Various feats of strength Unofficial world's greatest female benchers list Maria Petkova (Bulgaria, discus thrower) 463 lbs (training, touch and go) Helena Fibingerova (Czechoslovakia, shot putter) 441 lbs (training) Christina Dutkowski (Canada, pro-wrestler) 425 lbs (training) Evelin Jahl (GDR, discus thrower) 412 lbs (training) Ilke Wyludda (Germany, discus thrower) 407,5 lbs (training, cheat) Tamara Rainwater-Grimwood (USA, powerlifter) 405 lbs x 2 reps (training) 402,25 lbs (competition) Lisa Nawrocki (USA, powerlifter) 405 lbs (training) 335 lbs (competition) Cathy Millen (New Zealand, powerlifter) 396,5 lbs (exhibition) 385,5 lbs (competiton) Debra Earney (USA, powerlifter) 391 lbs (competition) Jan Harrel (USA, powerlifter) 390 lbs (training) 385 lbs (competiton) Chao Chen Yeh (Taiwan, powerlifter) 385,5 lbs (competition) Maria Sarria (Cuba, shot putter) 375 lbs (training) 330,5 lbs x 3 reps (training) Leslie Deniz (USA, discus thrower) 365 lbs x 4 reps (training) Cyndi Regan (USA, powerlifter) 365 lbs (training) 330 lbs (competition) Kym Allen (USA, powerlifter) 360 lbs x 2 reps (training) 340 lbs (competition) Ulrike Herchenhein (Germany, powerlifter) 358 lbs (competition) Katrin Neimke (Germany, shot putter) 358 lbs (training) JoLynn Arwin (USA, powerlifter) 355 lbs (competition) Dawn Sharon (USA, powerlifter) 355 lbs (training) 350 lbs (competition) Paula Suzuki (USA, bodybuilder) 352 lbs (competition) Valeyta Althouse (USA, shot putter) 352 lbs (training) Sandy Riddell (USA, bodybuilder) >350 lbs (training) Taryn (USA, wrestler?) >350 lbs (training) B. J. Church (USA, powerlifter) 350 lbs (training) Trevelyan Patrilli (USA, wrestler?) 350 lbs (training) Stephanie Vander Veghe (USA, powerlifter) 347 lbs (competition) Natalia Payusova (Russia, powerlifter) 341,5 lbs (competition) Liz Odedaal (Netherlands, powerlifter) 341,5 lbs (training) Bev Francis (Australia, powerlifter) 335 lbs (training) 330,5 lbs (competition) Natalia Rumyantseva (Russia, powerlifter) 333 lbs Debra Poston (USA, bodybuilder) 332,5 lbs (competition) Faina Melnik (Soviet Union, discus thrower) 330,5 lbs (training) 280 lbs x 8 reps (training) C. Goldsmith (USA, powerlifter) 330 lbs (competition) Lynne Boshoven (USA, powerlifter) 330 lbs (competition) Meg Ritchie (United Kingdom, discus thrower) 330 lbs (training) Unconfirmed and suspicious Tina Lockwood (USA, bodybuilder) almost 400 lbs. Other more reliable (and older) sources mentions a 315 lbs bench. Joy Dobson (Australia, powerlifter) 375 lbs. I don't believe this is true. Having seen her in many videos and magazines I believe that her max was closer to 250 lbs. A national level bodybuilder from USA 350 lbs x 2 reps. Her height is 5' 3.5'' and weight 145 lbs. Repetition performances Eve Ripoli (USA, bodybuilder) 325 lbs a couple of times (3?) Judy Moshkosky (USA, bodybuilder) 315 lbs x 5 reps Joanne Lee (United Kingdom, bodybuilder) 310 lbs x 6 reps Rita Raheb (USA?, bodybuilder?) >300 lbs for reps Christine Marshall(USA, bodybuilder/wrestler) 300 lbs for reps Dot Jones (USA, armwrestler) 300 lbs x 8 reps (machine bench) Gabriella Szikszay (Hungary, bodybuilder) 285 lbs x 8 reps Tori Masonis (USA, bodybuilder) 285 lbs x 6 reps Laura Binetti (Canada, bodybuilder) 275 lbs x 8 reps Karla Nelsen (USA, bodybuilder) 197 lbs x 19 reps Theresa Summers (USA, bodybuilder) 194 lbs x 27 reps Unofficial world's greatest female deadlifts list Dawn Sharon (USA, powerlifter) 604 lbs (competition) 475 lbs x 5 reps (stiff-legged) Katrina Robertson (Australia, powerlifter) 578,5 lbs (competition) Cathy Millen (New Zealand, powerlifter) 573 (competition) Lisa Nawrocki (USA, powerlifter) 565 (competition) Elena Suchorek (Ukraine, powerlifter) 556,5 lbs (competition) Terry Byland (USA, powerlifter) 553 lbs (competition) Jan Harrell (USA, powerlifter) 551,5 lbs (training) Special notes Unknown lifter 560 lbs x 3 reps At the 1997 World's Strongest Woman competition professional strongwoman Michelle Sorenson from Denmark did a 815,5 lbs partial deadlift. Grip strength stastistics In a study 5 female athlete's and one non-athlete's grip strength was measured with a grip strength dynamometer. The results were as follows: right-hand left-hand non-athlete 40.5kg 33.7kg golfer 43.7kg 42.9kg skater 35.8kg 37.8kg bodybuilder (Marjo Krishi) 54.8kg 47.8kg rider 33.1kg 23.7kg downhill skier 33.4kg 37.3kg In another study the average grip strength for schoolgirls (in brackets are the corresponding results for boys) was measured with a dynamometer. The results were as follows: 11 years old 20kg (25kg) 12 years old 22kg (27.5kg) 13 years old 27kg (30kg) 14 years old 28kg (33kg) 15 years old 32kg (38kg) 16 years old 33kg (44kg) 17 years old 34kg (51kg) Jerk Li Yajuan (China) 155.0 kg Xui Juan (China) 152.5 kg Li Chang Pin (China) 150.0 kg Zhang Xiao Li (China) 150.0 kg Li Hongling (China) 150.0 kg Yu Wenyu (China) 145.0 kg Shi Wen (China) 145.0 kg Snatch Li Yajuan (China) 122.5 kg Hua Ju (China) 120.0 kg Zhang Xiao Li (China) 120.0 kg Yang Guimei (China) 117.5 kg Li Dan (China) 115.0 kg Xui Juan (China) 115.0 kg Li Hongling (China) 115.0 kg Unofficial world's greatest female squats list Dawn Sharon (USA, powerlifter) 675 lbs (training) 633 lbs (competition) 615 lbs x 3 reps (training) 565 lbs x 5 reps (training) Sandy Riddell (USA, bodybuilder) 630 lbs (training) Lorraine Constanzo (USA, powerlifter) 628 lbs (competition) Lynne Boshoven (USA, powerlifter) 620 lbs (competition) Tamara Rainwater-Grimwood (USA, powerlifter) 620 lbs (competition) 550 lbs for reps (training) Juanita Trujillo (USA, powerlifter) 611,5 lbs (competition) Trevelyan Patrilli (USA, wrestler) 600 lbs (training) Vicky Scaffe (USA, weightlifter/bodybuilder) 585 lbs (training) Lee Chia Shan(Taiwan, powerlifter) 578,5 lbs (competition) Cathy Millen (New Zealand, powerlifter) 573 lbs (competition) Stephanie Vande Veghe (USA, powerlifter) 573 lbs (competition) Ursula Teply (Austria, bodybuilder) 573 lbs (training) Leslie Deniz (USA, discus thrower) 570 lbs x 4 reps (half-squats) Terry Byland (USA, powerlifter) 567 lbs (competition) Laura Dodd (USA, powerlifter) 567 lbs (competition) Chao Shen Yeh (Taiwan, powerlifter) 562 lbs (competition) Shelby Corson (USA, powerlifter) 557 lbs (competition) Valeyta Althouse (USA, shot putter) 556,5 lbs (training) Some notable strength feats by teenage girls. Irina Krylova (Russia, powerlifter and former gymnast). At the 1992 Powerlifting Eurochamps when she was only 14 years old she competed in the under 44 kg category doing a 80 kg benchpress, 125 kg squat and deadlifting 110 kg. In training she had done at that time a 97.5 kg touch and go bench. Cecilie Christensen (Norway, bodybuilder and former swimmer). When she was 16 years old she could bench 90 kg (her bodyweight was then 60 kg). One year later her training included benchpresses with 70-80 kg for 10 reps, presses behind the neck with 55 kg for 10 reps, lat pulldowns with 70-80 kg for 10 reps and leg presses with 230-280 kg for 10 reps. Karinne Miller (USA, swimmer). At the age of 15 she was capable of a 185 lbs bench, 16 chins and 20 dips. At that time her height was 5'2" and weight 118 lbs. Linda Marshall did at the age of 11 years 40 chin-ups. She was also capable of doing a one-arm chin-up. Caryl Sterk could curl a 135 lbs barbell at the age of 16. Her biceps measured then 16" (at the age of 14 her biceps were already measuring 14"). Here is a list of best teenage performances in some international powerlifting competitions. Highlights include a 130 kg (286.6 lbs) bench by a 17 years old girl and a 225 kg (496.0 lbs) squat by a 16 years old girl. 1997 World Junior Championships ------------------------------- Hsu Hsiaou-Li (Chinese Taipei) 16 yrs, bodywt 55.1 kg (121.5 lbs) squat 165.0 kg (363.7 lbs) bench 90.0 kg (198.4 lbs) deadlift 170.0 kg (374.7 lbs) Viktoria Sherban (Ukraina) 17 yrs, bodywt 67.0 kg (147.7 lbs) squat 200.0 kg (440.9 lbs) bench 110.0 kg (242.5 lbs) deadlift 210.0 kg (462.9 lbs) Hsieh Chiou-Hua (Chinese Taipei) 17 yrs, bodywt 78.2 kg (172.4 lbs) squat 220.0 kg (485.0 lbs) bench 130.0 kg (286.6 lbs) deadlift 190.0 kg (418.8 lbs) Svetlana Zvaritch (Ukraina) 17 yrs, bodywt 83.4 kg (183.8 lbs) squat 217.5 kg (479.5 lbs) bench 110.0 kg (242.5 lbs) deadlift 220.0 kg (485.0 lbs) Tsai Chia-Hui (Chinese Taipei) 16 yrs, bodywt 88.7 kg (195.5 lbs) squat 225.0 kg (496.0 lbs) bench 110.0 kg (242.5 lbs) deadlift 172.5 kg (380.2 lbs) 1997 European Womens Junior Championships ----------------------------------------- Svetlana Zvaritch (Ukraina) 17 yrs, bodywt 84.0 kg (185.1 lbs) squat 210.0 kg (462.9 lbs) bench 120.0 kg (264.5 lbs) deadlift 200.0 kg (440.9 lbs) 1996 World Junior Championships ------------------------------- Hsu Hsiaou-Li (Chinese Taipei) 15 yrs, bodywt 51.3 kg (113.0 lbs) squat 150.0 kg (330.6 lbs) bench 80.0 kg (176.3 lbs) deadlift 142.5 kg (314.1 lbs) Viktoria Sherban (Ukraina) 16 yrs, bodywt 59.1 kg (130.2 lbs) squat 162.5 kg (358.2 lbs) bench 90.0 kg (198.4 lbs) deadlift 170.0 kg (374.7 lbs) Hsieh Chiou-Hua (Chinese Taipei) 16 yrs, bodywt 74.3 kg (163.8 lbs) squat 200.0 kg (440.9 lbs) bench 112.5 kg (248.0 lbs) deadlift 170.0 kg (374.7 lbs) Svetlana Zvaritch (Ukraina) 16 yrs, bodywt 77.7 kg (171.3 lbs) squat 160.0 kg (352.7 lbs) bench 95.0 kg (209.4 lbs) deadlift 170.0 kg (374.7 lbs) 1995 European Womens Championships ---------------------------------- Viktoria Sherban (Ukraina) 15 yrs, bodywt 59.5 kg (131.1 lbs) squat 162.5 kg (358.2 lbs) bench 85.0 kg (187.3 lbs) deadlift 180.0 kg (396.8 lbs) 1995 World Junior Championships ------------------------------- Viktoria Sherban (Ukraina) 15 yrs, bodywt 59.1 kg (130.2 lbs) squat 155.0 kg (341.7 lbs) bench 80.0 kg (176.3 lbs) deadlift 162.5 kg (358.2 lbs) Johanna Pollmann (Austria) 16 yrs, bodywt 66.9 kg (147.4 lbs) squat 160.0 kg (352.7 lbs) bench 92.5 kg (203.9 lbs) deadlift 160.0 kg (352.7 lbs) Svetlana Zvaritch (Ukraina) 15 yrs, bodywt 72.7 kg (160.2 lbs) squat 150.0 kg (330.6 lbs) bench 82.5 kg (181.8 lbs) deadlift 150.0 kg (330.6 lbs)