Rule Number One by 'Any Given Sunday' I had been going to aerobics classes at the local gym for two years when I first encountered Yvonne. She was almost a foot taller than any of the other ladies waiting in the queue, muscular, sun-tanned, short-cropped blonde hair and probably in her mid-thirties. As I looked her over I noticed that she seemed to be sizing me up, and I slid over in her direction and commented that it was an unusual pleasure for me to see eye-to-eye with a woman. She smiled at me with a somewhat wolfish grin and then the queue started to move. I took up my usual place in the class and looked right to find out that Yvonne had pushed her way through the other ladies to take the place by my side. I reflected that this was not a wise move as we were both large people. The class started and my concentration was quickly focussed on the instructor. However when we performed outer thigh lifts I found that my hands were clashing with Yvonne's. Soon after the class progressed to travelling movements and as I moved right I suddenly collided violently chest-to-chest with her, knocking us both backwards a couple of feet. 'You're going the wrong way', I hissed. 'Don't you talk to me like that or I'll give you a lesson you won't forget', she replied. I started to say 'You could try' but that grin was back on her face and I got the feeling that this had been her plan all along. As we left the class we made arrangements to try conclusions, and she gave me her address. The following night I packed my shoulderbag ready to set off. I was uncertain what to take as I was not in the habit of doing this sort of thing, but finally settled on a pair of swimming trunks, sports shoes, a towel and a comb. It was dusk when I walked uncertainly up Yvonne's front path, and she opened the door before I got to it and ushered me through to a large bare room at the back of the house. A little polite conversation established that she was a sports mistress at a Catholic girls school, and then the main business could be delayed no longer and she left me to change. I placed my clothes in the shoulderbag, left it in the hallway, and donned the trunks. I shuddered momentarily in a chilly draught and realised that the trunks were really too small for me and almost amounted to a posing pouch. At that moment I heard footfalls on the stairs and Yvonne reappeared. She had a sky blue leotard, flesh coloured tights and a pair of ankle boots, somewhat better prepared than me. She looked at me in undisguised amusement and then explained that the walls of the room were to be the 'ropes' and represented sanctuary. Now she assumed a fighting stance and raised her arms to offer a 'tie-up'. I moved forward hesitantly, not sure how much of my strength to use on a woman. My arms locked with hers and I was driven back powerfully into the wall. 'Break', I said and she released the hold and returned to the middle of the room before offering the tie-up again. I raised my own arms and returned in a far more determined mood, but this time she ducked underneath, locked her arms around my waist and started crushing my lower ribs and back in a bear-hug. 'Submit?', she whispered, her head on my shoulder. I knew I COULDN'T give in to a woman, at least not this quickly, but fortunately her breasts prevented her from getting close enough to make the hold unescapable and I was able to get my hand under her chin and force her backwards. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it around twice to apply a straight arm-lock that elicited a gasp of pain. She rolled forward to release the pressure but I followed her to the carpet and applied an arm-bar. I controlled her as she kicked and struggled, and was about to ask if she wanted to quit when her legs wrapped round my face, pulling me backwards into a head lock and placing her in control again. I straightened my head and extracted it, ignoring the friction of her tights against my ears, and she rolled away. We stood and circled each other again. I attempted to move behind her to apply a full nelson, but she moved faster and my head was forced forward as I found myself in the hold instead. She pulled me to the floor and wrapped her legs around my waist to apply a body scissors. Her body arched backwards as she threw herself into the hold and a whitehot pain rended my spine. To my surprise she released the hold before throwing herself across my body and starting to count. I got my feet planted and threw her off before she got to 'three'. This was a pretty loose cover attempt though, and the thought occurred to me that not only was this woman confident of victory but she wanted to punish me first. As we stood up, I noticed that her shoulder straps were slipping and gestured that I would allow her a break to adjust herself. She nodded and straightened her cleavage before indicating she was ready to continue. We faced off again but this time I was able to grab her arm and apply a wrist lever against the joint. As Yvonne went on tiptoe to reduce the pressure I shifted my weight and twisted her arm double behind her back into the chicken wing position. I pulled her head forward and attempted to bring my left hand under her throat and link with my right hand in order to lever a certain submission out of her bent left arm, but this lady knew her wrestling and held my left wrist with her right hand. After a minute of struggling, I accepted that I couldn't complete the hold and switched instead to a side head lock, pulling her head back to force her into a semi-squat position. She placed her left hand firmly in my back, pulled her head out, and then lifted me from the side and knee-dropped me onto my already-weakened back. She grabbed my heels, forced my legs apart, and raised her left boot menacingly over my confined manhood. I was left for a second to contemplate the folly of agreeing a no-holds-barred match with a female before she drove her heel into my lower abdomen instead. I rolled over with a groan and started to crawl towards 'sanctuary', but Yvonne was upon me and dragging me back into the middle of the room. She held my knees on either side of her waist and started to turn me for a boston crab. I clung on to her legs desperately, knowing that if she turned me the match would be over, and then renewed pain from my back alerted me that she was stamping on me to 'assist' me into the submission position. In desperation I surprised her by voluntarily turning into the hold and then ramming my elbow back into the crook of the knee of her standing leg with all my remaining strength. She shot forward, landing chest down on the carpet, and a muffled 'oof' reminded me that I had heard this was a painful experience for a woman. I quickly applied a figure four leg lock, attempting to maintain the hold by trapping her boot in my crutch as I had seen in LPWA matches. Some discomfort reminded me that certain moves are best left to lady wrestlers, but I reached forward to pull Yvonne's head back in a double hand chin lock. I was rewarded with a muffled 'No no no' from my opponent, but she brought her own hands up to release the chin lock and then dug her hands into the carpet to force us within touching distance of the wall, as this time she went for sanctuary. She rose slowly to her feet and we faced each other, breathing hard. I lunged forward for the tie-up but she ducked underneath and with my stiffening back I was unable to follow her. Her shoulder rammed into my stomach and then she grabbed my legs and tipped me backwards. She placed her feet inside mine and drove my legs apart. As I lay back on the floor to ease the pressure on my hip joints she moved towards a full splits herself to maximise the advantage she had in this position from her female skeletal articulation. The smile was back on her lips as she held me helplessly in this position for almost a minute. She then hoisted my ankles onto her shoulders and started pushing forwards to fold my body, pinning my wrists with her arms. I had one last card left to play. I looked over her shoulder to the hallway door, feigned a look of astonishment, and bleated 'Officer, this isn't what it seems'. Yvonne released the pressure and turned towards the door. In that moment I threw my left hand round her waist and the right through her crutch and rolled her backwards over my body into a small package. I placed my full weight on her legs, forced her face into the carpet with a spread right hand, and had the bronco ride of my life as she struggled throughout the three count. I held her another five seconds for good measure and then she went limp and I released her and rolled away to catch my breath. After I recovered my composure I remembered Yvonne and turned round to see how she was. I noticed she wasn't lieing there any more and then my head was whipped round by a stinging slap. 'You ..... CHEAT!', she spat, her face livid with rage. I didn't return the slap, figuring maybe I deserved it, but instead flashed what I imagined to be a winning smile and said, 'Rule number one of the ring, kid, defend yourself at all times'. This didn't seem to help, and a sullen silence ensued as I gathered my stuff together, Yvonne glaring stonily at the opposite wall. As I went to the door she swallowed hard and then I heard her footsteps behind me. She took my right hand, shook it, and then holding it between both of hers she looked me in the eye and said in a soft tone I hadn't heard before 'You WILL give me another chance, won't you?'. Now I may be a fool to myself but no gentleman will deny a lady a re-match, and so we agreed that I would return the following week. As I escaped through her front door and strode into the cool night, I knew I had a lot of work to do in the coming seven days if I hoped to survive Yvonne's revenge.