Updated 2-7-06
See my Muscular Dancer board on Diana the Valkyrie's site for related discussion and new tips.
A newer, updated list is available at
This list is meant to start where other lists of wrestlers out there on the web leave off. By city, it will list opportunities for different types of experience with muscular women. I list strip clubs where it has been reported to me that bodybuilders or very muscular dancers appear on a regular basis and, where possible, I identify the woman with as much description as possible. Because the labor market for exotic dancers is so fluid, this list will, in actuality, represent nothing more than an imperfect snapshot of the scene. With this in mind, there is no repetitive feedback. Please confirm anybody's presence to me as often as possible or, for that matter, their absence as well. Also, please call the clubs ahead of time to find out schedules of dancers in order to avoid disappointment. STRIP CLUB LIST is a great site that has free information, reviews and directions to and from most strip clubs across the country and internationally. An alternative free information source is
This list does not undertake the endeavor of listing all the women that provide wrestling and muscle worship sessions. There are better and more appropriate resources for this, the best of which is undoubtedly wb270's list which in international in scope, vigorously updated and also lists travel schedules for many of the women. (At the end of this list is a list of further links most of which are agencyies that represent multiple female wresting/session providers.
With that said, this is a list of muscular women in the adult services industry that aren't primarily or only in the business of providing wrestling/muscle worship sessions like most of those on wb270's list. This list seeks female muscle alternative in escorts, massage, bdsm, exotic dancers etc etc etc. Many of these muscular women may engage in session-type activities. This list is just a resource and there are no guarentees about quality nor are there any steadfast representations by myself about any kind of specific activity any individual women may or may not engage in. When in doubt, ask; go to the source. And please always act with the upmost respectfulness. For adult service definitions and answers to questions such as what exactly is an escort and what will she do, see the following guide which is an excellent beginner's resource:
Toned means more muscular than average. This may be a judgement by looking at only one picture. It may be wrong, it may be crazy. Its a miscellaneous wildcard who knows but she looks like she has some muscle or some definition or there is some potential that she is muscular in some way more than the average. Where possible, make your own judgments.
Fitness means there is definate muscularity and/or great definition without necessarily the size and depth of quality of a bodybuilder. Its a sure thing which sets it apart from the Toned category which may only be a guess or a possible.
Bodybuilder is an impressive amount of muscle-size and/or muscle maturity. It sometimes is difficult to set bodybuilders apart from the Fitness category, but there is even more confidence in this category of the muscularity.
Birmingham, Alabama
Strip Clubs
Mike's Crossroads
"I was in Alabama this week and I made a visit to my favorite Birmingham club. Only now
the name's changed. Al's Crossroads is now called Mike's Crossroads. Some of the ladies are
still there from a couple of years ago and they are better than ever.
I had an arm wrestling marathon Tuesday night.
I saw a dancer named Brown Sugar when I walked in the door and she recognized me from before. Brown Sugar is about 5'3,120 pounds with nice muscle tone all over her body. The first thing she wanted to do was arm wrestle. I had arm wrestled her a couple of years ago and beat her. She told me she was alot stronger now and she was sure she would win. While we were going at it,two more dancers came over and watched. She had me about half way down at one point,but then she ran out of gas. I came back and after a lengthy struggle,her arm hit the table. These two other dancers were new and they both looked fairly strong. They were drooling to get a chance at me.
The next lady I arm wrestled was small,maybe 5'4 115 pounds, and not very defined. I thought she would be weak and that I would be able to take her straight down,but she wasn't and I couldn't. She had a good deal of strength and determination and she was very confident. It took me over a minute to finally beat her and she complained that I had cheated. I don't think I did.
The other lady was much bigger,about 5'7,150 pounds, and she looked pretty strong. She turned out to be about the same strength as the littler girl and it took about the same length of time for me to win. After those three had lost,they brought over a dancer named Magicwho they were sure was going to beat me. Magic is an amazon. With her high heels on she was about 6'3,190 pounds. She flexed and her biceps had to be pushing 15" with pretty good definition. She's one of the most physically intimidating dancers I've ever seen.
I thought she was going to kill me. Her hands and arms were longer than mine. I just hoped I could give her a challenge. Magic had a big grin on her face. She thought it was going to be an easy win for her. She was tough,but I surprised myself and won in another long match that was well over a minute. We were deadlocked for a long time and then I finally got the advantage. It seemed to deflate her and I took her down an inch at a time until she finally hit the table. Despite her size,she was about the same strength as the other three,maybe just a tad bit stronger. All the dancers were shocked that I beat her,especially Magic. She didn't say a word to me the rest of the night. She had a shell-shocked look on her face. I had had fun,but I was disapointed that I hadn't seen some of the other dancers I had known from before. I was amazed that I had won so many matches and hadn't lost any. That's a rarity for me. I was about to leave when I spotted Foxy.
Foxy is 5'5,105 pounds and ripped to shreads. She is the most defined dancer I have ever seen. I told her to show the other ladies how it was done. We arm wrestled three times,twice right-handed and once left-handed. She beat me all three times. I hung in as long as I could,but she took me down slowly and steadily all three times. I don't think any of the matches lasted more than 20 seconds. She's little,but she has tremendous power. Her biceps are only 11",but they are all muscle. All the other dancers thought I must have let her win,but I didn't. She's just very strong. She showed the other dancers that she really did have strong arms by going on stage and doing a set of 15 pullups. The first ten were perfect form,all the way up and all the way down with her legs straight. She cheated on the last five. Two of the other dancers got on stage and tried to also do pullups. Brown Sugar got one legit one and then started cheating. The little lady got two decent ones,but couldn't get a third.
Later,Foxy danced for me and her body is just incredible. She has a perfect six pack. Her arms are ripped. She has a perfect v taper with broad shoulders and a muscular back leading down to a tiny waist. Her lege are also ripped. She has veins running not just through her biceps,but also through her hamstrings. To top it all off,she also has nice t and a and a pretty face.
After that,I arm wrestled another dancer. I can't remember her name,but she was dark skinned,5'4 and 130 pounds. She had very well developed muscles,with good symmetry. Her biceps were impressive and so were her legs. This was the first dancer all night who didn't think she was going to win. She thought my size and me being a guy would give me a huge advantage. She almost backed out of it after we first locked hands. She said I looked way too strong. I told her just to try her best and see what happened. One of the other dancers I had beaten earlier told her Foxy had beat me three times. After she heard that,she decided to go ahead.
She did alot better than she thought she would. This match could have gone on forever. We were dead even. A couple times I got her about a quarter of the way down,but each time she made a surge and got back to even. Eventually,I couldn't even budge her. But she couldn't budge me either. It just went on and on and on with both of us going all out and our arms not moving an inch. I was getting worn out and I could tell she was too. I asked her if she wanted to call it a tie and she said yes. She said she'd definitely win next time. I don't doubt it. She almost won this time. If we hadn't stopped,we might still be going. It was the most even match I've ever had.
Cinnamon also walked in. She is big and super strong. She's 5'8 and she's lost some weight since the last time I saw her. She says she's down to 157 pounds. Her arms are almost 14" and just as ripped as Foxy's. Of course,she killed me in arm wrestling. She's one of the best arm wrestlers I've ever met,especially left-handed. She says she's doing sets of bicep curls with 40 pound dumbbells in each hand. That's a strong lady. Her birthday is September 17th. They're having a party for her at the club and I'm going to try to make it. Both she and Foxy said they would do a private wrestling session with me. I can't wait.
There are two other dancers who might be there that I'd also like to wrestle,Sensation and Asia. I've posted about both of them before and if I do anything more with them,I'll post the details. Foxy told me Sensation is lifting every day. She may be even stronger than Cinnamon. She told me she used to bench press 250 pounds in high school and squat 450 pounds. I'm not sure I believe her,but she is strong. Her biceps are a little bit bigger than Cinnamon's and she has a nice,huge peak when she flexes. Of course,the dream matchup would be for Sensation to wrestle Cinnamon. Cinnamon already said she would. She said she's not afraid of any woman. I hope it happens." Updated 8-29-04
Anchorage, Alaska
Strip Club</
The Great Alaskan Bush Company II (official site) (Rikki Rife, a very muscular blonde pro fitness competitor dances) updated 3-31-03
Phoenix, Arizona
Strip Club
"if you want to see in-shape strippers, go to Skin on Scottsdale Rd. just south of McDowell.
One girl whose name I forget (but I remember that she has a silly fake name - eventually it
will come to me, and I'll post it) is very strong and doesn't mind flexing, and enjoys getting
massages; she has a nice biceps peak. Emma is a very cute young girl built like a ballet
dancer, thin with nicely visible muscles all over. Just about everyone is in decent shape. have
fun" &npsp; Updated 12-13-04
Amazon's Olympic Gardens
Christy's Cabaret
Scottsdale, Arizona
Strip Club
Babes Cabaret
Anaheim, California
Strip Clubs
Imperial Theatre
"I think I mentioned Toni here, a dancer I met at a club in Anaheim, Calif. She's a blonde
hardbody fitness type who really enjoys flexing. She's a knockout, has a great personality
and nice biceps as well as buns of steel and basically toned all over. Great attiude, one of the
best I've found. She also dances in San Diego, at Cheetas. She is there Monday and
Wednesday (I think) during the day, and in Anaheim Friday afternoon (sometimes Saturday)
at Imperial Theater. Both places have VIP rooms. I have not been to Cheetas. Imperial
Theater charges $10 per dance and it's a 4 dance minimum for the VIP, so it's a good deal.
Take her to the VIP room and tell her right away that you'ld like her to flex her biceps for
you. You'll be very glad you did, trust me. Her birthday is Thursday June 3rd, and she will
be at Cheetas then. I'm going to see her at Imperial on Friday the 4th. If anyone meets her,
tell her Dave sent you! Updated 5-30-04
"I met a fantastic dancer yesterday named Toni. She is at Imperial Theater in Anaheim. She
is a gorgeous blonde Fitnes type with a very firm defined body and great biceps. I took her to
the VIP room and bought several dances from her, and she eagerly flexed for me, practically
the entire time. She has the best attitude and personality, and it was one of the best "muscle
dances" I've ever had. Anyone in the LA/Orange County area must see her. Her schedule is
up n the air as she is relocating to the area. I will inform. Imperial Theater is a fantastic
bargain, since the dances are only $10 and the VIP room is 4 dances to get in. They are bikini
dances, but most of the ladies allow plenty of touching and some will unleash the beasts. Until
now, the place has been quite lacking in hardbody types, although the girls there are really
hot. I saw another dancer named Katrina who is very petite and thin but also very toned and
hard. She flexed a few times and has cute little peaky biceps, and nice abs too. I usually don't
prefer very thin girls, but she had something going on and I had a very good time with her.
Beautiful face, too. I think she is there Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday days. Yet another girl
worth mentioning is Blue. Athletic, bordering on fitness type, fairly muscular but smooth.
She is very fun in the VIP room, and a GFE."Updated 4-4-04
Long Beach, California
Strip Clubs
Fantasy Ranch Marilyn she sure looks like a bodybuilder to me (you can find a picture of her at, listed unders "Dancers, Los Angelos") Updated 1-17-04
Los Angeles, California
Strip Club
Angels & Corona Brenda
Fritz (in Bellflower)
I found one of the best muscular dancers ever today. Her stage name is Jackie, and Carrie
introduced me to her (what a sweetheart, that Carrie is). Jackie is a former competitive
lightweight bodybuilder. She competed for only about 2 years and stopped about 3 years
ago, but damn, she has sure kept up her physique! We hit it off really well, and I felt such
good vibes I asked her to flex for me. Boy, did she ever! She flexed arms and legs, back, abs,
and hit front and rear double bi poses, over and over. She is damn near perfect, every body
part in balance, toned, hard, and those round peaked bi's just knocked the crap outta me.
She's not shy in the least. Unbelievable muscle tone and definition. About 5' or 5'-1" and 114
pounds, thirtyish. Cute as hell (face kinda reminded me of Holly Hunter with curly dark
hair), smart, great personality. We talked for a long time. She's not massive, but has the
typical lightweight fbb build, just a bit above fitness which is perfect for me.
During her stage dances I went to the rail, and hell if she didn't come over and crank out 4
one-handed push-ups. Did lots of pole climbing, and she's a sexy, energetic dancer.
Get this...she lives in South County, and works most days at a local hair salon. Which
reminds me, I'm overdue for a haircut. Shucks!
She is only at Fritz one or two days a week and her schedule fluctuates. But, you gotta meet
I missed Holly, unfortunately. I saw her with someone, and after I did some dances with
Jackie Holly had left. I got back with Jackie again for about another half hour of fun. Now
I'm fantasizing about double dances with her and Holly, or Carrie...or perhaps a triple
dance? Lord, have mercy." Updated 10-12-04
Holly (or Helen) Beautiful, ripped, best developed body I've type.
Ivory: Very buff, have not actually spent time with her.
Helena: Another fitness type, really fun.
Raylene: Athletic, sweet, have chatted with her but would like to spend more time with her.
Simone: Great abs. Have not met her, just admired from nearby.
All the above Dance at night.
The daytime girls are:
Carrie: My favorite dancer so far, a must see. Very buff, tons of fun.
Janine: A friend of Carrie's, they give a wicked double dance.
Enigma: Have admired her from afar, for her toned bod and cut abs.
Sometimes Helena can be found during the day. There are other hardbodies at this club, it's schmoe heaven.
Spearmint Rhino (City of Industry, CA; near LA)
"I made a trip to Spearmint Rhino City of Industry a few weeks ago. Jade and Erica are no
longer there, I don't know about April. No new hardbodies to report, but I had a great time
with a hottie named Mia. I read on zbone about a dancer named Jaime who works at
Spearmint Rhino City of Industry at night, and is a fitness competitor. The post spoke highly
of her dances. I may never get out there at night, can anyone else seek her out? anyone? Also
look for one named Samantha." Updated 7-25-04
"I made an unplanned trip to Spearmint Rhino in City of Industry (Calif.) today. I found the best dancer I've ever met so far, in terms of physique and everything else. This girl is unbelieveable. Fitness competitor quality, no exaggeration. Gorgeous. Dare I say flawless? Perfect? Frisky too. She weight trains. Total hard body, very muscular, every inch of her. Hard as a rock, really strong, flexed a lot for me. Imagine Timea Majorova or Mia Finnegan. Or, if I can be so bold, imagine Valentina Chipega as a fitness competitor instead of a heavyweight bodybuilder. That's who she reminds me of. The dancer's name is Erica. She works days, Tues. Wed. and Fri. I arrived there late and had less than an hour. Another dancer, Jade, approached me and we chatted a bit. Soon I told her I was looking for a dancer who was on the muscular side, and she mentioned April, a personal trainer, and Erica. I chatted with April who was very toned with nice abs, then Erica went up on the stage. As soon as I saw Erica I knew she was it. Far better body than any of the other girls I've met so far, anywhere. I didn't have much money, and that place is expensive. $15 cover charge, $20 for a topless dance, $40 nude, $120 for 3 songs in the VIP room. At those prices, I decided to be picky and politely turned down April. I bought 4 $20 dances from Erica, not in the VIP but in a very secluded area. This club is known for for mileage, and Erica invited me to touch her. I enjoyed feeling her hard body, and asked her to flex for me several times, which she did willingly. I've never felt a woman in such good shape. It was unbelievable! This club is in the east LA industrial area, near the 605 and teh 60. In addition to Erica, April looked awefully good, and I saw another dancer named Lexie with some nice arms and abs. There is a dancer named Samantha who works evenings and who is muscular too. I've seen pictures of her." Updated 3-1-03
4-Play 4-Play listed on the Zbone site Melodie A must see. She works Wed. through Sat.Updated 7-25-04
Wild Goose (in El Segundo,CA)
Bare Elegance (in Inglewood,CA)
Bob's Classy Lady
Jet Strip official site
Body Shop
Isabella Updated 2-7-04
Jenna Updated 3-31-03
Naughty Nikki Updated 3-31-03
Petite Beth Updated 1-15-03
Tygrlily Updated 1-11-04
Strip Clubs
Captain Cream
Sacramento, California
Strip Club
The Body Shop
Risky Business
San Diego, California
Strip Clubs
“ Alisha - Very tall brunette with those AMAZING bulging, defined calves. She can flex them at will and loves guys that love her calves. Alisha does weight train, and her quads are pretty fantastic too. She told me she works Tues. and Sat. nights. “ Updated 5-18-05
"Toni is no longer at Imperial theater in Anaheim. She is however at Cheetah's in San Diego,
most weekdays I think. It's about an hour south of OC an dI have not yet made the drive, but
I will. She is well worth it. I am in touch with her. One of the funnest dancers I've met, and a
real hardbody who loves to flex." Updated 7-25-04
Comments found on "8/10 This is a grrrreat club. The girls here are friendly and oh-so-hot!!! My top 7 at Cheetahs: 7. Venus - what an athletic body! 6. Tawney - very, very firm with the sweetest smile on the planet 5. Dreamer - kind of a muscle chick (but not ripped) if you like that stuff. I do!"
"Blue has moved to Lake Tahoe. She says she comes down once a month to dance at Cheetahs, and her next trip is July 26." Updated 6-23-04
"I think I mentioned Toni here, a dancer I met at a club in Anaheim, Calif. She's a blonde hardbody fitness type who really enjoys flexing. She's a knockout, has a great personality and nice biceps as well as buns of steel and basically toned all over. Great attiude, one of the best I've found. She also dances in San Diego, at Cheetas. She is there Monday and Wednesday (I think) during the day, and in Anaheim Friday afternoon (sometimes Saturday) at Imperial Theater. Both places have VIP rooms. I have not been to Cheetas. Imperial Theater charges $10 per dance and it's a 4 dance minimum for the VIP, so it's a good deal. Take her to the VIP room and tell her right away that you'ld like her to flex her biceps for you. You'll be very glad you did, trust me. Her birthday is Thursday June 3rd, and she will be at Cheetas then. I'm going to see her at Imperial on Friday the 4th. If anyone meets her, tell her Dave sent you!" Updated 5-30-04
San Francisco, California
Strip Clubs
New Century Theater
Market Street Cinema
Mitchell Brothers O'Farrell Theater
Baby Updated 1-25-05
Cindy Updated 2-7-04
Josephine Udated 1-26-04
Melissa Updated 3-4-04
Chain Updated 2-13-03
Louisville, Boulder County, Colorado
Jordan Updated 2-7-04
Hartford, Connecticut
Strip Club
Gold Club Connection
Strip Club
Canton Inn official site
Clearwater, Florida
Strip Club
Diamond Dolls official site
Daytona Beach, Florida
Strip Club
Shark's Lounge
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Strip Club
Diamond Dolls (Pompano Beach, West Ft. Lauderdale area)
Booby Trap
"Just a few updates following our last trip. Mikayla, the beauftiful Asian muscle doll is officially retired. She is now in full time training to enter the medical feild as a paramedic (I'll bet she causes more heart attacks than she saves). She said she has not ruled out a return to the Booby Trap in a few months. At the end she was more incredible than ever having dropped some weight in training for a few local marathons. Her abs and waist were awesome with her massive quads like slabs of concrete. Let's hope for a quick return.
A new muscle discovery was found this week however, at The Trap Her name is Jackie and she is a sculputed beauty. At 5'3 and 100 pounds with black hair and "school teacher" glasses, there is not a wasted ounce on her body. When I asked her her bf%, she said "something like 12%" which seemed high to me. With a hard but tiny chest, Jackie had the most incredibly peaked biceps I've seen in a long time. Unflexed, they do not appear large but the veins on her forearms and tennis balls biceps danced as she played with her hair and she seemed to enjoy my commentary. Her stomach is ripped and she had 2 belly-button rings. Her calves are beautifully crafted and my second favorite bodypart following the guns. Her quads were rock-hard. She said she hardly ever works out which is one for Ripley's once you see her. The true delight is that she loves the admiration and loves to flex every muscle. We did four dances and each was sexier than the next. Well worth the trip from anywhere although she said she only works a few nites a week (I think M-T-W, from 7 to 2 am)"Updated 2-1-05
"The good news is that Mikayla is back at the Booby Trap and looking better than ever. Her quads are as massive as before and her calves are like diamonds. Her major improvement is her arms which she is happy to display and flex. They are at the top of the fitness level with just enough size and peak to please. Her dances are incredible as she lets you enjoy every muscle on her incredible body. She commented that "you seem to like my arms" and made sure she flexed them numerous times during each dance. At $10 a dance, you can't go wrong and the hourly special is 2 x $10. A real deal" Updated 10-17-04
Toned Tami Updated 11-6-04
Ft. Lauderdale/South Beach, Florida
Natalia Updated 2-7-04
Hallendale, Florida
Strip Club
Scarlett's "Fabiola, she was wearing a 1-piece mesh black long-sleeve top that was see-through. It still pretty much covered her arms. Anyway, found out she was from the
Dominican Republic (so technically I guess she's Hispanic sort of but looks black ;-) ).
Through the material her arms DID feel quite nice. Her hair was NOT parted down the side
but kinda center-parted framing her face. Plus she was only 5'0" with maybe 5" heels." "So
during her first private dance from me, although she was WELL aware of why I was there
and why she appeals to me, I was again a bit surprised how much auto-pilot T & A dancing
she did. Anyway, during the next dance I DID get her to remove the mesh top and found her
right arm was much better than her left. The right bicep was definitely photoshoot material
good (from front and back), hard, cute shape, as well as her forearm was nicely hard, too -
with the tell-tale vein going through the bicep." Updated 4-6-04
Key West, Florida
Bare Assets "Just hit a place last night called "Bare Assests" in Key west. There is one girl there named Vanessa (I think). Tight body, hard calves & legs, lean but defined biceps, nice abs. Great girl (she played the customers like a pro) she was talking to everyone when not on stage - & remembered everyones name. She just came back after a year off. Said she wanted to go back to the gym, she was much more muscular when she left.$20.00 dances Hot Stuff!!!" Updated 2-17-04
Miami, Florida
Strip Club
Tootsie's Cabaret
“Tootsie's has a beautiful muscle girl named Brandy. She is about 5-8 in heels, so maybe 5-4 barefoot. At 5-4, I would guess she is about 140-145. BIG quads (about 24), arms about 13 or 14 toned, a RIPPED back that she loves to flex. Thick chest with boob job. When she marches onstage with th other girls, clothed, she is about twice the thickness of the other girls. Very pretty, with brown highlighted hair, brown eyes.
She is very into her muscles and LOVES to flex. Told me she squats 225 and does 170 on pulldowns. She is there on most weekends. And she is very busy.” Updated 8-5-05
"Brandy: 5'5", 150 lbs., blondish Amber DeLuca lookalike, nice muscles all over, good size arms, veiny arms, lovely lats, good quads and calves, strong, AND with nice abs - will show off her muscles constantly (if that's your thing). Has competed in Muscle Mania as a natural bodybuilder before. Works evenings Bently: Very pretty, sexy, thick Cuban younger version of Monica Martin, sexy accent, nicely thick body, great bearhug, will show off her muscles. Works M-F, 12pm-8pm. Casey: VERY VERY gorgeous sexy 4'11" Rhonda Dethlefs lookalike (but not as muscular). Cute thick physique, playful, thick powerful looking thighs, nice abs for off-season, cute arms, will show off her muscles. Works evenings" Updated 1-3-05
"Brandy: short, blonde, very muscular, does not compete but could as a bodybuilder, works M-F, 12pm-8pm "Bently: latin, brown hair, fitness muscle, works M-F, 12pm-8pm Updated 10-8-04
Pink Pony"Last February, at the Pink Pony in Miami, west of the airport, I had some lap dances with an African American dancer named Moniette (pronounced mo-NEET). She has very well developed biceps and shoulders, but was otherwise not all that muscular. And she's very sweet. Lap dances at this particular club are upstairs in a separate room, and there is only one couch so you have to wait your turn - I made the person behind me wait forever! Contact is high and it is an experience not to be missed. BTW she says that she doesn't work out much, she is just naturally strong and "does some military presses." She's about 35 years old. Classification would be "very toned," not fitness or BB although if she worked her whole body, she sure would be after a while." Updated 2/03
Marissa Updated 2-7-04 Victoria Updated 1-11-04
Olivia Updated 12-27-03
Trista (lists wrestling & domination as services she will do) Updated 2-7-04
Jordan Updated 12-27-03
North Miami Beach, Florida
Strip Club
Solid Gold
Orlando, Florida
Strip Club
Club Juana
Yvette Bova Updated 2-7-04
Pompano Beach, Florida
Strip Club
Booby Trap
"Stopped off tonight at the Booby trap tonight after work to watch some girls and the end of
the game. Met one girl named Mikayla. A pretty asian girl about 5'1" 125lbs or so and lots
of time in the gym. She looked like off season condition beautiful shapes and THICK all
over. Most impressive were her thighs and calves. I only had a short chance to talk with her
and had to leave before I hot a chance to have her dance for me, very friendly but I didn't
get a chance to ask if she would pose or flex, too bad. She said she would be at the club on
Friday from 1-7, too bad I won't get a chance to run into her then, maybe someone else will
get a chance to ask her how she feels about flexing for dollars" Updated 10-24-03
Tampa Bay, Florida
Strip Club
Mons Venus
Seven Seas
Ybor Strip official site
Kymberly Updated 1-25-05
Peighton Updated 5-18-05
West Palm Beach, Florida
Strip Club
Mermaids "Met Thumper,off season muscle,got a dance,she said she use to do wrestling
vids.Blonde,decnt build,dances only$10.Other girls-Justice-little muscle,lots attitude,Angel-6,2-nice personality,very diverse group." Updated 2-21-04
T's Lounge
Eva updated 12-27-03
Atlanta, Georgia
Strip Club
Mardi Gras
Gold Club
Cheetahs III
Janelle Updated 1-25-05
Lynn Updated 1-11-04
Ayana updated 12-27-03
Celina Updated 1-11-04
Taylor Reese Updated 9-24-04
Taylor Reese Updated 1-25-05
Hana Lei Tuesday Updated 2-7-04
Kalia Updated 2-7-04
Chicago, Illinois
Strip Club
Chicago rundown:
“You've got three options, listed in order of importance
Club 390, Savannah, TAFKAG (The Artist Formerly Known as Gina)
Gina moved from the Skybox to Club 390 and is now dancing as Savannah. For more details on this amazing woman, please see the writeup in THE LIST. She is amazing. Legitimate lightweight bodybuilding beauty who loves to flex. If you have a choice, this is the play.
She works on Friday nights and Saturday nights only and is FUN, FUN, FUN.
Skybox, Deeva
Deeva is a very pretty, tall, hardbodied blonde of Lithuanian origin. Very pretty and very hard body with amazing curves although not really a bodybuilder type. She provides GREAT lapdances and is really sweet. I never really asked her to flex for me. Rules for touching at the Skybox are fairly restrictive (hands on waist only), but are a bit more
relaxed in the VIP area which runs $150/half hour and $300/hour. If you go there, VIP is worth the investment.
Don't really know her schedule, but if you call the club, they'll let you know if she's working on a particular night.
VIP's, Trish
Trish is a cute blonde with fitness/figure muscle development. Will flex, but since she's not a bodybuilder she's less adept at hitting poses than say Savannah. On top of that, VIP's is the weakest of the three clubs in terms of dance quality and level of "interaction" with the dancers, so even though Trish has more muscle than say Deeva, the overall experience was less fulfilling.
Also don't know her schedule AND even if you call the club ahead of time, they won't tell you
if a particular dancer is working on a particular evening (bitches), so it's a bit more chancy
as you'll have to go the club to figure out if she's there.” Updated 5-16-05
Admiral Theater
Heavenly Bodies (Elk Grove Village, IL) "I have a new addition to make to the list - a great
find! At the Heavenly Bodies, Megan is absolutely fantastic. Good size (I'd say about 5-7 w/o
heels) and great fitness body. You'd notice her on stage right away. She was more than
willing to show off her muscles and to a/w. It was a little hard to do it in the private dance
room, but we did. I'd say probably about 13 inch arms, but I don't know how to estimate that
very well. Great forearms. I did ask her about her workouts a little, and she said she also
wrestles as part of some wrestling club (co-ed) but I didn't get to ask very much about that.
She said she is there in general every night except Tuesday (I don't remember about
Monday), and while Fridays aren't her regular days, she started coming regularly on Fridays
"It's been a while, but I believe it's Daytona. She is great too, african-american, and more of a bodybuilder."
"There was another athletic dancer there that did great flexing and a/w, although not really a fitness of bb type, very strong and sexy. I can't recall her name, but she would stand out if you look hard enough." Updated 2-1-03
Crazy Horse II
Gina Updated 12-27-03
Alexa Updated 12-27-03
Angelica Updated 12-27-03
Room Service 2000 In Chicago, listed under "All Escorts" Gina, Bridgette(all the way at the
bottom of the list) Updated 12-27-03
Misc., Ill
Strip Club
Skybox (Harvey, IL; near Chicago)
I know this next write up about Gina is really long. But, it was so well written, I felt I HAD to
post it in it's entirety.
"--Start Disclaimer--
Okay, just to be fair, I’m going to warn you. Gina has cemented her status on my list of all-time favorites. I’m going to gush for the entire post. It might get a little sickening. A few of
you may want to turn back now. For some of you, reading this post might be a little like
watching a Shirley Temple movie marathon. It won’t do any permanent damage, but you
won’t be right for a couple of days. You have been warned. --End Disclaimer--
So I found myself in the Chicago area and there was a mention on THE LIST of an incredible dancer named Gina at the Skybox in Harvey, IL. Harvey is a bit of a hump from the city, but with the glowing review on THE LIST, I had to make the drive to check it out. I called ahead to make sure that she would be working that evening and then made the 45-minute drive to Harvey.
The Skybox is a pretty good-sized club with three stages for dancer performances. The main stage is centrally located and rectangular in shape. Stage two is a little smaller than the main stage, but is set off by the wall. Stage three is smaller still than the other two and is a good ways away from everything else (main seating, bar, etc.) Dancers perform for two songs and then move back to the main lounge and back into circulation.
If you’re looking for plush upholstered seating, you’re in the wrong place. The main lounge consists of high backed stools with equally high tables. Bar style seating is available and required for those flying solo. Lap dances take place exclusively in the VIP section of the club, away from the main lounge. The Skybox is a nude club and lap dances are 10 bucks for bikini dances, 15 bucks for topless and 20 for fully nude.
The Skybox is a nice club, not upscale, but several steps above what was affectionately referred to in Married With Children as a nudie bar. Clientele was mixed and so was the range of available entertainers. There are a nice variety of body types and ethnicities. Overall quality of the entertainers was high with many attractive dancers and a few absolute knockouts thrown into the mix. Notables included Apollonia who is a Beyonce look alike, Nadia a very pretty brunette from Poland, and Deeva a curvy, hard bodied blonde.
They do serve alcohol, which is sometimes a no-no for nude clubs, but that convenience came with some nagging annoyances. For one, they don’t take credit cards for the bar tab, so you wind up dishing out cash for drinks, which sucks. On the positive side, the beer is cold and cheap (even imports) and the waitresses are friendly and attentive. Secondly, partly because of the seating and mostly because of club policy, you can’t have a dancer sit and join you for a drink. If you buy them a drink, they have to go to the end of the bar and drink it there, which also sucks. It tends to minimize non-revenue generating socializing, but in spite of that it’s still a fairly low-pressure environment so you don’t have to worry about being asked for dances every five minutes, but enough about the club.
I had found a seat and enjoyed a couple of beers and a couple of dances while waiting to run into Gina. I surveyed the club to see if I could pick her out. There was one dancer who looked about right, but from a distance it was hard to be sure. While not ripped to shreds like a contest shape bodybuilder would be, she possessed a tight physique that held promise for additional discoveries on closer inspection. What I was absolutely sure about was that she was pretty friggin’ popular with the customers as she was never in the main lounge area for very long. Soon enough though, the DJ announced Gina would be performing on the third (read most distant) stage. After the first song started, I made the walk over to stage three and it turned out she was exactly who I thought she was.
Let’s start with the obvious; she is arrestingly beautiful. I don’t mean better than average (which is what a lot of people mean when they say beautiful), I mean strikingly beautiful, I mean Sharon Bruneau beautiful, I mean Rachel McLish beautiful. I picked those two women specifically because their looks are similar to what you’ll find with Gina. She is the very vision of a raven-haired beauty with an appealing dark complexion, classically beautiful features, an easy and dazzling smile, topped off with jet-black tresses that fall below her shoulder.
After getting over how stunning she was, I could see that Gina definitely had some muscle. She has a very pleasing aesthetic with womanly proportions that are only enhanced by her muscular development. She noticed me hovering at the edge of the stage and moved over to perform for me. As she accepted my tip, she asked if I’d like her to stop by to see me after she finished. Well of course I was interested and said as much. We traded smiles and I departed. I don’t look back, but I’m desperately hoping that she’s paying attention to where I’m headed, cause I’m a long, long way away.
I shouldn’t have worried. Shortly after wrapping up her set, she made her way over to where I was seated. We engaged in the obligatory chitchat, but the subject rapidly moved to areas of greater substance. I found her to be an engaging conversationalist with a sharp mind to accompany her amazing good looks and incredible body.
Eventually, we did get around to whether or not I wanted a dance (or eight). I was certainly ready for that so Gina took me by the hand and led me to VIP room for a private dance. Unfortunately, private would be the least accurate description of the area as it was a wide-open space with couch-like seating ringing the room. Nevertheless, you can usually count on the other patrons being…um, distracted. On entering, we sat for a few minutes and chatted while waiting for the next song to start and then Gina began.
At this point, I’m still easing into any discussion of muscle. This is not to say that my attraction to her muscular form was taking a backseat to anything else, but with a package as dynamite as and as complete as Gina presented, there was a lot to like about her besides just muscle. So I just sat and enjoyed as Gina began to dance. She performs sensuously and moves her divinely proportioned body to perfection. That was just another big check mark for her as I’ve had dances with outrageously beautiful performers who were just mailing it in. At the end of those encounters, I left feeling unfulfilled and disappointed, but I can’t imagine any man, muscle lover or not, feeling disappointed after spending quality time with this Greek diva. Oh yeah, did I mention that she’s of Greek descent? Gotta give it up to Greece for yet another fine contribution to society.
I enjoyed several dances with her and for the moment, I was quite content simply to experience Gina in motion. During the dances we still chatted about a variety of topics, but then something unusual happened.
“So, why’d you pick me?” she asked.
Hoo boy, a direct question, I was in trouble now. I assume she asked because I had made such a long walk to tip her when she was performing. I wasn’t quite ready to come out and say “cause you’ve got muscles”, so instead I fumbled for words that would be truthful without tipping my hand too much. I’m deathly afraid that women will find my attraction to muscle creepy. None have yet, but that’s still my fear.
“Well, you’re beautiful,” I stammered.
“There’s a lot of beautiful women here, why me?” she pressed gently as she blew past my weak attempt at a smokescreen.
And that’s the problem with dealing with the smart ones kiddies; they’re smart. I fumbled some more and finally made mention that I liked women with…“athletic” body types. Gina regarded me for a moment and then seemed to file that little piece of information for later use as she resumed her dance. It wouldn’t stay filed away for long because a few minutes later, something remarkable happened.
Gina stepped away from me, turned around, and after shimmying her perfect rear end, she placed her hands on her hips and hit, what appeared to be, a rear lat spread. Before my brain could register whether she had done it intentionally, Gina removed all doubt by turning around to face me and tossed up a front double bicep, simultaneously flashing a knowing and mischievous grin. Damn, I was so busted…and it was a glorious thing.
Sheepishly, I returned her smile and nodded slightly to let her know that she had struck the right chord, but I doubt she really needed that feeble confirmation of what she had deduced with that equally lovely mind of hers. The real beauty of it was in that one instant; Gina had swept away any pretense and eliminated any need on my part to be coy about admiring her muscular form. She knew what I wanted…was cool with it…and had just thrown up the“Let’s Play” sign.
Did I mention that there’s a lot to like about her? Okay, just checking.
The best way to describe Gina’s physique is that of a lightweight bodybuilder or very muscular fitness competitor. She’s not huge or ripped (at least not on this night) and it is entirely possible that a patron might not realize just how much muscle she’s carrying. I find that last observation pretty interesting because I suspect that she may be “converting” a few guys…or at the very least bringing them out of the closet. She has one of those kinds of physiques that doesn’t give too much away when she stands relaxed, but really pops when she flexes.
Gina slipped back into a more traditional performance, but it turned into something more like a flex-dance as she made a point to flex for me periodically as she danced. In close quarters, she would let me explore more freely. While performing, she would occasionally flex her biceps or extend an arm and allow her triceps to jump into full relief. She allowed me to investigate and trace the sensuous curves of her muscles as she moved, and it was heavenly. As I mentioned earlier, she was not in contest shape so she was not rock hard, but her muscles were full and firm as I caressed them almost reverently.
Every now and again she would reposition herself so that she was sitting on my lap with her back to me. Even with her small stature, she has a bodybuilder’s wide back with lots of interesting things going on as the ridges of muscle in her well-developed back roiled in time with her movements. Gina sports a balanced, symmetrical and well-developed physique with no single body part overpowering another. All told, it added up to a curvy, womanly figure with significant muscle in all the right places. A trip worth taking is allowing your explorations to start at her hands, tracing along the paradoxically delicate hardness of her solid forearms, swinging along the crook of her elbow to get the full measure of her bicep development. After sticking around for a few seconds to admire the well-developed bicep, continue around the upper arm and allow yourself to caress the graceful curvature of her shoulder. End your trip with a casual swing over the shoulder and onto the wide expanse of her back, pausing every now and then to enjoy and appreciate the individual muscles popping into relief as she alternately rolls her shoulder blades together and then expands her back into its full glory for your viewing and tactile pleasure. Rinse. Repeat.
Gina also asked me if there were any body parts that I liked in particular or wanted to explore more closely. She eagerly responded to both my verbal and non-verbal indications of what I wanted to see or touch. A couple of times she even extended her leg along the length of the couch area, perpendicular to my body so that I could enjoy the firmness of her full, thick thighs. Gina assured me that she enjoyed dancing for men who appreciated her muscularity and as one might expect she has a few “regulars” who come to see her for just that.
As if that weren’t enough, there there’s something else really neat about encounters with Gina. First of all she knows how to pose. She’s active in the local bodybuilding community and even participates in local shows (both as a competitor and judge), so she’s adept at hitting poses display her muscularity to maximum effect. In addition, she would hold a particular pose until I had explored as completely as I wanted. If I was lingering around her bicep, the bicep stayed flexed until I was done. If I was meandering around her back, the lat spread stayed spread until my curiosity had been sated.
After what seemed like entirely too short a time, we wrapped it up. I paid happily and Gina escorted me back to my seat. She stuck around for a few minutes more and then departed. I hung around the club for maybe another 45 minutes and Gina stopped by from time to time to say hi and see if I was interested in any more excursions to the back. I enjoyed each of the additional encounters as Gina can be touchy feely and would gently rub my back or shoulders as we conversed. Even though there weren’t going to be any additional dances that evening, I found her attentiveness refreshing. I knew that I would be back.
On subsequent visits, I learned that there was a real VIP section, which is a separate room a little further back from the room where the regular lap dances take place. VIP encounters run $150 for a half hour and $300 for a full hour. The real VIP room has a similar seating arrangement as the front section, but there are individual high backed couches ringing the room. It is more private primarily because there’s less seating, but also because it tends to be sparsely populated.
Subsequent encounters with Gina were just as much fun…okay more fun than the first. She is a blast in the VIP area and back there her performance is an up close and personal flex-fest. My initial reticence to bring up my appreciation of her muscular development seems silly now, as she just loves guys who love her muscles.
Gina typically works the late shift on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays although it is always a good idea to call ahead. I make it a point to get to the Skybox whenever I’m in the Chicago area.
So just to sum up, we have a gorgeous woman, with an incredible muscular body, who likes guys who appreciate her muscle, who enjoys flexing for you, who’s enjoyable to talk to and a genuinely nice person, who’s attentive and professional, who’s tons of fun for dances, whether dancing or flexing. If you’re still sitting here reading this, I don’t know why. Go see Gina, go see Gina, go see Gina!"Updated 4-6-04
"GINA at The Skybox in Harvey, IL is incredible! About 5'4", 130 lbs. of Greek Goddess Muscle! She's completely natural, but has the most amazing shapes. Not huge, just beautiful. She loves to flex, just ask her. She said she's planning to compete this year, 2003, so she should be in amazing shape throughout the year. Check her out!" Updated 1-9-03
Big Al's (Peoria, IL)
Indianapolis, Indiana
Strip Club
Club Rio
Babes West
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Dancers Ranch
Lawrence, Kansas
Strip Club
Flamingo Club
Topeka, Kansas
Strip Club
Baby Dolls
Wichita, Kansas
Strip Club <BRJezebel's
Michelle's Beach House
New Orleans, Louisiana
Strip Club Rick's bodybuilder Melissa Dettwiller dances here. Updated 11-16-04
Baltimore, Maryland
Strip Clubs
Femuscle on "The Block" For non or new Baltimoreans, "The Block" is a group of
approximately 15 or so little strip clubs all smashed together in a single block on Baltimore
Street in downtown Baltimore. It's kind of a shady area West of The Block. And even on The
Block itself. Just keep to yourself and be smart and you can have some fun here. Also, I feel
the need to explain a little bit about how the clubs on The Block function. As it's different from
any other clubs I've ever come across. Basically, in most of these places (they do vary a little
bit in their agressiveness from place to place), you walk in & pull up a barstool. There are no
table in these places. Often times, within a minute, perhaps even before the bartender gets your
$6 drink, you've got a dancer sitting beside you. The bartender will give you about a minute or
two to talk to the dancer and get to know her, and then will procede to place a little square
drink napkin in front of the dancer on the bar and say to you, "Would you care to let (insert
dancers name here) join you for a drink?" If you respond "yes", to this inquiry, the bartender
will procede to get the lady a little-bity drink in a little-bity glass, and procede to collect $20
from you. Don't wait for your change, because you won't get any! (Actually, in one club there,
I think it's The Pussy Cat, they charge $25 for ladies' drinks. Why? I have no idea. This club
looks just like the other clubs, the ladies' drinks are the same size, and the ladies do not appear
higher quality or prettier overall, than any of the other clubs on The Block.) Continuing, if you
respond "no" to purchase the lady a drink, she will (and must according to club rules) get up
from the barstool next to you and go to another customer or the other end of the bar. If she
stays with you after your refusal to buy her a drink, the bartender will literally "tell" her to get
away from you in one fashion or another. None of these clubs on The Block do $20 lapdances
like most clubs around the country. Rather, they sell ladies' drinks for $20, and then the lady
can stay with you. Now, in most of the clubs, the ladies will literally do a sort of lapdance right
there for you at the bar. For us Femuscle lovers, sitting close to us at the bar and flexing for us
is just as good as a conventional lap dance. So, after further investigation of the clubs on The
Block, I've found it's not so bad a deal. And, since most of the girls will sip their drink you've
bought for them over the expanse of two or three songs (ie. when her drink is empty, the
bartender will play the whole "would you like to buy the lady a drink", game, again) instead of
just one song, like a lapdance, it's an even better deal. The trick is, finding femuscle among all
these clubs. Well, I've found a few, and here they are:
Mouse Trap Right next to Norma Jeans. Stevie Used to be a bodybuilder. Still has some appreciable muscle. Nice, thickly muscled quads. Will flex for a femuscle lover. She works often on Thurs., Fri. & Sat. Nights. Updated 4-24-04
Norma Jeans One thing I've learned about The Block is that it's totally segregated. You'll rarely find a mix of Black dancers and White dancers in one club. Norma Jeans is my favorite place on The Block. It's a Black club. And the clientele is predominantly black too. Even on it's busiest nights, you can count the number of non-black men there on one hand. And I don't think I've EVER seen a non-black dancer working there. However, when it comes to muscular dancers, THIS is the place to go on The Block. There are several notably muscular dancers. Some standouts are: Sexy Cherry is actually kind of a black/white mix. Light skinned black, about 5'7" without heels, and lean. She works primarily day shift. Loves to shoot pool. And her flexed biceps are UNBELIEVABLE! Rock hard and she's got that split peak! The rest of her physique is nice too, but the biceps are her standout quality for me! Akasha works at night. I think she told me she used to run track. She's got gorgeous muscle and she's very symmetrical. Great arms, legs, abs, and her shoulders and back are AWESOME! There are others here with notable muscle too. One in particular that dances at night. But, I've not talked to her and caught her name. Updated 4-3-04
Tiffany's Another all black dancers club. With several dancers with notable muscle. The standout here is Christelle Christelle does not work out, she tells me, and is 38 years old, if I remember correctly. But, she has very low body fat%, defined abs, and just a gorgeous all-around hard body! With muscle! It's an amazing thing! I just can't get over how nicely muscled she is and she doesn't train, and is not anywhere near her 20s! She's a marvel! However, I guess since she hasn't worked for her muscle at all, she's really new at showing it off. She will. But, you literally have to show her how to flex. Because she hasn't the slightest idea how! Updated 4-3-04
The Pussy Cat Club Currently, and I say currently because I think this girl moves around alot from club to club, there's a gorgeous dancer here by the name of Destiny. Destiny is white (this is one of the all white dancer clubs), and does work out. She's very attractive! Probably THE most attractive dancer I've come across on The Block. At least to me she is. And she has a fantastic lean, lightly muscle physique. She loves to flex. Especially her calves, which form perfect diamonds! Updated 4-3-04
Millstream Woodlawn, MD (near Baltimore) "Very nice little club near Baltimore. With the most femuscle under one roof that I've found in the area. Savanna is the stand out of them all. She's UNBELIEVABLY sexy!!!!! She used to compete in fitness years ago. So, now, she's got this miniature fitness body. Lean and vascular like a fitness competitor. Just a little less muscle size. She's very friendly and sweet. She is very tan, like she just walked off the beaches of Hawaii, yet her skin is SOOOOO soft!!!! I especially love simply roaming my hands over her back. Every muscle is defined and striated underneath that smooth, soft skin!!!!
The other notable MuscleGirlz here are a bartender/waitress named Tori, and a bartender/dancer named Hope. Tori is built alot like Savanna. Mildly muscled and very lean. Gorgeous back! Tori waitressess on Wed. evenings. You can tell Hope is strong the first time you see her. She has pretty good sized biceps. Although, I don't think they are quite as big as Kara's. Hope competed in a fitness competition within the past year.
Millstream is a nice, little club too. The main dance stage has an added bonus for us femuscle lovers. It's sort of in this brass cage, with this horizontal bar going along the top that the girls can climb up to. I know what you're thinking....PULL-UPS!!!!! Yes indeed! The horizontal bar is PURRR-FECT for pull-ups. And both Savanna and Kara can do 'em! Savanna is pretty amazing, actually. She will just hold her self up there in the "semi-up" position while doing some kind of dance with her legs and body. THEN, she'll pull off five or so pull ups with her legs spread in the air. It's quite a demonstration of lat strength! I'm dying to see just how many pull-ups Savanna can do in a single set. And I offered her a dollar per rep. To which she didn't take me up on the offer, surprisingly. Maybe one of you guys with more money to spend can offer her more per rep and persuade her to go for it. Be prepared to spend more than you think you will however. Because I'm guessing if she really applied herself, she can do more than 20 reps. Or, a couple of us Baltimoreans can meet up some Saturday night at Millstream and we'll team up on her by compiling our funds."Updated 1-31-04
Boston, Massachussettes
Strip Club Centerfolds Marissa - Boston clubs are not great, and allow very little, but Marissa is still very much worth a visit if you are in the area. She is toned and beautiful, not a bb, and is beautiful whether you are looking for muscle or not. Updated 1-8-03
Cabaret Lounge
DB's Golden Banana
Toned Molly Updated 1-25-05
Detroit, Michigan
Strip Club
Club Venus "My most recent pleasant surprise as a fan of bigger, heavier "off season" looks
is a bar called the Club Venus on MIchigan Ave. off I-94. Several 180-200lb larger gals in
there, some just plain plump, but a couple who really hit the gyms regularly and are just
plain big and strong." Updated 8-29-04
"The Bouzouki downtown has a very well defined and toned gal named Lita that works there-- I saw her last Friday afternoon. Nice bulging calves and biceps." Updated 8-29-04
Silver Cricket
"A larger gal named Jenna is working a lot up at the Silver Criket these days. She's not very
defined, but she is thick, strong, and loves to flex." Updated 2-13-03
Hardbodies Cafe
Toy Chest (formerly Wild Mustang)
“I'am telling you I'am addicted to that place, again I went there today, and Randi rolled up on me the first girl, she is still working days not as big as she used to be, but still rock hard has a J-Lo bootie that is just steele, and still has some good biceps.
Deseree is another girl who has some good definition lean and hard. I didn't get a dance with her this time because the place was all full of guy freinds, and sugar daddys just throwing money at the women they where camping at tables, one thing I do not do is beg for dances.
Renee was nice 5'10" dark hair flexible will give you a nice hard thigh squeeze around your head very nice.
I think this girls name is Angel only saw her on stage, but had a nice thick built body not as big as Randi, but good bicep definition and calves.
This was the day shift girls I haven't been there at night in a long time scince Randi was working nights so it's been a while.
So if you come into towne stop by it's not a bad place just that when it's full of guy who are freinds or sugar daddys buying the girls drinks all night it can be a pain” Updated 8-5-05.
“I went up there today, I took a day off work and decided that it's been about a year since I've been, and had a disire to see Randi again.
I got up there, and I was looking for Randi I saw a girl kind of thick and wearing a cowboy hat, and said to myself "I think that's her?" next thing I know she was in street clothes and out the door it was only like 1:30pm.
So I sat there checking out the other dancers and one of them came up and started to talk to me her name was Raquele she had dark hair, and she like modeled for another club in the area and was in some of the entertainment newspapers. This girl had a totally hard body nice defined biceps when you see her dance on the stage you really notice them so I got a dance with her, and she rocked my world this girl did some awsome moves and mixed in some nice kisses too.
When I got done with the dance from Raquele Randi was back, and she came right up to me I didn't even have to ask, and I started talking to her I wasn't really sure if it was her I had to ask (embarasing) she's lost alot of muscle, but is still some-what thick she told me that she's not into bodybuilding anymore because she want's to drag race bikes so she needed to get lean, and she wasn't making any money when she was huge she said her biceps got upto 17" and alot of guy's would ask her arm wrestle (she said that sarcastally),and she doesn't want to pump up her arms anymore because they grow so fast, she'll still flex, and I have to say her arms are about 14" of solid muscle, but her goal right now is to compete in drag biking to beat Angelle Sampey she says that she hangs out at the BB shows at the Redford Theater, and the drag race track down at Milan if you live in the area you know where these places are, but if you see her don't say she works at the Toy Chest.
The next girl I got a dance from was just another girl working the room she sat next to me and started talking so I thought what the hell, and I forgot her name (Damn it) she didn't seem anything special then she started to tell me that she just got back into roller blading, well I start getting a lap dance from this girl, and she put a thigh sqeeze on me that was incredible! I ran my hands on her thighs, and they were just solid rock I commented about how strong they were and she said yep that's from roller blading I loved evry minute of it.
One girl that I saw on stage I didn't get a dance from was a small but real solid looking, and she climed the pole you can see some nice niticble biceps too.
All these girls work the weekday shift so if you get a chance to go there check it out I probaly won't get back til next month I'll try to be a little more detailed.” Updated 5-16-05
"I met "Randi for the first time at the Toy Chest yesterday and boy does she put a new ring on first impressions. The girl is tight from head to toe. She asked me how I found her and I told her on Valkyrie and it was on. She said she had been dieting down so she could race her bike, but she was still extremely strong defined and sexy. As we were in VIP she did everything a man could hope for. She rode me with those sexy glutes of hers bouncing up and down as she went along. She flexed her chest muscles and did some pec dancing for me letting me feel alll of the erotic pleasure. I was able to lick and kiss her massive muscles also. And she wasn't ashamed to show off all of that sexy muscles and hardwork either. She has a firm grip and we played a little mercy, me being the big guy that I am I thuoght it would be no problem beating her, boy was I wrong. As I stood up to attempt to have her submit she actually forced me back down with ease. Pure fantasy come to life. She massaged my neck, my back, chest, and moved with pure intense passion making the dance worth its weight in gold. She has a great personality, great conversation, the best body this side of the Detroit River, and moves like a stallion. If you haven't or if you have you need to get down there to the Toy Chest and see Randi SOON you will not be upset. Her schedule is Monday through Friday 12PM-7PM. Updated 9-28-04
"Randi , of course, is still rocking the house at Toy Chest on weekdays." Updated 8-29-04
E-mail from Randi on 1-6-04 - "im still training,i have lost alittle just harder and leaner now.still strong and i weight 146.i was raceing the bike so i lost alittle,to go working at the toy chest still,but now day shift.12pm to 7pm mon-fri tell everybody to get there butts up to see me." Updated 1-6-04
"- Stopped in there late last night, and could the venerable Randy, still "large and in charge". As the other recent post on "The List" indicated, she is amazing fun about her muscles, and shows off her arms all night long. She has to be 16" on those upper arms if she's an inch. As is still the case, Randy works late nights." Updated 10-15-02 New Randy sighting 6-11-02.
"And this is where the attitude part comes into play. Randy is totally into her muscles and doesn't seem creeped out by guys who find it attractive. From that point forward, Randy zeroed in on what I liked and what I wanted and she gave it to me, over and over and over and over again. She did a lot of the standard lap dancing stuff, gyrating and rubbing and all, but she also coupled each movement with flexes of every imaginable design."
"All the while, she allowed me to explore the wonders of her body with few restrictions. When she turned her back to me, I allowed my hands to roam the vast expanse of her back exploring up through her full traps and followed their rocky hardness into her shoulder and biceps as she brought up first one bicep and then the other. Returning to face me, she would again flex her stunning biceps for me to explore, sometimes one at a time, sometimes both at once, each combination more tantalizing than the last. Each time she changed position, she would flex from another angle, in another way, continually feeding and encouraging my exploration of her gorgeous body." Updated 6-11-02
(Randy, late nights, great and getting bigger, now with 15 inch arms) Updated 12-29-01
Flight Club BT's Landing Strip
"her name is "Heather", and she works at the Landing Strip in Romulus/Detroit she has a
very hard body, No. 2 in my book to go see, though she claims she doesn't work out she
doesn't grind on you, but you can touch and feel everywhere on her hard body and she will
flex for you if you ask her, and her bicep is very nice, peaked and hard if you get a chance to
go there she works nights Wed., Thursday, and weekends. The Landing strip is just about 5
miles west of the airport it's in the same city that the airport is located."Updated 2-17-04
The Landing Strip Ran into a petite black gal with some really nice arms at the famous Landing Strip near Detroit Metro airport. Her name is Lovely (and she is), and she has a terrific left bicep flex (nice peak, but only about 10-11" I'd say). She couldn't believe I liked her arms, said she's been teased her whole life about her muscles. I assured her I wouldn't tease, but SQUEEZE! Updated 10-3-03
"Everything said about Randy (Randi is at the Toy Chest as of 1/04) is true. She has an unbelievable body and enjoys showing it off. Everyone else has commented on her arms and they are magnificant. However, there has to be a mention of her glutes. They way she can flex them is a thing of beauty. She also knows how to squeze them just right when she does a private dance for you. Update 2-24-03
"Cream is still at Landing Strip too, again most weekdays. She's really thickened-up now
(about 150 lbs), and is as strong as an ox. It's as if she has an erotic reaction to guys
appreciating her muscles (the more you squeeze and press, the more she seems to like it). As
has been said on this board many times, attitude is everything. She's a gem." Updated 2-13-03
Trumpp's "Had one of my most unusual encounters ever last week at Trumpps. The gals
name escapes me, but she caught my eye on stage because, although she was fairly tall and
somewhat lean, she had a real nice, compact bicep bulge whenever she grabbed the pole. I
approached to tip her a couple bucks, and she politely said she doesn't except singles. I've
never heard that line before, so I upgraded to a $5. She came over afterward, and after some
chit-chat asked if I'd like to go upstairs. I said I would if she flexed those nice biceps. She
then told me she approaches dances differently than other girls. After that "no singles" line,
I wasn't surprised. She said she does not count songs, and her objective is to make sure we
both just have fun. She said she's a specialist in fetishes, and said I would have to tell her
what I want and what I like. Wow. So I told her agian to flex for me. At first, she couldn't
believe it, and was actually a little shy about it, but once she saw how much I liked it, and how
good it felt to have me massage and praise her, she totally got into it. After about 4 dances,
she was totally on-board. Talking about how she'd never done this before, what a great fetish
it is, how she's going to really try and add more muscle and do more of it, etc. VERY COOL!
When I did pay her (she may not have counted, buy I did), she just thanked me, put the
money in her purse, hugged, etc. Anyway, a very unusual gal, but very intriguing. She
indicated her work schedule varies, but it's generally 2-3 weeknights at Trumpps. She had a
blonde bob haircut, about 5'9, and just look for those compact bicep peaks." Updated 2-13-03 Playhouse (in Romulus, near Detroit) "There is a dancer there named Jacki who is
somewhere in between fitness and bodybuilding type muscle. I know she works Monday and
Wednesday during the day until about 6-7p. She is of Philappino decent and reminds me of a
smaller Denise Masino. Her arms and quads are top notch and enjoys flexing them and
talking about training. She's probably in her late 30's and was a dancer before a
bodybuilder. She wants to continue to get bigger. If you like muscles and someone who
knows how to do a great private dance, Jacki is a must see." Updated 2-24-03
Summer Updated 2-7-04
Warren, Michigan
Strip Club
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Strip Club
Rick's Cabaret "Kristie or Christy or Kristi one of the other 100 ways to spell it. Kristie is
fairly tall, maybe 5'8" or 5'9" with blonde hair that falls below the shoulder. She's got a very
nice body with fitness level muscle. She showed pretty good definition on the night I went.
She's also got a great personality and was great fun to hang out with." "More recently, I
bumped into Jade. I could tell as she walked around the club that she was pretty strongly
built and knew I needed to take some time to get to know her. Jade is a very attractive
brunette, sorta short, I'd say 5'3" or 5'4" with long black hair. She's of Asian descent,
although her lack of any accent at all leads me to believe that she was born or at least raised
in the US. She has a physique that is a lot like an amateur lightweight bodybuilder's. While
she danced for me, she mentioned to me that she's competed in several shows and was
thinking about competing again in the near future. When she first mentioned it, I
responeded with mock incredulity, "You're a bodybuilder?", to which she popped a bicep
shot and replied "Can't you tell?" Yeah, that was kinda cool. I wound up spending quite a bit
of time with Jade. Dances were so-so, but they're pretty much always so-so at Rick's (more
on that later). Jade has a really awesome body and when she would start to dance, she had
this really killer move, althought it probably wasn't really a "move", where she would slip
the top of her dress over her head. While doing so, her arms and biceps really jumped into
sharp relief. She has really good arms and her legs are nothing to sneeze at either. There was
something of a downside here, although it was fairly minor. Jade was kinda "all about the
money." I can understand that and fully realize that the women are working for tips, but it
would have been nice if it was a little below the surface, not a lot, just a bit. Don't get me
wrong, it was still great fun, but I might have spent more money if I hadn't felt like a human
ATM machine. Slammin' body, though." Updated 4-7-03
Shiek's Palace Royal Dream Girls Chloe
Kansas City, Missouri
Strip Club
Tangos in Olathe, KS
Bonita Flats in Olathe, KS (Waitress/bartender/dancer Jill Fitness Muscle, tiny MuscleGirl
Beth) updated 2-13-03 Bazooka's Showgirls
The Shady Lady
St. Joseph, Missouri
Strip Club
St. Louis, Missouri & vicinity
Strip Club
Dollies (exit six off 64/40 east (kings highway) and turn left over the highway just as you
would to see Deja-vu, except you continue past the right turn for that club, go about 1.5
miles, you will see a large sign that says "Dolllies" turn right and the club is about 1/2 mile
down on the right. Not the best section of town, but as these clubs are good revenue for the
town, they don't mess with ya unless you get stupid... )
Deja-vu (which is located right off I-64 at exit (6) Kings Highway...Take 40 E. out of St. Louis, about 10 miles to exit 6, exit and turn left over the highway, Deja-vu is on the right. Open 24 hours.)
Las Vegas, Nevada
Strip Club
Spearamint Rhino
Just returned from a two day visit to Vegas and here is an update on the clubs and dancers.
First, the best club in town period is Spearmint Rhino. I found myself walking out of the other clubs, like CHII and OG, as I did not see one dancer who was in any decent shape.
The first night I went to Spearmint Rhino, I met two of the most beautiful women who also happen to be good friends; Promise and Yvette are two of the most beautiful hard bodies I have met in a long time, with Yvette the more muscular.
Promise is 5'4" and about 120 pounds of solid muscle, however she has to shed some baby fat. She told me that she had competed in some figure shows a few years back and is now back in the gym after a 2 year layoff. Let me tell you, I cannot wait to go back and see her after she has been to the gym consistently, because her legs were SOLID, shapely and yes, smooth like velvet. Promise works most nights, as she lives in Vegas and arrives around 9:30-10 p.m.
Yvette, who is the more beautiful of the two, is 5'6" and 125 pounds of beautifully proportioned muscle. If you were to look at her, you would not think that she possesses the quality of muscle, especially the legs. However, when I felt her legs, they were the most unbelievably muscled legs that I have felt since Maria at CHII in 2003. She told me that she does not train for any shows, that she trained for the Exotic Dancer Contest at Mandalay Bay hotel a few months ago. Her arms are are muscular with good bicep and tricep definition, but it is her legs that are, how would I describe it, smooth silky skin covering hard muscles. Even her hamstrings are nicely developed, and she is facially mesmerizing. Yvette lives and works in New Mexico, however she does come to Vegas when there is a convention.
On the second night when I went to meet up again with Promise and Yvette, I bumped into Victoria, whom I first met way back in January 2005. She was a bit bigger then, however, she still maintains a beautiful shape and smooth silky skin covering hard muscles. However, her muscles nowhere compare with Yvettes. Victoria lives in Los Angeles and only works in Vegas 4 days a month, so you need to time your visit right. I would say that you have the best chance of catching her when there is a convention in town, much like the one that was going on during this visit.” Updated 9-3-05
“Can't get over how many dancers are at this club with appreciable muscle! Many of them that I met were from out of town, as far away as Tennessee. Simply came to dance in Las Vegas for a week or two. The Rhino is like a magnet for Femuscle!
Sunny - the biggest standout. Brazillian girl with fantastic thickness. She's definetly competitive fitness level muscle and bordering on bodybuilder. She's gorgeous too! Told me she works most ever night. Night shift.
Lucy - Asian girl. Tall, doesn't appear real muscular at first glance. But, she trains! She's rock hard. Fantastic bicep peaks. I was told that there are two waitresses that are bodybuilders. Lisa - works day shift. Jen - works night shift. I was unable to verify this while in Vegas, however. Neither girl was there the days I was in.” Updated 5-18-05
“Went to the Spearamint Rhino in search of a fitness competitor/dancer that I had met at Jaguars, and the doorman there told me that she was now dancing here. An awesome club this is! Big inside, and, at least on the Thursday night that I was there, was LOADED with athletically built, to varying degrees, women!
Maria, formerly at Crazy Horse Too, is now here at Spearamint Rhinos. She looks fantastic! Although she told me that she hasn't been to the gym but a few times in the past three months. Could've fooled me! She still has those awesome peaked biceps. And legs with outrageous muscle density and quad sweep. And she's SO accomadating!!! She wants to please a Femuscle lover to the best of her ability. That's her ticket for guys like us! I adore her!
Next, the girl that I intended on finding at the Spearamint Rhino in the first place. Cherry, I had found at Jaguars back in Dec. 2003. She's a fitness competitor. Her strength is fantastic! And she loves to show if off. Anyway, I didn't want to waste any time in finding Cherry. So, I asked one of the doormen if he could find her for me. He said "sure", that he would page her. Now, this place was packed with people. I'm thinking to myself there's no way this doorman is going to be able to get her here very fast. Ha! I was proven wrong! Cherry emerged from the masses in about 3 minutes! Is that insane or what? She remembered me from our previous meeting over a year ago. I mean, every detail! It was awesome!
Like I said, the Spearmint Rhino seems to be right up there with Crazy Horse Too in terms of muscular dancers these days. In fact, I might put it a bit ahead of Crazy Horse. One reason this might be so is this. I made the comment to one girl that had a great athletic physique, "Wow, I can't believe how many fit girls there are in this place." To which she replied that the manager of the Rhino will flat out tell a girl auditioning for a job there that she needs to get her ass in the gym! So, perhaps we've got a club manager that appreciates the muscular female physique now, fella's! All I know is, I'm definetly going back to the Spearamint Rhino the next time I'm in Las Vegas. And this time, with more money! Updated 7-25-04
"Was at Jaguars last week, there is a hot female bodybuilder dancing there now. Her dancing name is Canada. She is a platinum blonde and is getting ready for the Nevada state BB show so she is pretty defined. She is not as huge as some of the national level bodybuilders I have seen but she is well on her way. She is very sexy and give a great dance.Updated 4-17-03
Cherrie – Cherrie recently took 5th place in a recent Las Vegas fitness/figure competition. It was her first show. She is a gorgeous MuscleGirl that really knows how to perform for a femuscle lover. Cherrie is also available for sessions. Ask her for details. She may appear on WB270's list soon. , Sasha Ogato her website caught Sasha at Jaguars late Saturday night. Sasha is just stunning. The pics on her website don't do her muscularity justice. When I met her, her biceps were very peaked with good size, and her legs were defined when flexed. She loves men that love her muscle. Ask her about availability for sessions. Updated 12-15-02
Crazy Horse Too
“Sum is back at the Crazy Horse and looking gorgeous. She has the best attitude and appreciation of "femuscle lovin" guys I've ever seen. Selena is also still at the Crazy Horse and looking better than ever also. She's in fantastic condition. A little leaner than last time I saw her, but, her arms actually appear to have added some size.” Updated 5-18-05
Selena is still here. Looking as sexy and muscular as ever. Her personality is as awesome as ever! Very accomadating to Femusclelovers! Updated 7-25-04
Kalani was spotted here as well on a Thursday night. Still got those rock hard abs! She told me that she is still training regularly. And her upper body especially shows it. She's put on a little bit more quality muscle in her arms and shoulders. She still only does dances in the Emperors room only. But, she's worth the $$$ if you've got it to spend. Updated 7-25-04
"I visited the CH TOO this past weekend,and amongst the massive crowd that was there,SUM had spotted me. I asked her why I haven't seen her there lately and she told me that she had taken a couple of months off. She is back now and still looking very impressive although she hasn't worked out as much lately. She will be starting to train hard very soon for her upcoming competition in May. Sum is still as hospitable as ever and very accomodating to femuscle fans. If anyone who has never experienced a lap dance session with her, I would recomend you do lots of vigorous squeezing of her muscles (she loves that) and I'm sure she will respond to please you appropriately. She will be working atleast 5 days a week and most surely from Thursday through Sunday at night until 3am" Updated 1-12-04
"Visited Crazy Horse in Vegas in 2/03 and "Sum" the girl referred to in the write up is working nites. She is competing in a bb contest in the late spring and has already started training. Incredible biceps and awesome peaks. Quads were massive and hard as rocks. Lap Dances were $20.00 a piece but worth the investment. She gives the best dances in the place and insists you feel every muscle. The club has dozens of "10"s" working on a regualr basis. Most are not muscular but in awesome shape and willing to flex. Best talent I've ever seen in any club and the best time I've had in a strip club in years. Heard Jaguars in Vegas is also good but I stayed until 3:30 am at the Crzy Horse so I never made it over." Updated 3-3-03
"Maria is still at the Crazy Horse. Found her late on a Sunday night. She's still a doll with an amazing body! She truly understands and appreciates a true femuscle loving man. Also found a new girl, Meagon, late nights. She has legs comparable to Maria's. She used to be a heptatholte and recently squatted 225 lbs. Four and a half reps in an impromtu strength contest with a girlfriend of hers. She's a pretty blonde, similar build to Maria's and will happily show off her muscle for an admirer. Trina – tall black girl with thick legs and nicely muscled upper body. She used to run track. She just arrived to work about 5am on a Monday morning. She also stated there was another girl that usually comes in around 6am that equals her level of muscularity. I can't recall the other girl's name though. There were, once again, other girls at the Crazy Horse with appreciable muscle. I highly recommend this club be on the list of clubs to see while visiting Vegas for us femuscle lovers. Everybody kept telling me about a little bodybuilder that dances there by the name of "Sum" (question spelling), that I have not been able to catch working there. They tell me that Sum works most late nights though. And I spotted an Asian girl with long, dark hair walking around with calves that were freaky thick and defined that I didn't get to even talk to." Updated 12-18-02
"Seline, small, but strong, has done some Lift & Carry with a customer" Updated 12-2-01
"Seline is still there. Found her on both Wed. & Thur. At night. She's amazingly strong with good size on her biceps and quads for a short girl. She's very accomadating and is willing to flex. Also very affectionate! Maria is a bodybuilder. Comparable size to some of the up and coming bodybuilders that you might see competing in the lightweight class at the Jr. USA's. She's blonde and very attractive and is very accomadating. Tell her what you like and she'll do her very best to please you. Her muscle density is just AMAZING! Quads just bulge out from her legs when flexed! Maria works at night, Th, F, Sat.
Saphires "Gabrielle This gal is a beautiful fitness competetor who used to work at Paradise Club but is now at Sapphire. This club is huge. Gabrielle was very friendly and flexed ALOT for me. When you first see her she's about 6' tall in her stripper platforms. But she's actually 5'9", great arms and abs. I found some photos here and here As you can see, she's great looking. Trains with Diana Dennis I'm told. Updated 10-21-03
Paradise Club
Olympic Gardens "When there, try to stop by and see hardbody Denise, a young blonde with
a fitness body and biceps!! She's very open to flexing and squeezing you with her arms.
Southern accent's real cute too! She works days, from about 2pm to about 6 or so." Updated
Deja Vu
Courtney Updated 1-31-04
Rosy Rocket Eros ad Updated 2-13-03 Monica Updated 12-27-03 J. Laurin Updated 12-27-03
Roxy Updated 12-27-03
Roxy Updated 11-25-01
Leslie Morehead Updated 12-27-03
Lelani Updated 12-27-03
Sable Updated 1-31-04
Reno-Tahoe, Nevada
Corey Updated 1-31-04
North Jersey
Strip Club
Burlington,NJ -ThePlayhouse
“I heard about a potential dancer named Sheena who dances at a club called the Playhouse in Burlington,NJ. This is near the Penn. boarder of the turnpike. I just came back and she was amazing. She is about 5'3" tall weighs 125-130 of rock hard muscle. Great attitude willing to flex and happy to be appreciated. She said that she competed a few years ago but quit in 2003. She works on Friday from 9PM - 2Pm. The club has both couch dances and private rooms. Quite a show.” Updated 5-16-05
Double Ds is located in morristown, nj, exit 36, route 287...
Anyway, there are a few girls who have a nice combo of beauty, some muscle development,
and cool personalities.. Lia, has awesome legs and thighs, from years of dancing and is a
personal trainer. And, was voted best butt during recent event at the club. She has long and
curly brown hair. Laura B., is a foxy blonde. Laura has recently competed in a northeast
figure show, getting a top 5 placing... Carmella, is nubian goddess, with incredible muscle as
a dancer --- she claims it is all genenics, but she looks like a bodybuilder --- awesome and tall
with large chest. Marissa, works out very often, is very firm, with some peak on her bicep...
She has large and natural chest, and another nubian goddess... Of course, there is Victoria.
She is knockout blonde, and was voted the best chest at double ds... Between tuesdays and
thursdays, you should catch any of these girls... Some work on the weekends, and a few on
monday night. Updated 12-7-04
South Jersey (NJ)
Strip Club
Delilah's Den Playground
Fantasy Showbar
North Jersey (NJ)
Strip Club Squeeze Club (Weehawken, NJ)
Breathless 2000
Stilleto (Carlstadt, NJ)
Lace (Wayne, NJ) Satin Dolls Lookers in Elizabeth, NJ
"Anybody in the area who likes fitness types will certainly like this place at night. There are
always several fitness types who dance here. I was there last night and as always the
lovelyVera looking amazing as well as Tonka who can be seen on the Covermodels sight
under the name Marina Kali. This place is a gogo bar so it is look but don't touch. There are
always several Brazilian dancers who are unbelievable as well." Updated 4-28-04
"While this is a go-go bar there are always a wide variety of fit girls to see when you go. I was there yesterday and saw the very buff fitness type Salina who dances afternoon. The club's website always gives a listing of girls. Check it out" Updated 11-20-03
Long Island, New York
Strip Club
The Tender Trap
New Paltz, New York
Strip Club
The Blue Moon Cafe
New York, New York
Strip Club
“But fellas, those of you who live in NYC like me, you can also find muscle babes at Scores, Flashdancers and probably the best place for muscle babes, the VIP club on West 20th Street.” Updated 5-27-05
Private Eyes in NYC (West 45th St near Times Sq) "had a couple of memorable lap dances today! Olivia - tall very hardbodied light skinned black girl. Only works there occasionally, will be back on Thursday for those following this board day-to-day. Beautiful biceps peaks and more than happy to flex. Said she was a gymnast in school. Candy - cute dark skinned black girl, a few extra pounds, strong, nice biceps, very nice legs. Was a sprinter in HS. have fun!" Updated 8-7-04
New York Muscle Club
New York Dolls
“I would highly recommend Ginger at Flashdancers, however she works the day shift, 11a.m.-8p.m. but is well worth it.” Updated 5-27-05
“There is a very muscular dancer named Ginger working the day shift a Flash Dancers. She
says she usually works Monday, Wed & SAturday. She has brown hair about 5'2" weighs
about 115-120. She is willing to flex. “ Updated 5-16-05
Gallagher's II
Michelle Updated 1-25-05
Lisa Updated 2-7-04
Naomi Updated 12-27-03 Nicole Updated 12-27-03
Lindsey Updated 12-27-03
Carlee Updated 12-27-03
Julie Updated 12-27-03
Simone Updated 12-27-03
(Lovette) (Sarrell) ( Victoria Star) (Samantha) Updated 1-31-04
Chanel Updated 12-27-03 Sara Updated 12-27-03
CatelynUpdated 12-27-03
Alexina Updated 9-3-05
Anisette Updated 9-24-04
Xeena Updated 9-3-05
Elizabeth Updated 9-3-05
Layla Lane Updated 12-24-04
Celine Updated 12-27-03
Nanuet, New York
Strip Club
“I was there Friday night. Had dances with Raven a muscular Asian bodybuilder type. She is about 5'0 tall weighs about 115-120. She has a great attitude, will to flex. She usually works Monday/Wed and sometimes Friday” Updated 5-16-05
Nyack, New York
Strip Club
Yonkers, New York
Strip Club
City Lights
Charlotte, North Carolina
Strip Club
The Men's Club
The Diamond Club
Uptown Cabaret
Temptations "...its a small backwater place with very cheap dances and very cheap girls)"
updated 12/15/00 verified by fistman
Fayetteville, North Carlina
Strip Club
Mickey's (Renee)Updated 12-27-03
Greenesboro, North Carolina
Strip Club
Diamond Girls (Chapel Hill,NC)
"Diamond Girls is in Durham. Nikki is great and she works there almost every night. She loves to wrestle and flex and when she's feeling strong,she'll pick me up too. She also knows how to push all the right buttons when she's doing a dance. She'll talk smack,too,if you want her to. Monica is gorgeous and has a fitness level physique. She can work the poles as well as any dancer anywhere. Savannah is a big,busty lady who is very strong. But the superstar of Diamond Girls is Lilli. She only works on Friday and Saturday nights and sometimes not even then. I hope she hasn't quit. If she is there,she will blow you away. She has the best body of any dancer I've ever seen and she knows how to use it. She loves to flex and she'll tell you about this muscle and that muscle-she has muscles I didn't even know existed,she loves to wrestle,she can punch hard and she'll do it if you want her to,and she can pick my 260 pounds up to her thighs and hold me there. She's also gorgeous and sexy. You just have to cross your fingers and hope she's there when you are. Table dances are $10,the cover charge is $7,and VIP dances are $25. It's steep,but the rooms are big enough to do some wrestling. I've gone all out with Lilli,Nikki,and Savannah up there and it's almost as good as a private session." Updated 8-7-04
"My main interest was in meeting Lilly, the most muscular of all of the dancers, but unfortunately she wasn't there. The prices for dances in the private rooms are $25 each, higher than most clubs in NY. I had 2 dances with Nikki, tall and with a well-toned fitness physique who unfortunately was not there the second night I visited. She was worth the time.Pepper was a small but solid older lady who gave cool dances and shows of power. Not very defined, but somewhat strong. Monica had the killer body of a fitness athlete, with great abs, as well as her sister Jazz (who was rather skinny but had decent abs as well). Savannahlooked to be the most powerful of the group, but she was somewhat stocky, and I didn't invite her for dances. There were several other ladies who also didn't show up, but the absence of Lilly was the cloud to this silver lining." Updated 7-31-04
The Mint
"To go to the VIP room is $10,but then you can stay back there as long as you want for $10 a
dance. Delilah works there most nights. Tell her you like the muscle girls and she'll get them
back there for you. Of course,she's one of them,but there are usually at least 2 or 3 others
and sometimes more. Right now,Yammi and Lady Jane are the most muscular. Hollywood is
fairly muscular and she will beat the heck out of you in a dance if that's what you want. She
almost killed me one time. Camry is a thicker,curvier lady,but she is very strong. She has
particularly big shoulders. Shadow has excellent biceps,but nothing else. Silkie is a tiny
dancer,but she is ripped. And there may be new ones at any time.
"Dances are a reasonable $10 each" "Delilah, and she was without a doubt the strongest of the ladies I met at both clubs. Delilah gave the o.k. for me to the doorman, since they were probably suspicious of this new white face at the door." "Delilah spoke with all of the ladies and practically had them lining up for me as I settled into a booth and met many ladies over 2 nights." Delilah was the strongest, and gave a great dance Yammi was large and powerful, with amazing biceps Star and Sassy were pretty but other than being lean, there wasn't much of a muscle find here Lady J was sassy and we both trash talked back and forth. We had a fun time, and she's seriously strong and had a nice muscularity. The leanest and best biceps were a young lady named Juicy, who was my personal favorite of the group. An incredible dancer, and amazing body, and a really sweet young lady (we also talked a bit)." "There were several ladies who snip said were strong and would actually wrestle (Hollywood & Camry), but they weren't there either evening." The ladies were all friendly and apparently appreciative of my interest and desire to give everyone the opportunity to make some money. I never had a chance to visit Sugar Bares, but thought the Mint was the place where you'd have the best opportunity to run into muscular dancers. My thanks again to Delilah for being the perfect hostess" Updated 7-31-04
"I went to The Mint again tonight. I met one new lady named Champaigne. She's 5'6,145. She has nice peaked biceps that I measured at 12". She pressed down very hard on my arms and shoulders during her lap dances and she beat me easily in arm wrestling. I also measured Delilah's biceps-which are a very muscular 13 1/4". It's amazing to me that these ladies don't lift. Delilah's upper body is as muscular as any dancer's I've ever seen. Especially noteworthy are her extremely large,well-developed triceps. They explode when she's turned away from me,shaking her back side and pressing down on my thighs with her arms. Her back is like a mountain range of sinewy muscle. From the waist down she needs some work,but from her breasts up,she's one of the best." Updated 4-4-03
"I went there tonight. There were 6 dancers there while I was there and another 4 were just coming in when I left. They were all black. Candi is 5'6,115 pounds. Excellent definition. Nice biceps,stomach,tight everywhere. Not big,but strong. She beat me in arm wrestling and had no trouble overpowering my arms during several lap dances. She has good grip strength. She said she grew up a tomboy and she loves to wrestle. She told me several of the other dancers were also very strong. I tested two of them. Babydoll has a very muscular back and enormous breasts. She has to weigh well over 200 pounds. But she has no power. Her grip strength was weak and she didn't have much muscle anywhere besides her back. I would have killed her in arm wrestling. Then I tried Dalilah. She's maybe 5'4,160. Thick and dense muscles,especially in her shoulders and forearms. She pushed down hard on my shoulders during the dances and she wore my shoulders out. Beat me in arm wrestling,even though she was laughing all the way through it. She had a hard time accepting what I was telling her and what I was asking her to do. When she flexed she didn't do it as well as she could have and I don't think she put more than 75% effort into any of the strength things she did. But she is very strong. I just wished she believed more in herself. Candi and Dalilah both promised they'd be stronger the next time I came. That would be nice" Updated 3-6-03
Sugar Bares
"Sugar Bares may be worth a trip now that Juicy is working there. She's ripped and
gorgeous-and she was LTF's personal favorite. She has a super long tongue,too. It's a $15
cover charge,$10 for table dances,and $20 for a private dance. The place doesn't get started
until 11 or 12 at night,but then it usually stays open until 3am. There are alot of dancers
there who are really good on the poles. A girl named Orgasm can do just about anything
imaginable on the poles. But she's tough to get a hold of for a dance. She darts in and out of
the club unless she's on stage. On Friday and Saturday nights the place gets packed-with
both customers and dancers." Updated 8-7-04
Raleigh, North Carolina
Strip Club
Thee Dollhouse
Strip Club
Chasers (Rootstown, OH)
Moran's Nite Life
Cleveland, Ohio
Strip Club
The Circus and Sideshow
Tiffany's Cabaret
Columbus, Ohio
Strip Club
Columbus Gold
Sirens Lisa primarily for "leg men" only. She does weight train, and has an overall gorgeous physique. She's about 5'9" with INCREDIBLE legs! Super muscular like a bodybuilder. And her arms have nice muscle too. But, her legs overshadow everything else. She has beautiful long blonde hair and a model's face. And a super sexy look when she gazes down at you from onstage. Lisa's best attribute, she loves guys that appreciate her muscle. And she'll flex for you all night long! I adore her! There's also a bartender here named, Loria (pronounced LO-DIA) , it's Latin, you gotta "roll" the "r". She does not weight train she says. It's all genetics. But, you spot her gorgeous, muscular legs behind the bar quite easily. Loria will happily flex 'em for ya too! Updated 12-7-04
Columbus Gold This is one of the more prestigous clubs in Columbus. And it seems to hold the most femuscle under one roof in the city. The stand out is Rebecca. Rebecca is an amateur (probably soon to turn pro) comptetive fitness girl. She's Hawaiian, very sexy, pretty short, and with a good amount of sexy muscle! She's real nice too. But, she doesn't work real regularly. Best bet is to catch her on a Friday or Saturday night, and she usually doesn't hit the floor until 11pm or so. A couple of other muscular dancers here to look for are: Kaili - is Oriental. Naturally thick, very well muscled legs. Says she doesn't work out at all and hates how muscular her legs are. But, she'll flex 'em for ya if you show sincere interest in that. Updated 12-7-04
The Dollhouse (Not currently listed on The club is near the corner of Dublin-Granville Rd. and Karl Rd.) Jody was working as a waitress the night I was in. However, told me that she may be dancing now and then too. She's an adorable 20 year old blonde with an exceptionally athletic look. Not a bodybuilder. And not really to a fitness competitor level either. However, she does have some gorgeous muscle that she loves to flex for an admirer! And her skin is soft as silk. She told me that she doesn't lift weights. Just does push-ups. Which, she says she can do a minamum of SEVENTY in one set! Wow!!!Updated 10-24-04
Tanya Updated 1-1-04
Jill Updated 12-27-03
Dayton, Ohio
Strip Club
Flamingo's Show Club (bodybuilder Stephani)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Strip Club
The Playhouse
Night Trips
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Night Trips - Desire - "in good shape and has a very nicely developed six-pack " Updated 3-21-03
Portland, Oregon
Strip Club
Cleopatra's Viewpoint Mystique An absolute sweetheart of a MuscleGirl. She does not lift
weights. But she'll amaze you with her nicely muscled body. Eve is another dancer that does
workout and has a nice amount of muscle. Great biceps! Updated 12-27-03
Jody's Bar and Grill Corina Ex bodybuilder. Still works out and has a fair amount of
gorgeous Muscle. And she likes to flex! A real sweet girl! Updated 12-27-03 Doc's Bar And
Cocktails and Dreams Tai is a tall, naturally muscled girl. She has the most amazing, peaked
biceps and is very strong. Updated 4-24-03
The Dolphin
The Dophin II
Club 205 Destiny Destiny is a gorgeous blonde with very vascular, lean muscle. She is as
sweet as they come with an amazing physique! Her strength claims are comparable to that of
a national level female powerlifter. She's usually there Monday through Friday, late.
Updated 12-27-03
Brooke Updated 1-31-04
Miranda Storm Updated 12-37-03
Strip Club
Strip Club
Oasis Comments found on 12/13 "Went to Oasis tonight. I saw a girl there
who was so hot!! I think her name was Raven. This girl has it all!! She looks like a muscle
chick. Awesome body, really great legs and an unbelievable ass. Does anyone know what her
schedule is. I want to see her again real soon" Updated 6-23-04
Day Dreams official site
Delilah's Den "The onw that I would most recommend is Gypsy (assumming she's still there).
Very nice arms, biceps, etc., and incredible legs. She's referenced on The List exept at that
time she was at Signatures. (They all move around so much, sometimes it's hard to keep up.)
Also, Aria has very nicely toned legs, and perfect for those who love great calves." Updated
"Gia This lady has muscle--especially biceps, but she is really beautiful and feminine too (perfect, firm breasts). She is bright, Ms. Personality, a truly good and fascinating lady. And, don't try armwrestling--you might lose!" Updated 1-19-03
Mistress Raven Hart Updated 1-25-05
Christy Updated 2-7-04
Alexis Updated 12-27-03
Tara updated 12-27-03
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Saleen Updated 12-27-03
Wilkes-Barre,Scranton,and some areas of the Poconos, Pennsylvania
Tatiana Schumacher (formerly known as Amber Taylor) Updated 1-17-04
Providence, Rhode Island
Foxy Lady
Club Fantasies
Greenville, South Carolina
Strip Club
Godiva's Xtacy,Lovely,and Tennessee "These three ladies all have alot of muscle,are very
strong,and Xtacy and Lovely will wrestle too. They all work at Lady Godiva's in
Greenville,South Carolina. I plan on doing private sessions with all three of them in April.
There was another girl onstage when I came in who was also muscular. I didn't even have
time to check her out. I got two table dances from Xtacy Xtacy's arms looked even bigger
and more defined. She says she's doing sets of 250. Even if she's exaggerating,I can vouch
that she is a very strong woman,one of the strongest I've ever seen." Updated 3-6-03
Memphis, Tennessee
Strip Club
Tiffany's Cabaret
Austin, Texas
Strip Club Show Palace
Yellow Rose (Ashlynn a very muscular blonde, muscular Ricki, others) updated 12-27-03
Toned (Camille) updated 11-25-01
Fitness (Sandy) updated 11-25-01
Dallas, Texas
Strip Club
The Men's Club Christina "Powerfully built platinum blonde. Thick thighs, but with some
fat on them, but overall not too shabby. She was busy all night, so I didn't get a dance from
her and I don't have too many details beyond what I saw of her on stage."
Summer "Aside from having one of the most overused names in the adult entertainment
business, Summer is a very good looking blonde with beautifully muscular dancer's legs and
a hint of muscle in her upper body. Made a point of showing her legs off during lap dances,
even though I didn't say a thing about muscle. Very nice." Updated 12-22-03
Coyote Ugly (Note: Can't find this bar on "Also visited Coyote Ugly. It's a
bar, not a gentlemen's club, but nearly as exciting. The girls are very entertaining and very
attractive. Tracy was there, biceps and all. Self-described fitness competitor and personal
trainer, she is quite outgoing and hard as nails. Legs obscured by silver leather pants, but
halter top displayed abs, breasts and those delicious arms quite nicely. Also Tamara, a very
friendly, seductive and shapely black lass, and Tiffany, possessor of one of the sweetest asses
around but spent the night looking bored. Check website Ohter
cities too." Updated 4-21-03
"have a new one for you. her name is tracy and she works nights at the Coyote Ugly bar on
commerce street in dallas, tx. extremely muscular, likes to show off, huge tits, and very hot!
bring your tip money. have fun." Updated 3-6-03 Baby Dolls Cabaret Royale "Min Chee is
alive and well and hot! Diamond cut calves, like baseballs in your hands. Great teardrop
quads, hard with nice sweep. Nice size breasts with perpetually-erect nipples. Impressive
bicep peaks too. Very sweet, friendly and affectionate. Claims to be 35, but certainly doesn't
look it. No "hands-off" rule in this club makes the experience especially nice." Updated 4-21-03
Minchee (or Min-chee or Minche, something like that) Very nicely muscled Asian dancer. "She comes down the stairs to the main stage and I can see the teardrop shape of her quads bulging beneath her minidress. She also has diamond shaped calves that are ripped to shreds. Amazingly sweet."
"Devon She has a pretty hard body but not overly muscular. She's also very tall and has kind of a Nancy Georges kinda shape to her. Very tall and lean, with defined, visible muscle but not real thick. Its possible she's a fitness competitor or former gymnast because she did some amazing gymnastics type moves while she was on the main stage. She hits and holds a handstand for like thirty seconds...just holds it...doesn't move...doesn't quiver, doesn't struggle with it. Just holds the damn handstand. Now that she's held it, she keeps holding the handstand, but brings her legs into a split position and holds it for maybe another ten. Then she kips back up to the traditional handstand position and finally swings down her whole body down into a straddle press which she holds for another several seconds. Don't know what a straddle press is? It looks like this: 1-19-03
Fare West
The Dallas Gentlemen's Club
The Lodge "After finishing up on the main, Diva moved to the second stage, as expected. Since it was much closer than the main stage, I would have a better opportunity to see if she was really the muscular temptress that I had hoped she would be. I wouldn't be disappointed. Even from a distance, I could see that she was a statuesque woman with an impressive figure, but up close I could see that she was a captivatingly beautiful woman with solid muscular development and definition. As she moved on stage, I could see her well-developed biceps and some nifty definition in her shoulders and back that allowed me to see her muscles at work in all their glory. In terms of her body type, she was much like one of the more muscular fitness competitors; think Madonna Grimes or Gina Farnsworth. She has a beautiful cafe au lait complexion with dark, curly hair that falls below the shoulder."
"Megan is a very cute, adorable, girl next door type with the body of a gymnast, but not one of the anorexic ones, more like Kim Zmeskal or Mary Lou of those short stocky ones with nice thick, but not overly large, thighs, kick ass calves and power to spare. I tipped her a number of times as she moved from stage to stage. Fortunately, she would be able to stop by for a visit right after she finished. After she wrapped up, she came directly to my table to sit with me. (See msg. #149 for more detail of Megan and Diva, Updated 12-30-03
Faces "gentlemans club on Interstate 30 has short blond bartender with huge arms etc." updated 12-29-01
Vivian Updated 2-7-04
Diana Updated 12-27-03
Ashley Ash (This woman is so gorgeous!) Updated 12-27-03 Updated 12-27-03 Updated 12-27-03
Fort Worth, Texas
Strip Club
Main Stage
Houston, Texas
Strip Club
Rick's Cabaret
Treasures on Westhiemer Street in Houston, Texas "Dancer Name - Diana pronounced(dee-on-uh)
Nationality - Venezuelan Schedule: Only on weekends
Body Type - In between fitness competitor and body builder
Hieght - 5'2" without heels
Comments: "Looks like bodybuilder in off-season shape, rock hard from head to toe(except
her natural d-cups). Visibly muscular build. Very sensual dancer likes to give hard massages
on back, neck and shoulders while dancing. You can feel she is much more powerful than the
average women. Nice, not a hustler like many other dancers. Almost forgot, very beautiful
and exotic face(like a Jennifer Lopez, except better looking)." Updated 8-2-03
Cindy - Updated 1-11-04
Tina - Updated 12-27-03
Taylor - Updated 12-27-03 Updated 12-27-03
Bridgett - Updated 12-27-03
Keri - Updated 12-27-03
Hunter Updated 12-27-03
Salt Lake City, Utah
Strip Club
Million Dollar Saloon
Richmond, Virginia
Strip Club
Redlight Inn
Seattle, Washington
Strip Club
DÉjÀ vu – Lake City
Joanne Updated 1-25-05
Shivani updated 5-13-02
Mistress Porsche
(Mistress Porsche is a Dominatrix) E-mail from Mistress Porsche "I am ex-amatuer
bodybuilder who still trains and am in shape go to my site and read my clients reviews or
TER or TRB, Maxfisch or TBD" E-mail: Phone: (425) 586-6704 x8289 - voicemail/fax View Mistress Porsche's Schedule Calender Unique Power
Exchange Domina's Top 25 updated 12-27-03
Tacoma, Washington
Strip Club
Deja Vu "didn't have any of the named women from your board, but did have several
dancers with close to fitness-quality muscle. Asia, a lovely black lady, was very curvy in the
traditional sense, with absolutely flawless skin, and very firm all over. She was rather matter-of-fact about flexing her biceps, and had a decent little swell going on. Very pleasant
personality too. Star, a bleached blonde with a very pretty face and eyes, had more than a
hint of thigh sweep and she too had the beginnings of some nice biceps, neither of which she
was shy about sharing with me. Very pert and shapely breasts but a bit thick-waisted. Easy to
spot and remember her name, as she has a five-point star tattoo on the small of her back. She
too was more than happy to sit for an extended back rub" Updated 8-22-03
Fox's "Foxes, had none of the named dancers from your site. Maybe I just went the wrong nights. They had almost nothing happening fm-wise for the first hour I was there, and I was about to bag when, wait a minute - is that - yup - femuscle! Her name is Portia (or Porsche; anyway, it is pronounced like the car), and she is a dark-haired lovely with beautiful eyes. During her stage dance, I noticed right away the definition in her thighs, and when she backed up against the wall, arms spread out, the unmistakable shape of triceps bellies. A bit of pole work confirmed the arm muscle. I had to wait for her to finish rotating through the three stages, then to oblige a customer for several couch dances, before she came my way. I motioned for her to sit down and we had a pleasant conversation that included my interest in her muscles and her showing off a bit. Very personable, bubbly and confident. Very nicely defined and shaped biceps, quads and nice abs too. She said she does train with weights and is quite pleased with her muscles. I was too. That's the wrap. I'll post to the message board the other adventures of my trip. It was a good one for fm. Updated 8-22-03
Washington DC area
Strip Club
Camelot Night Club
JP's NightClub
Good Guys
Mlle. Alize Updated 1-25-05
Demi Martin Updated 1-25-05
West Virginia
Vixen's Gentleman's Club (in Bunker Hill) Tabby Ann Updated 1-31-04
Lake Delavan, Wisconsin
Strip Club
Clown's Lounge
Milwaukie, Wisconsin
Strip Clubs
Encore (3 muscular women) Heartbreakers
On The Border (1 very muscular girl)
Portage, Wisconsin
Paradise City
"I traveled to Wisconsin this past weekend and found a nice little gem........ Portage, Wisconsin Paradise City ( Paradise City is a small country club in south-central Wisconsin, about half-way between Madison and Wisconsin Dells. They have only 12 dancers or so on a weekend night, but there is one girl there, Alexis, that is a muscle lover's dream. She's about 5 ft 3 and solid as a rock -- no bodyfat (and, hence, no breasts), and washboard abs to die for. She could easily step on stage at a figure competition and be competitive. She's somewhat shy about her muscles, mainly because she doesn't like to intimidate men, but when asked, she'll happily flex for you. Her arms are quite literally as solid as a rock -- not huge, but with great definition and a nice peak. And even better, she loves to arm wrestle, so of course I had to challenge her. I could tell as soon as she entered the grip that I might be in some trouble.... First of all, she knew how to enter the grip. Second of all, her grip felt like a vise. She said, "go." I gave a little push to test her strength and was surprised at the resistance that I met. This little girl is freakishly strong. It took all I had to push her half-way down, at which point she stopped me cold. For about 15 seconds I tried and tried but could not put her the rest of the way down. After the 15 seconds or so of holding me in place, she relented and let the match end. All this while, she never showed any sign of struggle -- only a huge grin on her face. I have a feeling that if she had wanted to, she could have held me until I tired, and then took me back up and over. I kid you not, gentlemen, this girl is strong. While I am no strongman myself and haven't arm wrestled since junior high, I do consider myself to be in reasonable shape, hitting the gym (free weights) 4 times a week. Our little match definitely left me quite humbled. And the amazing thing is that she swears she doesn't lift weights. The only exercising she does is she incorporates a set of pullups on a bar mounted above the stage into her routine, so she gets a total of maybe 60 reps a night, and she said she also exercises at home by "lifting" her 16-month-old son. But, she claims she has never set foot in a gym. Amazing." Updated 2-7-06
Wisconsin Dells
Crusin Chubbys
Sydney, Australia
Celeste - Updated 12-27-03
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Strip Club
Club Paradise (315 East Broadway)
Hollywood Escorts (look for Sharmony, on pg. 2) Updated 12-27-03
Mississagua, Canada
Strip Club
Million Dollar Saloon
Montreal, Canada
Strip Clubs
Club Super Sexe
Chez Paree
“This Montreal staple rarely disappoints for those who like their dancers tres athletique. Go a little later in the evening, when you have seven or eight dancers in the rotation, and you're sure to find a couple who wouldn't look out of place on a stage.
Two were there recently. Didn't get a name on the one who was 5-8, dark hair, blue eyes, great shoulders and back, very good legs. Easily 150, probably closer to 160.
Stacy's name, I got. Short blond hair, small light blue eyes, only about 5-1 or 5-2. Everything else on her is big, almost to an offseason bodybuilder level. Calves, shoulders, arms, glutes, thighs (especially glutes and thighs). She's 140 if she's a pound. She said she was a gymnast and worked out for that, but never for any physique contests. Now, she dances and does bikini shows. She just has the genetics to be very muscular. And strong, as she showed in her stage routine, when she held a handstand for-seemingly-ever. Then, she verrry slowly spread her legs, still holding herself up with her arms and brought herself down to a sitting straddle. It's one thing to see a little 4-foot-9 sprite do that. It's another to see a big muscled 5-2 woman do it and incredibly augment the length of the move. The place gave her the biggest applause of the night.” Updated 5-16-05
Ontario Canada
Strip Club
Famous Flesh Gordons (London)
Jason's (Windsor)
Amy - Updated 12-27-03
Niagara, Ontario, Canada
“Pebbles is an all-out female bodybuilder! She works Friday and Saturday nights. Arriving at the club around 8pm. She reminded me of Denise Masino. Except, she’s possibly even MORE muscular than Denise.” Updated 5-31-05
Toronto, Canada
Strip Club
For your eyes only
Winnepeg, Canada
Strip Club
Storm updated 5-18-02
Strip Club
The Diamond Star – Essen "Katja. She dances in "the-diamnond-star" in essen. great abs
strong biceps great show a little shy about flexing. She says that too many men made fun
about her muscles. But you should definitely try her out. She is still worth every penny."
Stardust Tabeldance maastrichter Straße, Cologne "I spotted a dancer on stage,of actually
fairly small, petite build. When she unzipped I almost fell from my chair. That girl had a
rippling sic pack. I couldn't believe it because she was not actually the muscular type. Of
course I had a private dance with her and when I commented on her abs she told me that she
loves them too, and enjoys to her compliments about them. I asked her if she would flex them
for me and WOW she did. She told me that she trains them a lot and punched herself several
times softly, but it was still impressive. She will only be there till Feb, 24th. So go and see
Nicki." Updated 2-13-03
Maggy Updated 12-27-03
Daniela Updated 12-27-03
Petra updated 12-27-03
Other Links
For your further information, here's a list of links to agencies that represent multiple female session providers: (CA) (CA) (CA) (CA) (FL) (DC) (NY) (NY) (NY) (National Dom Listings...includes wrestlers) (directory of links) "Some good (and permissive) gals on their" updated 12-29-01