed her thighs together. Her heart beating underneath her breasts made it feel like each and every last vein and capillary within her chest was throbbing. One of her small hands lifted to one of her firm and rounded breasts just as her nipple hardened beneath it, but with her touch, she inadvertently pressed the fabric of her undershirt against the erect thing. The ever so soft fabric sliding over her nipple made it harden so tightly that it began to ache and quiver, and then swell so much that her areolas swelled beneath it. That had the effect of increasing her heart rate even more and with it her breathing. Then with each inhale and exhale, her silk undershirt rubbed against both her teats, and her pulsating heart began to send lancelets of blood coursing through her body. The thick arteries within her thighs began to pulsate, throbbing even, caressing the folds of her crotch as they both swelled and drew apart. Looking down, her breathing coming in gasps and sighs, she stared at the wedge where her crotch was, as if she could actually see the little pink nib that was her clitoris engorging. She folded her hands over her thighs, squeezing her eyes tight as she felt the temperature between her grow hot as a moisture decorated the smooth contours of her pussy. Grasping hold of the lamp post beside her, her eyes squeezed tightly shut and her hand tightened. Escaping her notice, however, was the fact that the steel bent and compressed underneath her hand, until it was nothing but a solid lump of steel. Releasing her grasp, she staggered forward again, her body being racked with erotic pleasure. After a short while, she again found herself in the wooded area of a park, with trees everywhere, and leaning her back against one, she then looked down at her chest, and lifted her hands to caress the rounded swells. She moaned with the pleasure, locking her thighs together as she closed her eyes briefly with the feelings she was experiencing. She felt as if she were changing, as if something inside her was awakening, transforming, changing her along with it. Her hands cupped the full and rounded tits decorating her front, and beneath her touch, she could feel them throbbing with her heartbeat, swelling larger as they filled with blood; engorging like her pussy was. Her back arched then as she felt her whole body begin to throb, her muscles tensing while an experience like her whole body becoming engorged like her tiny clitoris, pulsated her form. One of her hands continued to grope her rounded breast as she closed her eyes tightly, the other clawing at the tree while her thighs pressed even more closely together. Between those thighs, the soft folds of her crotch continued to thicken and clench, rubbing tantalizingly about the tiny pink nib pressed between them, while the moisture in her lingerie panties turned into a heavier wetness. She released a sigh, rolling her hips and shoulders, lifting her chest higher; her tits pressing against her cotton undershirt as they in turn pressed upward between the gap at the top of her jacket briefly. Oh... I’m burning up. Jen thought, and then hugged herself about the middle, pressing her bosom up higher. An orgasm struck her, slamming into the tightly clenched mound of her loins, and the front of her panties grew so wet all at once that the product of that orgasm dribbled down her thighs. The engorging of her body continued to intensify her elation, arousing her unlike never before. She breathed in deeply, her chest swelling with air, lifting her bosom even higher and untucking her blouse at the front. Every square centimeter of her body was incensed, a gentle throbbing of her blood through her sinuous form, the tantalizing caress it seemed to create upon her skin, was like a million kisses, combined with a million licking tongues. She felt her body tense then as every muscle in her body suddenly clenched and throbbed, and again she caressed her breasts, slid her fingers over the cloth above her teats. She gasped and twice in a row, she orgasmed and then climaxed again, and the soft fluids from inside of her again slid down her thighs like a caressing finger. She gasped and drew ridged then as every muscle in her body suddenly clenched, and she felt as if they were thickening all at once. They clenched again, and clenched a third time before leaving her with that burning feeling in her loins and only after several long minutes was she able to open her eyes again and breathe. When she did breathe however, it was in several quick gasps. Her heart was racing now, like a pair of humming birds wings it felt, fluttering inside her chest in rapid succession. Her breathing was rapid, and as her chest heaved, she felt a trickle of sweat course down the space between her breasts, which felt unusually tight within her undershirt. She looked down at her chest, saw that it seemed to have swollen some, enough to where either of her two tits that had recently been hanging freely inside her undershirt and blouse, now pressed against one another. She caressed the front of either pair, again feeling a wave of elation as her fingers slid briefly over her hardened nipples and swollen areola. Then her touch lowered slowly down her front, over her stomach, to clasp at her belly. Her blouse had also untucked completely from her skirt, baring practically an inch beneath the hem of her jacket and a crack of her flesh beneath that. Additionally, her skirt felt as if it were just resting atop her hips, instead of hugging at the base of her waist, like it had earlier. Confused, but definitely enjoying this strange dream, Jennifer smiled briefly and then folded her hands over her thighs. Her loafers were pinching her a little in the instep now she noticed as this strange orgasmic fantasy subsided a little, and taking a deep calming breath, she stepped forward, though cautiously this time. Her body continued to feel as if it were pulsating gently as she continued to step forward, every square inch of her form being fed by her pattering heart. Her pace carried her forward through her dream world, and she blinked her eyes a couple of times as a dizzy spell took her. She quickly braced her weight on the edge of a park water fountain that thankfully appeared close by out of nowhere. She leaned on it, covering her heart with her hand, feeling it beating rhythmically underneath her fingers while she leaned all her weight on the stone fountain. And then there was another surge inside her bodice, and both her hands slapped to the basin around the fountain. Again, each and every muscle in her body suddenly tensed, filling with raw, erotic power it seemed. Again the feeling of engorgement, again the sensual high that throbbed deep within her pussy; which was slammed powerfully with each thick and heavy beat of her heart. She closed her eyes, her mouth opening wide as she gasped for air. Her breasts swelled against her chest with each breath, as the initial engorgement dissipated, and was then followed by a deeper, more powerful one before, a third and even stronger, and then a fourth, and then a fifth. A powerful burst escaped from the clenched folds of her crotch, the moist stickiness applying a slick about those folds and her lower abdomen, escaping through the sides to trickle down her legs. Again, she gasped, her arms suddenly tensing, and beneath her hands, and this time she definitely noticed it, the cement basin to the fountain shattered beneath within her grasp. She reeled backward, barely maintaining her balance, her back instinctively arching and her hips rolling so that her crotch would be bared for whatever could pierce it and intensify the pleasure. Her thighs again pressed closely together, compressing her vaginal mound between them while she stared at the broken basin, breathing rapidly and irregularly with surprise and the effects of this most recent sensual attack waning again. Her lips puckered as she looked at how the basin was completely shattered and scattered about the ground. Lifting her hands, she looked at the powdered dust of stone and a few pebbles that definitely had once been marble. She then noticed that the cuffs of her blouse and jacket had receded down her arms slightly, catching at the bulges in her forearms. Opening her hands to let the dust escape, she then arched her back a little more, feeling her full and rounded bosom strain against her clothes. The press of her breasts against one another, and the way they filled her undershirt, blouse and jacket, definitely confirmed that they were swelling more than mere elation allowed. She turned her hands over, and then noticed the taut flesh appearing just beyond the cuffs of her shirt cuff, which, as she lowered her arms, she found didn’t fully reach her wrists anymore. Before, they both actually folded over her wrists. It was then that she noticed the draft as well, and twisting her body, she found that the hem of her skirt had risen to her mid thigh. There was also now an inch wide gap between the hem of her blouse and the belt about her skirt. Her fingers slid across her belly, caressing her soft skin, which had drawn ever so taut. Her eyes closed almost dreamily as she touched her abdomen, sliding her knees together while the power of her sexuality continued to escalate inside of her. I dream a dream where my body transforms, but I dream a dream where I can feel the changes. How can that be? Her thumbs pushed down the front of her skirts slightly, and against her thumbs she felt the slick made of her sweat and the fluids of her climax. Her chest heaved as she began to feel another rise in her elation, and she closed her eyes again in an attempt to control it. The moment passed, and opening her eyes again, she blinked them blearily, and then gave a sigh. Her head bowed then as she pressed her hands against her abdomen, and immediately she blinked as a long, thick wave of her hair fell from the side of her head and then around and in front of her eyes. Absentmindedly she reached up to touch the thick clump of hair, passing its strands briefly between her fingers before sliding her hand backward against her head. The shoulder length crop of her hair had grown some, now brushing the top of her back. Her other hand lifted then to smooth her hair back as well, her chest lifting higher as she did, but then she stopped the motion when she began to hear something straining at her front. Her eyes lowered to her bosom, which throbbed rhythmically with her heart beat, the power of it all causing a constant tremble against her front as the massive orbs of her chest throbbed minutely with each beat. As she stared at it though, she felt her eyes widen in wonder slightly as she swore that it was swelling even as she watched it. She did notice, however, that the tiny swollen mounds of her nipples continued to swell outward, even right before her eyes, and blankly, she touched one of them. Immediately, she was amazed at how sensitive they were, at how just a simple touch sent an electric charge throughout her body, Her teats were already firm and swollen, and by the way they formed little bumps against her clothes suggested that her nipples too had swollen. Her hands folded behind her head, and she smiled at the way her undershirt slid over those clenched and tight little nibs as her chest rose even higher, baring more of her navel. I’m transforming, she considered, but then another wave of erotic power washed through her, energizing her womanhood, and she gasped as she felt them swell, a moment before every muscle in her tightened again. Her whole body felt alive and sensitive, with even the barest touch of her own clothing intensifying the sensation of engorgement. Her hips jutted forward, flattening the front of her skirts against her thighs and the wedge of her crotch. She gasped as the wave ended between her legs in yet another orgasm, her hands writhing behind her while her arms hugged the sides of her head. Her body relaxed and then tensed again, every muscle; every sinew and tendon, drawing taut as could be before blood surged into it to keep it filled. This time, she became aware of more things. She felt her hips, as they seemed to part, flaring outward while her ribcage seemed to do the same thing. She felt her flesh draw firm, felt her tits thicken against her chest. She felt those rounded orbs of her womanhood lifting higher while her ribcage barreled forward, rise higher as her pecks thickened, and still higher as the mass of glands inside of them compressed, thickened and redoubled in number. And then she moaned with the ache in her loins as the feeling subsided, and then returned at double the strength. Her hands slid over the shelf that was becoming of her breasts, feeling the twin throbbing masses filling up right before her as she again caressed them, again slid her fingers over her teats. Beneath her touch, she could feel them pounding now, actually feel them filling up her undershirt as they continued to become more rounded. Her chin lifted then as the power of this constriction ebbed, and then returned, again redoubling, lasting twice as long as the one before it, and her back arched before her hips rolled forward again. Promptly thereafter, another burst of vaginal fluids flowed into the front of her panties to slide delicately down her inner thighs. Then her eyes closed and she hugged herself, feeling the throbbing mass of her major arteries in her neck, her arms and thighs, sliding past her nerve and pleasure centers, heightening the feeling. A pulsating throb slid over her biceps, the same sending a steady beat about her pussy that continued to make her wet, while the throbbing in her neck coursed oxygen into her mind and made her even more giddy. Again the pulsating surge of her body musculature tightening hit her, and again, and yet again, and three times more than that, the power of the last finally driving her to her hands and knees. When it finally left, she remained there, still incensed, eyes closed tight and her mouth gasping for air with one hand still caressing her still pulsating breasts. Her thighs pressed even tighter together for a brief moment before she finally opened her eyes. Slowly getting to her feet, and after another wave of dizziness, she took stock first of her surroundings in this dream world, and then at herself. Her world was still as shallow as it had been before, but she had most definitely changed. Her eyes fell upon her hands, where her fingernails had lengthened slightly from the crisp trimmed things they had been. Her fingers seemed longer and even more slender than before. Her skirt hem had crept up higher onto her again, dancing about her thighs like a miniskirt, and just barely covering her moistened panties. Her thigh-high socks now hugged at just above her knees, and her loafers were beginning to pinch all around her toes, especially in the instep. Her chest had also swelled immensely from the subtle D-cups they had been before, and cupping the pair against her chest, she measured that they were somewhere around F or G now. So full had they become that her undershirt, blouse and jacket had rounded out greatly against her front, and practically all of her navel was bared to the cool night air... Her touch alighted upon her belly as she looked down past the rift of her bosom to her navel, seeing that her belly button had sunk into a hollow. Under her probing touch, she also felt that a crease had formed down the length of her stomach, branching from the base of her ribcage to just above the V of her crotch. There was a also a firm feeling to her navel, it was taut and firm, and had compressed so much that she didn’t doubt that she was a size six now. The loop of her belt holding on her skirt merely hung upon her hips, revealing the tops of the straps of her exotic lingerie. And taking that into consideration as she stood there, she suddenly realized how tight it held about her form, with the back slowly intruding in between the cheeks of her bottom, while the soggy front slid further downward. Her breathing continued to be heavy as her hands slid downward again, fanning before her thighs, sliding over her hips before she patted the cheeks of her bottom. Her hips had definitely flared outward some, and her bottom had become more rounded, tighter, and unbelievably firm. Though in her former life before those diet pills, her bottom and her gut had been where most of the fat on her body had been. It felt so good now to feel the solid, tight planes of her rear that were absent of any fat whatsoever it felt. The mere thought of it sent a trinity of powerful pulsating throbs down the length of her abdomen to strike the mound of her pussy emphatically. She sighed then, feeling her back arch as each throbbing pulse sent a wellspring of blood into her clitoris and the folds of her crotch, and she felt more of her vaginal fluids drip into the front of her panties. Then twisting her form, feeling her breasts jiggle as another series of energetic heartbeats pumped more blood into them, she lifted the back of her skirt up to reveal the firm and clenched roundness of her ass. She then smiled beamingly, and watched as the back of her lace panties slowly slid in between those two tight folds. Again she slid a hand over her bottom, this time noting the smooth flesh over firm musculature. Her mouth split into a grin, and she breathed in deeply, feeling the pride of what she was becoming, even in this dream state. Then finally, she noticed her arms. The cuff of her jacket and blouse had fallen back to the crooks of her arms, and when she bent her arm in, she could see a long and slender bicep tighten the folds around it. She flexed her arm a couple of times, feeling the fabric tighten about her arm each time, smiling at the slender bicep which became framed each time by the heavy jacket. But then as she moved her arms, feeling her muscle and sinew tighten with each and every little movement, she noticed that her jacket was becoming more and more like a vest, and was becoming tighter about her bodice. Most especially about her back and shoulders. She sighed then, her eyes half closing in the pleasure she was feeling, her body vibrating with the continuing pulse of her blood. Deep down in her chest, she felt as if her heart had doubled in size. Each powerful beat that it did, it pushed her lungs apart, lifted her chest and sent a slam of erotic sensation straight into her crotch. But then as she stood there, she suddenly heard the sound of metal against metal, and turning slowly, she looked toward where a couple of street thugs were entering her dream. "Mm-mm-mm." The first one said, his eyes moving up and down Jennifer’s form, settling first upon the wedge between her legs, and then the sizeable breasts against her chest. "Look-y what we got here Mickey. A tasty broad who doesn’t know that you shouldn’t be out late at night in this park." He seemed to have the gangster speak down pat. As they neared, Jen also got the first comparison as to how much she’d grown. She’d always been short, but she was now actually looking a short distance down at the thug. "Yeah," the other said, who was a squat greasy little Hispanic that was a little more excitable than the first. "This here’s our park. Not even the cops come here at night. They’re afraid of us. But now since you’re in our park, you have to pay the toll." "But I have no money." Jen voiced dreamily, smiling brightly momentarily, while looking them both up and down, measuring them, especially at the bulges between their legs. Her loins ached for a man, and in her present condition, she could’ve taken two at once, and cursed her head for coming up with these two in a dream. Why couldn’t Justin have shown up? She asked herself. These two were less than worthy of her time. "But there is something else that you do have that we want." The first smiled again, and in his hand he flipped a butterfly knife around so that the blade was extended. "I could do myself with a little of that tasty poon-tang you’ve got between those legs. "And when I’m done with ya, Mickey is gonna have ya. And when he’s done with ya. I’m gonna have ya again... and again, and again, and again..." each time he said ‘again,’ Jen actually watched him degenerate. Then the one with the knife slowly advanced, holding the blade loosely in one hand as he stepped forward, and lifting a hand, he reached out to touch one of Jennifer’s breasts. Raising herself in indignation, her hand snapped outward of its own accord, faster than even she could’ve seen and slapped his hand away. He looked at his hand, wondering how it had gotten where it was, and then lifted it to touch her breast again. This time she used both hands to push it away, and this time with enough force to turn him a quarter of the way around. And then when he finally realized what was going on, he tried to raise his knife to her throat, and she deftly caught it in one of hers, her long fingers easily ensnaring the whole of his clenched fist. Jennifer held his hand and arm tightly in place, smiling as she raised it and the glittering knife so that both of them could look at each other with it between them. Jen then lifted a finger and waged it at him, slowly shaking her head sternly while clicking her tongue. Then lifting the thumb of the hand holding his, she applied pressure to the side of the knife and the blade broke off. "No touching." She giggled, and then tightened her grip on his hand, and she heard the satisfying crunch of all the bones in his hand breaking. He gasped and bent at the knees a little just before her other hand snapped forward, and she slapped him hard in the chest with the heel of her palm. Her arm remained extended as her would be violator was sent sprawling several meters away and winded up back first into a tree where his arms got caught upon the tree’s crotch. She sighed sensually again, and passed her hands enticingly over her front, feeling her nipples swell and grow hard as pebbles before she opened her eyes again to look at Mickey. His jaw worked as he looked up at her, and then he stumbled as his mind commanded his feet to run but his feet refused to move with his fright. And then with extreme will, he actually ran from her. In a bound Jen was after him, and in three long strides her hand tightened into the hooded sweater he was wearing and jerked him backward and onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him. Then hiking her skirt up a little higher, she promptly sat high up on his chest, spreading her legs wide as she waited for him to catch his breath. She continued to sit with back arched and hips rolled, her hands caressing her sizeable breasts until Mickey finally cleared his head and filled his lungs. When he opened his eyes, it was to the site of the narrow wedge of her lace panties covering the swollen mound of her pussy, the black lace folding over the folds of her crotch and the tiny nib there. His nostrils filled with the smell of her excitement, while the sogginess of her panties wetted his chest. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me lady?" he asked meekly, unable to move since she was sitting on his arms as well, though he still tried. "Perhaps I could simply just ‘do’ you." She giggled, and smoothed her hands over his throat, and then chuckled at the expression her dreaming mind made his face take. Dreams were wonderful. "But you aren’t enough of even a boy to satisfy me, little man. But... a-b-but..." her voice trailed off, and her eyes tightened as the feeling of change struck her again. Her hands knotted into his sweater and she felt her crotch clench again, squeezing out another slick wash into the front of her panties. And then her body was tensing again, and she hunched over herself on top of him, groaning faintly as this time she could actually feel her cunt swelling. She felt it filling the front of her panties, felt it pressing against the insides of her thighs. And then as if that point had been the water droplet on a still pond, every muscle fiber suddenly tensed in one heart beat, and in the next, thickened in one, heavy, pulsating rush. Jen screamed her pleasure for the first time that night, her voice calling a single beautiful note into the air as a whole body throb took her. Her heart felt as if it were trying to break out of her chest, and in response, her body tensed whenever it beat to keep it in. Each time it tried to escape, it tried harder, and her body tried just as hard to keep it in, and in every attempt her heart made, it made more. Mickey stared up at her, unable to breathe as he watched her changing. With one titanic throb, her body clenched, seeming to flex at every little sinew, tightening from the bridge of her nose all the way down to her toes, and most especially, between her legs. Jennifer’s body swelled again, her shoulders hunching as a rippling affect spilled downward from the back of her neck all the way to the rounded bulges of her bottom. In opposition, her stomach lengthened as all her bones thickened, and her ribcage fanned further outward before rising again. To the sides of Mickey’s face, he saw her thighs thickening and elongating, and he eyed that sumptuous flesh warily as it drew closer to his face. And then he saw her cunt, covered by a narrow span of black lace cloth, quite moist already. And then he saw the mound bulge, actually stretching the cloth around it a moment before it quivered as something thick, heavy and wet splattered against it and this woman’s vaginal juices slipped out around the edges of the panties. Jennifer, however, felt the back end of those panties finally slip in between the cheeks of her bottom so that its back was now nothing more than a folded wedge of cloth at the very peak of her bottom. And at her chest... her breasts, warm and moist, sweating to the point where the cloth was being wetted down about her nipples and over her sternum, began to heave, and then swell. Mickey then got a wonderful view as they were hefted higher and higher, her clothing rounding about them. Her hips broadened, her arms thickened as did her neck, and then another hot burst of moisture escaped from her pussy, leaving a broad stain on Mickey’s sweater as Jennifer cried out again with her pleasure. Twice more that whole process repeated itself before Jennifer, now spent with the exertion of her erotic endeavor, continued to sit atop Mickey’s chest, her hands still knotting into his sweater front. Her breathing was coming slow and heavy, her breasts swelling against her jacket with each inhale, causing a tightening sound of fabric rubbing against each other each time. Her eyes remained closed, her hair now forming a thick and heavy mane about her face as it fell straight down in front of her. Mickey stared between her legs, seeing the creases of her inner thighs above her long socks, saw the thick mound swell and then clench, before one final burst of syrupy liquid burst from her. His hands lifted to her wrists now, the pair feeling like solid steel as he tried to pry her fingers off himself. But then Jen opened her eyes, fierce blue eyes, half mad with her pleasure it seemed for a brief moment there. Then she simply smiled, remembering that this was all a dream after all and then stood up; hefting her would be attacker into the air. Again she had grown. This time it was enough that, as she hefted the one known as Mickey up so that they both looked face to face, that his feet were actually dangling off the ground. She was holding his entire weight with only one hand now, and the providence of her sizeable breasts as she pulled him close to her and grinned ferally. Mickey looked down, but saw only the broad expanse of chest that was now half supporting his weight. It was now filled so much that there were gaps appearing between the buttons of the jacket she was wearing – now turned vest – was now drawn taut about her tits. That chest heaved also, and one could see the wonder of Jennifer’s bodice as it strained against its bindings. She could feel her skirt flowing about her legs, now just long enough to hide the lace of her panties from the casual observer. She stood with her long legs shoulder width apart too, and the cool breeze blowing up her skirt felt like a lover’s tongue sliding over the soft cloth to caress her pussy and suck on her womanhood. It tasted her sensually enhanced juices, cooling them in its breath, causing her crotch to clench like a vice about her clitoris, heightening her sense of pleasure all the more. "Even in a dream I have no justice" Jen said, balling her fists tighter, feeling her tendons tighten like piano wire, felt her nipples swell all the more. "You tried to rape me, and though I want nothing more than a screw right now, you are less than worthy to give it to me. So, little man, whatever person you are, dreaming whatever life you want, know now that you are nothing." Jen pushed him away like he was a rag doll, her hips swinging with the force, her thighs pinching her crotch tantalizingly between them, tugging relentlessly at her panties which were already tight about her crotch. Mickey in turn skidded to a halt several feet away from where he finally hit ground, and not even bothering to refill his lungs, he leapt to his feet and hurried away, and then Jennifer was once again alone. A breath of wind again blew around her, sliding enticingly up between her legs, causing her pussy to clench tightly, grinding hard like a fist between her legs as it throbbed energetically. Her breathing was nothing by heavy, heaving, gasping breaths, her lungs filling slowly and emptying just as slowly. The feeling of blood pumping through all her veins was even more intense now, sliding through her biceps, feeding them making them stronger, through her thighs, through her crotch, through her neck. And, she thought, looking down at the great cliff hanging against her chest, all through my boobs too. Her nipples felt like her clitoris, engorged, tight, firm... swelling... throbbing. One hand handled her tit and its nipple, while the other slipped underneath her skirt and gently massaged her wet crotch. It empowered her... as if her sexual drive was what was increasing her like this, and it felt, oh, so wonderful. When her hand came out from between her legs, she looked wanly at it, stared at the slick that was even now sliding down her arm and spreading between her fingers. She stared at the slick liquid, glittering like syrup in the moon light, and then lifting her hand to her mouth, she tasted of the sweet tasting fluids that were seeping from her pubic mound. Her tongue licked her arm clean while she stood idly within the park, the one member of her attacker still hanging by the arms in the crook of a tree. Finally she heard a groan from him, just as she swallowed the last mouthful of climax, and smiling, she stepped idly over to him, hearing her shoes grinding and creaking with each step against the pressure of her feet. When her first attacker, he who had had the knife, finally opened his eyes, he immediately began to run. It was a comical thing being that his arms, with one broken and crushed hand, were still lodged within the crotch of the tree. "Hello there sweetling," Jen purred, sliding her hands against his chest before her sizeable bosom pressed firmly against it as well. For good measure, her legs parted as she pressed her moist crotch against his groin, it taking seconds to moisten down his groin enough to where he could feel it. She then smiled as she felt the erection swelling inside the crotch of his pants. "Wha-what did you do to Mickey?!" he stammered, definite fear in his eyes. "Oh, I gave him a spanking, or something like it, and then let him go. He’s much to small for my tastes. I need someone big, and strong," she punctuated both of theses by sliding her cloth covered cunt into his groin each time. "To satisfy me now. You have more promise than he did. "What nationalities are your parents?" Again she purred, half because her chest was vibrating with her pulsating heart, and half because she was now nearing a higher level of erotic sensuality. "G-German and I-Italian." He stammered even as Jen hooked her long fingers into the rim of his shirt. "Good. Savages who can dominate their playthings mixed with a breeding stock known for their well endowed members." She mused, and then promptly tore her hands downward and away, shredding open his shirt all the way down. Her fingers slid into his treasure trail at the base of his abdomen, sliding her fingers up around his rounded stomach before flattening her hands against his bared chest. Her lips lowered to his chest, and she kissed his firm flesh, her breasts again coming to rub up against them, the friction against her nipples enticing her even more. "Hmm, and you taste good too." She smiled and then arched her back, pressing her breasts high atop his chest so that he would get a good view of the tiny little mounds her nipples were making in her jacket. "You may be my first conquest." She teased with a wink, and both of her hands lowered to massage his groin briefly, enticing it even more erect before sliding her hands upward to his belt. "You are endowed... or so it seems. But we need to prove it. " She smiled, and then taking a tight hold of his belt, she drew her hands apart and snapped it open at the buckle. At the same time, she also popped his button, broke his zipper and tore his pants on both sides apart, so that the thick joint of fabric in the seat all the way down to the leg cuff tore open. "Wow, I am impressed." She giggled, taking hold of his member with both hands, feeling its warmth, its ecstatic throbbing. "You don’t wear underpants." And then she knelt to give him the night of his life, finally looked at his manhood, and immediately became disappointed. "But... but this isn’t well endowed. This is tiny. This isn’t even enough for my mouth!" She then stamped her foot angrily and then walked away chuckling to herself, as she looked over her shoulder, smiling at the way her would be attacker lowered his head to look as his erect dick as it rapidly deflated. Soon, the circle of light that was her world moved enough so that he was no longer in it, and Jennifer walked onto a street that seemed to be surrounding the park. And then a wave of warmth flowed through her body, making her hot and moist her whole body over with the feeling of it. Her eyes closed as a sweat broke out against her bodice, wetting her undershirt thoroughly now as sweat beats readily slid down the crack between her tits and rear. Her arms hugged tightly about her middle as sweat rose up against her whole body, her arms pushing her tits up higher against her chest. Then suddenly she felt as if she were in a sauna; her hair falling flat against her head as it grew slick with her moisture. Her thighs pinched close together while she felt several beads of her sweat slide over the tops of her breasts to slide down the space between them. And then she began to feel a vibrating within her pussy, and then a throbbing, and she clenched it tightly as her hips started to make small thrusts forward. And then the most powerful burst yet erupted from between her legs, wetting the front of her panties so much that her vaginal fluids now slid down the front of her thighs to splatter onto the ground. And then the heat combined with the intense throbbing in her loins, which then rapidly spread to every point of her body again. To live the sexual high, to revel in it, her eyes closed tighter as her hands lifted to her breasts; her head tilting backward against her shoulders. Her fingers caressed the cloth just above her nipples to coax yet another burst from her loins like the last one. The steady stream of this one slid about the edges of the black cloth covering her cunt, down the pinched cloth between her legs and into her panties back where it moistened the space between her cheeks a little. The hot fluids smeared against the front of her abdomen, while the front of her skirt began to grow moist slightly. Her hands moved away from her breasts then, feeling her body becoming engorged yet again and one final burst escaped from between her vaginal folds to splatter against the ground. Her gaze fell dreamily upon the wedge of cloth framed by her thighs and abdomen where her still pleated skirt covered the sight of her lace panties. With her eyes only half open, she noted the darkened spot of where the moisture of her womanhood was finally wetting more than just her panties down. And then the feeling intensified a hundred fold. She cried out her pleasure as her pelvis began to jut back and forth slightly, as if the throbbing inside her crotch was really a man loving her so thoroughly. Then as the throbbing through her body continued to build, the hip jabs grew deeper, slower. And then her hips jutted forward, her feet and legs parting slightly as she cried out again in her pleasure, and the throbbing suddenly built up to a deep body clenching. "Ahhh!" she cried out, her voice echoing off of the silhouettes of nearby buildings, and a small climax erupted from between her legs, though not enough to cascade to the ground again. Yet again, for the countless time tonight, every muscle, every sinew every fiber of her musculature clenched so tightly, swelling as much as it could, until blood filled them up. Against her chest she could feel the heavy set pounding of her heart trying to escape, its might forcing the change. Now Jennifer could hear the change, hear her clothing straining against her form as her muscles tensed and swelled. She heard a sound like a balloon being rubbed the wrong way as her breasts swelled underneath her jacket. She heard the sound of tendons clenching like dry reeds being wrung between her legs as her pussy tightened about her clitoris, as well as all across her body. And then she heard dull popping sounds as spasms expanded minute muscles all over her back. And then she heard cracking and breaking, felt the vibrations of her bones lengthening, felt her hips broadening, increasing the bowl of hardening bone that was her pelvis. The vibrations and realigning sending a deep vibrato through her loins, vibrating her clitoris, massaging her vaginal mound. Her spinal column thickened and lengthened, as her rib cage flared and barreled yet again. And then her body clenched again, and she felt her pecks thicken and her breasts tighten as they rose higher, pressing inexorably against her jacket front. And then with a grunt escaping her still slender – but thick with muscle – neck and throat, she closed her eyes as first one button, and then the next, followed in rapid succession by the last three, popped off her chest. Her tits filled outward and upward, filling her undershirt and silk blouse practically to its fullest. The white cotton stretched open as her heavy breasts filled outward and spread away from one another. Atop both, a broad disk with hardened nipple could be seen. Already her undershirt had been moistened through, and with the white cotton, it bore the shape of her immense breasts as it stuck to them; as well as revealing her flesh and pink nipples. Jen took several very deep breaths to fill her lungs, but then the next wave of erotic intensity struck her, and again she climaxed, wondering absently where all those fluids were coming from. She knew that she wasn’t thirsty, but yet again, a hot rush of wet stickiness burst from her pussy to splatter about the narrowing patch of cloth that were her panties. Again her hips rocked as they jabbed forward, and a follow up climax paired with a full body orgasm lanced through her crotch. Again she cried out, feeling her tits swell unheeded now, her shirt and blouse now hanging off the pair as they spread away from one another. Her nipples forming even more obvious peaks than before as they sat atop her breasts. Her back arched as she felt her ribcage barrel even further outward, filling her front yet even more as her stomach sank below it, the flat plain of flesh hardening as the crease between either side deepened. Her hands ran over her stomach, feeling muscle she had never knew existed on a human body formed right beneath her hands. Opening her eyes and curving her back now, she watched as it actually clenched again, adding four shallow creases to bisect it into sixths, while a pair of lats formed about the hourglass-shaped stomach. Her pussy clenched again as it began to swell to fill the spot between her legs. Jennifer then knew the tightening on the inside of her legs as a plethora of tendons suddenly drew as taut as steel chords from that swollen mound. They too thickened, while the cheeks of her bottom swelled with muscle, tightening firmly together, and pulling more of the back of her panties between them. She could feel the slick of her own vaginal juices slide further into her bottom as well, applying a sticky slick to it while her skirt rose high enough that the base of her crotch was revealed. The already massively swollen mound of flesh could be seen now, and even to the casual observer, one could see exactly how those folds spread, and how thick that pink nib of hers was. Her skirt was also loosing some of the pleats it had had as its cloth pressed more about her hips and thighs. There was a tearing and shredding, and her eyes opened immediately, and looking down, she saw just in time as her toes peaked out of the front of her loafers. And finally, her undershirt and blouse was now nothing more than a wrap supporting her tits, and the jacket – now busted open in the front – now only reached her mid back at the hem. It was also straining dangerously across her back and about her arms. Her once thigh-high socks were also now hugging only her long and slender calves just below her knees. Jen gasped, her pelvis doing one more hesitant jab forward, and slipping a hand underneath her under shirt, pressed a hand against her heart trapped beneath her swelling breasts. Two more deep body clenches finished everything off. "Uh," she finally let out in a whisper, and then looking down at her swollen breasts, smiled warmly as she slid her hands wanly over them. But while she fondled them, feeling both her vagina clench along with the cheeks of her bottom as she stood tall with her hips arched, there was a the sound of a car horn going off. Her concentration was snapped away from her pleasure to see a car speeding toward her, the driver leaning on his horn in warning. There was no chance for Jennifer to jump out of the way, and her hands quickly moved to cover her head as the driver attempted to lay on his breaks. But then the car hit her. But instead of running her over and making her a bloody pulp, the vehicle instead broke around her as if she were a light pole and the driver had just hit it. Jennifer blinked and then opened her eyes before straightening, and looking down, she saw that the vehicle’s front was completely bent into an accordion squeeze about her. The place where she stood was surrounded on three sides by a deep indention. Jennifer was breathing hard, hyperventilating really as she dislodged herself from the vehicle’s front, and stood back to look at it. Steam was rising out from the corners of the bent hood, and oil and transmission fluid both were spilling down onto the ground along with the scalding water from the radiator. Despite that she knew that this was a dream, her chest heaved and swelled rapidly as she hyperventilated, her heart pattering against the inside of her chest now. The driver pushed open his door and stumbled out, looking quite dazed. Just then, the axle holding the front wheels on broke on its moorings, and the whole front of the vehicle collapsed forward. The driver crawled over to the grass and sidewalk before collapsing. Jennifer in turn stumbled backward a couple of steps, not believing that even in a dream that this just happened. Then she ran away, and after the first couple of steps, the vehicle exploded into a fireball. And yet still she ran, and ran, and then realized that she wasn’t getting tired, and stopped. She was in the parking lot of her building again she found once she paused to get her barring, and looking around, spied her own car. In the back of her hearing, she could hear sirens, though because of the limited view of this dream world, she couldn’t see them. She stepped forward, and then came to sit upon her car to take an assess of the situation, to figure out what was going on. She’d been walking around forever and within only less than a few minutes, she had managed to run tirelessly all the way back to her apartment complex. She looked down at her hands, contemplating them, musing on how thick her forearms were becoming, how taught her muscles were, how strong she was. She had actually survived being hit by a car, while the car itself blew up. Of course this was a dream, but now that she reflected upon it, she was beginning to like this dream. Her hands came to her sides as her eyes then traveled down the length of her bodice to her legs, which were now crossed before her at the ankles. Within her ears, she could hear the hood of her crappy car crumpling beneath her weight. And then her eyes focused upon a shine that was appearing just beneath the rim of her skirt. Lifting a hand from her side, she fingered her skirt upward, revealing the moist and very swollen mound of her pussy covered by a wedge of her panties, which was shining off of the moon and lamp light. They had been lace panties, with only the barest wedge of solid cloth there to protect her pubic mound from view should she be in only her underwear. But that wedge had long since been pulled downward between her legs, and now the see-through fabric lined with lace was all that was covering her crotch now. She could see how much it had swollen, could see how the folds had spread to reveal much of her vaginal wall, and how much her clitoris had been engorged. Like a tiny penis, she thought fingering the thing, feeling her eyes close a little as a sensuous charge electrified her body. This last thing, reddened with her elation, quivered with each beat of her heart; moist and glittering with shine with that moisture, and pressed firmly between the walls of her crotch. Her clitoris was much larger than she remembered it, peeking out of the top of the wedge between either wall. But then the thickened folds of her cunt had swollen so much that they were actually pressing against her thighs. Her hand lowered to cup her crotch, sliding her fingers against the sticky moisture before her finger touched off the throbbing nib of pinkish flesh again. Again, she experienced the same electric surge, and this time it flowed like water filling her body, slow and growing to be quite intense this time. Her other hand slapped to her crotch as if to stop it, but with the pair together, she actually began to rub her loins. Her pleasure heightened, her breathing quickened, and inadvertently her pleasure triggered another change. She came to lay back against her car, hearing things crunch and bend, grind and shatter as she threw herself into the throes of her pleasure. And then every muscle in her body clenched, and intense fire took her, replacing the cool sense of spreading water inside of her while her heart began to beat firmly within her breast. It pounded faster than it had ever done before, so rapidly as to fill her muscles to their fullest extent faster and faster than before. Each second after the next brought that feeling of full body engorgement, as her body released and clenched, released and clenched again, and repeated it several times more. Jennifer’s once diminutive body again began to become massive again, but this time, the fat was replaced by something far better. Raw, physical might. Her sinuous back arched; her hips rolling into her hands as she half massaged half groped the swollen mound between her legs. Now, as her muscles clenched, they began to fold, separate from the other masses, and crease her flesh before they swelled immensely. Every striation and sinew, every muscle mass and every undulating fold of her growing form thickened. Her blood pumping through it all, making it feel like a million kisses against her skin again, heightening that feeling of engorgement. The sounds of her transformation mingled with bending steel and shattering glass, and great shudders of motion that didn’t come from inside her body, still heightened her pleasure. Her hips broadened more, the pleats in her skirt disappearing as the garment became little more than a wrap, that did nothing to cover the wet plane of her panties. Her thighs thickened immensely, her legs lengthening as her feet did, and amidst the pleasure of transformation, Jennifer felt her feet pop the rest of the way out through the ends of her loafers, before their tops shredded open. Her once thigh-high socks were pulled down to below her knees, drawing taught about a calf muscle that was swelling along with the tendons and smaller brachials surrounding her femur. Her taut inner thighs sunk beneath the piling masses of muscle that were her thighs, a moment before they rippled and became the most highly muscled parts of her body. A plethora of tendons linking her crotch to her legs suddenly drew super-taut, defining those sumptuous inner thighs and pushing her pussy further outward. The swells of her bottom cleaved into three masses of muscle themselves – transforming into maximus, medious and minimus, but unclenching, became one solid mass of muscle again. Her panties were now stretched to their limits as they fully receded between her cheeks, with the straps drawing tight against her hips to cut into them, while the front began to push in between the folds of her cunt. The back of those expensive lace panties, she could actually feel beginning to tear so that it could stretch more, while the lace along the front began to unravel as the see-through fabric stretched as far as it could go. Her rib cage only spread a little, and instead, every one of the bones thickened to double their size, pushing outward even as her breasts filled even more. The clavicle plates supporting her bodice also thickened immensely, hardening her flesh above her sternum several times over. She could hear the sound like a balloon being rubbed the wrong way again, as they expanded. She could also feel her cotton undershirt stretching across her teats while her silk blouse stretched enough so that the two buttons against her front both snapped off. A long fold of fabric between either of her nipples revealed how powerful her elation had become, the two teats projecting from her chest double or triple their normal size. Both of those tremendous tits, both within the space of her collar and along the lower hems of her undershirt and blouse and pressed between her ribs and her shirts, peeked out into the open air. Her hands then slid up against her body over her stomach as it creased tightly into six swollen mounds, and her midsection quickly began to fill as well. Before it had condensed when her muscle had taken her, but now she could feel her waist press around the rim of her belt again. Her hands continued to drag a wet film over herself as they slipped up onto the lower rim of her breasts, and Jennifer felt how firm and rounded they were becoming. But as her hands slid over her breasts, her arms and shoulders continued to swell. Her long and slender biceps suddenly bunched as her triceps expanded, and her jacket’s arm tightened almost painfully about her arm before it tore open at the peak of that bicep. Her shoulder once rounded yet firm, now thickened and creased, enough so that the seam at her shoulder parted with that of her jacket. The white, see-through silk of her blouse slipped out through the holes as they widened, and then themselves torn; with the thick stitches of each snapping in rapid succession. Her body tensed one more time, her crotch clenching tightly as her thighs pressed together and her knees lifted, and she relished her erotic elation one last time before her body gave it away. And then she lay there, panting heavily in her exertion, her breasts, huge and rounded things now that, despite their size, sat upon her chest as light as a feather. Her hands lifted to hold them as she suddenly sat up. And then she was surprised as there was a rapid distribution of weight beneath, and she collapsed practically to the ground while the sound of rending steel greeted her ears. Jennifer blinked for a moment, and then turned slowly around before jumping to her now bare feet. "Ah, my car..." she said clasping her hands to her mouth, with what remained of her jacket stretching precariously across her shoulders. Her love throes of thrashing and flailing had demolished her old VW bug. It was practically flattened! She squatted before the thing, feeling the muscles in her lower back and bottom drawing taut as they spread, and with one hand, she lifted the front of her car. That was easy, she thought, and standing up, she lifted the flattened car with one hand. It wasn’t even that much of an exertion, more like lifting a big flat piece of wood than hardened steel... She looked to her other arm, which hung at the side of her body thick and strong. Then she clenched her hand into a fist and then flexed her arm, and was quickly surprised as her silken blouse now made a T-shirt on her huge body, quickly tightened around a bulging bicep and triceps. Then her forearm thickened so much that while looking at it, she considered that Popeye would’ve been jealous! She gave a short laugh and returned her attention to her old car, and using both hands, she began to bend the old vehicle. She molded it and reshaped it, until it was a big cube, complete with tires and axle and what not into the shape that was slick with used gas, transmission fluid and oil. Looking down at the thing that had once hauled her dead weight around, she planted her hands flatly upon her broad, flaring hips, and mused about it. Then there was a chuckle, and then a nasal laugh and then a full laugh that had her head rearing back with the humor of it all. In the building behind her, she was aware of people watching her. She turned to look at her old building, her large mane of hair along with the shadows keeping her face relatively hidden. Her hair had also grown during that last stint of growth. Even despite her unusual size and baring now, it reached down to her mid back. Giving them all a hidden smile, she then walked slowly away, like some missing link, eager to test her newfound strength, and even more eager to feel another bout of transformation. To feel the wonderful feeling of growth. She knew that she was already stronger than any man in existence, even perhaps the legendary Hercules. As she walked off, her hands lifted to her swollen breasts, and as she caressed them, she considered them for a moment. They were so compressed inside her undershirt that it had stretched greatly around the massive rounded spheres, while her silk blouse showed off her erected nipples and swollen areola quite well. Her hands cupped her nipples then, and she felt that they had grown so rounded and so firm, that they practically filled her hands themselves. Her actual breasts, were so large and firm, they were probably larger than her own head. But they didn’t have any heft to them, she thought as she shifted them with her hands, her fingers lightly rubbing her nipples and sending a minute wave of pleasure down to her womanhood. But they are firmer than anything, and oh... so sensitive. A dreamy smile crossed her face as she stopped, her thighs pressing close together while she lightly massaged her breasts, working them, caressing them. One of her eyes closed a little more than the other then, her other gaining a twitch as the waves of sensual pleasure that her hands worked from her breasts, began to gather between her legs. Deep inside her bowels, she felt some strange power beginning to writhe, tempting to explode from her, and collapsing onto the grass on her knees, she continued to kneed those wonderful breasts of hers. Deep down inside of her, the writhing continued to build up in strength, until at last... release! And quickly upon its heels, transformation. This time, her torrid sexual experience and her passage of transformation were quite violent. As she hunched over herself, giving a low grunt as she hugged her breasts to herself, she suddenly felt yet another burst of slick moisture escape from between her legs. And then her back arched, and there was a crunching sound as her back suddenly realigned and thickened. And in the next instant, there was a mass of tiny explosions as first muscle masses, and then muscle sections and then individual muscles suddenly seemed to boil upward and outward. Her jacket back was steadily shredded apart before the thickening of her arms and shoulders split the underside of it. Her legs spread wide, her pelvis dipping downward into the ground as yet another burst of fluids escaped from inside of her to wet the grass. This time, the hot, sticky fluids welling up through the top of her panties to spill onto the ground. Her hips rolled, and still yet another burst escaped her. A groan escaped her throat as she reared upward and backward, her arms falling limply at her side as they too suddenly and rapidly bubbled with intense power and might, her biceps pressing against her breasts. Those biceps continued to thicken until the press of the silken fabric around them drew tight and firm, momentarily pinching off her blood stream. But then she idly lifted her arms to hug herself, and the shifting muscles created a tear near the base of the sleeves, before her swelling biceps promptly tore open the top of them. Sinuous flesh then bunched and piled out from the break, her biceps continuing to swell though the tear, and soon they were pushing her breasts upward even further. Her breasts rose even as her ribcage began to crack and realign; spreading widely before pushing outward once again. She gasped and then held her breath as a gentle pressure against her chest meant that her breasts were thickening again, and in turn, the muscle of her pecks rippled and thickened into titanic masses of chorded muscle. She squeezed her eyes shut as her nipples pressed forward, and even as her sleeves shredded open, a tear against her sides of her shirt opened up along the hem, while her ribs began to feather. Great slabs of meat boiled underneath her flesh, creasing her flesh and sculpting her immediately into a great chiseled stature. Her hips flared again, and this time her skirts began to tear at her sides, at her seat and before her crotch, tearing apart every which way. Tatters of her skirt stayed upon her by pure virtue of her belt until that too snapped off as her middle rapidly thickened to impossible new definition as of yet unknown by any member of humanity. The number of striations her stomach folded into was just impossible on a human body, and the folds of that stomach as it sank beneath her ribcage continued to lengthen. Her legs then swelled to immense proportions, creasing swelling and creasing again to give her such perfect musculature, making her powerful, with each thigh thickening greater than her own waist! Her thickening lower legs finally shredded her once thigh-high socks, while the lengthening of her hips and abdomen stretched her panties as far as they would go. Between her cheeks, she could feel the back of those panties stretching and tearing, but it was the strap atop her hip that snapped first as it was drawn too taut about her hips. And then the back snapped just after that, and her panties uncoiling from about her like a bungee chord suddenly being released. The creaming fluids that had been trapped beneath the crotch of those panties finally were allowed to drip free, streaming from the base of her abdomen in rivulets at first, before slowly dripping away. Her hands slid between her legs to gently caress her crotch, her elation rising as she smeared her vaginal juices along the insides of her legs, across her abdomen and down to the rounded seat of her bottom. Then closing her eyes with feeling, she continued to feel herself grow, the process unstopping now as it simply continued on. Her probing hands continued to get an occasional burst as her body thickened, her breasts ballooning so much that her silk blouse finally shredded open. That left only her cotton undershirt, which was already moist with sweat and sticking to her bodice in such a way that, her flesh showed clean through it all as before. And then the points of her nipples finally broke through the cloth and then one of her sizeable breasts and then the other tore through her shirt front, the fabric sliding around the twin orbs until her chest stopped them. Long strands of her shirt, shreds of cloth, snapped open and away with each heaving breath then, her shirt continuing to tear open as her chest lifted and expanded unabated. Then finally the birth of her thickening pectorals supporting those massive breasts, along with her back and her rising ribcage shredded her shirt the rest of the way in a vast series of snaps and pops and tears. The back of her shirt shredded apart by pure effort of just her back thickening. And then, even with all her clothes off and torn, she still felt herself growing larger. And then finally, something inside of her rose from the very pit of her bowels, up through her hips and up through her throat, into her throat and out through her mouth in a titanic scream of pleasure. Her dream world winked out then as the tightening folds of her crotch burst one last jet of warmth into her touch. And then there was only bliss. ****** Jennifer laid on her bed where she had collapsed the night before, a thick pillow bunched up beneath her chest while she laid provocatively on her side. She was aware of consciousness rising about her, but she ignored it, keeping her eyes shut. She didn’t want to wake up. That was all a pleasant dream last night, but as dawn found her, she remembered yesterday, and the fact that she was about to loose Justin forever. Her dream man now belonged to someone else. All she wanted to do now was die, and taking all those pills at once didn’t seem to have done the job. Guess death by dieting can’t ever really be done, she considered as her consciousness came nagging to her mind. The light shining onto her eyes from her bedroom window forced one and then the other of her eyelids to open, and she opened her mouth in a sigh before closing her eyes tightly again. When she opened her eyes again, it was simply to stare at the wall in front of her. She wanted nothing more, than to just sit in front of a big box of chocolates right now and devour every last one. And then her alarm went off, and her eyes closed tightly again to ignore it, but when it got too annoying she simply reached up and hammered on the snooze button with her fist. But instead of just a dull tap, there was a loud crash, and her eyes snapped open just in time to see her bed stand shattering beneath a thick and meaty arm. She had had a meaty arm before the pills, but his one was riddled with muscle and sinew. Her fingers opened and she stared disbelieving at them for a moment before she pushed herself up from what she found to be a ruined bed; her tits rising up long after the rest of her body did. Her entire form was as it was during the dream when it had ended. Massive, beautiful and powerful. And, as it were, slick with a sticky film of sweat, grime and her own vaginal fluids. Her breath seemed to catch in her throat as she looked at herself, staring at everything that she was now. And then she noticed that her bed was broken. Sure, the mattress had been sagging from what she had weighed before, but now whatever she weighed now was enough to completely break all the bindings holding her mattress up. And yet I feel as light as a feather, she thought inwardly, rolling onto her side. Even her breasts had enough lift to them where they kept themselves up. She flexed her pecks absentmindedly as she looked down at the immense rack decorating her chest, and watched as the pair not only swelled, but also lifted higher. Swallowing hard, she gingerly got to her feet, surveying the damage her weight had done, and stepping around the bed frame that lay broken and twisted on the floor, she came to the door and stopped. There was a huge break in the A-frame supporting the door. Jennifer knew that those things were a solid block of wood, and the break was right at her head level, just above the cleft of her long, broad and thick clavicle bones. Which means I still had to duck, she considered, folding her still small and delicate hands over her mouth, which means I’m somewhere around eight feet or something. She ducked underneath the small doorway, having to squeeze sideways to get through, and having to caress the doorway with her body in order to get passed it because of her breasts. Once out into the hallway, her hands then lifted to her chest, and she gave a delicate caress against the sides of those immense breasts. They’re bigger than my head! Said a voice inside of her, and lifting both her arms, she hugged the pair to her, seeing that her hands – or rather her fingertips – just barely met to each other. Her hands then slid down her body, sliding over a stomach that felt exactly like a washboard because of its firmness and the number of ridges over them. The base of her abdomen was tight and flat over the bones of her pelvis, until one got to the full and rounded folds of her pussy, which was absent of a bush now. It was flat and smooth to the touch and still very sensitive and even as she was slipping toward erotic elation again, her nipples drawing firm, she removed her hands quickly from her crotch. She was panting heavily as she looked down the length of her bodice, between her breasts at that mound of flesh pressing against the insides of her thighs, still disbelieving what had happened to her. Running a hand through her hair – which was still as long and as beautiful as it was before she had awoken from that dream – she stepped into her bathroom. She had to mitigate her bathroom’s doorframe, like she had the one for her bedroom’s before standing up, but when she did, she faced her mirror, and stared. Good god, I’m beautiful, she thought, and then arched her back to catch the fullness of those breasts in the mirror. She caressed them, felt them, flexed her pecks, watched them rise and swell, and then felt the sticky film about them. Her thighs pressed against her counter top as she leaned forward, her tits pressing against the medicine cabinet underneath the mirror so that she could get a good long look at herself. In spite of herself, she found her grinning from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat. Then she stepped back, flexed her arm, and felt the bicep rise to the size, thickness and firmness of a bowling ball, cleaved down its middle by the two halves of the bicep. She then projected a leg forward and flexed that too, admiring the long triangular thigh muscle at the top of her leg thicken and then crease into three smaller muscles. Her calves clenched, and her gluts separated into three masses again. She felt giddy, and then spying her scale, she pulled it out with one foot and stood on it. She watched in amazement as the numbers scrolled by one full turn, before burying the needle at the end of the second. For the first time in her life, she was actually happy that she weighed that much. And then, just because she could, she weighed one of her breasts, and found that that itself weighed over a hundred pounds. Great Maker! She mused, laughing aloud before rushing to the sink again and staring at herself, touching her face and body. Laughing briefly as she discovered new things about herself. Just then, the radio beside her sink came on because of another alarm set on it, playing a newscast. "...and a strange, bizarre turn of events have struck our fair city as several unexplained sightings of a missing link have been reported." The announcer switched, and on came the voices of the two boys who had confronted her. "It was a woman you stupid..." there was a stream of censored beeps, and then the other, Mickey was speaking. "She transformed right in front of me... right on top of me actually. I saw it man, I tell you. Those tits of hers just grew bigger, and bigger, and..." "That was from two street thugs, the second who you just heard reported to the police this morning for protection. The other was found this morning hanging in a tree stripped of all his clothes and with one hand broken so thoroughly that the doctors as Saint Mary’s hospital say that it will take weeks at the least to reconstruct. The park they were found in was also sight to several damages, where a lamp post seemed to have been squeezed tight in one place, and an ancient, commemorative drinking fountain were found broken and shattered." Then a new voice. "I swear it. This really tall chick was just standing there in the middle of the road when I turned around the corner in my car. I tried to swerve, tried to stop, but I ran right into her. I somehow got out of my car, but the thing blew up. Lucky me I guess." And back to the reporter. Jennifer was again folding her still dainty hands over her mouth. "The vehicle did indeed explode, and was found in the middle of the road. The explosion shattered some windows of nearby houses, but other than that, very little problems have been incurred. The vehicle that was being driven however seems to have impacted something with the thickness and bearing of a light pole, despite that this accident happened in the middle of the road, and that all nearby lamps were unscathed. "Police detectives are currently investigating..." Jennifer switched off her radio. So, it wasn’t a dream. Her hands held the basin of her wash bin as she stared at her image in the mirror. But then there was a knock at the door. When she ignored it, she then heard a louder knock followed by a: "Miss Jennifer Angelou? This is Detective Devaroe. Could you please open the door." Jennifer, tensed quickly, and then looked down at her body, and then holding her breath, she looked for something to wear, but nothing presented itself. "Coming!" she stalled, and looked every which way again, actually truing one of her towels, which was far to small. She then squeezed through the bathroom door again and skipped over to the door. Leaving the chain on, she pressed herself against the door, and then hunched down so as to make herself look normal sized, and then cautiously she opened the door and peaked around it. A man in a trench coat with a cigar held loosely in one hand lifted his head to look at her as she wrapped her fingers around the door jam. "Hello there, miss," he said removing his hat. I’m detective Devaroe with the nineteenth precinct. Did you hear a disturbance last night?" Jen shook her head. "Nothing. Is there something wrong?" The detective reached into his coat pocket and removed a bent license plate. "Is this the license for your vehicle miss? A light blue nineteen sixty-six VW bug?" "Y-yes?" she said slowly and cautiously, and flattened herself closer to the door, her breasts pressing greatly against the heavy oaken plane of wood. "Was it vandalized or something?" She already knew the answer before he spoke. "If it were vandalism, I’d like to meet the crew that did it, and know how they did it." He said, planting his hat back on his head and taking a puff of that nasty cigar before blowing it at the number on Jen’s door. "Y’see miss, your vehicle has been compacted into a tight little cube, one so small that not even a car masher could get it like that." Jen feigned shock. "We’ve contacted a moving company, but bar none, we’re gonna have to get a heavy loader for this one." Again he took a puff of smoke from his nasty smelling cigar, held it in and then blew it at the ceiling. "It was a nice touch leaving the antennae sticking straight up like that." He paused and looked sidelong at her. "Is there anyone who might be holding a grudge against you, Miss Angelou?" Jennifer actually devoted some thought to that, perhaps lay the blame elsewhere, but she has always been a good woman, and needlessly ruining someone else’s life was unchristian-like. "No." she answered truthfully. "All right then." Again he took a puff from his cigar. "Do you have your insurance card and proof of ownership for your vehicle." "It was in the glove compartment." Again, she answered truthfully, and behind the detective’s eyes, she saw a curse being held back. "May I come in? There are a few other things I’d like to discuss with you." "No!" she said quickly, cleared her throat and then continued normally. "No. I’m sorry, I was about to step into the shower, I’m afraid I’m not wearing any clothes." All that too was true. "Besides, I think I’m coming down with something sir, I don’t want anyone catching it." The detective nodded, and again Jen noticed a curse in his eyes. "Then I’ll bid you adieu then, miss." The detective retreated down the hall, and Jen watched him go for a moment before she shut the door and leaned her weight against it; her massive breasts swelling as her chest heaved with a sigh. She ran a hand through her hair, staring down at the fleshy massiveness of her breasts for a moment. The chill in her apartment brought a subtle layer of goose bumps upon her hardened flesh, forcing her nipples erect and her crotch to clench against it. Lifting a hand, she numbly caressed the super sensitive teat erecting against one of her breasts. Then her head raised and she hugged herself beneath the fast cliff that was her chest, pushing the twin breasts upward and together briefly. Her gaze then traveled down the hallway of her apartment to where her bathroom laid at its end, and then to her room that was just off to one side. Then lowering a hand, she locked the door to her apartment and strode down the hallway into her bathroom, squeezed passed the doorway, and then faced the mirror to look at herself again. I need to get cleaned, and I need to go see a doctor before I go to work. Oh Great maker, Work! Once again, she squeezed through the doorway and went to her phone in the living room, and picking it up, she quickly dialed her boss Mr. Andrews. Lifting the receiver to her head, she noticed that she was only able to grasp the slightly diminutive piece only with three fingers and her thumb. To her though, her hands appeared not to have changed, as had her feet, but now that she looked back on it, she remembered tearing out of her shoes. In her other hand, also only by three fingers, she held the rest of the phone. "This is Andrews, how may I help you." Came the gruff voice of her boss over the other end after only a single ring. "Mr. Andrews, this is Jennifer... I..." she began but was cut off. "Jennifer?! Thank god!" he said at once, and Jennifer could hear the squeaks of his leather chair as he suddenly sat forward. "Are you all right. The police have been calling. Are you in trouble?" "N-no Mr. Andrews. There was just a matter of some vandalism to my car. But I was calling to see if I might have the day off today. Something came up and I need to go see a doctor." There was silence on the other side of the line for a moment. "Whatever you need Jennifer. We’re not too packed for work today," there was a bit of a musing in his voice. "Just don’t make too much of a habit of it." "Certainly, sir. And thank you." The two hung up with each other, and Jen replaced the receiver to its handle and her phone onto the coffee table. And then she stood there, thinking about what she should do, and when her hands folded underneath her breasts again, she noticed that she was still covered in a sticky film. Chewing upon her lower lip, she decided that now would be the time to go take her shower. Navigating the doorway to her bathroom yet again, stepping in sideways, feeling her tits slide against the door jam, she noticed that her shower was much too small now as she stood before it. And then holding her breath, she pushed the curtain aside, turned on the water, and then sat down within the basin. Before she was giddy about the changes her body had taken, but now she was having second thoughts. What if I grow even larger? She thought, while the water from the showerhead pelted only her breasts, head and thighs with water. She leaned forward, closing her eyes as the water streamed about her face and shoulders while she braced her arms along the rim of her tub; her legs tucked up close to her chest. How am I going to get to the doctor’s office, and for that matter, what am I going to wear? Reaching for her shampoo and soap, she began to wash herself down, having to position herself in specific ways to be able to get everything wet and clean. It was just like being fat all over again, but this time, is was all muscle. Why can’t I just be normal? She asked herself, kneeling down within the tub to rinse her hair out. Finally she shut the water off, and standing up, leaned back against the wall of her shower, her eyes lowering to stare off at nothing while water continued to dribble down her body and into the basin. When she finally went to dry herself off, it took a towel per breast, and three more for the rest of her body. Even when she had been overweight, two had been enough. She then finished by rubbing her crotch thoroughly with a towel before wrapping what remained of it around her hair. She brushed her teeth, having to use two fingers and a thumb to hold her toothbrush, and practically pushed the whole tube of paste onto her brush. Then she made ample with her deodorant, and then sat down upon the soft, pink toilet seat cover, and taking her brush began to straighten her hair out. Her mind was still wandering as she simply stared at the towel rack where her towels were drying, her chest rising and falling, taking practically a minute per breath. She didn’t even realize how far she had gone in her primping until she looked down at her hands and found that she had just finished braiding her long mane of hair, with the bangs flowing just before her eyes. Pursing her reddened lips, which didn’t need lipstick to gain that crimson color anymore, she tied off the end of her braid, and then pushed herself first out of the bathroom, and then into her room. Her form drew itself up within her bedroom, and she scratched at the back of her head as she looked at her broken bed, her body becoming cool with the moisture against it evaporating. Then with one hand, she took the back frame of her bed and the fore frame with the other, and stacked them both neatly against the wall, leaving her mattress on the floor. Then going to her dresser, she opened the top, and looked at her underwear. At first she picked up another pair of panties from her last body, the small, demure one that was bright and beautiful. Fingering the crotch of the panties, she suddenly felt her own clench tightly between her legs before her thighs tensed. Chewing her lower lip, she dropped the pair on top of a tiny bra in comparison to her immense breasts, and then closed the drawer before opening the one below it. The drawer held the underwear of her first body, and holding up the much larger pair of underwear, cotton panties, still soft and well taken care of, she considered that they would be a much better pair to wear. Selecting the largest she had in her drawer, she then pulled it on up over her thick thighs. She has some trouble with the immensely thick beams that served as her legs before she felt the crotch seat perfectly between her thighs. She gave a quick adjusting rub between her legs, feeling how smooth these panties were over her bodice, and turning to a full length mirror that was in her room, she viewed herself briefly in the mirror. And then she exhaled. There was a brief moment of tightness before Jennifer heard a loud tearing, and from her hip down to her crotch, the white cotton panties broke open with a snap before falling to the floor between her legs. Her eyes turned skyward. An attempt to find a bra that fit her went awry, and all of her panties were too small for her bodice. She tried two more pair after the first, but they tore and snapped and broke open. She sighed, deciding to forgo underwear for one day until she could go out and buy new ones, and instead just opened her closet door. She went through layer after layer of clothing, looking at business suits, sweat pants – she tried those, but tore out of them as well – and finally settled upon a muumuu. She held the dress up, giving it the eyeball for a moment. Even at her heaviest, this dress had been able to contain her girth, and had gone far enough actually to cover her feet as well. So, pushing her chest out as much as she could, she delicately pulled the thing on over her head. She had to push the folds first over one breast and then the other, before shimmying the thing down her bodice, and was quite happy when it actually went down far enough to cover her thighs to the knees. Then taking several deep breaths, she chuckled briefly when her clothes simply didn’t shred off of her this time. A pair of sandals opened up to their fullest covered her feet. Taking up her purse then, she took another deep breath, feeling her immense tits press against the front of her makeshift dress. She then slipped past her bedroom door and was about to make her way down the hall when she spied something. There on the floor, was the bottle with the pills. Bending over and reaching down, feeling her dress spread across the rounded cheeks of her bottom, she picked up a few of the pills she had missed the night before along with the bottle and stared at them. And then thinking about the changes she had been going through as of late because of them, she deposited the bottle into her purse before opened up the door to her apartment and pushing herself outside. Instead of taking her luck with the elevator – it only allowed just over a thousand pounds, and since she buried the needle on her scale...she instead took the stairs. At the lobby, people stared at her. There was a little kid with an ice-cream cone and his mother who looked upon her jealously. Then there were a couple of men and the security-guard that both advanced completely through their midlife crisis as they watched her pass. Jennifer kept her head down, holding her purse just before her crotch in case that her dress wasn’t as thick as it should be. The little boy dropped the top of his ice cream cone as she opened the front doors, and only needing to duck to get out the doors, she stepped out into the full light of the sun. In the parking lot, a tow truck equipped with an electromagnet was removing the cube of her car, and as she stepped down the front steps of her apartment building, she became aware of a growing silence. Everyone was staring at her and more than one young man either ran into a pole or suddenly gripped his groin as she walked by. Her eyes kept moving side to side, and she was beginning not to like all this attention. She decided that she would have to use a bus to get to the hospital downtown, especially since her car was no longer available. She doubted she could fit in the thing anymore any ways. The bus stop was just around the corner, and stepping briskly, her long legged strides carrying her forward faster than she ever had, she suddenly began to feel how warm a day it was already becoming. The humidity was thickening so much that there was a haze coming off of everything. For a moment she didn’t think much of this, but then she touched her bosom, and discovered that she was beginning to sweat, and quite profusely. Hurrying to the bus stop seemed to make matters worse, forcing her to sweat more but also had the added problem of hiking her dress higher and higher up her bodice. By the time she made it to the stop, her clothing was already sticking uncomfortably to her and only the shadows between her legs hid her femininity. And on top of that, her dress was now showing off her teats and the formation of her crotch something fierce. Cursing, she bent over to tug her makeshift dress away from her nether regions, pulling it out from between her legs and rear, before tugging the hem back down a little. And when she stood up again, it was into the staring face of a bus driver, and about half a dozen male riders plastered against the windows to stare at her ass. "Does this buss go to the hospital?" she asked after an awkward moment, folding her hands over her tits, thought for a moment, and then folded them back over her crotch with her purse. "It does now!" the driver said with a scurrilous smile. Jennifer mounted the bus, stepping sideways up the stairs, feeling her breasts slip between the hand bars. She noticed that the whole vehicle tipped briefly as she stepped on. And then while everyone on the bus continued to stare at her, she fished into her purse, removed a dollar and fed it into the slot. "Transfer ticket please," she said, and was hastily given one before she stepped down the length of the bus. She found a seat at the very back, the only one that would allow her to sit. Between the front and back of the seats was not enough room for the breadth of her immense breasts and back let alone her long, chiseled legs. And while she sat, she mutely remembered that she wasn’t wearing any underwear, and pressed her thighs together before slipping her feet beneath her seat. Her hands again folded to her lap with her purse as the bus’s air conditioning kicked in, but, as she was soon to find out, it grew so cold in here that it forced her nipples erect. Two broad disks and a pair of hardened teats the size of small rocks suddenly appeared beneath her dress. Her eyes looked left and right at everyone as she noticed that all of the males on the bus were looking at her. Some of them dreamily, while some of them were looking at her out of the corner of their eyes because their girlfriends or wives were with them. She nervously hunched her shoulders at their stares... even the bus driver was throwing her looks through his mirror, but the action pressed her breasts further upward and then together. At last the bus came to the hospital, and she quickly took the rear exit of the bus, and then took several deep breaths. Turning around, she saw that the bus was listing slightly and was moving away slightly slower than it should. And then she noticed that she was perspiring again, with the sudden shock from air-conditioned chamber into hot and humid world her body rapidly grew slick with sweat again. And in turn from that, her dress quickly began to grow see through and sticky about her form. She hurried across the grass and into the reception room of hospital, but she was met again with the unbelievable chill of air conditioning. The conditioning again hardened her nipples into small stones, but also made her crotch clench from a draft and goose bumps rising upon her skin. Biting her lower lip, she stood off to one side, waiting for her body to adjust and her dress to dry before she stepped into the reception room and then up to the receptionist. Being eight feet, and with the low ceilings, Jennifer’s head practically brushed the tiles, and the diminutive nurse behind the receptionists desk stared up at her when she cleared her throat for attention. "Excuse me. I-I don’t have an appointment, but I really need to see a doctor." The nurse stared up at her, and Jennifer absently noticed her trying to get up, but the nurse had already done that when she had first arrived. "W-what is the reason for this visit?" "Swelling." "You’re joking, right?" Jennifer leaned forward, slipping her substantial tits directly in the nurse’s face, and then flexed her arms. "Does it look like I’m joking? Twenty four hours ago I was a big as you are." She said narrowing her eyes. The nurse, without looking down, reached over and grasped a clipboard, and then lifted it onto the shelf that was Jen’s breasts. "Please fill these out and return them to me," She said, with a hint of awe entering her voice. "I-I’ll be sure that you see a doctor right away." Going to sit down, Jen quickly filled out all the information and then returned the clipboard to the nurse, who promptly took it and hurried off down the hall. As if she doesn’t want to be in the same room as a monster, she told herself solemnly. Her head lowered and she crossed her legs beneath the tight fabric of her makeshift dress from the muumuu, and balancing her purse on her lap. She then reached down and started reading a muscle magazine of all things. She became hypnotized by all the studly men in the magazine, not even aware that a moist warmth was taking her between the legs, or that her nipples were starting to harden. She read through the magazine like most men would read through a lingerie catalog. For a time, it drew her attention, kept her mind off things, until she suddenly felt a presence by her, and lowered the magazine to look at a young boy staring up at her. "Wow, you’re a big lady." He said, staring up at her with the gentle innocence that in perhaps ten years would transform into lustful intent. "Yes I am. Thank you for noticing me." Jen smiled, and something in her loins ached, a desire for a child, but then that spurned off another desire, one for a man to be kneeling between her thighs, his form rocking intensely against... "Why aren’t you wearing any underpants?" the boy asked, snapping Jen quickly out of her fantasy of being sexed up. She quickly uncrossed her legs, flattened her thighs together and angled her long legs downward with her feet beneath her chair before she pushed the lap of her dress further down her thighs. "You know it’s impolite to point that out to a lady." She said, and then folded her hands upon her lap. "But the reason why I’m not is because I suddenly grew up really fast. This is the only bit of clothing I could wear." She finished by indicating her dress. "You don’t have a beaver like my mom does." With that Jen’s eyes widened in shock, and the boys mother suddenly appeared to usher him off, muttering things about ‘embarrassing’ her and ‘not to speak to strangers.’ Jen sighed, especially at the worried looks the mother was giving her from over her shoulder, but finally, the nurse arrived. "Miss Angelou, please follow me. I will take you to the doctor’s examining room." ****** Jennifer was ushered into a fairly large room, but as the nurse closed the door behind her, she took one look at the diminutive chairs placed there, and in stead just hopped up onto the examining table. She didn’t have long to wait, before a doctor finally opened the door. One Doctor Roanoke. "Well, Miss Angelou." He said, looking only at his clipboard as he entered. "I see that you’ve been experiencing some generalized swelling." He sat down at the small desk and started writing in a few things. "Could you perhaps tell me what exactly is swelling." "Everything doc." She said quietly, smiling in spite of herself. "Everything?" Roanoke said before finally turning in his chair and then stopped as he finally beheld Jennifer’s countenance. Then he pursed his lips and then nodded. "Everything." He then took hold of his clipboard and stood up, and while still keeping his eyes on her, his hands removed a file folder marked with her name. Opening it, his eyes only then lowered to his papers. "Last time we had you here, you had been admitted with the height of five six and just over three hundred pounds." He said, and then he looked up at her again from underneath the bangs of his hair. Then reaching up, he removed his glasses, quickly cleaned them and then faced her with all the demure a doctor could muster. "Perhaps you could explain to me what may have happened, Jennifer." He said, lowering his clipboard and his hands to hang in front of him, but Jen noticed him adjusting himself and smiled. "I had gotten into this diet program," She said, and opened her purse to produce the bottle. "Last night I... took too many of these." She handed him the bottle. "Last time I came here I weighed over three hundred pounds. As of last night, I weighed just over two hundred, but had the body of a woman fifty pounds lighter than that. Now... judging by my height versus the ceiling, I’m somewhere around eight feet. I also weighed myself this morning too. I buried the needle." Roanoke stared at her with a discerning look, and then lowered his gaze to the bottle she had given him, rattling it to hear the few remaining pills inside. "Gen-e-tek?" He looked back to Jennifer from underneath his bangs and over the rims of his glasses. "Jennifer... there’s no such company as Gen-e-tek. Where did you get these?" Jen was scared now. "I was watching TV really late at night, I think it was after midnight, and this commercial came on." She fished into her purse again, and removed a scratch of note pad. This is their phone number, and my order number." Dr. Roanoke reached out and clamped the piece of paper between two of the fingers holding the bottle, fingering the scrap of paper with his thumb. Then he looked back to the bottle in the same hand, turning it to look for any sort of identity or contents, and then pursing his lips together, he raised his undivided attention back to Jennifer. "I would like to keep you here for observation, Jennifer. In the meantime, I’ll have our labs look at these pills, and we’ll have someone contact the company. But first, we’ll have to fit you into a hospital gown." Jennifer nodded and then Roanoke opened the door, and caught a lab technician that was passing by. Opening up the bottle, he then handed the pill to the tech. "Get this analyzed as quickly as possible... top priority. Then send someone to bring the largest hospital gown we have." He thought for a moment. "No, bring three of the largest gowns we have." The tech nodded briefly and then hurried off. Roanoke then turned back into the room and stopped cold. Jennifer had hopped off the table, and was now standing in her own titanic brilliance as she bent over the grab at the hem of her dress. Roanoke then found himself suddenly struck dumb as she pulled the hem upward, immediately giving him a view of the tight, compacted mound of swollen flesh between her legs. And still she pulled the garment upward, hiking it to her middle, before then crossing her arms and pulling the garment over her breasts which swelled happily out into the open. Roanoke swallowed his last breath as he looked up at the behemoth of a woman as she briefly adjusted her breasts and then pulled all her hair over one shoulder. And then she opened her eyes, and noticed that she was suddenly being scrutinized. "Um, is there anything I can do for you doctor?" she asked, suddenly very shy. "Yes, but as a gentlemen I won’t ask it." He then closed his eyes and forced his gaze away. "Forgive me, I couldn’t help but stare." Jennifer thought for a moment, and then smiled. "I don’t mind," and meant it, and lowering her eyes, she saw that the good doctor was indeed impressed by her physique as her gaze settled upon the bulge in his pants. "But while we’re waiting for my gown, was there any checkups you needed to do?" Roanoke then turned his head back around, but his gaze immediately settled upon the smooth plane of her lower abdomen as it slid into her pubic mound. Again, he swallowed his next breath of air, before Jennifer settled back against the table, her hands grasping its metal firmament. Roanoke swallowed again, but this time he took with it all his sensual desires. Instead, he did step forward, placing his stethoscope about his ears, and lifted the end up to the thick pad of muscle over Jennifer’s heart. Roanoke was so surprised that Jennifer’s sternum was so high – the thing at his face level, even with her leaning back like that – that for a moment he forgot what he was doing. The fact that he had to slip his hands underneath her breasts to get to her sternum was another thing that distracted him. On top of that, he had to brace a hand upon her thick thigh and rest solidly against her stomach to do the task. At a place close to his lower abdomen, he could actually feel her crotch swell. Then finally, he remembered himself, and then lifted his watch to count her heart beats. Usually, with larger mammals, the beating of their heart slows the bigger they get, but Jennifer’s heart beat at just the right speed for someone half her size. Perhaps that may be a little too rapid, he thought, and taking out a notebook, he started it with her name, then a case number, and started jotting notes. He then checked her breathing, having to move his stethoscope all over her broad back to be sure that he checked the fullness of her lungs. They sounded like a forge bellows, he told himself. And then when he moved to her front again to check her breathing there, he looked up at Jennifer for a moment and then settled upon those huge breasts of hers. Then he felt his cheek twitch and an eyebrow do the same as he looked at the humungus pair. "Uh, Jennifer, could you please step away from the viewing table for a moment?" "Sure," she smiled, and did so, turning to face Roanoke as he hopped up on the table himself, and then taking a deep breath... "Now, could you step back over to me?" she nodded this time, and Roanoke had the pleasure of being the first man in history to be completely within the bosom of a woman. Those immense breasts parted just enough for his body as she stepped forward, her hands bracing upon the viewing table again. Jennifer closed her eyes with feeling as Roanoke began to slide his hands and the edge of his stethoscope about one of her breasts, and then closed her eyes as she began to feel herself grow incensed. Roanoke, however, heard something akin to reeds being wrung, blinked a couple of times, and then turned his head to watch one of her nipples hardening. Again, he was dumb stuck as he watched it thicken and jut out from her chest, becoming something the size of a small stone while her areola swelled and thickened, their broad disks spreading as her breasts swelled as well. And forgetting himself, he reached out and touched the things, and beneath his hands, he felt it draw even thicker and harder than before. And then there was a gentle sigh from inside those huge breasts, escaping from a highly muscled throat, and his eyes snapping up to Jennifer’s face, saw her smiling warmly down at him. His eyes snapped back to his hand, and he quickly removed his touch. "Please forgive me, Jennifer. I-I forgot myself. You’re just so... so intoxicating. Jennifer stepped back, still smiling warmly at him, and arching her back and rolling her hips, her thighs pressing tightly against one another, she slipped her hands caressingly over those huge breasts. Roanoke in turn noticed the shiny glisten that was appearing between her legs, while Jen could feel her pussy grow warm and moist. And then Roanoke inhaled deeply, smelling something sweet and tantalizing to his senses, and between his own legs, he could feel his blood raise his member as firm and as strong as it has never been before. And then he realized what that scent was. "Miss Angelou, I do believe that your musculature isn’t the only thing that has been enhanced." He said at last and reached between his legs to adjust himself again. Jennifer opened her eyes, those beautiful green eyes, and Roanoke mentally had to force his body not to react. Everything inside of him was prompting him just to take her, but a gentleman he was, and a gentleman he would remain. Even still, his member remained erect, and his heart pattered a little bit faster than usual. "How so?" she asked, her hands passing over her nipples and then down her front to clasp over her crotch. Roanoke swallowed hard. "Everything that is based upon a physical level in the human body appears to be enhanced. From your musculature to your particular... feminine traits," he pointed to Jen’s breasts, and again she arched her back, as she looked first to one and then the other, viewing the pointed nipples on either. "Your internal body structure is undoubtedly enhanced as well, and as soon as we can get you to some tests, we’ll find out exactly how. But..." he cleared his throat again, and this time adjusted his belt. "The glands inside your body seem to also have been enhanced as well, again, as is apparent with your mammary glands being so well compacted. The enhanced trait that I’m most particularly observing now is your... you... your um..." he cleared his throat. "Your pheromones." "Aren’t those the things which dictates someone’s attractiveness to the opposite sex?" Roanoke nodded. "Yeah, he whispered dreamily, smiling like a dim wit as he stared openly at her again. "S-so that’s why everyone was staring at me." Again, Roanoke nodded and then readjusted his glasses. "For females, you would invoke instant respect at the level you are outputting. For males, I can imagine that the response would be that they would stare at you under normal conditions, but when you become incensed..." "Then they have the growing desire to ravage me. If they could..." Jennifer smiled, and then flexed one of her arms, and then Roanoke was given a great surprise as the muscle of her biceps swelled so greatly that Jennifer’s knuckles actually rubbed along the top of the swell. "Yes, I can see how well that would keep people from you. But tell me, Jennifer, how well do you think you would fare against someone wanting your body who had a gun?" Jennifer promptly unflexed her arm and stared at Roanoke, and then lowered her head and bit upon her lower lip. There was an awkward silence, and Roanoke actually felt sorry for suggesting the thing, but then there was a knock at the door. Still standing there, Jennifer’s eyes snapped to the door, and then back to the Doctor, and smiling warmly, he hopped down from the examining table and stepped over to the door while Jennifer tried to keep herself from view. Then opening the door, he was met by an intern with a pair of really large hospital gowns over one arm. "Thank you Gregory." He said, taking the gowns, and then closed the door. "I am hoping that that these will fit." He said, dropping one onto the counter and then unfurling the other. "I hope." He repeated himself. Jennifer smiled in thanks at least, and bent down so that the doctor could help her into the smock like thing. Roanoke then pulled out the step onto the examining table, and standing on that, helped her secure the back. They must’ve recently redesigned these things, she thought as she felt a large flap go into place that would normally have left a broad crack straight up and down her rear. Now, she really wouldn’t have minded the crack now, so as to show off her form, but it always created such a nasty draft back there. Roanoke finished tying the last of the drawstrings, and then hopping down, took up Jennifer’s dress and the spare gowns before turning to look at her again. The usually floppy sleeves were tight around her biceps, and the bottom of the gown, because of her immense bust, came only down to her mid thigh. He gave her a soft smile before opening the door again and leading her out of the room. "First thing that I am a little curious about, Jennifer, is your weight." Roanoke said, gesturing with his clipboard to an alcove off to one side. "To tell you the truth, so am I." Jen responded clasping her hands before her thighs, and obediently stepped over to it. "You’ll have to turn your back to the scale Jen." Roanoke said once she had stepped on the scale. "You’re, uh... rack, is keeping me from reading it." Jen blushed a deep red, but did turn her back. While adjusting the scale, Roanoke did get a good view of the rounded mounds of her rear, and kept himself from the temptation to feel one of them. But while idly pushing the weights back and forth, he did watch the muscles shift beneath the gown, watched her thighs thicken as her back began to arch. And as she breathed in, he watched as the hem slowly slid upward, moving further and further until... "Doctor? So... h-how much is the damage?" Her voice yanked himself out of his drooling stupor, and lifting an arm to wipe the saliva quickly from his mouth, he turned his attention back to the scale while Jennifer hiked the hem of her gown back down. But then he slid the weights until they balanced out, and reading the weight, he stepped back and fell silent. "Doctor?" Jennifer prompted again, and Roanoke looked up at her. Despite being so big and powerful, the way she looked down at him, she looked so timid. "Jennifer... your weight is practically a full metric ton." She gasped, folding both her hands over her mouth. She may have the size and baring of a force of nature, but she still had the mannerisms of a true lady. Roanoke felt his lust starting to change toward affection. "One thousand eight hundred and thirty two pounds and seven ounces to be exact." He corrected, quickly jotting that down in his notes with a comparison to her last weight and the transitional weight she said she had possessed the day before. Jennifer bit her lower lip, ignoring the stares of the interns that passed by. And then sliding her eyes back to Doctor Roanoke: "How much have I grown?" she asked timidly again. Roanoke in turn pursed his lips, and walking over to the scale, he removed the part that measured height. And then moving a chair over to Jennifer’s side, he stood up on it, put a hand to her collar and to her back and helped her to stand up straight. And then holding the measure upside down, he took a measurement from the ceiling and then climbed back down from the chair to replace the unit to the scale. "Our ceilings are ten feet high in this area, Jennifer. Subtracting the difference, it makes you eight foot two and three-quarter inches." Again he jotted down some notes. "An increase of over three feet." As if she had just been back handed, Jennifer closed her eyes and lowered her head in shame and in spite of herself a solitary tear ran down her cheek. "I’m a monster..." she said, and hid her face with one hand. But then she felt a gentle touch upon her arm, and wiping her eyes, looked to the diminutive – at least in comparison to her – Doctor Rowan. "You’re not a monster, Jennifer." He said assuringly. "And I’ll have words with whoever says otherwise. You are an attractive and very strong young woman. And as you’ve probably noticed, you draw stares and awe from all those around you. And in here," he pressed a hand to the peak of her stomach, where her ribcage formed a sold cliff face above her hardened stomach. "You are still Jennifer. Frightened and nervous you may be, but you are still Jennifer." Jennifer bit upon her lower lip, the corners of her mouth turning upward. "Thank you Doctor." She whispered, still sounding quiet and as demure as always. "Alexander." He responded, and then took her by one massive arm. "Or Alex as my friends call me." Again she smiled. "Now, let’s get you onto the next tests, and I promise you, we’ll find out what happened." ****** Jennifer sat quietly on an examining table, holding a cotton ball against the crook of her immense forearm. They had just taken yet another of those ‘standard tests’ that doctors take, taking samples of practically every body fluid in her. Already they had taken a urinalysis and a stool sample, had already tested her reflexes, tested every little thing that doctors always did whenever you felt vulnerable. But it was Roanoke who was administering the tests, and whenever he was near her, he had a ready smile, and made her feel calmer despite her situation. And Jennifer felt herself giving him a smile in return. And so as she sat there on the examining table, her attention devoted onto holding that cotton swab in place, she didn’t notice the good doctor reentering the much larger examining room he had brought her to. And so she didn’t realize that she had her legs spread open enough to allow him more than enough of a view of the heart shaped mound of flesh that had become of her womanhood. But then he cleared his throat and turned sideways to her to approach her. "Miss Angelou, if you keep doing that, I’m afraid I may have an ‘accident’ walking in here." He smiled as he placed his clipboard on the table beside her. Jennifer looked dumbfounded at him for a moment, and then remembered herself before quickly closing her legs and pushing the hem of her gown down as far down as she dared with one hand. "Good news, I hope?" she felt very timid in his presence, but again there was that smile, though this time it was done only halfheartedly. "I believe I’m beginning to understand what has happened Jennifer..." he started, and then moved over to the examining table opposite from her and hopped on top of it. Jennifer braced herself for bad news, and she could feel a great volume of air catch inside of her as he leaned forward. And then he reached into the pocket of his white lab coat and pulled out the bottle of remaining pills. "These," he began, shaking the bottle so the few remaining pills inside of it rattled. "Are nothing more than a retro-virus placed in a dormant substance that places it in stasis." "Retro-virus?" Jen gasped. "But w-what will... doesn’t that make you sick?" "A virus does assuredly, but not necessarily with a retro-virus." He folded his hands before him with his clipboard. "A retro-virus – unlike a standard virus that merely attaches to, replicates and kills cells – actually will replace the cell. Many retro-viruses are the cause of some cancers." "Oh God no." Jen gasped, and closed her eyes tightly. "But a cancer you do not have Jennifer." He said quickly before the tears began to fall. "This retro-virus that we have here is undoubtedly manufactured... man-made. The technology for this science I had thought was still being researched, but apparently, someone has found a way to make one... and a damn good one for that matter." "S-so what’s happening to me?" Jen felt her lower lip trembling. There was a long pause as Roanoke simply stared at her. "Your DNA has been rewritten, Jennifer." "You mean that this virus is changing my..." "No Jennifer... not is... has!" Roanoke said with definite stress in his voice, and then slipped a hand through his crop of short hair. "The pills have been designed to be given in doses... and as the bottle states, ‘so that your body could transform slowly and surely,’ using definite sources of fuel to power the changes in the body. The dosage was designed so that that fuel could be replenished while it worked its will." "Fuel?" Roanoke nodded. "Fat. Cellulite. And if your record shows correct, Jennifer, you were over two hundred pounds overweight when you started this ‘miracle diet.’ And even as of yesterday, you were still overweight, though your body didn’t show it. "The virus has consequently run its course, and with such a high concentration of fuel to power itself as you had, it has increased every physical aspect of your body to levels beyond any human." He hopped down from his perch and gestured with his clipboard off to one direction. "There’s something I’d like to show you. Jen slipped off her own table, and slapped her hands down to readjust the hem of her gown a little too late to again reveal her sensuous pleasure mound between her legs. She then blushed before quickly pushing it back into place. Roanoke smiled to cover her embarrassment, and then closed his eyes and gave her a little nod before leading her out the door and down the hallway. He then held open a pair of double doors for her to enter, but she had to push the other open any ways to make room for her massive bulk. At least she didn’t have to duck through these doors. Roanoke then followed her into a controlled lab environment, and as she entered, she stopped when the eyes of dozens of Techs suddenly lifted to her. It wasn’t awe, and it wasn’t fear... but rather a look of confirmed suspicions, and a few of them nodded to her as she entered, and a few others actually approached her in wonder. Jen nibbled upon her index finger shyly. "Over here, Jen." Roanoke said stepping up to a large glass window, gesturing inside. Jen stepped over to it and looked inside, bending over to plant her hands on the table, and giving everyone in the room a good look at her rounded behind and the back end of her crotch without realizing it. Inside the chamber, protected by the glass was a rabbit, but it was unlike any other rabbit she’d ever seen before. The thing was at least twice as large as any other rabbit and had the body of a tiger. It’s musculature was so taut that its fur was attached to it only in small stripes in specific places, enhancing the image of a really long eared white tiger. "This is Murray." Roanoke said. "He was a severely overweight little bunny. And then we fed him one of those pills. Within the few hours in which we’d been giving you the basic tests, he had transformed into the creature that you see now." Jen pressed against the glass to look at the bunny, her breasts flattening firmly against the glass so that she could get a better look at it. Still, she was unaware of the gentlemen behind her constantly readjusting themselves. "He looks like a long eared cat." She commented. "That’s quite possibly the best description thus far, Jennifer." Roanoke commented. "Murray practically broke one of the technician’s arms, and we had to put him into this metal chamber because he kept burrowing through the wood and plastic of his usual cages." Roanoke depressed a switch on the console, and Jen stood up – much to the awry of the Techs behind her – as a screen activated beneath her sizeable bosom. "This is footage we took a short time ago," he continued. "This is a speed test we placed Murray in." Jen watched the image of the transformed bunny as it took long strides within a big plastic cage equipped with a treadmill upon the bottom. "H-he looks like he’s running pretty fast." She commented, hypnotized by the animal. "He’s currently running at a speed that would outrun a cheetah, Jennifer." Roanoke responded unblinkingly. "He’s also currently outpacing a sparrow at those speeds. Keep watching though." She did and watched then as the tread kept going faster and faster, so fast that there was smoke rising along the edges of the tread. And then finally the bunny just rocketed forward, broke out of the plastic cage, and started running about the chamber this was filmed in. Several of the administering technicians tried to catch it, one was knocked onto his back as the bunny leapt up and kicked him, and another was trampled. Still another got a nasty bite before someone shot the bunny. The image promptly went away. "You shot it!" she gasped, but then looked back at where the bunny sat in the middle of the viewing chamber, sleeping quietly on the floor. Roanoke gestured, and one of the Techs brought in a rather large gun which he held up for her to view. "Forty-five caliber." He commented. "This particular gun was able to crack the engine block on a Mac truck. The shot fired from this one blew a hole the size of my fist against the poor lil’ bugger, but it was a shallow hole, as if the musculature was acting like some kind of armor. And on top of that, we gave him a crate of carrots, he ate them all and..." he gestured back to the bunny. "As you can see, he’s already healed the damage." "Where’s the crate?" she asked timidly, fearing the answer. "He ate that too... and the nails." "B-but what does that mean for me?" Jen asked turning to the doctor. "A pound of fat contains approximately two thousand calories, and you were practically three hundred pounds overweight recently." "Two hundred and eighty five pounds." Jen corrected, folding her arms beneath her sizeable bosom as she took a commanding stance, daring anyone to say otherwise. "Which means that you were practically three hundred pounds over optimal weight, which equals five hundred and seventy thousand calories. A standard teenage will expend approximately one thousand calories a day and will grow six inches within a given year. But that is underneath the standardized metabolic rate of a human being. You however have practically doubled your size, and octupled your weight... using only a fraction of the caloric requirements to achieve such a size, let alone the strength. "For a teenager to grow those six inches would require three hundred and sixty five thousand calories expended over a full year with optimal metabolic rates for a human being. You however, have grown over thirty inches in less than twenty four hours. That would require the expenditure of over one point eight million calories. You achieved it using only third of that required metabolism. But that would only increase your height. Because of your weight, I’d have to say that your metabolic rate has increased by perhaps a factor of five or more times." He reached out to press a hand against the tight folds of Jen’s stomach, and she held her breath against the touch. There was a tightness against her heart, and she felt as if it had stopped beating as her lungs had stopped breathing. Roanoke then turned to the rabbit in the chamber. "Murray’s metabolic rate is so advanced that he can heal practically any damage that doesn’t kill him outright. And that brings us back to you, Jennifer. You are a human being who has been enhanced who knows how many times by this virus, and the metabolic rate of a human being is considerably much greater than that of a rabbit. And if one considers the rate at which your healing factor has been advanced to, you can quite possibly be considered to be immortal." ****** It was the first time in her life that she actually considered drinking alcohol, but when she had asked for a bottle, Roanoke promptly told her that it would do no good. "Your body processes itself at a remarkable rate, Jennifer, it wouldn’t do any good. Your liver would cycle it before it had a chance to take affect." So now she sat alone in a practically deserted lunch room, with a big glass of juice in her hand. Actually, it was more along the lines of the whole pitcher. She sat there with her legs crossed in a seat that was way too small for her behind, holding her pitcher-cup, nibbling upon her lower lip. Her gown kept riding up her thighs, so she didn’t bother to adjust it anymore, not even in the presence of others. She sat there for a long time, the windows along the ridge of the hospital cafeteria now black from night having fallen. That had happened while she’d been sitting there. She took a deep breath them and then lifted her pitcher to take a drink from it, but when she did, she found Doctor Roanoke standing there with a tray of the leftover hospital food. It was the kind of stuff that they may have been ready to toss out, which made it doubly bad. She was surprised that he actually had it. "May I sit?" he asked, and Jennifer gestured idly to the chair opposite her before drinking from the pitcher. Roanoke sat across from her, the man quite diminutive in comparison to Jennifer’s physique. Once he sat, he started to dig ravenously into his food, and Jen felt her lips purse into an O as she watched him eat. "Please forgive me for my manners, Jennifer..." he began, but Jen quickly broke into his speech. "Jen. Please, call me Jen." Roanoke looked up at her, swallowed heavily and then smiled. "... Jen." He nodded, and then continued. "But, I don’t think I’ve eaten since last night." Jen thought about that, and then blushed when she realized that Roanoke had gone without food for all this time just for her. "Thank you for helping me, doctor." She said quietly, a warm blush still against her high cheekbones. "You’ve already done more for me than anyone else has." "Alex... or A.J." he said between chews and then swallowed. "That’s what my friends call me, and I would, very much so, like for you to call me a friend." Jen looked over to him, blushing an even deeper hew of red before covering her cheeks with one hand. "Thank you, Alex." She smiled warmly. He swallowed another fork full. "But I would like to keep you here overnight, Jen, for observation. Tomorrow, I’d also like to run a few more tests, just so that we can determine how far you’ve changed." He paused, and looked up at her, past her voluminous breasts and up into her face. God, she’s beautiful, he considered for a moment, smiling like a fool up at her. "If you like, I can make your stay a little more comfortable at least. The penthouse level of the hospital has been converted into a small living space for myself. I’m sure you’d like to shower and get a good night’s sleep in something other than a hospital bed." "Thank you, I’d like that." Jen watched Alex eat for a time, and then leading her to one of the service elevators, one where she unfortunately had to lean over slightly within, he brought her up to the penthouse. He had to use a keycard to go up to that level, and at the top, the door opened to allow Jen a site of a simple room and medical study. "How is it that you have access to this room?" she asked as she stepped forward into the room, standing up straight again and arching her back while she cupped her hands to her throat. Alex smiled. "I own the hospital." He said simply, and then gestured toward an alcove where there was a double set of doors. "Over there is the living quarters including the shower and the bedroom. I’ve already gotten you a clean robe and some of the larger towels to dry yourself off after your shower. "If you need me, I’ll be in here doing some last minute details and reports for the hospital." "Again, thank you." She said, and Alex watched her as she entered the alcove before he himself retreated to his desk. Jennifer Angelou then stepped into the spa-like showers, which were positioned high over the head to accommodate large people if it were needed. It was a fact that she was thankful to as she reached behind her to undo the straps of her hospital gown. It was a sensuous thing for her now, to undress herself, to stand naked in this titanic form. Dropping her gown onto the floor, she immediately cupped her full and rounded breasts, touching off her areolas, and feeling the pair go immediately from broad disks to clench forward into full and rounded nipples. She fingered them both, feeling a smile cross her face at the warmth that slid through her bodice, forcing her crotch to clench. Her sexuality appeared to have been enhanced with the rest of her and her libido was unusually high. The length in which her nipples erected to – practically three inches by her guess – proved that. Entering into the tiled shower, her feet padded upon the cool, dry ceramic plates as she moved over to where one of the two communal shower head towers were, and immediately turned the water on. Waiting for it to get hot and steamy, she then stepped into the stream. Just like her shower at home, only one spray was able to affect her at any one time, and she was forced to turn on another, and then still another. Finally, she simply stood there, with the jets of two separate streams projecting directly onto her tits, while her arms lifted above her head to brace her palms against the ceiling. She closed her eyes and bowed her head, feeling another jet of spray wash onto her back, down her spine and over the many bumps on her back. Down her back it traveled before it then cascaded between her cheeks and then off of her pussy. Against her front, a similar stream filtered down between her breasts and over her abdominals to join the stream from her back side. Her eyes closed, and she started to breathe deeply, feeling a wonderful feeling of the water slide over her, as the warmth and the rivulet motion of the water cascading from off her womanhood started to raise her sensuality. Against her chest, her hardening nipples continued to thicken and swell until they ached against her chest. For now, it was enough for her to just stand there, being able to be fully washed from all angles, reveling in the caressing touch of the pattering water against her flesh. There was shampoo and soap there for her to wash herself with, and taking a trick she had learned when she was still overweight, she lathered up a wash cloth, and started to scrub at her bodice. She did find, however, that unlike when she was two hundred pounds overweight, that it was a lot easier to get at every portion of her body. She was just glad that her tits were moveable, otherwise getting her opposing arm would’ve required a lot more doing. The simplest way she found was just to lift it up at a ninety degree from her body over her breasts and wash it that way. Then there was her hair, which had grown all the way down to her mid back, which must’ve been several feet worth, especially when one considered how much she’d grown already. Then, once she was finished with her showering, she again just stood there, lowering the water pressure on the faucets, and let the water rinse her clean. Her whole body no longer felt as tense as it did just a short while ago, and the heat of the shower with the steam felt good alongside the hot water. It was then that she looked down at her tremendous rack, and arching her back and rolling her hips, she brought the titanic pair of tits up higher into the air. They were both full and rounded, sitting as firm as the rest of her body atop her broad chest. Hefting one with each hand, she was surprised how light they felt, like they were fluffy pillows filled with feathers and air. But that wasn’t true. They were filled with muscle, thickened skin, powerful veins that were almost as large as her arteries used to be, as well as miles and miles of glands. Within her hands they had no weight, despite that the scales said that each of them were over a hundred pounds! The doctor doing the mammogram on her practically fainted when she stripped out of her gown for him, and though he kept copping feels on her breasts, she really didn’t mind. And then her hands smoothed over her breasts to her nipples, and she teased the pair, watching mutely as both became rock hard and extended their full three inches from her tits. And because of their sensitivity, she began to feel a hollow warmth settling within her loins. Three inches, she considered wanly... amazed at how this was happening to her. Then she flexed an arm, feeling the water patter against it as the muscles in her chest and in her arm all swelled. Jen was then given an amazing view of her tit swelling to unbelievable proportions, while her bicep matched its size inch for inch. Then, when she unflexed her arm, she looked over her thick shoulder at her triceps as the three muscles bulged outward from the back of her arm almost as big as her bicep had done through the front. She giggled deep in her throat then as she began to flex, first her chest and arms, her eyes drawing wide as she watched her tits lift high atop her chest. Then she moved to her back, feeling it bubble with her strength as she sent a ripple down her back to her rear. And then she flexed her sizeable leg, and drew amazement as the muscles thickened to perhaps twice their size! Her thighs pressed together as she stood erect before the shower pole, and then flexed her legs again, compressing the cheeks of her bottom, and feeling her grand thighs bulge to a thickness greater than a man. And then in her effort to squeeze her thighs and buttocks together, her vaginal mound pressed together, and she felt her heart begin to pump harder inside her chest. A deep throbbing sensation soon coursed down the length of her body and down into the insides of her thighs, and she gasped as the throbbing vibrated her pubic mound, causing it to swell as a sensual high struck her. Arching her back, her hands took hold of the shower pole as she rolled her hips forward, pressing her pussy against the wet steel of the pole, while her tits cleaved to either side of it. Twin sprays from the shower head beat upon either of her breasts while one from behind her continued to send a stream down the contours of her back, between her butt cheeks, and between her thighs. The warmth of her crotch rose to a heat, the throbbing then rose to a deep pulse that forced her womanhood to swell with each beat. An orgasm struck her then as she straddled the pole, sliding her crotch up its length, and leaving a stream of her own juices against the steel that was soon washed away. Then as she stood erect – her butt cheeks tightened so strongly that they formed three lumps on a side against her backside, which were then laced with chorded striations – and then she felt another climax erupt from between her legs. Again she gasped as a stream of sticky, viscous fluids that were slightly opaque dribbled down the length of the stainless steel pole to the drain. She repeated the process, and was rewarded with an even more powerful climax, and again, with even greater results. With her sexual high striking her, she felt her knees weaken dispute their great strength, and she collapsed to the tiled floor while sliding her hands over her erect teats, over her stomach, down her pelvis, and into her crotch. There she slipped a couple of fingers of either hand inside herself to feel her throbbing clitoris, and the warm moisture inside of her. And then, she heard a voice. "Miss Angelou? Are you ok?" came Alex’s voice, and her eyes widening, Jennifer removed her hands from inside of her as another climax spilled out onto the tiled floor, but thankfully, right into the drain. "Jennifer?" came his voice again, and Jen turned her head to look over the great mass of her trapezoidal muscles and shoulder masses. She must’ve looked a picture when Roanoke stepped around the corner to be framed in the doorway. It wasn’t the first time that he had seen her naked and she hoped that it wouldn’t be the last. The way she knelt upon the floor, her back arched and her hips rolled as they were, he was given a full view of her rear and reddened crotch. She smiled behind the rise of her back as she saw his eyes move directly to that still moist and beet red pussy, which still pulsed and throbbed with every tap of her heart against her chest. Just to entice him more, she again slipped her hands over her crotch, folding over it but secretly sliding a finger in between the folds. "I-I was just checking... just checking..." he was definitely at a loss of words, and uncoiling a little, Jen turned, bringing the wide birth of her breasts to his full view. Again his eyes flickered, this time to her immense nipples. "Thank you," she smiled and leaned forward a little, the mass of her breasts flattening against the wet tiles as she again gave him a view of her rounded bottom and swollen vagina. "You mentioned some towels?" she said instead, and then rose majestically to her feet before turning to shut the water off. When she turned back around, he was still staring at her, and despite her prude ways, she still smiled at the attention. She then strode right up to him, walking sexily, swinging her hips with each step and brushing water off her flesh. The holding onto her breasts, holding them down, she looked down at him, jutting her crotch forward which was just below his chin. She loved the way his eyes kept flickering up, down back up and down and then all around her body. "The towels, doctor..." she prompted again, giving a low laugh. "Y-yes." He stammered, suddenly remembering himself, and then turning to where a small stack stood, picked up several of them and proffered them up to her. She took the first and then sat on one of the benches. Alex still was staring at her as she pushed the towel around one of her breasts and then the other. Then wadding the towel up, she wrapped it around her neck and pulled its ends between her breasts, separating the still erect pair for him. "What did your lab technicians find out about that place where the pills came from?" she asked at last, spreading her legs and leaning forward so that her breasts sat between her legs and her arms one her knees. This of course, gave him a view of everything. Alex suddenly blinked, and then placed the rest of the towels beside her before answering, removing his lab coat and tossing it into the living room just outside the shower alcove. The company doesn’t exist, and when I sent someone at a neighboring hospital to check out their headquarters, they found a condemned warehouse with a telephone sitting in the center of one of the floors. He was keeping his sight from me, she noticed as he detracted into doctor mode, holding the elbow of one arm while rubbing his chin with the fingers of the hand of the other arm. "The Better Business Bureau has absolutely no records of the company. The Cable Company in your area also reported that there was a brief outage in their cable viewing the night you claimed that the commercial was shown." "B-but what does that mean?" Jen asked, blinking at Roanoke’s pacing form. He stopped at that question and faced her, and for a brief moment, his gaze slid up and down her bodice, and mutely, she noticed the bulge in his pants grow larger. It was definitely getting its exercise, and now that she looked at it, she suddenly realized how large it truly was. Immediately, she felt her legs grow wider, and an ache inside her pelvis commanded her to have him take her. She ignored it, and felt the feelings intensify because of it felt it swell, felt it throb, felt it draw moist as it led to... She forced her legs closed and shook her head before folding her arms over it. No! She screamed at herself. My body does not control me. He may have me when he asks. "I don’t know." He said at last, and then resumed pacing. "The only thing that I can think of is that someone specifically wanted you to see that commercial." He stopped, and looked sidelong at her. "As if someone wanted to use you as a guinea pig." Jen forgot all about her attempts to display herself for Alex’s affection when he mentioned that, and folding her legs together, she hugged herself against the chill she felt and bit her lower lip. That did, however, have the affect of lifting her breasts higher while pushing them together, a display, which brought Alex’s attention to her more than anything she had done earlier. Deep down inside of himself, he wanted to step forward and touch those great mounds of firm flesh decorating her chest. A pair of womanly objects that together weighed more than the average man. He hesitantly did take a step forward, being led by his member for a step before he caught himself. He also wanted nothing more right then than to kneel between those powerful legs and work his knowledge of anatomy on her. But then Jen sighed and stood up, and taking another towel, she began to dry the rest of herself off. "There is nothing that can be done about it now, Alex." She said quietly, one leg lifting onto the bench while she ran a towel down its length, giving him a warm and fuzzy feeling view of her pubic mound. "I’ve been changed, and though I’ll probably be some... freakish... sideshow!" she turned, wadded up the towel and threw it, and Alex jumped back slightly when the towel slapped hard against the far wall of the shower and stuck there. Jen then promptly sank to her knees; again hugging herself as tears suddenly spilled through the cracks of her eyes and spilled over her cheeks. Deep inside of her, she began to sob. "...For the rest of my life." She whispered, and Alexander stood there, now face to face with her as he witnessed her tears slide down her cheeks. Doctor Alexander Roanoke looked down at the transformed maiden known as Jennifer Angelou, and forgetting all of his erotic fantasies and desires, suddenly viewed a maiden that was quite afraid. He stepped forward, and gently placed as strong a hand as he could muster onto her powerful shoulder. He felt that shoulder tense suddenly, the striations and folds creasing tightly beneath flesh so firm that it was almost like armor itself. But then Jennifer shrugged her shoulders and rolled her cheek against the back of his hand, and he felt genuine tears roll over his bony knuckles. And he felt a cheek that was still soft in the flesh, despite the power possessed by the rest of her body. "What is to become of me?" she whispered. Alexander Roanoke merely stood there. No answer could come into his mind. ****** Roanoke had decided to remain in the suite with her for the night, giving her the large and rather comfortable bed, while he himself had taken the couch used to receive guests. Jen had remained naked for all that time, not bothering with the robe, especially when she tried it on, it barely covered her crotch, and did nothing for her spacious bosom. So she walked naked. Before they retired to their own places, she actually gave him a hug, her sizeable breasts cleaving to either side of his strong body as she buried her face in his chest. It was then that she was able to feel the stiffness of his groin against her abdomen, while his touch rested upon her breasts momentarily. She remembered fondly, nuzzling against his chest, which itself was firm and taut. He must work out, she thought while she laid in his bed. He’s smart, and caring... a true gentleman, and he seems honestly to care. Already he was going way out of his way just to provide for me. She laid on her stomach, with a pillow beneath her middle and another bunched up beneath her folded arms to keep herself level as she laid upon her immense breasts. Her tits, as large as they were, were pillows in and of themselves, and despite their size, she felt quite comfortable laying on her front. Her hips in turn were turned slightly to lay on their sides, while her legs were folded one over the other. While she laid there, she thought about Alexander Roanoke, imagined herself laying on her back while he used that wonderful knowledge of anatomy of his to pleasure her. Between her thick and powerfully built thighs, down to the base of her pelvis, she felt her pussy draw warm and moist and she opened her eyes, staring at the wall where Alex rested behind. Rising up onto one arm, she stared at that wall, feeling her crotch clench tightly between her legs, felt the warmth beginning to rise while her heart began to pound in her chest. And then she felt the beating about her loins intoxicating her, and sitting up and then kneeling, she spread her thighs wide. Something deep inside her coughed up into being, and caressing her sizeable breasts, she suddenly became very aware of her desire for a man. By the time she had risen to her feet, she had grown so incensed, that she forgot everything about herself and stepped toward where Alex Roanoke slept. Exiting the room, she stepped out into the moonlight, feeling her wondrous form of titan like might glisten as she began to perspire; her titanic breasts heaving quietly as she gazed upon the good doctor. She then stepped forward, her back arching as she coaxed her nipples erect with her hands, and her vaginal mound swelled with her clitoris so that both they and her nipples began to ache. She then crawled up onto the couch, ever so gently touching his chest while he teats slid against his own blanket, and she leaned forward to look into his sleeping face. She could almost feel his lips as she felt his breath, she could almost feel him sliding into her as her waist dipped down until her pelvis rested delicately over his groin. And then her hand lifted to touch his face, but now that she looked down at him, she found that all she could do was pass her hand just above it. Then she closed her eyes, and uncoiled from him getting off his couch for a bed as gently as she could and then stood there, her arms hugging herself again, and inadvertently pressing her breasts high atop her chest again. Then finally, she knelt down beside him, bent forward and planted as soft a kiss as she could manage upon his forehead and slid a finger to push his hair out of the way. For a time she simply knelt there, slowly yet surely feeling her crotch unclench between her legs before she again rose to her feet and moved over to her bed again. As she moved away, she was totally unaware of the good doctor watching her through half slitted eyes and a smile. ****** Jen awoke again the next day to the light of the sun shining just a few feet from the bed she had slept in. Her blankets were haphazardly strewn only about her thick forelegs with their massive calves, and as she pushed herself upright with one hand, clearing the sleep from her eyes with the other, she gave a soft sigh. And then rising to a sitting position, she then stretched majestically, as was all the motions she did now. Throughout the night, she had thrashed and turned in her bedding, and as she sat there, rubbing her eyes, angry at herself, she still felt the overwhelming desire for a screw. For a woman who’s physical attributes, including libido, that had been so overwhelmingly enhanced, there was one more thing about her that made her want Alex all that more. Jennifer Angelou was still a virgin. She gave a soft sigh, and then looked to the clock and saw that it was almost noon! Then forgetting her current desires, she experienced a brief spur of panic as she surged to her feet, not bothering with her hospital gown or a blanket as she padded across the floor and flung the door open. Alex was there, and he turned idly from where he stood by a breakfast tray, a piece of jellied toast balanced in one hand. "I-I have to get to work." She said meekly, and saw a small smile cross his face. "I looked up your records and called your employer this morning." Alex said with that comforting smile of his. "Your boss, Mr. Andrews, said that he could give you time off with pay for as long as you need. Apparently they hold you in very high esteem there, Jen." Jennifer pressed her hands to her heart and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you Alex." She sighed. "It was my pleasure." He responded in kind, and poured a tall glass of juice before proffering it to her. "I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to move into some more specified tests today. I must warn you though: they may be a little... embarrassing..." Jen walked forward and took the class from him, cupping it in both her hands. Because she was so tall, and with the way she stood, her pussy was practically at eye level to him; and when she came near, it was directly in his face. "That’s ok," she said, just relieved that she hadn’t just lost her job. Alexander, stared at her, licking his lips as he saw the smooth, tight folds of her vaginal mound as her hips rolled forward, and the powerful woman stood idly before him, not knowing what she was doing. He wanted to lift a hand to touch it, wanted to press his face into it and lick her dry, but instead, he turned and placed the cart between him and her. And then his eyes rose, and he watched her with a solid warmth rising within his pants as blood pumped heavily into his cluster. Great maker... I think they’re dropping, he thought while shifting uneasily. He viewed her immense breasts, and the broad reddened disks that from his angle of view framed a rather shy and beautiful face. Her muscular body, so firm and rounded, was still very feminine. And then there was the fact that she had moved in on him last night. He remembered the feel of her crotch against his groin, the press of her fully erect nipples sliding above his chest, the touch of her breath. He almost wanted her to have started loving him last night. He looked away from her as she lowered her glass, and she in turn looked down at him. And this time, it was her turn to reminisce. He was a totally different person in private, not the cool calculating demur of a doctor, but rather a playboy it seemed. He was calm and knowing, and was indeed a gentlemen around here. I mean, here she was, butt naked, standing with her crotch practically in his face, and what does he do, he walks around a cart to keep his distance. He wasn’t afraid, and he definitely wasn’t gay, and the ways that bulge in his pants swelled whenever she was in front of him confirmed that. And he was handsome and rich to boot, she considered, smiling down at him. She was beginning to feel her feelings for him evolve beyond sexual. She eyed his form while taking another sip from her glass, her thick biceps pressing her breasts closer to one another briefly. He stood with his shirt merely tucked into his trousers, which revealed a broad chest and a ridged stomach, though not anywhere near as ridged as her own. But he did have a nice six pack, she mused with a smile, sending a hand down the eight that lined her belly, which was then framed by two more. He was quite debonair, quite handsome, and quite... sexual. She became aware of a strange smile crossing her face, a moment before the folds of her pussy clenched and then immediately began to swell, while her areola began to pinch into thick nipples. She then took one look down at her body and promptly turned her back before placing her drink on the table. "Please excuse me doctor, but where is the bathroom?" she asked from over her thick shoulder. Her crotch was beginning to get quite moist. "Over there, he said, indicating a door adjacent to the alcove leading to the showers. Jen nodded and strode purposefully over to it, with Alex attentively viewing her behind and the gentle swing her hips took in her stride. Yet another one of those doors that she had to squeeze through, Jen slipped inside and then closed the door, leaving Alex staring at the portal she had just closed. Jennifer herself then turned and looked down at the diminutive toilet. She nibbled upon her lower lip, and then turning, she tried to position her bottom into a place where she could sit down. It took much maneuvering, but she was finally able to sit down, but only after kneeling onto the floor. She had to think. Her Changing body had been making her more horny than ever, and she wanted nothing more than to make love, or rather, to be loved by Alexander Roanoke. She leaned backward and looked between her immense breasts, feeling the pair tighten while her body tensed as she looked down at the object of her femininity. With her eyes upon the thing, she licked her lips as it began to swell from the base of her pelvis, spreading the opening wider to reveal the pinkish flesh inside her bodice. Then the nib of her clitoris pushed into view, and like the rest of her muscles, it too was thick, huge, and many times larger than normal. She thought, especially with its size, that even a normal size penis, like perhaps Alex had, would satisfy her just right. Swallowing, one of her hands lowered to tenderly caress her pussy, and she felt it swell suddenly so that it filled the whole of her hand. To her hearing, she could hear something like dry reeds being wrung as it tensed to its fullest. And then her hand lying against her crotch began to press further into it, touching off her clitoris and sending an electric charge down her body that brought fire to her loins. She pressed her hand closer, and felt a pair of fingers dip in between the folds just as it began to lubricate. Her fingers dipped back and forth as her legs squeezed about the porcelain toilet, and after a few brief moments as her pleasure continued to rise, she then began to caress her breast with her free hand. The pumping of her heart began to cause a subtle throbbing along her inner thighs and the immensely swollen folds of her crotch, a crotch that had already swallowed three of her fingers. She caressed her powerful clitoris while her vaginal fluids began leaking out over her hand, and as she dug deeper into her body, the hand caressing her breast began to work at enticing her nipples erect. And then her head dipped downward as she lifted her breast, and for the first time in her life she inserted her nipple into her awaiting mouth. A mass of experiences began to amass upon her powerful body then. The chill of the porcelain, her throbbing heart, her mouth suckling upon her own breast, her fingers caressing an ever swelling clitoris... all combined to build up a pressure inside of her. And then with a trembling within her loins she felt and unbelievably powerful climax rise inside of her before it erupted like lava spewing from a volcano into her awaiting hand. From her hand, it then spilled into the water of the toilet beneath her, squeezing between her fingers while her eyes pinched tightly. Multiple times did it erupt into her touch, and she gave a gentle sigh as her nipple slipped wetly from her mouth. Then keeping her wet and sticky hand away from her body, she hugged herself with the pleasure inside of her as it slowly waned. From between her legs, one more burst erupted, splattering her thighs as it dropped into the bowl of the toilet. Her eyes then slowly opened, and she lifted her hand that was covered in viscous streamers from the hot, sticky substance that lubricated her insides. And then lifting her hand to her mouth, she began to lick off the sweet tasting fluids, and then, after a few moments, her bladder also emptied into the bowl. She sat there for a time, breathing deeply. Alexander deserved her respect, and it wouldn’t be deserving of her to harbor the desire simply to take him... a sexual release had to happen. Outside in the main room while Jennifer continued to clean herself, Doctor Alexander Roanoke contemplated his breakfast with a full erection pitching a tent in his pants. Reaching beneath the cart, he picked up yet another of the immense hospital gowns. Though this had originally been designed for someone who was massively overweight, it would soon hug the bodice of a goddess in comparison to all other women on the face of the planet. In his own mind ‘The ultimate woman.’ Placing his drink down onto the serving tray, he unfolded the huge gown, holding it in his arm, and passed his hand before the chest region, before sliding a pair of fingers down its front to its hem. There he fingered the thickened hem that had been folded in on itself, and briefly imagined cupping those luscious vaginal folds, and caressing her... He shook his head, smacked himself in the forehead, and then knotted his fingers in the hair at his brow. It took immense concentration to force his own erection down. And then he looked up at the sound of a toilet flushing, and in preparation, and beyond his mental control, he again drew erect. The door opened, and Jennifer slid out through it sideways, her immense bosom bunching briefly as she rose to her full height within the high-ceilinged room. He stood there, watching her as she slid a hand down her stomach and along her pelvis, to a pair of labia that had swollen slightly. Then lifting his eyes to her erect nipples, he felt one of his brows raise and a muscle in his cheek twitch. And then he noticed the glisten on one of those fully erect nipples, understood what else she had done in there, and felt his erection grow so solidly that it became engorged, hot, and throbbing. He shifted uncomfortably. "I’ve brought you a new gown, Jennifer." He said, smiling to hide the slight discomfort in his pants. "Thank you, Jen responded with a happy smile, but when she relinquished the new hospital gown from him, she noticed his condition, and then looked into his face at the light in his eyes. She then stood there, feeling a deep blush appear on her cheeks before she turned away from his staring gaze at her. "Um... thank you." She said again, and then opened the gown to slide into it. The sleeves slid tight about her arms as the front of the gown conformed tightly about her chest; her erect nipples showing as tiny mounds underneath it. And then reaching around behind her back, she then began to tie the draw strings, and then realized something. Then sighing, she lowered to her knees. "Alex? Could you please help my with these ties?" she said in an innocent way. "I guess there are some parts of my body I still can’t reach accurately." Though that was true, she mutely felt like trying anything to get him to touch her. Again he smiled, and downed the last of his toast before striding over to her and helped her tie the many strings together, and then leaned against her back to get to the final pair behind her neck. She guessed she may have been able to get those, but still, she wanted him to touch her, and the feeling of the erection against her back, confirmed that she did want to bed him. "Thank you." She said again, turning sideways before rising to her feet and shrugging her shoulders. With that motion, the hem of her gown lifted high so that the firm press of her crotch was again just before his eyes before she lowered her shoulders again and straightened her skirt. But the damage had already been done, and Alex grunted promptly while feeling a bead of his own internal juices become absorbed into his underwear. "So what shall we be doing today, doctor?" Jen asked after a moment. Alex’s eyes slowly lifted, sliding over the taught fabric across her stomach, and even higher to the even tighter fabric about her immense breasts, and spied the little mounds indicative of her still erect teats. And then his eyes snapped up to her face, but again, Jen noticed the pause, and smiled back at him as he looked up into her eyes. "Some more tests." He said. "But this time, we shall try someplace a little more private. ****** Nervously, Jen leaned her back against the elevator wall, extending her thick legs out in front of her. So nervous was she that she didn’t notice that again the hem of her gown had ridden up her thighs, and reveled the smooth contours of her crotch to the good doctor. Alexander however, was being every bit the gentleman, and was only looking at her from the corner of his eye. The trip down the elevator was much longer this time and her eyes watched the lights as they descended to the basement level. Alex then inserted his keycard again, and the elevator again continued moving downward for what felt like three whole levels before stopping again. Then the doors to the elevator opened, revealing a large white chamber beyond. Stepping forward, and finally able to stand upright again, Jennifer absentmindedly smoothed the base of her gown about her thighs again, and looked around her. She and Roanoke stepped out into what seemed to be a decontamination room, and off along one side of the wall were decontamination suits similar to those they wear whenever the Center for Disease Control ever came into a movie. She looked horrified at them for a moment, and then snapped her gaze back to Roanoke with worry playing on her eyes. Alex however, favored her with a warm smile and then gave her a confirming touch on her arm. "We’re a satellite for the CDC." He said. "But we aren’t going in that way." He pointed off in the opposite direction. "This way. We’re gonna be going to be going to the special research labs." Jen breathed a sigh of relief and stepped forward. The motion of her breasts heaving against her chest rose up the hem of her gown again, revealing her firm and rounded behind to Alex as she set off in that direction. Alex pursed his lips and cocked his head to one side as he watched those twin masses swell and compress for a few moments before Jen pulled the hem of the gown back down. He then hurried to keep up with her. Through a maze of corridors and doors, they finally came to an auditorium like chamber the size of her old high school gymnasium. At one side, occupying one quarter of the ring surrounding the chamber, was an observation room with mirrored glass. The rest of the chamber held an Olympic-sized pool, a track, and dozens of other things to test the physical attributes of a person. "We used this place to test would be Olympians." He was saying as they passed through the last in a long line of security doors. "W-what are we going to do here?" Jen asked after a moment of pause. "Test our curiosity." He said, turning to look up at her again. "Something I’m sure both of us are quite interested in, is how strong you really are, Jennifer." Jen watched Alex as he stepped a short distance away, gestured to one of the Techs, spoke a moment to him before the tech promptly hurried off. And then turning back to her... "Have you ever lifted weights, Jen?" he asked, holding his clipboard and notebook in one hand as he approached her again. Jennifer folded her arms about her middle, a whimsical smile crossing her face as her breasts pushed upward, and the hem of her gown crept further up the length of her thighs. Again, she revealed her femininity to him without her realizing it. "Oh, yeah... right." He said bashfully, again noticing the crevice of her womanhood that was just barely hidden by shadows between her legs. He then cleared his throat and gestured off to one side. "Over here then." He led her to a high-tech weight set. A machine that looked like an over sized weight set. "Go ahead and have a lay down underneath the bar." Roanoke said, and smiling, Jennifer stepped forward and sat down on the bench. "If you wanted to get me on my back, doctor, then perhaps you could’ve provided a bed where we could be more comfortable." Jen giggled at the blush on Alex’s cheeks, and he smiled while she giggled, and then laid backward against the bench beneath the bar, purposefully spreading her legs to give Alex an open-legged view of her pussy. Then looking over the crest of one of her breasts, she smiled as his body again reacted to the sight of her naked virginity. She then felt a wave of feeling in her heart as he moved from her base to her side so as not to pry toward temptation. "This device," he initiated. "Is a special weight machine designed around pneumatic technology. This bar is attached to a pair of pistons," he said, laying a hand upon the metal thing just above her face. "Which is kept from falling on you accidentally by these braces." He touched the pair of heavy braces that looked like they could keep a semi aloft. Her hands lifted and gripped tightly around the bar, feeling its strength. "Normally, it would be connected to two tanks which would allow it to pressurize the pistons to the point where a couple thousand pounds of pressure could be applied per piston. We however called an emergency with one of our machinists, and he hooked up the building’s CO2 gas supply to the pistons, which he said, would allow for several hundred thousand pounds worth of weight in pressure apiece." Jennifer lay there, looking carefully at the bar above her head. "I will monitor you and control the pressure in that observation post over there," he said then, gesturing idly with his clipboard again, and then gave her a gentle pat on one thick, chorded shoulder. Jen gave him a small smile in return before he retreated to the observation booth, pausing in his maneuvering around her to stare at the now flattened folds of her crotch. Inside the booth were all sorts of scientific equipment, where one tech was already leaning forward with his face practically against the glass. "Holy smokes, doctor." He breathed, staring at Jennifer through the glass. "I can’t believe she’s really real!" he said. Roanoke stepped up to the glass as well, looking at the woman with her shapely form and powerful musculature. The tech, however, was looking right up the hem of her gown, where her womanhood was displayed for all the world to see. "Nor can I." He said in a low voice. Roanoke then depressed a switch, and spoke out. "We’re gonna start you out on something small, Jennifer. About a hundred pounds. We’ll keep incrementing the weight every second and take a record when you can’t hold up the bar anymore." "Okay Alex." She called back, and Roanoke depressed the call switch again. "All recorders, on, Jonathan." He said, and the tech more than happily turned all the video cameras on, and focused them on Jennifer. All along the window before all the equipment, a row of monitors lit showing Jennifer in various positions. Roanoke looked at all of them, focusing upon her face as she looked at the ready. His eyes then darted along all the other screens, and stopped at one that caught her from above, and then another that was a forty five degree view of her from the base of the bench. The first time he stopped, it was to admire that body, those immense breasts, the rock hard musculature, with her pretty features, and sensual demure. The second time he stopped, it was to view the tight folds of her crotch between her legs. From outside the view of the attending tech, he reached up and slid a finger down the image of those pressured folds. Outside, within the main room, Jennifer, felt her crotch clench suddenly, felt it draw warm as she tested the bar, as if she were feeling that finger actually slide down between them. She then gave a brief sigh, and shuddered briefly. "R-ready when you are doctor." She said quietly. Back in the observation booth, Alex indicated for her to begin. And turned on the dial to the pressure valve, and a hundred pounds of pressurized air was pumped into the twin pistons. Jennifer lifted it easily, and actually released one hand to hold it up one-handed. "Very good Jen." Alex said, speaking into the loud speaker again. "Keep it one handed as long as you can, it will be interesting to see how strong one appendage is first." Jen nodded, and held the bar up with her one hand. "It still feels as if it weighs nothing!" she said, and Alex smiled at her and slowly began to turn the dial for the pressure gage. One hundred, two hundred, four hundred, eight hundred... a thousand... and still she was holding it one handed. Jen was beginning to feel the weight now, like a lead ball placed in the palm of her hand from when she was still small and slender, or even fat an obese, but the weight was nothing more than that. Alex continued to turn the dial, and after nearly a minute, he brought it to two thousand pounds! Great Maker! She’s holding up a metric ton with only one hand! Roanoke thought to himself. Jennifer didn’t know how much she was holding right now, but from the time that had passed, she guessed it was already a lot. Her heart was beginning to tremble inside of her chest, and from the corner of her eye, she watched a vein running over her bicep quickly thicken to feed her muscles with life giving blood. The trembling sensation was beginning to feel so good, and the strength of her muscles straining against solid steel was exciting in some way. And the way blood kept pumping into her arm, throbbing along her biceps, forcing the rest of her veins and capillaries to thicken brought a sigh of pleasure from her. Her muscles tensed and thickened, straining against the bar, and ever so slowly, she brought it down and then thrusted it back up again. A gasp escaped her lips, and with a dry shudder, ever tiny muscle in her arm suddenly thickened, a moment before her pectoral mass and shoulder both swelled tremendously. The front of her gown stretched taut across her breasts, and Jennifer closed her eyes as she felt her nipples beginning to draw erect underneath that fabric. Between her legs, she felt the throbbing warmth return, which quickly became a moist heat as the lips of her crotch quickly swelled to press against her thighs. In the observation room, Alexander Roanoke and his subordinate watched attentively as Jennifer’s other arm finally snapped up to the bar, and taking a quick reading, he marked her ability to press with only one hand. Great Maker! Twenty-six hundred pounds! With one hand! His hand touched the dial of the pressure valve, and increased it by several hundred pounds during the next few seconds. Jennifer’s arms continued to swell with power, and her body began to sweat with the exertion and for the second time that day, she felt her sexual power raising to whole new levels. Already the lips of her crotch were swollen as far as they would go, and her clitoris was fully engorged, the little nib aching and throbbing inside her body at the same time. She felt it slide back and forth inside of her, increasing her sensual high, and pushing it even higher than before. The display that was focused upon that thickened pad of flesh between her legs recorded the throbbing motion it undertook. It recorded when she clenched it in a spasm of erotic joy, before a trickle of vaginal fluids then slid from inside her bodice and then over the firm, rounded masses of her bottom. She gasped again, and she felt a rush of adrenaline inside her body, felt her muscles continuing to swell as a mass of veins now covered her arms, neck and chest. Blood rushed through those channels, feeding every sinew from her biceps to her now fully erect nipples. And then she felt that familiar sensation of change, and felt her upper body beginning to grow, felt that erotic elation pound into her crotch like a giant leaning into her from between her legs. And then all at once, every muscle in that formidable upper body began to swell and Jennifer Angelou again began to grow. First her hospital gown drew tighter across her midriff and the immense bulges of her chest, pulling the hem of her gown slowly up her waist until its base was only just below her belly button. She gave a gasp, and her chest heaved as her ribcage turned outward, fanning open to push the muscle of her chest and her immense tits up into the air. Alexander was staring blankly at her as he watched this growth, his hand ever so slowly continuing to turn the dial, not even realizing that he still was turning the dial. Already, it was at twenty metric tons! Jennifer moaned and arched her back as her chin lifted, feeling the heavy throbbing coursing its way down either arm felt like the throbbing mass of pink flesh between her legs. That tiny little nib pushed outward into the open air to be cooled by the breath of the air conditioning, dripping more of her internal fluids down her front and onto the mat of the bench she laid on. Her biceps swelled then, doubling and then redoubling their size and her forearms and triceps thickened to sizes as of yet unmeasured in a human being. Her breasts began to swell as her pectorals flexed, and finally, the strain of the hospital gown being drawn across the two grew so taut, that it finally began to fray, and then tear. Her trapezoidal muscles swelled and her upper back bubbled as it thickened with her immense strength, allowing her arms to continue at holding the bar up. From some views of the cameras around her, her face became all but completely obscured by her swelling breasts and thickening biceps. While keeping that solid metal bar up, her chest continued to bulge and spread, her breasts filling out even more, tearing open the cloth of her gown as they spread further and further apart. The opened tear between her breasts continued to open until her fully erect nipples, standing perhaps three inches from her chest were finally revealed; framed by the opened front of her gown. At this point, Jen would exhale, her chest rising to a new peak, but when she breathed in again, her chest wouldn’t fall. Her arms grew so thick that the sleeves of her gown also tore, and the thickness of her shoulders and upper arms actually shredded the top of her gown. And then by the mere act of arching her back, the lower half of that gown finally split open about her middle. And still the bar was kept up, and Roanoke’s saw that his hand upon the dial had turned it to over eighty thousand pounds. Now forty metric tons! That must be bench pressing a bulldozer! Jennifer was now gasping her air, releasing it in sensual sighs. Her gown laying about her was like the skin of a snake that had been discarded, and still Jen’s body continued to swell, continued to thicken, while arteries and capillaries all across her form defined her body. Most proliferate of these clusters of veins, were those about her arms, and those surrounding her immense breasts. The strongest of all these clusters, were those supplying blood to her nipples, which too seemed to be thickening. From his booth, Alex watched Jennifer’s motions as her hips rocked up and down, her eyes closing tightly while she still held up that solid steel bar, and it seemed that she were being sexually enticed! And on top of that, she was growing even larger. Her height perhaps increased only a little, but her musculature, her sheer physical power, was becoming intense. He could see her arms shaking as she forced herself to keep the bar aloft, but instead of giving way, her body was simply becoming stronger! His free hand lowered onto one of the monitors, and immediately, Jennifer began to give little groans, until an eruption of vaginal fluids burst from inside her body, spraying her thighs and the mat of the bench she laid on. And then after a brief trembling, she again orgasmed, and yet another burst of fluids erupted from her. "Alex!" she cried out, shocking Roanoke from his staring, and lowering his gaze, he saw that his hand was positioned right over the image of her pussy as it tightened and clenched. Her back arched then, and Alex’s eyes were again drawn to her, and he saw a tiny bead appear at the tip of one of those nipples atop her breasts, and then at the other. Then after a heart beat, milk began leak over her front, down between the crevice between those beautifully massive mounds, over her neck and down the ridges of her stomach to mix with her vaginal fluids. Roanoke couldn’t believe his eyes at what he was seeing, couldn’t believe that any of this was happening. And then he heard some low heaving, and his head snapped to one side to see his subordinate huffing and puffing with a hand down the front of his pants. "Jonathan!" Alex growled, and the subordinate jerked his hand out and turned abruptly toward him. "Yes sir." "Get the hell out of here." Alex growled again. The other younger doctor needed only to glance at the look within Roanoke’s eyes. "Yes sir." He said and then promptly left. The door to the observation room slid shut, and then returning his gaze back to Jennifer, Roanoke again became fascinated at how large her mid section was becoming. And then he lowered his gaze to the dial, and found that it was just over one hundred thousand pounds. The dial continued to turn and though she didn’t grow much larger, the sensual throes that she underwent were enough to make the inside of Alex’s shorts feel wet. And then finally, her arms began to lower, and Roanoke’s hand moved to the fine adjustment dial. He admired her determination to keep that bar up. Then at last, the bar touched the bottom, and twin gusts of steam were released at the base of the piston towers, releasing the pressure inside the pistons in mass for Jennifer’s safety should the braces break. Alexander lowered his eyes to the readings... One hundred and twenty-six thousand, eight hundred and ninety-five pounds. Mutely, he took the number, opened the door to the observation booth, and approached Jennifer as she lightly sat up. Viewing her bodice with a vague smile, Jennifer slid her hands over her breasts and stomach before cupping both hands over her crotch. Roanoke stopped as he saw a pair of her fingers slid in between the swollen folds between her legs, and she rolled her hips into her own touch. Swallowing hard, he adjusted his collar, and unable to do anything about the bulge in his pants, he took the last few steps and stood before her. "I must admit, Jennifer, even I am impressed. And your weight lifting abilities are quite spectacular too." Jennifer smiled, and then stood up, her bodice glistening down her front from throat to inner thighs, and planting her hands on her hips, she stood with legs apart, back arched and hips rolled forward. She wanted him to want her, wanted to be made love to by him even now, especially now. She could feel her erotic libido enhancing, feel that nib between the lips of her pubic mound thicken even more now that she stood before a sexually active man. The thing peaked out of the top of the crevice, drawing fully erect. And to tip it off, she took a step or two forward, and pulled him to her. Her crotch pressing against the peak of his chest while she held him to her stomach that was still moist with her own milk. "Thank you so much doctor." She said, and then stepped back again, and was glad that his eyes became hypnotized by the taut folds of her womanhood. "Of all the people in the world, you are the first to really notice me." How can I not? He asked himself. Then she stepped back and sat down on the bench with her legs still opened, and then leaned backward, arching her powerful back while bracing her weight on one powerful arm behind her. She then flexed her arm, and watched as the biceps swelled and then split apart, and swelled some more; topping out above her wrist and grinding inside her flesh like dry leather being wrung. Alexander watched her, and lifting a hand to his cheek where it had pressed against her stomach, he slid his fingers down it, gathering up some of the fluids that had been plastered against her bodice, and then tasted it. So sweat, so moist and warm, he heard himself think, and looked up at Jennifer again as she flexed her other bicep before her, and he watched her breasts bunch up against her bicep. Looking at her, the strange mixture of her sweat, her milk and her vaginal fluids, seemed to work as strongly as a love potion on him, and he took a step forward, his hand upon his belt. But then he remembered himself and turned slightly away, lifting his clipboard. "Jennifer, you appear to have a muscle strength greater than any living creature on Earth." He said, forcing himself into the doctor’s monotone, despite that his groin kept trying to escape out the front of his trousers. Suddenly attentive, Jennifer leaned forward, her powerful breasts swelling as her chest muscles flexed briefly, and chancing a glance back at her, Alex got a full view of her face, breasts and crotch. Again, he forced himself to remain calm. "You were able to hold up over sixty three tons, Jennifer." Jen blinked, and immediately forgot all of her primping and preening, forgot about her desire at that thought, and stared disbelievingly up at Roanoke. "What?" she voiced, ever so quietly, feeling the elation between her legs rapidly decline as the swelling between her legs rapidly became flat again. "You have the strength capacity in your arms to lift of over sixty-three tons, Jennifer." Alex repeated himself. "And I believe that is only because you had undergone another physical transformation. If you could, I’d like to run a couple of the basic tests again. Your height, weight... your measurements." "I-I grew again?" Jen said, and then thrust her chest out before her hands slapped to her breasts. She then tried to surround the pair within her arms, and found that she could do so only by pressing her breasts close to her bodice. "I did grow again." She acknowledged him. "Before, I could touch the tips of my fingers together no problem, but now, its more of an effort. She took to caressing her breasts again, and both she and Roanoke watched as her nipples hardened again at her urging hands. Even they seemed bigger, and cupping a hand around one, she knew it was bigger by the way it filled her hand. Alex stepped forward then, placing a ruler beside the reddish nipple, and both watched as it grew to the point that it ached. And then Alex touched it, and she felt it grow that little bit more just because it was him touching it. "Three and three-quarter inches." He voiced. Jennifer was glad he didn’t remove his hand from her breast, and looking down at his touch, she found that he was even lightly caressing her fleshy nipple. There is hope, she thought. "I’d also like to run a few more strength tests like this Jennifer, and then we’ll take your measurements and a few more basic tests again. Another thing I’d like to do is run a DNA test on you as well." There was a brief pause, and then Jennifer lifted a hand to clasp gently around Alex’s, and the two held onto her erect nipple together. ****** Alexander looked over his notes at his desk in his personal quarters atop the hospital. From the alcove leading to the living quarters, he could hear the water from the showers again beating upon Jennifer’s wondrous body. After they had tested her upper body strength, they then brought her around to the other side of the same machine, where a leg press was set up. Under the same process as before, Jennifer was able to keep up a over three hundred thousand pounds of pressure. Also, just as before, her body grew, with her thighs bubbling with muscle, her calves immense and thick, and striations and veins crisscrossed her whole bodice after that workout. His eyes going blank, Alex then remembered the images of her hands folding over her vaginal mound as it again thickened; her pussy drawing wet as more vaginal fluids burst from inside of her. It was like the act of working out was a sexual experience to her. Sitting on his desk, were two vials now, one containing a clear white sticky fluid, the same that had escaped from that voluminous cunt of hers. The other contained a cream colored, white substance, though which was not sticky was still just as thick. Her breast milk. He himself had snuck a taste sample of both. Both were sweet and creamy, and both were sensually edifying. Thinking about that, he realized that he still had an erection, perhaps having it for a record holding time. For a moment he considered contacting Guinness, but there was no way to prove it. They had also hooked her up to a machine that would register her metabolism, and he himself had fitted her with dozens of sensor cups across her body, and had her run on a tread mill. She sprinted for over an hour without tiring, and even when he elevated the treadmill forty-five degrees, she was barely winded. And once elevated, she continued to run for another hour, with only nominal spikes in her heart rate and breathing. What was even more spectacular was that she had ran at just over fifty miles per hour. Great Maker! Then he looked over the measurements of this amazon that had walked into his life. One hundred and forty-two double-T – thirty-six – Sixty-two. Great maker! Breasts that stick out twenty and a half inches from the rest of her body! Height: two-point-eight meters, or nine feet three inches; an increase of over six inches since yesterday. Weight: twenty-one hundred and thirty pounds, a good increase over her last measurement by several hundred pounds. Alex was sure that weight gain was almost entirely in muscle, though he suspected that either of those breasts weighed nearly two hundred pounds now... Bicep: thirty-six. Thigh: Forty-two. Calf: Thirty-two. Neck Forty-six. And then he looked to the final measurement, something that Jen insisted, and though hesitantly at first, he was more than willing to do, for he was indeed curious as well. Vaginal Crevice: Five inches. Vaginal Depth: Eleven inches. His eyes continued to read over the measurements again and again, not believing that a human being was actually holding that sort of a body. Then reaching behind the paper, he produced pictures of the young maiden known as Jennifer Angelou. The first of these pictures was taken when she was still vastly overweight at one of her prior visits. The next was her appearance when she arrived at the hospital yesterday, dressed in her hospital gown. The final three images were a front, side and back photos of her luscious form, her immense breasts, her clenched pussy, and her tight ass... Roanoke quickly shook his head to clear it of the thoughts as he began to become dizzy with the thoughts running inside his mind. It was clear to him that he was going to have to toss off to relieve the pressure beating between his legs. She was now too large to wear anything they had in stock, but with these measurements, he had sent someone to the tailor to make a bodysuit for her. Leaving the photos out he then leafed through the rest of the file that was growing thicker and thicker by the hour; most of it just by his own notes. He looked at a series of X-rays displaying her entire body. They could piece together a full body of her with all the films that were now in his hand. He had her undergo a CAT Scan and MRI, checked her respiratory, everything. And through it all, she smiled weakly at him, and he knew she was doing all this because it was he asking of them. Her insurance definitely did not cover this, and when he had asked them for compensation they immediately and promptly said no! The administering of all these tests were also coming straight out of his own pocket. And then he came to her DNA test, and then again, for the hundredth time, read the note from the technician who had done the test. Whatever this sample you have given me to test must be of an alien origin, doctor. There are no humanoid creatures that exhibit this sort of a DNA makeup. Please note the two circled panes I’ve indicated. Roanoke looked at the two panes, and though he didn’t understand much about genetics, he did realize right away what the other doctor was getting at. The other doctor was one of the many who had worked on the human genome project, and thanks to him and all the others out there, the genome project has been completed. As you know, the standard human genome contains forty-six chromosomes, consisting of twenty-two chromosomal pairs and two gender specific chromosomes representing X and Y. This subject appears to contain two extra X and one Y, which makes her gender specific moniker XXXY. I’ll call her a she, for this sort of moniker is predominately female. An XXY Moniker would dictate a Hermaphrodite, but with the added X chromosome, the female side of things would overwhelm the male. At most, this female may have a slightly oversize clitoris. Roanoke thought about that, and especially when he was measuring the length of Jen’s vaginal crevice, her clitoris did make an appearance, and he did remark that it was unusually large, but then, so was the rest of her. The simple results, as best as I can identify, the Geneticist doctor continued, is that what we have here is a creature that can quite likely be a woman with the total physical capabilities of both a man and a woman combined. The gender of this creature however, will be most specifically female, and I can pretty much guarantee you that she will not be able to reproduce asexually. For that matter, I believe that she would not be able to reproduce at all. If a standard human male were to mate with her, the resultant genetic combination would be poisonous to whatever body was produced, and the child would die either in the womb or shortly thereafter. Doctor Roanoke, if this is a joke, please confirm this with me. You may have a remarkable genetic breakthrough on your hands. Alex smirked. You’re telling me? He thought to himself. Alex did eventually show Jen to the Geneticist and his partner here at the hospital stood there and stared at her for a good long time while she’d been jogging on the treadmill. "I will be going home now, Alex." He had said after the longest time. "I will be back tomorrow, but I want to make love to my wife until it hurts now. So, if you’ll excuse me please." The Geneticist then promptly left. Alex reread the note and then put it back down among the rest of the file, and hesitating a moment or two longer, he flipped a switch on his desk. A monitor then flipped out and displayed Jennifer Angelou in all her glory, being pelted by the shower heads. The camera had already been recording her, and as the image cleared on his screen, it showed a titan of a woman covered in soap suds and a curtain of steam while a jet of water splattered against her back. He watched her wash herself of all the milky cream from her breasts, and the sticky film of cum all along her thighs, pelvis and crotch, and then flipped between camera angles to view everything that she was. Yes, definitely, must toss off, he thought to himself again, as his groin became fully engorged. But in the back of his mind, and most specifically deep down in his chest, he felt as if he were falling in love. ****** "We think we may have identified something, Jennifer," Roanoke was saying. "And I beg you to forgive me for suggesting it." Jennifer looked at the device he himself had handed her, while milling around her were about a half a dozen nurses and three other doctors, one of which was also a woman, but the crowd was indeed predominately female. This was Alex’s doing... he thought that the staff that should be helping him with Jen should be feminine... for Jen’s sake so that she would be more comfortable with them prodding her, and for his staff’s sake. If a nurse was male, and he were to do something he shouldn't and ’en lashed out... well... he didn't want to think of what a Amazon giantess like Jen could do. Over the other women, she stood twice their height even with the tallest of them, while with the two male doctors and three male nurses, she stood head, shoulders, chest and abdomen taller than they. "What’s this thing for?" she asked, brandishing the elongated stainless steel rod with the rounded tip that had been polished and lacquered smooth. At its base was another device similar to a motor, while a short wire led to a huge strap with a battery. Roanoke scratched nervously at the back of his head when she held it out to him for an answer. "We... are in the business of several breakthroughs in medical science, all the way from the human genome project, to uh..." he was blushing a deep red now. "Human sexuality." Jennifer suddenly understood what it was that she held. "This is a vibrator, isn’t it?" "A harmonizer, actually," Said one of the other male doctors, Alex’s chief of staff in the hospital’s reproductive and sexuality markets. "A vibrator works on a plastic sheathe with a motor that vibrates the shell. The harmonizer works with a solid metal rod, in this case stainless steel, which is given a harmonic pulse that resonates instead of vibrates the... the uh... the tool." Jen turned it on, and heard a high hum, like the sound one would get by running their wet finger around the ridge of a glass. Her thumb switched it off. "And you want me to use this thing because..." "Because," Roanoke said, stepping forward in front of his underlings. "We believe we may have found a correlation between your growth spurts and your sexual drive. "We believe that one of the reasons why you are able to find so much energy, is that some of it is produced when you reach an erotic high. This exercise will be two tests, the first is we’d like you to try and lift the full power of your last maximum weight rounded up to the nearest ten thousand. We will then attach you to the device, and have you try it again at the same weight level." "I-I think I understand," she said and handed the resonator back to Roanoke, as she then went back to the weight bench from earlier. The pistons were already set well above her maximum weight allowance. Setting her hands to the bar, she pushed upward with all her might, but couldn’t lift it one iota; even after several minutes of trying. Finally giving up, she rose to a sitting position, panting heavily before wiping some sweat first from off her brow and second from off her bosom. Alexander watched those breasts, hypnotized by how they heaved with her breath, and he continued to stare at them until Jennifer broke into his thoughts. "Now what was the second part of this operation that you wanted me to do, Doctor." She said with a smile, arching her back a little to show him more of that mighty bosom while at the same time her teats grew a little more erect. "I’d... we’d... like you to put this on." Jennifer looked at it, and then honestly replied: "I-I... I’ve never used one of those before." She admitted in all truth. "Can you help me with it?" She probably could’ve done it herself, but she wanted to feel Alex’s hands on her, and after he had blinked at her for a moment or two, she spread her legs open to allow him in between them. She then watched him with an affectionate smile against her face as he first applied the strap with the power supply to the outside of her thick, thick leg. Then, she felt her eyes close as he spread the folds of her pussy with the fingers of one hand, and she gave a sigh as he neatly inserted the long, thick steel rod deep inside her. Opening her eyes again, she then lifted a hand to run her fingers through his hair, smiling warmly at him while her crotch began to swell and clench around the metal thing. After it was in, she clenched the lips of her pussy a couple of times, feeling her vaginal juices lubricate the thing pretty thoroughly, before she lifted her eyes to Alexander. "Now lay down." He said, his fingers clutching his clipboard to him, and she did as she was asked. Alex then reached down the length of her thighs, his hand lingering briefly upon the folds of her crotch as he turned the rod inside her to adjust it, and watched as her vaginal folds swelled greatly with his touch. She was incensed by me alone, he thought for a moment, and then switched on the device. It was a sonic emission that was like the vibration from the kicker of a stereo system projected directly into the vaginal wall. Alex stood by and watched her as her body reacted. Within moments, her nipples had drawn as erect as ever, the pair pulsating with her heartbeat, while the folds of her vaginal mound swelled until they pressed against her thighs and sucked the rod deeper into her body. Her breasts swelled as blood surged inside of them and her glands began to fill with milk again. Soon her hips were rocking against the strain while she continued to push the bar upward. Soon her back arched, and a wave of fluids erupted from her crotch, coating the device in her warm, sticky fluids. And then she began to transform again, her muscles subtly swelling as she pushed on the bar, and all gathered either by her or within the observation booth, watched as the bar began to shake, and then started to rise. Roanoke simply stood there and stared as she pushed the bar ever upward, until she actually pushed it to the peak. Then the muscles in her arms suddenly exploded thicker and the bar dropped down and slammed back up into position with one powerful movement before she gave off a low cry of pleasure. She continued this a couple of times, doing several reps with it. And then Roanoke stepped forward, and slid his hand down her abdomen to the device, but again cupped her vaginal mound, getting a fingertip full of her internal juices before he switched the resonator off. Jennifer kept the bar up for one last moment, her eyes closing tightly as the last of her sexual high slowly spent itself. She lowered the bar slowly then, and then jammed it back up as one last orgasm spread through her bodice, and the resulting burst inside her which made the rod tremble and push outward slightly. She then lowered the bar back to its ready position, and once again, twin clouds of steam were ejected from blowholes near the bottom of the weight bench. Still panting heavily, her eyes closed tightly, Jen laid there, before blinking her eyes open again, realizing that Roanoke was still touching her between the legs. She opened her eyes and smiled at him, got a warming smile in return, but then the good doctor pulled the resonator the rest of the way out of her. She gritted her teeth against a grunt as he slowly pulled it from her, and another wash of her vaginal fluids quickly coated the thing before he was able to pull it fully from her and remove the strap. Then sitting up, she planted her hands on the bench before her, still panting heavily, feeling her breasts swell and contract with each breath while her pussy continued to drain the fluids that had collected inside her. Then turning to Roanoke, she again smiled, though a little hungrily now, and her eyes briefly flicked to his groin as she wondered what it would feel like with him inside her. "It seems, good doctor, that you have proven your point." ****** Roanoke walked through the halls of his hospital, returning back to his private rooms and office with a package that the ‘go-fer’ boy just returned with for Jennifer. But just as he neared the elevator that would take him up there, he was intercepted by a man in a trench coat and a small-brimmed hat that one would usually associate with a ‘gumshoe.’ A rather foul cigar was burning from his mouth "Excuse me Doctor, I’ve been told you are the facilitator of this hospital." "Yes?" he said, noting the cigar with distaste. "My name is detective Devaroe. I hear that you currently have a patient known as," he consulted a notebook. "Angelou, Jennifer Raye. I am currently conducting an investigation, and I would like to ask her a few questions." He was overcompensating in his speech, which wasn’t typical of a cop or detective... this man was a fed. Alex knew feds; he dealt with them on a regular basis. Their military version of the CDC, which his hospital functioned as a satellite for also, came there all the time. This ‘detective’ was too young to know what it was like to be a gumshoe, and his mannerisms were completely indicative of someone straight from a movie. Alex’s guess was FBI, and being that he was trying to pass himself off as a police detective instead of just flashing his federal badge meant that he was out to hide something. Turning, and placing Jennifer’s file upside down so he couldn’t see the name, he then planted the package for her on top of it along side his clipboard. Then reaching out, he took the cigar from the agent's mouth. "A few things for you ‘detective,’" he said. "First of all, this is a hospital. That means no smoking." Alex then put out the cigar’s coals in his cupped hand, not even wincing as they extinguished, before placing the cigar in the agent’s front pocket. "Secondly, if there is a Jennifer Angela..." "...Angelou..." "Whatever... if she were here, then under the doctor-patient agreement all doctors are sworn to uphold and protect, I couldn’t tell you anything unless you came in here with a court order." Alex brushed the coals off into a nearby plant. "My apologies, agent Devaroe, but I do not like being approached with by a facade. It’s a little too much like lying. But regardless, unless you have a court order in hand, I am unable to divulge any information at this time." Devaroe stared at Alex, quite aware that he had just been called by his true title. "What makes you think I’m an agent, Doctor?" "Because not even a police detective is as proper as an agent, and because no detective under the age of fifty would dress like that anymore, and underneath your trench coat and hat is a tailored suit. Detectives don’t make enough to buy suits unless its straight off the rack. Now please, if you don’t have any other purpose here, I shall ask you to leave. The cigar smoke in your jacket is upsetting my asthma patients." Alex gestured off to a waiting room nearby, where some of the patients actually had surgical masks and air filters on. Then figuring that his guise had been ruined, and that he was definitely not wanted, Agent Devaroe slapped his note book shut, pocketed it, and then exited the hospital. Alex watched him go, and gathering up his things, he stepped forward to watch him get in his car and leave. "Percy." He said to the security guard as he reproached the main elevators. "Detective, agent, or whatever he calls himself, Devaroe, is not to be allowed in the hospital unless he either has a court order, or he is bleeding. And under no circumstances shall you allow him inside with that cigar." "Yes doctor." Alex then stepped passed him, took a vacant elevator, inserted his keycard and rode the elevator up to his penthouse apartment. The ride slowed, and then came to a halt, and when the doors slid open, he was given a surprise. Directly in front of him laid Jennifer, reclined across his couch. Stepping out into the main room, he thought that the leather on that couch couldn’t have been happier. Because of her length, her forelegs from the knee and beyond hung over one side of the couch, and the way she reclined, her hands and one forearm hung over the other. Her head rested upon one massive bicep, and her legs were folded one over the other. But what truly captivated him, was the way her breasts laid one on top of the other, like stacked sections of a column, and her hair decorated her face just so. Her skin still glistened from her most recent shower; the squeaky-clean look flesh took when it was still moist. Approaching her, he then leaned forward and ever so gently shook her awake – the effort much akin to shaking a VW bug – and smiled at her as her eyes blinked open. "Good afternoon." He smiled, and Jennifer righted herself, one breast lifting and then the other. She made sounds of a much smaller woman, like soft sighs and coos as she stretched, but that stretch looked all to much like the proverbial giant being awakened. "I have something for you." He said then, and proffered the gift to her. Confused, Jennifer undid the ribbon on the box and opened the lid before spreading the wrappings open to reveal the front of a piece of fabric. "W-what is it?" she asked looking to him. Reaching into the box, Alex lifted the fabric out of its container to reveal a large leotard like thing. As he held it up, Jen was amazed at how the V-shaped bottom drooped down to his ankles, and he actually had to hold it up above his head. "You seem to tear out of every bit of clothing nowadays. This is one you can wear with a skirt or something until we can get you some more clothing." Jennifer took the bit of cloth from him and held it up to her bodice. By the looks of it, it would fit perfectly! "I had them design it specifically for you. The cloth is a special polymer that can stretch to ten times its original size before tearing... something similar to wetsuits so I hear. The drawstrings all across the body can help you alter it anyway you like with crimps and tucks, while the cinching strings ensure that it will always fit. Even... even if you grow enough to double your size again." Jennifer looked down at Alex, and felt her lower lip trembling, and as tears began to well up in her eyes, she bit down upon it. And then dropping the cloth, she collapsed to her knees, and drew the good doctor into her bosom. His manly form pressed deeply into her chest, and he immediately became surrounded by those wonderfully immense breasts. Jennifer then embraced him thoroughly, her arms wrapping about him while she buried her face in his shoulder. "Thank you." She whispered, and snuggled with him softly before finally letting him go. Alex almost stumbled away, but definitely felt as if his life had just been made. He had just again been between a pair of breasts that together weighed almost two of him. Jennifer took up the bodysuit that she had just been given, and found that it opened at the front, and was held tight by a pair of adjustable clasps. Alexander stood by, watching her dress while her immense body nimbly slipped into the overly large gown, and then watched as she adjusted it about herself. Finally giving a tug at her backside and then at her chest, the fabric finally settled perfectly about her form. "Cool... I can go to the beach now." She said, sliding her hands over her chest, cupping the place where her nipples rested, and appearing as a pair of tiny mounds underneath the fabric. Then, finally, she slid her thumbs down the base of her new bodysheath, caressing the folds of her pussy as she readjusted the crotch and seat of the suit, before she stood proudly and planted her hands on hr hips. "And this thing must be the most comfortable piece of clothing I’ve ever worn." She turned around, showing Alex her immensely contoured back and tight bottom. The back of the garment she new would only cover the very top of her rear, leaving a great deal of flesh exposed. Jen then struck a weight lifter’s pose – pinching her butt cheeks together, splaying her arms above her head and flexing her back – and Alex chuckled briefly at the display. Then he watched as an impressive mass of lumps and bumps bubbled even further out from her back and rear as she redoubled the intensity. He was even more impressed at the way the great rounded orbs of her breasts framed that immense back from her front. She is the ultimate woman, Alex thought to himself, and away from her eyes, he quickly adjusted himself. "If you’d like, Jen, I can take you shopping today. There are a few final lab results I’m waiting for which should be completed this evening. I’d guess that you would want to get some new clothes. And perhaps... a bite to eat." Jennifer blushed as she looked at him from over her shoulder, her cheeks turning a deep red while she turned her face slightly away and hiding her cheeks with one hand. "Why doctor. Are you asking me out?" Alex bowed. "Miss Angelou, it would be my pleasure!" ****** Devaroe sat in his tan Buick – now dressed as a traditional FBI Agent that he was – watching from underneath the shadow of a tree that was near the front entrance of the hospital. Something with Miss Angelou wasn’t right, and the way the director handed him this assignment, he had stated that Jennifer Raye Angelou might be a woman of ‘exceptional physical merit.’ When he finally saw her, his original presumptions about her were completely dashed, and he struggled to get his camera to take some pictures. Doctor Roanoke exited his hospital with a woman that was nearly twice his size, but upon actuating the zoom lens, he saw the beautiful face that he had seen in that crack in the door the day before. The pair moved to a Hum-V, And he watched as a woman with an impossibly large rack, moved its seat all the way back and climbed in, her titanic breasts scrapping against the door to the vehicle. Starting up his car, he followed them around for most of the afternoon, watching as they bought clothes for her. The first time they came out of one of the many shops, she quickly went to stamp her feet in a pair of new white sneakers that must’ve been as large as the pair Shaq wore! The next store brought forth a white dress with the shoulder straps let all the way out, and framing that amazing bust of hers, with that tremendous pair sticking out over the flap that would normally hold them up! She was carrying several bags in one hand while Roanoke was carrying a few more over one shoulder. He got a few more pictures of her that way, and continued to follow them. Then they ate dinner together in a nice restaurant. And then equipping himself with a micro camera in a lapel clip, he opened his briefcase. Applying makeup glue to key portions of his face, he then pulled a latex mask on that made him look like and elderly gentleman. Then entering the building, he got a booth right next to them by slipping the host a twenty so that he could overhear their conversation. And during that conversation, agent Devaroe was able to get some delightful conversation pieces on his recorder. Like Gen-e-tek, and mutagenic retrovirus pills, as well as the process of Jennifer’s transformation into this current form. As she talked about how she changed, he was sure every man in the restaurant was listening to the torrid, highly sexual experience. All this juicy information was sure to get him a promotion. ****** Jennifer sat on Alex’s couch again, watching him pace back and forth as he read through the information the lab people had given him. In his hand, arrayed between each finger including between index and thumb, were four vials. She knew full well what was in each. The red one was her blood, the yellow her urine, the creamy white her breast milk, and the clear white... her viscous vaginal fluids. Finally, Alex went over to the leather portfolio he was given on his desk, and planted the four vials back into their special compartment just before he planted her final report on top of it all. "Jennifer, I will level with you now. "Your blood is now absent of all traces of the retrovirus, but the changes it has done with you are irreversible and quite permanent as far as we can discern. You are now more human than human, an irrevocable fact I’m afraid that I can do nothing about. "Our CDC satellite found that you posed no threat to contaminating the general populous. "The Genetic labs have dubbed you an ‘Alien,’ Jennifer, for this reason only: The human genome contains twenty-two chromosomal pairs and two gender specific chromosomes; X and Y. As a woman, you would normal have two X-chromosomes, but somehow, you have been equipped with an additional X as well as a Y-chromosome. The chromosome, which only we men are supposed to possess, currently is inside you, working its magic. "Not only do you have the physical capabilities of both a man and a woman combines, but they surmise that a few other things will apply now. Your ovaries, normally only able to simply hold eggs, should now be able to create them instead, similar to the testes of the human male. Because of all these gender specific chromosomes working together, you have physical capabilities that are anywhere from five to ten times greater than even an exceptionally fit woman. "As to your sexuality, which we can all reassure you is definitely feminine, you may have been blessed with the best of two worlds. An orgasm from you would be a combined thing. Women are capable of multiple, short orgasms, while men are capable of a single long one. With the mixed genes inside you, you would now be capable of multiple long orgasms, each lasting anywhere from thirty seconds to a full minute or more!" He watched as Jen bit her lower lip and then lowered her head. "The fluids taken from your body are quite remarkable as well. Urine is unbelievably absent of any wastes. They surmise that your requirement to go to the bathroom will be greatly reduced. Your blood is still of a common variety and has an oxygenation rate many times greater than any other ever taken. They believe that you may require only a half to a third of the necessary air to sustain yourself. Your breast milk is chock full of nutrients, and if you had to sustain yourself, you could suck from your own breast and live indefinitely if need be. And your vaginal fluids are quite plentiful and rather potent with anti-viral defenses. You could screw someone with aids and not get the virus. "Your skeletal system shows up as white on our x-rays, which shows that it is immensely dense, whereas your musculature is so densely packed that you literally have the strength of ten men if not more. Also, because of how super compact the fibers are, your very musculature would act as a form of Endo body armor, with your dermal layer – your skin – able to function as another layer. "Your lungs are packed with such a high density of oxygenating nodes that you might very well be able to breathe water. And your healing rate, from several different conditions, is so high that you would be able to regenerate lost limbs given time. "And then there is your pain tolerance. No human being has a tolerance this high. It’s almost as if you are invulnerable." "B-but what does all this mean. Who would do this?" Alexander fell silent as he slipped into contemplation mode. "All of this would make you a pretty good soldier, Jennifer. A genetically enhanced superhuman able to actually leap small buildings in a single bound... with bullets bouncing off your chest. You’d be a super ma – er – woman. We might as well paint a big red S against your chest. "I think someone had wanted you to get a hold of those pills. You were used as a human guinea pig; perhaps to speed up the process of research... to see what it would do on another human being without having to have it tested on animals first. Either for secrecy, or because of greed. Perhaps both." Jennifer grew very quiet. "There was a Federal agent looking for you this morning, though he was dressed as a police detective, and tried passing himself off as one. That would confirm that the government is in on this, or at least a corrupt faction of it. "The only other thought that I have is that someone had designed the drug to create a perfect love slave of some sort, or mayhap a combination of the two. You were undoubtedly hand picked to see the ‘treatment’ as it were." He looked at Jen, saw her biting her fingers that were folded before her mouth, and uncoiling from his desk, he quickly made his way over to her, and sat down beside her. His hand then lowered to her thigh – he couldn’t reach her knee – and she quickly dropped a hand to give his a squeeze. Alex winced as her fingers clenched about his, and she gave a soft cry when she realized she was squeezing to hard and quickly released the pressure. "Jennifer, I will protect you if you want me to." "N-no. No... I’m not going to be afraid of them now. Besides, you’ve already helped me enough, and I need to get back to my life... or at least try to." Jen looked sidelong at Alex, and took a long look into those eyes of his. She then shifted forward, her breasts pressing solidly against his chest – as well as his ribs, stomach, and lap – and she kissed him on the lips. It was a soft peck, leaving a promise for more if he wanted it before she rose to her feet and hugged herself from the chill she felt. She looks beautiful in that dress, he considered as he looked up at her. "I must thank you for all that you’ve done for me, Alex." She said, and then gathered up her bag of things that he and she had bought. She had insisted on paying for as much as she could, and even offered to reimburse him for the bodysuit she wore, but he would hear nothing of it." "My offer still stands, Jennifer. You know where to find me if you need me." Jen didn’t look back at him, and merely nodded her head. "Thank you, again doctor. I-I would like to stay in touch. You are a good friend, and I’d like to keep you." She then moved off toward the elevators. "Good luck Jennifer." Alex said in farewell, and she smiled at him, as she stood hunched over in the elevator. And then the elevator doors closed, shutting off her sight of him. ****** Jen bravely went into work the next day. She got stares wherever she walked, and her boss just sat there unblinkingly looking at her for almost half an hour. No one dared ask her how she had gotten so big in such a short period of time, but then, as she was loosing weight before, no one asked her how she got so small either. The low ceilings had her bending over almost double, but because of her highly muscled body she didn’t feel the strain whenever she walked. She just had to avoid the sprinklers. Her weight of over a metric ton broke her chair the first time she sat in it, the hydraulics would never work again, but at least the piston that remained would hold her weight. Also, despite her size, she was able to type on her keyboard just as fast as she ever had. And also despite that there was a pile of work for her to do when she arrived, she had it completed by the end of the workday. It was then that Justin made his appearance in her cubicle just as she was gathering up her backpack for a handbag and readying herself to leave. She remarked as she looked down at him, that she no longer thought as much of him as she did before. Perhaps... it was a good sign that she could have a relationship with Alex after all. "I missed you over the last couple of days." He greeted. "And I got worried when you didn’t come to lunch." She smiled warmly down at him. "I had a lot on my mind... I wasn’t hungry and I had a lot of work to catch up on." He nodded, and then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a white envelope. Jen knew what it was the moment he offered it to her: a wedding invitation. "She seems like a nice woman." Jen commented, fingering the white envelope. "I think she’ll truly make you happy." There was a silence, and then Jen lifted her eyes from the envelope to look at the man standing before her. "You had a crush on me." He said as a stated fact in stead of asking a question of it. "Some of the others told me so when you didn’t show up the day before yesterday. And damn me for a fool, I didn’t notice it." Jen smiled in spite of herself and nodded her confirmation of the statement. "I’ve had one for the longest time. For over three years, ever since I came to work here. I’ll admit I thought I died that day I met your fiancée, but I got over it, and I think it was all for the better, for I’ve met someone else. "A crush is when one person loves another, but doesn’t get the love back. Love, is when it is shared, and I think... no I know... he loves me too." She opened the envelope and then the invitation to see Justin with his future wife. "On the beach?" Justin smiled and then nodded. "Her parents’ idea. Instead of a full tux, I’m supposed to wear just a pair of shorts, a bow tie and a jacket, and all those attending are to arrive in swimsuits. Angela is going to be in a white bikini with silk skirt and a veil." He paused for another short while. "Angela would like you to be her maid of honor." Jen fingered the card for a moment or two, and then nodded. "What color of bikini should I wear?" she gave a small smile. "Bikini... I’ve never worn one before." "Sea Blue." Justin smiled up at her. "It will be good to have you there Jen." She nodded, and then gathered up her bag, but then stopped. She then reached forward and grabbed Justin before pulling him forward and kissing him promptly on the mouth. It was a long and hard kiss before she let him go. "Just once," she breathed. "Just once I wanted to know what it felt like to kiss you Justin... just so that I could let you go." Her hand loosened, and left Justin blinking at her. Jennifer again shouldered her bag and stood up at a hunch. "I’m happy that you are being married, Justin. And I wish you luck." She smiled, and then left, leaving Justin to touch his lips briefly at the shock of what had just happened. ****** On the appointed day, one week later, Jennifer arrived via bus at the beach where Justin and Angela were to be wed. The changing rooms were too small even for a normal-sized woman and the bathrooms at the beach house were also too small. And so traipsing into a thick wood, she began to undress, and standing naked there, she ran her hands over her bodice. She felt her nipples as they drew erect, feeling her breasts and the now twelve individual muscles packed along her stomach. Then she felt her pelvis and crotch, and then caressed one long thigh. And then in the relative darkness she began pulling on the light blue bikini she had recently had made for herself. A small wedge just large enough to cover her crotch folded over the thick pad of her pussy, while a long thick band slipped upward between her cheeks to a metal clasp at the small of her back. A series of three straps on a side – which were all expandable – attached to that clasp at the small of her back. Then came her top, which was built like a jacket. Two bungee-straps – one about her neck and the other about her back – held a pair of large triangular patches over her nipples and areola. A final adjustable strap at her front was made to hold the pair together and compress her breasts. Finally, a pair of sandals and a light blue silk skirt wrapped about her wide hips to leave one leg open completed the ensemble. Her hair was already done up elaborately, and when she stepped out of the forest into the sun, she looked like some Greek goddess of both fertility and war in one. Several beach goers of a male aptitude, all goofed up in one way or another when they spied her. One got hit in the face with a beach ball, another got hit in the nads with a volleyball while still another fell off the nearby peer. She smiled and sighed, and made her way up the beach where the wedding procession was already gathering. Even there, everyone stared either enviously or erotically at her, but she just ignored them all. The wedding was lovely, everyone had fun, and Jen thought that she got commented upon as much as the bride did. And ironically, when it came to throw the bouquet, she was the one who caught it, even despite that she sat away from the rest of the women. She was congratulated by dozens of women who said that they were envious of her, and she was then propositioned by at least half a dozen young men... all of whom approached her with some level of erection. And then she sat alone on a wooden embankment that split beach from grass lawn, watching the newlyweds do all the traditional things. Feed each other cake, the removal of the garter and flinging it to a bunch of boys in men’s bodies so that the catcher could put it back onto the leg of the newly wed wife. And then there were beach games. But still she sat apart from them all. And then she heard a voice. "I am surprised that you are not with them." It was familiar, and her head snapped up to see that it was indeed Alexander Roanoke speaking it. "W-what are you doing here doctor." "Please... just Alex now. I don’t have a title unless I’m wearing my lab coat." What he was wearing was a pair of Hawaiian shorts, with a white shirt tucked into them that had the top five buttons undone. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck, and he was walking barefoot in the sand. That broad expanse of his chest was beautiful to behold, and looked like he actually worked out... a lot. This was the first time she was able to see his biceps too... being that the shirt cuffs were rolled up. He was quite strong... though still not as strong as she was. "My house is just up the beach." He said, and then looked up into the sky. "If you’d like, I can let you change there and then I can take you home. It looks like its going to rain after all." She began to feel warmth behind the patch of cloth protecting her pubic mound, and to hide it she folded her hands over it. "I’d like that." She smiled and then stood up, aware that her nipples were drawing erect underneath the triangular patches protecting them. Though the pair didn’t ache yet, they still revealed her present level of elation, and created two rounded points within the cloth. Taking up her bag, she was glad with Alex moved in beside her and took up her hand. Where it dangled at her side was just in the right place for him to hold it into the crook of his arm. As they walked, she listened to him talk, nervously it seemed; he asking her questions about how she was coping, how people were reacting about her, what she wanted in life. He also told her a few more things about his findings, in which the company Gen-e-tek was finally found and is now under full federal review. He told her that he was able to duplicate the retrovirus, and his documentation about the whole process she had underwent. But Jennifer only listened to him with half an ear. She was just happy to be in his presence again listening to his voice. She had missed him over the week. "Here we are," he said opening a porch door and ushering her in. Jen bent over and stepped inside, and was surprised to stand up within a simply decorated house, but a house with large open spaces that were more than enough to stand up in for her. This is all so convenient, she thought to herself. Behind her, as he entered, Roanoke got a well-deserved look at her backside, threaded down the back by a thick strap of light blue, and immediately, he felt his groin grow very uncomfortable with a newly gained erection. That was something else wondrous about her... the pheromones she put out aroused any man who came near enough to her, and gained her the immediate respect of any woman within the same area. He shut the door behind them and stepped forward before gesturing about him. "Here we are... my home. Twelve foot ceilings, and all the comforts of home." "I like it," She admitted freely. "Most doctors I’ve known are all preppy and live in lavishness off of the money taken from the hapless victim. But this..." "I don’t believe in lavishness... only functionality. I pay for durability, hence the reason why I drive a hummer around. Would you like the grand tour milady?" He bent over double at the waist then, splaying his arms off to his side. Jen giggled, and he led her around his house. He showed her the basement, the large garage with his hummer and Harley Davidson motorcycle, which actually looked as if he went tooling around in it. The garage was also complete with a grease pit, as well as a full wood and metal worker’s bench. There was a sizeable bathroom, with high vaulted ceilings for the steam to go, which was where Jen stashed her pack full of clothes. He showed her the kitchen, the attic, the loft... the guest bedroom... And last but not least, he showed her the mid level loft, which served as his bedroom, with large windows high above that gave light into the room. Now those windows created a low pattering sound from the rain striking them. The wedding procession must’ve undoubtedly moved indoors by now. The sound of the rain relaxed her immensely. "Can I get you anything to drink?" Alex asked her as she sat down on his bed, and felt the bedding. "I’m afraid I don’t carry alcohol... " He had one of those upraised beds, which was indeed large; a compressed mattress that was resting atop a dais of sorts. "That’s okay," she smiled, and then turned that smile on him. "I don’t drink it either." He nodded and started descending the stairs. "I’ll be right back." And then he disappeared from view. Soon Jen could hear him working around in the kitchen, and she was left momentarily alone, with her thoughts. Her mind was on her current situation, she wondered solely about Alex and the more she thought about him, the more she felt a warmth solidify inside her. She closed her eyes, thinking about his solid body and about his chiseled form, about how much of a pleasure it would be to caress his chest and to land a thousand kisses across her body. And then while she sat there, she felt her legs parting as her daydreams grew more erotic, and her pussy began to grow moist, while her nipples hardened and her areolas swelled and expanded. Something clenched inside her chest, and as if someone or something had flipped a switch, she opened her eyes and was suddenly incensed. She noticed that her hands were clasping her chest, caressing her nipples even further erect. All about her breasts veins had popped out and were feeding those nipples with warm blood, while between her legs, she felt a pressure beginning to build up that sought for release. And then she swiveled her chest, and her eyes beheld the deep V that covered her crotch. Then laying a hand over it, she touched her pussy just in time to feel the pair of folds swell enough so that they spread the inner walls apart. And then she was fingering the cloth, contemplating an action, thinking only of her desire. And then her fingers were following along the chords that served as her bikini straps until they reached the metal clasp at the small of her back. Then she considered for a few moments more, and feeling her crotch clench in anticipation, she swallowed, and hit the release button. Six straps released, and the V-shaped bikini bottom fell forward, revealing her moist virginity – an incredibly swollen and powerful virginity, but a virginity nonetheless. She then lifted her hands to the final chord binding the two halves of her top together, and untied it before shrugging herself out of it. And then she worked at the knot of her makeshift skirt, and gathering her swimwear together, she deposited it all onto the floor, and then sprawled herself across his bed and waited. During her wait, she had ample opportunity to array herself into the most sensual position. Down below, Alex had a tray of crackers and cheeses, with two glasses of non-alcoholic wine along with the bottle itself. Humming to himself, he then ascended the stairs to the loft holding his room, and practically dropped the tray when he beheld Jennifer laying on his bed. He had seen her naked before, but not in this light. With her inability to wear any clothes large enough, she had no choice at the hospital, but how she arrayed herself atop his bedding, he knew that this was a woman’s desire to be laid. He cleared his throat, and stepped forward, still carrying the tray. When he was close enough, he placed the tray on the bedside table and stood there, managing somehow not to look at her naked form. "I had thought that you were going to change in the bathroom, he chuckled." There was a silence, and then movement as Jen shifted on his bed, and then he felt the firmness of her breasts against his back, felt the rock hard nipples at his shoulder blades. Her arms then folded around him, hugging him to her before he felt her hands over his groin, and he suddenly became so erect that it ached. He breathed in sharply and felt Jennifer as she leaned her head against the crook of his neck and shoulder. "Not tonight." She whispered into his hear, and then gave his neck a subtle caress with her reddened lips. "I won’t force you Alex. Good God I never want to force you. But please... I-I... I think I love you. I know, deep down, that you also love me." She then arched her back, her breasts cleaving to his sides, and while he stood there, he felt her strong capable hands caress his groin. Then, ever so slowly, Alexander turned around in her grip, feeling her fingers hook into his shorts while her breasts pulled back again to push enticingly against his chest this time. His eyes lowered to those breasts, those full, rounded, succulent breasts, which again cleaved easily to allow him to stand closer to her heart. And then he looked up into her eyes, felt the beating of her heart like a hand thumping his chest. And then reaching forward, he gently pushed her forward and onto her back. He still remained standing, but his eyes looked over Jennifer’s naked form, this time, not holding back his desires for her flesh. This time he actually reached down while she nervously watched him – her hands opened up at the sides of her head – his touch first alighting upon the many folds of her stomach. His other hand lifted then and fell upon her breast, the long, strong fingers cupping her nipple while his thumb began to caress the engorged thing. "What do you see in me, Jennifer?" he asked, and actually sat beside her, his hand continuing to rest upon the great orb that was her tit. Jennifer breathed quickly a couple of times, and then sat up abruptly while rolling into him, pressing herself close to his side and pressing her cheek to his small, but still quite firm and creased chest. "Everything." She breathed, and wrapped herself close to him. "Kindness, strength, vitality. Wisdom, intelligence, love... especially love." She took him in her arms and rolled him onto his back, her breasts pressing closely to his chest as she bent over him, kneeling so that her pelvis pressed against his groin. Immediately he gained a more powerful erection, and she felt an intense heat pile on within her pussy. Her hand pressed against his chest. "But what is it that you see in me? Am I woman desperate for companionship, or am I someone you’d truly care to have with you?" She clasped his face, her lips pursing in a desire to kiss him, her nipples hardening like they’ve never done before. Alexander was silent for a moment, then he tried to get up and she freely let him. Though their privates were no longer touching, he still remained beneath her, and instead held her broad hips and moved into her. Jennifer remained kneeling, her legs spread so hat her knees were shoulder width apart. Alex again stood beside the bed, but this time he moved freely into her, his head appearing only just above her breasts, and when he spoke finally, it made her heart soar. "Everything." He smiled, and ensnaring him immediately in her arms, she kissed him, and as best as he could do so with a woman weighing over a metric ton, Alexander Roanoke finally got Jennifer onto her back. He had to brace himself on her ribcage with both arms extended to their fullest in order to make it over her chest to continue their kiss. The order of passion it became continued to grow as he eventually just laid atop those immense breasts, fondling one of her four inch nipples with one hand and caressing her powerful side with the other. She in turn reached up and pulled his shorts off of him, rolling her hips and immediately feeling his groin press against her abdomen. And then while he sat on her chest, attempting to remove his shirt, she flexed her chest and caught his manhood between them, pressing those immense breasts together. Alex quickly descended upon her erect nipples, gumming them softly, drawing on them and making her heart pound within her chest. The old feelings of sensual high reverberated through her ample form, quaking her deeply between the legs, pelvis and abdomen. Veins suddenly erected all about her chest, thickening rapidly about those titanic breasts as they began to swell. Slowly yet surely, those veins thickened all across her body, becoming proliferate about those titanic breasts, about her arms and inner thighs as they continued to spread outward. And then she experienced her first orgasm, a low, deep throbbing which hit the inside of her bodice, slamming the back of her breasts and the fullness of her vaginal mound. She felt her crotch clench to stem back the tide of her juices from simply bursting from her, and she groaned softly, arching her back and rolling her hips. Her legs spread wide as she embraced her new lover, her crotch clenching again with its desire to be pierced at long last. There was a trembling inside her bosom as something began to pump readily through them, her veins supplying those immense tits as that they thickened three fold suddenly. All of a sudden, Alex got a mouthful of sweet, delectable milk. It slid delightfully down his throat, energizing him, making him feel like he could last almost forever atop this great amazon, and he again drew from that breast. Again, Jennifer orgasmed, and the crevice between her legs drew wet with her vaginal fluids, while her one breast untapped by Alex’s mouth subtly leaked her creamy milk. Then licking his lips, he moved to her other breast, hugging the immense thing to himself he suckled a little from her other tit, feeling warm and as erect as he’d ever been in his life. Then he began to land kisses against the rest of her bodice, pressing his face beneath the pair to kiss her sternum. He continued to lay kisses down her bodice, laying one or touching the tip of his tongue, upon each of the twelve ridges of her abdomen. Then he drew back even further and kissed the corded masses of her inner thighs, and then back to her pelvis, working his way around her crotch. And then... finally... his mouth lowered onto her crotch, his chin dipping between the folds, before he actually sucked on her ripened and fully erect clitoris. "Ah-ah-haa!" she cried, and again she orgasmed, allowing Alex to suck upon the equally sweet and syrupy fluids that washed rapidly down his throat, felling Jennifer cup his head gently to her bodice as her back arched fiercely. She ooed and ahed as he continued to work the insides of her pelvis, and then moaned heavily when he left her, and opening her eyes, looked down the length of her body at him. She even rose up a little, wondering if he was going to kiss her again, but instead, his mighty hook drove home into her, and she gave a low cry just as he grunted. Immediately, her clitoris swelled against his penis, the walls of her crotch suddenly clenched, and deep inside her, she orgasmed. She heard Alex’s pleasurable cry of surprise as a mass of liquids suddenly slammed and compressed about his manhood, and his hands tensed upon the thick, thick muscles of her legs projecting from her pelvis. She in turn cried out as he rocked deeper into her, and moved himself so that the tip of his erection slid along the bulging mass of her clit. And then her fingers clenched into the sheets as he suddenly lurched, and then drove himself deeper, and deeper, and deeper, until... climax. An echoing burst erupted inside of her that was not her own. A powerful heat and a tingling sensation as Alex ‘busted a nut’ inside her. Her hands slowly slid down the length of her body to cup her wet and swollen vaginal muscles, her fingers tenderly massaging his groin as, surprisingly, he didn’t deflate inside her. And they continued to love. Above them, the rain continued to patter against the great circular window, and a bolt of lightning crashed across the sky. He was a smooth lover, soft and tender, even though her tremendous body was so powerful, and through that heavy storm, Jen learned what it was like to make love to someone who knew anatomy so well. They made love for who knew for how long before they collapsed lovingly against each other. When she looked at the clock on Alex’s bedside table, she saw that it was nearly midnight, which meant that several hours had passed since they had begun their act with one another. Alex now laid on top of her, holding onto her broad flaring sides with his head just beneath the immense breasts that rose high over his head. Jen in turn laid with one of her thick, thick thighs cradling his lower body, her pussy pressed firmly against his groin and one of her powerful hands flattened lovingly against his back. She laid there, listening to him sleep along with the sound of the rain pattering against the roof. A couple of weeks ago, she was so horribly overweight, that the only guys who would notice her were those sickos that found her obesity sensual. A few days ago, she held the sort of body that would’ve made a supermodel jealous. In fact, she had been considering going into acting when she was little, and then she had thought of doing it again. And now, here she was, twice as tall as any normal woman, and nearly twice as tall as any man, including Alex. Her weight was several times greater than it ever was, and her musculature was enough to bench press a heavy bulldozer! She looked between her breasts – both of which together would’ve weighed as much as Alex did, if not more – and stared at Alex’s sleeping face. She realized then that she had been so gentle with him during their lovemaking. She’d been afraid of breaking him. But adversely, he had been so gentle with her. She closed her eyes, listening to the thunder and the rain, feeling her crotch clench in the remembrance of being loved so thoroughly. She had thought that she would’ve died a virgin, and because of Alex, she felt more alive than she ever had. She remembered fondly how he moved inside her, and when he couldn’t perform that way, he continued to caress her, to fondle and love her. He suckled from her breasts, and even chewed her out with her kneeling on top of him, his hands caressing her bottom while he sucked on her moistened crotch. When his manhood again was strong enough to react, he loved her internally again... taking her from behind and from in front. She even returned his affections, pulling him onto her chest and pressing his manhood between her breasts. And then dipping her mouth downward, she then sucked on the end of his cluster from between her breasts while he caressed those tremendous mounds. When he ejaculated into her mouth, she joyfully swallowed the tangy sweetness, feeling the mass slide effortlessly down her throat, and she continued supping upon it until it deflated fully again. Lifting her other arm from her side, she promptly embraced him solidly against her and then relaxed into the bedding. After a few moments of listening to Alex’s breathing, the rain and the thunder, she slowly drifted off into an exotic, dream-filled sleep. ****** Alex awoke face down on a pillow, and then promptly forcing himself upright, became truly amazed at how a woman such as Jennifer could have slipped from underneath him. And then he smelled the smells of cooking breakfast, of bacon and eggs, of toast and a few other things that tickled his nose, and he smiled warmly at it. Getting to his feet, he padded over to his dresser, pulled out a pair of pajama bottoms and pulled them on before going downstairs. There he was in for a wonderful surprise: Jennifer standing naked in his kitchen and cooking up a full sized breakfast. She wasn’t even wearing the apron he had hanging on the door nearby. He felt a muscle spasm on his cheek while his eyes widened at the site of her working. Legs spread, back arched with her humming pleasantly with her eyes closed. Placing his hands in his pockets, he watched her from the doorway for a moment, admiring that powerful back of hers, the mounds and heaps of musculature that were like a bundle of chords underneath a blanket. He followed her body down from the massive plants of her upper back, to the tight striations of her ribcage joining her spine, and the pile driver thick spine that led into her bottom. Those massive cheeks were still rounded and powerfully thick, leading into her legs as she stood shoulder width apart with her backside tilted upward and her back arched. This allowed him a good view of her pubic mound peaking from beneath her cheeks and between her legs. The thing was hairless and smooth, with the capability of swelling so much that it could literally swallow his cluster, and handle his whole fist if necessary, but he had respected her enough not to do that last night. It was just wrong. She finally noticed him as she turned, and stepping lithely and gracefully despite her size with a skittle full of eggs gripped in one large hand, she moved over to him. "Oh! Good morning sleepy head." She smiled, and bending over, gave him a kiss on the forehead as she passed by, her breasts pressing firmly against his bare chest briefly as she did. "I hope you don’t mind, but I thought you might be hungry." She upended the griddle containing scrambled eggs onto a plate already containing two pieces of toast that had been cut into wedges and several slices of bacon. The eggs were enough to fill two of him. He ignored the plate, and merely moved forward, hugging Jennifer from her side, sliding one hand over her tight abdomen, and the other over her firm bottom down to where her seat met the back of her legs. She in turn looked down at him fondly, lowering the pan she had been cooking out of into the sink before surrounding his whole back with one heavy arm. "I must tell you I love you, Jennifer." Alex said looking up the three feet that separated them in height to her eyes, she looking over one rounded plane of breast to look at him. "I guess, ever since I saw you so alone and afraid, so vulnerable despite the... changes you had undergone. And perhaps, looking into those eyes of yours, I’d probably even have fallen for you before you ever received those pills. "You are a beautiful woman, Jen. Inside and outside." Jen bit upon her lower lip and smiled softly to him as a deep blush covered her cheeks, and letting go of the handle to the pan, she pulled him closer to her. Her immense breasts messed up his hair as they conformed about his head; his cheek pressing against the firm ridge of rib and sternum that hung over her abdomen. Alex in turn, felt the folds of her crotch harden against the base of his chest. They ate breakfast together, and then snuggled for awhile until Jen playfully began to slide her hand down the front of his pajama bottoms to fondle his groin. And then naked on the floor of the living room, they both made love to each other for a time longer until contentment came again... and again. They then took a shower together in the huge bathroom Alex had, Jen sitting on the floor of the shower while Alex thoroughly washed her. They even spent the whole day together, amusement parks, shopping, everything. Thankfully, Alex’s pager didn’t go off. And at the end of the day, they yet again found themselves in bed with one another. This time it was Jennifer laying atop Alex, her breasts cleaving away from one another to allow him closer to her heart, and her legs folded into a kneeling position at his sides. This allowed her to lay as close to him as possible without crushing him. This also allowed her to lay her head on his chest for a change. "What do we do now?" she asked quietly, closing her eyes while she held onto his sides. Alex smiled, and then bent his head upward to kiss her briefly on the forehead. "Yesterday, during that wedding, I saw that you caught the bouquet. You do know that the tradition is that she who catches the bouquet is the next to be married." "And that it is profoundly good luck if I do... a Russian tradition if I remember correctly." She fingered his lips, feeling a half smile cross her face as he continued. "So marry me." Jen stopped. Everything about her stopped. She stopped breathing, stopped thinking, even her heart stopped. And then she felt Alex touching the side of her face, and she blinked, suddenly becoming active again as she stared into his face. "Though I’m not an old man yet, I am growing older, and one of the things that frightens me is being alone for the rest of my life." "I had set myself to it," She whispered, biting her lip, not believing that this was happening. She’d only known him for a week! "I want you to be with me for now on. Not to just move in with me, but I want you for a wife if you’ll have me. I want to take care of you." Her arms closed about his sides, and she felt herself crying as she sat up and embraced him solidly to her. "Of course." ****** Neither of them had many friends and so wedding plans were done in short order. Jennifer’s immediate families were all dead, as was Alexander’s. He managed to choose a best man and she a maid of honor, and aside from that, perhaps a few dozen more people, mostly from Alex’s side, were invited. Weeks passed as they continued in their affairs, making love every night, and greeting each other in the morning the same way. Her wedding dress was nothing more than a milky white bathing suit, a thick garter belt and a veil, with a big frilly bow at her backside. They had decided to use a beach setting, with games and a band later, with a few choice friends. She knew that it was copying Justin’s wedding, but when she told him, he just laughed and said that he’d love to do the whole thing again. Alex had been spending most of his days at the hospital, and when she wasn’t working, she was finishing preparations for the wedding day. She was so excited. Then one day as the date approached, she was picking up her dress after trying it on. After paying for the dress – this time paying for it herself for it was a thing she insisted upon – she exited the store. Ducking underneath the door jam as usual and then the awning, she was then met by the acrid smell of cigar smoke. "Miss Angelou... soon to be Mrs. Roanoke I presume." Someone said, and she looked down at the speaker. "I... know you don’t I?" she commented, and then thought for a moment, and then remembered the face she saw through the door after she had transformed into the Titaness that she was. "Y-you’re that police detective." "FBI actually, Miss Angelou. I’ve come because I have more information for you as to how you’ve gained your present condition." He handed her a card. "There is an organization in the US Department of Defense that had initiated a project, code-named: Gilgamesh. It wasn’t sanctioned by any other branch of our Government, Miss Angelou." She looked at the card, and saw a branch icon embossed on its surface baring the name of the US Department of Defense. Flipping the card over, there was a phone number. "You had been chosen as the perfect guinea pig. Your... former weight allowed you to have an immense amount of energy available for the virus that you had unwittingly taken internally. Though it was designed to be taken in small doses, they had not wagered on the fact that you might try to overdose on it. "Also inadvertently, you have proven their drug to be a total success." He took a puff of his cigar "W-why are you telling me this?" "Because despite..." he looked her up and down and let a wisp of a smile through his demeanor. "Despite your new size and baring, Miss Angelou, you, and Doctor Roanoke are in grave danger." "B-but why is Alex in danger? I’m the freak." "Because not only is he someone close to you, but our man planted in his hospital he owns has verified that he has the knowledge to duplicate the process. He has duplicated the process, with a little bunny if I remember," he blew a snort through his nose as if he found that funny. "And now he intends to duplicate the process with an actual human being." He again puffed on his cigar. "With someone who is very close to you." "But there isn’t anyone close to me except..." she hugged her box to herself and felt her eyes grow as wide as saucers as she realized what he was saying. "Alex." She looked down, stared at the agent, and then whispered a thanks before she ran off. Within seconds, she had taken up the speed that would’ve been able to outrun a small car, her legs rubbing against each other with each long-legged stride. ****** Alexander Roanoke stared down at his arm as he inserted yet another IV. He was dressed only in a Speedo now, and the room he was in was fully equipped with every little medical thing he could muster. Other than the multiple IV’s in his body, he also had a plethora of suction cup sensors placed at key places on his body. "Are you sure about this doctor?" said one nurse as she brought in the final plate of food. "You know the laws against unlawful medical testing." "Which is unlawful only on an involuntarily subject without the express consent of the medical review board. We’ll just chock this one up to masochism." He paused, flexing his arm against the twelfth pin stuck in either appendage. "My future wife was inexplicably placed through this process without her consent, and we’ve already proven that this is a successful operation." "But those successes have always been on an unnaturally obese subject, doctor." one of the doctors checking the equipment nearby said. "You have proven that you keep yourself at less than five percent." "Which is why we have these." He said, patting the devices to which an IV had been attached to either arm, either leg, one to his chest and another to his back. They were filled with human fat. The table he sat before was heaped tall with fatty foods, while other IV’s fed him adrenaline, raw caffeine, and several other high energy fluids. "Is everything ready?" Roanoke asked at last, and he got a nod from the attending nurse before she handed him the hypo spray. Holding the hypo to the inside of his bicep, where one of the primary arteries were he pulled the trigger, and injected five hundred milliliters into his arm. ****** Jen was running as fast as she could, her legs pounding to slam her feet against the payment as quickly as a jackhammer. Running for as long as she did, hurtling over objects, dashing by people, the seams on the outside of her jeans were beginning to tear at the thighs. When she finally came to a halt, her shoes were steaming, the soles had been worn down, and now there were two wide openings in her pants at the sides. The crotch of her pants and panties were both pressed quite tightly between her legs and the backs were beginning to draw upward between her butt cheeks. Looming before her was the hospital, and she breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the top two buttons on her new white blouse pop off, revealing more of her flesh. Her sweat-covered body made all of her clothing stick, turning much of her blouse see-through. It was getting dark. She was about to dash off again, when someone called out to her. "Miss Angelou?" She whirled around, and watched as a trench coated figure stepped into the light from out of the darkness of a nearby alleyway. "Miss Jennifer Angelou?" he repeated again. She couldn’t see much of his face. She was getting just about fed up with all these trench coats around. "Who are you?" she asked, a little annoyed at the interruption. "I would like you to come with me, Miss Angelou. We have an opportunity for you." She stared at the little man and then planted her hands on her hips. "And what if I refuse?" "I’m afraid that you have no choice, Miss Angelou." He said, and two looming figures, even to her, stepped out of the shadows. A pair of immense machines, both shaped like men, stepped into view and straightened up, either of them leveling a heavy weapon on her like the kind that would’ve been mounted on a tank or something. "Please do not overreact, Miss Angelou," the original speaker said, and then transformed, shredding out of his trench coat into a heavily armed robot. "We have questions and tests we wish to administer unto you. If you resist, you will be shot." ****** Alexander sat on his bench, looking at his arms and hands as veins and capillaries all around his body thickened while his heart pounded heavily in his chest. He had already ordered all the female nurses away when he began to feel his sexual desire rise, and he could already feel every muscle in his body tense as if atrophy were kicking in. Damn! I need a screw, he thought, wishing Jennifer were there. "Jonathan, increase the pumps to maximum." He said suddenly, and then he reached forward for a big slab of chicken with heavy gravy, and then felt a rush as raw fat and things that should’ve caused a heart attack pumped rapidly into his veins. "The monitors are still reading that you are barely maintaining a two percent body fat level doctor. Do you suppose that we should try recycling your blood yet to clear the virus?" "No." he said with a mouthful of food. "When I am in danger of loosing to one percent, sedate me, but do not turn off the pumps unless a danger of a heart attack becomes apparent." He swallowed. "Note for future: the process is more safely done under more controlled circumstances. Suggest carcerands that will release the virus in controlled amounts, or a series of hourly treatments. "Note on situation: I have no doubt that a standard human of correct weight would not survive this." He took another bite, abandoned his fork and then just picked up the gooey chicken with his hands, chewed quickly and swallowed. "Without these precautions and without controlled hospital situations, the virus will most likely consume the host it is trying to change." And the process continued. ****** Jennifer stared her assailants down, feeling her hands ball into fists. She then considered for a moment, considered again while staring down those heavy guns. Then, with a speed she didn’t think she could possess even in her enhanced form, she surged forward and punched the nearest of the two heavy armors. She watched as if in slow motion as the armor caved in at the impact, leaving a definite impression of her fist, before inertia finally kicked in again and the armor and it was launched backward into the alley. The original speaker got a quick trip onto his face before she whirled, snatched the gun from the third, and then snapped his gun over her knee. That done, she then ran as fast as she could away from them before they could recover. ****** Alex stood erect... in more ways than one, holding up what remained of his Speedo. Behind darkened glass, he saw more than one flash from a camera. "I don’t mind my picture being taken like this ladies, but if it winds up on the Internet, you are all fired." He said and dropped the thing before planting his hands on his hips. There were a few more flashes. "What is my present condition now?" he asked, turning to all the others nearby. "Body fat remains at three percent, Hercules, I mean doctor." There was some light chuckling around the room. Alex flexed an arm, seeing how his once long and solid bicep had already split down the middle, and when he flexed it, filled the size of a softball. The peck controlling that arm also thickened, becoming chorded while the shoulder holding the arm creased deeply. "Then two orders of business then." He said and moved forward to plant his hands on the table where all the food had already been consumed and was nothing but a trash heap. "Send someone out for a bucket of greasy chicken, and twelve pizzas loaded with the works just in case the hunger comes back. Till then, I want one of you to get me a sheet or something. "Mr. Happy is starting to get cold." "I’ll warm it up for you doctor," came a feminine voice over the loudspeaker, done in a sensual way that was ended with a sigh. Everyone laughed hard and even brought a chuckle out of him. "No, that would make Jennifer mad at you and me both. But sheet... now!" ****** Jennifer collapsed to the ground, gritting her teeth and balling her fists tightly while she braced herself there. Her pants were now shredded to the point where only tatters were hanging off her, her shirt was torn across her back and front to the point where one of her immense breasts were handing out of the soft fabric. And this was her new favorite shirt too. It was amazing the store actually had one that fit! At least her shoes were still in one piece. She turned her face to the sound of one of them landing nearby from one of those tremendous thruster-assisted leaps they could do, blood trickling from out of the corner of her mouth. Her body had been taking a pounding, and already she had been cut up, electrocuted, shot at and simply bludgeoned from these huge machines. The one that had originally spoken to her was now torn out of his armor and hanging against a tree. The little bugger was fast in that thing, she’ll give him that. The remaining two armors however were as heavy and as heavily armored as tanks, and had more weapons on them than a flight of apache helicopters. Hopping to her feet however, she grabbed the torso harness of the one that had just landed near to her and snapped her hand up into its torso. Then bending it forward while holding onto its head, she jacked her knee up into it as well before bringing a two fisted chop to its back to send it to the ground. There, it took very short work to pull the ammo pack off its back before the armor sent an electrical charge through its shell. She merely gritted her teeth as her clothing continued to burn around her until she grabbed hold of the power pack and ripped it off. Then holding it like a shot-put, she hurtled the thing as hard as she could, and watched as it quickly disappeared from sight before exploding far, far up in the atmosphere. Then slowly rising to her feet, with all of her clothing now hanging in tatters, her muscles straining beneath her shredded garb, she turned to face the final of the three. ****** Deep beneath the great hospital owned and operated by Alexander Roanoke and his staff, Alexander was nearing the extent of his transformation, experiencing the longest darned orgasm of his life. Unfortunately, one of the young nurses entered into the room near the end of it and got received the end result of the thing. It ended up in her hair, her face, her chest and waist, all down her thighs, and even gummed up the wall behind her. ****** Jennifer stood majestically within the fading light. Her massive shoulders squared, the pair set level with her hips while she stood unyielding several yards away from the massive war machine that was assaulting her. She was surprised that no cops had been alerted to this fight, but they had long fought their way into a bad part of town, where the hospital she sought could only be seen in the distance. Her temperament had nearly given way, she was already pissed beyond belief, and on top of that, she thought that she was getting her PMS. The remaining war machine as she had dubbed them, dropped its heavy cannon, which had already bruised her skin with the impact of its shells and cut her in dozens of places. The machine then took up some kind of martial arts stance. The armor was battered and bruised, and even now, Jen held a piece of its impeccable body armor, a shoulder guard she thought it was, tightly in one hand. Her fingers tightened on it, and she squeezed an indention of her fingers and fingernails into the hardened steel. Jennifer herself stood like some amazon warrior. Her shoes and socks were somehow pristine, despite that she wore her tattered jeans like some sort of loin cloth, and her shirt was tattered and stringy about her form to reveal the entire expanse of her immense bosom. What was odd, though, was that she stood with her nipples fully erect, and she could feel a deep pounding throbbing within her pussy against the insides of her pink panties. This whole battle, the constant workout of her body, the fact that she was as strong as a military grade machine, made her feel immensely excited... or aroused. To her it was the same thing now. Looking at the great machine as it shifted its stance, she wiped some blood from her mouth as she could actually feel the three ribs in her left side knit together again, growing more powerful and stronger as they did. Her eyes looked over the thick realm of her forearm at the armor wearily. With her, the phrase: "That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger," was impeccably true. Fighting would be the quickest and surest way in which she would grow stronger, and faster. She just hoped that she would grow strong enough before the pilot of that strange machine found a way to kill her. Raising the plate of steel in her hands, she crumpled the thing into a tight ball, smoothing its edges like one would sculpt a wad of snow into a snowball. Then tossing the thing up an down by sheer strength of her wrist, she genially took mental note of where she wanted to throw it. And then winding up like a major league pitcher, she chucked the thing as hard as she could. A sound like a bullet being released from a gun split the air, and where the ball of steel broke the sound barrier, a blossom of air scattered outward in a shock wave. Then as if in the same instant the solid lump of steel hit the armor, square in the chest; creating a dull ‘whump’ whereby one whole side of the chest caved inward. The ball adhered to the surface with the force of the blow, and the armor was knocked backward a step or two. But in the time that it took for the great war-machine to recover, Jen was there, grappling with the thing. Like a medieval battle between a titan and a war golem, Jennifer grappled with the massive piece of machinery and its pilot, her hands slipping between the fingers of its gauntlets, while she tried to trip it up. Her breasts flattened against the stiff metal of its chest, while her crotch rode upon the thick knob between the thing’s legs, which braced the actuators for its movement. But grappling with the machine proved to be a mistake. She knew that she was able to bench several hundred thousand pounds, but whatever this thing was it was apparently stronger than she. It slowly forced her to bend over backward, and she could feel her muscles creak and strain, felt her bones cracking at the joints, felt her chest heaving to get air into it. Jen closed her eyes and redoubled her efforts, gritting her teeth tightly while clenching her fingers. She couldn’t crush this type of armor with her bare hands, for whatever was giving the thing structure was apparently a much, much stronger alloy that what was armoring it. It surged forward, steam jets being released from blowholes against its back, and it stepped forward, overpowering her as it took a step forward between her legs. The only thing that was keeping her from falling over backwards was that the machine’s leg pressed between her thighs was holding her up. She redoubled her efforts again, but the strain was beginning to become too much for her. But then her cunt rubbed up against that solid plate between the legs of the machine and she felt the folds of her crotch clench before thickening. It rubbed against the ridges along the intake vent for joint’s coolant, and she felt her panties suddenly grow moist, and with a groan, she felt an electric spasm shoot through her bodice. Against the cold plates of the war machine, her nipples drew erect, and with the power of her blood pumping through her veins, she felt that whole body throb that she associated with her change take her. And then she began to transform. Before, only her sides were feathered with her overlapping bones and muscles, but now she felt her ribs slowly push upward and outward while her breasts began to swell, layering her rib cage all about her front. She could feel the last strips of cloth that was her blouse began to pop from her bodice one at a time. Adversely, she also felt her breasts begin to crease along their inner most edge as they were forced to bunch against her chest. Each individual rib was easily visible, drawing her flesh taut, while her sides feathered into a plethora of cords and packs of muscle. She felt several more of the bindings crisscrossing her chest snap as her shoulders grew even more massive, with half a dozen long striations bulging outward as she strained against the machine. Her biceps bulged, and then exploded into immense rounded orbs as big as her tits, while her forearms flared outward. She felt her spinal column push outward as her upper back piled on top of itself, mounding outward until her neck went straight to her shoulders. Jennifer opened her eyes as she began to push back, raising the metal monster once again, and working her newly gained strength to push it back. The last of her shirt ripped straight off her bodice as her lower back thickened, and her hips spread, thickening the rounded planes of her rear which quickly bunched into three thick mounds apiece. Between her legs, her cunt moistened, and then drew wet as the front of it slowly crept down the front of her bodice, and the seat slowly slipped deeper and deeper into the crack of her rear. Her massive thighs began to grow even more massive then, becoming as thick as a man as her inner thighs became nothing but hundreds of tendons connecting directly to the mound of her crotch. She was up level with the thing as she felt the snap at what remained of her pants broke open, a moment before the teeth of her zipper broke open in a ragged series of crunching snaps. Those pants made shorts then continued to spread and then shred apart, and her panties began to intrude into her cunt. She was now so close to the pilot’s visor where she could see his eyes behind the visor. As the last of her muscles grew to compensate the stresses she was feeling, she began to push the machine backward now, forcing it to reposition its stance. Then as she bent forward, the cheeks of her behind spread and turned outward, while her crotch swelled larger than it had ever done so before, with her clitoris swelling to practically fill the gap. At last, her pants shredded from her lower bodice, and a few seconds later, her panties too stretched beyond their capacity to hold tight to her. A spider’s web of veins and arteries burst out all around her bodice, feeding her muscles, feeding her flesh and throbbing nipples, empowering her with wonderful adrenaline and a plethora of natural chemicals. The culmination of natural highs merged with her own sensuality, and a burst of sticky fluids erupted from between her legs to soak the front of her panties. That was a moment before the last threads on them broke, and the front of those soft, silk panties tore open straight down the middle, one side drawing the cute little bow with it. They continued to tear downward, revealing the firm flesh of her full and swollen crotch and its pink nib that throbbed with each beat of her powerful heart hardened into something as strong as wood. The straps then snapped one after the other as they were drawn apart over her immense thighs. Then, like the bonnafide titaness that she was, she stood like a goddess over her fallen assailant, hands on hip, and impressive figure that all the goddess of Greece together wouldn’t have been able to match. The armor tried to crawl backward away from her before she pounced on it. It tried to push her away but she just pulled the arms away, revealing a man’s arms beneath as she ripped it off. Then her hands lowered, and she pried away plate after plate, layer after layer, until she revealed the soft center. A pilot that tried vainly to ward her away with a hand gun. She knocked it away, wrenched him out of the harness he was in, breaking wires and hoses as she hauled him free of the armor. Then carrying him a short distance away, she stripped him of his body armor and pads to remove any hidden weaponry, pried off his helmet with one finger, and then pushed him to the ground. Finally, she sat on his chest, spreading her legs wide so that her quivering pussy was right underneath his chin. The first thing that happened as she held him there, squirming beneath her, was that she climaxed right into his face. "Who sent you?" she commanded, grabbing his hair and then hauling his head upward before closing her legs about his face. "Who do you work for? Why are you doing this to me?" Her legs closed about his neck and head, forcing his face upward and acting like a sturdy hand about his throat. The soldier tried to pry her legs apart, tried to pound on her legs, which were now as hard as steel, but Jennifer tensed those thick thighs and he closed his eyes and started choking. "Your head is literally caught between a vice," She said, hunching over herself so she could look at him from over her rounded and erect breasts. "I only barely need to squeeze, and your head will be crushed like a grape. Start... talking." His warm breath blew against her crotch, evaporating the moisture that slicked up her inner thighs and swollen vaginal mound, and a chill was send up her spine that immediately rose up her spine and spread across her body. Inadvertently, her sexual energies merged with the remaining bits of her the testosterone, estrogen, adrenaline and the dozens of other natural chemicals in her body, and she transformed again. The barest of shivers rippled through her body, and her skin darkened to a light tan, her hair grew to the small of her back, and every square inch of her body tensed briefly and then released. She felt minutely stronger, and inside of her, she felt a new power, something more than strength. Like a reservoir of physical might. The soldier had witnessed all of this, and had swallowed hard without speaking. Getting fed up with all this silence, Jennifer squeezed her legs lightly until the sound of the plates in his skull cracking along with his jaw came to her hearing before she released him again. "Now you will undoubtedly receive a concussion from that," How did I know that? She wondered. "If you black out before you tell me everything, the next thing you will see is your maker, because I will mess you up so much that they won’t even be able to identify you by your DNA!" The soldier started talking all at once then. He didn’t stop talking, nor did he pause, or even seem to break his words one from the other as he rattled off information, gasping between sentences to regain his breath. He told her about Operation Gilgamesh: the ultimate warrior, how they were trying to capture her so that they could relearn the process. The doctor who had pioneered it had transformed himself and burned the files before dying of a heart attack midway through transformation. Her jaw continued to set as she listened, and when he was finished, he gasped in an out like a madman to refill his lungs. For a time, Jen remained quiet, and then grabbing a fist full of his hair, she stood up, and held him out at arm’s length by the hair. "You will no doubt be taken by whoever is employing you in this when you wake up, and whatever punishment they administer for failure I will leave to them to decide upon you. Whatever that is, I believe it is just. "But know that you have failed, and I am now the most powerful human being on the face of the planet. I have the information to destroy you all now, and my lover has the proof. So good night, whoever you are... I don’t envy the headache you’ll have in the morning." She waited until he fainted before she just dropped him to the ground like a little girl discarding a rag doll. She then turned back toward the hospital where Alex was undoubtedly in danger now, and taking a running start, she leapt off the ridge she had been fighting on toward the hospital. The place was nearly a mile away by now, but miraculously, she landed with a heavy thud atop the roof, dashed for the stairwell door, yanked it off its hinges, and then ran down the stairs into the hospital. ****** Hospital patients were quite surprised to see a metal man twice as tall as any other man tear open the hospital entrance and approach the main desk. A mammoth of a machine, bristling with weaponry greater than a tank division along with a flight of marine helicopters and one Russian Hind Helicopter, stepped up to the guard/reception desk. "I’m here to see Doctor Alexander James Roanoke." Came a synthetic voice from a point at the top of the chest and the base of the helmet as it gently rested its metal-shod gauntleted fingers atop the counter. "D-do you have an appointment?" the attending nurse asked. "No." it answered promptly. "Is he expecting you?" the guard asked alternatively. "No." it answered again. "I was hoping to see him now. It is of course... of utmost importance... you understand." "I-I’m sorry, but the Doctor is presently... pre-preoccupied." The machine redirected its attention to the guard, and for the longest time, simply stared at him. "You are either very brave, or very loyal. I admire both, but I’m afraid I must see him now." The war machine then strode over to the elevator door, practically ripped both heavy doors off by bending them open, before jumping down the elevator shaft. At the same time, doctors, interns, and patients were all very surprised to see a naked, ten-foot tall, impossibly muscled amazon, practically crawling through the low-ceilinged hallways, blow by them at a rush several flights up. Most caught a glimpse of immense breasts, crowned with a pair of teats so full, so rounded and hard, that they would’ve made any man fall on his knees and beg for a suckle. But most only got a good look at her rear as she raced by them, which instantly made every male to see it immediately desire her. Jennifer raced down the entire length of the hall to the main stairwell, pushed quickly though the doors, and then ran crouching down the stairs all the way to the ground floor. There, she encountered a large security door that she easily punched through and ripped right off its hinges. Tossing the heavy door aside, she then continued on downward into the special labs below. ****** The war machine pried open the sliding doors to the elevator shaft it had landed at the base of. It then stepped outward into the white hallway that split off in either direction to the CDC labs off to the right, and then the Special Purpose labs to the left. The pilot within the massive thing paused – a true veteran of several Special Forces squads and black ops – and a vast sensor suite swept the vicinity before it followed the hall down the left. He was sure that that was where they were undoubtedly conducting the experiments. Ultrasonic waves gave the pilot a good display of where it needed to go, but with the thick walls and supports in the building, along with the catacomb like labyrinth it’s area of view was greatly reduced. Besides, the directions on the wall plate said that it was that way. But then as it stepped forward again, there was the sound of sheering metal, and turning, its pilot watched as a very, very large and naked woman burst through the doorway to the stairwell, still holding the door. The two halted and stared at each other for a moment, before the war machine turned to face her. "Mrs. Roanoke I presume." It said in a synthetically enhanced voice. "Not yet." Jennifer admitted, shifting her door to one hand. "Miss Angelou then." It corrected itself. "I must admit that my records for you aren’t completely accurate. You yourself seem to have gone through some changes since our last scans of you two days ago. You’ve definitely grown, and your physical composition is immensely much more dense." "So is your head." Jennifer quipped, gripping the door tighter within her hands until the sound of steel being forcefully bent sounded, her fingerprints imbedding within the solid steel door. "Why don’t you just leave us alone. I am indeed very glad that you have brought me away from obesity and made me a goddess like I am now. But really, if you continue to bother me or those I care for, I will have to take care of you, much like I did your three buddies." "Honestly, Miss Angelou, do you think defeating a Mark III and two Mark IV’s make you any where near as capable to take on a Mark X?" The war machine turned fully to face the immense amazon. "Do you think that your albeit impressive physical form, two immense tits and a pussy have a chance against armor stronger than that of a battle ship? Or against firepower greater than a whole division of tanks along with a flight of apache helicopters and A-10 tank killers both? Or against speed greater than a cheetah? Greater than a sparrow? "Miss Angelou," the metal creature stepped forward with the sound of metal against metal. "I am many times greater than the three you just fought combined. And I will tell you that I am either to secure both your and Roanoke’s aid, or I am to eliminate you both. "May we depend upon your cooperation?" Jen thought about it. She thought about it some more. And then lifting her door, she surged forward with more speed than she thought any living thing could’ve been capable of and attacked the machine with the heavy piece of metal. "Over my... dead... body!" she screamed, and then brought the door back around. The sound of a dozen such doors falling against the ground slammed through the halls as it struck against the armored side of the war machine. But when she looked again, she saw that she hadn’t even budged the thing, nor did it move. The door was merely bent around the sizeable arm. I didn’t even scratch it! "That, of course... can be arranged for you, Miss Angelou. Pity." The pilot of the machine said, and a split-second later, a gauntleted hand snapped outward and struck her square in the sternum with the palm of its hand. The motion was so quick that it lifted, extended, and retracted in a blur before she even knew that he had moved. She was suspended in midair for a brief moment, her hand releasing the door which slid to the ground, just before inertia was fully transferred to her and she was sent flying back. Jen’s body struck the wall several meters behind her so hard that her body made a definite impression and stuck, the wall conforming about her. Inertia continued to transfer into her, focusing within her sternum as she clenched her teeth while her eyes widened. And then the motion was finished, and she suddenly coughed up a mass of blood that splattered against her breasts before her head fell forward. "Your sternomastoid plate is undoubtedly fractured, Miss Angelou." The machine voiced, stepping forward to stand before her. It then moved forward a little and she felt her breasts press against the cold pectoral plates of its chest region, and she gritted her teeth again as she heard her sternum plate creak and groan in her chest. Then taut servos and gyros actuated, moving steel cables in the neck of that machine as it leaned its head forward over her immense rack. When she opened her eyes, it was to look into the solid red visor of the helmet hiding the pilot’s face. "Normally I do not attack innocents, Miss Angelou, but unfortunately, you are apart of my mission profile. If you don’t agree to help us, then I must eliminate you." The machine withdrew, took a couple of steps away and then folded its massive arms before itself. She could already feel a clenching in her chest of her clavicle bones and pectoral ridge plates realigning and healing themselves, but it would take time. She’d have to stall him if she were to protect Alex. "Who are you working for? Why are you doing this to us? Are you that loyal to them? Are they paying you that much?" "No one of your concern, Yes, and yes." The machine answered. "I am a soldier of fortune, Miss Angelou, and a very well paid soldier of fortune. I owe my benefactors much." "I used to be innocent once." She said, and with great pain and strain, she pulled her arm out of its indention in the wall to clutch at her ribcage beneath her breasts. "I used to be totally unaware of all of this until some sick, twisted, demented person dangled a golden chain in front of me, attached it to my neck and promptly yanked me into this mess." She lifted her hand to cover the place where the war machine had struck her, feeling a tender spot and a bruise beneath her immense breasts. "Who do you work for," she asked again. "Who would cause you to abandon your inner most qualities and resignations and go against your nature?" "The new-world order." The synthesized voice said as the machine turned around. It stepped forward again, coming close to her, before lifting a metal shod hand to her breast, the fingers sliding over her teat, and she was surprised at the warmth within that metal-shod hand. "My employers are a part of an organization that predates every nation on Earth," the hand cupped her breast as its thumb coaxed her nipple erect a little. Her revulsion at this act was the only thing that kept her from reveling within the feeling. "They’ve been slowly, over the ages, been joining everything and everyone into one unified whole. One rule." "A tyrannical rule?" she asked, and then bowed her back and pressed herself backward, trying to get her breast out from underneath the machine’s grasp, but then the other hand rose and began massaging her other breast. Jen thought for a moment, and then let herself enjoy the touches. Alex had shown her she grew stronger when incensed and given something to resist her. Already, she could feel her bones knitting into solid plates beneath her breasts as her flesh drew taut, forming an internal armor of sorts about her chest. "What a wonderful thing cybernetics is, Jennifer." The voice continued. "To be encased within a machine, but still be able to feel the wonderful sensation of caressing a woman’s breast. Especially one possessed by a woman such as yourself. "You would be an unbelievable screw, once properly restrained of course." The machine’s hands left her breasts then, and she felt one slide down her front, before the thick end of one mechanical finger pushed inward between her legs to the first knuckle briefly before pulling it out again. "Maybe later. I’ll ask you one last time, Jennifer. Please join us." Jennifer stared at him, hoping that what she was about to do would be enough. "Never." She said simply. "I am of course, sorry about this." One of the machine’s hands lifted then and it extended its index and middle fingers together. Then drawing back that hand close to its side, it lifted its other hand to her breast, either to brace her backward or cop another feel she wasn’t sure. Maybe both, and where he placed his hand was a convenient enough place as any to do it. "Now die!" he said in a low voice, and tensing the grip it had on her breast, it lanced its arm forward, its two fingers jabbing straight for her sternum and thence her heart. ****** "No change for fifteen minutes, now doctor Roanoke." Said one of the nurses, now able to renter the room now that her virtue was no longer in danger. Roanoke stood, wrapping the large sheet around his waist like one would do a kilt. His aides and nurses kept staring at him as he moved, working his great hands deftly to tie off the kilt, and then doing another quick fold, girded up his loins like an Arab would’ve done. "Doctor?" "Yes?" Roanoke said, turning to look over his shoulder down at one of his aides. His voice was normal despite that everyone would’ve expected a booming resonance like the voice of God. "There’s been a disturbance reported, sir." The aide said as he stepped forward. "The guard upstairs reports that a giant machine-like man breached security and entered into the restricted labs, while your fiancée was spotted running naked through the upper levels and down the central stairwell. A silent alarm has been triggered both at the upper and lower security doors. "Security reports that the upper door has been ripped clear off its hinges." Roanoke turned around, tapping one immensely swollen thigh. "Evacuate the building of any non-essential personnel and any non critical patients. Just in case however, notify the heli-evacs and our sister hospitals in case we need to get them out of here." Alex then lifted a hand and started pulling out all the IV’s around his body. "Where are you going, sir?" "To save my future wife." ****** There was the sound of a heavy mallet splitting an anvil, and the pilot of the war machine blinked as he found his robotic hand caught within both the hands of Jennifer Angelou. The power of the arm of the war machine actually extended as far as it was supposed to, but Jennifer had stopped its forward motion. And so, according to Newtonian law, the rest of the machine moved backward as the arm extended. Jennifer was snarling at him as she pushed the arm away, lifted a leg, and pushed the machine roughly away. Then, just as the pilot regained the machine’s balance, Jennifer wrenched out her other leg and the rest of her body before falling to the ground. The war machine then watched as Jennifer rose sturdily to her feet, and after a quick resonance scan, found that her pectoral ridge plate had healed itself. "I..." she began, as she tensed every muscle in her body, from the ridge of her brow, to her abdominals to her calves. "...Will Not..." she continued to flex, and the machine watched as whole sections of her musculature swelled and creased over and over again, so that it was nothing but a layer of chords underneath her flesh. "...Ever again..." whole sections of her flesh then began to segment and her body swelled even more so while her flesh hardened into armor all around her form. "...Let you hurt the people I love!" Then she surged forward, starting with a gut shot that actually bent the machine double, before she rose in a spinning upper cut that knocked the machine onto its back. The pilot, well protected from such blows, simply snapped its legs up, and kip-uped itself back to a stand before it surged forward. Jen felt a metal-shod knee strike her in the stomach with the force of a surging rhinoceros, before the leg extended to then kicking her in the crotch. She then received a slap across the face before the assaulting arm came back to crack her other cheek with its wrist. Jen in turn twisted and reached forward, grasping its head before hauling the machine up over her shoulders and throwing it straight into the same section of wall that she had just escaped from. The machine just simply remained there for a second before firing a pair of boosters against its back, and Jen was picked up by the throat as it lanced across the room and slammed her through the opposing wall. She scrambled to her feet, knowing that she was fighting against a seasoned veteran. She knew that this machine was well beyond any known technology Earth had to offer, and despite her newly grown exoarmor, she was getting the piss knocked out of her. The war machine stepped through the hole it had just made with her body, widening the hole in order to get through. "You are a danger, Miss Angelou." It said circling around to her side as she struggled to get up. "Something very unexpected is that through adversity, you grow stronger, which makes the carrying out of my assignment even more valuable, and your life even more of a danger." It lifted both hands then, and a pair of panels opened up before a pair of chain guns lifted into view. "These are both loaded with high explosive depleted uranium-tipped rounds; the same type the A-10 uses to turn a tank into Swiss Cheese. Your armor is not enough to save you from them. Goodbye Miss Angelou." Jennifer rose her hands to ward off the attack, and she then heard the sound of something screaming and then nothing but the dull sound of rotating machinery. Blinking, she opened her eyes and looked over her hands at the machine just as the twin chain guns stopped turning. Jennifer then looked to her armored chest, to her stomach, checking for bullet holes or blood, or something, but she was okay. Looking to the ground, there weren’t even shell casings. It didn’t fire, she thought inwardly, and then getting to her feet at last, she skipped several paces backward. The war machine tilted its arms upward to look at the twin barrels before they retracted again, and then turning, Jennifer saw a sight that made her heart stop. Standing behind the machine, tall and proud, with a pair of ammo belts gripped in either hand, stood Doctor Alexander Roanoke. But he wasn’t the small, chiseled form of the Alex she had known for the past few weeks, but rather the immensely tall, built-like-Zeus Alex. He stood larger than Jen by a full head, with a rippling musculature that – though not as corded as Jen’s – was nonetheless more bulky. Definite creases had formed all around his major muscles masses, and detail lines along the smaller ones depicted an animal of strength greater than a whale. It could’ve been considered that every fiber in his former musculature had become a muscle in an of itself. "Excuse me sir, but I couldn’t help notice that you were picking on my future wife there." Alexander then balled up his fist and uppercut the war machine, the machine’s head wrenching upward with the blow before it fell on its back again. Alex then leapt on the machine, and again began punching at it with one heavy fist, and soon, a heavy dent appeared on one of its chest plates. But then the hand snapped upward to Alex’s midsection, and a loud blast sounded before Alex was knocked backward off the thing. Alex twisted nimbly and landed in a squat, clasping at his multi-ridged stomach with one hand as the machine agilely flipped itself upright again. "Doctor Roanoke... this is indeed a surprise. How long did it take you to reach that impressive size?" the machine said, taking a combat stance. Jennifer readied herself to attack it, but then noticed that tiny little mechanical arms were extending out of its back to reattach the ammo belts. "Four hours." Roanoke said, forcing himself to stand and take a likewise stance. That surprised Jen. Apparently, Alex had originally kept his chiseled physique through martial arts. "I’m surprised to see a machine such as that suit. It must be generations ahead of the rest of the world. So, how many companies and developers did you all steal technology from to make it." "I’m just a soldier doctor," it responded, and Jennifer noticed that the arms retracted, and a pair of fans began spin rapidly as a pair of lights on its back turned green. "I don’t know how many it takes. And, for that matter, methinks you shall never know." Jennifer leapt forward, turning with Alex as she provided her back to the machine just as the two chain guns erected themselves again before both began to promptly fire. She screamed as several hundred bullets riddled her back, bottom and the backs of her thighs, and she heard Alex cry out for her as she forced herself to remain upward, forced herself to shield his body. And then the relentlessly stinging assault died down and stopped and Jennifer Angelou sank to her knees; blood dripping from her mouth and nose. "I-I’m sorry, b-beloved." She smiled up at Alex’s pained face as she promptly fell to her knees, and then her eyes closed, and she slumped forward into his arms. A few seconds later, Alexander Roanoke screamed like no man had ever done so before. It was the sound of ultimate suffering. ****** The chain guns retracted themselves into the metal arms of the metal golem with its human pilot. "Pity." Came the synthesized voice before it felt its chest and the definite dent in it. "What a waste. I assume that you will have more sense than your former fiancée did, doctor. I will give you only one chance to join us, or suffer the same fate that she did." "You freaking bastard." "Now naughty, naughty, doctor. Someone of your intelligence shouldn’t use profanity. It’s unbecoming. Now what have you doctor? You are no match for me. She was no match for me, and she was much more advanced in her transformations than you were. "Women are inherently worthless, Roanoke. Too afraid to break a nail to actually get up and fight. Too weak to hold a gun, too empty headed to be a strategist, too emotional for the battlefield. She was immensely powerful, and still she stood no chance against me." There was a whining sound, and both looked down to the chest plates against the machine as the dent slowly pushed outward to regain perfection. "There, that’s better. Now. How do you think you would fare if you attacked me?" Alex rose to his feet, and stared the machine down from underneath a flock of his hair that had grown that much longer with his increased size. "I think, that I’ll be able to kick your ass." Roanoke grinned, and then wasting no more time, the chain guns erected again, but just before they fired, Alex leapt to the nearby wall, and then away again. In its attempt to track him, the war machine’s guns harmlessly scattered against the wall. It tried to compensate, but Alex was already up to it, and leaping upward, he grabbed the machine around its servoed neck, and hauled it to the floor over his shoulder to the floor. It tried to rise, again, but taking its faceplate in his hand, Alex lifted the thing again up over his titanic shoulder, slammed the machine back to the floor, and then flipped it back over again. The first thing Alex did as he leapt to its back was wrench the chain gun ammo feeds clear off from its back before throwing them away this time. He then wrenched the ammo drums off before he was bucked off the machine’s back. "I will destroy you!" the war machine said as it got to its feet and then bum-rushed Alexander. Alex however braced his feet into the floor, and caught the charging thing, his arms tightening around its head as he was pushed backward to the wall. The force of the charge pushed him into the wall hard enough to make a likewise impression similar to the one his fiancée had made, but once halted, Alex hauled the machine upward of the ground. The war machine received a feeling of momentary weightlessness before it was slapped face-first back into the ground, and this time with enough force to make another impression in the highly polished floors. This time, when he got onto its back, he took hold of the neck, bent the machine backward, and then began to hammer against the base of the back, again like a sledge hammer splitting steel. And again Alex was thrown off as the machine spasmed, and the thing turned quickly around to face him. "Die!" it screamed, raising its hands again, and a pair of large crystals in its palms glowed brightly. Alex threw himself to the floor just as a double-shot of the same energy that had struck him the first time – but this time many times more powerful – lanced over his head and slammed against the wall down the hallway. That whole section of wall caved in and warped into a large rounded indention. "You missed." Alex grinned, getting to a crouched position. The machine rapidly tried to get a new charge as it lowered to its feet, but Alex again surged forward, screaming like a madman. ****** Jennifer’s inert body was just that, inert. Her form had just been impacted with over a couple hundred individual shells that were usually reserved for anti-armor warfare. As she laid there, a new transformation began to undertake her, and a new erotic force began to center between her legs as she began to breathe again with a sudden gasp. Deep heavy breaths swelled her body greatly as her eyes slowly fluttered open, and lowering her hands to her sides, she pushed herself erect, finding that her tits only just lifted from the floor with those arms fully extended. She became fully awake and fully incensed all at once, with her pussy immediately throbbing heavily between her legs, swelling to its greatest extent within seconds while her clitoris pulsated heavily between the thick folds. Her nipples drew so erect that they touched the ground again. Between her thick, powerful thighs, Jennifer felt an intense pressure building up inside her just behind her vaginal wall along with that heavy throbbing. And then closing her eyes, she climaxed, and a burst of vaginal fluids scattered against her thighs and pelvis and then onto the floor, wetting her womanhood down with a thick sticky slick. Twice more did she climax, each one more powerful that the other, and each one disgorging a greater mass of seminal fluids. When she opened her eyes again to gasp for air, her back arched suddenly as deep as it could go, with her immense breasts sticking fully outward. Collapsing to her hands and knees, her hips rolled and her thighs spread until she felt her crotch dip onto the floor. Her own vaginal juices stuck to her bodice, creating long streamers of wet stickiness between her and the floor while her eyes closed tightly again and her teeth gritted against the pain of the immense pleasure she was feeling. Her clitoris, reddened and engorged as it peaked half an inch out of the crevice that was her vaginal folds, continued to throb inside of her. And then, as it had every time before, Jennifer felt the wonderful feeling of transformation take her and suddenly, that one single mound of flesh became a web of thick veins. Her eyes opened a miniscule spec to look around her, as if her subconscious mind were checking to see if it were safe to transform. And then they closed again and her hands lowered to her pelvis, sliding over the taut flat frame to cup her swollen vaginal mound just as a pocket of skin slowly crept up over it from between her legs. Her hands drew out of the pocket to continue to caress herself from the outside of the pocket as it drew taut to the peak of her hips like a bikini bottom, with its base just barely above her crotch. Again she climaxed, and the inside of that pocket filled with the juices her body made to lubricate her insides to make lovemaking more pleasurable. The soft tingly flow of spooge within that pocket incensed her even more, and her sexual energies rose to an unprecedented level as of yet unknown by even womankind. Her hips rocked into her hands as her stomach and spine suddenly lengthened. Her vertebrae thickened and pushed outward from her back while her stomach – from just beneath the thick ridge of her ribcage to the very ridge of her new pocket of thick flesh – doubled. It wasn’t that she just suddenly gained two stomachs, but that every ridge, every pack of muscle, split, until she literally did have a washboard stomach; set within a beautiful hourglass array. The mound of flesh between her legs thickened even more, bulging downward as her clitoris swelled, pressing emphatically against the velvety insides of the pocket of skin protecting her pubic mound. A little bit of her fluids filling the pocket pressed outward in a creamy foam; drooling down her front to spill onto the floor again. Jennifer then felt a spasm slide down her back, and she bent forward suddenly, her spine jutting outward before a plethora of spines ejected out into the air. Each spine glistened with the slick of her body fluids before they all folded downward one over the other, the fluids slipping down her back and between her cheeks to moisten the space between them. She gave a low moan then as her thighs began to lengthen and bulge, the vibration from the tendons and fibers in her musculature tantalized her like that metal resonator Roanoke had got her to use several days ago. Her inner thighs didn’t increase in size, the taut tendons tightening rather than thickening, while all her other leg muscles just built around that pack of tendons. Her forelegs and even her feet also lengthened, so that all were the same length, her calf thickening and splitting in two, while her toes spread wide. She sat up, still fingering the mound of flesh between her legs as it continued to swell outward, pressing against her inner thighs before her shoulders rolled, and her forearms lengthened to almost double their original length. Then as her biceps swelled, again gaining the size of her breasts, her forearms flared outward, becoming taut and chorded, before it too hardened into definite plates. Her shoulders rolled again, and slapping her hands back into her crotch again, she moaned with pleasure as her shoulders flared wide, swallowing the peak of her biceps as those also flared wide. Her hips also flared outward then as her spine became even more curved, her shoulder width widening suddenly when her chest quickly barreled outward, and then split apart down the middle into two separate planes. Then too, her chest flared, spreading at the ribcage as her bones began to lace together all about her body, and lifting one immense breasts higher against her chest. The hourglass of her stomach became even more pronounced. And then the cheeks of her bottom swelled and spread outward, revealing for a moment, the base of her crack, before her spine then lanced outward from her tailbone. It wagged behind her for a moment like a whip vine before it too grew immense and strong, tripling its thickness, and then doubling again. Then her neck finally pushed outward, saving her head from being swallowed by her back and her chest, her mane of hair flaying outward all about her face, while her ears became pointed and poked through that luxurious hair. Her neck muscles then thickened, joining her head straight to her immense shoulders and back, while another pair of muscles against her neck thickened to join her head directly to the peak of her chest. Then her mouth and nose pushed out into a short muzzle, with her cannies elongating slightly to become even more pronounced. Then at last, her back piled high and thick spreading her shoulder plates apart as they too thickened, peaking her long and narrow waist with an unbelievably large mass of pure, physical might. She was, at that moment the possessor of muscle mass that even a titan of ancient times couldn’t have matched. And then another transformation began, and she gave a low cry as she climaxed yet again into her flap of skin, and more of the foaming fluids spilled out over the top of the flap’s ridge. Her flesh, every square inch of it suddenly thickened, then hardened, and then crystallized as she remained there poised on her hands and toes, and for the barest of fractions in time, she ceased her movements and became a statue. And then a web of veins could be seen through that hardened skin as certain portions of it darkened, and with one tremendous spasm, she broke the shell, and every last inch of it fragmented. At her back, several of the newly formed hardening plates suddenly lifted and realigned, and two pairs of thick shafts – two to either side of her back – suddenly telescoped outward. The four long shafts then fanned wide, spreading a crystal-like plane of some strange substance along with them. The four pairs of fans then spread apart from each other, raising against her back to create something akin to a dragonfly’s wings. A plethora of spots then lined her back from forehead to the outsides of her thighs, and all the way down to the base of her tail, decorating her form into a beautiful array of feminine delight. Along her arms, a series of spikes ejected outward, while her skull about her face suddenly did the same. She could feel her features realigning as thick pads within her cheeks hardened and swelled along with her brow line, before ejecting small horns backward, sweeping along her luxurious hair. This was done while the bony plates thickened to create a mask of sorts about her face, revealing only a Y-shaped opening for her eyes and muzzle. Then, at the center of her forehead, an elongated crystal pushed out of her flesh and hair. Inside of her, she could feel everything changing, especially her skeleton as it changed from bones to plates. At one point what had been her lowest three ribs, turned downward, creating an overlap plate over her stomach and sides. And then her hands lifted from her crotch to her breasts, and she felt them as they spread and swelled outward. Below that mighty pair, with one pair resting atop her ribs and the other pair at the peak of her abdomen, two more pairs of nipples appeared. And at long last, just over a dozen more crystals protruded outward all over her body. Two that actually went through her hands, one at the hollow of her throat another at her sternum and still another just above her crotch. Another came at the peak of her back, another pair on the hollow of her hips, two more on either of her thighs, and another pair at the base of her jaw behind either of her ears. And finally, Jennifer’s whole body shook with an orgasm, and opening her mouth, she screamed with her pleasure, calling forth a sound of everything joyful in the world. It was the cry of whale song, it was the cry of a hawk, it was the wind on a summer day, and of course it was the pleasure of a woman, who has received sexual bliss. Along with that however, was the piercing cry of some animal that was in heat. ****** Amidst their fight, Alex, now covered in scrapes and burns and cuts, and the war machine, now stripped on one arm of much of its armor, stopped to the sound reverberating through the halls. The two actually looked at one another, before their heads snapped back at a slightly lower moan that followed it. After that, there was just an impenetrable silence. The two again looked at one another, and then abandoning the sound for naught, they again went at each other, with Alexander again getting the ability to strip yet another plate off of the other arm. He received a rather painful gut shot in return. The two again faced one another, and were about to jump at one another again, until they heard the heavy footfalls of something very large, and something running very fast. The footfalls slowed to a walk as they neared where they were fighting, and then both jumped back at what turned around the corner to stand with legs far apart from one another. A pair of beautiful blue eyes that glowed like the gems scattered across her body, shone from within the exotic face buried within the heavy plates surrounding it. The female creature was tall, taller than all of them, peaking out so high that her head practically brushed the ceiling, which was a good twelve feet up. She stood with most of her weight on one thick and powerful leg, her fingers tapping the heavy plate against her thigh. Those long legs, both muscled with an almost impossible amount physical might, were double articulated, and she stood on her toes instead of flat on her feet. There was a loud tapping suddenly as she smiled, and a claw on one of those toes tapped the floor, and following that, was the click-click of the claws on her hands tapping her thigh plate. Four thick pylons hung from her back, each holding something that looked like a wing! Alex stared at her. "Jennifer?" he prompted. "Impossible. I killed you!" the machine screamed. The creature smiled ferally, showing them both her powerful fangs, and then working her mouth, she spit something out. A thirty millimeter, depleted uranium, armor-piercing shell with spent high-explosive charge clattered to the ground. "In a sense you did." She said, her voice soft and melodious, unlike anything anyone has ever heard before. "You practically killed me. And that which does not kill me makes me stronger, and thanks to you, I came so very, very close to dying. "Thanks to you, I am now more powerful that you could possibly imagine." She stepped forward then, advancing upon the war machine with a dastardly little smile creasing her fine features, her body holding a grace that was alien to mankind. She walked slowly toward him, her hips swinging from side to side, her arms swinging about them while her feet swung around and in front of each other with each step. The pilot in turn took a step and then another step backward, and then, reacted. "Die you bitch!" the mechanical voice screamed, and panels all over the mechanized body opened, releasing a mass of rockets and even a few missiles at the transformed Jennifer. A plethora of rockets continued to lance at her, exploding in rapid succession, creating a cloud of fire that took up the whole of corridor almost. Once those rockets had fired, and even reloaded three times over and then expended, the pilot then used all other conventional weapons in his arsenal, expending everything. A carpet of shell casings clattered to the floor around the machine. Once done, the pilot then expended his entire reserves in energy in firing a barrage of energy weapons at her. And then the barrage silenced, and the war machine stared at the cloud of debris as it slowly churned and began to settle. Inside his metal husk, the pilot started to laugh in a low chuckle, which slowly rose to a maddened laugh. Both are surely dead, he thought. But then the dust thinned, and a shadow could be seen inside, and soon after, the cloud cleared to reveal Jennifer Angelou, standing perfectly safe with her beloved Alex shielded behind her, and a rippling energy shield arrayed about them. "What?!?" the pilot screamed. "Th-that’s impossible." "Not when you’ve been forcefully evolved over a million years." She responded with a toothy grin, the shield dissipating around them. The war machine lifted both hands and activated its chain guns, which then promptly whirred to life, but then a flashing error on the pilots Heads-Up-Display displayed that he was out of ammo. He tried everything else, suddenly remembering that he had expended all of his reserves in his last fusillade. "You won’t take me you bitch!" he screamed, taking on a fighting stance. But then, almost as if she had teleported, she was there in front of him, her elbow suddenly creating a deep dent in his chest armor as she drove it in with her hand pressed against her palm. Like he had done with her before, the war machine hovered in mid air for a second until all kinetic energy was transferred to the mechanical body. Then all eighty tons of the massive war machine was launched backward into the wall, where its flight pack and generators were shattered. The much lighter, two-and-a-half-ton Jennifer idly saddled up to where the machine made its impression in the wall. Alex stood by and watched her, paying particular close attention to her armored backside and the tail extending from it. The pilot, fearing for his life, quickly forced himself from his prison, and immediately went hand to hand with Jennifer, but for every strike she blocked, she hit him two or three times more. Like Alex had been doing before, she tore off more pieces of the armor, going down in layers until she was finally shredding circuitry. The pilot was frantically rerouting his power, trying to stay active, but finally, the main power couplings were wrenched free of his armor, and the whole machine fell backward. Jennifer then leapt on it, crouching on its midsection as she continued to tear open its chest, trying to get at the pilot, rending the armor like tinfoil within her claws; bending open the super heavy structure like paperclips. And then there was a puncture, and a strange blue liquid spurted out into the air, and tearing open the last layer of structural braces, Jennifer paused, with fist raised to strike, and stared at the pilot. A battle scarred man, lacking his arms and legs lay naked within a tightly packed pod, his body connected at nearly every inch by wires and cables. He was bald, but his eyes and ears were unscathed, and he stared at her from within the mixture. "Well..." came the synthetic voice without the pilot even opening his mouth. "Go ahead... end my miserable existence. No mater which way you slice it, I’m dead now anyway." Jennifer raised her hand again to strike, and braced herself to crush his skull with her fist twice more, and then lowered her hand to her side again. "I don’t kill, whoever you are. But since I can do nothing to save you, I think I’ll just let you lay there as you expire. It will be painless, though, won’t it?" The pilot nodded, and Jennifer’s features melding into an expression of pity, she rose to her feet, a majestic beast if anyone ever saw one and turned away, holding herself. "I feel cold," she said, and promptly sank to her knees. And then Alex was there, and the two embraced. ****** Alexander marveled at his soon to be wife while she sat atop the upraised examining table in the special labs as if it were a small bench. He stood before her, barely coming up to the peak of her chest, her legs spread wide so that he could do so, while she leaned back with her hands along the back edge of the table. Her immense breasts, full and rounded, and heavily armored, creased the front of her chest like two immense mounds, were spread wide across her bodice’s entire expanse. He got a smile as he reached up and caressed her front. His fingers slid first over one pair, and then over another pair of her newly acquired nipples, all of which swelled thickly while the primary pair rose to their former glory. Underneath her primary pair of tits, a second much smaller pair swelled outward, pressing the armor along her sides apart. "Hmmm," she sighed, and her legs spread wider and she reached forward to caress his chest, feeling his newly gained mass. "Hmmm, that feels good." She whispered, and closed her eyes against the feelings she was feeling. "Jen, w-what happened to you? H-how..." Alex began, but Jen merely reached out and touched a clawed finger to his lips. She then moved forward, lodging her primary pair of breasts beneath his chin while she cupped his face with one hand, and continued to hold his lips shut now with her thumb. "I’ve been strengthened." She said, and bent forward to kiss him briefly. "The nature of the retrovirus evolves instead of strengthens." She said then, and then scooted forward against the table, and Alex felt the soft pad of her pouch press against his ridged stomach, while her abdominals pressed against his chest. "But enough of that. There’s a fire in my loins I need sated, beloved. And I’m sure, after just being transformed, so do you." Indeed he was. Even after that nice workout with the war machine, he was still sporting a bit of a wood, and in her presence he was beginning to feel that wood bulge. He was still much smaller than her, though the difference in size wasn’t as acute anymore. He now had the privilege of pressing his face against her breasts instead of underneath them. His eyes closing slightly, he lifted his hands to her secondary breasts and gave them a sweet caress, and out of the sides of his eyes, he saw her primary nipples swell and thicken even more. "You are more woman than all of the women combined, Jen." He said, feeling his member raise the hem to his makeshift wrap. He got the pleasing sight of watching her blush. "I bet no woman has ever heard that phrase before." She hugged him tightly for the comment, and when they withdrew, she lightly fingered his lips, and a sad look came across her face. "Why the look?" Alex asked, again planting his hands on her immense thighs, his thumbs sliding inward toward the pocket of flesh over her crotch. Those wonderfully thick thighs were again as thick as his own waist, which was saying a lot. "I was just thinking how much I’d miss this face if your experiment had gone awry." She whispered, and lightly touched his face again. "You are beautiful, Alex... why did you go through the process?" "For you... for us." He responded and reached forward and touched her crotch, feeling the thick bulge underneath the pocket of skin, which, beneath his touch, thickened immensely; a minute crease appearing within its base. "As we were, our genetics were so incompatible, that if you indeed did conceive, whatever child you would bare would not survive." Jen nibbled on her lower lip again and promptly closed her eyes tightly. "Alex," she whispered, and planted her hands on his broad shoulders. "The first time I was advanced, I advanced a thousand years, as you have. The second time another thousand, and so on, and when that machine nearly killed me, I was advanced over a million. I still won’t be able to... to..." Despite all that she was now, tears began to leak out from the corners of her eyes. Apparently, even after mankind advanced two or three million years from now, the emotional state of womankind was to remain constant. He embraced her, feeling her hold on to him tenderly while she shook within his arms. "And I’d been looking forward to it." She whispered. He stepped back again to catch her eye. "Do you think it’s still possible for you to advance again, beloved." She thought for a time. She then thought for a little longer, and then lifting a hand to her eyes, she wiped the tear away. "N-no... I don’t think so. Not unless I were to survive a nuclear attack." "Good!" he clapped his hands together. "Then it’s still possible. It may take me awhile, but I’ll get there. "G-get where?" she stammered, and looked down at her future husband. Alex grinned, and climbing up on the table, he gently pushed her backward before leaning against her and staring into her eyes. "To where you are now." He smiled as he flexed one immense bicep. Definitely not as large as the one supporting her arm, but it was a start. And then he leaned forward again, and he began to massage her bodice, coaxing her new nipples erect, while between his legs, his erection swelled so large that it unfolded his sheet. "For now... lets just practice for the conception." He grinned, his hands sliding down her bodice, massaging her four extra nipples. "Alex," she breathed before she quickly surged forward to embrace him, kissing his face as quickly as she could. And then it was she who leaned forward, and they traded positions, with her straddling the table as she laid him gently atop it. So large was she that even with his bulk laying atop the examining table, she straddled both it and him. And then while he laid there, he watched a most amazing transformation in his fiancée. It was like she were disrobing, as sections of plates flared outward and folded into each other, immediately revealing her primary breasts which were both covered by pockets while the rest of her plates slid away. More and more of her molted flesh was revealed as her armor collapsed into two tight little nodes at her back. And then her pockets of flesh opened up, and her two immense breasts slid out of them while her hands dipped down to her crotch, catching a thick sludge of creamy white that slid out from the pocket. She smeared her vaginal fluids over her front, digging it into her thighs as she slowly lowered herself onto the table before him. Taking his member and quickly lubricating it with her moistened hands, she then guided it between her legs, and despite its newly gained thickness and length, her cunt swallowed it whole. She groaned as it buried itself deep inside her, and still she continued to transform, compressing in on herself, growing smaller, more human. Her elongated feet grew small and dainty – at least for her – and her body compressed in on itself keeping only her short muzzle and pointed ears. And then she lost her wings, the pair folding into a pair of flaps of skin at her back, and she rapidly became more of the woman he had fell in love with. Her sizeable breasts however did remain, as did the four extra teats against her chest and the gem imbedded in her forehead. All else was instead absorbed by her body. Even her long tail was drawn into her butt cheeks, and her elongated feet became small and dainty in comparison to the rest of her again. But despite that she had shrunk herself; she was still larger than he was, with nearly twice his mass. And while they kissed, she clenched her vaginal wall so tightly that he could feel the tremble of her blood vessels along his member while she rocked into him. What they did not know was that Roanoke’s aides and techs were still within the observation booth with the mirrored glass, and they had activated the cameras. All on tape, twelve hours of constant love making so intense, that no man nor woman on Earth could possibly claim what the couple did. Jennifer Angelou, soon to be Jennifer Roanoke, the first super human female, and then the first human to reach her level of evolution, was recorded to have over a thousand orgasms during that time. Most of these mainly happened one right after the other at the hands of Doctor Alexander Roanoke. Alexander, who joined his wife as a fully evolved pair of super humans sixty-three years, three months and six days after receiving the retrovirus treatment, became the first man to ever experience multiple orgasms. And despite what women have said for ages, he did not pass out. And Angela Elissa Roanoke, became the first human to be born into such an advanced level of evolution, and their first daughter.